Fias Sambo Rules 2015 en PDF

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Approved by the FIAS Executive Committee

On September, 5, 2014


September, 2014
The sambo competition rules (hereinafter the Rules) cover the most important issues involving officiating and the work
performed by the officiating board.
This publication is intended for Sambo organisers, officials, referees and contestants.
The rules are intended to serve as a mandatory guide when organising and conducting official FIAS Sambo competitions
(sport and combat) starting from 1 January 2015.


Article 1. Format of competitions

1. Competitions shall be divided into the following formats:
a) individual;
b) team;
c) individual-team;
2. The competition format shall be determined by the Regulation on Competitions (hereinafter the Regulation) for each
individual case (Appendix 1).
3. In individual competitions only individual results and placement in weight categories shall be determined.
4. In team competitions teams shall meet one another and the placement of the teams shall be determined based on the
results of these matches.
5. In individual-team competitions the individual placement of contestants and the placement of the team shall be
determined depending on the individual results of the teams contestants in accordance with the Regulation.

Article 2. Competition systems and methods

1. When conducting competitions contestants shall compete in a single group (system with no subgroups) or in the case
of a drawing they shall be divided into several subgroups (system with subgroups). In the latter case, the principle whereby
the winning athletes move on to the next level of the competition and the others are eliminated must be specified on an
individual basis.
2. Competitions may be conducted according to one of two methods:
a) round-robin where each contestant competes with one another;
b) with the elimination of contestants who suffer the number of defeats specified by the Regulation.
3. The procedure for competition between contestants (teams) shall be determined through a drawing and the selected
system and method for holding competitions.
4. The drawing shall be conducted by hand at the weigh-in. A random system shall be used during World Cup stages. A
random system shall be used for the World Championships stages with the distribution of finalists from the previous years
World Championship.
5. The competition system and methods must be specified in the Regulation.
Official FIAS competitions shall be conducted according to the Olympic system.


Article 3. Age groups of contestants

FIAS contestants shall be divided into the following age groups:

Group Men and Women

Teenager (younger age) 11-12 years
Teenager (older age) 13-14 years
Cadet 15-16 years
Youth 17-18 years
Junior 19-20 years
Adult 18 and above
Masters 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-65, over 65
A contestants affiliation with an age group shall be determined by the year of birth instead of the date. The year of a
contestants birth must be specified in the Regulation.
Article 4. Admission of contestants
1. The conditions for the admission of contestants, their sports affiliation, qualification and age as well as the list of
documents to be submitted to the Registration Commission shall be stipulated in the Regulation.
Contestants in international competitions included in the calendar of the Sambo International Federation (FIAS) must have
an international competitors licence.
2. The Registration Commission shall grant admission to contestants. The Registration Commission shall include a FIAS
representative, an Organising Committee representative, the chief secretary and commission members who examine
applications and documents submitted by contestants.
3. Contestants shall be admitted in accordance with the Regulation. In addition, athletes involved in competitions having
the closest year of birth shall be permitted to join a given age group provided they submit written permission from their
Athletes who have reached the age of 18 shall be permitted to take part in youth and adult competitions provided that they
submit a release.
4. Masters (veterans) must have a medical examination (doctors opinion: endocrinologist, cardiologist, surgeon, general
practitioner) in order to receive a certificate of admission to competitions with an officials certified signature and the seal of
a medical institution.
5. Athletes must have special insurance for at least USD 10,000.

Article 5. Weight categories

Contestants shall be divided into the following weight categories:

Teenager Teenager Cadets Youth Junior Adult Master

(11-12 years) (13-14 years) (15-16 years) (17-18 years) (19-20 years) (18 and older) (35 and older)
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Men Women M C/S Men Women M C/S Men Women
31 26 35 34 42 38 48 40 48 44 - - - - - -
34 29 38 37 46 41 52 44 52 48 52 52 48 52 - -
38 34 42 40 50 44 56 48 57 52 57 57 52 57 - -
42 37 46 43 55 48 60 52 62 56 62 62 56 62 62 56
46 40 50 47 60 52 65 56 68 60 68 68 60 68 68 60
50 43 54 51 66 56 70 60 74 64 74 74 64 74 74 64
55 47 59 55 72 60 75 65 82 68 82 82 68 82 82 68
60 51 65 59 78 65 81 70 90 72 90 90 72 90 90 72
65 55 71 65 84 70 87 75 100 80 100 100 80 100 100 80
+65 +55 +71 +65 +84 +70 +87 +75 +100 +80 +100 +100 +80 +100 +100 +80
*C/S Combat Sambo.
Competitions may be held in the junior and adult groups (men and women) for the title of undisputed champion without
dividing contestants into weight categories. The minimum weight of contestants for such competitions is specified in the

Article 6. Weigh-in of contestants

1. The weigh-in procedure aims to match a contestants weight to one of the weight categories. The athlete has the right
to participate in these competitions only in one weight category.
2. The contestant weigh-in procedure and time are described in the Regulation. An athlete who is late or fails to appear
for the weigh-in shall not be permitted to take part in competitions.
Contestants shall be granted the right to test the scales on which the official weigh-in will take place one hour prior to the
start of the weigh-in.
The weigh-in shall only take place once on the eve of the competition and last one hour.
In exceptional cases, the weigh-in may take place on the day of the competition based on the decision of the Chief Referee
and a FIAS representative and must be completed no later than 2 hours prior to the start of the competition.
Several scales may be used for the weigh-in and members of the same weight category must be weighed on the same
3. The weigh-in shall be conducted by an officiating board appointed by the chief official that includes the assistant Chief
Referee, a representative of the competition secretariat and two officials. A doctor must be present during the weigh-in
procedure. All officials must wear official uniforms and the doctor must be in a white coat. All members of the officiating
board must be the same sex as the athletes (only men for men and women for women).
4. All contestants shall undergo a medical examination with the doctor prior to the weigh-in.
Contestants shall be weighed in a special room semi-naked in sports undergarments: men in underwear and women in bras
and underwear.
Weighing in without clothes shall not be permitted.
5. At weigh-in contestants must present the passport of the country they represent and a completed application. The
remaining documents (competitors licence, insurance, healthcare card) shall be submitted to the Registration Commission
and a weight report shall be prepared for each weight category.
6. The weigh-in results shall be recorded in the report (Appendices 6.1 and 6.2) which shall be signed by all members of
the officiating board.
7. An athlete may only compete in one weight category, which corresponds to its actual weight shown on the official weigh-

Article 7. Obligations and rights of contestants

1. Contestants shall be required to:
a) strictly follow the Rules and Regulation on Competitions;
b) comply with the requirements of the officials;
c) immediately appear on the mat when called by the officiating board;
d) immediately inform the officiating board about the inability to continue the competition for any reason;
e) shake hands with opponents both before and after the fight;
f) behave properly in relation to all contestants, officials, people conducting and servicing the competition as well
as spectators;
g) be shaved (or have a short beard) with short fingernails in a Sambo uniform consistent with the FIAS
h) tightly tie long hair in a braid or ponytail no longer than 20 cm.
2. Contestants shall be entitled to:
a) appeal to officials via a team representative; appeal directly to the Chief Referee when conducting individual
competitions (in the absence of a representative);
b) hold a weight check on the official weigh-in scales one hour prior to the start of weigh-in;
c) promptly obtain the necessary information: about the progress of competitions, the competition programme,
changes to the competition programme, the line-up for the next round, fight results, etc.;
d) use 2 minutes to seek medical aid during a single fight;
e) appeal to an official with a request to stop the fight (only if it is necessary to seek medical aid or to adjust a

Article 8. Contestant uniform

1. Contestant uniform: Sambo jacket, Sambo shoes and Sambo shorts. In addition, female contestants shall have a white
A special style red and blue Sambo jacket and belt shall be made from cotton fabric. The jacket sleeves must run down to
the wrist and the width of the sleeves must have space of at least 10 cm between the arm and fabric throughout the entire
length. Two slits shall be made along the waist 5 cm to the front and the back of the side seam for the belt. The belt must
be run through these slits, wrapped twice closely around the body and tied in the front in a knot that binds both wrapped
parts of the belt. The bottom of the jacket must be 25-30 cm below the belt line and the length of the tied belt ends must not
exceed the length of the jacket bottom.
Red, blue or combined (red-blue) Sambo shoes shall be made from soft leather or synthetic fabric and consist of a shoe
with soft sole and no rigid protruding parts. All seams shall be sewn on the inside. The ankles and foot around the big toe
joint shall be protected by pads and covered by leather on the top.
Sambo shorts shall be made from red and blue of wool, wool mix or synthetic knitwear. The top shall run to the belt line,
and the bottom should cover the top third of the thigh.
The use of Sambo uniforms shall be permitted at all official competitions in accordance with the requirements established
by these Rules and the FIAS Sports Regulation.
3. Contestants shall attend the opening and closing parades and award ceremony in their red Sambo uniforms.
4. Contestants shall be prohibited from having any solid objects on their bodies during fights.
5. Bandages and tapes shall be permitted in order to prevent injuries to joints. Any open areas of the body (for example,
the knee joint) must be covered with a bandage or elastic kneepad tape in the colour of the uniform (red or blue).
Article 9. Team representatives, referees and captains
1. The team representative (head) shall be the intermediary between the officiating board and the contestants provided by
a given organisation. If a team does not have a special representative, such functions shall be performed by the team
referee or captain.
2. The representative shall be responsible for the discipline of the team members and ensure their timely appearance at
3. The representative shall take part in the drawing and attend meetings of the officiating board if they are held jointly with
4. The representative shall be entitled to submit a written protest (Article 39) to a chief official substantiated with a
reference to the article and clause of the Rules.
5. The team representative, referee and captain shall be prohibited from disrupting the work of officials and people
conducting the competitions.
6. The representative must remain in a specially designated area for representatives during the competitions.
7. The representative may not simultaneously be a judge of these competitions.
8. The representative may be ejected from the competition venue and the athlete may receive a regular warning for
violating the rules.
9. During a match a referee shall be entitled to time a fight while located in the specially designated area near the mat
without leaving it during the fight and without disrupting the work of the officials.
During the competition, the referee must wear a tracksuit. Referees and representatives shall be prohibited from wearing
headgear in the gym.


