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Assess Hazards With Process Flow Failure Modes Analysis: Safety

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Assess Hazards
with Process Flow
Failure Modes Analysis
Rosalynn J. MacGregor, P.Eng. Process flow failure modes (PFFM) analysis is
Sapphire Engineering Services, Ltd.
an intuitive, process-flow-directed way
to identify potentially hazardous scenarios.
Learn how to apply this technique
to your process hazard reviews.

nadequate process hazard analysis (PHA) has played a An alternative approach, the process flow failure
role in serious process safety incidents. A U.S. Chemi- modes (PFFM) method, is a more intuitive and less time-
cal Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) study consuming means to identify and address potential process
of 15 major events that occurred during 19982008 found hazards. PFFM review has been accepted as a valid way
that 12 involved credible failure scenarios that should have for facilities that handle hazardous chemicals to conduct
been identified by PHA reviews for those facilities (1). the PHAs required under the U.S. Occupational Safety and
Such a finding indicates that there may be deficiencies in Health Administrations (OSHA) process safety manage-
the PHA methods currently used. ment (PSM) standard.
The standard tool for process hazard analysis, the This article introduces the PFFM technique, explains
hazard and operability (HAZOP) study (2), has several how it differs from HAZOP, and provides an example that
drawbacks. It is counterintuitive, time consuming, and applies PFFM to an oil production facility. It also describes
theoretically rigorous to a fault; in addition, it requires a how PFFM can be incorporated into a more traditional
skilled facilitator in order to produce good results. HAZOP PHA review structure.

PFFM basics
PFFM vs. HAZOP Developed in Canada in the 1980s, PFFM is a struc-

P FFM differs from HAZOP in several ways. Here are

some of the unique characteristics of PFFM.
The PFFM method uses a field-checked safeguard-
tured, systematic what-if technique that follows the process
flow, i.e., the flow of materials from the inlet feed line to
a process unit, through all of the process vessels in order,
ing flow diagram (SFD) instead of piping and instrumen- to the finished product outlet lines. It has not been widely
tation diagrams (P&IDs), although P&IDs can be used if
used, but it is gradually gaining acceptance. This concept
time and resources prevent the development of SFDs.
The reference drawings (SFDs or P&IDs) are divided (although not called PFFM) is described in Ref. 3.
into smaller sections (similar to HAZOP nodes, but frequently Like other PHA methods (including HAZOP) PFFM
smaller). PFFM defines the size of a node based on the time is structured around a process diagram that is divided into
it takes to review a cause; each node should represent about sections (or nodes), although the type of process dia-
an hour of work by the team. This makes it easy to predict gram used in the analysis and the way nodes are defined
how long the review will take, and to plan the effort. (discussed later) differ. At the heart of PFFM is a list of
A reference list of process failures (the LIST) is used
possible failures (referred to as the LIST), which is used to
as the basis for the review.
Worksheets are pre-populated with causes in a pre-populate the analysis worksheets.
systematic way, following the process flow. The scope of the review is broken into nodes, and the
nodes are numbered sequentially. Common practice is to

