Steel/Timber Design: Page 1 of 40
Steel/Timber Design: Page 1 of 40
Steel/Timber Design: Page 1 of 40
This section contains information on how to design steel and timber elements of a structure.
Note: The design process for members of steel or timber structures is similar.
Before starting the code checking process, it is necessary to define members or groups of
members. The verification of these members can then be performed through the Calculations
1. Select the Steel Design, or Timber Design layout. The Definitions and Calculations
dialogs are displayed.
2. In the Definitions dialog, go to the Members tab.
3. Select the number of the member that you want to verify, or click New to create a new
4. Click Parameters to access the code parameters. The Member Definition - Parameters
dialog opens, and displays the list of parameters for the selected code.
Note: The content of the parameters dialog depends on the code that was selected.
5. Specify the code parameters for the member. Typically you can define parameters such as
the buckling length, lateral buckling parameters, and rigidity conditions.
6. Click More if you want to define additional parameters such as the load type, tensile
forces, angles in tension, or the yield strength for pipes.
7. Click OK to close the Additional parameters dialog.
8. Save the parameters you defined, and then close the Member Definition - Parameters
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Define groups of bars
Although it is not necessary to define groups when verifying bar sections, groups must be
defined for design or optimization procedures.
1. Select the Steel Design, or Timber Design layout. The Definitions and Calculations
dialogs are displayed.
2. In the Definitions dialog, go to the Groups tab.
3. Select the Number of the group that you want to verify, or click New to create a new
group of members.
4. Click Sections to select the types of sections that will be applied during the verification
and design processes.
5. Click OK to close the Selection of Sections dialog.
6. Click Par. sections to open the Parametrized sections dialog. The content of the
Parametrized dialog depends on the type of material selected, i.e. Steel/aluminum or
7. Use or to include the selected sections in the calculations.
8. Click OK to close the Parametrized sections dialog.
9. Click Save.
Member Design
Use this option to define member groups. Access the option by clicking the first tab in the
Definitions dialog. The following displays:
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Number - displays a bar number. It is always the next to the highest existing number. You
can enter a different number but only for the newly created bars. Selection from the list or
entering an already existing number will result in a redefinition of the current state of the
bar parameters. If several bars are defined at the same time, the first bar will receive the
number listed in the field and the following bar receives the next available number
New - adds a new bar to the existing list
Basic data
Bar list - use this field to enter numbers of member elements which constitute one
Name - use this field to enter bar names for better orientation when reviewing the results
and creating the documentation
Group - use this field to select the group to which the bar should be added during bar
Member Type - use this field to select the defined member type used during member
Selection - opens the dialog to select member elements which constitute one member
Parameters - opens the Bar Definition - Parameters dialog to define code parameters of a
bar (the dialog corresponds to a selected code).
Click the New Bar Type option located in the Member Type dialog
Click the Parameters button located in the Definition dialog.
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The member type field displays the name of the selected member type (enter the name of the
defined bar type). The Buckling with respect to axis Y or Z fields displays the length of the bar
for the appropriate plane.
Choose the Coefficient option to define several members of differing actual lengths and whose
additional supports are equally spaced, and, if the set parameters are to be maintained as a
category. Enter a value of 1.0 to guarantee that each bar (defined using the category as Ly) will
have its actual length accepted.
The member buckling length coefficients (in both directions) are defined in the Buckling Length
coefficient field. The actual length of a member (or, the sum of the component element lengths)
is automatically entered in the appropriate fields.
The buckling length coefficient depends on the support conditions of the member end nodes in
the buckling plane. The buckling length of a member is also defined in the Buckling Patterns
dialog, which is opened by clicking the icon that represents the selected member-buckling
model. After selecting a typical member support pattern, the coefficient value will be calculated
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The first group contains typical (code) methods of member support and the corresponding
buckling coefficient values.
The second group contains icons for calculating the buckling coefficient for multi-story
frames. The colors of the icons signify appropriately: red (A) - calculations for movable
frames, blue (B) - for fixed frames.
Buckling is included during calculations if a compression force operating in the member, even if
it is small in comparison to the other internal forces, act on the member. A separate analysis is
not performed to determine whether or not buckling effects should be disregarded. To eliminate
buckling effects from calculations, click the last icon.
In the Lateral Buckling Parameters field select options used during the verification of the lateral
buckling type: lateral buckling type, load level and the lateral buckling length coefficient.
