Rsms - Package - 2007 Wss M99p999-A1

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2007 Restricted Substance Management Standard

1. Cover Letter

2. Reporting Requirements

3. Reporting Guidelines & Contacts

4. FAQ's

5. 2007 Restricted Substance Management Standard

Table 1 Substances

Appendix 1 Definitions

Appendix 2 Contacts

Appendix 3 Reporting Matrix

Attachment 1 Non Production Reporting Form

6. RSMS 2007-2010 Substance Prohibition Updates

Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company One American Road
Dearborn, MI 48126-2798

March 2, 2007
To: All Suppliers Doing Business with Ford Motor Company
Subject: 2007 Restricted Substance Management Standard (RSMS) Reporting Update
This letter communicates the release of the 2007 RSMS reporting obligations. Submission of
data is required to support Vehicle Programs' timing deadlines for all Ford Motor Company
internal and external suppliers.
Compliance with RSMS is consistent with Ford Motor Company's commitment to environmental
responsibility and conformance to governmental regulations in the US and around the globe. As
regulatory implementation dates mature from "guidelines" to mandatory, full compliance is a
requirement and a key element of Q1, PPAP/PSW and Program Engineering Sign-off events.
The overall process of materials reporting and certification in 2007 includes the following
enhancements and recommendations:

Leveraging Ford best practices, helping our suppliers to prioritize their workload, all parts
that should be reported in the International Material Data System (IMDS) will continue to
be posted on the Global Materials Integration Reporting (GMIR) system Supplier Portal in Directions for accessing the system are included in attachments to
this letter, along with help topics formatted as "Frequently Asked Questions." These
attachments should be cascaded to the appropriate functions and are also available on the
Supplier Portal.
Internal Ford practices are being strengthened to facilitate the up-front design of
components free of restricted substances. At the same time, part manufacturers must
confirm design execution by complying with IMDS reporting requirements. In 2007, Ford
expects that suppliers will provide initial part submission early in the product development
cycle and supplemental detail later, concurrent with final part approval. This practice will
help to resolve potential non-compliance issues earlier in the design process.
To be consistent with the Production Parts Approval Process (PPAP) 4.0 version, Ford
requires suppliers to provide IMDS submission/RSMS compliance evidence as part of the
PPAP submission. How to obtain PPAP evidence is explained in the Attachment.
Each Ford Powertrain Operations (PTO) equipment supplier must submit a statement
indicating that it no longer uses hexavalent chromium or has a plan to achieve compliance
approved by Ford Motor Company by May 31, 2007. Not meeting this deadline will result
in that suppliers being removed from future business consideration by PTO. PTO
equipment suppliers are to send their compliance plans to Mark Panetta, or contact at 734 377-4509, and the completed RSMS Attachment 1
to Everett Rezendes or contact at 313-805-4887.

Action Required:

Ensure your company has access to the Ford Supplier Portal.

Confirm receipt of this communication and obtain parts lists for reporting (Instructions
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CY 2007 Restricted Substance Management Standard Reporting Requirements
and Guidelines

CY 2007 RSMS Reporting

These requirements should be viewed as the minimum expectations and will be used as
metrics for the reporting process. Material data submissions should begin immediately to sup-
port vehicle program timing and continue to the reporting deadlines. All the significant changes
will be highlighted in bold.

For the reporting of dimensional materials (hard parts) --- production and service parts, Ford
Motor Company subscribes to the Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL).

Suppliers are required to meet the following reporting deadlines for production and ser-
vice parts consistent with the Global Production Development System(GPDS) Under-
body/Upperbody phasing logic:
Current production and service parts (parts considered carryover to the new
program) should have already been reported in IMDS. If not, or if an update is
required (see below), they must be reported immediately. Carryover UN parts
are expected to be 100% reported for a new program to support M1DJ (M1 Data
Judgement); carryover UP parts, for FDJ (Final Data Judgement).
New UN Parts for a new Program must be initially reported in IMDS-
International Material Data System (100% materials, type and weight of all ma-
terials, and known GADSL substances in the parts) starting at GPDS UNV2
gateway (Under-body Verification 2) when the Program's M1 Bill of Materials
(BOM) is generated, and finishing at <M1DJ> gateway (or equivalent gateways
for programs using other Production Development Systems, e.g. Ford Produc-
tion Development System (FPDS)).
New UP Parts for a new Program must be initially reported in IMDS-
International Material Data System (100% materials, type and weight of all ma-
terials, and known GADSL substances in the parts) starting at GPDS UPV2
gateway (Upper-body Verification 2) when the Program's VP Bill of Materials
(BOM) is generated, and finishing one month prior to <FDJ> gateway.
All New Parts for new programs must be fully reported in IMDS (initial report
data plus all GADSL listed substances, parts marking, and recycled content)
and fully compliant with this Standard one month prior to the GPDS <PEC>
(Preliminary Engineering Completion) gateway (or equivalent gateway for pro-
grams using other Production Development Systems, e.g., FPDS).
Services parts not common with production parts and unique service parts
must be reported between <PEC> 8 months and <LR> 5 months before Job #1
In addition, service unique parts not common with production parts and Past
Model service parts, not previously reported as a production part per the as-
signed Engineering number, are also required to be reported.
All the parts/materials that need to be reported will be posted in the Ford
Global Material Integration and Reporting (GMIR) Supplier Portal (See Appen-
dix). Mazda Motor Corporation will have their own ways of communicating part
lists to their suppliers.
A part must be reported to every brand that uses the part on their individual
part number, i.e., a part used by FMC and VCC should be reported to FMC on
the FMC part number and to VCC on the VCC part number.
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For every reportable part, suppliers are ultimately required to report:

All GADSL listed substances (identity and percent by weight of listed

GADSL substances)
100% materials, type and weight of all materials, e.g., a part weighing 3
kg, made of 2 materials, 1.0 kg polypropylene, 2.0 kg polyethylene.
The difference between the reported weight in IMDS ("Measured weight
per item") and the physical weight of the part must be within the fol-
lowing tolerances:
0 - 99 g +/- 20%
100 - 999 g +/- 5%
1.0 - 9.99 kg +/- 2%
10 - 99.99 kg +/- 1%
> 100 kg +/- 0.5%

The difference between "Measured weight per item" and the "Calcu-
lated weight per item" (see IMDS MDS top node) has to be below 2%."
Polymeric parts marking status (Yes/No/Not Applicable) appropriately
(per ISO11469/1043/1629)
Percentage of recycled content in polymeric materials

An update of existing IMDS data is required if there is:

>+/- 10% change in end item part mass or more than 50 grams change
New material
>+/- 10% change in mass of a material or more than 50 grams change
New GADSL listed substance added to a material
>+/- 10% change in mass of an already reported GADSL substance, or if
a change in mass causes a threshold requirement to be crossed
Any change in mass (increase or decrease) of ELV metals (Lead, Mer-
cury, Cadmium and Hexavalent Chromium), exempt and non-exempt
Changes in Polymeric parts marking
Changes in Recycled content above 10% or more than 50 grams

(Please see FAQ for details on criteria)

Suppliers of hard parts (Production and Service) must certify compliance to this standard
using the Ford certification page in IMDS before December 31, 2007. It is the supplier's
responsibility to assure that the person certifying is of the appropriate authority for the
supplying company. The appropriate user must have a "Certifier" profile set up in their
IMDS account. The suppliers' "IMDS Client Managers" assign this profile.

Ford Asia-Pacific emerging country suppliers need to start reporting/certifying in IMDS once
your parts have been released in Ford Worldwide Engineering Release System (WERS)
following the same requirements and guidelines in this document. Mazda Motor Corporation will
have detailed instructions on how to report and certify in IMDS for Mazda products.

Meeting RSMS and its reporting requirements continues to be a requirement of the

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) and part of the Manufacturing Site
Assessment, a key element of the Q1 requirements. In order to provide evidence of RSMS
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compliance for PPAP submission, suppliers need to log into the GMIR Supplier Portal
application on the FSP (Covisint), go to the "Total Parts Submitted via IMDS" report and
print the screens for parts requiring a PPAP submission. For information on obtaining
access to the GMIR Supplier Portal application, see the section titled "Steps to Access
the GMIR Supplier Portal/GMAP e1291 Applications (Covisint)". For certain emerging
market regions, suppliers may not have access to GMIR/IMDS. In these cases, a similar
form will be made available to suppliers via the Ford Supplier Portal to manually enter
the appropriate information showing RSMS compliance for PPAP submission.

Suppliers of facility equipment and tooling (e g., conveyers, and presses) must use the Supplier
Restricted Substance Information Reporting Form (Attachment 1 of the RSMS) to report.

Ford Powertrain Operations (PTO) equipment suppliers must submit a statement indicating they
no longer use hexavalent chrome, or have a plan to achieve compliance approved by Ford
Motor Company by April 30, 2007. Not meeting this deadline will result those Suppliers being
removed from future business consideration within PTO. PTO equipment suppliers are to send
their compliance plans to Mark Panetta, or at 734 377-4509, and the com-
pleted RSMS Attachment 1 to Everett Rezendes or at 313-805-4887.

Suppliers must report non-dimensional materials and hazardous articles (e.g., dry friction mate-
rials) through the GMAP e1291 process following the requirements in GMAP e1291. Suppliers
as distributors must cascade the RSMS requirements to your manufacturers and facilitate the
manufacturers to comply with RSMS. For information on access to GMAP e1291, see attachment.

For suppliers who have both non-dimensional materials/hazardous articles and dimensional
materials (hard parts), they have to report using both IMDS for hard parts and GMAP e1291 for
non-dimensional materials and hazardous articles. By 12/31/2007, they must certify their com-
pliance to RSMS in both IMDS and GMAP e1291 systems following on-line instruction.

Non-dimensional materials such as greases, lubricants, rust preventives, as well as paints,

adhesives and sealants, etc., contained in or on dimensional hard parts are required to be
reported in IMDS. They need to be reported IN THEIR FINAL (CURED) STATE. Ford Toxi-
cology numbers and Ford Material Specification numbers for those materials should also be
reported in IMDS Norm/Standard field if they are available. Also, some "hazardous articles"
are required to be reported via both processes.

Non-dimensional materials with weight information listed in the BOMs are treated as regular
hard parts and the datasheets should be sent to Ford (IMDS ID = 102). Semi-component and
raw materials as End-Item Parts that don't have weight information should be reported to Ford
PTO (FPTO is the search criteria in IMDS) accounts depending on which brands you supply to,
e.g., send raw material and semi-component to Jag/Land Rover PTO if your materials/parts will
be supplied to Jaguar/Land Rover. VCC wants all parts to be sent to Volvo Car Corporation
(IMDS ID 106). South America requires that non dimensional materials listed on GMIR be sent
to ID=102 as components and to FPTO as materials.

A Datasheet describing parts or materials for current or future production must not be
blocked in its Recipient data section so that Ford's further referencing usage is inhibited.
If forwarding was originally not allowed the supplier is asked to send a new datasheet
version including the wanted amendment.
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Suppliers of non-dimensional materials and hazardous articles, which are not included within
Dimensional Products (hard parts) in the vehicles, are required to report using GMAP e1291
process (This does not apply to VCC/Mazda products). Non-dimensional production materials
for which full disclosure of ingredients has been supplied to Ford Toxicology/EQO Office do not
require additional reporting in IMDS. All non-dimensional production material suppliers must
certify compliance to RSMS in GMAP-e1291 ( no later than December
31, 2007 following on-line instruction.

An update of existing GMAP-e1291 data is required if there are changes in:

Formulation and/or weight percent of RSMS listed substances.

Internal Communication Requirements within Tier 1 Supplier Company:

Please cascade this document package to the department heads pertinent to your organization.
Departments may include but are not limited to:
Product Development Health, Safety and Toxicology
Manufacturing Information Technology
Purchasing Quality Manager
Materials Engineering Sales
Environmental/ Regulation Ford Account Manager/Business Unit

Both Corporate level and manufacturing site level reporting and certification are allowed. By
certifying, the supplier is taking the responsibility that their parts/materials comply with the latest
issue of the RSMS.

Cascade of CY 2007 RSMS Reporting Requirements to Sub-tier Suppliers:

It is the responsibility of Tier 1 suppliers to cascade this standard and all its requirements,
including the reporting requirements, to all of your sub-tier suppliers.

Sub-tier supplier data input is a must for complete material data collection. To review the
complete communication package, logon to Covisint at:, click on "Ford
Supplier Portal" (FSP), and then click on "CY2007 RSMS Communication Package" found
under "Important Documents" then open the "CY2007 RSMS zip" file.

Suppliers that have not migrated to the "Ford Supplier Portal" should do so immediately, using once in the "logon screen" click on "membership" then click "help" and
complete the enrollment form for registration.