48 www.aiche.org/cep March 2013 CEP Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
highlight each node in a different color for ease of refer- For the barn example, the PFFM process starts by ask-
ence, as shown in Figure 1 (p. 50). The team uses the refer- ing: What could possibly go wrong? For example, what
ence drawing(s) to study the process in detail to identify could happen if the barn door is left open? The team then
process hazard causes, one node at a time. identifies the potential consequences of such a failure: The
horses would escape from the barn.
Backward vs. forward thinking This is a subtle but very important difference, especially
A major drawback of the HAZOP method is that it relies when dealing with complex processes. It is much easier
on a backward way of thinking to identify potential hazards. to think of a consequence by first thinking of a simple,
Backward thinking. The HAZOP method is based on the straightforward cause. This simple, logical, straightforward
concept that hazardous events are preceded by deviations manner of thinking is much less tiring.
from design and standard operating conditions, so potential
hazards are identified by considering process deviations. The safeguarding flow diagram
Common deviations evaluated during a HAZOP study PFFM is based on a safeguarding flow diagram (SFD),
include high flow, low flow, reverse flow, high temperature, which is tailored to PHAs and focuses on the process equip-
and low temperature. Such a procedure, whereby PHA team ment and the safety-critical devices protecting that equip-
members identify possible deviations and then seek to iden- ment (4). Although HAZOP reviews employ P&IDs, SFDs
tify the failures that could cause each deviation, requires are recommended (but not required) for PFFM reviews.
backward thinking. Worse, it presumes Article continues on next page
that the team is actually aware of all of the
Table 1. The HAZOP method evaluates hazards using a backward way of
relevant causes of a given deviation (or is thinking that first looks at deviations and then identifies their causes.
able to think of them during the meeting),
and this may not be the case for a compli- Node Deviation HAZOP Cause HAZOP Consequence
cated process or piping network.
Barn High Flow Barn door is left partially Horses escape from barn;
Table 1 illustrates the challenges associ-
or wide open loss of containment of
ated with backward thinking. The columns horses
are shown in this order because this is the
Reverse Flow Backflow of deer into Deer eat grain; financial loss
order in which team members must think barn to farmer
when using the HAZOP method: first iden-
Garage and Low/No Flow Car is out of gas Car fails to start; driver is
tify a deviation, and then list its cause(s). Driveway late for work
For example, suppose the node of inter-
Car battery is dead Car fails to start; driver is
est is a barn. In the HAZOP process, the late for work
team starts with a deviation such as high
Car starter/alternator Car fails to start; driver is
flow and asks the question: How could has failed late for work
high flow occur in the barn? One way high
Driver of car cannot find Car fails to start; driver is
flow could occur is if the barn door is left keys late for work
open. The team then identifies the potential
Table 2. The PFFM method follows the flow of the process and
consequence of leaving the barn door open.
is a more intuitive way of identifying hazards.
As shown in Table 1, this could result in
horses escaping from the barn. The process PFFM Node
(Section) PFFM Cause (Failure) PFFM Consequence
moves on to consider another deviation,
such as reverse flow, and asks how such a Barn Barn door is left partially or Horses escape from barn; loss of
wide open containment of horses
deviation could occur in the barn.
This counterintuitive way of think- Backflow of deer into barn Deer eat grain; financial loss to
ing is exhausting, cumbersome, and time
consuming often tempting HAZOP Garage and Car is out of gas Car fails to start; driver is late for
Driveway work
teams with limited time and/or resources
to postpone the HAZOP review, rush the Car battery is dead Car fails to start; driver is late for
review, or take shortcuts.
Forward thinking. As its name sug- Car starter/alternator has failed Car fails to start; driver is late for
gests, the PFFM technique looks for
hazards by following the process flow. Driver of car cannot find keys Car fails to start; driver is late for
Table 2 shows the PFFM thought process.

Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP March 2013 www.aiche.org/cep 49

Of the various types of engineering drawings (5), the be included in a PHA review to follow process lines across
P&ID provides the most detail. While necessary for docu- multiple drawings and identify consequences on possibly
mentation and other purposes, the level of detail of P&IDs several drawings is time consuming and complicated, and
is unnecessary for PHAs and can distract team members, can result in the team missing some hazards.
making it difficult to focus on the process concern being At the other end of the spectrum is the process flow dia-
discussed. Flipping through the dozens of P&IDs that may gram (PFD), which contains much less detail than a P&ID.
HT-2.18 PV-2.26 HT-2.19 PV-2.27
Force Circulation Heat Exchanger Slop O/H Condenser Slop O/H
Shell Tube Separator Shell Tube Separator
Des. Temp. 177C 177C Des. Temp. 177C Des. Temp. 149C 149C Des. Temp. 177C
Des. Press. 689 kPa (g) 1,103 kPa(g) Des. Press. 689 kPa (g) Des. Press. 1,172 kPa (g) 345 kPa(g) Des. Press. 828 kPa (g)

To Flare

Set Pressure Deaerated
689 kPa(g) To Atm. Water Return
132 106 134

PV PAH PV Set Pressure 142
141 141 124
345 kPa(g)
520 kPa(g)
Set Pressure FO
Steam Supply FC FC 1,172 kPa(g) PSV PSV
135 136

To PV-2.26
Level Bridle PV
Set Pressure To 143
1,103 kPa(g) Atm.
PSV RO Fuel Gas
133 HT-2.19
Set Pressure
To PV-2.27 PSV
1,034 kPa(g)
Deaerated TAHL
Level Bridle PV-2.26 123 137
CHD Water Supply
HT-2.18 Deluent 117
1,100 kPa(g)
128 126
Condensate T
125 124 RO
101 PV-2.27

From Slop Pump


Slop O/H
SP CHD To Sales

To Production
FV TAL Separators
140 125
Slop from

Slop O/H Water
To Water
FO Treating

Slop Bottoms
To HT-209A/B

Slop Oil
To Closed To Storage
Hydrocarbon Drain
PM-2.34 PM-2.33 SP PM-2.36R1
Bottoms Product Pump Slop Oil Recirculation Pump Produced Water Pump
2.2 L/s 754 kPa(g) 18.9 L/s 141 kPa(g) 3.7 L/s 1,235 kPa(g)
Max shutoff pressure 1,143 kPa(g) Max shutoff pressure 548 kPa(g) Max shutoff pressure 1,490 kPa(g)