Selecting the appropriate icon opens the dialog for the definitions for corresponding parameters.
The Lateral Buckling Type option defines the corresponding code-defined lateral buckling
parameters depending on the static pattern of a member. As required by the code, one of the
patterns included in the code should be accepted. The patterns in the shape of icons mirror the
appropriate items from the code. Click the last icon to exclude lateral buckling effects during
It is necessary to include the level of load application, to describe lateral buckling conditions.
The ordinate height of load application is defined in the bar section axis system. Assuming that
lateral buckling will occur when loading the bar in the XZ plane, only one coordinate is entered.
It is a relative value from the <-1.0, 1.0> interval. If the load is applied at a characteristic section
point - upper flange, lower, etc. then, the coordinate value will be entered automatically once the
appropriate icon is chosen.
Lateral buckling calculations requires you to provide the distance between sections blocked
against twisting for each bar (lateral buckling length). It is necessary to distinguish two buckling
lengths (for the upper and for the lower flange) as it is possible to attach the upper and lower
flanges separately, which results in the appearance of different load cases of compression forces.
The value of the coefficient must be provided by which the base bar length should be multiplied
to obtain the lateral buckling length. The length IZ is taken as the base length. The coefficient
value is entered directly or by selecting the icon representing typical attachment case for which
the coefficient will be automatically chosen.
Note: The symbols included in the above dialog are explained in the Results dialog (the Detailed
Results tab). The mentioned dialog contains definitions of all the parameters assumed for steel
member calculations and the result values obtained after member calculations.
Click the More button to open an additional dialog. You can then define the remaining bar type
parameters described in the code, such as: load type, section parameters.
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For Eurocode 3 another button Complex section is provided. Click the button to open an
additional dialog Complex Section (Eurocode3) or Complex Section (CM66), where parameters
of complex members may be defined.
Click the Service button to open and additional dialog. You can then define the parameters of bar
type (limit displacements, initial deflection).
Click the Save button to save the bar type - with defined name and parameters - to the list of
predefined steel bar types.
Buckling Diagrams
Use this dialog to define buckling length of members.
Click the Buckling length coefficient Y or Z button in the Member Definitions -
Parameters dialog.
Dialog elements
Select one of the icons with the appropriate end support to automatically specify the buckling
length coefficient.
The icon colors signify respectively: red - calculations for sway frames, blue - for non-sway
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Buckling coefficients , ,
Buckling coefficients are used for the calculation of columns of multi-story frames. They
can be used for one, three and six adjoining members.
Note: Click any of the buckling length coefficient icons to open the Adjoining Member
Parameters dialog.
Ignore buckling
Select this icon to ignore the buckling effects during the calculation process.
Note: If you don't select this option, buckling is always considered during the
calculations when a compressive force acts on a member, even if it is negligible in
relation to other internal forces. A separate analysis is not performed to determine
whether buckling effects should be excluded or not.
Internal bracings
Opens the Internal bracings dialog, which allows you to define the parameters of lateral
This option allows you to consider bars with internal bracings during the calculations.
Internal bracings include: lateral stiffening of the analyzed bars, or limiting the buckling
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Enter the following information for the main bar:
The number of the consecutive structural bars ( the section for the selected structure bar
is automatically entered); enter the bar number in the appropriate field or select the bar on
the screen.
Position (placement) of the bar in the structure; two methods are possible: vertical or
horizontal .
For several codes (ADD8, Eurocode3, NEN6770/6771, PN90) another parameter is included: the
support method for the opposite end of the adjoining bar. The available support types depend on
the selected steel code requirements.
Once the adjoining bar of a selected number is in place, the buckling coefficient value is
available in the lower portion of the dialog. The value of the buckling coefficient is located in the
Bar Test Value field once the adjoining bar number is selected.
To manually define the parameters of adjoining bars, press the Manual button found in the lower
part of the dialog. The manual definition of the adjoining bar parameters will display in an
additional window..
To define parameters of varying inertia bars, press the Parameters button to and enter the
information on the additional dialog.
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Enter values for the adjoining bar in the following fields:
Moment of inertia or the section of the adjoining bar (first two columns 2 of the dialog)
Bar length.
In the case of several codes (ADD8, Eurocode3, NEN6770/6771, PN90) another parameter is
included: the support method for the other end of the adjoining bar. The available support types
depend on the selected steel code requirements.
