Lesson Plan Organizer Template - Ed 2020 - 4th Grade

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The key takeaways are learning how to compare fractions using greater than, less than, and equal to symbols and being able to justify the comparisons.

The purpose of the lesson plan is for students to apply comparing fractions using mathematical symbols and meet academic goals of communication, following directions, and participation.

The students engage with comparing fractions by placing fraction values on post-it notes and using popcorn 'pieces' with symbols to write and solve fraction comparison equations with their partner before switching buckets.

Daily Lesson Plan Organizer-

Subject: Math Day: Last day - Day 11

Grade: 4th
Unit of Study: Unit 9
Learning Goals/Objectives/MLS/ISTE:
Mathematicians will compare two fractions and correctly apply mathematical symbols.

Background Knowledge:

What do your students know coming into this lesson:

Students will need to know how to correctly compare two fractions using mathematical symbols.

What vocab will they need to know:

Greater than
Less than
Equal to

Research-based Teaching 21st Century Skills

What is the purpose of this lesson?
Apply this to the real world
Check all that apply Check all that apply
Students need to know how to compare fractions for Identify similarities and Teamwork and
upcoming grades. differences collaboration
By the end of fourth grade, students will meet the Summarizing and Note Initiative and Leadership
academic goal of comparing fractions and using Taking Curiosity and Imagination
mathematical symbols. Reinforcing effort and Innovation and Creativity
What academic goals does it meet providing recognition Critical thinking and
Students will meet the goal of communication, following Homework & Practice problem solving
directions, stopping when work time is over, and Nonlinguistic Flexibility and
participation. representations Adaptability
Cooperative learning Effective Oral Written
Setting objectives and Communication
providing feedback Accessing and Analyzing
Generating and testing Information
hypothesis Other
Cues, questions, and
advance organizers
Interdisciplinary non-
fiction writing
Materials/Resources and Preparation (Physical): Materials/Resources and Preparation (Technology-
20 white post-it notes per student Document Camera
3 orange/yellow post-it notes per student Directions on the board
Popcorn bins Powerpoint
White paper
Whiteboards for each student
Whiteboard markers for each student
Whiteboard eraser for each student

Learning Progression Instructional Sequence: (write down your time frame and when you will be doing what)
8:30-8:45 Arrival and Greeting
8:45-9:30 Readers Workshop
9:30-9:50 Recess
10:00-11:20 Math
10:00-10:05 Hook/Connect
10:05-10:30 Review and Directions
10:30-11:00 Activity
11:00-11:20 Closing

Hook/Connect: (drawing in your learners, how do you gain their attention?)