All Ford Motor Company dimensional materials (hard parts) Tier 1 suppliers must use the
IMDS system as follows:

Suppliers access the GMIR Supplier Portal: to check all the parts
that need to be reported in IMDS and report the exact part numbers in the Portal in
IMDS. This will help to match OEM Bills of Materials (BOM) and eliminate non-value
added work, and will resolve some consignment parts and colored parts issues. If you
have any dispute for the parts listed in your Portal, please contact the Program contacts
in GMIR Portal for the program or Ford IMDS/Launch coordinator. However, not all Ford
brands' parts are in the GMIR Supplier Portal, Mazda have their own ways to communi-
cate the parts you need to report. For Service parts, suppliers need to access:

For the parts that are not in the GMIR Supplier Portal list, suppliers do not need to
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report in IMDS unless they are required specifically by Program or Purchasing
STA for PPAP purpose. Suppliers' annual RSMS certifications will ensure that
these unreported parts comply with RSMS. The RSMS certification can be done in
IMDS either at Parent level (for all the parts from your whole company) or at the
site level (for the parts supplied by your site only).

Input your supplier information (telephone, e-mail addresses, etc.) in the IMDS "supplier
information" screen.

When a data sheet is sent/proposed to Ford Motor Company in IMDS you will need to
select the appropriate brand as the recipient i.e. Ford (including Lincoln/Mercury),
Jaguar, Aston Martin, Mazda, Volvo or Land Rover. Suppliers can use their 4-digit
GSDB parent code to report for the whole company or use their 5-digit GSDB site code
for their site level reporting when submitting data. If suppliers are unaware of their
GSDB code, they should contact their finance people or buyer at OEM Purchasing, or
ask for help from Ford IMDS help/Launch Coordinator. However, suppliers reporting for
site level information will also require their 4-digit GSDB parent code for validation pur-

For service part details of assemblies, suppliers should report the sub-components (ser-
vice parts) first into IMDS with their engineering part numbers; subsequently, suppliers
can report the end-item assembly with its engineering part number, and reference the
sub-components (service parts) that they have already reported into IMDS.

Input the Ford Motor Company material specification numbers (if you use Ford specifica-
tions) and Toxicology numbers (for any non-dimensional chemicals included in your hard
parts, e.g., fluids, greases, etc., that have been cleared by the Ford Toxicology Office
and Environmental Quality Office) in the IMDS reporting screens. If you are using indus-
trial standards or your own standards, input the standard's information in the IMDS re-
porting screens.

Consignment (bailed) parts. If suppliers have both Ford end-item part number (via a bail-
ment or consignment agreement) and your customer (Ford Tier one supplier) part num-
ber for the bailed part, you need to use "Propose" in IMDS to send the part data sheet to
both Ford and your customers. If you don't have Ford end-item part numbers, you need
to send directly to your customers (Ford Tier 1 suppliers) in IMDS.

These guidelines are applicable to Ford Motor Company only. Ford will accept material
data sheets created following IMDS recommendations.

Component / Material / Basic substance content disclosure and hierarchical structure

The necessary information required in IMDS needs to be presented in a hierarchical structure. This can
easily be done by building tree structured Material Data Sheets, comprising of:
Component (Part or Assembly) REQUIRED
Sub-component(s) (component parts) OPTIONAL
Semi- (finished) component OPTIONAL
Material(s) - REQUIRED
Basic Substance(s) Global Automotive Declarable Sub-
stance List (GADSL) substances are REQUIRED
Basic Substance(s) Remaining substances are OPTIONAL
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Basic Substance(s) - MISC. (TO BRING TOTAL TO 100%)

Every component must have at least one material (or one component/sub-component with one
material) associated with it. Total materials weight under the components (whether attached to a sub-
component or not) has to be equal to the total component weight.
Sub-component -This is a component added under the structure of a top-level component. The
attributes are the same as for a component. When used, this must have at least one material associ-
ated with it. The total material weight under the sub component has to be equal total sub-component
Semi- (finished) component -This is not the same thing as a sub-component within a part. The
definition of a semi- (finished) component is an object with physical properties that will NOT be used in
the final product without further improvement, i.e. leather that needs to be cut and sown into uphol-
stery or the base for a cogwheel that needs further machining. There must always be at least one ma-
terial associated to a semi- (finished) component.

Material - 100% of the materials in your products need to be declared.

Basic substances should only be associated with a material (basic substances should not be
attached directly to components or sub-component/semi components).
The sum of the material weight defines the total part/assembly weight.
Surface treatments, such as chromate passivations, should be entered as a material (attached
to a semi-finished component).
The material classification field must be filled in. (Ford Motor Company uses this field to cal-
culate recyclability). The use of the undefined classification must be avoided.
Basic Substance(s) GADSL listed substances have to be disclosed.
Must be entered in the form as they exist in the material (i.e. elemental breakdown for poly-
mers C, H, N, O etc., is NOT acceptable).
A material needs to have 100% (total weight) basic substances associated to it, before it can
be released.
Misc. may be used to describe the remainder of the substances other than the GADSL
listed substances to achieve 100% (total weight). Search code is "Misc".
Basic Substance disclosure requirements may increase in the future, data sheets with the
minimum level of information may need revisiting in the future. Thus, Ford recommends that
suppliers report their parts following IMDS recommendations published in IMDS
Recommendation page.
For any substances on the GADSL list, the supplier must know the reason the substance is
used. When sending the MDS to Ford, IMDS will require the selection of an APPLICATION ID
for each substance on the GADSL list.

Publishing Material Data Sheet (MDS)

MDSs that are published are available for all OEMs and suppliers to view.
Publishing MDSs should ideally be used for suppliers to share Material information (not
component information i.e. standard materials metals / polymers / adhesives / paints etc.)
that are used by one or more suppliers, and contain no commercially sensitive information.
1st tier suppliers should send a 1st tier part description to Ford Motor Company. Do not
publish the MDS. As Ford downloads only all of their own MDSs from IMDS, the published
ones will not be included.

Sending MDSs
This function is used to send an MDS to a single recipient only.
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The recipient is specified and can either be another supplier or an OEM.

Proposing MDSs
This function is used to send an MDS to several recipients.
The recipients are specified and can either be another supplier or an OEM.
General Guidelines (summarized in table below)
Field Requirement Comment
Description Part names
Material Name Polymer material to ISO 1043
Should be descriptive and not ge-
neric, e.g. Spring Steel Wire A DIN
17223 not Steel
Trade Name Insert Trade Name here When applicable
Material No. The number that specifically identifies
the material within the Norm. (e.g.
301S26 a grade of Stainless Steel de-
fined in BS 2056, 1.5510 a grade of
Steel defined in DIN 1654-4).
Symbol Following ISO 1043/ISO 1629 require- Must be inserted for
ments to enter the appropriate symbols polymeric parts
Classification e.g. steels / thermoplastics Must be filled in
50 + material classifications. used in recyclability
Choose the most applicable. calculations.
Norms / Standards Industry Norms may be added here
In-house norms OEMs in-house Norms and standards
may be referenced here, Ford Toxicol-
ogy numbers, Ford spec numbers may
be entered here.
Supplier Material supplier
Restricted Substances All GADSL listed substances must be For PVC (material),
reported in Basic Substances field. The chloroethylene
supplier must know the reason the sub- polymer is the basic
stance is used. When sending the mate- substance. See
rial to Ford, IMDS will require the selec- Ford Frequently
tion of an APPLICATION ID for each Asked Questions for
substance on the GADSL. Application ID.
Jokers Jokers are used to fill up a material to A Joker is a sub-
100% disclosure (e.g. "Misc."). Jokers stance in IMDS that
must not be used to hide substances in has no substance
the GADSL list. A Joker should be information attached
treated as a substance and always be to it.
attached to a material.
Flat Bill of Materials (see Still require material content of major
Frequently Asked Questions) constituents (e.g. housings / polymer
coated wires / circuit board material)

Field Requirement Comment

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Recyclate Information Questions 1-4 concern the recycled
Previously called "Secu- content of the part and are mandatory.
rity/Environment" Questions 1-4 ask for the content of
(Chapter 2 in IMDS) recycled material in the part, NOT the
recyclability of the part.
1. Amount of contained recyclate as
What is stated on the drawing or the
documentation of the part?
2. Amount of contained recyclate as
What is the actual content of recycled
material in the part?
3. Amount of contained recyclate post-
industrial recyclate?
How much of the recycled content is from
postindustrial waste (per part weight).
4. Amount of contained recyclate - post
consumer recyclate?
How much of the recycled content is from
post consumer waste (per part weight)
Part number The Ford End-Item part numbers, or Must be entered as
Land Rover, Aston Martin, Volvo, Mazda in the GMIR Portal
unique part numbers. All prefix, base and part list.
suffix should be entered, " * " and "wild-
cards" are not allowed. Input "-" in be-
tween prefix, base and suffix.

For service parts, please enter the engi- If the non-WERS

neering part number as follows: origin engineering
For all non-WERS origin-engineer- part number con-
ing parts, input with the engineering tains special char-
part number packed without delimit- acters (i.e., "-" or
ers or spaces (e.g., EA0332603D or ".", etc.), enter them
E9WB17K831BAZJAE). in their appropriate
For all WERS origin-engineering parts, location within the
use the delimited prefix, base and suffix packed number.
separated with hyphens (i.e., 6 character
prefix-8 character base-8 character suf-
fix) (e.g., 1F53-3K183-BA or -E800878-
Measured Weight The actual weight of the component, as Must be inserted
measured by the supplier.
Calculated weight The total weight of the material under the Must equal the
component Measured weight
within the specified
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Ford Motor Company IMDS contact information

Ford North America:

Bing Xu e-mail:
Everett Rezendes e-mail:

Ford Europe:
Dr. Carl-Ludwig Voss e-mail:

Jaguar/Land Rover:
Matt Griffin e-mail:

James Lundstrm e-mail:
Katarina Sundqvist e-mail:

Ford South American Operations:

Lucia Rama e-mail:

Ford Asia Pacific Operations:

Natalie Wu e-mail:
Ashley Walsh e-mail:

Tsuyoshi Nishijima e-mail:

Aston Martin:
Mustafa Mustafa e-mail:

How to Access The International Material Data System

IMDS can be accessed through: There you can click on 'contact' to
get the IMDS service center telephone number and email address, which are currently:
IMDS help desk Europe:
+49 (0) 421 52 56 666 (GMT + 1 Time Zone: Germany 8am-4: 30 pm)
IMDS help desk North America
1 (248) 267 3460
IMDS help desk Japan
+81 3 3797 4212 (GMT+9 9 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. JST)

To register for an IMDS account, please go to, and click on "public IMDS
pages". Then click on "Contact" and "Online Registration". Then follow the instructions. The
IMDS website also provides questions and answers, system requirements, contact information,
etc. Classroom IMDS training can be requested using the web page.

Contacts: Ford launch coordinator/help desk

Ford RSMS Project Launch Coordinator: 1 (313) 32-20455, or
Ford RSMS Help Desk: 1 (313) 32-23717, or
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Steps to Access the GMIR Supplier Portal/GMAP e1291 Applications (Covisint)

Covisint hosts the Ford Supplier Portal (FSP) for Ford Motor Company. FSP works as the
gateway between suppliers and internally hosted Ford applications. Companies must regis-
ter and be approved in Covisint, in order to access Ford applications on the FSP.

Technical Requirements
IE 5.0 or higher


To access this web application, you must have:

1. A Covisint User ID and Password

2. Permission to the Ford Supplier Portal Service.

3. Access to the GMIR Supplier Portal and/or GMAP e1291 application(s).

4. Permissions to the applicable parent GSDB code/site GSDB code(s).

If you do not have a Covisint ID and password, please follow steps 1 7 below.
If you have a Covisint ID and password, please follow steps 4 7 below.

1. A supplier accessing the GMIR Supplier Portal application must be a member of the
Ford Motor Company Global Supplier Database (GSDB). Please contact your internal
Ford sales representative for information on your company's GSDB code.

2. The supplier company must be registered in Covisint. Please contact the Covisint Help
Desk for more information. Global Covisint contact information is available from the
Help link at

3. The user must obtain a Covisint user ID and password. Please contact the Covisint
Help Desk for more information. Global Covisint contact information is available from
the Help link at

4. The supplier company must have access to the Ford Supplier Portal (FSP):
a. For instructions on registering a company on the FSP, go to and follow the "Register a company for FSP" link

5. The user must have access to the Ford Supplier Portal:

a. For instructions on registering a new user on the FSP, go to and follow the "Registering a new user for FSP" link.