PFFM Nodes Symbol Legend Nomenclature

Node 1 Normally Open Gate Valve CSC: Car Sealed Closed L/U: Lock-Up
Node 2 Pressure Safety Valve
Normally Closed Gate Valve CSO: Car Sealed Open NNF: Normally No Flow
Node 3 Globe Valve Vacuum Relief Valve ESD: Emergency Shutdown S/D: Shutdown
Node 4 Check Valve Blind in Open Position FC: Fail Closed SO: Steam Out
Node 5
Control Valve Blind in Closed Position FO: Fail Open SP: Sample Point
Node 6
Solenoid Valve FV: Full Vacuum TSO: Tight Shut-off
Node 7 Steam Trap
LC: Locked Closed

Node 8
Pressure Regulator LO: Locked Open
Node 9

p Figure 1. A safeguarding flow diagram displays the relevant equipment, piping, and safety devices necessary for a PFFM review. Each color identifies a
different node, which is defined such that each node consumes about one hour of review time.

50 www.aiche.org/cep March 2013 CEP Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
PFDs cannot be used for PHA reviews because they lack such reviews, participants spend a significant amount of
sufficient detail for identifying all potential process hazards. time flipping through pages of drawings while each mem-
SFDs bridge the level-of-detail gap between P&IDs and ber of the team tries to grasp the contents of that particular
PFDs. They show all of the equipment and safety devices node. This is not only a waste of time, but also presents
that are relevant to the PHA scope, without unnecessary almost unavoidable opportunities for missing process
clutter, such as the material and energy balance information hazards. A typical process unit can be presented on a single
found on PFDs, flow, temperature, or pressure indicators accordion-style SFD drawing with about 1235 folds.
(which are shown only when used as safeguarding devices),
instrumentation and control signals, instrument air or other Putting PFFM to work
sensing lines, utility services (unless these are the subject To illustrate the application of PFFM and how it
of the review), sample point details, construction details compares to HAZOP, consider the following hypothetical
and notes, and so on. These diagrams are displayed on the analysis of Node 2 in Figure 2 (which is an enlargement of
least number of pages with the least number of interfaces the blue section of Figure 1). Node 2 includes the slop oil
between drawings. Details that are unique to SFDs are the recirculation pump (PM-2.33), the forced-circulation heat
maximum shutoff pressures of rotating equipment (e.g., exchanger (HT-2.18), and the piping and devices associated
centrifugal pumps, compressors, and blowers), high/low with this equipment. Table 3 provides the HAZOP analysis
pressure interfaces, a bold font for any safeguarding instru- results for Node 2, and Table 4 shows the PFFM results for
ments and pressure or vacuum relief devices, and only those the same node. Notice that the PFFM review provides all
drawing notes that relate to process safety concerns. of the same information as HAZOP, but it is in one table
While use of the SFD is not mandatory for successful and follows the process flow. The possible failure causes
application of the PFFM technique, it is recommended, associated with various process elements are provided
particularly in situations where the P&IDs are out of date, in the LIST. For convenience, the LIST has been broken
jam-packed, or difficult to read. In addition, if more than down into Tables 514.
10 P&IDs are required, or if individual nodes cover more The PFFM review of Node 2 begins at the liquid outlet
than three P&IDs, an SFD should be used. nozzle from the slop treater vessel (PV-2.26), since this is
A sample SFD is presented in Figure 1. The P&ID it where the flow begins. The first question the team asks is:
was taken from is relatively small and self-contained, and If something goes wrong here, will the outlet line from the
of reasonably good quality. However, PHA reviews can vessel become plugged (Table 5)?
involve many different P&IDs for a single node, which can The analysis then follows the piping to the next process
become unmanageable for reviews with a lot of nodes. In element, in this case a spectacle blind. The normal position
of the blind is open, so the question is: What if the
To Atmosphere blind is left in the closed position (for instance, after
Set Pressure PSV maintenance work)?
689 kPa(g) 132 Continuing forward through the piping, the
next element encountered is a check valve (Table 6).
Check valves exist to prevent backflow, so the failure
141 PAH
mode is that the check valve fails to prevent backflow,
520 kPa(g) 124 i.e., it sticks open.
Supply FC FC
The next element of Node 2 is pump PM-2.33.
Several failure causes are typically associated with
Set Pressure PSV
1,103 kPa(g) 133 pumps (Table 7); the ones that apply to this centrifu-
RO gal pump are:
pump stops pumping due to mechanical or
CHD PV-2.26 electrical failure
HT-2.18 pump seal failure occurs.
The analysis continues in this way. In reviewing
Condensate T
heat exchanger HT-2.18, the tubeside is considered
first and then the shellside (Table 8). The shellside
PM-2.33 Node 2 Analysis
includes a steam supply. Because the steam enters
Starts Here the node at this point, the six causes in the top por-
tion of Table 5 are considered for this steam supply
p Figure 2. The example applies the PFFM technique to Node 2. stream (as they are for every stream that enters any

Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP March 2013 www.aiche.org/cep 51

node). The steam condensate leaves the node after exit- Failure modes for this type of device (Table 6) include: it
ing the heat exchanger, so the two causes in the bottom becomes plugged; flow through it stops; or it is eroded or
section of Table 5 are considered: the stream is blocked corroded, allowing excessive flow.
downstream (after it has left the node), and backflow Once all of the individual failure causes have been listed,
occurs into the node from the downstream processes. In the external fire and system failure causes are evaluated (Table
total, 15 causes are applied to the heat exchanger and its 10). For this facility, five system failure causes fire, power
associated piping within Node 2. failure, instrument air failure, steam failure, and heat tracing
The last element encountered along the piping back failure must be considered.
to the slop treater vessel is a restriction orifice (RO-104). All of these failure modes must be considered for every

Table 3. In a HAZOP review, a separate table of possible causes is generated for each deviation.
Node 2 of the process shown in Figure 1, which includes a slop oil recirculation pump (PM-2.33), a forced-circulation
heat exchanger (HT-2.18), and associated equipment, required 11 tables.*
Table 3a. Deviation 1: Higher Flow
1. Steam trap on upstream side of PV-141 in steam line to HT-2.18 fails open
2. PV-141 in steam supply to HT-2.18 fails open
3. PV-124 in steam supply to HT-2.18 fails open
4. Steam trap on shellside outlet of HT-2.18 fails open
5. RO-104 in feed line to PV-2.26 from HT-2.18 becomes eroded or is corroded away

Table 3b. Deviation 2: Lower Flow/No Flow

1. Outlet from PV-2.26 (slop separator) to PM-2.33 becomes plugged with damaged internals or solids build-up
2. PM-2.33 stops due to mechanical or electrical failure
3. Steam trap on upstream side of PV-141 in steam line to HT-2.18 becomes plugged or is blocked in, or trap fails closed
4. PV-141 or PV-124 in steam supply to HT-2.18 fails closed, or block valve in line is closed
5. Discharge line to atmosphere from PSV-132 on steam supply line to HT-2.18 becomes blocked by ice or debris
6. Discharge line to grade from PSV-132 on steam supply line to HT-2.18 becomes blocked by ice or debris
7. Line to atmosphere from shellside of HT-2.18 becomes blocked by ice or debris, or block valve is closed when required to be open
8. Steam trap on shellside outlet of HT-2.18 becomes plugged, block valve is closed, or steam trap fails closed
9. 70-kPa condensate return line from shellside of HT-2.18 is blocked downstream
10. Discharge line from PSV-133 to closed hydrocarbon drain (CHD) becomes plugged on tubeside of HT-2.18
Table 3c. Deviation 3: Reverse Flow; Misdirected Flow Table 3g. Deviation 7: Lower Temperature
1. Check valve in line from PV-2.26 to PM-2.33 sticks open 1. Temperature decreases in steam supply to HT-2.18 and PV-2.26
2. Block valve from shellside of HT-2.18 is left open Table 3h. Deviation 8: Other Than Phase
3. Bypass around steam trap on shellside outlet of HT-2.18 is left 1. Steam supply to HT-2.18 and PV-2.26 contains liquid
Table 3i. Deviation 9: Other Than Composition
4. Block valve to hose connection on bypass around HT-2.18
shellside outlet steam trap is left open 1. Steam supply to HT-2.18 and PV-2.26 is contaminated
5. Backflow from 70-kPa condensate system to HT-2.18 occurs Table 3j. Deviation 10: Maintenance Hazards
Table 3d. Deviation 4: Higher Pressure 1. Seal failure occurs on PM-2.33
1. Pressure increases in 520-kPa steam supply to shellside of 2. Tube rupture occurs in HT-2.18
HT-2.18 and PV-2.26 (on slop separator)
Table 3k. Deviation 11: System Failure
Table 3e. Deviation 5: Lower Pressure (utilities power, instrument air, steam, cooling,
1. Pressure is lost in 520-kPa steam supply to shellside of HT-2.18 heat tracing, process control systems)
and PV-2.26 1. Power failure occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18
Table 3f. Deviation 6: Higher Temperature 2. Instrument air failure occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18
1. Temperature increases in steam supply to HT-2.18 and PV-2.26 3. Steam failure occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18
2. Fire occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18 4. Heat tracing failure occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18

*The 11 tables are combined here for convenience.