When the adjoining bar number is selected, the buckling coefficient value is checked in the lower
portion of the dialog, and the value of the buckling coefficient is displayed in the Bar Test: Value
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Enter the following information for the main bar:
The number of the consecutive structural bars (the section for the selected structure bar is
automatically entered); enter the bar number in the appropriate field or select the bar on
the screen.
Position (placement) of the bar in the structure; two methods are possible: vertical or
horizontal .
For several codes (ADD8, Eurocode3, NEN6770/6771, PN90) another parameter is included: the
support method for the opposite end of the adjoining bar. The available support types depend on
the selected steel code requirements.
Once the adjoining bar of a selected number is in place, the buckling coefficient value is
displayed in the lower portion of the dialog. The value of the buckling coefficient is displayed in
the Bar Test:: Value field once the adjoining bar number is selected.
To manually define the parameters of adjoining bars, press the Manual button found in the lower
part of the dialog. The manual definition of adjoining bar parameters are displayed on the screen.
To define parameters of varying inertia bars, press the Parameters button, and enter the
information on the additional dialog.
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Enter values for the adjoining bar in the following fields:
Moment of inertia or the section of the adjoining bar (first two columns 2 of the dialog)
Bar length.
In the case of several codes (ADD8, Eurocode3, NEN6770/6771, PN90) another parameter is
included: the support method for the other end of the adjoining bar. The available support types
depend on the selected steel code requirements.
When the adjoining bar number is selected, the buckling coefficient value is checked in the lower
portion of the dialog, and the value of the buckling coefficient is displayed in the Bar Test: Value
The number of the consecutive structural bars (the section of the selected structural bar is
automatically entered); enter the bar number in the appropriate field or select the bar on
the screen.
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Position (placement) of the bar in the structure; two methods are possible: vertical or a
horizontal .
For several codes (ADD8, Eurocode3, NEN6770/6771, PN90) another parameter is included: the
support method for the other end of the adjoining bar. The available support types for the
opposite end depend on the selected steel code requirements.
Once the adjoining bar of a selected number is in place, the buckling coefficient value is
displayed in the lower portion of the dialog. The value of the buckling coefficient is displayed in
the Test for Bar: Value field once the adjoining bar number is selected.
To manually define the parameters of adjoining bars, press the Manual button found in the lower
part of the dialog. The manual definition of adjoining bar parameters is displayed on the screen.
To define parameters of varying inertia bars, press the Parameters button, and enter the
information on the additional dialog.
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Enter values for the adjoining bar in the following fields:
Moment of inertia or the section of the adjoining bar (first two columns 2 of the dialog)
Bar length.
In the case of several codes (ADD8, Eurocode3, NEN6770/6771, PN90) another parameter is
included: the support method for the other end of the adjoining bar. The available support types
depend on the selected steel code requirements.
When the adjoining bar number is selected, the buckling coefficient value is checked in the lower
portion of the dialog, and the value of the buckling coefficient is displayed in the Bar Test: Value
A substitute moment of inertia of the main bar as well as of the adjoining bars is defined as the
bar minimal moment of inertia, the average moment or inertia or a percentage of the maximal
moment of inertia.
In the lower part of the dialog there are options that determine the cross-section from which the
equivalent stiffness is adopted; the distance of that cross-section from the beginning of the bar is
defined (a real or relative value of the distance).
member supports
parameters of adjoining bars
supports on the other ends of adjoining bars.
Note: While calculating the buckling length automatically, intermediate beams or bracings that
adjoin columns are ignored.
Both end nodes of a column are analyzed separately and their stiffness is calculated according to
the code regulations. To use code formulas, you must know the stiffness of the analyzed column
(known from the definition), stiffness values of transverse beams adjoining the node as well as
the stiffness of the adjoining column. These last two stiffnesses, which will be referred to here
as the 'beam' stiffness and the 'column' stiffness, are evaluated as follows:
1. A bar adjoining the node is analyzed together with its further connections (i.e. with the
entire bar chain): the stiffness is calculated for the entire bar chain which can affect either
the beam stiffness or the column stiffness of the node depending on the bar chain
2. The first bar of the bar chain determines its direction:
o column direction (the direction included in the range of 15 from the direction
determined by the original analyzed column).
o beam direction (the direction included in the range of 15 from the direction
perpendicular to the original analyzed column).
o intermediate direction (all bars that are not included in the above-presented
classification belong to the group of 'intermediate' bars).