6. The user must have access to the GMIR Supplier Portal and/or GMAP e1291 applica-
tion(s) on the FSP:
a. For instructions on requesting access to an application on the FSP, go to and follow the "How to request an application" link.
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* If you have any questions or concerns regarding obtaining access to the GMIR Supplier
Portal application/GMAP e1291 system on the Covisint website, please contact the
Covisint help desk. Global Covisint contact information is available from the Help link

7. To access the GMIR Supplier Portal and/or GMAP e1291 application(s) on the FSP:
a. Go to
b. Click on the Login link.
c. Enter the appropriate Covisint user ID and password.
d. Click the Login push button.
e. Click to select the Applications tab at the top of the screen.
f. In the Filter by text field, click the drop-down arrow and select Environmental
from the list.
g. Click the Go push button.
h. Under the GMIR Supplier Portal or GMAP e1291 option, click the Launch Ap-
plication push button.
i. For training on the GMIR Supplier Portal, click the Help button on the GMIR
Supplier Portal Home Page. For training on the GMAP e1291 system, please fol-
low the e1291 Quick Reference Guide link.

* To certify in the GMAP e1291 application, click the RSMS Certification (Non-
Dimensional Materials) link.

* To certify in IMDS, click the Certification link in IMDS at Please note that proper access will be needed in or-
der to access the Certification screen. Please contact your IMDS Client Manager
for assistance.

To check which GSDB codes you have been granted access to for this application, or to request
access to additional GSDB codes, follow these steps:
1. Login to Covisint.

2. In the left menu bar click "Administration Tools".

3. Click the "How do I request additional site codes" link.

2007 Ford RSMS FAQs FAQs p. 1 of 6

GMIR Supplier Portal

1. Outdated or obsolete part numbers are displaying on the GMIR Supplier Portal for
my company. How can I resolve these issues (who within the program team can help
to research and confirm these supplier claims)?
A: Contact your program team Design and Release engineers or the Ford Account
manager to update the parts in WERS release systems, then the new Bills of
Materials (BOM) will be updated, thus your GMIR portal part list will also be
updated accordingly.

2. Parts that do not belong to my company or site are displaying on the Parent
Level/Site Level Metrics screen in the GMIR Supplier Portal. How can I remove
these parts from my list?
A: These parts are assigned to you in our Purchasing Database System. Please contact
your Ford Buyer to correct the part sourcing listed in the Purchasing systems.

3. My part has been "Accepted with errors" what does this mean and what should I
A: This means that your parts are used in our vehicle calculations, but have significant
errors in them that must be corrected. Please see questions 4 and 5 also.

4. Why did my part generate error #4? I have researched the part ingredients screen
in IMDS and cannot identify the substance of concern that is causing this issue.
A: This error means that your part conflicts with the RSMS standard and could be
illegal! Please investigate immediately. Please make sure you selected the right
"Application Code" for the substance and check that the amounts of your
substances in the material/part do not exceed the violation threshold. Please study
RSMS table 1 and the "Ford Application Code Guidelines" in order to understand
the applications for each substance.

5. Why doesn't my part submission match to a BOM? What does not matched to
BOM mean? Is it possible that I submitted the wrong part number? Is further
action required by my company to fix these part submissions? My supplier report
card shows that most of my part submissions are unmatched to a BOM, how should
I resolve this issue?
A: This can be for several reasons your parts are service parts, your parts are in a
previous model year BOM, you are not the Tier 1 supplier for these parts. In order
to improve the matching, we ask every supplier to use GMIR Supplier Portal to
check which parts should be reported. If you reported parts that are not in the
GMIR Portal, you will most probably get an un-matched parts issue. You should
report whatever parts are in the GMIR Supplier Portal, and certify all the
remaining parts supplied by your company meet the requirements of the RSMS.
However, not all Ford brands' parts are in the GMIR Supplier Portal, Mazda has
their own ways to communicate the parts you need to report. Service parts please
see the FAQ #22.

6. I have researched my parent level/site level metrics on the GMIR Supplier Portal
and have found some inconsistencies regarding part status. I have reported some of
the parts in IMDS, but I am not given credit on the portal.
2007 Ford RSMS FAQs FAQs p. 2 of 6
A: Please ensure that your data was sent to the correct company (e.g. Ford Motor
Company Dearborn - IMDS Company ID 102, Land Rover IMDS ID 1472, Jaguar
IMDS ID 297, Aston Martin Lagonda IMDS ID 15095, Volvo IMDS ID 106 and
Mazda IMDS ID 3100), using the correct GSDB code. The GMIR Supplier Portal is
refreshed every 2 weeks, to match parts reported to BOMs. If you did send the data
correctly, please wait 2 weeks to enable the supplier portal data to be refreshed.

7. What do the # signs listed as site codes in the GMIR Supplier Portal represent?
How can I fix this issue?
A: When we receive a datasheet, we attempt to match the part number and supplier
code to Ford's Purchasing system in order to validate that the part is sourced to the
parent supplier code it was submitted under, and to find the supplier site level
codes. If a match cannot be found, the site code is defaulted to #####. Please contact
your Ford Buyer to update your data in the Ford Purchasing system.

8. In the GMIR Supplier Portal, my part number is mapped to the wrong site code.
How can I resolve this issue?
A: See FAQ answers for #1, # 5 and #6.

9. How do I obtain access to the GMIR Supplier Portal? Who is my company's

Corporate Security Administrator?
A: Please review the information available on the FSP using the following links: "How
to Request an Application" and "CSA Lookup" at

10. I no longer wish to receive the monthly status email from the GMIR Supplier
Portal. How do I change the contacts that will receive this email from Ford?
A: The person in your organization who receives the Ford's status report is up to you.
You can change your contact info in the confirmation screen in GMIR.

12. What are the criteria for me to updated previously reported parts in IMDS?
A: An update of existing IMDS data is required if, for End-Item Part, there is:
>+/- 10% change in end item part mass or more than 50 grams change
New material
>+/- 10% change in mass of a material or more than 50 grams change
New GADSL listed substance added to a material
>+/- 10% change in mass of an already reported GADSL substance, or if
a change in mass causes a threshold requirement to be crossed
Any change in mass (increase or decrease) of ELV metals (Lead,
Mercury, Cadmium and Hexavalent Chromium), exempt and non-
exempt applications
Changes in Polymeric parts marking
Changes in Recycled content above 10% or more than 50 grams
Change in Part Number. For FMC this means prefix, base, and first digit
of suffix, e.g., AB to BC. If second and beyond digits of the suffix are
changed with no other changes mentioned above, no need to resubmit.
2007 Ford RSMS FAQs FAQs p. 3 of 6
General FAQs
13 Can you explain the RSMS certification process in IMDS and GMAP e1291? If I
have submitted a certification for my parts, do I still need to provide individual part
A. By certifying to RSMS, suppliers are giving an assurance that their parts/materials
are in compliance with the substance prohibitions in this version of the Ford
Restricted Substance Management Standard (WSS-M99P9999-A1). Every
production and service part that is shown in the GMIR Supplier Portal and will be
going thru PPAP/PSW has to be reported in IMDS. For the parts which are not in
the GMIR Supplier Portal/Service Part List, and parts which need not to be
reported in IMDS, your RSMS Certification will ensure they are in compliance with
the substance prohibitions in this version of the RSMS.

You still need to submit the individual part data if the part number is listed in the
GMIR Supplier Portal, even you submitted the certification.

For non-dimensional production materials, suppliers need to access GMAP e1291 in to certify before 12/31/2007. Supplier needs to first confirm
and enter contact information and then can certify in the certification page. A list of
toxicology numbers of the materials the supplier supplied to Ford will be shown. If
the material is obsolete or no longer shipped to Ford, the supplier needs to comment
in the comment field. If the supplier has more materials supplied to Ford, but they
are not listed in the certification screen, the supplier needs to contact Ford engineers
to do Re-review for these missing materials in GMAP. This year, only Production
non-dimensional materials will be in scope, non-production and post production
non-dimensional materials will be included in the future. Please contact Ford RSMS
Help Desk: 1 (313) 32-23717, or .

14 How should I obtain the necessary data from my sub-suppliers? My sub-suppliers

will not comply with my requests for data?
A: You must cascade the same requirements, e.g., RSMS to your sub-suppliers and let
them understand this is required by laws/customers. Appropriate measures must be
taken if they cannot comply, since this will put you and Ford in non-compliant
position. If you are unable to resolve the issue, contact your STA Engineer and/or
buyer for further assistance.

15 I don't understand what I need to do in order to meet Ford requirements? Where

can I find the Ford documentation?
A: Ford has always published Ford's requirements/guidelines in IMDS Public page.
You can check details in IMDS Public Page, under NEWS, to check RSMS package
released by Ford.

16 Who should complete certification for my company? Am I the appropriate person

to complete this task?
A: The authorized personnel from your site or corporate office that understands Ford's
requirements and understands your company compliance status should certify on
behalf of your site or the whole company in IMDS.
2007 Ford RSMS FAQs FAQs p. 4 of 6
17 How do I obtain the necessary information on consignment parts that I ship to
A: Contact your Ford buyer to confirm your contractual responsibilities. However, if
the sub-tier suppliers have Ford end-item part numbers for the parts, you should
advise them to send the parts information to you and to Ford using "Propose"
function in IMDS. In cases where it is Ford's responsibility to provide data, please
contact Ford personnel in each brand/region listed in the Ford Reporting Guidelines
to get advice.

18 Who receives the notification email from Ford when a part fails a "Data Quality
Check" and is assigned an error? How can I change that contact person or add
myself as a contact?
A: Whoever submitted the data sheet in IMDS will get the emails. You cannot change
that contact person once the data sheets are sent out. If you want to receive
modifications, you have to send the data under your contact information.

19. What are the non-dimensional material reporting process/requirements?

A. Suppliers must report your non-dimensional production materials and
hazardous materials (e.g., dry friction material) through the GMAP e1291 process
following the requirements in GMAP e1291 before December 31, 2007. Certain
regions may not be able to use GMAP e1291 pending on the roll out of the process
and systems. All non-dimensional production material suppliers must certify
compliance to RSMS in GMAP-e1291 no later than December 31, 2007. Please
access RSMS non-dimensional material certification page through

20. If I am a manufacturer, and I send my materials to a distributor, and I don't have a

Ford GSDB code, what can I do?
A. Suppliers as distributors must cascade the RSMS requirements to your
manufacturers and facilitate the manufacturers to comply with RSMS.
Manufacturers, who produce MSDS for the production materials supplied to Ford,
must certify your compliance to RSMS in GMAP e1291 before 12/31/2007.
Manufacturers can apply for a special Ford GSDB code so that you can enter Ford
GMAP e1291 process.

21. What are the substance application codes and its associated process?
A. Application codes are a way for the supplier to tell Ford whether a particular
substance in Fords RSMS is used in a legal or prohibited application. For every
substance in the RSMS, Ford requires an appropriate application code. See the
Application ID Powerpoint Presentation for more details.

22. How can I know which service parts Ford wants us to report?
A. To find updated service parts lists, please visit (follow
the Purchase Order Information link). If you have trouble obtaining access to the
FCSD site and other questions, please contact Denise Garrison at
2007 Ford RSMS FAQs FAQs p. 5 of 6
23. I have a part with a substance on the RSMS Table 1 list, but it is not a Global
Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) substance. Do I still have to report
in IMDS?
A. Ford's RSMS list is the same as GADSL for hard parts IMDS reporting. However,
RSMS does also control non-production materials/substances which are beyond the
GADSL listed substances. Ford does not require suppliers to report substances that
are not in the GADSL list for IMDS reporting. However, Ford recommends that
suppliers follow the IMDS Recommendations for reporting. Ford will accept the
data sheets created by following IMDS recommendations.

24. If I add an in-process substance that converts to a GADSL substance in the

manufacturing process, is this considered "unintentionally added"?
A. No. It is considered intentionally added and must be reported or eliminated.

25. How far back do I need to report past model service parts-are parts prior to 2003
MY excluded?
A. Past Model Service Parts are those parts no longer used in production but still
produced for service. Section 4.1 of the 2007 RSMS provides the IMDS data
resubmission criteria of production/service parts based on new materials additions
to the 2007 RSMS.

Exemption status and reporting requirements for Service parts for vehicles built
before and after 1 July 2003 (2003MY) are specifically addressed in Sect. 4.4 of the

Because of pending and potential substance restriction regulatory legislation (i.e..

asbestos, mercury, etc.), FCSD will require IMDS RSMS certification for all (Even
ELV Exempted 2003MY and prior) past model parts, and those parts containing
current RSMS substances will require, 100% material and GADSL substance
reporting in IMDS.

Based on the above direction suppliers who submit IMDS data for past model
service parts vehicles built after 1 July 2003 will get a quality check error code # 4,
which they will just have to ignore for now. Not until a final EU ELV ruling on service
parts is issued, will Ford add the part and model yr application intelligence in GMIR to
allow ELV/RSMS Heavy metals in past model parts.

Knowing the uncertainties of service and deviated parts exemption timing, the following
statement was added to the GMIR error code # 4 Supplier e-mail notification to alleviate
supplier concerns.

