Scheme of Work Diploma Level 2 Information Technology Unit 3 Effective Communication

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© Pearson
Scheme of work plo
Ltd 2008.
Diploma Level 2 Information Technology Le
permitted Unit 3 Effective communication Academic year: 2 
for Inf
Broad aim: To understand the importance of effective communication to successful teams Number of weeks: or
Teacher(s): Duration of session: ma
SB  Student Book Guided learning hours: 60 tio
only. This n
material is ADR  Assessment and Delivery Resource Te
not ch
GLH Outcome/topic Content Student activity Resources Links to Links to nol
copyright assessment other og
free. 65 level of the units y
1 Introduction to Assessment and Listen and understand the structure  Copies of specification All Un
unit communication of scheme of and requirements of Unit 3 within the  Scheme of work it 3
work Diploma qualification.  Assignment brief
 SB activity 3.1
Importance of teamwork and Students to reflect on the value of co
communication introduced teamwork and effective communication m
in a case study detailing a successful mu
school enterprise project from SB nic
activity 3.1. ati
2 3.1 Introduction to LO1 Students investigate communication in  SB activity 3.2 3.1 on
Purpose of communicating the classroom and assess its suitability, Communication in the
The communication process barriers and the implications of classroom
Appropriateness of communication ineffective communication.  ADR 3.1 Introduction to
and implications of poor communication
communication They further reflect on the importance
of communication through the ADR
66 ©
Education Un
Hours Outcome/topic Content Student activity Resources Links to Links to it
Ltd 2008.
assessment other 3:
level of the units Eff
permitted unit ect
for ive
6 Types of communication and Students consider the value, benefits  SB activity 3.3 Purpose of 3.1 co
their purpose/use and limitations of different forms of websites m
Communicating for different communication. Through a variety of  SB activity 3.4 Key mu
only. This purposes activities, they are encouraged to purposes of electronic nic
material is recommend and justify choices of media on
Electronic media media.  SB activity 3.5 Purpose
Websites, blogs, emails and text and suitability of various
messages Di
They are encouraged to consider the printed media plo
Print media different circumstances in which they  SB activity 3.6 Research ma
Newspapers, magazines etc. are likely to be communicating during a face-to-face Le
team project. communications vel
Voice media 2 
 SB activity 3.7 Investigate Inf
Telephone, face-to-face, radio, purpose of podcasts or
podcasts etc.  ADR 3.2 Plenary activity – ma
Which media? tio
1 3.2 Introduction to LO2 Students produce compound and  SB activity 3.8 Using the 3.2 Te
What do we mean by correct and complex sentences using appropriate correct punctuation ch
confident Business English and punctuation and Business English.  ADR 3.3 Correct and nol
why is it important in business? confident Business og
2 Digital communications Students are encouraged to develop  SB activity 3.9 Digital 3.2
Digital posters, web pages and an understanding of the latest methods posters
information points of digital communication and, through  SB activity 3.10 Web
SB and ADR activities, have a go at pages
using them as a communications
medium using confident, correct and
contextually-appropriate English.
2 Spoken communications Students are encouraged to develop  SB activity 3.11 Podcasts 3.2
Podcasts, telephone and an understanding of the latest spoken  SB activity 3.12 & ADR
presentations communication methods and, through 3.4 Telephone role-play
SB and ADR activities, have a go at  SB 3.13 Presentations
using them as a communications
medium using confident, correct and
contextually-appropriate English.
© Pearson Hours Outcome/topic Content Student activity Resources Links to Links to Di
Education assessment other
Ltd 2008. level of the units
Copying unit vel
permitted 2 Written communications Students are encouraged to develop  SB activity 3.14 & ADR 3.2 2 
for Business letters, reports and an understanding of a range of written 3.5 Writing a business Inf
purchasing emails communication forms and, through SB letter or
and ADR activities, have a go at using  SB activity 3.15 & ADRs ma
them as a communications medium 3.6 Report writing; 3.7 tio
only. This n
using confident, correct and Presenting your report
material is Te
contextually-appropriate English.  SB activity 3.16 Email ch
communications nol
copyright Complete the session with a  ADR 3.8 Appropriateness og
free. 67 communications plenary activity from of communication – y
the ADR. Plenary
3 3.3 Introduction to LO3 During this unit, students will work in  ADR 3.6 Working in teams 3.3 Un
Introduction to teams and team teams and see the value and pitfalls of – the dice production task it 3
working teamwork, particularly during the dice-  SB activity 3.17 Team
making ADR activity. SB activity 3.17 expectations agreement
Team expectations and policies will encourage learners to consider activity co
what shared expectations they have m
from their team and draw up an mu
expectations agreement. nic
68 ©
Education Un
Hours Outcome/topic Content Student activity Resources Links to Links to it
Ltd 2008.
assessment other 3:
level of the units Eff
permitted unit ect
for ive
3 Characteristics of effective Through discussion, students will  SB activity 3.18 3.3 co
teams develop an understanding of the Characteristics of a good m
Belbin components of an effective team team mu
only. This according to Belbin.  ADR 3.10 Belbin – What nic
material is Allocating team kind of team member are on
not roles/responsibilities Through activity 3.18, they will consider you?
copyright what characteristics effective teams  SB activity 3.19 Allocating Di
Leadership possess. Using the ADR ‘spaghetti roles and duties plo
bridges’ team activity, learners can  SB activity 3.20 Qualities ma
reflect on their knowledge of Belbin’s of a good leader Le
roles and decide what kind of team  ADR 3.11 Are you a vel
member they are. This will allow them natural leader? Inf
to more effectively distribute team roles or
in readiness for their project, which is ma
asked of them in SB activity 3.19. tio
Students reflect on experiences of Te
good and bad leadership and the nol
implications in each case. The ADR og
activity is a fun exercise aimed at y
encouraging students to consider their
own personal leadership qualities.
5 3.4 Introduction to LO4 Students will discuss the need for  SB activity 3.21 Objective 3.4
Agreeing objectives agreeing and setting SMART team setting and work planning
objectives. They will put this into  ADR 3.12 Communicating
Planning the work of the team and practice, planning allocation of work in meetings – a role-play
executing it tasks so that performance can be  ADR 3.13 Body language
constantly evaluated through meetings. in meetings
The role of meetings in  SB activity 3.22 The first
encouraging effective team Students will explore the impact of non- project meeting
communication and performance verbal or body language and consider
appropriate ways of conducting
themselves when in team meetings.
© Pearson Hours Outcome/topic Content Student activity Resources Links to Links to Di
Education assessment other
Ltd 2008. level of the units
Copying unit vel
permitted 3 3.5 Introduction to LO5 As part of a discussion, students will  SB activity 3.23 with 3.5 2 
for What is the importance of understand the function and ADR 3.14 Personal SWOT Inf
purchasing evaluation for improving future importance of regular self and team analysis template or
performance? evaluation to continuous improvement.  SB activity 3.24 Giving ma
genuine feedback on an tio
only. This n
What is a personal evaluation? Students use a personal SWOT individual’s performance
material is Te
analysis template with indicative ch
Giving feedback to team content to aid them in developing nol
copyright mates/peers personal evaluation skills. They will og
free. 69 develop and use the skills of providing y
Assessing team performance and receiving constructive criticism in
helping to produce the evaluations. Un
30 Allocated time for group project 3.1–3.5 it 3
development and preparation of
the portfolio for Unit 3
assessment, to be distributed over co
the duration of this unit’s delivery m

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