52 www.aiche.org/cep March 2013 CEP Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Table 4. PFFM analysis generates one table listing all possible operating scenario, including normal operation, start-up,
causes of failure in a node. planned shutdown, emergency shutdown, and unusual
Causes operating modes (e.g., vessels bypassed, equipment out
1. Outlet from PV-2.26 (slop separator) to PM-2.33 (slop oil recirculation
for maintenance, etc.). Other operational considerations
pump) becomes plugged with damaged internals or solids build-up include: equipment spacing, sampling, and ease of
2. Check valve in line from PV-2.26 to PM-2.33 sticks open accomplishing required tasks.
3. PM-2.33 stops due to mechanical or electrical failure
To identify causes using the HAZOP deviation
approach, the team chooses one deviation (e.g., low
4. Seal failure occurs on PM-2.33
flow), and considers what could cause low flow at each
5. Pressure is lost in 520-kPa steam supply to shellside of HT-2.18 and
PV-2.26 piece of equipment in the node. While doing this, the
6. Pressure increases in 520-kPa steam supply to shellside of HT-2.18
leader typically highlights (or colors) the piping that is
and PV-2.26 examined as the team works its way through the node.
7. Temperature decreases in steam supply to HT-2.18 and PV-2.26 The problem with this approach is that as the team
8. Temperature increases in steam supply to HT-2.18 and PV-2.26
reviews additional deviations, it is difficult to remember
which parts of the node have already been analyzed with
9. Steam supply to HT-2.18 and PV-2.26 is contaminated
regard to which deviations. This is a problem for facilita-
10. Steam supply to HT-2.18 and PV-2.26 contains liquid
tors who pre-populate worksheets before a review as well
11. Steam trap on upstream side of PV-141 in steam line to HT-2.18
as review teams that are using the blank-page approach.
becomes plugged or is blocked in, or steam trap fails closed
12. Steam trap on upstream side of PV-141 in steam line to HT-2.18 fails Table 5. The portion of the LIST that pertains to
open streams entering and exiting the node of interest is
13. PV-141 in steam supply to HT-2.18 fails open shown here.
14. PV-124 in steam supply to HT-2.18 fails open Streams Entering the Node
15. PV-141 or PV-124 in steam supply to HT-2.18 fails closed, or block Pressure increases in incoming stream
valve in line is closed
Pressure decreases in incoming stream
16. Discharge line to atmosphere from PSV-132 on steam supply line to
Temperature increases in incoming stream
HT-2.18 becomes blocked by ice or debris
Temperature decreases in incoming stream
17. Discharge line to grade from PSV-132 on steam supply line to
HT-2.18 becomes blocked by ice or debris Incoming stream is contaminated (e.g., light ends, heavy
ends, salts, chemical additives, pH, etc.)
18. Tube rupture occurs in HT-2.18
Incoming stream contains unexpected phases (e.g., solids,
19. Block valve from shellside of HT-2.18 is left open to atmospheric vent
liquid hydrocarbons or water, vapor)
20. Line to atmosphere from shellside of HT-2.18 becomes blocked by
Streams Exiting the Node
ice or debris, or block valve is closed when required to be open
21. Steam trap on shellside outlet of HT-2.18 becomes plugged, block Flow is blocked downstream
valve is closed, or steam trap fails closed Backflow into exiting stream occurs from downstream
22. Steam trap on shellside outlet of HT-2.18 fails open equipment
23. Bypass around steam trap on shellside outlet of HT-2.18 is left open Table 6. The LIST for piping.
24. Block valve to hose connection on bypass around HT-2.18 shellside
Piping Segments
outlet steam trap is left open
25. 70-kPa condensate return line from HT-2.18 shellside is blocked Piping segment is blocked in with heat tracing on (or off)
downstream Piping segment is blocked in and ambient temperature
26. Backflow from 70-kPa condensate system to HT-2.18 occurs changes