Teacher: Alright friends, let's all grab a whiteboard and marker and head to the front!
Students: Grab whiteboard, marker, and is sitting in the front.
Teacher: We are going to do a fun activity today and maybe, just maybe, if you guys rock it like I know you will, well
get a special treat.
Students: Oooo okay.
Teacher: But first, I have to tell you guys a story that happened to me last night. *Starts powerpoint* I went to the new
pizza place by Chipotle and my mom and I decided to split the pizza. *shows two pizzas* They lady who was making
it asked if we wanted it to be split evenly so my mom looked at eachother and said why not. We finally paid and
grabbed our pizza. We looked at it and it was cut like this *shows picture of pizza cut unevenly.* I was starving and
wanted the most pizza. So obviously, I grabbed the left side *which is actually fewer pieces.* I ate all of it in about 2
minutes while my mom was still eating. I remembered I took a picture of the pizza and looked at it. Whatd i do
Whole Class Teaching: (teacher in charge)
Reminder this is very explicit. You type out
Teacher: But first, we have to review a couple things. Graham, explain to be what this symbol means. *writes greater
than symbols on white board*
Student: Thats a greater than symbol.
Teacher: Turn to talk to the person next to you and discuss where you put the greater than symbol when comparing two
Student: *Turns and talks to person next to them*
Teacher: Alright, Sophia and Madison, whatd you come with?
Student: All of the symbols go in between the two fractions when comparing them.
Teacher: Awesome! Okay, get your white boards out and write this equation. two-fourth is greater than one-fourth
Students: Write problems down
Teacher: Okay, raise your hand and show me when I point to you.
Student: *shows me*
Teacher: Perfect. What are an equal to sign? Write it on your whiteboard and show me.
Student: *shows me*
Teacher: Say is equal to .. would I put the symbol at the beginning, middle, or end of the two fractions?
Student: Middle!
Teacher: Let try a less than write this equation on your whiteboard. is less than .
Student: *writes it down*
Teacher: Rowan, explain to me why you put the less than symbol that direction.
Student: Well, you see, I put it like this because the mouth is facing the bigger number which is one half.
Teacher: Let's try two more. Turn and talk to the person beside you. Say you need to figure out if is greater than,
equal to, or less than . How would you do this? What steps would you take? *Gives students 30 seconds to a minute
to talk*
Teacher: Okay let's go back together, Stevie, what did you and your partner say?
Student: You have to start by finding a new number that both denominators go into and multiply that number by
the denominator and numerator. One both fractions have been changed on the numerator and denominator,
you put the symbol down.
Teacher: That was great. Let's all write down the steps on our whiteboard. What's the first one again?
Student: Have to find a number that goes into both denominators.
Teacher: Okay, number 1, find a number that goes into both denominators. Got it. What's the second step?
Student: Multiply the top and bottom numbers in both fractions by that number you got.
Teacher: Do we have to be careful with this part?
Student: Yes.
Teacher: Got it. Third step?
Student: Then you put down the symbols.
Teachers: What are the symbols again?
Student: Greater than, less than, and equal to.
Teacher: You all are super smart. Ready for the activity?
Students: Yes!
Direct Instruction/Teach:
T: By the end of the lesson you should be able to compare two fractions using symbols and be able to share why.
Teacher: I am going to give you all 20 white post its to put different fractions on. Ill also give you 3 yellow
post its. One yellow post it will have an equal than symbol. The second one will have a greater than symbol
and the last one will have a less than symbol. Once you have it everything done, you'll raise your hand and
show me. I'll give you a piece of paper to write down the fractions and a cute popcorn box. You will then can
crumple all the post its up. Once you are done and your partner, you'll switch popcorn buckets. You'll pull out
two white popcorns. Lets say its one half and one fourth. Youll have to figure out what symbol to put in in
the middle. But remember you have your white boards with the steps and your partner to help if needed.
After you figure it out, you'll write down the equation as you see it on your desk and put the used white
popcorn to the side. Once you have your partners, you'll switch and do your own. *Showing example of what
students should be doing while explaining* Well come back together once everyone is done to discuss how
awesome it was!
Guided Practice/Active Engagement:
T: *Walks around, assesses student* *Begins to pull students to work with a small group*
Students Try Out/Work Time:
T: *working with small group, helping students, popping popcorn*
Assessment/Matching Assessment/Plan Catches: (students show what they know)
Assessment was during activity with students individually or in the small group.
Teacher: Okay, let me see your white paper.
Student: *Hands it to me*
Teacher: Why did you put a greater than sign here?
Student: Because is greater than 1/3.
Teacher: Why?
Student: Because on the paper is greater than 1/3 paper.
Teacher: What about equal to?
Student: is equal to because they are the same.
Teacher: Great job! Keep on working!
Closing/Reflection: (drawing in your learners, how do you gain their attention?)
Today we learned. how to correctly compare two fractions using mathematical symbols and justify why.

Teacher: *Plays music, Okay friends, once everyone is cleaned up, raise your hand so I can come
check your area!
Teacher: So class, what did you learn in this assignment? Was it fun?
Student: I really like how we got to do our table partners fractions too. We learned how to compare
fractions using symbols and then tell our partner why.
Teacher: Let's go over a couple problems. Hudson, give me an equation with an equal to in it.
Student: Okay, is equal to .
Teacher: Is this correct?
Student: Yes
Teacher: Morgan, give me a problem with less than?
Student: is less than
Teacher: What about this one, is Morgan right?
Student: Yes
Teacher: Last one Andrew, let's do a greater than equation.
Student: is greater than .
Teacher: Now back to my pizza last night Someone explain to me again what happened?
Student: You grabbed the pizza that had more pieces but they were smaller.
Teacher: But what about my mom? I thought I got more than her. She only had 3 pieces.
Student: She had 3 huge pieces and you had 8 smaller pieces.
Teacher: Oh man. No wonder why I was still super hungry!
Teacher: Well I think you all mastered this activity...whos ready for their treat?
Student: Me!
Teacher: Maya, you and your table partner can go out to the pod and get a bag of popcorn. *and so on with the
other students*
Teacher: Now why you guys are enjoying your popcorn let's do a class meeting!

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