3. The stiffness of an 'intermediate' bar chain (equal to J/L) is substituted by the equivalent
column stiffness J c (J/L c ) and beam stiffness J b (J/L b ) assuming for a fictitious column
and beam the same moment of inertia J as for an inclined bar chain, and the modified
lengths L c = k*L*cos, L b = k*L*sin (k is a multiplier, whereas a is an angle between
the column and the direction of the vector connecting the beginning and end of the bar
chain). From the condition J = J c + J b , we obtain 1/L = 1/L c + 1/L b and that allows
calculating the multiplier k = (sin*cos)/(sin+cos).
4. The end of a bar chain is determined by:
o branching of several bars (the node at which at least 3 bars meet)
o support
o nodal release or element (hinge) release
o change of the direction by an angle greater by 30 from the original one
o too great number of changes in the bar stiffness (more than 10). A change in the
stiffness of the order of 1.0e-12 is considered insignificant and is disregarded in
calculations. The equivalent stiffness is calculated according to the formula
5. A bar chain ending with an unsupported end is not considered in the stiffness
calculations, similarly as a bar chain starting with a pinned support (an element release at
the beginning of the bar chain).
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6. The support (ending) method of beam chains is included in the calculation (rotational
release, fixed support, elastic fixed support).
7. Effect of the longitudinal force on the stiffnesses is ignored; this is a purely geometrical
Column and beam stiffnesses (calculated as a ratio of the moment of inertia to the length) for
individual bar chains are added together, once all the bars meeting at the column node have been
analyzed, to determine the final beam stiffness and column stiffness of the node. These values
are substituted in the relevant code formulas.
If a support occurs at the node, analysis of a bar chain is not performed and the appropriate
equivalent stiffness of the node is implied by the support scheme. If both nodes are supported,
buckling length coefficients corresponding to those known from the theory of material strength
are adopted.
nternal bracings
Use this option to define bracings and lateral supports for all analyzed stability cases (buckling,
lateral buckling, and torsion).
Click in the Lateral buckling length coefficients dialog, or in the Buckling diagrams
Dialog elements
The dialog box is split into two parts:
There are two ways to define parameters of bracing elements limiting both the buckling length
(in both directions) and the lateral buckling length of a member (separately for the upper and
lower flange). Thus, during analysis, you can easily read the sets of bending moments in
characteristic points. The options define buckling and/or lateral buckling length coefficients for
the member sections between bracings.
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Access the parameters for bracings (for buckling analysis) by clicking in the buckling
diagrams dialog.
The defined intermediate bracings are displayed in the upper part of the dialog.
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Node numbers
Member numbers
Clearly-marked member beginning (the origin of the coordinate system).
- click this icon to display information for bracings and lateral supports for buckling in the
direction Y
- click this icon to display information for bracings and lateral supports for buckling in the
direction Z
- click this icon to display information for bracings and lateral supports for lateral buckling of
the upper flange
- click this icon to display information for bracings and lateral supports for lateral buckling of
the lower flange.
If you select the Australian code AS4100, the view also includes the icon for bracings for
torsional buckling.
Buckling Y
Buckling Z
Torsional buckling (this tab is available only for the Australian code AS4100)
Lateral buckling - upper flange
Lateral buckling - lower flange.
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o At points with adjoining elements in the buckling plane;
On the Buckling Y and Z tabs - Use this option to automatically recognize points
where the analyzed member is adjoined by other members in a selected buckling
plane (such as members adjoining in the XZ plane for buckling Y).
On the Lateral buckling - upper flange and lower flange tabs - Use this option
to automatically recognize points where the analyzed member is adjoined by other
members from any direction.
o At all points where internal nodes are located - Use this option to automatically
recognize points where any internal nodes are located, such as points where an
analyzed element is adjoined by other members, or points where concentrated
forces are applied.
o At points where bending moments equal zero - Use this option to automatically
recognize points where the sign of the bending moment diagram changes (at these
points the moment equals zero), as indicated in many national codes, such a point
can be assumed as a point at which a member is protected against the loss of
Buckling coefficients of component segments - Defines values of buckling (lateral
buckling) coefficients for the member segments between bracings. After selecting an icon
representing the analytical model (bar diagram) of the analyzed member, Robot proposes
values of coefficients for extreme segments. For intermediate segments 1.0 is always
Use the option to automatically calculate buckling coefficients for the member
segments between bracings based on the analysis of rigidity of bracings adjoining the
analyzed member in the corresponding buckling plane. Values of calculated buckling
coefficients for successive segments are displayed in the field under the bar diagrams.
