Loads On Metal Buildi

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Loads on Metal Buildings

Table of Contents


Code: IBC 06, Closed Building, Exposure C, V = 85 mph = 38.0 mps
See PE 9-06-9 for the MBS description of the design wind loads.


A. Used for Wind Loads on:

- Interior Rigid Frames

- Endwall Frames
- X bracing in Roof, Sidewall, and Endwall

B. Design Wind Pressure, p

p = qh * [(GCpf) - (GCpi)] (Eq. 6-18)

qh = Velocity pressure at mean roof height
= 0.00256 - Kh * Kht * Kd * V * I / 20.9 (Eq. 6-

Kh = Velocity pressure exposure coefficient, Table ASCE(02)-1.

0.95, height = 8 * 3.28 = 26.24', exposure C

Kht = Topographic factor = 1.0,

Kd = 0.85,

I = 1.0

V = Basic wind speed (mph) to be taken from Code Figure 6-1. = 38 m/s = 85 mph

20.9 = pounds per square foot (psf) / kN/m

qh = 0.00256 * 0.95 * 1.0 * 0.85 * 852 * 1.0 / 20.9 = 0.7146 kN/m [0.714]

C. Transverse Wind Coefficients, GCpf, GCpi

a. Interior and end zone wind coefficients

Wind design loads are the sum of the external and internal wind pressures as shown below.

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External wind + internal pressure

External wind + internal suction

GCpf = External pressure coefficients, see Table ASCE(02)-2.

Interior: C1 = 0.40, C2 = -0.69, C3 = -0.37, C4 = -0.29
End: C1 = 0.61, C2 = -1.07, C3 = -0.53, C4 = -0.43
GCpi = Internal pressure coefficients, see Table ASCE(02)-3.
For a closed building the internal pressure values are +0.18 and -0.18

The combined wind pressure coefficients then become:

Load 1 Interior Zone: C1 = 0.22, C2 = -0.87, C3 = -0.55, C4 = -0.47 [D1]
Load 2 Interior Zone: C1 = 0.58, C2 = -0.51, C3 = -0.19, C4 = -0.11 [D2]

Load 1 End Zone: C1 = 0.43, C2 = -1.25, C3 = -0.71, C4 = -0.61 [D3]

Load 2 End Zone: C1 = 0.79, C2 = -0.89, C3 = -0.35, C4 = -0.25 [D4]

Check on minimum required load of 10 psf on vertical projection. Sum of horizontal load on
vertical projection:
= [(0.22 + 0.47) * 8 + (0.55 - 0.87) * 0.75] * 0.714 = 3.77
Unit load on vertical projection = 3.77 / 8.75 = 0.431 * 20.9 = 9.00 psf < 10
Hence replace 0.431 with 0.431 * 10 / 9.00 = 0.479
Solve for new wall Coef: [C * 8 + (0.55 - 0.87) * 0.75] * 0.714 = 0.479 * 8.75,
C = 0.763, current sum = 0.22 + 0.47 = 0.69, Increase ratio = 0.763/0.69 = 1.107, new wall
coef = 1.107 * 0.22 = 0.2435, [0.24]; 1.107 * 0.47 = 0.52 [0.52]

The above end zone coefficients match those for rigid frame 1 which is in the endwall. The interior
zone coefficients match those for rigid frame 2 which is on the interior of the building.

b. The width of the end zone for transverse wind is two times 'a'. The value 'a' is: 10% of least
horizontal dimension or 0.40 h, whichever is smaller, but not less than either 4% of least
horizontal dimension or 3 feet.

