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File C Users Computer AppData Local Temp hhBA7D
File C Users Computer AppData Local Temp hhBA7D
The lower part is divided into severel tabs. Tabs are used for defining the properties of parts and bolts to be created when the component is
This function loads component properties saved earlier (using the Save command) in the dialog box. Component properties are selected from a
combo box.
Save As
This function saves the component properties with the name entered in the text field. The parameters are saved in the model directory with a
filename consisting of the text entered plus the extension jXX0000xxx, where XX is the identifier number of the component developer and xxx the
number of the component (e.g. qwerty.j110000029). Predefined settings can also be copied for use in other projects.
This function stores the modified properties with the original file name.
This opens a help window.
Some components contain lots of list boxes with visual options. There are two generic options that represent:
Automatic value
Symbol A indicates an automatic value. This option selects the most suitable value for the component automatically.
Default value
The arrows indicate a default value. The default value can be replaced by AutoDefaults. All other values (the automatic values, too) will be fixed
and AutoDefaults do not change them.
The Parts tab defines the properties of the parts, which will be created when the component is used.
Dimension fields
Three dimensions are available for plate parts. Depending on the component type some plates get their shape from the component parameters.
In this case usually only the thickness value is available (e.g. Endplate in dialog above).
. t thickness
. b width
. h height
For beams a field for profile name is provided. E.g. L-profile filled in dialog above. The profile can be selected from library or parametric profiles.
The available profiles are shown with the select button next to the field.
TIP: To delete a part, enter zero (0) in the thickness field.
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Consist of two rows having both two parts: prefix and start-number. The first row is for part and the second one for assembly. The default value
for the position number is taken from the Setup->Preferences.
Defines the material for the component part. The available materials are shown with the select button next to the field. The default value for this
is taken from the Joint part material field in the Setup->Preferences dialog box.
3.1.2 Picture
On the Picture tab, you can define the component parameters. The Picture tab contains a general picture of the component
All parts created by the macro and primary part and secondary part(s) of the macro
The parts the component will create are shown in yellow in the picture. The existing parts to be selected are blue.
3.1.3 Parameters
On the Parameters tab, you can define the component parameters. These parameters have only a literal description.
3.1.4 General
The General tab defines the position of the connection in relation to the current work plane.
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Up direction
This combo box defines how the connection will be rotated around the secondary beam or, in the case of no secondary parts,
around the primary part. The possible selections are: +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z relative to current work plane. The characteristic up
direction for a connection is presented in the dialog picture with an arrow symbol.
The Auto option is set as the default direction for every connection. It automatically recognizes the orientation of
primary and secondary parts and is able to switch the up-direction accordingly. Even a skewed, sloped, and rotated
orientation is possible.
The vertical direction of all connections can be set to point to the selected direction of the work plane. However, the direction
parallel to the secondary is forbidden as well as the direction of primary in case of detail (no secondary parts).
There are two additional angles which can be used for rotating the connection around the x- and y-axis of the secondary. The
upper one is for y- and the lower one for x.
The Class parameter defines the class of parts created within the connection. Parts in different classes are drawn with different
colours if the Color by class in Setup menu is ticked on. The visibility and the activity of classes can be altered.
Connection code
A connection code can be given to each connection. This code can be displayed on connection marks and in templates and
Predefined rules can be used for selecting the default values for the connection. When you select a Rule group and
apply or modify the connection, the connection default values are set according to the AutoDefault settings. Please
note that values other than default values will remain fixed and they are NOT set according to AutoDefault settings.
I.e. the values written to text fields or option menu items other than default are taken from the dialog box and the
default values are taken from the AutoDefault settings.
Shear force, Axial force and Bending moment can also be defined for an existing connection (there are no fixed
units, so these can be defined freely). This information only relates to an existing connection and it is not saved in
the connection default settings. These values can then be used as a select criteria in AutoDefaults rule sets.
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The Bolts tab is used to define the properties of bolt groups included in the component.
Long holes
When creating slotted holes in components, all parts will be given slotted holes. Bolt groups created by components can be modified afterwards
to have long holes only in specified parts. Note, that there are components with which the user can define for which parts the slotted holes will be
Picture Description Default
1 Slotted hole x-dimension Zero which results in a round hole.
Bolt assembly
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Extra length
Same as Square option.
Bolts are staggered in the direction of the secondary part.
A square bolt group is positioned horizontally.
A square bolt group is sloped in the direction of the secondary part
Not staggered
Bolt positions
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For the horizontal position, when the reference point is right or left, Sec/first is the distance from the edge of the secondary to the left/right most
bolt. Vertically, when Positioning is set to top or below, Sec/first is the distance from the upper/lower edges of the secondary to the upper-
/lowermost bolt. When the reference point is set to middle, Sec/first is the distance from the centerline of the bolts to the centerline of the
secondary part.