"All parts must be in compliance with the current years RSMS with some exceptions
(FCSD Service Parts-Section 4.4 and deviations)"

Modification of parts to remove the RSMS substances of concern will be decided on

case by case basis, as directed by Ford Engineering. Suppliers are not authorized to
modify parts to remove RSMS substances without Ford Approval, and documenting
2007 Ford RSMS FAQs FAQs p. 6 of 6
the change via WERS or the Supplier Request for Engineering Approval (SREA)

26. Where do I get an Asia Pacific Program parts list on the GMIR Supplier Portal?
A. Select the RegionAsia Pacific, then you can see the Programs listed. In case you
have any question, please contact Mike Mazzella(

27. Why does the information in the "Supplier's Part Number" column differ from that
in the "Ford Part Number" column on the Site Level Metrics screen?
A. The supplier's part number may fuzzy match to the Ford Part Number. The
Ford/Jaguar/Land Rover fuzzy match algorithm will match part submissions to the
first character of the part suffix, with the exception of colored parts and parts that
do not have a prefix. Colored parts are defined as either containing a "W" as the
third or fourth character of the suffix or when the suffix is greater than four
characters in length. Please note that if there are multiple matches for the same
Brand/Part Number/Parent GSDB/Site GSDB, the latest submission received by
GMIR will be retrieved and may not necessarily be the highest suffix match. The
Mazda fuzzy match algorithm will match to the first nine characters of the part
base, with the exception of parts where the first character of the base is a "9".

Please note that Volvo and Aston Martin do not use a fuzzy matching algorithm and
rely on exact match part submissions only.

28. How do I furnish proof for the Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)
A. Suppliers should use the GMIR Supplier Portal Total Parts Submitted via IMDS
report to furnish proof of RSMS compliance for PPAP. For more information on
this report, see page 30 the GMIR Supplier Portal Manual. In order to access the
GMIR Supplier Portal Manual, users must log into the GMIR Supplier Portal
application and click the "Help" button that is located in the header.

29. Are there any special GMIR report printing instructions for the Production Part
Approval Process (PPAP)?
A. When printing the GMIR Supplier Portal Total Parts Submitted via IMDS report
for the PPAP submission package, make sure to repeat the header information of
the report (i.e., top 6 rows of the report) when there are multiple pages in the
worksheet. This will allow you to include in the PPAP submission packet, only the
page of the report containing the relevant part submission information. Refer to the
File/Page Setup menu options (Sheet tab) in Microsoft Excel to designate the rows to
repeat at the top of the spreadsheet. For more information on the Total Parts
Submitted via IMDS report, see page 30 of the GMIR Supplier Portal Manual. In
order to access the GMIR Supplier Portal Manual, users must log into the GMIR
Supplier Portal application and click the "Help" button that is located in the



The purpose of this Standard is to inform suppliers to Ford Motor Company, and Ford personnel, of
restrictions pertaining to certain substances. By regulation or by Ford direction, these substances shall be
restricted in or excluded from parts, materials, equipment, machinery and/or tooling, hereinafter referred to as
"product(s)", supplied to and/or manufactured by Ford or intended for use in Ford products. This Standard
supplements but does not supersede the responsibility of each supplier to comply with laws and regulations
for the receiving Ford location(s). It is the duty of all Suppliers of product to Ford to comply with this
Restricted Substance Management Standard.


All products supplied to Ford (all Brands, world-wide) must comply with the latest version of this Standard,
regardless of when they were originally approved.

This Standard replaces and supersedes specifications SK-M99P9999-A, WSS-M99P9999-A2,

WSS-M99P9999-A3, Jaguar Cars JAS.01.01.17, and Volvo Car Corporation Standard 1009, 1 ('Black List')
and 1009,11 ('Grey List'). When any of those numbers appear on other documents, the requirements of this
Standard apply. References to "Ford" within this document shall be understood to include Jaguar Cars,
Aston Martin Lagonda, Volvo Car Corporation, Land Rover, and Mazda Motor Corporation (Mazda - "for
production parts only").

This Standard is normally reissued (with or without revision) in the first quarter, of each calendar year.
The applicable version is the document with the current year shown in the revision box - page 1.

The 2007 RSMS reporting timing covers 2008 and forward model years (MY). The timing
requirements for prior model year production and service parts are covered by earlier versions of
RSMS. Items already reported which contain new substances listed in this revision need to be
resubmitted to include these new substances. Suppliers who have not complied with earlier
reporting requirements are expected to submit past due information immediately.


The primary intent of this Standard is to control restricted substances within formed articles. However, it
should be noted that all non-dimensional materials (e.g., chemicals) and "hazardous articles," which are
intrinsically hazardous, or which form or release hazardous substances during use, recycling or disposal
(e.g., "dry" friction materials, welding rods or wires, solders, heat resistant materials), are subject to separate
detailed evaluation and clearance by Ford Toxicology and the Environmental Quality Office (EQO) in addition
to the requirements of this Standard. A web-based tool (GMAP-e1291) has been launched in N. America
(other regions to follow) via the Covisint - Ford Supplier Portal to support this process This clearance must be completed prior to supply of product to
Ford. Details of any brand-specific direction and this process can be obtained by contacting the appropriate
regional Toxicology or Environmental Quality Office (EQO) (see Appendix 2). It is the duty of all Suppliers of
product to Ford to comply with this Restricted Substance Management Standard.

Date Action Revisions

2007 03 14 Activated 2007 changes are in highlighted in grey E. Rezendes

2006 02 08 Revised 2006 changes are highlighted in grey E. Rezendes

1984 01 11 Activated E. Rezendes

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Section 3.1 relates to general requirements affecting all product supplied to Ford. Individual
restricted substances are alphabetically listed, with the type of restriction indicated, in Table 1,
and are also referred to indirectly on a hazardous properties basis in 3.1.5.

3.1.1 Paragraph deleted. Refer to Section 4.

3.1.2 In addition to information required for compliance to this Standard, Supplier, upon
request, shall provide the composition (chemical identity of each constituent and its
proportion by weight) of products supplied or proposed to be supplied and all
data/guidance to the requesting Ford Toxicology and the Environmental Quality
Office. Prior to making any change to the composition or hazard labeling of
such products, the supplier shall advise the regional Ford Toxicology and
Environmental Quality office.

3.1.3 Supplier, upon request, shall disclose information for assessment of disposal or
effluent treatment if product constituents are anticipated to be released into AIR,
WATER OR SOIL, or require special declaration or control.

3.1.4 All products shall be supplied in compliance with the regulations on substance
PACKAGING AND LABELING which are in place in the Ford receiving location(s)
where the products are supplied.

3.1.5 Non-dimensional materials (e.g., chemicals) and "hazardous articles" that contain
substances which have been identified as having any CARCINOGENIC,
PROPERTIES (see Definitions, Appendix 1), shall not be supplied without prior
notification of these characteristics to Ford Motor Company. (e.g. via the GMAP-
e1291approval process, where applicable, at

3.1.6 Paragraph deleted, addressed in para 3.1.5.

3.1.7 Paragraph deleted addressed in Table 1

3.1.8 Products of or from ENDANGERED SPECIES must not be supplied to Ford Motor
Company in any form.

3.1.9 Suppliers of facility machinery, equipment and/or tooling (e g., conveyers, presses
etc), that contain any of the substances listed in Table 1 as "prohibited" or
"prohibited above the threshold concentration" must submit the Supplier Restricted
Substance Information Reporting Form (Attachment 1) and conform to section 4.5.1
prior to shipment to Ford.

3.1.10 Suppliers shall not supply products containing substances that will, in use,
adversely affect the vehicle interior with respect to human health including
allergenic reactions without notification and acknowledgement from the appropriate
Ford Motor Company's Materials Engineering & Testing Department.

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3.1.11 Radioactivity contamination should meet "Unconditional Use Clearance Level"

requirements consistent with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the
Commission of European Communities (CEC) standards for individual radionuclides IAEA-
TECDOC-855 (1996) & Safety Series RS-G-1.7 (2004).

Note: Radioactive sources or devices used in manufacturing processes are exempted.

For example, the sources may include process control and production
applications such as density, level, thickness, moisture, back-scatter gauges;
locators, coating measurement, radiographic installation, air ionizers, electron
beam welders, tool failure detection, and radiation cure installations.

For additional radiation protection information see document Radiation Protection 122
(2000 and 2002, respectively).

3.1.12 All timber products must be sourced from forests that comply with one of the following

Certified under the "Forest Stewardship Council' or the "Programme for the Endorsement
of Forest Certification Schemes" or

Declared as sourced from plantation or recycled timber or Licensed under the FLEGT
system (EU Action Plan for "Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade)

3.1.13 Re-use is prohibited for those parts (e.g., air bags, seats, inflators, etc.) listed in Annex V
of the European Directive 2005/64/EC in the construction of vehicles covered by the
European Directive 70/156/EC


3.2.1 Substance Restrictions are identified in Table 1 by substance name, type of restriction,
threshold limit (where applicable), applications affected/exempted, and effective dates.

3.2.2 Substances designated as "Prohibited", (P), shall not be supplied in any products, subject
to the stated directions on content threshold and affected applications.

3.2.3 Substances are designated, as "Declarable", (D), when present in a material or part in a
vehicle, and are legally regulated, projected to be regulated or required to be tracked for
information gathering purposes.

3.2.4 Monomers, catalysts, and accelerators remaining in cured polymeric articles (including
paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per
homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits specified by this
Standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the
basis of the elemental form of the metal.

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3.2.5 Specific Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers for substances listed in this Standard
affecting vehicle parts are illustrated in the current Global Automotive Declarable
Substance List (GADSL,, also available on the "Ford Supplier
Portal" (FSP), at: <> and in the "News" section of IMDS at,
<>. Additional CAS-identified substances
listed in this Standard affecting non-dimensional materials (chemical products) and
"hazardous" articles will be available on the GMAP-e1291 website
(<>). It is the supplier's responsibility to
ensure that they identify all affected substances-some of which may not be specifically
identified in the GADSL or on the GMAP-e1291 website.

3.2.6 This standard identifies substances and applications that are currently prohibited, as well
as some that will become prohibited at a specified future date. To avoid unnecessary re-
design/testing, new production parts must comply with these future prohibition
requirements during engineering validation gateways based on FPDS/GPDS program
requirements. If engineering validation of new production parts meeting the future
prohibition requirements will not be possible, concurrence by the relevant Program Team
and appropriate Materials Engineering function will have to be sought. This concurrence
does not affect the requirement for all components to comply with the substance dates
shown in Table 1 of this Standard.

3.2.7 For production parts, unless otherwise noted, the Effective Date column of Table 1 reflects
"Put on the Market" dates. This normally reflects when products are delivered to the
distribution area (left the assembly facility) and a transfer of ownership occurred.
For products imported to regions implementing the EU End of Life Vehicle Directive, these
dates reflect customs clearance dates in these regions.






Suppliers are required to meet the following reporting deadlines for production and service parts:

Parts for new Programs must be initially reported in IMDS-International Material Data System (100%
materials, type and weight of all materials, and known GADSL substances in the parts) starting at GPDS UNV2
gateway (Under-body Verification 2) when the Program's Bills of Materials (BOM) is generated, and finishing at
<FDJ> (Final Data Judgement) gateway (or equivalent gateways for programs using other Production
Development Systems, e.g. Ford Production Development System (FPDS)).
Parts for new programs must be fully reported in IMDS (initial report data plus all GADSL listed substances,
parts marking, and recycled content) and fully compliant with this Standard at the GPDS <PEC> (Preliminary
Engineering Completion) gateway (or equivalent gateway for programs using other Production Development
Systems, e.g., FPDS).
Current production and service parts should have already been reported in IMDS. If they are not, or if an
update is required (see below), they must be reported immediately.
Services parts not common with production parts and unique service parts must be reported between <PEC> 8
months and <LR> 5 months before Job #1

A Reporting Matrix is shown in Appendix 3 to clarify the appropriate reporting mechanism for suppliers
concerning material and substance content in products supplied to Ford Motor Company.

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Suppliers are required to report:

All GADSL listed substances (Identity and percent by weight of listed GADSL substances)
100% materials, type and weight of all materials
The difference between the reported weight in IMDS ("Measured weight per item") and the
physical weight of the part must be within the following tolerances:
0-99 g +/- 20%
100-999 g +/- 5%
1.0-9.99 kg +/- 2%
10-99.99 kg +/- 1%
>= 100 kg +/- 0.5%
The difference between "Measured weight per item" and the "Calculated weight per item" (see
IMDS MDS top node) has to be below 2%."
Certify polymeric parts are appropriately marked (per ISO 11469/1043/1629)
Percentage of recycled content in polymeric materials

An update of existing IMDS data is required if there is:

>+/- 10% change in end item part mass or more than 50 grams change
New material
>+/- 10% change in mass of a material or more than 50 grams change
New GADSL listed substance added to a material
>+/- 10% change in mass of an already reported GADSL substance, or if a change in mass
causes a threshold requirement to be crossed
Any change in mass (increase or decrease) of ELV metals (Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and
Hexavalent Chromium), exempt and non-exempt applications
Changes in Polymeric parts marking
Changes in Recycled content above 10% or more than 50 grams

Suppliers of production/service parts that fall into the above categories must certify compliance to
this standard using the Ford certification page in IMDS.

