Values For The Yatra Oct 09
Values For The Yatra Oct 09
Values For The Yatra Oct 09
Mrs. Jyoti Shetti introducing On the ‘value of non-violence’ there is no definitive word for it. The concept has been praised by
the film ‘God lives in the all major religions, yet while every language has a word for violence, no word expresses the idea
of non-violence except to describing it by what it isn't: not violence. But when non-violence
becomes a reality, it is a powerful force.
Violence, anywhere, in any form, is reprehensible-especially at home and in the workplace,
because this means we are committing violence against people we are expected to love, honor,
and respect. If we do not hesitate to violate the people we are closest to, why would we hesitate
to harm those we don't know? Salvation lies in changing the self before we attempt to change the
society. To quote the Father of the Nation “We must be the change we wish to see."
Fr. Ian Doulton, SDB
Modern society is plagued by violence-at home, at work, in the streets, in schools. In fact, any-
addressing the Value Educa- where there is an assembly of more than two people there is, unfortunately, the distinct likelihood
tion Teachers of violence breaking out. So much violence is an indication of our deteriorating human relation-
ships, as well as the stress under which we live and work.
2nd October - the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi has been declared as 'International Day
of Non-Violence'! This is in recognition of his major role in promoting peace and non-violence
around the world. Non-violence in its dynamic condition means conscious suffering. It does not
mean meek submission to the will of the evil-doer, but it means the pitting of one's whole should
against the will of the tyrant. Non violence has the potential to empower citizens, thwart coups,
overthrow dictators and defend nations.
Creating Non Violent School Zone Everyone knows the central ontological question: “Why is there being, being rather than noth-
ing?” But there is another central philosophical question which the human race has been unable
to answer: “Why is there violence, violence rather than non-violence?”
Inside this issue: Oct ‘09
When once asked if non-violent resistance was a form of “direct action”, Gandhi replied: “...It is
Give Non Violence the only form.” He said it was the “greatest force...more positive than electricity, and more
a Chance powerful than even ether.” Gandhi believed non-violence could be put into practice at every level
of human experience. Nonviolence for him was not just a political tactic but spirituality and a way
Celebrate a Clean 2 of life.
& Safe Diwali
We are living today in an era where social, cultural and political spheres are void of spirituality.
Be a ‘Smart –
But Gandhi’s non-violence still offers us an ideal that may uphold. Gandhi remains the prophetic
Study’ Student
voice of the 21st century and his non-violence urges us to continue struggling on behalf of what
we view as right and just. It is revealing that in a world where there are calamities such as
Teacher as a 4 terrorism, poverty, illiteracy and fanaticism, history can still be made out of choices. The choice of
‘Channel of Care’ non-violence is ours.
News: Value Edu-
Only a non-violent society can work its way up to creating the institutions ripe for development
5 and lead to inter-cultural and inter-religious harmony. The time has come for humanity to renew
cation Teachers’
its commitment, politically, economically, and culturally,ԝtoԝtheԝwisdomԝofԝnon-violence.
Values for the Yatra invites its readers to make non violence a reality today. It calls us to renew our
commitment and make non violence that powerful force that Gandhi and Mandela wanted it to
be. However, this change has to come from with each of our beings
which cannot be learnt by staying at home or without humility.
Gandhi said, “There is no hope for the aching world except
through the narrow and straight path of non-violence.” If we want
to reap the harvest of coexistence in the future, we will have to
sow seeds of non-violence. Sixty years after Gandhi’s death, we
face a choice….
Values for the Yatra
Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter October 2009
SMART STUDENTS use the following strategy and make it a winning formula . Try these 9 points ...
Mind mapping
saves time and Develop super
Focus of KEY helps in revision memory through Know your formulae
words/ Dates and principles BUT
know how to apply
them correctly
Exam is a journey…
you need to prepare
for it!!!!!
Exams are to find out
HOW much you know,
NOT how much you
don’t know….. All the BEST in your Exams….
Values for the Yatra
Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter October 2009
20 Points to “Care‐About” the Adolescent Student
1. Avoid discouragement ‐ because the feelings of inferiority which all humans
experience in one form or another, must be overcome if we are to function well.
2. Work for improvement, not perfection.
3. Commend effort. One’s effort is more significant than one’s results.
4. Separate the deed from the doer. One may reject the youngster’s action without rejecting the person.
5. Build on strengths, not on weakness. A misbehaving youth has the power to defeat the adult. Give the youngster
the credit he/she deserves.
