Structure containing the master data for planning in SAP APO. Production data
structures vary in the following ways:
Generated from iPPE data (product structure, process structure, factory structure)
Generated from SAP ERP data, that is, classical master data, such as bill of
materials, phantom assembly, work plan, and master recipe.
In both cases, the production version serves as the basis for generating the
production data structure.
Demand Planning (DP)
Supply Network Planning (SNP)
Capable-to-Match Planning (CTM)
Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS)
In SAP APO, the production data structure is used as a source of supply.
Engineering Change Management (ECM) is not supported for operations, activities,
modes and capacity requirements.
Only data that is valid at the provided routing explosion date is considered for
the PDS.
Only bucket or mixed resources are supported (or else an error is generated during
No product variants supported; configuration is ignored.
Fixed duration (multiple of days) is required.
Breaks between activities are ignored.
Only linear chains of activities are modeled.
Relations in recipes are checked and error is generated if not linear.
Only the standard sequence of the routing is considered.
Time-dependent process parameters (TDPP) only use BAdI SNP-PPM Generation: It is
not possible to generate SNP-PPMs from a PP/DS-PDS. Instead, the generation of the
SNP-PDS from SAP ERP should be used.
In Supply Network Planning, you can use the production data structure as an
alternative to the production process model (PPM) Similar to the PPM, the PDS is a
combination of the work plan and the bill of materials. Compared to the PPM, the
PDS offers more flexible ways of combining and reusing data from individual work
plans and bills of materials.
The SNP PDS is supported by all SNP planning processes, except for demand and stock
propagation. There is a further restriction for the Delete Transaction
Datafunction. With this function, you cannot select or delete according to specific
The following options are available for creating an SNP production data structure:
Generation of an SNP Production Data Structure from iPPE Data
You can either create the iPPE data in a connected DIMP system, and then transfer
it to an SAP SCM system using the APO Core Interface (CIF), or you can create the
data directly in the SAP SCM system. Note that, for SNP, you must use an SNP work
plan in the iPPE data. You then create a product version for the iPPE data, and
generate an SNP production data structure from there.
You determine the validity of a product and a location in the production version,
as in a PPM or an SAP ERP production version. You can also define costs and enter
co-products. If necessary, you can also specify a PP/DS production version in the
production version, which is considered by PP/DS when converting SNP orders into
PP/DS orders.
Generation of an SNP Production Data Structure from SAP ERP Data
You can generate the SNP PDS directly from work plan, bill of materials, and
production version data in SAP ERP. To do this, you must select SNP or SNP
Subcontracting as the PDS type in the CIF integration model. The relevant SAP ERP
data is then transferred to the SAP SCM system automatically, and an SNP PDS is
then generated from it in the SAP SCM system.
If you select SNP Subcontracting, the master data (also for components) is
automatically created at the subcontractor location. The transportation lane
between plant and subcontractor is also generated automatically (this is not
possible when using SNP PPM).
You can also influence the generation of a SNP PDS from SAP ERP data with the
following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs).
/SAPAPO/CURTO_SNP: You can calculate bucket consumption of resources with the
CALC_BUCKET_CONSUMPTION method of this BAdI. This method, which executes standard
calculation of bucket consumption, is active automatically. However, you can change
the calculation.
/SAPAPO/CULLRTOSNP: If you want to carry out optimization-based SNP planning, you
can use the FILL_COST_FIELDS method of this BAdI to fill the SNP PDS cost fields.
You can use both BAdIs to change the SNP PDS data to be generated.
Once an SNP PDS has been generated, you can only display that source of supply. You
can make changes in the iPPE or SAP ERP. You must then, however, regenerate the
The SNP PDS is used in SNP like the SNP PPM. The source determination considers all
existing sources of supply, irrespective of whether it concerns an SNP PPM or an
Note that most SNP PPM procedures also apply for the SNP PDS. This is not always
explicitly mentioned in SNP documentation
You cannot generate an SNP PDS from Production Planning and Detailed
Schedulingstructures (PP/DS PDS).
The SNP PDS can also be used in CTM planning.