Article 10. Members of the officiating board

1. The members of the competition officiating board shall be approved by the Chairman of the FIAS Officiating board.
2. The competition officiating board shall include:
Chief officiating board Chief Referee, Chief Referee Assistants, a secretary group;
officials mat chairmen, Arbiters, side referees.
3. The National Sambo Federation hosting the competitions shall provide support staff: uniform control referees,
timekeepers, secretaries, announcers, video replay system operators, commentators, doctors, custodians, etc. (an estimate
of the required number of officials and support staff is given in Appendix 7).
4. The officiating of the fight shall be conducted by a neutral officiating board representing three different countries as
comprised of: Mat Chairman , Arbiter and a side referee.
Each of them shall make decisions to assess actions independently and argue their actions with the corresponding
provisions of the Rules when dealing with protests and contentious issues.
5. Officials must have an officials uniform, an officials card, the competition Rules and a whistle.
The officials form shall consist of a white shirt with different coloured sleeves (red right sleeve and blue left sleeve), white
trousers, socks and athletic shoes approved by FIAS. They shall have the emblem of the corresponding officials category
on the left of their chests.
Officials may only use white trouser belts. No items shall be permitted on the belt.

Article 11. Chief Referee

1. The Chief Referee shall manage the competitions and be responsible for conducting them in accordance with these
Rules and the Regulation with respect to the organisation hosting the competition and the corresponding Federation.
2. The Chief Referee shall be required to:
a) inspect the preparedness for the competitions of facilities, equipment, inventory and their compliance with the
requirements of these Rules jointly with the FIAS Sports Director (or the person representing the FIAS Sports Department),
doctor and representative of the organisation hosting the competition, prepare a statement on the acceptance of the
competition venue (Appendix 8), and also verify the existence of the necessary documentation;
b) appoint the officiating board for the weigh-in;
c) organise the drawing of contestants;
d) approve the competition schedule;
e) designate assistants and officials for each mat;
f) hold a meeting of the officiating board on the eve of the first day of the competition, prior to the start of the
competition (to announce the programme and work procedure of the officiating board), and also in cases when it is required
during the competition;
g) promptly issue a decision on protests received from team representatives in accordance with Article 39;
h) approve the finals pairings and appoint officiating boards to conduct them;
i) provide a final assessment of the work by each member of the officiating board (using the reports (Appendix 9)
provided by the assistant chief official) using the 100-point scale in Appendix 10;
j) submit a report (Appendix 11) to the organisation hosting the competition within 3 days in electronic and hard copy
3. The Chief Referee shall be entitled to:
a) interrupt the fight and announce a break in or stop the competition in the event of force majeure circumstances
hindering the normal functioning of the competitions;
b) make changes to the competition programme and schedule if an urgent need for such arises;
c) change the functions of officials during the course of the competition;
d) dismiss officials who commit serious errors or are unable to perform the assigned duties while noting this in the
report and informing the officiating board of the corresponding Federation of such;
e) issue a warning to (or eject) team representatives, referees and captains who display rudeness and argue with the
f) change the sequence of matches or order of matches if needed.
4. The Chief Referee shall not be entitled to dismiss or replace officials during the fight.
5. The Chief Referees instructions shall be binding for contestants, officials, team representatives and referees.
6. The Chief Referees functions may be performed by an assistant at competitions under the formers instructions.

Article 12. Assistant Chief Referee

1. The Assistant Chief Referee shall take part in the management of the competitions. The number of Chief Referee
Assistants shall depend on the number of mats on which the competitions are held.
When officiating a fight, the Assistant Chief Referee shall sit at a special table and observe the events taking place on the
mat and the work of the officiating board. The table shall have a monitor to view video.
2. The Assistant Chief Referee :
a) shall supply the officiating boards at the fights with the mats they are to oversee and monitor their activities;
b) shall take measures to prevent and, if necessary, correct errors committed by the officials;
c) shall take part in deciding whether to issue a third warning;
d) shall give an assessment of the work performed by each official (Appendix 9) at the mat overseen by the official
using a one hundred point scale with the official work assessment reports submitted to the chief official;
e) may recommend that the chief official dismiss officials who commit serious errors or are unable to perform the
duties assigned;
f) shall be entitled to delay the announcement of the assessment of a technical move or the result of a fight for
additional discussion and to make a final decision if the officials have diverging opinions and also if an official disagrees
with their decision;
g) may perform the chief officials functions at competitions under instructions from the chief official.
3. If an assistant Chief Referee fails to perform the duties assigned or is unable to perform his duties for objective reasons,
one of the competition officials appointed by the chairman of the FIAS Officiating Commission shall be appointed to the
assistant Chief Referee s vacant position under the decision of the Chief Referee .

Article 13. Chief secretary and deputy chief secretary

1. The chief secretary shall manage the work of the competition secretariat:
a) be a member of the Registration Commission;
b) conduct drawings;
c) prepare the competition programme and schedule;
d) maintain competition reports;
e) determine the procedure for athletes to fight in round-robin tournaments;
f) monitor the preparation of fight reports;
g) prepare instructions and decisions for the chief official;
h) present the Chief Referee with the competition results for approval and the necessary data for the final report;
i) provide information to representatives, commentators and journalists with the permission of the chief official.
2. The deputy chief secretary shall manage the operating system for holding competitions and, if necessary, may perform
the functions of the chief secretary.

Article 14. Mat Chairman

1. When officiating a fight, the Mat Chairman shall sit at the officiating table and manage the work of the officiating board.
2. The Mat Chairman shall:
a) give an assessment of the actions of athletes and situations accompanied by the required gestures (Appendix 12);
b) suspend a fight to discuss a disputed situation if necessary or in the event of a significant difference of opinion
among the three officials;
c) coordinate the need to issue a third warning with the Assistant Chief Referee after issuing a contestant(s) a
second warning (Article 29).

Article 15. Arbiter

1. While on the mat and utilising officiating signalling means (whistle, terms and gestures Appendix 12), the Arbiter shall
manage the fight, assess the holds, actions and positions of the athletes, and ensure that the fight takes place in strict
compliance with the Rules.
2. The Arbiter shall:
a) take part in the presentation of the athletes;
b) blow the whistle for the start of the match and its resumption following breaks in the fight;
c) interrupt the fight:
- if the athletes go off the mat (Article 35),
- if while in a prone position the athletes are not sufficiently active and are not making real attempts at any
technical moves,
- if one of the athletes requires medical assistance in which case the Arbiter shall make the timed doctor
meeting gesture,
- if a contestants uniform needs to be adjusted,
- if an athlete violates the Rules or is using a prohibited hold and must be cautioned or warned (except for the
case specified in clause 3 of this article),
- at the request of the Mat Chairman ,
- at the request of the Side Referee if the Arbiter deems it possible at that time,
- at the request of the contestant if the Arbiter deems it possible at that time,
- if the Arbiter requires consultations in cases not covered by the Rules;
d) stop the fight prematurely:
upon the submission signal by an athlete in the prone position,
if two of the three officiating board members give the Total throw signal,
if one of the contestants wins due to a difference of 8 points (distinct advantage),
if the decision is made to dismiss or disqualify an athlete from a fight;
e) blow the whistle to end the fight and make the appropriate gesture upon signal from the scoreboard (gong);
f) take part in making decisions on the need to issue a third warning to a contestant(s) having a second warning
(Article 32);
g) take both contestants by the arm to the middle of the mat and raise the arm of the winner when announcing the
result of the fight.
3. If a defending athlete uses a prohibited hold in the prone position, the Arbiter shall demand that he stop using the
prohibited hold without stopping the fight and issue a warning. If the athlete fails to comply, the Arbiter shall interrupt the
fight, issue a second warning for using a prohibited hold and dismiss the athlete based on the decision of the assistant
Chief Referee (Article 32, clause 1, a).
4. As soon as one of the athletes is pinned, the referee must loudly announce: Counting hold-down time! and make the
hold-down gesture. After 20 seconds, the Arbiter shall announce: Hold-down counted! and give an assessment of the pin
with the appropriate gesture.
If the person being hold-down is in a position on his chest, stomach or buttocks in which the angle between his back at the
shoulder blade level and the mat surface is more than 90 degrees or the person pushes away the opponents torso from his
own torso (Article 23, IV, clause 3), or they both go off the mat (see Article 32), the Arbiter must announce: Hold-down not
counted! accompanied by the appropriate gesture.
If the attacker switches to a submission hold during pinning, the Arbiter shall announce: Hold-down not counted!
accompanied by the appropriate gesture and start calculating the painful hold time.
5. As soon as one of the athletes starts utilising a painful hold, the Arbiter must loudly announce: Counting painful hold
time! accompanied by the appropriate gesture. If at the same time the person under attack puts the opponent in a hold-
down, the Arbiter must start counting the hold-down time accompanied by the appropriate gesture without interrupting the
time count for the painful hold.
One minute shall be allocated for a painful hold. Once this time is reached, the Arbiter must interrupt the fight with his
whistle and announce: Painful hold not counted! and resume the fight in stances at the centre of the mat.
If an athlete utilising a painful hold switches to a pin or other technical moves in the prone position prior to the expiration of
the allocated time or if the defender gets out of the painful hold and counterattacks, the counting of the painful hold time
shall stop, but the fight shall not be interrupted.
One minute shall once again be allocated for the next painful hold started by one of the athletes.
6. If during the fight no technical actions, the Arbiter must after 1 minute to punish one of the athletes (penalty) after 2
minutes - give a warning athlete who, in his opinion, is less active.

Article 16. Side Referee

1. The Side Referee shall remain close to the canvas (close to the mat in the absence of a canvas) opposite the Mat
Chairmans table. During the fight, the Side Referee must not leave his position except for cases when accompanying an
athlete (Article 26, clause 3) and at the invitation of the Mat Chairman.
2. The Side Referee shall independently assess the actions of athletes and signal their assessments using the established
gestures (Appendix 12) and be involved in making decisions about the need to issue a third warning to an athlete(s) having
a second warning (Article 30).
3. In all cases when the Side Referee deems it necessary to interrupt the fight, he shall stand up, attract the Arbiters
attention and point out the particular aspects of the match to the Arbiter.