Note: The icon is available on the Buckling Y and Z tabs only for steel design codes.
To make it active, turn on the Add automatically coordinates of bracings: at points
with adjoining elements in the buckling plane option (the remaining manual and
automatic options should be cleared).
Use the Structure: Sway or Non-sway options to specify how the frame is protected
against buckling.
Note: This option is available, if any of the Add automatically coordinates of bracings
options is selected.
Bracing coordinates proposed for a selected member are displayed in the unavailable
field at the bottom of the dialog. Click << to move these coordinates to the field for
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manual definition of bracing coordinates. Clicking << clears all options for automatic
definition of bracing coordinates to avoid duplicating coordinates defined manually and
Use the For member no. option to select a structure member for which bracings are
previewed. If the Add automatically coordinates of bracings: at points where bending
moments equal zero option is selected, you can also choose a load case using the For
load case option.
For instance, the image presenting the Internal bracing dialog allows you to define - for a
member with fixed supports at both ends - 3 bracings whose relative coordinates (determined
with respect to the member beginning) are: 0.25 x L, 0.5 x L, 0.75 x L. Thus defined bracings
result in dividing a member into 4 component segments. With the bar diagram defined, Robot
proposes 4 buckling length coefficients: 0.7 (fixed and pinned at the ends), 1.0 (pinned at the
ends), 1.0 and 0.7.
The image presenting the Internal bracing dialog presents the combined use of manual and
automatic options for defining bracings for buckling Y. The bracing 0.5 x L was defined
manually, while the bracings 0.25 x L and 0.75 x L were proposed automatically based on the
analysis of adjoining members in the XZ buckling plane.
Load Level
Use this option to define the load level used to check the lateral buckling conditions.
Click the Load level icon from the Lateral Buckling Parameters group of options in the
Member Definition - Parameters dialog.
Dialog elements
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To define the lateral buckling conditions, it is necessary to define the level at which the load is
applied. This pertains to the setting of the ordinate height of the load application in the sectional
axis of the member. Assuming that the lateral buckling occurs only when loading the member in
the XZ plane, only one coordinate is entered. It is an arbitrary value from the <-1.0,1.0> interval.
If the load is applied at a characteristic point of the section (upper flange, lower flange etc.),
select the corresponding icon and the coordinate value will be accepted automatically.
The dialog contains typical member support conditions based on the buckling length coefficients
chosen. Due to the possibility of affixing the upper or lower flange separately and the occurrence
of compressive stresses in either flange under various load cases, two lateral buckling lengths are
available. The proper lengths are controlled by the coefficient by which the base length of the
member should be multiplied to obtain the lateral buckling length. The length Iz is taken as the
base length. You can either enter the coefficient value directly or it is chosen automatically by
clicking the icon of the typical support conditions case.
To properly calculate the lateral buckling coefficient, it is necessary to define the lateral buckling
length. Define the buckling length coefficient by clicking the icon and edit field provided.
Click , to include in the calculations the bars with internal bracing (lateral stiffening of the
analyzed bars, limiting the lateral buckling length). You can define the parameters for lateral
stiffening, by double-clicking the icon and entering the information in the Internal bracings
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Group Design
Use this option to define bar groups. Access the option by clicking the second tab in the
Definitions dialog. The following displays :
Group Design and Optimization is performed in groups. Hence, when the user is verifying bar
sections, group definition is not necessary. If, however, design or optimization procedures are
planned, groups must be defined. The basic reason for grouping bars is the need to obtain one
section for all bars once the design is completed. Hence, the most frequent requirement
employed in group creation is the identical bar structure function - exterior columns of industrial
halls, main floor beams, etc. These elements should be made from one type of section.
Basic Data
Note: If groups are defined and a list of group numbers is entered to the Number field, click the
Save button, then all the groups from the list will be assigned a selected material.
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Selection of Sections
Use this option to select sections that will be applied during verification and design of steel and
aluminum elements. Access the option by clicking the Sections button in the Definitions dialog
(the Groups tab for steel/aluminum sections).
At the top of the dialog there are icons for filtering the following section families:
Compound sections
Other section families.
