Defense of Research Proposal: Evaluation: Note: Excellent: 5 Very Good: 4 Good: 3 Fair: 2
Defense of Research Proposal: Evaluation: Note: Excellent: 5 Very Good: 4 Good: 3 Fair: 2
Defense of Research Proposal: Evaluation: Note: Excellent: 5 Very Good: 4 Good: 3 Fair: 2
Subject Date
Research Title
1. 20
(Background information, problem statements, aims/objectives)
Literature Review
2. (Relevant literatures, reasonable review parameter, recent 20
development, organization of issues etc.)
Research Methodology
3. 20
(Description of method, experimental design, etc.)
Feasibility of Study and Preliminary Results
4. (in terms of scope, time, resources & practicality; observation to 20
date, presentation statistical analysis, graphs, tables, etc)
Overall Performance
5. 20
(Presentation skills, shows confidence during Q&A session, etc.)
(Note: The marks are as guidance for examiner to make the overall decision)
(Tick the appropriate box) With minor amendments/ (less than 50 marks)
comments to improve the
objectives, problem statement,
work plan of research, etc.
Written comments must be provided if decision is either one of these two categories.
Comments for candidates reference/improvement:
Signature of Examiner : ______________________