10% * 30 = 3 m
0.40 * 8 = 3.2 m
0.04 * 30 = 1.2 m, hence 'a' = 3 m, width of end zone = 2 * a = 6 m

c. Wind coefficients for end frame based on interior zone and end zone, Ceff

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For L < 2 * a
Ceff = Cint + (Cend - Cint) * (4 * a * (L - a)) / L
For L > 2 * a
Ceff = Cend * (4 * a * (L - a)) / L = 4 * 3.05 * (7.5 - 3.05) / 7.5 = 0.965

Wind Load 1
C1 = 0.25 + (0.50 - 0.25) * 0.965 = 0.49
C2 = -1.00 - (1.40 - 1.00) * 0.965 = -1.39
C3 = -0.65 - (0.80 - 0.65) * 0.965 = -0.79
C4 = -0.55 - (0.70 - 0.55) * 0.965 = -0.69
Note the calculated coefficients are nearly equal to the end coefficients. For simplicity, the end and
interior coefficients will not be combined for the MBMA 96 code. For other wind codes where the
end zone width is much smaller the coefficients will be combined.

D. Summary of Transverse Wind

Rigid Frames only at interior locations

Wind_1 = [D1], Wind_2 = [D2]
Rigid Frames located at endwall
Wind_1 = [D3], Wind_2 = [D4]
Endwall Rafter
Wind_1 = [D3], Wind_2 = [D4]
Bracing Wind = [D3]

E. Longitudinal Wind

a. Wind coefficients, roof and sidewall bracing

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From Table ASCE(02)-2

C1 = 0.40 ( 0.61)
C2 = -0.69 (-1.07)
C3 = -0.29 (-0.43)
The values in ( ) are at the edge of the endwall over a distance 'a'.
The interior part of the endwall: p = 0.40 * 0.714 = 0.286, -0.29 * 0.714 = -0.207
Edge of endwall: p = 0.61 * 0.714 = 0.436, -0.43 * 0.714 = -0.307
Interior of roof: p = -0.69 * 0.714 = -0.493

b. Note these wind loads match the values in the roof design input file as shown below:

* Wind Wind Wind
* Press Suct Suct_Roof
0.286 -0.207 -0.493 .. Long Bracing, Building
0.436 -0.307 .. Long Bracing, Wall Edge Zone

c. Wind coefficients, Interior rigid frame

Table ASCE(02)-2B and ASCE(02)-3

Load 1: C1 = -0.45 - 0.18 = -0.63, C2 = -0.59 - 0.18 = -0.87,
C3 = -0.37 - 0.18 = -0.55, C4 = -0.45 - 0.18 = -0.63
Load 2 C1 = -0.45 + 0.18 = -0.27, C2 = -0.59 + 0.18 = -0.31,
C3 = -0.37 + 0.18 = -0.19, C4 = -0.45 - 0.18 = -0.27

Note load 1 has greater loads than load 2. However, load 1 needs to be applied from the left and
right ends of the building in order to obtain a symmetrical frame.

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The design wind coefficients are:

Load 1: C1 = - 0.63, C2 = -0.87, C3 = -0.55, C4 = -0.63
Load 2: C1 = - 0.63, C2 = -0.55, C3 = -0.87, C4 = -0.63

If the code file is not present, the program will enter these values in the MBS design programs. If
the code file is present, the program reads the code file for the longitudinal wind coefficients.
Hence, it is necessary to enter these values in the MBS code files.

d. Rigid frame in endwall and endwall rafter

Similar values from Table ASCE(02)-2B
The C1 to C4 values are: -0.48, -1.07, -0.53, -0.48, when combined with internal pressure: C1 = -
0.66, C2 = -1.25, C3 = -0.71, C4 = -0.66, for the two loads to give a symmetrical frame:
Load 1: C1 = - 0.66, C2 = -1.25, C3 = -0.71, C4 = -0.66
Load 2: C1 = - 0.66, C2 = -0.71, C3 = -1.25, C4 = -0.66
Enter these coefficients in the code file and the program will use them for those rigid frames near at
the endwall and for endwall frames.

