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Entrepreneurship Development

Skill Based Elective – I (Semester – III)

Entrepreneurship: Concept and Significance

Unit - I

Evolution of the concept of Entrepreneur - Entrepreneurship: Definitions- Concepts of

Entrepreneurship Development -Need– Role of Resource, Talent and spirit- Process of
entrepreneurship and its development– Relevance of Entrepreneurship to Socio-Economic Gains.

Unit - II

Nature, Purpose and pattern of Human Activities: Economic and Non-Economic- Entrepreneurial
Pursuits and Human Activities- Need for Creativity and innovation in societies -Building enterprising
Personality and Society - Entrepreneurship as a Human Resource Development concept -

Unit – III

Role of Entrepreneur in Indian economy with reference to self-employment development -

Employment pattern of the educated in India- Entrepreneurial Culture- Importance of nursing
Entrepreneurial culture in developing economies –. Entrepreneurial Values- Entrepreneurial
Discipline and Social Responsibility

Unit - IV

Attitudes and Motivation- Self-efficacy, Creativity, Risk Taking, Leadership, Communication and
Influencing Ability and Planning Action. - Developing Entrepreneurial Motivation and other
competencies - Achievement Motivation:Concept And Process- Entrepreneurship as a desirable and
feasible career option- Entrepreneur competencies and attributes- Characteristics of a successful

Unit - V

Overview of Entrepreneur opportunities in contemporary business environment [opportunities in

net-work marketing, franchising, business process outsourcing] in the early 21 century - Enterprise
types-case studies of entrepreneurship in local tiny, small scale and rural industries –Factors that
influence Entrepreneurship development in the region-Analysis.


Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Development, Gangadhara Rao.M., Kanishka Publishing

House, New Delhi, 1992
Entrepreneurship Development, Jasmer Sing Saini, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1996
Skill Based Elective – II (Semester – IV)

Entrepreneurship Support: Institutions and Environment

Unit - I

Institutions and Schemes of Government of India- Schemes & Programmes: GOI Min of Food
Processing, Dept of Sc & Tech schemes - STEP- STED- Nationalised banks- Other Financial
Institutions etc –SIDBI- NSIC- NABARD -IDBI- IFCI – ICICI-The EXIM Bank -ECGC [Specific focus on
institutions financing long and medium term loans-Short term or working capital requirements -Risk
Capital -Seed Capital/Marginal Money- Bridge loans]

Unit - II

Institutions and schemes in Tamilnadu for SSI support-State level Financial Corporations [SFC's:] -
Schemes & Programmes :Small Industry Development Corporations, TN Women Development
Corporation, TN Adi Diravidar Housing Dev Corpn- Other allied Schemes and programmes in

Unit - III

DIC ,DRDA: Roles, Schemes and programmes - Local Commercial banks- Lead Bank - Single Window
scheme- Venture capital funds and non-government finance companies.

Unit - IV

Introduction to facilitating /training/guidance organisations/institutions and its services- EDI-CED –

NIESBD-Technical Consultancy Organizations – SISI- Industrial Extensions Bureaus- National
Industrial Development Corporation, -KVIC -Commissioner of Cottage Industries -National Institute
of Small Industry Extension and Training -

Unit - V

Industry-Specific Agencies- National, State, Regional Level incentives and concessions-

Documentation for loan application: Essentials – managing stages of sanction, acceptance, release of


Youth Entrepreneurship through Continuing Education, Dr.K.Parthasarathy and

Dr.V.Anandamoorhty, SRC Publication, 2007
Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development in Asia, Raymond.W.Y., Kao, Pearson Education Asia,
Skill Based Elective - III (Semester – V)

Business Opportunities & Business Planning

Unit - I

The environment [institutions and schemes] : importance, understanding roles- Scanning of

Environment- Evaluation of factors – Sensing Opportunities – harnessing different sources of
knowledge and information- Generation of Ideas. - Difference between 'Basic Ideas' and post
scanning ideas- Steps in Sensing Entrepreneurial opportunities. - Assessment - The four
Entrepreneurial Pitfalls (Peter Drucker).

Unit - II

Market survey & Assessment – Demand, Supply and Nature of Competition- Cost and Price of
Products - Project Innovation and Changes- Feasibility Study – Identification of applicable
Entrepreneurial Opportunities- Selection of an Enterprise - Identification of product or service -
identifying problems and opportunities- Defining Business Idea.

Unit - III

Data collection for setting up small ventures -Preparing to set up a small-scale enterprise- Assessing
Opportunities [Market, Resources, Control mechanism to mobilize resources, Organizational
structure, Facilities and Technologies for starting an Enterprise] - Preliminary screening and
preparation of detailed feasibility plan- main features of feasibility plan- [Four] Core questions prior
to preparing a Business Plan.