Article 17. Technical secretary

1. The Technical Secretary shall sit at the Mat Chairmans table and maintain a score sheet (Appendix 13) throughout the
fight. Upon completion of the fight, the secretary shall tally the number of points and time of the fight and give the score
sheet to the competition secretary.
2. The assessment of holds in the sequence they are made by the athletes shall be recorded in the score sheet using the
numbers 1, 2 or 4.
Assessments of Hold down shall be recorded with a circle.
The assessments of holds used during the fight must be recorded in such a way so that it is always possible to determine
which of the assessments was made last. For example, a + (plus) sign shall be made following the assessment of each
technical move except the last one.
Cautions shall be noted with the letter O. If a first (second) warning is issued, a 1 (2) shall be recorded for the opponent
these assessments must be entered in the (box).
The early end of a fight shall be recorded with an X with comments throw or painful hold and indicating the time.
The early end of a fight shall be regarded as:
- total victory;
- dismissal of a contestant(s) from a fight for a repeat violation of the Rules according to Article 29, clause 6;
- dismissal of a contestant(s) from a competition during a fight according to Article 29, clauses 7 and 8;
- the failure of a contestant(s) to appear for a fight.
In the event of an early end to a fight, the actual time of the fight shall be entered in the score sheet. The time spent on
providing a contestant with medical assistance shall be recorded to the left of the contestants surname.
When determining the result of a fight, the number of technical points and points for the cautioning of an opponent earned
by each athlete along with the positive points shall be entered in the corresponding columns of the score sheet in
accordance with Appendix 14. The winners surname shall be circled, while the losers surname shall be crossed out.
No other entries may be made in the score sheet.

Article 18. Electronic scoreboard operator

The operator shall sit at the Mat Chairmans table and display the following information about the fight on the electronic
- the actual time of the match;
- assessments of technical moves during the fight after the three officials make their decision;
- the electronic stop watch used to count hold down or submission times;
- the total time an athlete spends with the doctor;
- an athletes tardiness after the first call to the mat;
- the winners name.

Article 19. Timekeeper

1. The Timekeeper shall sit at the Mat Chairmans table. The Timekeeper shall duplicate the following functions by the
scoreboard operator in the event of a malfunction:
- record the time of the fight, pins and submission holds;
- record an athletes tardiness after the first call to the mat using a stopwatch;
- give the signal for the end of a fight by banging a gong in the absence of an electronic system;
- maintain a manually operated scoreboard.
2. During breaks in the fight, the Timekeeper shall stop the stopwatch upon the Arbiters whistle or under instructions from
the Mat Chairman and restart it upon the Arbiters whistle to record the actual time of the fight.
If a fight is interrupted due to an injury to an athlete, the timekeeper shall stop the main stopwatch and start an additional
stopwatch upon the Arbiters signal for a timed doctor meeting to record the time spent on providing medical assistance.
3. As soon as the Arbiter announces: Counting hold-down time! during the fight, the Timekeeper shall start an additional
stopwatch to record the time of the pin.
4. As soon as the Arbiter announces: Counting painful hold! during the fight, the Timekeeper shall start an additional
stopwatch to record the time of the painful hold.

Article 20. Announcer

The announcer shall announce the competition programme and procedure, present the contestants of each fight and
announce the results of each fight.
The announcer shall announce information in English and in the language of the country in which the competition is taking

Article 21. Contestant uniform control referee

Uniform control referees shall:
a) verify that contestants in a particular competition have the proper uniforms as well as their compliance with the
requirements of these Rules prior to the start of the competition;
b) familiarise contestants with the competition programme and schedule;
c) warn contestants about the sequence for them to take the mat;
d) inform the Chief Referee or his assistants about the failure to appear and dismissal of contestants from a competition;
e) assess the uniforms of referees that keep the time of athletes (presence of tracksuit and athletic shoes, absence of
headwear or outerwear)
f) to check athlete uniforms with a special instrument.

Article 22. Competition Doctor

1. The Competition Doctor shall be a member of the support staff and work at competitions in accordance with the FIAS
Sports Regulation.
2. The Competition Doctor shall:
a) verify that applications are properly filled out and contain a doctors consent to admit contestants to a competition;
b) attend the weigh-in and conduct an external examination of contestants;
c) monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements at the competition venues;
d) monitor the contestants during the competition process;
e) provide medical assistance to athletes directly on the mat, provide opinions on whether athletes can continue a
fight or competition, immediately inform the Chief Referee of the competition of such and submit the corresponding
certificate for the secretariat;
f) upon completion of the competition present a report on the medical and sanitary support of the competition with an
indication of cases involving illness or injury (Appendix 15).

Article 23. Competition Administrator

1. The competition administrator shall be responsible for the timely preparation and decoration of the competition venues,
safety, accommodation and services for contestants and spectators, the installation of a public address system at the
venue, maintaining order during the competition and also ensuring all the necessary measures are taken under instructions
from the FIAS representative.
2. The competition administrator shall be responsible for the preparation and suitability for use of special equipment and
tools to conduct the competition in accordance with Articles 41 and 42.


Article 24. Fight content

In Sambo it is permitted to use attacking and defensive actions in different athletes positions.

I. Positions of athletes
1. Standing the position when an athlete only touches the mat with the soles of the feet (is standing on both feet/one
2. Lying the position when an athlete touches the mat with any part of the body except the feet.
While in the lying position as well as while falling down following a throw or when moving to a lying position, athletes may
find themselves:
a) on their back a position where both their shoulder blades touch the mat or they rapidly (without stopping) roll
over on their backs; the bridge position where their backs are up against the mat and they are only touching it with their
feet and head;
b) on their side a position where athletes are touching the mat with one shoulder blade and their backs at the
shoulder level make an angle up to 90 degrees in relation to the mat; a half bridge position when athletes find themselves
with their backs to the mat and only touch it with their feet, head and shoulder;
c) on their chest and stomach a position where athletes touch the mat with their chest or stomach and their backs
at the shoulder level form an obtuse angle in relation to the mat;
d) on their buttocks or lower back a position where athletes touch the mat with one (two) buttocks or the lower
e) on their shoulders a position where athletes touch the mat with their shoulder joint or shoulder pressed to the
f) on their knee(s) a position where athletes touch the mat with their knee(s) yet can rest on their heels without their
buttocks touching the mat surface;
g) on their hand(s) a position where athletes touch the mat surface with their hand(s).
3. Standing fight athletes fight in a standing position.
4. Lying fight athletes fight in a lying position.

II. Throws
1. A throw is regarded as a technical move by an athlete that results in the opponent losing balance, falling on the mat and
touching it with any part of the body except the feet, i.e. in one of the lying positions.
A counter-throw is a throw whereby a defender takes the initiative in response to the opponents attacking action, stopping
the opponents attack and altering the direction of the attackers fall.
Unsuccessful throw a throw whereby the attacker moves (falls) into one of the lying positions as a result of an
unsuccessful attempt to make a throw not resulting from an active countermove by the opponent.
2. Only throws made by an athlete from the standing position prior to the throw (before the opponent starts to fall) shall
be assessed, while the contestant being attacked may be in the lying position.
A throw shall be regarded as having been made without falling if the attacker remains in the standing position during the
throw (from the start to the end of the throw).
3. A throw shall be regarded as having been made with a fall if the attacker moves to a lying position in the process of
making the throw or is resting on a lying opponent in order to maintain balance (hand or foot).
4. Any rollover into the lying position by both athletes as well as throws made by an athlete in the lying position shall not be
5. An assessment of the technical moves by an athlete in the standing position who fully lifts an opponent in the lying
position from the mat and rotates the opponent in a longitudinal, transverse or sagittal axes (or combined rotation) shall be
evaluated in a similar manner to the technical moves made from a standing position.
III. Painful holds
1. A Painful hold shall involve locking an opponents arm(s) or leg(s) in the lying position in order to perform the following
moves: bending (lever) or rotating a joint (knot), or squeezing the tendons or muscles (pinch), thus forcing an opponent to
The start of the Painful hold shall be regarded as the moment in the fight when the attacker seizes one of the opponents
limbs in order to inflict pain on the latter. One minute shall be allocated for the Painful hold.
2. It shall only be permitted to start Painful holds during fights when the defender is in a lying position, while the attacker
may be in a standing position.
3. The use of a Painful hold (on the leg or the arm) must be stopped as soon as the defender moves to the standing

IV. Hold-down
1. A Hold-down shall be regarded as a hold whereby an athlete forces an opponent to lie with his back to the mat for a
specified period of time and presses his own body (chest, side or back) against the opponents body (or presses the
opponents arms against the body).
2. The counting of a Hold-down shall begin from the moment the attacker presses his body (chest, side or back) against the
opponents body and holds him in a position on his shoulder blades.
3. The Hold-down shall end if the athlete who is pinned moves to a position on his chest, stomach or buttocks (but not on
the lower back) at which the angle between the back at the shoulder held and the mat surface is more than 90 degrees; if
the downed athlete pushes away the attacker or when the attacker switches to a painful hold.

Article 25. Start and end of fights

1. Athletes shall be called to the mat to take part in a fight.
2. Prior to the start of the fight, the athlete called first (in a red uniform) shall stand in the red corner of the mat, while the
opponent (in a blue uniform) shall stand in the blue corner. After being introduced, the athletes shall come to the centre of
the mat upon the Arbiters signal and shake hands. They shall then take a step back and begin fighting upon the Arbiters
3. The fight shall end upon a sound signal (gong) and not upon a repeat whistle blow by the Arbiter.
4. Upon completion of the fight, the athletes shall take the same positions on the mat as before the fight. In order to
announce the result of the fight, the Arbiter shall call the athletes to the centre, take their wrists and raise the arm of the
winner (Appendix 12) after which the athletes shall shake hands and leave the mat.

Article 26. Course and duration of fight

1. The duration of fights (preliminary matches and fights for medals) shall be set at:
for adults and juniors (men) 5 minutes;
for adults and juniors (women) 4 minutes;
for youths and cadets (boys, girls) 4 minutes;
for veterans: men 4 minutes, men over 65 - 3 minutes, women 3 minutes.
The duration of repechage matches shall be 3 minutes.
2. The time of a fight shall start being counted upon the first whistle by the Arbiter. The time of breaks shall not be included
in the net (actual) time of the fight.
In exceptional cases, it shall be permitted to include the time of breaks not accompanied by the Arbiters signal for Time
stoppage in the actual time of the fight (except semi-finals and finals) if such is stipulated in the Regulation on
3. During the course of the fight, the athletes may not leave the boundary of the mat without the Arbiters permission.
An athlete may leave the mat to change Sambo uniforms based on the Arbiters decision with mandatory accompaniment
by the side referee.
4. Athletes shall be given no more than 2 minutes for medical assistance during a single fight.
During fights, medical assistance shall only be provided in cases of injuries (cuts, abrasions) to open skin areas.
Medical assistance shall be provided directly on the mat (edge of the mat).
Violations of the uniform code shall be prohibited when providing medical assistance.