For training and access registration, contact the IMDS-Helpdesk and Service Center.

Europe: + 36 1 298 1536, or:,

North America: 1 972-403-3607, or
Italy: +39 (0) 80 38 53 116, or
Japan: +81 3 3797 4212, or
Korea: + 82-2-3782-0827 or

4.2 Paragraph deleted.

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All substances contained in "The Global Automotive Declarable Substance List" (GADSL),
MUST be disclosed in IMDS.

CAS NUMBER WHEN REPORTED IN IMDS (except some Fibers which are not reported by
CAS number).
If a supplier reports a GADSL substance without the correct CAS number, they will NOT be
fulfilling the requirements of this Standard.
The use of non-CAS identified substances is acceptable for the reporting of substances NOT
covered in the GADSL
Paints, polymers, adhesives and sealants etc. must be reported in the cured state.

If the substance you need to report is not available in IMDS, please supply the IMDS Help
Desk with the necessary information, who will update the records accordingly.

Substances listed in RSMS Table 1 and/or GADSL must not be marked or reported as "confidential"
or "secret" when reporting in IMDS.


All Production parts must be reported under the submission for the Tier 1 assembly, using the
OEM released part number. If you supply Tier 2 (or Tier n) parts this data must be sent to your
customer. It is recommended that you use IMDS for data transfer of parts through out the supply

Service part information is required to be reported individually, per their assigned Ford Engineering
number. The majority of service parts are common with production parts, however service level
details may require additional part reporting information. For production end item assemblies, the
service component parts that make up that assembly MUST also be reported by their respective
engineering numbers, in accordance with Sect. 4.0 of this Specification. Ford Customer Service
Division (FCSD) will require RSMS certification of all service parts and components prior to
distribution of these parts.

Service unique parts, not common with production parts and Past Model service parts, not
previously reported as a production part per the assigned Engineering number, are also required to
be reported in accordance with Sect. 4.0 of this Specification.

Spare parts for servicing vehicles put on the market prior to 1 July 2003 containing Lead, Mercury,
Cadmium and Hexavalent Chromium are exempted from complying with the material restrictions and
reporting requirements, except, for wheel balance weights, carbon brushes for electric motors, brake
linings and convenience light switches, which are still required to be reported and compliant.

For Spare parts for servicing vehicles put on the market after 1 July 2003 containing Lead, Mercury,
Cadmium and Hexavalent Chromium, a final decision of the European Commission is still pending.
However, these parts must comply with the existing legislation valid at the time when the product is
put on the market. In all cases, reporting of substances in all spare parts for servicing vehicles, put
on the market after 1 July 2003, is required.

Remanufactured and re-used service parts are exempted from the Lead, Cadmium and
Hexavalent Chromium prohibition requirements of this standard, provided they were already on the
market at the expiry of an exemption (effective dates as listed in Table 1). All new materials used in
the refurbishment of these parts MUST comply with the substance restrictions contained within this

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4.5.1 Facility equipment and tooling.

Suppliers of facility equipment, machinery, and tooling (e g., conveyers, presses etc.), and
any sub-components contained therein, must make sure that their products supplied to
Ford containing substances that are listed in Table 1 of this Standard are reported to Ford
for resolution, using the Supplier Restricted Substance Information Reporting Form
(Attachment 1), if any of the following conditions exist for the product(s) and it's sub-

part comes into direct contact with EMPLOYEE as a matter of routine use,
part comes into contact with any material/part integral to the vehicle or other
equipment that does so { i.e., affects MARKET(s) }
part is a MAINTENANCE part that is periodically replaced and disposed,
part contains any substance or material that is/are illegal in the region/location
receiving the equipment.

The supplier must also notify (by email) the requester (noted on the purchase order) and
the purchasing buyer of any facility equipment, machinery, and/or tooling using any of
the above mentioned Table 1 substances meeting any of the preceding conditions.
Products containing such substances shall not be shipped to Ford until a signed
acknowledgement is received by the supplier, from the Ford Global Materials Fastener &
Standards Department Manager (GMF&S). GMF&S will also communicate the
acceptance and/or any issues with the information reported by the supplier to the Ford
Motor Company manufacturing activity requesting the facility equipment and/or tooling.

4.5.2 Non-dimensional materials.

Suppliers of non-dimensional materials, which are not associated within Dimensional

Products, (bulk chemicals, individually packaged chemicals sold separately or included in
service kits), are subject to the restriction requirements of this Standard (RSMS).
Substances listed in this Standard and highlighted in sections 3.1.5, 3.1.7 and 3.1.8 must
be reported (e.g., through the GMAP - e1291 system). Non-dimensional materials for
which full disclosure of RSMS-listed ingredients has been supplied to Toxicology and EQO
Office according to Section 3.1.2 of this Standard, do not require additional reporting, and
will be certified through the GMAP-e1291 system, where applicable.

An update of existing GMAP-e1291 data is required if there are changes in:

Formulation and/or weight percent of RSMS listed substances.

4.5.3 "Hazardous articles" that do not remain on a vehicle at point of sale, do not require
disclosure in IMDS.


Non-dimensional Materials Contained in or on Dimensional Products such as; greases, lubricants,

rust preventives, as well as paints, adhesives and sealants, etc are required to be reported in IMDS
in the cured state, and via GMAP-e1291 (where applicable), if known or reasonably anticipated to
pose a health or environmental hazard during normal handling, use, service or disposal (in the as
received or uncured state). Also, some "hazardous articles" (e.g., dry friction materials) are required
to be reported via both processes.

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4.7.1 Parts Certification

For parts that are required to be reported in IMDS according to section 4.1, the Ford
Certification page must be completed in IMDS by December 31, 2007. It is the
supplier's responsibility to assure that the person certifying, is of the appropriate authority
for the supplying company.

By certifying in IMDS, suppliers are giving an assurance that their parts are in compliance
with the substance prohibitions in this version of the Ford Restricted Substance
Management Standard (WSS-M99P9999-A1).

To be able to perform the Ford Motor Company Certification in IMDS, the appropriate user
must have a "Certifier" profile set up in their IMDS account. This profile is assigned by the
suppliers "IMDS Client Manager.

4.7.2 Non-dimensional Materials Certification

All non-dimensional production material suppliers must certify compliance to RSMS in

GMAP-e1291 no later than December 31, 2007. Certifiers must have access to the
Covisint website. By certifying RSMS in GMAP-e1291, the supplier is taking the
responsibility that their materials comply with the requirements in the latest issue of the

If suppliers have both non-dimensional materials and dimensional materials (parts), the
suppliers must certify in both the IMDS and GMAP-e1291 sites.

Suppliers that have not migrated to the "Ford Supplier Portal" should do so
immediately, using Once in the "logon screen" click on
"membership" then click "help" and complete enrollment form for registration.


5.1 Definitions for technical terms are provided in Appendix 1.

5.2 Additional information may be obtained through the activities shown in Appendix 2.

5.3 Matrix to clarify the appropriate reporting mechanism for suppliers concerning material and
substance content reporting is provided in Appendix 3.

5.4 Please note that any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) that you provide in IMDS and the GMIR
Supplier Portal to Ford Motor Company (which includes Jaguar Cars, Aston Martin Lagonda, Volvo
Car Corporation, Land Rover and Mazda Motor Corporation), will be stored and processed in Ford of
North America (Dearborn, Michigan).

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(to be
Row Effective
Substance (a) reported Threshold (b) Applications Affected
Number Date
in IMDS)

1 Acetaldehyde D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate

2 Acetamide D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
3 Acrylamide D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
4 Acrylonitrile D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
5 Alkylphenols (Nonyl / Octyl)
Detergent (surfactants),
cleaners, metal working
5.1 Nonylphenols P No 0.1% Immediate
products and WWTP(d)
5.2 Nonylphenols D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
5.3 Octylphenol D No 0.1% All Products
6 Alkylphenol Ethoxylates (Nonyl / Octyl) Immediate
Detergent (surfactants),
Nonylphenol ethoxylates cleaners, metal working
6.1 P Yes (c) 0.1% Immediate
products and WWTP(d)
Nonylphenol ethoxylates
6.2 D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
6.3 Octylphenol ethoxylate D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content if
substances exceed listed the threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Only Nonylphenol ethoxylates on the GADSL are required to be reported in IMDS.
d) Waste Water Treatment Plant

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(to be
Row Effective
Substance (a) reported Threshold (b) Applications Affected
Number Date
in IMDS)

7 Aniline and its salts D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate

8 Antimonytrioxide (Diantimonytrioxide) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate

9 Aromatic amines or their salts:

9.1 4-Aminobiphenyl or its salts P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate

9.2 Benzidine or its salts P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate

9.3 2-Naphthylamine or its salts P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate

9.4 P Yes 0.01% All Products
4-Nitrobiphenyl or its salts Immediate

a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content if
substances exceed listed the threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

present in
metals &
10 Arsenic or its compounds D Yes alloys, then All Products Immediate
limit is

Yes (as
Organoarsenic compounds
10.1 P Arsenic 0.01% All Products Immediate

11 Asbestos P Yes All Products Immediate

(30ppm) in
Amines,carcinogenic, which are formed from (virgin) or
12 P Yes Textiles and leather Immediate
Azo-dyes leather;
0.007% in
fibers (c)
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) The threshold applies to cleaved amine content in materials. For recycled fibers, until 1 January 2005, the allowable threshold is 0.007%. EU Directive 76/769/EEC, 19 Amendment provides further
technical guidance on which azodyes are affected.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

Amines, which can form carcinogenic

13 D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
14 Barium compounds (organic or water soluble) D Yes 1.0% All Products Immediate
15 Benzene D Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate
All vehicle related
15.1 P Yes 0.1% Immediate
parts(except fuel)
16 Beryllium or its compounds D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
Biocidal coatings / biocidal additives (also see
17 Triorganotin compounds (trialkyl- and triaryltin D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
Brominated flame retardants
Note: Separate Table 1 entries/classifications
exist for the following members of this group:
18 (see Yes (c) 0.1% All Products Immediate
Polybrominated biphenyls [PBB]
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers [PBDE],
Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate [TRIS]

18.1 Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate

Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA)
18.2 D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
19 Butadiene (1,3 - Butadiene ) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
20 2-Butoxyethanol D Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) PBB, PBDE and TRIS are GADSL listed

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

21 D Yes 0.1% UV Stabilizer in plastics Immediate
22 Butylphenol, 2,4,6-tri-tert D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
All applications except those
23 Cadmium or its compounds P Yes 0.01% Immediate
listed below
Batteries for electric vehicles;
except NiCd batteries used as Prohibited
23.1 P Yes 0.01% replacement parts for vehicles after
put on the market before 31-Dec-08
31 Dec 2008
NiCd batteries used as
replacement parts for vehicles
put on the market before
23.2 D Yes 0.01% 31 Dec 2008. Note: Also, Immediate
applications with future
effective dates for prohibitions
are declarable.
Optical components in glass Prohibited
23.3 P Yes 0.01% matrixes used for Driver after
Assistance Systems 30-Jun-07
24 Carbon disulfide D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
25 Carcinogenic Substances D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
26 Chlorinated Ethers (selected)
26.1 Bis(Chloromethyl) ether (BCME) P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate
26.2 Chloromethyl methyl ether P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate
26.3 NCC ether P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

27 Chlorinated hydrocarbons:
27.1 Carbon tetrachloride (Tetrachloromethane) P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.2 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.3 1,1,1,2 Tetrachloroethane D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.4 Pentachloroethane D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.5 Tetrachlorobenzenes P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate
27.6 Trichloromethane (Chloroform) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.7 1,1,2 Trichloroethane D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.8 1,1 Dichloroethylene (Vinylidene chloride) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.9 1,1,1 Trichloroethane (Methyl chloroform) P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.10 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.11 Trichloroethylene (Trichloroethene) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
27.12 Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
28 Chlorinated or brominated Dioxins or Furans P Yes All Products Immediate
above 10 ppb
29 Chloroaniline D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
30 D Yes 0.1 All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.

Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2007, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 14 of 41

Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

All Productsexcept that

31 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) P Yes 0.1% Immediate
CFCs used to service existing
31.1 D No 0.1% equipment where legally Immediate
32 Chloroparaffins
Short Chain Chloroparaffins, unbranched
32.1 P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
(C10 to C13)
Medium Chain Chloroparaffins, unbranched
32.2 D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
(C14 to C17)
Long Chain Chloroparaffins, unbranched
32.3 D No 0.1% Non-dimensional Products Immediate
(C18 to C28)
33 Chromium(VI)-salts (Cr+6; Hexavalent) P Yes 0.1% (c) All Products Immediate
Cobalt compounds and alloys,
34 Cobalt or its compounds D Yes 0.1% Immediate
excluding cobalt in steels
35 Colophony (Rosin) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
36 Copper, metallic D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
37 Cyclododecane, hexabromo (HBCD) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate

38 Cyclohexane, hexachloro D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate

39 P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
40 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) P No 0.01% All Products Immediate

a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) A maximum value of 0.1% by weight, of Hexavalent Chromium, per homogenous material will be tolerated, (this percentage is based on the weight of the coating containing the Hexavalent
Chromium, not the part weight).

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

41 D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
Diorganotin compounds (e.g. dialkyltin
42 D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
43 P No 0.01% All Products Immediate
dodecachlorooctahydro- decane (Mirex)
44 Ecotoxic Substances D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
45 Ethanol, 2,2',2''-nitrilotris (Triethanolamine) D Yes 0.1% Engine coolants Immediate
46 Ethyl/Methyl-Glycols or their Acetates
46.1 2-Methoxyethanol P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate
46.2 2-Methoxyethyl acetate D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
46.3 2-Ethoxyethanol D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
46.4 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
0.001% (10 Interior trim (by weight of
47 Formaldehyde (Free) D Yes Immediate
mg/kg) finished parts)
48 Halons P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
49 Hexachlorobenzene P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate

50 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene P Yes 0.01% All Products Immediate

a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

51 Hexamines (See Polyamine Curing Agents)

52 Hydrazine D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
53 n-Hexane D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
54 Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC's) P Yes NA (c) All Products Immediate
Solvents, blowing agents and
all vehicle applications,
except for servicing vehicles
55 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's) P Yes NA (c) Immediate
produced prior to December
2001 (where legally
All other products containing
55.1 D No NA (c) or manufactured using Immediate
All vehicle-related
56 Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC's) P Yes NA (c) applications except for Immediate
56.1 D Yes NA (c) All vehicle-related refrigerants Immediate
56.2 D No NA (c) Non-vehicle related products Immediate
57 Hydrogen Sulfide D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining in
cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits specified
by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) NA = Not Applicable

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

All products except vehicle

58 Lead or its compounds P Yes 0.1% and facility applications Immediate
separately listed below:
Steel, for machining purposes
58.1 P Yes 0.35% Immediate
and galvanized steel
Aluminum, for machining
58.2 P Yes 1.5% Immediate
Aluminum, for machining
58.3 P Yes 0.4% after
58.4 P Yes 0.1% Bearing shells and bushes after
58.5 P Yes 4.0% Copper alloys Immediate
Electrical components which
contain lead in a glass or
58.6 D Yes 0.1% ceramic matrix compound, Immediate
except glass in bulbs and
glaze of spark plugs (c)
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Components must be identified for dismantling, if the average per vehicle lead content exceeds 60 grams for electronic circuit boards, electrical components that contain lead in a glass or ceramic
matrix compound (except bulbs and spark plugs) and all other electric applications.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

Wheel balance weights in

regions other than those
58.7 D Yes 0.1% Immediate
following the EU ELV Directive,
Japan and North America
Bonding agents for elastomers
58.8 P Yes 0.5% Immediate
in powertrain applications
Carbon brushes in electric
motors in regions other than
58.9 D Yes 0.1% those following the EU ELV Immediate
Directive, Japan and North
America (c)
Copper in friction materials of
brake linings for vehicles in
58.10 P Yes 0.4% regions following the EU ELV Immediate
Directive, Japan and North
America (d)
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Components must be identified for dismantling, if the average per vehicle lead content exceeds 60 grams for electronic circuit boards, electrical components that contain lead in a glass or ceramic
matrix compound (except bulbs and spark plugs) and all other electric applications.
d) Components must be made identifiable for pre-treatment.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

Copper in friction materials of

brake linings in North America Prohibited
58.11 P Yes 0.1% and regions following the EU after
ELV Directive, Japan and 30-Jun-07
North America (c)
Copper in friction materials of
brake linings in regions other
58.12 D Yes 0.1% than those following the EU Immediate
ELV Directive, Japan and
North America

Valve seats for engine types

58.13 P Yes 0.1% Immediate
developed after 30 June 2003

Valve seats for engine types
58.14 P Yes 0.1% after
developed before 1 Jul 2003
Pyrotechnic initiators for
vehicles type approved in
if type
regions following the EU ELV
58.15 P Yes 0.1% approved
Directive & Japan after 30
June 2006 and replacement
initiators for these vehicles.
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately reported if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Components must be made identifiable for pre-treatment.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

All Products, including vehicle

batteries(d); vibration
dampers(e) mounted to body
or chassis (d/f); counter
58.16 D Yes 0.1% Immediate
weights for facility based
equipment; solder in
electronic circuit boards and
other electric applications (d)
All applications except those
59 Mercury or its compounds (c) P Yes 0.1% Immediate
listed below
High Intensity Discharge UP3-UP6
59.1 P Yes 0.1%
Lamps (g) program
30 Jun 06
High Intensity Discharge
59.2 D Yes 0.1% Lamps and Instrument Panel Immediate
Displays (g)
60 Methanol D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
61 Methylacrylamidomethoxy-acetate D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Vehicles containing Mercury components must offer mercury-free vehicle derivatives by 1 July 2007.
d) Components must be identified for dismantling, if the average per vehicle lead content exceeds 60 grams for electronic circuit boards, electrical components that contain lead in a glass or ceramic
matrix compound (except bulbs and spark plugs) and all other electric applications.
e) The lead exemption for vibration dampers is meant as a temporary design fix for vibration issues encountered late in new program development. These dampers are expected to be designed out as
soon as practical.
f) Also applications with future effective dates for prohibitions are declarable.
g) Components must be made identifiable for pre-treatment.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

62 Methyl bromide (See Halons)

Mineral fibers (Natural or Synthetic) except
63 D Yes See (d) All Products Immediate
Continuous Filament Fibers
63.1 Ceramic fibers D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
64 Monomethyldibromodiphenylmethane D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
65 Monomethyldichlorodiphenylmethane D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
66 Monomethyltetrachlorodiphenylmethane D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
67 Mutagenic substances D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
68 N,N-Dimethylformamide D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
69 N,N'-ditolyl-p-phenylenediamine D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
70 N,N'-dixylyl-p-phenylenediamine D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate

All products, except stainless

71 Nickel or its compounds D Yes 0.1% steels and alloys containing Immediate
metallic nickel

Component surfaces likely to

0.5 be routinely touched, e.g.,
g/cm2/week handles and buckles (release
71.1 D Yes (Ni release rate as determined by test Immediate
rate method BSEN1811:1999) (c).
threshold) Phosphated surfaces are

a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Test Method BSEN1811 can be accessed at
d) See Appendix 1, definition for FIBER

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

Additives in engine coolants,

vulcanizing agents in rubber
72 Nitrites D Yes 0.1% Immediate
products, anticorrosion
surface additive.

73 N-Nitrosoamines/N-Nitrosoamides P Yes 0.1% (c) All Products Immediate

Metalworking fluids containing

mixtures of nitrites and
73.1 P No amines/ amides that may form Immediate
N-Nitrosoamines/ N-
74 N-tolyl-N'-xylyl-p-phenylenediamine D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
Organotin compounds (see Diorganotins and
Ozone depleting substances (see definition in
Appendix 1)
77 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) or its salts P Yes All Products Immediate
(5 ppm)
78 Perchlorates D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared (via IMDS) if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibitions.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Residual N-Nitrosoamines/N-Nitrosoamides in cured polymeric articles need not be reported, nor will be subject to, the Prohibition at less than or equal to the stated threshold of 0.1 %, which is
considered to reflect the aggregate mass percent of all carcinogenic N-Nitrosoamines/N-Nitrosoamides present.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

0.005% for
Perfluoroalkyl compounds, includes:
0.1% for
Perfluoroalkyl sulfonates (e.g. PFOS),
79 D Yes semi-finished All Products Immediate
fluorotelomers, and telomer-based polymeric
1g/m2 for
0.005% for
Perfluorooctane sulfonates C8F17SO2X
0.1% for
(X=OH, Metal salt, halide, amide and other
79.1 P Yes semi-finished All Products 27 Jun 08
derivatives including polymers)
products and
1g/m2 for
80 Phenol D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
81 Phenylenediamines or its salts D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
82 Phthalates D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

Polyamine Curing Agents (includes Interior trim (by weight of

83 D Yes 0.1% Immediate
Hexamines) finished parts)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH;
84 D Yes individual Vehicle-related parts Immediate
thresholds (e)
3% (total
PAH content
per Petroleum mineral oil Immediate
84.1 P Yes
basestock as basestocks in lubricants .
quantified by
IP 346) (c)
1mg/kg BaP 1 Jan
84.2 P Yes 10mg/kg total Tires for EU Markets 2010
of (d)
85 Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) P Yes 0.001% All Products Immediate
86 Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE)
86.1 Decabromodiphenyloxide D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
86.2 Pentabromodiphenyloxide P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
86.3 Octabromodiphenyloxide P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
87 Polybrominated Terphenyls ( PBT ) D Yes 0.001% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Institute of Petroleum test method for PAH content can be found at
d) The PAH's to be reported are identified under PAH definition in Appendix 1.
e) See GADSL,Reference List, available as a downloadable file at and in the "News" section of IMDS at,

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

88 Polychlorinated Biphenyls ( PCB ) P Yes All Products Immediate
89 Polychlorinated Naphthalenes D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
90 Polychlorinated Terphenyls ( PCT ) P Yes 0.001% All Products Immediate
Refer to
Products of Endangered Species Not
91 P Section All Products Immediate
Air Bags, Seat belt pre-
92 Pyrotechnical compounds D Yes 0.1% Immediate
tensioners, etc.
92.1 Ammonium Perchlorate D Yes 0.1% Pyrotechnical Compound Immediate
92.2 Nitrocellulose D Yes 0.1% Pyrotechnical Compound Immediate
92.3 Sodium Azide D Yes 0.1% Pyrotechnical Compound Immediate
No (see
Radioactive substances (including scrap
93 P section (c) All Products Immediate
metal contaminants)
94 Reproductive toxicants D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
95 Selenium and its compounds D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
96 Sensitizing substances D No 0.1% All Products Immediate
97 Styrene (Vinyl benzene ) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
98 Styrene oxide (Epoxy styrene) D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Radioactivity should meet "Unconditional Use Clearance Level" requirements consistent with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Commission of European Communities (CEC)
standards for individual radionuclides IAEA-TECDOC-855 (1996) & Safety Series RS-G-1.7 (2004). (See 3.1.11). Radioactive sources used in manufacturing processes are exempted.
d) Per SW-846 Method 8082; samples must be ground and composited by contract laboratory so that a representative sub-sample(s) is used for analysis; only heated soxhlet solvent extraction shall be used; lowest achievable MDL
are expected; highest acceptable MDL must not exceed most stringent US State/Local requirement currently 490ppb - this must be affirmed at time of testing.) Matrix dependent alternate method will be considered by Ford.
For concrete recycling, this method must be coupled with representative sampling methods specified in EQO Memorandum EQR05-047_US .

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Row (to be Threshold Effective
Substance (a) Applications Affected
Number reported (b) Date
in IMDS)

99 Sulfur Hexafluoride P Yes NA (c) Vehicle applications Immediate

Processing (casting) of
99.1 P No NA (c) Immediate
Closed systems (a system
that is normally hermetically
99.2 D No NA (c) Immediate
closed), e.g., electrical
100 Thallium or it's compounds D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
Thioperoxydicarbonic diamide
101 D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
([(H2N)C(S)]2S2), tetramethyl- ("Thiram")
102 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
103 Trichlorophenol or its salts D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
104 D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
(1,2,3 - Trichloropropane )
105 Trimethylphosphate D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
Vehicle related parts, e.g.
Triorganotin compounds (trialkyl- and
106 P Yes 0.01% those with incorporated Immediate
triaryltin compounds)
All products other than vehicle
106.1 D No 0.05% Immediate
related parts
107 Triphenylphosphate D Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
108 Tris-(1-aziridinyl) phosphine oxide P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
109 Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate [TRIS] P Yes 0.1% All Products Immediate
110 Vinyl chloride P Yes (5 ppm as All Products Immediate
a) All substances listed in Table 1 must be immediately declared if their current percent content by weight, per homogeneous material exceeds the stated threshold for future prohibition.
b) Certain substances are subject to a specified upper threshold, stated as weight percent content in a material (see the definition of "Material" in Appendix 1). Suppliers must report content, if
substances exceed the listed threshold percentage, by weight per homogeneous material (See definition of Homogeneous Material in Appendix 1). Monomers, catalysts and accelerators remaining
in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content need not be reported at less than 0.1% by weight per homogeneous material, unless subject to explicit threshold content limits
specified by this standard (e.g. vinyl chloride). Thresholds for heavy metals are to be calculated on the basis of the elemental form of the metal.
c) Not Applicable

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Ford Motor Company will provide electronic acknowledgment(s) to the submitter:

1) verifying receipt of the suppliers' submission(s) to IMDS and GMAP-e1291 (where applicable)
2) compliance or non-compliance of the data therein to the WSS-M99P9999-A1,
3) and receipt of their certification of compliance with WSS-M99P9999-A1.