27. Discharge line from PSV-133 to CHD becomes plugged on Any dead legs in this section/node?
tubeside of HT-2.18 Check valve sticks open and forward flow stops
28. RO-104 in feed line to PV-2.26 from HT-2.18 becomes plugged off Atmospheric vent line from atmospheric sump, vessel,
29. RO-104 in feed line to PV-2.26 from HT-2.18 becomes eroded or is drum, etc. becomes plugged
corroded away Hose rupture occurs
30. Fire occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18 Expansion joint failure occurs
31. Power failure occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18 Restriction orifice becomes plugged
32. Instrument air failure occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18 Restriction orifice erodes or corrodes away
33. Steam failure occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18 Pipelines
34. Heat tracing failure occurs in vicinity of PM-2.33 and HT-2.18 Pipeline leak or rupture occurs

Article continues on next page

Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP March 2013 www.aiche.org/cep 53

In contrast, with PFFM, each piece of piping and equip- complete. However, users should aim to improve and add to
ment is covered once. After it has been colored as part of the LIST as new failure modes are identified (for instance, as
the node, it does not need to be revisited. In this way, it is new technologies are developed and situations change).
clear which parts of the process have been considered so These tables can be used to fill in the cause section of
far: If it is colored, it is done, and it does not need to be the PFFM worksheets. In preparing for the review, a facili-
reviewed again. The review team only goes back to a node tator or other team member (even junior personnel, as long
that has been reviewed to evaluate system failure causes as they can read a P&ID or SFD) can list virtually every
(e.g., fire, power outage, etc.). This differs from HAZOP, individual process failure cause that could occur in a facil-
in which each node is evaluated for each of the applicable ity. Then during the PHA meeting, the team simply needs
deviations (e.g., low flow, high flow, blocked flow, etc.). to confirm the causes that apply to the node being studied.
This speeds up reviews by approximately 25% compared Since many companies are familiar only with the
with the HAZOP deviation approach. HAZOP technique and are leery of other methods, PHA
facilitators may need to conform with their organizations
The LIST HAZOP structures and hierarchies. However, this does
Tables 514 comprise the LIST of possible process not preclude the use of PFFM. A very effective way of
failures for the most common types of equipment, piping, pre-populating the causes for a HAZOP review is to start
and operational scenarios. The LIST has evolved during with a list of causes generated by PFFM. Once the list is
more than 15 years of using it for process hazards analysis in completed for a node, each cause can be copied and pasted
operating facilities and in facilities at the design stage. Every into the most appropriate deviation worksheet within
attempt has been made to make the LIST comprehensive and that node. This takes very little time, and the results are
indistinguishable from HAZOP worksheets that have been
Table 7. The LIST for pumps and compressors. pre-populated using the standard, more time-consuming
Pumps and omission-prone deviation approach.
Online pump stops due to mechanical or electrical failure Reference 6 provides case studies that compare the
Check valve sticks open on pump discharge and pump stops outcomes of the HAZOP and PFFM techniques.
Pump started with suction block valve closed
Identifying all causes is not the whole job
Pump started with discharge block valve closed
Check valve sticks open on discharge of standby pump with
The data from the CSB study (1) suggest that the fail-
suction and discharge block valves both left open ure to identify credible failure scenarios can result in very
Check valve sticks open on discharge of standby pump with serious consequences, and that credible failure scenarios
suction block valve closed and discharge block valve left open are sometimes missed during PHA reviews. To identify
Variable-frequency drive (VFD) fails and speeds up (or slows all potential failure scenarios and their consequences, all
down) the pump potential causes must also be identified.
More pumps in parallel service are operating than required However, identification of causes will not necessar-
Pump seal (packing, etc.) failure occurs ily lead to identification of every process hazard. For
Suction (or discharge) vibration dampener fails on positive- example, the team might pose the cause Pump discharge
displacement (PD) pump block valve closed and determine that the consequence is
Compressors Flow stops, no hazard, when the consequence is actually
discharge-piping overpressure.
Online compressor stops due to mechanical or electrical failure
Other common mistakes include: not accurately identi-
Check valve sticks open on compressor discharge and
compressor stops
fying the backflow consequences for check valves that are
stuck in the open position; failure to consider the effects of
Compressor started with suction block valve closed
lighter hydrocarbon contamination of feed streams (e.g.,
Compressor started with discharge block valve closed
flashing); and failure to consider every impact of heat trac-
Check valve sticks open on discharge of standby compressor
ing failures (e.g., pressure safety valve inlet and/or outlet
with suction and discharge block valves both left open
piping may freeze and become blocked completely, etc.).
Check valve sticks open on discharge of standby compressor
with suction block valve closed and discharge block valve open
The first step in applying the PFFM technique is to iden-
tify all of the potential causes of process hazards that may
VFD fails and speeds up (or slows down) the compressor
arise from failures within the process. Next, use engineer-
More compressors in parallel service are operating than required
ing knowledge and some imagination when considering the
Compressor seal (packing, etc.) failure occurs
consequences of those causes. This challenge of using your
Suction (or discharge) vibration dampener fails on PD compressor
imagination applies equally to HAZOP and PFFM.