Article 27. Break between fights

The break between fights must be at least 10 minutes for adults and juniors and at least 15 minutes for youths, teenagers
and veterans.

Article 28. Fight result and assessment

1. A fight may result in victory by one of the athletes and defeat by the other as well as the defeat of both athletes.
2. Victory may be (Appendix 14):
a) total;
b) on points;
c) minimal advantage;
d) the withdrawal of both athletes from the fight or the competition (disqualification) (premature).

Article 29. Total victory

1. Total victory shall be awarded:
a) for a Total throw;
b) in the event of a painful signal during a painful hold or hold-down, see Article 33, clause 6;
c) in the event of an 8 or more point advantage by one of the athletes;
d) in the event the opponent withdraws from the fight;
e) in the event the opponent withdraws from the competition (disqualification).
2. A Total throw shall be regarded as a throw without the attacker falling that results in the defender in the standing position
falling on his back or rolling on his back rapidly (without stopping) or falling into the bridge position.
3. A painful hold shall be counted in the event that one of the athletes gives the painful signal.
The painful signal shall be given by loudly shouting Yes! or by tapping ones hand or foot twice on the mat, on ones body
or on the opponents body.
Any shout made by a contestant in a painful hold shall be considered a painful signal (except for the case specified by
Article 36, clause 2).
4. A hold-down shall be counted as total victory if the contestant being hold-down gives the painful signal during the hold-
5. If during the fight one of the athletes gains 8 (or more) points more than the opponent, the fight shall be stopped and this
athlete shall be awarded total victory.
6. An athlete shall be removed from a fight under the decision of the assistant Chief Referee and the opponent awarded
total victory:
a. in the event of a repeat attempt to use a prohibited hold;
b. for failure to appear on the mat within 2 minutes after the first call;
c. if an athlete is unable to receive medical assistance in the allotted 2 minutes;
d. after two warnings in the event of the need to issue a third warning if the three referees are unanimous in the opinion
or if the majority opinion of the three referees is supported by the assistant Chief Referee .
In such cases, the winner shall receive 4 qualifying points and the loser shall receive 0 points. The fight shall be regarded
as ended early and its time shall be recorded in the score sheet.
7. An athlete shall be removed from a competition (disqualified) under the decision of the Chief Referee based on the
condition of his heath with total victory awarded to the opponent:
a. if in a doctors opinion the athlete is unable to continue participating in the competition in case of illness or due to
injury received during the course of the fight.
In addition, the winner shall receive 4 qualifying points, while the disqualified athlete shall receive 0 points (taking a place in
accordance with the results at the time of withdrawal for classification).
8. An athlete shall be removed from a competition (disqualified) under the decision of the Chief Referee for the following
prohibited actions:
a. for rude and unethical behaviour with respect to an opponent, contestants, referees or spectators, refusal to shake an
opponents hand or for improper handshaking;
b. for using a prohibited hold that results in injury to an opponent and the latters inability to continue the competition in a
doctors opinion;
c. for deceiving officials.
An athlete disqualified from a competition shall receive 0 qualifying points (does not receive any personal or team
placement or medals in classification). The opponent shall receive 4 qualifying points.
Article 30. Victory on points
If at the end of the fight one of the athletes has an advantage of 1 to 7 points, the athlete shall be awarded victory with an
In this case, the winner shall receive 3 qualifying points. The loser shall receive 1 qualifying point provided that he has
technical points at the end of the fight or 0 qualifying points if he has no technical points.

Article 31. Victory with a minimum advantage

1. In the event of an equal number of points at the conclusion of the fight, a technical victory shall be awarded to the
athlete who has more points for technical moves (throws, hold-downs).
2. In the event of an equal number of technical points, victory shall be awarded to the athlete who performed more high
quality holds (more holds assessed at 4 and 2 points).
3. If all indicators are equal for the assessment of the moves of both athletes, victory shall be awarded to the athlete who
was the last to perform an assessed hold (1, 2, 4 points) during the fight.
4. If at the end of the fight neither athlete has any technical points and the number of warnings is equal, victory shall be
awarded to the athlete who received the last assessment for the warning issued to the opponent.
5. If at the end of the fight neither athlete has any technical points and the number of cautions is equal, victory shall be
awarded to the athlete who received the first caution.
In such cases, the winner shall receive 2 qualifying points and the loser shall receive 0 qualifying points.

Article 32. Elimination of both athletes from a fight or competition (disqualification).

In the event of the elimination (disqualification) of both contestants, they shall be given a result of 0:0 with 0 qualifying
points awarded.
In this case, the athletes shall not receive any personal or team placement or medals.

Article 33. Assessment of holds

1. Holds applied by an attacker that do not provide total victory shall be assessed by points. The quality and, accordingly,
the assessment of a throw shall depend on:
- whether the throw took place with or without falling;
- on what part of the body the opponent fell as a result of the throw.
2. Four points shall be awarded:
a) for a throw with a fall in which the opponent fell on his back or into the bridge position;
b) for a throw without a fall in which the opponent fell on his side or in the half bridge position;
c) for hold-down over 20 seconds.
3. Two points shall be awarded:
a) for a throw with a fall in which the opponent fell on his side or into the half bridge position;
b) for a throw without a fall in which the opponent fell on his chest, stomach, buttocks, lower back or shoulder;
c) for an incomplete hold-down lasting more than 10 seconds;
d) for a second warning issued to an opponent.
4. One point shall be awarded:
a) for a throw with a fall in which the opponent fell on his chest, stomach, buttocks, lower back or shoulder;
b) for a first warning issued to an opponent.

Attacker performs throw

Defender falls
Without fall With fall
On back, bridge Clean throw 4 points
On side, half bridge 4 points 2 points
On chest, stomach, buttocks, lower back, shoulder 2 points 1 point

2. Points shall not be awarded to an opponent for an unsuccessful throw by the attacker with a fall during which the
attacker himself falls on his buttocks, chest, stomach, side or back if no counterattack was made.
If the defender during a counterattack was unable to alter the nature and direction of the attackers fall and falls himself in
the direction of the throw, this shall be regarded as a throw by the attacker.
3. Pinning holds performed during a single fight may not be assessed a total of more than 4 points. During a single fight, no
more than two assessed pinning holds may be performed provided that the first pinning hold was not complete (assessment
of 2 points).
4. The interruption of a fight at the request of the defender who is in a pinning hold or a submission hold shall be regarded
as a submission signal unless it is caused by a violation of the Rules by the attacker. In this case, the attacker shall be
awarded clear victory.

Article 34. Stalling

Stalling from a fight shall be regarded as:
a) freely leaving the boundary of the fighting area in a standing or lying position;
b) the lack of real attempts to engage in holds in the standing position;
c) imitating attacking actions (false attack);
d) stalling against holds in the standing position;
e) moving to the lying position without any real attempts to engage in holds;
f) obvious pushing from the mat - of the carpet is a deliberate action aimed to remove the opponent out of the
working area without any technical action.

Article 35. Actions near the edge of the mat

1. Athletes shall be regarded as in the off mat position (outside the edge of the mat) if:
a) one of the athletes steps outside the edge of the mat with both feet in the standing position;
b) half of one of the athletes bodies is outside the edge of the mat in the lying position at the waist line or shoulder
blades and buttocks.
2. The off mat position shall be determined by the referee during the fight and by a majority of the three officials when
discussing disputed issues.
3. If the athletes find themselves off mat, they shall return to the centre of the mat upon the referees whistle and resume
the match in standing position. Athletes should not stop fighting near the edge of the mat and invite an opponent to the
middle without the referees whistle. A throw (counter-throw) that begins in the official part of the mat and ends outside the
mat shall be assessed.
A throw that begins off mat shall not be assessed.
4. Hold-downs and painful holds that begin on the mat shall be permitted to take place until one of the athletes is still in
contact with the official part of the mat.

Article 36. Prohibited holds and actions

1. The following shall be prohibited in Sambo sports competitions:
a) throw an opponent on his head, throw an opponent while in a submission hold (knot, lever), throw an opponent
while falling on him with all ones weight;
b) using a choke hold and also pinching an opponents mouth and nose to hinder breathing;
c) punches, scratching and biting;
d) perform any holds on the spine, twist the neck, press on an opponents head with arms or legs or to the mat, or
straighten crossed legs on an opponents body;
e) rest on an opponents face with arms, legs or head;
f) press an elbow or knee down on any part of an opponents body;
g) grab an opponents fingers or toes;
h) bend hands around the spine or perform submission holds on hands;
i) twist an opponents heel and make knots on the leg;
j) make the knee a lever by bending the leg against its natural bend;
k) performing submission holds while in the standing position;
l) perform submission holds with a jerking motion;
m) grab shorts, the bottom of the jacket, the ends of the belt or the sleeves of an opponents jacket from the inside;
n) deliberately violate the sports uniform (remove an arm from the jacket sleeve, roll up a jacket sleeve, remove
Sambo shoes, etc.).
2.If the officials fail to notice a prohibited hold by one of the athletes, the victim may give a signal using his voice or a
Giving a false signal shall be viewed and punished as (deceiving the officials).
Article 37. Cautions and warnings
1. Violations of the Rules for which an athlete may be cautioned shall be regarded as:
- talking on the mat;
- stalling from fighting;
- tardiness to the mat by more than 30 seconds after the first call;
- leaving the mat without the Arbiters permission (including for medical assistance);
- unethical behaviour by a representative, referee or other team members close to the mat.
An athlete may not receive more than one caution over the course of a fight. The Arbiter shall be entitled to caution an
athlete without the agreement of the other two officials.
2. In addition to cautions, athletes may also receive warnings. Warnings are divided into warnings issued without a
preliminary caution and warnings issues with a preliminary caution.
a) warnings with a preliminary caution shall be issued for:
- tardiness to the mat (first warning after 1 minute; second warnings after 1.5 minutes);
- talking on the mat;
- stalling from the fight;
- leaving the mat without the Arbiters permission (including for medical assistance);
- unethical behaviour by a representative, referee or other team members close to the mat.
b) warnings without a preliminary caution shall be issued for:
- applying a prohibited hold;
- rude behaviour during the match;
- violating discipline;
- deliberate crawling away from a submission hold or pinning hold outside the official area *.
During the fight, the first and second warnings are issued to an athlete(s) based on the decision of the majority of the
officiating board. No more than a total of two warnings may be issued against an athlete within a single fight.
*Athletes shall be given a second warning for the repeat deliberate crawling away from a painful hold or hold-down
outside the official area.
3. Athletes may be dismissed from a fight or disqualified (dismissed from a competition) for violating the rules.
Athletes shall be dismissed from a fight:
- in the event of a repeat attempt to commit the actions specified in clause 2b (except for the deliberate crawling away
from a submission hold or pinning hold outside the official area);
- if an athlete is unable to receive medical assistance in the allotted 2 minutes;
- for tardiness to the mat by more than 2 minutes after the first call;
An athlete shall be dismissed from a competition (disqualified):
- for rude and unethical behaviour with respect to an opponent, contestants, officials and spectators and for the refusal
to shake hands or for improperly shaking hands;
- for using a prohibited hold that results in injury to an opponent and the latters inability to continue the competition in a
doctors opinion;
- for deceiving officials.