Under the definition provided by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
"Article" means a manufactured item other than a fluid or particle:

1) which is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture,

2) which has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end
use, and
3) which under normal conditions of use does not release more than very small quantities, e.g.,
minute or trace amounts of a hazardous chemical (as determined under paragraph [d] of the code
of Federal Regulation of section 29CFR 1910.1200), and does not pose a physical hazard or
health risk.


Additives intended to prevent or restrict microbiological growth.



1) any member of Group 1, 2A, or 2B, in the latest edition of Monographs of the International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC)
2) any "select carcinogen" listed by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(refer to 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances)
3) any "known carcinogen" or substance "reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen" by the United
States National Toxicology Program (NTP) in the latest edition of Annual Report on Carcinogens
4) any "A1", "A2" or "A3" carcinogen listed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) in the latest edition of Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and
Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.
5) any carcinogen listed by the Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft (DFG) in the latest edition of
their Maximale Arbeitsplatz Konzentration (MAK) list in Categories 1-2 and 3-5 (as listed in the
Ford Restricted Substance List)
6) any chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, pursuant to The Safe Drinking
Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 ("Proposition 65")
7) substances classified as Category 1 or 2 carcinogens under the provisions of the European EC
Directives on the Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous Substances and Dangerous
Preparations (EC Council Directive 67/548/EC3).

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Substances are designated "Declarable" (D) when present in a material, or part in a vehicle, and are
legally regulated, projected to be regulated or required to be tracked for information gathering purposes.


Substances posing recognized hazard to the environment, in general, or to specific ecosystems,

including: substances so classified, due to their ecotoxicity, under the provisions of the European EC
Directives on the Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous Substances and Dangerous
Preparations, and as classified by ASTM STP 1179, p.34, 1993.


Includes any substance or material that originates from an endangered species. Lists of endangered
species include:

1) Latest "International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of
Threatened Species;".
2) European Union (EU) Regulation 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by
regulating trade therein", and its amendments.
3) United States Endangered Species Act.
4) UNEP-WCMC Species Database

All timber products must be sourced from forests that comply with one of the following requirements:
Certified under the "Forest Stewardship Council' or the "Programme for the Endorsement of Forest
Certification Schemes" or Declared as sourced from plantation or recycled timber or Licensed under the
FLEGT system (EU Action Plan for "Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade)

EU ELV (End of Life Vehicle) Directive:

European Union Directive 2000/53/EC on ELV's


Unless otherwise indicated in this Standard, a FIBER is defined as a particle that is five micrometers or
longer with an aspect ratio of at least 3 to 1.


Global Product Development System - The process tasks and deliverables necessary to develop and
launch a vehicle. Team events and milestones are defined to communicate progress at various points
throughout the process.

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APPENDIX 1 (Cont'd)


The GMAP-e1291 System is a single, web-based tool that is used by suppliers to submit non-
dimensional material compositions, associated regulatory data, hazardous materials/dangerous goods
transportation information, and applicable MSDSs (in the required languages, designated by the
requester of the product and indicated with an asterisk) to Ford Motor Company. The system is
currently in use in N. America, with other regions to follow. The GMAP-e1291 system also allows
suppliers to check the status of materials processed through the GMAP-e1291 System and update
materials information [].


Hazardous substances/materials are those that have the capacity of producing injury or illness through
ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through any body surface, or creating an adverse effect upon the


The physical definition of homogeneity is: the quality of having all properties independent of the position.
The compositional homogeneity of any material means: the chemical composition is the same for all
substances forming or being an ingredient of the material (e.g. impurities) at any spot of measurement.
The opposite: an inhomogenous material is composed in a way that the amount of the chemical
ingredients is dependent on the spot of measurement.


Deliberately utilized in the formulation of a material or component where its continued presence is desired
in the final product to provide a specific characteristic, appearance or quality. The use of recycled
materials as feedstock for the manufacture of new products, where some portion of the recycled materials
may contain RSMS-listed substances, are not to be considered as intentionally introduced.


This is a common list of substances agreed by all of the automobile manufacturers that subscribe to
IMDS. The purpose of this list is to commonize the reporting requirements for all users of IMDS


Material formed and shaped by tool.


Within the text of this Standard means the primary medium that may contain a "substance", which is
restricted by this Standard, such as a friction material (e.g. clutch or brake pad) containing lead sulfide.
Acceptable material descriptions are Industry standards or Ford Motor Company
standards/specifications. Where these are not available to define the material, a Supplier's
standards/specification may be used.

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APPENDIX 1 (Cont'd)


Dimensional items are those having their own shape and are essentially solid. Most are considered
"articles" (See definition of "Article")


Non-dimensional items are those that have no intrinsic shape without containing structure. Examples of
these items are fluids, gases, powders and semi-solids (pastes) like adhesives, greases and paint, bulk
chemicals, and separately packaged chemicals in post-production service kits.


Non-production materials are those materials used in Ford facilities which do not remain on products
marketed by Ford.


Post-production materials are those materials used to service a vehicle after it exits the assembly plant.


Production materials are those materials used for the fabrication of production parts, complete vehicles,
or other materials that remain on products marketed by Ford.


Any chemical that can produce a genetic mutation, i.e., an induction of DNA damage, or changes in
chromosome structure or number, including: substances classified as Category 1, 2 or 3 mutagens
under the provisions of the EC Directives on the Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous
Substances and Dangerous Preparations.


Newly drawn parts that are not in current production or carried over from another vehicle
Parts are not considered new parts if only the part number changes, in line with current practices (i.e.
the prefix changes to accommodate a model year change, or the suffix changes to accommodate a
minor engineering change of a current part)

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APPENDIX 1 (Cont'd)


Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) - are defined as chemicals that have been linked to the depletion of the
stratospheric ozone layer, and restricted under the 1987 Montreal Protocol, listed by U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency regulations under 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 82, Appendix F to Subpart A,
and addressed by the European Union Directive-2037/2000/EC, chemicals are collectively identified as
ozone depleting substances (ODSs) and include CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), HCFCs
(hydrochlorofluorocarbons) and several brominated-carbons including Halons. The following RSMS
Chemical Groupings and Categories should identify all ODSs (from Table 1):

(27.1) Chlorinated hydrocarbons (carbon tetrachloride)

(27.9) Chlorinated hydrocarbons (methyl chloroform)
(31) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)
(48) Halons
(54) Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFC's)
(55 & 55.1) Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFC's)

PAH (Polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons):

Regulations prohibiting the use of PAH extender oils in tires (Directive 2005/69/EC, for EU markets)
from January 1, 2010 require the sum of the following 8 PAH's NOT to exceed 10mg/kg:
Benzo(a)pyrene CAS # 50-32-8 (individual concentration not to exceed 1 mg/kg)
Benzo(e)Pyrene CAS # 192-97-2
Benzo(ah)anthracene CAS # 56-55-3
Chrysene CAS # 218-01-9
Benzo(b)fluoranthene CAS # 205-99-2
Benzo(j)fluoranthene CAS # 205-82-3
Benzo(k)fluoranthene CAS # 207-08-9
Dibenzo(ah)anthracene CAS # 53-70-3

These limits are regarded as kept, if the PAH extract is <3% by mass, as measured by the Institute of
Petroleum standard IP346.


Unless otherwise stated, the ratio of the masses of the individual substance and material (see definition
of Material above) containing the substance multiplied by 100.

Mass Substance
---------------------- X 100 = Percent Weight
Mass Material

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APPENDIX 1 (Cont'd)


Non-metallic materials, including plastics, elastomers, wood and cardboard. This includes:
All injection molded, blow molded and heat-pressed thermoplastic parts (PP, ABS, PA, PVC etc.)
All molded thermoset parts (UP, PUR)
All foamed plastic parts (PUR, EPP, EPS, etc.)
Natural and synthetic rubbers (NR, EPDM, etc.)
Synthetic fibers (Polyester, Polyamide) such as in carpets, package trays, seat covers, seat belts


Is the entity that is supplied to Ford, which can be an assembly, part (component), sub-component,
material, or substance. This could include the restricted substance itself (e.g. lead sulfide), a material
containing the restricted substance (e.g. a friction material containing lead sulfide), or a component or
assembly containing the restricted substance (e.g., a brake assembly with a lead-containing friction


Substances designated, as "Prohibited" (P) shall not be supplied in any products, subject to the stated
directions on content threshold and affected applications. A maximum concentration value of 0.1% by
weight of per homogeneous material shall be tolerated for these substances, or subject to specific
threshold limits specified by this Standard. All RSMS listed substances which are intentionally added,
must be reported in IMDS. For the purpose of this standard monomers, catalysts, and accelerators
remaining in cured polymeric articles (including paints) as residual content are not considered
"intentionally introduced". If Prohibited substances conflicting with the above definition are identified in
products supplied to Ford Motor Company, they must be reported (see Reporting Matrix Appendix 3)
and suppliers must institute immediate corrective measures. See special requirements for Post
Consumer Recyclate (PCR) materials.

The portion of a material's or product's weight that is composed of materials that have been recovered
from or otherwise diverted from the scrap stream, either from the manufacturing process (PIR) or after
consumer use (PCR). Recycled content consists of PIR and PCR, but not home scrap.

Post-Industrial Recyclates (PIR): Scrap which is a by-product of the manufacturing process

(excluding home scrap) and is re-used in the manufacture of the part.
Home Scrap: Material commonly reused by the industry within the original manufacturing process.
Examples include materials which are regranulated and re-fed within a facility. Home scrap is not
considered recycled content.
Post-Consumer Recyclates (PCR): Scrap generated by consumers which has been re-used in the
manufacturing of a new part. Examples are used pop bottles which are reused to make grill
opening panels, or used bumpers which are re-made into a new bumpers.

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APPENDIX 1 (Cont'd)

Reporting of recycled content:

Only the weight of the recyclate within the component or assembly should be reported. Do not
report the component or assembly weight as recycled content. This weight is reported and totaled
For PCR only, suppliers do not have to report "Declarable" substances unless otherwise specified,
although suppliers must report any substances that are listed in this Standard as "Prohibited" or
"Prohibited above threshold".


The period of time between each annual release of the Restricted Substance Management Standard
(RSMS), WSS-M99P9999-A1


Substances or other agents which may affect male or female fertility, cause damage to the unborn or
newborn child, or provoke miscarriage, including:

1) Any chemical known to the State of California to cause reproductive harm or birth defects,
pursuant to The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 ("Proposition 65").
2) Substances classified as Category 1, 2 or 3 due to adverse effects on fertility, or their
developmental toxicity under the provisions of the EC Directives on the Classification, Packaging
and Labeling of Dangerous Substances and Dangerous Preparations.


Substances which have been identified as confirmed or potential sensitizers by animal experimentation or
human experience include but are not limited to chemicals which:

1) Cause a "substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in

normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical" (refer to Occupational Safety and Health
Administration Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200).
2) Cause on "normal living tissue through an allergic or photodynamic process a hypersensitivity
which becomes evident on reapplication of the same substance" (refer to Federal Hazardous
Substances Act 16 CFR 1500.3(b)(9).
3) Are classified as inhalation or contact sensitizers under the provisions of the EC Directives on the
Classification, Packaging and Labeling of Dangerous Substances and Dangerous Preparations
4) Are classified as such according to the World Health Organization criteria for classification of skin
and airway sensitizing substances in the work and general environments" (1996).

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APPENDIX 1 (Cont'd)


Service Kits are post-production service parts/materials necessary for vehicle maintenance or repair that
are packaged for customer convenience.


1) Those parts sold and released by FCSD, and usually, not common with production, (i.e.,
remanufactured components service chemicals, etc.).
2) Those parts sold by FCSD and released by FCSD/PD, and common with production, although the
end item part number isn't supplied for production (i.e., service kits containing component
production parts to service production assemblies, filters, etc.).


The basic chemical or chemical compound listed in this Standard, e.g., lead or lead sulfide.