3.1.6 Welds...
The size of the weld for above and below edge. Marked edge is the first line and counter edge the second.
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The type and the fill type of the welding. Welding type of either marked edge or counter edge may be blank.
The angle for weld preparations when using e.g. the V-type welds. This symbol will be drawn into the drawings above the weld
type symbol but under the fill type symbol.
The finishing type of the weld can be defined with this attribute. The finishing symbol will be added to the drawings above
welding type symbol.
Defines whether or not the weld is a stitch weld. In stitch welds the welds are staggered on both sides of the part
being welded and the stitch length and the distance between stitches (pitch of weld) can be indicated.
The length of a weld.
The distance between welds in the case of non-continuous welding.
Switch defining if the weld is only for one edge or around the face.
This combo box defines whether the welding should be done on site or in workshop.
3.1.7 Dstv...
This function provides the possibility to set the connection properties according to standard connection parameter tables. There
are two standards included into Tekla Structures currently: SZS (Switzerland) and DSTV (Germany). These standards define the
possible connection properties when profile size, connection type and forces are known. New standards can be added by adding
standard parameter files into the directory \countries\country-independent\inp
Profile, Filter
The profiles from profile database are visible on the list. Filtering can be used for getting subsets of the profile database.
The name of the standard parameter table (DSTV or SZS). Tables are stored in files named dstv.lis in the directory \7.0
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Profile list
Selecting one of the profiles fills the combo box at the top right corner of the dialog with the possible connection parameter
settings of the current standard.
Option menu
Selecting one of these standard settings fills up the forces available for this particular setting. Clicking Apply or OK fills the
connection properties after the selected setting.
These options enable the user to add and control the properties of notches required for the secondary beam.
The Notch tab is split into two sections. The upper section controls automatic notching. When automatic notching is turned on, the component
will attempt to automatically create a notch that conforms to the parameters specified in this section. Automatic notching is switched on by
selecting a notch type from the Notch shape combo box. The lower section controls manual notching. When manual notching is activated, the
component will create cuts matching the values entered in the input fields. The controls for the automatic and manual sections operate
independently of each other.
Automatic notching
Notch shape
Type 1:
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The notch is created with the cuts square to the main beam.
Type 2:
The notch is created with the cuts square to the secondary beam.
Type 3:
The notch is created with the dy cut square to the main beam and the dx cut square to the secondary beam.
Type 4:
Automatic notching is not used.
Type 1:
Cuts flange of the secondary beam at the bevel to match the main beam.
Type 2:
Cuts the flange of the secondary beam square.
Notch size
Different points can be selected for creating the notch size.
Type 1:
The notch size is measured from the centerline of the main beam and from the top flange of the main beam.
Type 2:
The notch size is measured from the edge of the flange of the main beam and from the bottom of the top flange of the main
Notch position
The horizontal cut of the notch can be located above or below the flange of the main beam.
Notch chamfer
No chamfer:
The notch is not chamfered.
Line chamfer:
The notch is created with a line chamfer.
The notch is chamfered.
Manual notching
The manual controls for notching are split so that the top and bottom flange notches can be controlled separately.
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Sets the parameters for adding a haunch plate to a component.
Create plate
Automatically checks if haunch plates are needed. Top, bottom or both plates can be created when the clip angle crosses the
secondary beam flange(s).
Always creates both haunch plates. If only one plate is needed the other can be omitted by setting the thickness of the plate to
No haunch plates are created.
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Note: The numbers in the above illustration identify the same parts on each tab.
Picture Description Default
A Horizontal dimension of the top haunch line Haunch plate width/2
B Vertical dimension of the top haunch line Haunch plate width/2
C Vertical dimension of the bottom haunch line Haunch plate width/2
D Horizontal dimension of the bottom haunch line Haunch plate width/2
Beam cut
Creates end preparations, rat holes and flange cuts.
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Rat hole
Creates a rat hole with a radius
Creates a square rat hole.
Creates a rat hole with a line cut.
(Note: not available for connection 181).
Creates a rat hole for which you can determine the radius.
Creates a cone-shaped rat hole for which you can determine the radius.
Does not cut the top flange.
Cuts the top flange.
Does not cut the bottom flange.
Cuts the bottom flange.
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Does not prep beam end.
Does not prep beam end.
Preps beam end.
Preps the top flange.
Preps the bottom flange.
Backer bar
These options define if the backer is created.
Not created:
Backer bar not created.
Backer bar created..
US Design
Runs a design check which calculates the connection and its components according to AISC (ASD) specifications.
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