Article 38. Determination and announcement of fight result

1. Total victory shall be awarded:
a) if an athletes technical action is assessed as a clean throw by at least two of the three officials;
b) in the event an athlete successfully performs a painful hold.
2. Victory with a total advantage, victory on points and minimal advantage shall be determined by the Mat Chairman
based on the entries in the fight score sheet made in accordance with the assessments of the athletes actions announced
during the fight.
3. An athlete (both athletes) shall be dismissed from the fight based on the unanimous decision of the officiating board or
with a majority of votes with the consent of the assistant chief official.
The announcement about dismissal from a fight or competition shall be made following coordination with the assistant Chief
Referee .
4. The result shall be announced as follows:
The mat on which the fight took place shall be announced first followed by the colour of the winners uniform and finally the
name of the winner.
Example: On Mat A victory was secured by the athlete in the red uniform Ivan Ivanov.
Article 39. Protests
1. A protest may be filed in connection with a gross violation of the Rules during the officiating of the fight or in the event of
an extraordinary situation.
2. Procedure for filing a protest:
- the team representative shall file a protest with the Chief Referee of the competition in writing immediately during the
competition with an indication of the article and clause of the Rules that were violated;
- a protest on an extraordinary situation (violation of the Regulation, weigh-in procedure and drawing of contestants,
pairings, misinformation coming from officials, etc.) shall be filed immediately after it occurs in writing so that the officiating
board has the opportunity to make a decision with minimum disruption to the progress and results of the competition.
3. Review of protests:
- in the event a protest involving a violation of the Rules is accepted with respect to officiating, it shall be reviewed by
the Chief Referee with the involvement of the officiating board that officiated the fight;
- the individuals who committed the violation of the Rules must be present during the review of a protest involving an
extraordinary situation.
4. Decision on a protest:
- in the event a protest involving a violation of the Rules is accepted with respect to officiating, the decision shall be
submitted to the representative who filed the protest over the course of the competition;
- in the event a protest is accepted for other reasons, a decision shall be made within a timeframe that ensures the
errors are corrected with minimum disruption to the progress and results of the competition.
The decision on a protest involving a violation of the Rules with respect to officiating shall not affect the final result of the


Article 40. The mat

1. The Sambo mat must be 11 11 metres (to 14x14 metres). The mat shall be made from synthetic material, be smooth
and have a thickness of at least 5 centimetres.
The entire surface of the mat shall have a cover made from synthetic material without any rigid seams. The cover shall be
tightly stretched and firmly attached to the mat. The cover must be disinfected.
The official area of the mat on which the athletes fight shall consist of a circle with a diameter of 6-9 metres.
The centre of the mat shall be marked with the FIAS logo 1 metre in diameter. The line width of the border of the working
area is 10 cm or 1 meter.
The two opposite corners of the mat shall be coloured red and blue (red to the left of the Mat Chairman s table and blue to
the right).
2. The area on which the mat is laid must be wider than the mat by at least 1 metre in each direction. When organising
competitions held on multiple mats, it is recommended laying them right next to each other with no gap in between the
3. For competitions held on a platform, the height must not exceed 1 metre. The sides of the platform must have a 45
degree slope on the outer side (Appendix 16).
4. The suitability of the mat and competition equipment shall be determined by the Chief Referee of the competition jointly
with the FIAS Sports Director (or a person representing the FIAS Sports Department), the doctor and representative of the
organisation hosting the competition. The suitability of the mat shall be recorded in a special acceptance statement
(Appendix 8).

Article 41. Equipment for competitions

1. Any system may be used for the sound signal (gong), but it must have a sufficiently loud sound. The signal for each mat
must have a different sound from the other mats.
2. The weigh-in scales must be calibrated.
3. Stopwatches (electronic stopwatches) must have a stop and start device that ensures the minute and second indicators
are not discarded until the end of the fight.
4. An electronic or mechanical scoreboard that displays the assessments received by the athletes shall be installed next to
the officiating boards table to inform spectators and contestants about the progress of the fight. The total number of points
earned by each contestant may be displayed during the fight instead of the individual assessments they receive.
5. An information board shall be installed to inform contestants and representatives about the programme, schedule and
progress of the competition. The size and location of the board shall be coordinated in advance with the competition
6. All mats must be equipped with a mechanical scoreboard, gongs and manual stopwatches in order to continue the
competition in the absence of power supply or in the event the electronic board malfunctions.
7. Video camera for each mat.
8. A device for measuring the standard sambo jackets.
9. Monitor (TV panel) diagonal of 20 inches to view videos.

Article 42. Requirements for the competition venue

1. The room must have a natural lighting factor of at least 1:6 and artificial lighting factor of at least 500 lux. The mat must
be illuminated from above by fixtures that reflect or scatter light from the suppressor grid.
2. During the competition, the room temperature must range from +15 to +25 and the air humidity must not be lower
than 60%. Ventilation must ensure air circulation three times per hour.


Competitions in Combat Sambo are held in accordance with the given Rules and some additions:

Boxing helmet (red or blue).

Gum shield.
Fighters dress Groin guards.
Combat Sambo gloves (hitting-gripping).
Leg pads covering the front part of the shin and lacing of the Sambo shoes.

Article 43. Evaluations of the bout and technical actions

Evaluation of the
Evaluation of the actions
a) knockout, two knockdown;
b) total throw or the blow with the opponents falling down on his back while the attacker
keeps his standing position;
Total (clear) victory c) the choke (strangle);
(ahead of time) d) painful hold;
e) evident (technical) superiority with 8 points or more (art.29);
f) impossibility to continue the fight (bout, combat);
g) disqualification for breaking the Rules (art.32 p.1,2,4).
for a throw, the blow with the falling down from the standing position when the opponent falls
on his back (art.33, p.2));
Four points b) for the throw, the blow on the side when the attacker keeps the standing position; (art.33,
evaluation (4) p.2b));
c) for complete hold-down during 20 sec (art.33, p.2c));
d) for the knockdown.
a) for the throw, the blow (art.33,p.3a),b));
Two points
3. b) for the second warning declared to the opponent (art.33,p.3d));
evaluation (2)
c) for the incomplete hold-down over 10 sec but less than 20 sec (art.33, p.3c)).
One point a) for the throw, blow (art.33, p.4a));
evaluation (1) b) for the first warning declared to the opponent (art.33, p.4b));
a) in accordance with Sambo Rules;
5. Caution
b) for the passive defense of the defender lying on his stomach;
a) in accordance with Sambo Rules;
6. Warning
b) for the repeated passive defense of the defender lying on his stomach.
KNOCKOUT irreplaceable loss of the possibility to defend as a result of the missed blow: up to the count 10 the fighter
cant come to consciousness and assume the fighting position.
Note: the athlete who got knockout on his head is eliminated from the competitions.
KNOCKDOWN temporary loss of the possibility to defend as a result of the missed blow: up to the count 10 the fighter
completely recovers consciousness and assumes the fighting position.
Note: with knockdown evaluation the position of the defenders body relative to the mat is also evaluated according to the
Sambo Rules and the evaluation is summed up.
The athlete received during one meeting two knockdown, should be disqualified.

Article 44. Legal (allowed) technical actions

1. Blow techniques.
The blow is an impulsive technical action with the rectilinear or curvilinear trajectory executed by the arms, legs or the head
to the parts of the body permitted by the Rules with the definite speed and strength.
The blows are evaluated if after applying the technical action the opponent completely lost his balance and fell down on a
certain part of the body and is evaluated according to the Rules.
1.1. Hand blows may be delivered by any part of the fist (except the base of the palm), with the elbow to the front and
side part of the head, the trunk, arms and legs and also to the groin.
1.2. Leg blows are delivered with the knee, shin, foot, heel to the front or the side part of the head (except the oncoming
blow with the knee when the opponent passes to the legs), the trunk, on the legs (the inner and outside part of the thigh or
the shin) and to the groin.
1.3. Blows with the hands, legs and head in the ground position (except the back of the head, the neck and the rear part
of the back, the loins, the coccyx and anus) are allowed if the attacker is also on the ground.
The ground position is defined according to the Sambo Rules.
1.3.1. Elbow blows are allowed except the oncoming blow to the head or collar bone when dragging the opponent by the
opposite sleeve or the jacket lapel.
1.3.2. Blows to the head are delivered under the condition that the attacker and defender wear helmets.
2. Throwing techniques
2.1. All kinds of throws applied in Sports Sambo are allowed.
3. Ground techniques
3.1. PAINFUL HOLDS in the ground position that are allowed in Sambo and also painful holds in standing (Armlocks)
including Arm Bar (Police hold) may be applied..
NOTE: During the application of a painful hold in case the defender resumes his standing position the bout is not stopped.
In such a situation the defender may guard himself by throwing his opponent to the mat (except landing on the head).
3.2. STRANGLES (chokes) mean technical actions when the opponents neck is squeezed preventing his normal breath or
making him faint. They are held both in standing and ground positions.
Strangles may be executed with the arms, legs and clothing.
3.2.1. Strangles with the arms are allowed only on the forearm of the attacked arm, not lead to the twisting of the neck part
of the spine.
3.2.2. Strangles by the clothing are allowed only by the lapels of the Sambo jacket (except the belt).
3.2.3. Strangles with the legs are allowed only if the impact on the neck is made with the gripped arm of the defender.
3.3. HOLD-DOWNS all that are permitted by the Rules.
3.4. An athlete who has lost consciousness when conducting a strangles, should be disqualified.

