Client Personal Training Questionnaire PDF

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New Client Personal Training Questionnaire

Name: _________________________ Age: _____

Occupation: ____________________ Lifestyle: Active Sedentary

Currently Training: Yes No Frequency: 1 2 3 other ____

Have you ever worked out before?

Yes No

How many times per week would you like to exercise?

1 2 3 other ____

How much time can you devote to each exercise session?

30 min 1 Hour other ____

Primary areas of interest: Weight Control Strength Increase

General Health Hypertrophy
Pre/Post Natal Sports Specific
Toning Flexibility Other

Where would you like to see the most improvement?

Upper Body Personal Stats:
Lower Body Height ____ ft. ____ in.
Mid Section Weight ____ lbs
Endurance RHR ____ bpm
Other R/X ____

Why do you feel you are currently not seeing results?

Lack of Motivation
Lack of Training Knowledge
Lack of Equipment

Francesco Belmonte
HEART Body Fitness
(905) 458-0447
New Client Personal Training Questionnaire

If yes, how long has it been since your last workout?

_____ Years _____Months

What type of equipment have you used?

Free-weights Machines No Experience

What type of Cardio have you used?

Versa Climber Treadmill Cycle Gazzel
Cross-Trainer Stairmaster Elliptical Other ____________

What Zone (what % of Max HR) did you train?

50% 60% 70% 80%
Other _____ not sure

How much time did you spend on Cardio?

30 min 45 min 1 hour

When? Mornings Evenings

What are your Goals?

Fat/Weight Loss Cardiovascular Fitness Marathon
More Lean Muscle Upcoming Party Bodybuilding
Increased Energy Look/Feel good Other ____________

What was your workout strategy?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Chest/Back Super Sets Circuit Training

Shoulders/Arms Pyramiding Negatives
Legs/Abs Forced Reps Intensity Cycling N/A

Francesco Belmonte
HEART Body Fitness
(905) 458-0447
New Client Personal Training Questionnaire

How many reps per set do you use? 4-6 6-8 8-12 12-15

How many sets per body part do you use? 1-2 2-3 4-5 5-6

Were you motivated during your workouts? Yes No Sometimes

Please place a check mark in the box beside the exercise(s) you have experience with or
have tried at least once:

Abdominals Hamstrings Scott Curls

Sit-ups Thigh Curls Concentration Curls
Crunches Deadlifts
Russian Twists
Reverse crunches Triceps(arms back)
Leg raises Pecs(Chest) Extensions
Thrusts Bench Press French Press
Bicycle Decline Press Kick-backs
Toe Touches db flyes Pushdowns
Scissors Peck Deck
Cable Cross-overs
Quads(Legs) Shoulder Presses
Squats Lats Side Laterals
Leg Press Pullovers Incline Laterals
Hack Squat Seated Rows Upright rows
Front Squat One-arm dB rows Bent-Over-Laterals
Thigh Extensions Lat Pulldowns Reverse Flyes
Lunges Bent-over BB Rows
Stiff-arm pulldowns
Lower Back
Calves Hyper Extensions
Standing Calf raises Biceps(arms front) Deadlifts
Seated Calf raises Barbell Curls Goodmornings
Donkey Calf raises db Curls
Incline db Curls

Francesco Belmonte
HEART Body Fitness
(905) 458-0447

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