Databases - displays all bar section folders available in the program; after selecting a
database, families and bar sections are entered into the Section families and Sections
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Section families - displays all available section families from a selected bar section
folder; after selecting a family, bar sections are entered into the Sections field
Sections - displays all available sections from a selected folder and a selected family
Databases - displays all bar sections selected; these sections will be taken into account
during verification / design of (steel / aluminum) structure elements.
Delete all - clicking this button deletes all bar sections from the Selected sections field
Delete selection - clicking this button deletes selected bar sections from the Selected
sections field.
Parametrized sections
Use this option for automatic design by means of parametrized tapered sections. Access the
option by clicking the Par. sections button in the Definitions dialog (Groups tab).
The option is available both for steel (aluminum) and for timber sections. The following dialog is
displayed based on the material of the bar section:
Steel section
Click the Par. sections button in the Definitions dialog (Groups tab for steel / aluminum
sections), the following dialog displays:
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The following section types are available in the Section type field, in the upper right-hand corner
of the dialog:
box section (rectangular pipe).
When selected, a schematic drawing of the selected section type and the symbol convention for
dimensions is displayed. The Definition of sections field defines steel / aluminum section
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Varying section (dH)
Varying section (auto).
If the defined sections are to be included in calculations, "move" them to the Sections included in
calculations field. There are two ways to include defined sections:
- adds the selected section (highlighted in the list) to the list of sections included in
- adds all sections from the given tab to the list of sections included in calculations
Timber section
Click the Par. sections button in the Definitions dialog (Groups tab for timber sections), the
following dialog displays:
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The following section types are available in the Section type field, in the upper right-hand part of
the dialog:
rectangular section
double rectangular section.
When selected, a schematic drawing of the selected section type and the symbol convention for
dimensions is displayed. The Definition of sections field allows one to define steel section
Constant section
Varying section (dH)
Varying section (auto).
If the defined sections are to be included in calculations, "move" them to the Sections included in
calculations field. There are two ways to include defined sections:
- adds the selected section (highlighted in the list) to the list of sections included in
- adds all sections from the given tab to the list of sections included in calculations
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Use this option to define the basic parameters for extreme sections (both beginning and end). A
group of tapered sections is created automatically and a constant inclination of beam chords is
determined. Additionally, by introducing the DH increment, the value of the height of the
extreme sections is increased during the process of creating successive members of the group.
The Hmax value is the maximum height among the generated tapered sections. When designing
a tapered beam, sections from the group are applied successively to a bar to check whether they
satisfy the code-defined requirements. The procedure is repeated until a group member that
meets the code-defined conditions is found. If it does not find such item, then, it displays results
for the strongest among the sections belonging to the parametrized group.
Varying section
Only the initial dimensions of the starting section are defined. In this case, the calculation
algorithm begins with the section that has constant height along the bar length. As in the case of
sections varying by H, it is necessary to define the H increment by which the next dimension
will increase, as well as the maximum height Hmax.
First, all the load cases are reviewed to find the extreme bending moments at beam ends. Then,
the height of extreme sections is adjusted automatically so that they meet the criterion of
resistance against extreme bending moments.
Then the standard procedure of code-defined verification of a tapered beam is performed. If the
verified extreme section does not meet code-defined requirements, it increases the section height
by H, but without changing the section at the other beam end. If, on the other hand, the section
does not meet the requirements in any intermediate cross-section of the beam, then, the height
values of both extreme sections are increased.
This procedure is repeated until a section that meets the relevant code-defined requirements is
Complex section
Access the option by clicking the Complex section tab in the Parametrized sections dialog. The
following dialog displays:
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The dialog provides nine types of the complex sections most often used (sections are selected in
the Section type field in the top right part of the dialog box):
- Two I-sections
- Two angles in the shape of 'T' (set with shorter or longer legs back to back)
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- Two angles in the shape of 'C' (set with shorter or longer legs face to face)
For some types of complex sections the Complex sections - welded option is available. If
selected, then chords of a complex section are joined with welds along the section length.
In the Name field, specify a section name (the name of a complex section is automatically
In the Chord section field, define the initial section with which generation of a family of
complex sections will start. After selecting this field, the Section selection dialog opens
automatically. A chord section may be selected from any section database
Determine the initial spacing of chords of which the complex section is composed - in the
d edit field and the increment of chord spacing - in the dd edit field; to define the
maximum chord spacing, enter a value in the dmax edit field.
Note: Certain section types (e.g. 4 angles) require definition of two different chord sections and
two different chord spacings depending on the lattice plane (b,d).
