September 29 2017 Newsletter
September 29 2017 Newsletter
September 29 2017 Newsletter
Dear Parents & Friends, 8th GRADE PARENT SILVER CITY DAY
Each month our
encourages our students to do
staff MEETING 2
The 8th grade parent meeting
Our school will be walking in
the parade on Strong Ave. on
more than just explain the has been rescheduled for next 0 October 7. Our theme is
Super Heroes. It takes many
virtues. We want them to be put
into action. Most of you know
Thursday, Oct. 7 @ 5:00pm.
We will be
discussing Super Heroes (grandparents,
that our virtue for September graduation 7
requirements, parents, pastors, teachers,
was courtesy. As we are at the
end of the month, students who
scholarships, and making other
plans for the year. It will only
parishioners) to help us get to
Heaven! If your child has a
exhibited courtesy throughout last for 30 minutes but the PTO2 Super Hero costume of any
the month earned a white ticket.
plan to stay for that as well. 0
meeting will follow so please kind, Spider-Man, Superman,
That ticket was put into a Wonder Woman, Batman, Iron
drawing this afternoon. They 0 Man. Captain American,
also chose a prize out of my Batgirl, Supergirl, etc. please
drawers full of goodies. PARISH SUPPORT 8 have them wear it. If they dont,
Please ask your child who There are two lists beingS the PTO will have capes
won the drawing today. But available for the students to
8 grade students who will cbe
sent home today. One is for 5-
more importantly, ask if they got wear. Parents and staff,
to enter a white ticket for the serving at SH or SJE h on please wear your Super
drawing. That is a great shirts. If you have not gotten
accomplishment in itself and all families to clean SH Church.o
weekends and the other is for
your parent shirt yet, this is a
of our students who entered The parish does a great dealoto great time to pick it up.
should be congratulated. If they support our school, both All parents or students
didnt get a ticket entered, financially, and otherwise, lso walking in the parade should
please help remind them that
foresight starts in October and
they have asked that we helpY be lined up at 42nd & Strong by
in these two areas. Students 9:45am. We will walk from 42nd
they have a whole month to will not be scheduled more e St. to 24th St. at Emerson Park.
demonstrate that virtue. than about once every 6-8 a
weeks and families just one
God Bless! time during the school yearrto UPCOMING EVENTS
clean. Please call the office if Oct. 2School Custodian
you have any questions. Appreciation Day
Nancy Butters 1 Oct. 58th Grade Parent
Meeting @ 5:00pm
.PTO DRESS DOWN DAY t Oct. 5PTO Meeting @
PROGRESS REPORTS We will have a dress down
6:00 in the lunchroom
Progress reports are going day on Tuesday for students E Oct. 68th Grade
home today. Review them with whose parents attended the
your child and determine what September PTO meeting. d Experience Day @ BWHS
improvements may be needed Students should still meet ithe Oct. 7Silver City Day
going forward. Please sign on out of uniform dress code as
the indicated line on the t
stated in the handbook. If your
Parade @ 9:45
Oct. 10-Dental Screenings
envelope and send only the i
child is allowed to dress down,
they will be receiving a note.
Oct. 12 & 13Dental
envelope back on Monday.
The report is yours to keep. o
All others should be in uniform. Cleanings & Treatments