Article 45. Illegal technical actions

a) strike blows with the fingers and toes, open glove and the base of the palm;
b) apply painful holds on the neck, spine, hand and foot;
c) strike blows with the arms and legs from standing to the opponent in who is in ground position;
d) strike blows on the neck, arm and leg joints ( knee and foot arch) when fixing the attacked extremity in the direction
against the natural flexion, the back of the head and spine, the loin, coccyx and annul hole, on the eyes with the fingers;
e) strike blows on the head if one of the fighters has no helmet;
f) throws forbidden in Sambo and also throws with the hold of the neck;
g) painful holds on muscles or joints forbidden in Sambo with the exception of painful holds by arm bar and the situation of
its application ( that is the ones allowed in standing position);
h) violation of discipline, rude unethical conduct toward the opponent, participants, officials or spectators.
Appendix 1

1. The Regulation on Competitions (hereinafter the Regulation) approved by the host organisations along with the
Rules shall constitute the main document governing the officiating board and competition contestants. In other
cases, the officiating board shall be guided by the Rules.
2. The clauses of the Regulation must be clear and not subject to various interpretations.
3. The Regulation on Competitions shall contain the following sections:
- the name of the competitions;
- the location and dates of the competitions;
- the management of the competitions (the organisations assigned to host the competitions);
- the time, location and procedure for the weigh-in of competition contestants;
- the time, location and procedure for the drawing;
- the time, location and procedure for the meetings with referees and delegation representatives;
- the time, location and procedure for athlete training;
- the programme of competitions;
- the location and accommodation conditions for teams (indicating the name and contact information of hotels and
reservation terms);
- the conditions for participation in competitions (delegation members, admission conditions for teams and
contestants) weight categories, age, classification);
- the conditions and procedure for holding competitions;
- the awarding of competition winners and medallists;
- the procedure and dates for submitting applications to take part in the competitions;
- insurance and the procedure for providing medical services to contestants;
- the procedure and conditions for the accreditation of contestants;
- officials;
- doping control;
- financial conditions;
- transport (meeting and accompanying delegations, transfer of contestants to and from the competition venue,
transfer of contestants to and from training venues);
- visa support;
- marketing and advertising;
- additional information;
- contact information.
4. Amendments and additions to the Regulation on Competitions may only be made by organisations that have
approved it, but no later than prior to the start of the drawing and with mandatory notification of the representatives
of all participating teams or all contestants.
Appendix 2.1


I. Competition procedure
1. The round robin system may be used if there are 6 (six) or fewer athletes in a single weight category taking part in the
competitions. Under this method each athlete shall face all the other athletes in the same weight category.
2. This procedure shall be fully retained when holding team competitions using the round robin system.

II. Pairing procedure

1. For the first round pairing numbers shall be recorded based on the number of contestants in the form of two columns:
the first number at the top of the left column and the second at the top of the right column with the following numbers listed
sequentially below 3, 4, 5, etc. in a number equal to half of all contestants; the numbers shall be continued in the left
column from bottom to top.
In the event of an odd number of contestants, zero shall be added after the last number (in order to have an even number
of contestants).
The opposite numbers shall face off against one another.
2. For pairings in the second and subsequent rounds, the numbers shall be rearranged: the first number shall remain in
place, while all other numbers shall be rearranged counter clockwise by one place in each subsequent round.
3. One athlete shall be off in each round with an odd number of contestants (facing 0).

Table 1
Basic picture of pairings during the round robin system of competitions

Number of contestants in a subgroup
1 2 3 4 5
1-2 1-3 1-0 _ _
0-3 2-0 3-2
1-2 1-3 1-4 _ _
4-3 2-4 3-2
1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-0
5 0-3 2-4 3-5 4-0 5-2
5-4 0-5 2-0 3-2 4-3
1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6
6 6-3 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-2
5-4 6-5 2-6 3-2 4-3

III. Determination of contestant places

1. In individual competitions the athlete who earns the most qualifying points as a result of all matches fought shall take
first place. The subsequent places shall be determined in accordance with the decreasing number of qualifying points
earned by the contestants.
2. If two contestants have an equal number of points, the winner in their individual match shall take the higher place.
3. If several athletes have an equal number of points, their places shall be determined based on the highest number of
victories in individual matches.
4. In the event of an equal number of points and equal number of victories in individual matches, the higher place shall be
determined sequentially based on:
a) who had more qualifying points in individual matches between them;
b) the quality of victories and defeats in individual matches; in addition, preference shall consistently be given to a
contestant having:
a greater number of clear victories 4:0;
less time spent on these victories;
a greater number of victories 4:0 with time of 0.00 due to the dismissal of the opponent prior to the fight as a
result of the failure to appear or dismissal by a doctor not counted as clear victories;
a greater number of victories with advantage 3.5:0;
a greater number of victories with the dismissal of an opponent 3.5:0;
less time spent on these victories;
a greater number of victories with advantage 3.5:0.5;
a greater number of victories on points 3:0;
a greater number of victories with the dismissal of an opponent 3:0;
less time spent on these victories;
a greater number of victories on points 3:1;
a greater number of technical victories 3:0;
a greater number of technical victories 3:1;
a greater number of technical victories 2:0;
a greater number of victories with the dismissal of an opponent 2:0;
less time spent on these victories;
a greater number of qualifying points in their defeats;
a smaller number of clear defeats 0:4;
more time battling in these fights.
c) the higher score and better quality of assessments of technical actions received by the athletes in all mutual
d) the number of victories in all matches and the quality of victories and defeats in accordance with clause 4 (b) of
this Regulation.
e) in other cases athletes shall share their places equally.
5. If a contestant withdraws from a competition due to illness after completing at least one fight, the contestant shall be
awarded a place whereby it is considered that he suffered defeat in all the other fights he missed and his opponent earned
a victory of 4:0 with a time of 0.00 (not counted as clear victory).
If a contestant is dismissed by a doctor prior to the first fight in the competition, no place shall be determined for this
6. No place shall be determined for a contestant who was dismissed from the competition by the chief officials decision
and the results of the contestants fights shall be cancelled.
7. If there is only one athlete in a particular weight category, no competition shall be considered to have taken place for
first place in this weight category.
Appendix 2.2
on the progress of the round robin competition
competition name

_____ _______________ 20___

weight _____ kg

Contestant Surname, Matches with opponents

No. name 1 2 3 4 5 6

Chief Referee _____________________ /___________________________/

Chief Secretary_____________________ /___________________________/
Appendix 3.1


I. Competition procedure
1. All contestants in the drawing shall be split into two groups: A (odd) and B (even). The order number of each athlete
shall be determined by lot immediately at the weigh-in or after its completion. The contestant shall retain this number over
the entire course of the competition.
2. In groups A and B contestants who are victorious in the preliminary rounds shall move on to the next round of the
competition. This shall continue until two finalists are determined the strongest athletes in the groups (1 and 1).
3. Repechage matches shall be held among the contestants who lose to the strongest athletes according to the picture
(Appendix 4.2) in order to determine the remaining places in the groups. This version of competitions is called the
Competition system with group distribution, elimination and repechage from finalists.
4. Another option for holding repechage matches is given in the picture in Appendix 4.3 under which the matches involve
the athletes who lost to the four semi-finalists and the losing semi-finalists. This version of competitions is called the
Competition system with group distribution, elimination and repechage from semi-finalists.
5. Repechage matches may not be held if there are a large number of contestants (so-called Olympic system).
6. The version of repechage matches according to clauses 3, 4 or 5 must be specified in the Regulation on
7. The match for first place as well as the bronze medals shall be held during the final part of the competition. Matches
for bronze medals may be held on the morning of the competition if such a provision is stipulated in the Regulation on

II. Procedure for pairing and determining places

1. Pairings for the first and all subsequent rounds of the preliminary part of the competition shall be made in accordance
with the picture (Appendices 4.2 and 4.3).
2. When holding repechage matches in accordance with clause 3 of Section I, the athlete who lost to the strongest
contestant in the first round shall face the athlete who lost to the strongest contestant in the second round. The winner of
this match shall then face the athlete who lost to the strongest contestant in the third round, and so on.
3. When holding repechage matches in accordance with clause 4 of Section I, the athletes who lost to the semi-finalists
in the first round shall face the athletes who lost to the semi-finalists in the second round, and the winners of these matches
shall face the athletes who lost to these semi-finalists in the third round, and so on. The winners of these matches, who are
in the same group, shall play for the right to face the losing semi-finalist of the other group. These fights shall allow for
determining the bronze medallists.
4. The athletes who did not lost a single match in their groups shall face off in the final for first place.
5. Following the athletes who earned places 5-6 (losing in fights for the bronze medals), places 7-8 shall be taken by the
athletes who lost the penultimate repechage match, and so on.
6. The places of athletes who did not make the repechage matches shall then be determined based on which round they
were eliminated from the competition. Those athletes eliminated in a single round shall share the corresponding places.
Appendix 3.2
SCORE SHEET for Sambo Competition Progress
Competition system with group distribution, elimination and repechage from finalists

17 Group
27 6
31 Final
18 9
26 10
20 13
24 Group

31 Group A repechage matches

35 Bronze

32 Group B repechage matches

36 Bronze

Chief Referee _____________________ /___________________________/

Chief Secretary ____________________ /___________________________/
Appendix 3.3
SCORE SHEET for Sambo Competition Progress
Competition system with group distribution, elimination and repechage from semi-finalists

17 Group
27 6
31 Final
18 9
26 10
20 13
24 Group

29 Group A repechage matches

41 Bronze
34 Loser of Fight 40 medal
35 Group B repechage matches
32 36 42 Bronze
Loser of Fight 39 medal

Chief Referee _____________________ /___________________________/

Chief Secretary____________________ /____________________________/
Appendix 4
1. The Olympic system of the finals for 4 contestants:
final contested by the athletes who earned first and second places in Groups A and B: 1, 2 and 1, 2.
They shall make the semi-finals based on the following picture:
The winners of the semi-finals shall make the final.
The winner in the final match shall take first place, while the loser shall take second place. The semi-finals losers shall take
the two third places.
Third and fourth place may be contested if such a provision is stipulated in the Regulation.