Unit - IV

Business Planning: Importance, Levels, Purpose - [Seven] steps in Business Planning- Elements/
Components of a Business Plan- Planning location of the industry: factors for reckoning-Sourcing
process: Raw materials, machineries and equipments- Infrastructure: land & Building - water &
Power-planning production-Pricing –paying back loans and profit generation..

Unit - V

The Project report - importance - uses– Characteristics of a Project Report- [7] Basic elements of a
Project Report- Preparation of Project Report- [bearing every detail of the project under various
heads like history, product, marketing strategies, manufacturing process, machinery, raw material,
land and building, staffing, cost, means of finance, profitability etc ]


Marketing Models, Kotler.P., and G.Lilien, Prentice Hall international inc., 1992
Starting a Sucessfull Business, - A Step by Step guide, Rajan Chhibba, Penguin Books India(P) Ltd.,
Skill Based Elective - IV (Semester – V)
General Management & Finance

Unit - I

Two fold management responsibility of an entrepreneur- General Management- Basic Management

functions- Organizing production of goods and services -The Four Stage Growth Model- Planning -
Organizing, Executing, Controlling resources both human and material- statutory Regulations &

Unit - II

Asset Management- Maintenance- Inventory decisions- Management of Equipments- Infrastructure

issues- Production Plan and Scheduling - Production control- Inventory control- ABC analysis-
Purchasing- Quality Control - determining cost, Income, Calculation of Profit/Loss.

Unit - III

Business Communication: oral & written- Developing effective communication skills-Marketing

communication- overcoming communication barriers- Advertisement-Public Relations-use of
computers and IT.

Unit - IV

Meaning of Finance - Need for Financial Management - Ingredients of Finance Management- form of
business organisation & entrepreneur’s function in financial management – Types of business
Finance [fixed capital and working] & management.

Unit - V

Meaning and Process of Financial Planning - Role of Financial Planning in Financial Management -
Factors affecting the formulation of a financial plan - Meaning and Factors of Capital Structure - -
Importance of Budgets- Basic concepts - Kinds of Budgets- Profit Maximization- Wealth
maximization- Minimization of assets.


Basic Communication Skills - By P.Kiranmai Dutt & Geetha Rajeevan, 2000

Fundamentals of Office Management – By J.P.Mahajan , Office Management – By S.P.Arrora, 2004
Skill Based Elective – V (Semester – VI)

Market Management

Unit - I

Meaning and Concept of marketing- Objectives of Marketing Management- Marketing functions-

Functions of exchange, physical supply and facilitation -Marketing Plan- Marketing Mix-Four Ps-
Product, Pricing, Promotion and Place (Distribution) elements.

Unit - II

Marketing for Total Gain (MTG) -new elements: three Cs [cooperation, competency, capacity] and
three Ts [talent, timing, teamwork] - Market Research-importance, process, primary and secondary
data- assessment-

Unit - III

Product planning and development- Standardization and grading- Consumer expectations and
quality- statutory requirements- Budgeting and financing marketing efforts for SSIs - Packaging-
Branding- Pricing- Promotion: issues and practices with specific reference to regional environment
(including legislations) impacting SSI sector/products and services.

Unit - IV

Mass Markets and issues in small business marketing- Marketing Orientation for SSI- Retaining and
creating market segments -The concept and application of product life for SSI products - Marketing
assistance, subsidies and other Fiscal & Monetary Incentives-tax concessions and stipulations.

Unit - V

Advertising- Sales Promotion- publicity, sales and distribution management—Local Advertising-

consortium marketing- competitive bidding/tender marketing, negotiating with principal customers.


Principles of Marketing, Philip Kotler & Gany Armstrong, 2003

Fundamentals of Marketing, William J. Stanton, 2005
Marketing Management, Marvin A. Jolson, 2000
Skill Based Elective – VI (Semester – VI)

Project Report (Internal Evaluation)

Preparation of a Project Report for an enterprise involving products/services


A Guide to Small Scale Entrepreneurs, Director of Industries, Government of Tamil Nadu, Chennai,
A Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Edited by BS Rathore and Dr JS Saini; Aapga Publications,
Panchkula (Haryana)
A Hand Book for Entrepreuners, TANSTIA,Chennai, 1994.
Building A Chain of Customers, Richard J Schonberger, The Free Press, New York,1990.
Behavioral Exercises and games - Manual for trainers, , M. V.Despande, P. Mehta and M. Nandami.
Learning systems, Greeter Kailash, New Delhi, 1978

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