F. Summary for Longitudinal Wind

- Roof Design Input File:
- the wind loads from Section b. are on the wind pressure/suction line.
- Rigid Frame Design Input File, "Wind Coefficients" line:
- For frames only at interior locations
- Use coefficients from Section c.
- For frames located at endwall
- Use coefficients from Section d.
- Endwall Design Input File, "Wind Coefficients" line:
- The Wind_1 roof coefficients from Section d, however, a single longitudinal wind load is used
and the maximum suction is used on both roof surfaces.
Where did Long wind coef of -0.87 come from??


A. Used for Wind Loads on:
- Panels, girts, purlins, endwall columns, endwall roof extensions, sidewall roof extensions, all but the
main wind resisting framing.

B. Design Wind Pressure, p:

p = qh * [(GCp) - (GCpi)]

qh = Velocity pressure at height h for the designated building exposure.

GCp = External pressure coefficients, see Table ASCE(02)-4.

GCpi = Internal pressure coefficients, seeTable ASCE(02)-3.

Endwall columns and Wall Girts

External coef: 0.77, -0.86, Internal coef: 0.18, -0.18
Note: use 90 percent of external wind coefficient when roof slope is less than 10 degrees.

Combined: Pres = 0.77 * 0.90 + 0.18 = 0.873, Suction = -0.86 * 0.9 - 0.18 = -0.954

Design pressures: 0.873 * 0.714 = 0.623, 0.954 * 0.714 = 0.681

Program Values:
* Wind Wind
* Press Suct
0.623 -0.681 .. Column
0.623 -0.681 .. Girt/Header
Therefore, Okay.

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C. Panels
Example wall panel exterior wind coefficients are 1.2, -1.2, and (-1.4), the -1.4 is for wind loading on
the end zone, a distance 'z' on the endwall and 2 times 'z' on the sidewall. If DS_BUILD(roof 17) is set
to '2' the program will check the panels for the wind suction on the edge zone, else it will use the
interior zone wind loading.

D. Component Wind Loads by Design Program

Unless noted, C from Table MBMA(96)-2, Roof Slope, RS < 2.11:12 (10 degrees).
a. Sidewall Design (Line 14)
Wall girt: C = 1.0, -1.1
p = 1.0 0.828 = 0.828 kN/m
p = -1.1 0.828 = -0.911 kN/m
Wall panel: C = 1.2, -1.2
p = 1.2 0.828 = 60.994 kN/m
Door jamb: same as endwall columns

b. Endwall Design (Line 30)

Endwall columns: C = 1.0, -1.0
p = 1.0 0.828 = 60.828 kN/m
Endwall panel: C = 1.2, -1.2
p = 1.2 0.828 = 60.994 kN/m

c. Roof Design (Line 34)

Purlins: C = -1.2
p = -1.2 0.828 = 60.994 kN/m
Gable Extensions: C = -1.8
p = -1.8 0.828 = -1.490 kN/m
Panels: C = -1.3
p = -1.3 0.828 = -1.076 kN/m


- See PE 9-06-11 for the MBS description of IBC 06 Seismic Code.
- The design calculations cell provides a report on the seismic calculations for each job. This report

Met DCM AISC 05 Seismic Design Report: 10/27/07 9:52am

Building Data
Code =IBC 06
Length = 30000
Width = 30000
Left Eave Height = 8000
Right Eave Height = 8000

Seismic Formula
Base Shear, V = 0.667*1.2*Fa*Ss*W/R

Shear Force, E = Omega*Rho*V

Fa*Ss = 0.100
Zone/Design Category= A

Seismic Dead Load, W


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Snow Factor = 0.000

Roof Dead+Collat = 0.220 (kN/m2)
Frame Dead = 0.096 (kN/m2)
Roof Total = 0.316 (kN/m2) , Weight= 284.44 (kN)
L_EW Dead = 0.096 (kN/m2) , Weight= 12.04 (kN)
F_SW Dead = 0.096 (kN/m2) , Weight= 11.50 (kN)
R_EW Dead = 0.096 (kN/m2) , Weight= 12.04 (kN)
B_SW Dead = 0.096 (kN/m2) , Weight= 11.50 (kN)
Total = 331.50 (kN)

