Hisayuki - Acupuncture
Hisayuki - Acupuncture
Hisayuki - Acupuncture
were not allowed to receive acupuncture or to take any (participants FJ) was 35 years (range, 2443 years). The
medications. acupuncture group comprised four women and one man,
and the placebo group comprised ve women. The
Urinalysis and blood tests median body weight in the acupuncture group was 62.4 kg
Fasting urine and blood samples were collected by a (range, 55.894.7 kg) and that in the placebo group was
medical doctor at Tokyo Womens Medical University 60.2 kg (range, 5382 kg; table 1). No abnormal haematol-
before the study began and again after 1 week of acu- ogy, blood biochemistry or lipid results were recorded for
puncture treatment (before the needle was replaced). either group.
Samples were collected early in the morning before
breakfast (between 6:30 and 8:00). A new acupuncture Changes in body weight
session began after the blood sample was collected. Figure 2 shows body weight before the study and after
In addition to general urinalysis, blood biochemistry 1 week of treatment for all participants in the acupunc-
and haematological tests were performed and the con- ture group. Participant A lost 2.6 kg, which was the
centrations of insulin, C-peptide, leptin, adiponectin, largest percentage change (3.5%). The percentage
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), active ghrelin changes in body weight for participants B, C, D, and E
and desacyl-ghrelin were measured. Blood ghrelin con- were 0.7%, 2.6%, 3%, and 1%, respectively. The
centrations were measured using active ghrelin ELISA difference in weight before treatment and after 1 week
and desacyl-ghrelin ELISA kits (SCETI, Japan). All tests of treatment was signicant for all participants in the
were performed by Mitsubishi Chemical Medience acupuncture group ( p=0.02).
( Japan). The percentage changes in the levels of The percentage changes in body weight for partici-
appetite-regulating factors were calculated as follows: pants in the placebo group over the same period were
((value after acupuncturevalue before acupuncture)/ +1.3% ( participant F), +0.3% ( participant I) and 0%
value before acupuncture)100, where before acupunc- ( participants G, H, and J). These changes were not sig-
ture: before the study began, and after acupuncture: after nicant ( p=0.18).
1 week and immediately before a new session began.
Open Access
Open Access
appetite-inducing peptide produced peripherally;20 the pathways and through the blood.21 The concentration of
hormone is produced primarily by gastrointestinal endo- ghrelin in the blood rises during fasting and decreases
crine cells located within the gastric body and it plays an after eating. Ghrelin can pass through the bloodbrain
important role in energy metabolism by increasing appe- barrier and bind to ghrelin receptors in the arcuate
tite and regulating gastrointestinal functions. Ghrelin nucleus of the hypothalamus.22 However, ghrelin recep-
transmits information about hunger and growth tors are also expressed at the vagal afferent terminals,23
hormone levels to the nerve centre via afferent vagal and ghrelin excreted from the stomach transmits signals
to the nerve centre via these receptors, which increases
the appetite.24 Ghrelin is secreted when the stomach is
empty, which promotes gastric peristalsis. The hormone
then stimulates the brain via the circulation (it is present
in the blood) and via vagal afferent pathways. Electrical
signals are then transmitted to the stomach via vagal
efferent pathways, which again induce gastric peristalsis.
Hsu et al25 conducted a randomised controlled trial of
auricular acupuncture in 45 obese women. The acupunc-
ture sites were the same as those used in this study and the
results conrmed the biochemical effects of auricular acu-
puncture in humans. However, there was no clear differ-
ence between the acupuncture and placebo groups in
terms of body weight before and after treatment.
Furthermore, signicant decreases in leptin levels and sig-
nicant increases in ghrelin levels were observed in the
acupuncture group. These results are different from those
Figure 3 Percentage change in ghrelin levels at 1 week after reported in this study. This difference may be attributable
the start of acupuncture. Black columns denote the to the fact that we compared percentage changes in body
acupuncture group (AE) and grey columns denote the weight and ghrelin levels in each individual participant
placebo group (FJ). The percentage change in ghrelin levels
before as well as after treatment, whereas Hsu et al com-
was calculated as follows: ((value after stimulationvalue
pared the group values. Also, with regard to changes in
before stimulation)/value before stimulation)100 (%). No
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checking, statistical analysis and drafting of the manuscript. OY and TT 17. Allison DB, Kreibich K, Heshka S, et al. A randomised
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18. Shiraishi T, Onoe M, Kageyama T, et al. Effects of auricular
Competing interests None. acupuncture stimulation on nonobese, healthy volunteer subjects.
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Committee of the KOSAI Oriental Healthcare Center. growth-hormone-releasing acylated peptide from stomach. Nature
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 1999;402:65660.
21. Date Y, Kojima M, Hosoda H, et al. Ghrelin, a novel growth
Data sharing statement The original data of this study can be accessed hormone-releasing acylated peptide, is synthesized in a distinct
through OY via email. endocrine cell type in the gastrointestinal tracts of rats and humans.
Endocrinology 2000;141:425561.
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with 22. Nakazato M, Murakami N, Date Y, et al. A role for ghrelin in the
the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, central regulation of feeding. Nature 2001;409:1948.
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