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Ford European Toxicology Group Ford North American Toxicology Group

GB-1/165 Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company Ltd. PDC, MD190
Central Office, Eagle Way 20901 Oakwood Blvd
Warley, Essex CM13 3BW Dearborn, MI 48124
England U.S.A.
Telephone: 44-(0) 1277-251485 Telephone: 1-(313) 845-4588
Fax: 44-(0) 1277-253066 Fax: 1-(313) 248-2583

Safety Department
Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd. Environmental Department 91710 PVS 21
Cnr. Princes Highway and North Vehicle Engineering
Shore Road Volvo Car Corporation
Norlane, Victoria SE-405 31 Gteborg
Australia Sweden
Telephone: 61-(52) 795 130 Telephone: 46-31-3258771
Fax: 61-(52) 795 125 Email:

Hazardous Materials and Toxicology

Ford Motor Company for South America
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Telephone: 55-11-4174-8229 or 8193
Fax: 55-11-4174-9872

Material Handling Safety and Compliance Office

Ford Asia Pacific
Ford Lio Ho Motor Co., Ltd.
705 Chung Hwa Rd. Sec. 1
Chung Li, Taoyuan, 320
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telephone: 886-3-4530829
Fax: 886-3-4635004


Environmental Quality Office, Europe Environmental Quality Office

Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company
Room 40/490 Trafford House 3 Parklane Blvd., Suite 950
8 Station Way Parklane Towers West
Basildon, SS16 5XX Dearborn, MI 48126
United Kingdom USA
Telephone: 44-1268-703079 Telephone: 1-(313) 322-1226
Fax: 44-1268-703747 Fax: 1-(313) 248-5030

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Environmental Department, 91710, PVS 21 Environmental Quality Office

Vehicle Engineering Ford of Mexico
Volvo Car Corporation Mexico General Office Building
SE-405 31 Gteborg 8300
Sweden Paseo de Reforma No. 333
Telephone: 46-31-3258771 Mexico City, D.F.
Email: Mexico 5
Telephone: 52-5-3266252
Fax: 52-5-3266383

Environmental Quality Office Asia Pacific Environmental Quality Office, Latin America
Ford Motor Company of Australia Limited Head Office Ford Motor Company SA de CV
1735 Sydney Road Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena No. 1500
Campbellfield Victoria 3061 Mexico City, D.F. 01210 Mexico
Australia Telephone: 52-55-11033825
Telephone: 61-39359 8976 Telephone: 52-55-11033857
Fax: 61-39359 8949


Materials Engineering and Testing Global Materials & Fastener

Materials Technology Centre GB-15/GM Standards
Ford Motor Company Ltd. Ford Motor Company
Research & Engineering Center 20901 Oakwood Boulevard
Laindon, Basildon Building 4, 1AF15, MD 4007
Essex SS15 6EE Dearborn, MI 48124
U.K. U.S.A.
Telephone: 44-(0) 1268-40-3377 Telephone: 1-(313) 805-4887
Email: Fax: 1-(313) 322-3311

Materials Engineering
Products Engineering Office
Ford Motor Co. of Australia Ltd.
1727 Sydney Road, Broadmeadows
Victoria 3061
Telephone: 61-(3) 93-597-264

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Materials Engineering Materials Engineering

Jaguar Cars & Land Rover Ford South America Operations
Jaguar Engineering Centre Product Development
W/1/040 Complexo Industrial Ford Nordeste PD Bldg
Coventry CV3 4LF Camacari -Bahia, Brazil
U.K. Telephone: 55-71-649-3580
Telephone: 44 (0) 2476 206629 Fax: 55-71-649-3580


Emissions Control & Recycling Planning Vehicle Recycling

Ford Motor Company Ford-Werke GmbH
World Headquarters E479/W03
One American Road D-50725 Kln (Niehl)
Dearborn, MI 48126 Germany
U. S. A. Telephone: 49-(0)221-9016202
Telephone: 1-(313) 390-0504 Fax: 49-(0)221-9013458


Materials Engineering &Testing, Body Engineering Information Technology

Ford-Werke GmbH, Henry-Ford Strasse 1 Product Development Center, D-MD/035
D-50725 Kln (Niehl) Ford-Werke GmbH, Spessart Strasse
Germany D-50725 Kln (Merkenich)
Telephone: 49-(0)221-9012956 Germany
Email:; Telephone: 49-221-9037083

Environmental Department, 91710, PVS 21 Materials Engineering

Volvo Car Corporation Jaguar Cars & Land Rover
SE-405 31 Gteborg Jaguar Engineering Centre
Sweden W/1/040
Telephone: 46-31-3258771 Coventry CV3 4LF
Email: U.K.
Telephone: 44 (0) 2476 206629

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Product Development Center, D-ME/2J2 Ford South America Operations
Ford-Werke GmbH, Spessart Strasse Product Development
D-50725 Kln, (Merkenich) Complexo Industrial Ford Nordeste-PD Bldg.,
Germany Camaari - Bahia - Brazil
Telephone: 49-(0)221-9037024 Telephone: 55-71-649-3580
Email: Fax: 55-71-649-3580

Other regions should contact these numbers:

Global Materials & Fastener

Ford Motor Company
20901 Oakwood Boulevard
Building 4, 1AF15, MD 4007
Dearborn, MI 48124
Telephone: 1-(313) 805-4887 or 1-(313) 805-4888
Fax: 1-(313) 322-3311

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The purpose of the Reporting Matrix is to clarify the appropriate reporting mechanism for suppliers concerning material and substance content in
products supplied to Ford Motor Company. Please refer to the "Definitions" (Appendix 1) for explanation of the material categories listed in the
Reporting Matrix. The material examples listed are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent a complete listing. The acronym, "IMDS"
indicates reporting via the International Material Data System, which was previously discussed in Section 4 of this Standard. The acronym, "GMAP-
e1291" indicates reporting via the Ford Approval Process, which involves submission of complete supplier material information including Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) physical-chemical data, and material certifications through the GMAP-e1291 system (where applicable). Products
receiving Ford approval will be issued a Ford Toxicology/Ford Internal Reference (FIR) Number. For further details regarding the Ford Approval
Process and affected materials, please contact the appropriate regional Ford Toxicology (TOX) or Environmental Quality Office (EQO) listed in
Appendix 2. Suppliers should contact a Volvo or Land Rover representative (Appendix 2) for guidance relating to the appropriate reporting
mechanism for material and substance content in products supplied to these Brands. Non-dimensional materials (chemical products)
contained on or in vehicle parts in a manner that is known or reasonably anticipated to pose a health or environmental hazard during normal
handling, use, service or disposal are subject to separate detailed evaluation and clearance by Ford Toxicology and the Environmental Quality Office
(see Section 3.0), in addition to IMDS reporting requirements.

Production Material Non-Production Material Post-Production Material

Dimensional Material
IMDS: Report all parts remaining on IMDS: Not applicable IMDS: Report all Service (aftermarket) parts
the vehicle at point of sale. Cured according to requirements listed in Section 4..
paints and adhesives are dimensional Use Attachment 1: Facility
materials and must be included in the equipment, assembly aides
assembly data.

GMAP-e1291: Welding rods/ wires, GMAP-e1291 : Welding rods/ wires, GMAP-e1291 : In addition to IMDS reporting
dry friction materials must also be and solder used within Ford facilities for requirements, dry friction materials (i.e. Brake pads,
reported in IMDS non-production applications manual trans. clutch pads)
Non-dimensional Material
IMDS: Non-dimensional materials that IMDS: Not Applicable IMDS: Non-dimensional materials that are contained
are contained in parts must also be in parts must also be included in the IMDS data. For
included in the IMDS data. For these these materials please include the appropriate Ford
materials please include the Material Specification, Tox/FIR Numbers and
appropriate Ford Material GADSL-listed substances.
Specification, Tox/FIR Numbers and
GADSL-listed substances.

GMAP-e1291: In addition to any GMAP-e1291: All fluids, gases, GMAP-e1291: In addition to any IMDS reporting
IMDS reporting requirements, all pastes, powders, uncured paints/ requirements, all fluids, gases, pastes, powders,
fluids, gases, pastes, powders, sealants/ adhesives uncured paints/ sealants/ adhesives
uncured paints/ sealants/ adhesives

Printed copies are uncontrolled Copyright 2007, Ford Global Technologies, LLC Page 40 of 41
Supplier Name______________________________
Global Supplier Data Base (GSDB) Code:________________________
Supplier Contact:_______________________________

Supplier Phone: ________________ Ext:___________________ Supplier FAX Number:______________________

Supplier Email:_____________________________
Supplier Part Number:___________________________ Supplier Part Description_____________________

Ford Motor Company Engineering Contact:________________________________ Phone Number:____________________________

INSTRUCTIONS: The above item (by part number) contains the following substance(s) listed in the current version of the Ford Engineering Material Standard. Ford Motor
Company WSS-M99P9999-A1 policy requires that suppliers disclose listed substance information related to the product supplied. Products, for which full disclosure of ingredients
has been supplied to Toxicology according to Section 3.0 of the Standard, do not require additional reporting.
Suppliers of facility equipment, machinery, and tooling (e g., conveyers, presses etc.), and any sub-components contained therein, must utilize this form to submit information
listed below including: 1) the name of the Production Line Equipment TOOLING AFFECTED that the sub-component part services, 2) if the part comes into direct contact with
EMPLOYEE as a matter of routine use, 3) if the part contacts any material/part integral to the vehicle or other equipment that does so (i.e., affects MARKETS) and 4) if the part is
a MAINTENANCE part that is periodically replaced and disposed. Suppliers of Facility equipment, or assembly aides whose main component contains no "sub-components", also

REQUEST FOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The above item (by part number) contains the following substance(s) listed in WSS-M99P9999-A1.
Ford Motor Company will acknowledge receipt of this report

Form completed by: ___________________________ Department:___________________________


Equipment / Sub-Component Information Check all

Tooling Supplier affected
Tooling Affected Detailed Supplier P A N
Material Listed substance by CAS Listed
Production Line Supplier Part/ Part Material Primary Purpose L R T
Name Material No. AND chemical name Substance
Equipment Part/Spec Product Weight Weight or Use of Listed O K E
Std No. 3 in Material/Part Weight
Name(s) / Numbers1 Name (kg)2 (kg) Substance Y E N
(kg) E T E
Model No.(s)

Ford Motor Company Acknowledgment: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

(1) Supplier Part/Specification number used by Ford for procurement.
(2) Report the weight (in kilograms) of the part supplied containing the listed substance.
(3) Report the weight (in kilograms) of the material containing the listed substance.
2007 RSMS

RSMS Substance Prohibition/Exemption Updates for 2007 to 2010 (as of March 12, 2007)

o Exemption for Cadmium used for batteries on electric vehicles will expire after
December 31, 2008*.
o Exemption for Cadmium used for optical components in glass matrixes used for driver
assistance systems will expire after June 30, 2007.

Chlorinated Ethers (selected)

o Bis(Chloromethyl) ether (BCME) is now prohibited at thresholds greater than
0.01%.(NEW 2007)
o Chloromethyl methyl ether is now prohibited at thresholds greater than 0.01%.(NEW
o NCC ether is now prohibited at thresholds greater than 0.01%.(NEW 2007)

Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
o Tetrachlorobenzenes are now prohibited at thresholds greater than 0.01%.(NEW

Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)
o DDT is now prohibited at thresholds greater than 0.01%.(NEW 2007)

Dodecachloropentacyclo 1,3,4-Metheno-1H-cyclobuta(cd)pentalene,
1,1a,2,2,3,3a,4,5,5,5a,5b,6-dodecachlorooctahydro-decane (Mirex) (Canadian Ban)
o Mirex is now prohibited at thresholds greater than 0.01%.(NEW 2007)

o Hexachlorobenzene is now prohibited at thresholds greater than 0.01%.(NEW 2007)

o Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene is now prohibited at thresholds greater than 0.01%.(NEW

E. Rezendes Revised 3-7-2007 1
o Lead in aluminum for machining purposes will be reduced from 1.5% to 0.4% after
June 30, 2008*.
o Lead used for Vulcanizing agents and stabilizers for elastomers used in fluid handling
and powertrain applications has been reduced from 0.5% to 0.1%.
o The 0.4% exemption for Lead used in copper for brake linings in North America, and
regions following the EU ELV Directive & Japanese vehicles will be reduced to 0.1%
after June 30, 2007.
o The exemption for Lead used in bearing shells and bushes will expire after June 30,
o The exemption for Lead used in valve seats on engines developed before July 1, 2003
will expire after June 30, 2007.

o The exemption for Mercury used in high intensity discharge lamps (HID) has expired
for all scalability UP3 UP6 program launches.
o Vehicles containing Mercury components must offer Mercury-free vehicle derivatives
by July 2007.

Perfluoroalkyl compounds, includes: Perfluoroctyl sulfonates

o Exemption for Perfluorooctane sulfonates C8F17SO2X (X=OH, Metal salt, halide,
amide and other derivatives including polymers) will expire for all products after July
27, 2008.(NEW 2007)

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH; PCAH)

o PAH & PCAH used for manufacturing tires in EU markets will be prohibited after
January 1, 2010.

Triorganotin Compounds (commonly used as biocides for soft trim or sealants, etc.)
o The exemption for Triorganotin Compounds used in biocides has expired.

* Potential change in legislation is pending

E. Rezendes Revised 3-7-2007 2

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