Allah Being With Us Ma'Iyyah

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The Categories of Allaah Being With His Creation:

The Maiyyah of Allaah with His creation is of two types, a general type
and a specific.
As for the general Maiyyah, it is the encompassment of all the creation,
the believer and disbeliever, the righteous and wicked, with Knowledge, Power,
arranging of affairs, Authority, and other that that from the meanings of
Ruboobiyyah (Allaahs Lordship).
This type of Maiyyah compels the one who believes in it to be always
concerned and watchful over his relationship with Allaah.
For this, the Prophet ( ) said,
The best of Eemaan is that you know that Allaah is with you wherever
you are.32
Some examples of this type of general Maiyyah are Allaahs statements:

And He is with you wherever you are. [SooratulHadeed, 57:4]

There is no private conversation of three except that He is the fourth of
them, nor are there five but that He is the sixth of them and no less
than that and no more except that He is with them wherever they are.
[SooratulMujaadilah, 58:7]
32 The details of the Hadeeth have proceeded in footnote no. 31
As for the specific Maiyyah, it implies Allaah giving victory or assistance
to whomever it is associated with. It is specific to those who deserve it from the
Messengers and their followers.
This type of Maiyyah compels the one who believes in it to maintain
constant steadfastness and strength.
Some examples of this type of specific Maiyyah are the statements of

And Allaah is with the believers. [SooratulAnfaal, 8:19]

Indeed Allaah is with those who fear Him (have Taqwaa) and those
who do good. [SooratunNahl, 16:128]
And His statement concerning Moosaa and Haaroon,

Indeed I am with you both; I hear and see. [Soorah Taa Haa, 20:46]
And His statement concerning His Prophet Muhammad ( ),

Do not grieve; indeed Allaah is with us. [SooratutTawbah, 9:40]
If it is asked, Is the Maiyyah from the Attributes of Allaahs Personal Self
or from the Attributes of (His) actions?
The answer is that the general type of Maiyyah is from the Attributes of
Allaahs Personal Self because it is a characteristic that is constantly and forever
affirmed to Him. As for the specific type of Maiyyah, it is from the Attributes of
action because it is according to its conditions if they are fulfilled, it is affirmed,
and otherwise it is not.
Combining Between the Texts of

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