My Grandmother
My Grandmother
My Grandmother
Grandma does not know what year she was born but remembers
having married when the British were still in India. We know our father's
age to be 50 years so we estimate that she must be at least 70. She does
not even know that the number 70 means so we have given up trying to
discuss age with her. She has a remarkable memory for a person her age
and is healthier than our father. In fact she has been never been warded
in hospital; and criticizes my father strongly for being sickly and going to
hospital frequently, as if were his 'mother-in-law's' house.
She has not teeth left and refuse to get fitted with false teeth.
Strangely enough she has good eyesight, even at night. She enjoys
watching television, which is her main past time. The other past time is
telling us stories. For an illiterate woman, we are astounded at the
number of stories she knows. She has told us a lot of stories from the
scriptures and legends and, the best of all, ghost stories. She has also
told many stories which she claims are her own adventures, but which
we find incredible. She even has a story in which she claims to have been
kidnapped by a demon and returned to her parents three days later.
Our relationship with her is a simple one: love. She does not insist
on obedience nor comments on our dressing nor our lifestyles. In fact
occasionally when we start dancing to music, we drag her in and she
joins in good naturedly. Of course, we do this when our father and
mother are not in. They frown on western dancing.
(483 words)