Lesson Plan Organizer Template - Ed 2020 - 4th Grade
Lesson Plan Organizer Template - Ed 2020 - 4th Grade
Lesson Plan Organizer Template - Ed 2020 - 4th Grade
Background Knowledge:
Learning Progression Instructional Sequence: (write down your time frame and when you will be doing what)
8:30-8:45 Arrival and Greeting
8:45-9:30 Readers Workshop
9:30-9:50 Recess
10:00-11:20 Math
10:00-10:05 Hook/Connect
10:05-10:30 Review and Directions
10:30-11:00 Activity
11:00-11:20 Closing
Teacher: *Plays music, Okay friends, once everyone is cleaned up, raise your hand so I can come
check your area!
Teacher: So class, what did you learn in this assignment? Was it fun?
Student: I really like how we got to do our table partners fractions too. We learned how to compare
fractions using symbols and then tell our partner why.
Teacher: Let's go over a couple problems. Hudson, give me an equation with an equal to in it.
Student: Okay, is equal to .
Teacher: Is this correct?
Student: Yes
Teacher: Morgan, give me a problem with less than?
Student: is less than
Teacher: What about this one, is Morgan right?
Student: Yes
Teacher: Last one Andrew, let's do a greater than equation.
Student: is greater than .
Teacher: Now back to my pizza last night Someone explain to me again what happened?
Student: You grabbed the pizza that had more pieces but they were smaller.
Teacher: But what about my mom? I thought I got more than her. She only had 3 pieces.
Student: She had 3 huge pieces and you had 8 smaller pieces.
Teacher: Oh man. No wonder why I was still super hungry!
Teacher: Well I think you all mastered this activity...whos ready for their treat?
Student: Me!
Teacher: Maya, you and your table partner can go out to the pod and get a bag of popcorn. *and so on with the
other students*
Teacher: Now why you guys are enjoying your popcorn let's do a class meeting!