54 www.aiche.org/cep March 2013 CEP Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Table 8. The LIST for heat exchangers. Table 10. The LIST for systemic failures.
Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers Systemic Failures
Shellside is blocked in while tubeside fluid is flowing High/low ambient temperature
Tubeside is blocked in while shellside fluid is flowing Fire (consider equipment spacing as well as overpressure, etc.
Tube rupture occurs concerns)
Tube leak occurs Power failure
Shellside is blocked in while exchanger is shut down Instrument air failure
Tubeside is blocked in while exchanger is shut down Steam failure
Inadequate heat exchange Cooling medium failure
Excessive heat exchange Heating medium failure
Heat tracing failure
Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers
Other utility failure, as applicable (e.g., nitrogen, refrigeration)
Excessive cooling occurs in exchanger
Failure of control signal from remote controller or remote control
Tube rupture occurs
Tube leak occurs
Emergency isolation capabilities
Fan stops due to mechanical or electrical failure
Commissioning issues (new equipment)
Inadequate cooling due to fouling
Startup/shutdown issues, such as:
Exchanger is blocked in during shutdown
Do safeguarding instruments need to be bypassed to start
Other Heat Exchangers (Plate-and-Frame, Spiral, etc.) up the unit?
Hot side is blocked in while cold-side fluid is flowing Can a fired heater burner be lit safely by the operator?
Cold side is blocked in while hot-side fluid is flowing Are the operators having to open or close very large
manual valves to start up or shut down equipment?
Rupture occurs between hot and cold sides
When starting up (or shutting down) equipment, does it
Leak occurs between hot and cold sides
pass through temperatures, pressures, or flow conditions
Hot side is blocked in while exchanger is shut down that have not yet been considered?
Cold side is blocked in while exchanger is shut down
Inadequate heat exchange Table 11. The LIST that pertains to equipment maintenance.
Excessive heat exchange Maintenance
Access Issues, such as
Table 9. The LIST for valves.
If a heat exchanger tube bundle needs to be removed, will
Control Valves
there be enough room for the equipment and pulled bundle?
Fail open If a chemical storage tank must be refilled from a tanker
Fail open with bypass open truck, is there space available for the truck during offloading?
Fail closed with bypass closed In a purchased equipment skid, is the piping so tightly laid
out that personnel cannot access control valves or other
Manual Block Valves
instrumentation safely?
Normally closed block valve is left open, or opened during
Are manual block valves that are frequently operated
normal operation
located at the correct height (should be between shoulder
Normally open block valve is left closed, or closed during and knee height)?
normal operation
Equipment Spacing or Location Issues, such as
Vent, Drain, and Bleed Valves Is any equipment located within the sterile radius (which is
Vent, drain, or bleed valve is opened during normal operation set by the allowable radiation limit) around the flare stack?
Vent, drain, or bleed valve is left open at startup Is the flame in a fired heater at an appropriate distance
from atmospheric vents that could contain hydrocarbon
Emergency or Remotely Operated Valves (e.g., Isolation,
vapor during an upset condition?
Depressuring, Venting, Purging)
Equipment Maintenance Isolation Issues, such as
Emergency isolation valve fails to close when required
For parallel pumps or filters, can one pump or filter be
Emergency isolation valve fails closed during normal operation safely isolated for maintenance according to regulatory
Emergency depressuring, venting, or purge valve fails to open requirements and/or company policy? Are more isolation
when required valves needed?
Emergency depressuring, venting, or purge valve fails open Equipment Reliability Issues (especially for any equipment
during normal operation identified as safeguarding devices)

Article continues on next page

Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP March 2013 www.aiche.org/cep 55