A family of complex sections based on the initial data is automatically generated. The first
section in a family of complex sections is composed of the initial sections spaced in d distance.
Successive complex sections are generated without changing the dimensions of the chord
section, through increasing the spacing d by the increment value dd until the value dmax is
reached. After reaching the spacing dmax, the chord section is increased by one size and
generates next complex sections starting again with the spacing d and continuing to increase it
until the value dmax is reached. Sections are generated until the end of the database is reached,
i.e. until there is no possibility to select the next section.
Complex section
Increment dd = 5 cm
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Maximum spacing dmax = 30 cm
A section family named e.g.: 2CF consisting of 9 sections is generated. The generation will end
at the last section of the C-section family C300. Below are presented the generated sections:
2CF(d25) C 240
2CF(d30) C 240
2CF(d35) C 240
2CF(d25) C 260
2CF(d30) C 260
2CF(d35) C 260
2CF(d25) C 300
2CF(d30) C 300
2CF(d35) C 300
The method of generation of sections which require definition of two spacings (horizontal d and
vertical b) is analogous to that for sections with a single spacing. Spacings b and d are changed
simultaneously by the values dd and db.
The above dialogs defines the generation procedure for new families of complex sections. The
actual generation of sections takes place in the process of member group design with the use of
defined parameterized families.
2. In the Calculations dialog, select the type of verification that you want to perform, and
then enter the list of elements that you want to verify.
Note: Alternatively, click List to select the list of elements that you want to verify.
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3. If necessary, click Options to review the optimization options.
4. Specify which limit states you want to include in the verification:
Note: For serviceability limit states (SLS), specify the list of load cases that you want to
consider during the analysis.
Note: Saving the calculation results is useful if you want to perform several verifications
on the same model, and avoid time-consuming recalculations. You can deselect this
option if you do not want to save your calculation results.
If a DAM analysis is active, the analysis verifies the ULS and SLS as follows:
The ULS verification is performed using the ULS combinations created with the DAM
The SLS verification is performed using the SLS combinations created with the Main
o The LRFD method uses the ULS and SLS combinations. If you are using the
ASD method with American standard such as ASD, ANSI 2005, or ANSI 2010,
then ULS are replaced by Strength, and SLS are replaced by Deformation.
o To check which method you are using, click Configuration in the Calculations
5. Specify if you want to save the calculation results.
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Note: Saving the calculation results is useful if you want to perform several verifications
on the same model, and avoid time-consuming recalculations. You can deselect this
option if you do not want to save your calculation results.
Calculations dialog
Use this dialog to select calculation options for the design of steel / aluminum / timber structure
Verification Options
The Verification Options group contains the following options.
Member Verification
Verifies each member of the selected list.
Group Verification
Verifies each member of the selected group.
Group Design
Verifies the design of each section family of the selected groups.
Note: At least one group must be defined in order to use this option.
If you want to run the calculations on groups of members, select Optimization, and then
click Options to set the parameters for the groups of members.
Optimization Options
Runs the calculations on groups of members.
Note: Groups of members must be defined before the optimization process is started.
Select a code requirement or a type of limit state, and then enter one or several load cases for it.
Alternatively, click List to select a list of load cases for the selected option.
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Code requirements (ASD, ANSI 2005, ANSI 2010)
The Code requirements group is displayed for US codes which use the Allowable
Strength Design (ASD) method, such as the ANSI 2005, and the ANSI 2010 codes.
Calculates the strength of the member.
Calculates the deformation of the member.
Limit states (Other codes)
This group contains the list of ULS and SLS, as well as load cases to consider for the
Performs calculations to the Ultimate Limit State.
Performs calculations to the Serviceability Limit State.
Note: If you select this option with the ANSI/AISC 360-05 or the ANSI/AISC 360-10
codes, the lists of Dead loads, Live loads, and Total loads are also displayed.
Calculation archive
Save calculation results
Saves the results of steel member verification and design.
Note: Saving the calculation results is useful if you want to perform several verifications
on the same model, and avoid time-consuming recalculations. This option also prevents
the accidental loss of data, in case of a power outage for example. You can deselect this
option if you do not want to save your calculation results.
Results storage
Opens the Calculation Result Archive dialog which contains all saved verification and
design sessions.
Note: All calculation sessions are saved with the model in an RTD file.
Opens the Configuration dialog which allows you to define the parameters applied during
the verification of a steel member.