2. The Olympic system of the finals for 8 contestants: final contested by the athletes who earned first and second places
in Groups , , and D:
1, 2 and 1, 2 and 1, 2 and D1, D2.
They shall make the quarter-finals based on the following picture:
1 C1

2 A2
1 D1

D2 B2
The winners of the quarter-finals shall make the semi-finals.
The winners of the semi-finals shall make the final.
The winner in the final match shall take first place, while the loser shall take second place. The semi-finals losers shall take
the two third places.
Third and fourth place may be contested if such a provision is stipulated in the Regulation

3. The playoff method of the finals for 6 contestants. The final shall be contested by the athletes who earned 1-3 places in
in Groups and : 1, 2, 3 and 1, 2, 3.
They shall make the finals based on the following picture:
1 1 for 1st place,
2 2 for 3rd place,
3 3 for 5th place.

The winners of the finals shall take first, third and fifth place, while the losers shall take second, fourth and sixth place,

4. Cross-playoff method of the finals for 6 contestants. The final shall be contested by the athletes who earned 1-3 places
in in Groups and : 1, 2, 3 and 1, 2, 3.
They shall make the finals based on the following picture:
1 1 for 1st place,
2 3 for 3rd place,
3 2 for 3rd place.
The winners of the finals shall take first and two third places, while the losers shall take second and two fifth places,
Third and fourth place may be contested if such a provision is stipulated in the Regulation.
Appendix 5.1


I. In individual-team competitions, team results may be determined using two methods Olympic scoring or on
1. Olympic scoring
a) The teams taking the highest number of gold medals shall be determined first followed by the silver and bronze
medals and fifth and seventh places, respectively.
b) Teams shall have the same place in the event of an equal amount of medals and places. The subsequent places
shall be determined from the number that is established minus the teams that took the same places.
2. Determination of places on points
a) Places shall be determined depending on the individual results of the contestants included in the team score.
Unless otherwise stipulated in the Regulation, a team must have one scoring contestant in each weight category.
b) Places shall be determined using one of two methods:
by the higher number of points accrued by a scoring contestant under the principle: best place for the highest
number of points;
by the least number of penalty points accrued by all scoring contestants taking into account their places under
the principle: 1st place 1 point, 2nd place 2 points, and so on, with an additional number of penalty points being assessed
to the team for each absent contestant equal to the number of contestants in the category in which he is absent (or in the
largest weight category as stipulated in the Regulation) plus one penalty point.
c) If two or more teams have an equal number of points, the advantage shall go to the team whose scoring
contestants in the following order have:
a greater number of first, second, etc. places;
a greater number of contestants in the weight categories in which the scoring contestants took first place;
a greater number of victories by these scoring contestants; better quality of such victories and defeats;
a greater number of contestants in the weight categories in which the scoring contestants took second place,
If only one athlete weighed in in a weight category, he shall provide the team with the points corresponding to first
d) The results of the team competition shall be entered in the score sheet (Appendix 6.2).

II. In team competitions:

1. Team competitions may be held using any of the systems employed for individual competitions. The system and method
for holding competitions, the number of team contestants, the weight categories in which they should be represented as
well as the ability to replace team contestants over the course of the competition shall be determined by the Regulation.
2. The minimum number of team members in each match must be greater than half of the full team. Contestants called for
a match who failed to appear for the team presentation shall be counted as failing to appear and shall be dismissed from
the competition.
3. In team matches (Appendix 6.3) a team shall receive 1 point for victory by its contestant in each pairing and 0 points for
defeat or a contestants absence. If a contestant is not provided or fails to appear for the match, the opponent shall be given
a victory of 4:0 with a time of 0.00.
The team that accrues the most points shall be regarded as the winner of a given match.
If points are equal, advantage shall go to the team having:
a) the greatest number of qualifying points earned by the team contestants in all fights of a given match;
b) the greatest number of 4:0 victories, including with time of 0.00;
c) the least amount of time spent on these victories and further according to Appendix 2.1, Section III, clause 4b.
If these indicators are equal, advantage shall be given to the team that has the greatest number of technical points earned
by all contestants during fights, further in accordance with Article 28, clause 2. If these team match indicators are also
equal, the winner shall be the team that won a fight in the heaviest weight category.
4. A team shall receive 1 point for victory in a team match and 0 points for defeat.
5. In competitions held using the round robin system (see Appendix 2), the following shall be taken into account in order
when determining the place of teams in subgroups, the semi-finals and the finals:
a) the number of points for victorious team matches;
b) the results of mutual matches:
the number of team victories in mutual matches;
the number of fights won during these matches;
the total qualifying points earned by contestants in these fights, etc. in accordance with clause 3.
Subsequently, advantage shall go to the team that has the greatest number of fights won by its contestants in all team
matches in the subgroup, semi-final or final, etc. in the manner described above.
The final places among teams that took the same place in subgroups (semi-final) but did not reach the semi-final (final)
shall be allocated:
a) based on the number of team victories in the subgroup (semi-final);
b) based on the number of fights won in all team matches in the subgroup (semi-final);
c) based on the total number of qualifying points earned by the athletes in such fights, etc. according to clause 3.
If a team that did not complete 50% of its matches in the subgroup (semi-final) is eliminated from the competition, all the
results it achieved at the given stage of the competition shall be cancelled and it shall take last place in the sub-group
If a team that completed at least 50% of its matches in the subgroup, semi-final or final is eliminated from the competition, it
shall take the place based on the results of these matches. At the same time, it shall be considered that the team lost all the
matches it missed with a score of 0:4 and a time of 0.00 to its announced opponents.
6. The main provisions of Appendix 3.1 shall apply in team competitions held according to the method of elimination after
two defeats.
The main provisions of Appendix 4.1 shall apply in team competitions held according to the method of elimination and
repechage matches.
7. The place of teams having fewer members than the number specified by the Regulation due to the dismissal of
contestants by a doctor shall be determined based on the result achieved by the team contestant at the time of dismissal.
A teams place shall not be determined if this situation occurred due to the contestants failure to appear at weigh-in or in
the event of their dismissal by the chief official due to a violation of the Rules.
Appendix 5.2

for Sambo team competition results
name of competition

_____ _______________ 20___

Place Team Points by weight category Notes

Chief Referee _____________________ /___________________________/

Chief Secretary_____________________ /___________________________/
Appendix 5.3
for Sambo team match
_____ _______________ 20___
Team ______________________ Team _______________________

Name Score Points Result, time Points Score Name
52 1 0
57 1 0

+100 0 1

Overall result of match _________________ in favour of team _______________________________

Mat Chairman _________________ /___________________________/

Arbiter ____________________________ /___________________________/
Side Referee ______________________ /___________________________/
Chief Referee _____________________ /___________________________/
Chief Secretary_____________________ /___________________________/
Appendix 6.1
on weigh-in of contestants
name of competition
_____ _______________ 20___
weight _____ kg.

No. Contestant No. Name Year of birth Country


Chief Referee _____________________ /___________________________/

Chief Secretary_____________________ /___________________________/
Doctor _____________________ /___________________________/
Officials _____________________ /___________________________/
Appendix 6.2
on the weigh-in and drawing of contestants
name of competition
_____ _______________ 20___
weight _____ kg.

No. No. by lot Contestant No. Name Year of birth Country


Chief Referee _____________________ /___________________________/

Chief Secretary_____________________ /___________________________/
Doctor _____________________ /___________________________/
Officials _____________________ /___________________________/
Appendix 7

of officials and support staff
to hold Sambo competitions

Calculation of officials based on the number of

Name of official
2 mats 3 mats
Officials (international category referees)
Chief Referee 1 1
Assistant Chief Referee 2 3
Chief Secretary 1 1
Deputy Chief Secretary 1 2
Officials (Mat Chairman, Arbiters, Side Referees) 16 24
Support staff (national category referees and staff)
Uniform control referee 4 6
Technical secretaries 3 4
Timekeepers 3 4
Scoreboard operators 3 4
Announcer 2 3
Doctor 1 2
Nurse 1 2
Administrator 1 1
Athletes escort when entering the arena 8 12
Video replay system operators 3 4
Secretariat couriers 2 3
Chaperons (anti-doping service volunteer) 9 9
Maintenance worker (mat cleaner) 2 3
Total: 65 88
Appendix 8

of venue acceptance
name of competition

_____ _______________ 20___

This statement is prepared by the chief official, a representative of the sports facility and a doctor to certify that the
equipment of the competition venue complies (does not comply) with the officiating requirements of FIAS Rules.

Explanations _______________________________________________________________________________________

Address of competition venue and name of sports facility __________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Chief Referee _____________________________________ /___________________________/

Representative of sports facility ______________________ /___________________________/
Doctor ______________________________________________ /___________________________/
Appendix 9
on the assessment of work by officials at
name of event
_____ _______________ 20___

Professional Personal
competencies competencies

Command of terminology and voice

Command of English language
Command of special gestures
Fight No. Surname Country Function Notes