Table 12. The LIST for miscellaneous equipment and devices. Table 14. The LIST for vessels.
Dryers, Molecular Sieve Units, etc. Vessels and Tanks
Media becomes plugged or deactivated Rate of inflow to vessel exceeds rate of outflow (consider for
Switching valve failure occurs (consider all modes of operation, each liquid phase)
and individual valve failures) Rate of outflow from vessel exceeds rate of inflow (consider for
Media is too active (i.e., absorbs/adsorbs unwanted components) each liquid phase)
Media must be changed or partially removed (bed exposed to Failure of individual internals (depends on nature of internals
atmosphere, or vessel entry concerns) i.e., internals collapse and block outlet nozzle, weirs collapse)
Heating coils or cooling coil failure occurs
Fired Heaters
Mixer/agitator failure ocurs
Tube leak or tube rupture occurs
Packing in mixers/agitators fails
Combustion air supply filter becomes plugged
Distillation Columns
Induced-draft (ID) or forced-draft (FD) fan stops
Natural-draft (ND), ID, or FD damper is wide open Tray collapse occurs
ND, ID, or FD damper is closed Trays become fouled
Flame arrester is plugged or otherwise damaged Reactors
Tubes (or other heat-transfer surface) are fouled Catalyst is deactivated or fouled, or reaction stops
Excessive heat is transferred Catalyst bed is plugged
Insufficient heat is transferred Excessive reaction rate, or runaway reaction
If a bath is used, bath leaks and liquid level is lost Internals fail
If a heating bath is used, medium degrades or is contaminated
For fuel supply issues, see valve failure modes Literature Cited
Filters and Strainers 1. Kaszniak, M., Oversights and Omissions in Process Hazard
Analyses: Lessons Learned from CSB Investigations, pre-
Filter/strainer becomes plugged sented at the 2009 AIChE Spring Meeting, 5th Global Congress
Media is not replaced in filter/strainer after maintenance on Process Safety, 43rd Annual Loss Prevention Symposium,
Backflow into filter/strainer occurs during cleaning/change-out Tampa, FL (Apr. 2630, 2009).
2. Center for Chemical Process Safety, Guidelines for Hazard
Pressure-Relief Devices Evaluation Procedures, 2nd ed., American Institute of Chemical
Pressure-relief device sticks closed in dirty/sticky service Engineers, New York, NY, and John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken,
NJ, p. 133 (1992).
Pressure-relief device freezes closed (if credible)
3. Ego, D., and R. MacGregor, Improve Your Facilitys PHA
Pressure-relief device opens and fails to reseat (when discharge Methodology, Hydrocarbon Processing, 83 (4), pp. 8186
is to another part of the process, i.e., pump suction, process (Apr. 2004).
vessel, etc., and not easily detected)
4. Wong, D., and R. MacGregor, Harmonization of Safeguard-
Pressure/vacuum device fails to close after operation is restored ing Devices: The Safeguarding Drawing, presented at the
to normal pressure 2008 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Conference,
Rupture disc fails to rupture when required Ottawa, ON (Oct. 1922, 2008).
5. Nasby, G., Using Process Flowsheets as Communication
Rupture disc ruptures during normal operation (or during upset)
Tools, Chem. Eng. Progress, 108 (10), pp. 3644 (Oct. 2012).
Table 13. The LIST for truck loading and offloading. 6. MacGregor, R., Comparing PHA Review Techniques A
Case History on Review Meeting Dynamics and Missed Haz-
Trucks at Loading/Offloading Stations ards, presented at the 8th Global Congress on Process Safety,
Hose rupture occurs or coupling becomes disconnected during Houston, TX (Apr. 15, 2012).
Truck moves during loading/offloading RoSaLynn J. MacGReGoR, P.enG., has worked as a self-employed process
Static charge accumulates during loading/offloading safety professional at Sapphire Engineering Services, Ltd. since 2001.
When she wrote this article, she served as a senior health, safety, and
Vehicle collides with truck during loading/offloading environmental specialist on contract to PMO Global Services in Calgary,
Alberta; she is currently on contract to ACM Automation, Inc. (940 6th
Loading is not stopped when truck is full (or vessel is empty) Ave., #700, Calgary, AB, T2P 3T1; Phone: (250) 804-4748; Email: sesco@
Offloading is not stopped when truck is empty (or vessel is full) xplornet.com). She has over 25 years of experience in the oil and gas
and petrochemicals industries, and held positions in process, environ-
Incorrect or contaminated material offloaded mental, and operations engineering, as well as technical department
Material loaded to contaminated or wrong truck management, prior to specializing in process safety. She holds a BASc
from the Univ. of British Columbia and an MSc from the Univ. of Alberta,
Loading/offloading rate too high both in chemical engineering, and is a registered professional engineer
in Alberta and British Columbia. CEP
Loading/offloading rate too low

56 www.aiche.org/cep March 2013 CEP Copyright 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

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