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5. In the Load type field, select a load type to be applied to the verified member in Y-axis
or Z-axis direction. Once the icon is selected, a dialog for a load type definition is
6. Click the Options button to select the Calculation Options.
7. Click the Calculations button. The member is verified and the result is displayed
Efficiency Ratio - indicates the coefficient for calculations of the yield point;
Maximum Slenderness - if this option is selected, member slenderness is verified.
Additionally, the admissible (maximum) slenderness value can be specified there.
Member design results are displayed in either selected steel code units or in the Robot units
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Note: If you click Cancel in this dialog, the current calculation results are irrevocably
Simplified Results
Once calculations have been performed a dialog displays simplified results for the selected type
of verification.
General description
This dialog contains two tabs.
The Messages tab displays warnings and errors that occurred during structure member
The Results tab content depends on the selected type of verification.
The Member Verification and Code Group Verification dialogs are similar.
The Results tab of the Verification dialog displays the results of the verification or design
process for steel, timber, or aluminum members, or group of members.
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Each row of the table corresponds to a member or group of members according to the list that
was defined.
Results interpretation
For member group design, three consecutive sections from each family of the selected section
group are displayed. The section in the central row meets the code criteria.
Results interpretation
or : the cross-section does not meet the code requirements, or meets the
requirements with excessive reserves.
: The section meets the code criteria.
: The section does not meet the code criteria.
: Unstable member or group of members
: Unstable member or group of members with an efficiency ratio larger than 1.0.
The dialog content is the same as the member group design dialog.
DESIGN WITH OPTIMIZATION OPTIONS is a design of each section family that has been
selected during group creation. The most optimal profile with respect to the adopted optimization
criterion is selected. If the sections of a profile in the current group belong to one family, there is
no difference between the results obtained by means of the DESIGN option and those obtained
with the DESIGN WITH OPTIMIZATION OPTIONS. Optimization functions as an operation
on groups. Therefore, groups of members must be defined before starting the operation of
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Results interpretation
or : The cross-section does not meet the code requirements, or meets the
requirements with excessive reserves.
: The section meets the code criteria.
: The section does not meet the code criteria.
: Unstable member or group of members
: Unstable member or group of members with an efficiency ratio larger than 1.0.
: The section is optimal.
Note: When you close any of these short results dialogs, the additional Calculation Result
Archiving dialog opens to allow the results of member verification or design to be saved.
Dialog elements
Calculation note
Opens the Printout dialog, which allows you to select a type of calculation note.
Ratio / Analysis (Member and Code Group Verification)
Opens the Global Analysis - Bars dialog which displays a graphical representation of the
efficiency ratio for particular members of a structure.
Ratio / Map (Member and Code Group Verification)
Opens the Maps for Bars dialog which displays a map of the ratio for the verified
structure members, with the following scale settings:
Detailed Results
The Detailed Results dialog contains all available calculation results for the member (steel,
timber or aluminum member).
Dialog elements
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Section properties
This group contains a graphical representation of the selected section.
Enter a section name, e.g. IPE 100, and then click Auto to calculate all the code
parameters for the section automatically.
Note: The code parameters are calculated according to the data displayed at the top of the
dialog, such as the bar number, point, and group; and the parameters of the selected
Tip: Type the first letters of the section name, and then press enter to display the list of
corresponding sections in the drop down box.
Displays the bar number.
Point / Coordinate
Displays the group number.
Load Case
Displays the load case name, for which verification/design has been performed.
The results can be interpreted as follows:
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Correct section
Incorrect section
Simplified Results
Detailed Results
Two additional tabs are available with the Eurocode3 and Polish code PN:
Displacements: contains the calculation results for the serviceability limit state.
Battens / Lattice: contains the verification results for elements connecting chords
of complex members).
Note: The contents of the dialog, depends on the code according to which bar/group code
combinations have been performed.
Replaces the original section by the one entered in the Detailed results dialog.
Opens the Connections of chords dialog and enable the selection and verification of
elements connecting individual member chords.
Note: This option is available when verifying or calculating complex members for
Eurocode3 and Polish code PN only.
Opens the Manual Verification dialog.
The values of internal forces acting on a selected member are moved here.
Opens the Detailed Design dialog which allows you to perform a detailed analysis of
rolled or welded I-section members.
Calc. note
Opens an editable version of the calculation note where you can modify the data and
results of the verification/design.
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