Understanding of Sambo

Decision-making speed




1. Side referee

Side referee


Assistant Chief Referee ______________________ /___________________________/

During the competition, the assistant Chief Referee shall maintain an assessment report of the officials work according to
the approved criteria (Table 2) and shall submit the completed reports to the Chief Referee of the competition following the
end of the competition day.
Table 2
Criteria assessed
Possible violations Examples Points accrued
1. Error in gestures. Gesture made with wrong hand,
sequence of gestures, etc.
2. Deviation in the assessment of an action on one level Arbiter and Mat Chairman 1 point,
(from the correct one). Side Referee 2 points.
3. Delay and inadvisability of reprimands.
4. Carelessness or lack of full control for the performance Entering the mat, leaving the mat,
and observance of athletes rituals. handshake, etc.
1. Uncertainty in identifying the athlete who performed a
technical action.
2. Uncertainty in the assessment of technical actions. Makes a decision following an
assessment by colleagues
3. Difference in the assessment of technical actions by Arbiter and Mat Chairman 1 point,
more than one level (from the correct one). Side Referee 4 points.
4. Lack of interaction with the officiating board (late
changes to assessment, reprimands, etc.).
5. Lack or loss of control over assessments and the time of
a match.
6. Loss of control over athletes during a match.
7. Delayed start or end of pinning holds and submission
8. Improper position taken during a technical action making
it difficult to make an objective decision.
1. Erroneous decision that affects the course of the match
and leads to the incorrect determination of the winner.
2. Stopping the match during an attacking action or in
preparation for such action while in a standing or lying
position without clear reasons for doing so (if the attacker
committed no negative actions).
3. Improper position that results in loss of control during a When submission occurs during a
technical action and the delayed determination of the submission hold and the referee fails to
winner. see it, which resulted or could have
resulted in injury to the athlete.
4. Positive assessment for a negative action. Assessing a submission hold in the
standing position (sports Sambo).
5. Biased officiating.
6. Late reaction to negative Sambo. Passive reaction to deliberate time
delay, stalling, etc.
7. Overall lack of knowledge and understanding of
Table 2 (continued)
Feature Parameters
Mobility around the mat, selection of
1. Understanding of Sambo.
proper position, vision, etc.
Intelligibility, clarity and volume in the
pronunciation of commands.
2. Command of Sambo language.
Ability to explain oneself in English.
Command of professional gestures.
3. Decision-making speed in difficult and unusual Timely makes the proper decisions
situations. (assessments, reprimands).
Neatness (officiating uniform of the
1. Appearance proper size and colour, hairstyle,
complexion, posture, etc.).
Compliance with standards approved
2. Correctness by the Rules and attitude towards
contestants, spectators and colleagues.
3. Objectivity Rigid adherence to the Law (Rules)
Appendix 10

on assessment of work by officials at
name of event

_____ _______________ 20___

Number of Professional Personal

matches competencies competencies

Command of terminology and voice

Surname Country

Command of English language

Command of special gestures
Understanding of Sambo

Decision-making speed
Mat Chairman
Side referee


Total score


Chief Referee ______________________ /___________________________/

Upon completion of the competition, the Chief Referee shall enter data provided by the assistant Chief Referee in the
summary report on the work of officials and then prepare a ranking for each official.
Appendix 11


_____ _______________ 20___
1. Organisation of competitions:
a) name of competition;
b) date of competition;
c) venue of competition;
d) sports organisation assigned to prepare and host competition;
e) members of chief officiating board of competition;
f) sequence of competition (if maintained, if not indicate reasons for changes);
g) assessment of organisation of competition (reception of contestants, competition venue, catering, etc.);
h) conclusions and suggestions for organising competitions in the future.

2. Promotion of competition:
a) content and assessment of the activities of advertising services (posters, coverage of competition in newspapers,
on the radio and TV, information for spectators at the competition venue, etc.);
b) number of spectators attending competitions.

3. Contestants (Mandate Commission data):

a) how many contestants admitted;
b) how many contestants took part, including by weight category and country;
c) correlation of contestants by continent;
d) distribution of team places and medals by country and continent;
e) number of cases involving the dismissal of contestants based on a doctors conclusion or injury level.

4. Officiating:
a) members of the officiating board (indicating the officiating category of each official and the duties they perform);
b) assessment of the officiating overall and of each official personally, noting the best officials;
c) number and assessment of protests filed and which ones were satisfied or denied;
d) specific proposals on changes and clarifications to the Rules, etc.

5. The following must be attached to the report:

a) Regulation on Competitions;
b) team applications for participation;
c) materials from the Mandate Commission and contestant applications;
d) weigh-in reports;
e) competition progress reports (two copies);
f) fight and team match reports;
g) minutes of all meetings by the officiating board;
h) protests and the corresponding decisions;
i) competition venue acceptance statement;
j) competition doctors report,
k) summary report on assessment of work by officials.

Chief Referee _____________________________________ /___________________________/

Appendix 12
A Arbiter, B side referee, R Mat Chairman
No. Gesture Made by Description of gesture
Stands facing the officials' table and symmetrically to the athletes. When
introducing a contestant, extends arm in the contestants direction with
the shirt sleeve of the corresponding colour. Then raises outstretched
Presentation of
1 A arms to the shoulder level simultaneously (edges of the palms down) in
each direction towards the respective athlete. Brings his hands together
at the shoulder level, directing the contestants to the middle of the mat
and walking to the same place together with the athletes.
Blows the whistle at the start of the fight (or resumption from the centre).
At the same time, energetically moves his arm bent at the elbow up and
2 Start of fight down between the athletes over the centre of the mat (to a horizontal
position of the forearm). Then steps back and take a place that is
convenient to observe the actions of the athletes.
Raises up a straight arm with the sleeve of the corresponding colour with
3 Total victory A, B, R
the open palm forward.
Raises up his arm bent at the elbow with the sleeve of the corresponding
4 Four points A, B, R colour showing four fingers (thumb pressed to the palm) and turning the
palm from left to right.
Raises up his arm bent at the elbow with the sleeve of the corresponding
5 Two points A, B, R
colour showing the thumb and index finger.
Raises up his arm bent at the elbow with the sleeve of the corresponding
6 One point A, B, R
colour showing only the thumb.
At the start of a Hold-down along with announcing: Count Hold-down!
stretches out his arm with palm face down. The shirt sleeve shall
correspond to the uniform colour of the athlete performing the pinning
7 Hold-down hold. If the pinning hold is fully completed (after the words: Hold-down
counted!) or the pinned athlete gets out of the pinning hold (after the
words Out!), the referee shall lower his hand and give an assessment
of the hold with the appropriate gesture.
At the start of a painful holds along with announcing: Count painful hold
time! stretches out his arm with palm in a fist. The shirt sleeve shall
8 Painful hold
correspond to the uniform colour of the athlete performing the painful
9 Hold-down not counted A, B Makes 2-3 movements of the hand (open palm down) horizontally.
Raises hand closest to the mat edge straight towards shoulder level.
10 Off mat position Then blows the whistle and displays straight arm towards the middle of
the mat. The fight shall resume in the centre.
Blows the whistle after which he raises both arms bent at the elbows with
Moving from lying to
11 palms open towards each other. At the same time, the forearms must be
standing position
left vertically.
Raises arms to chest level and grabs wrist on one arm with other hand
12 Prohibited hold A, B
after which he gestures the violation.
Appendix 12 continued

Stands facing the officials' table at the centre of the mat, places the hand
with the sleeve of the corresponding colour on the shoulder of the athlete
14 Caution who violated the Rules and shows the caution sign with the other hand
thumb and index fingers in a circle with the other fingers remaining
Stands facing the officials' table at the centre of the mat, places the hand
with the sleeve of the corresponding colour on the shoulder of the athlete
15 Warning
who violated the Rules and shows the assessment corresponding to the
warning with the other hand.
Holding the forearm with one hand at face level with a horizontal open
16 Stop time palm down, presses the fingers of the other open vertical palm down to
the middle of this palm with the edge forward.
Puts forearms in a warning cross. Both palms with the edges facing
17 End of fight A, R
18 Step up combat Rotates forearms bent at the elbow in front of chest.
Raises up an arm bent at the elbow with an open palm forward and
19 Require attention B
makes 2-3 vertical movements with the wrist.
Using the arm with the sleeve of the corresponding colour points towards
20 Require warning A, B, R the corner of the mat assigned to the athlete that violated the Rules, and
shows the assessment corresponding to the warning with the other hand.
Blows the whistle after which points to the mat corners with straight arms
21 Athletes to their corners
(open palms down).
Stands in the middle of the mat facing the officials table having taken the
athletes by the wrists (the colour of the referees sleeves corresponds to
the colour of the athletes uniform). When the Mat Chairman announces
Announcement of the winner, the Arbiter shall raise the winners hand. Then the Arbiter and
winner athletes turn in a circle and the Arbiter once again raises the winners
arm (the colour of the referees sleeves does not correspond to the
colour of the athletes uniform). After this the athletes exchange
handshakes and leave the mat.
Announcement of Same initial position. When the Mat Chairman announces the result of
23 dismissal of both the fight, the Arbiter holds the athletes by the arms and does not raise
athletes (0:0) them. Everything else is the same as when announcing the winner.
Appendix 13

on Sambo fights
_______ ___________________20___

Mat ___________ Round _____________ Weight _________ kg

No Total Fight Fight

Name Country Assessment by minutes Officials
. points result time
Mat Chairman
1 Arbiter
Side referee
Mat Chairman
2 Arbiter
Side referee
Mat Chairman
Side referee

Chief Referee ____________________________ /___________________________/

Chief Secretary __________________________ /___________________________/
Mat Chairman ________________________ /___________________________/
Technical Secretary ______________________ /___________________________/
Appendix 14

of qualifying points accrued
Classification points
N Fight result
winner loser
1 Total victory (ahead of time):
a) Total throw;
b) Painful hold;
c) By decisive superiority (difference in 8 points or more);
4 0
d) When its impossible to continue the fight (refusal,
injury, time for medical assistance expired);
e) Contestants disqualification due to the violation of the
2 Victory by points (1-7 points superiority)

a) If the loser has technical points; 3 1

b) If the loser hasnt technical points 3 0

3 Minimal advantage (under the equal number of points)

a) by the number of technical points
b) by the quality of technical points; 2 0
c) by the last technical evaluation;
d) by the last evaluation declared to the opponent.
4 Elimination of both contestants for passivity or
disqualification of both contestants for breaking the Rules (ahead
of time!) 0 0
In case of contestants elimination from the competitions by
the doctors
Appendix 15

on medical services at the competition
1. Type of sport Sambo.
2. Name of competition _______________________________
3. Number of days ________from _________to ____________20_______
4. Venue ___________________________
5. Surname, name, category of Competition Doctor _________________
6. Meteorological, sanitary and hygienic conditions of the competition
7. Number of participants ____ including: men ________ women________
8. Results of examination of medical documentation
9. Brief description of the competition venue as well as accommodation and catering for the contestants
10. Organisation of medical services at the competition venues and accommodation of contestants (availability of
medical stations, transport vehicles)
11. Illness and injury (causes, nature, aid provided)
12. Number of contestants dismissed from the competition (personally) with indication of the reasons:
13. Flaws in the competition
14. Suggestions made by the doctor and their implementation by the officiating board and team representatives
15. Name, profession and workplace of medical personnel servicing the competition

Competition Doctor ________________________ /___________________________/

_________ _________________ 20_______

Appendix 16


(dimensions given in metres)

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