6. Show your faith in the youngster. This must be sincere, so one must first learn to trust him/her.
7. Mistakes should not be viewed as failures. We need to take away the stigma of failure. Failure usually indicates
lack of skill. One’s worth is not dependent on success.
8. Failure and defeat will only stimulate special effort when there remains the hope of eventual success. They do
not stimulate a deeply discouraged child who has lost all hope of succeeding.
9. Stimulate and lead the young, but do not try to push ahead. Let the youngster move at one’s own speed.
10. Remember that genuine happiness comes from self‐sufficiency: Young people need to learn to take care of
11.integrate the youngster into the group. Treating the youngster as ‘something special’ increases his/her over‐
ambition. An over‐ambitious youngster who cannot succeed usually switches to the useless side of life with the
‘private logic’: “If I can’t be best, I’ll at least be the worst”. Even more serious, he/she may give up altogether.
12. Stimulating too much competition usually does not encourage much. Those who see a hope of winning may put
forth‐extra effort, but the stress is on winning rather than on co‐operation and contribution. The less competi‐
tive one is, the better one is able to withstand competition.
13. Praise is not the same as encouragement. Praise may have an encouraging effect on some youth, but it often
discourages and causes anxiety and fear. Some come to depend on praise and will perform only for recognition
in ever‐increasing amounts. Success accompanied by special praise for the result may make the young fear “I
can never do it again!”
14. Success is by‐product. Preoccupation with the obligation to succeed is intimidating and the resulting fear and
anxiety often contribute to failure. If one function with the emphasis on what contribution one may make or
how one may co‐operate with others, success usually results.
15. Help the youngster develop the courage to be imperfect. We should learn from our mistakes and take them in
our stride.
16. Don’t give responsibility and significance only to those who are already responsible. Giving opportunities to be
responsible to an youngster who is discouraged may make it worth while for him/her to co‐operate.
17. Solicit the help of other members of the group to help a discouraged youngster find his/her place in useful ways.
18. Remember that discouragement is contagious. A discouraged youth tends to discourage his/her
19. Avoid trying to mend one’s own threatened ego by discouraging others or by looking down on them.
20. Overcome your own pessimism and develop an optimistic approach to life. Optimism is contagious ‐ it
not only encourages you but those around you. PRAY FOR YOUR STUDENTS…….It is the biggest secret to
building a ‘caring’ attitude towards them.
Values for the Yatra
Archdiocesan Value Education Centre (AVEC ) E-Letter October 2009
Preparations for the seminar began during the early weeks of August. The first
day saw a total number of 41 teachers from Central Suburbs, Borivli, Andheri
and Bandra deaneries. Whilst 47 teachers from North Mumbai, South Mumbai
and Kurla deaneries attended the seminar on the second day. By way of the
seminar AVEC aimed to motivate schools through the teachers to become more
‘Educational Living Environments’ of which values must be seen to lie not only
at the heart of the educational content, the “what” of education, but also at the
heart of the educational process, the “how”, the way in which education is conducted.
Over two days the value education teachers enjoyed sessions by Fr. Ian Doulton and Fr. Glenford Lowe.
Both the days saw Fr. Boniface D'Souza deliver the welcome address. Fr. Ian in
his session dealt with the Approach, Focus, Method and Goal of Moral Science,
Community Living and Value Education. He mentioned the importance of
‘drawing out values’ from the child and not teaching them but ‘educating’ them.
Throughout his session Fr. Ian stressed that the value is not important but the
person is and that the goal of value education is the ‘Education to Becoming’. In
the second half of his session he underlined the role of a Value Educator. He went
to explain how value education goes on constantly: the four walls of the classroom are not the limit.
Fr. Glenn explained to all present the aims and goals of AVEC. He made the teachers aware of the long
term plans that AVEC has in store for the schools and how the teachers can help in making Value Educa-
tion as the guiding ethos of education.
After a sumptuous meal, a movie named ‘God Lives in the Himalayas’ was screened. The film, opened re-
cently at the Cannes film Festival and selected in various international film fes-
tivals, delved deep into the minds of four children who live in the Himalayan
Mountains. The four of them have questions for God, questions that have re-
mained unanswered since the evolution of man. The film focuses on the epic
journey of these children who defy all odds to get their questions answered.
The second day of the seminar was graced by the presence of the director-
writer-producer of the movie Mr. Sanjay Srinivas.
At the end of both the days, the teachers had an open forum discussion about taking the sessions ahead to
the schools and their principals. The motivated teachers promised not to look at value education as just
another subject in the curriculum but to synergize their efforts and resources to lead the children on ‘the
valued path’.