Seismic Forces

Roof Bracing
R = 3.00, Rho= 1.00, Omega= 1.00
W = 308.51 (kN)
Force, V = 8.24 (kN)
Force, E = 8.24 (kN)

Sidewall Bracing
Front R = 3.00, Rho= 1.00, Omega= 1.00
W = 165.75 (kN)
Force, V = 4.43 (kN)
Force, E = 4.43 (kN)

Wind Bents
Back R = 3.50, Rho= 1.00, Omega= 1.00
W = 165.75 (kN)
Force, V = 3.80 (kN)
Force, E = 3.80 (kN)

Endwall Bracing
Right R = 3.00, Rho= 1.00, Omega= 1.00
W = 52.06 (kN)
Force, V = 1.39 (kN)
Force, E = 1.39 (kN)

Rigid Frames
R = 3.00, Rho= 1.00, Omega= 1.00
Frame 1 W = 89.14 (kN)
Force, V = 2.38 (kN)
Force, E = 2.38 (kN)
Frame 2 W = 182.77 (kN)
Force, V = 4.88 (kN)
Force, E = 4.88 (kN)

End Plates
Frame R = 3.00, Omega= 1.00
Wind Bent R = 3.50, Omega= 1.00
et Omega and row in ds_const and rerun ??


- See PE 9-06-7 for a description of snow loading in the IBC 05 code.


A. ASCE 7-98 Code Requirements
Section 2.4.1 of the ASCE 7-98 Code lists the following design load combinations:
1. D
2. D + (Lr or S)
3. D + (Lr or S) + (W or 0.7 E)
4. 0.6 D + W
5. 0.6 D + 0.7 E

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D = dead load,
Lr = roof live load,
S = snow,
W = wind, and
E = earthquake.
The reference to loads from flood, soil, temperature, and rain were omitted from the above list.

Section 2.4.3 on load reduction states that when two or more loads are used with dead load that the two
or more loads should be multiplied by 0.75. Also, the design loads using the 0.75 can not have the one-
third stress increase when wind load is present. However, since the one-third stress increase is used for
all the loads involving wind, this design load is multiplied by 4/3. This results in a design load of 1.33
D + L + W.

B. Rigid Frame Design Loads for ASCE7-98

The MBS program can use either the default design load combinations or use design load combinations
set specifically for each building code. PE 7-99-6 and 4-00-11 provide instructions on setting the rigid
frame design loads as desired by the user.

The design load combination for the rigid frame using the ASCE-7 98 Code are shown on the next
page. The need for each design load is described below the list of loads.

* --------------------Load_Coefficients-------------------
*Load Live/ Live -Wind_1- -Wind_2- Long_Wind -Seismic--
*No Id Dead Coll Snow Right Lt Rt Lt Rt 1 2 Long Tran
18 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
2 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
3 1.33 1.00 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
4 1.33 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
5 1.33 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
6 1.33 1.00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00
7 .60 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
8 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
9 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00
10 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 .00
11 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00
12 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -1.00 .00 .00 .00
13 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00
14 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -1.00 .00 .00
15 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .70
16 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.70
17 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .70 .00
18 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.70 .00

Design Loads Comments

1 ASCE Load 2
2 ASCE Load 1
3 thru 6 ASCE Load 3 with 4 transverse wind loads and
loads 'L' and 'W' are multiplied by 4/3 to permit
the 1/3 stress increase for wind.
7 thru 10 ASCE Load 4 with 4 transverse wind loads
11 thru 14 ASCE Load 4 with 2 longitudinal wind loads.
Diagonal bracing forces from longitudinal
wind are also included. One for longitudinal
wind from either direction.
15 & 16 ASCE Load 3 and 5, transverse seismic to the

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right and left. Snow load is added if the snow

loads exceeds 30 psf.
17 & 18 Same as 15 and 16 only it is longitudinal
seismic from either direction.

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