Banking Regulation Act Made Easy
Banking Regulation Act Made Easy
Banking Regulation Act Made Easy
Part I - Preliminary
Section 2 to 5A
Section 5B: Defines 'Banking'
Section 5C: Defines 'Banking Company' as 'a company which transacts the business of banking in
Section 6: Forms of business in which banking Companies may engage
Section 7: Use of words "bank", "banker", "banking" or "banking company"
Section 10BB: Power of Reserve Bank to appoint chairman of a banking company
Section 11: Requirement as to minimum paid up capital and reserves
Section 18: Cash Reserve
Section 21: Power of Reserve Bank to control advances by banking companies. Rate of interest
Section 21A: Rate of interest charged by banking companies cannot be subject to scrutiny of
Section 22: Licensing of banking companies
Section 23: Restrictions on opening new and transfer of existing branches etc.
Section 27: Monthly returns to Reserve Bank
Section 28: Reserve Bank's power to make public certain information in the interest of the public
Sections 29, 30, 31: Audit
Section 35: Authority to inspect every banking company and its branches
Section 35A: Power of RBI to issue directions which every banking company in India has to follow
Section 36AA: RBIs power to remove managerial power from persons of office..
Section 36AB: RBIs power to appoint additional directors
Section 37: Suspension of business
Section 47A: RBIs power to impose penalty
Section 58A of Companies Act, 1956 empowers companies to accept deposits from the public
1. Use of words bank, banker, banking or banking company (Sec.7): According to Sec. 7 of the
Banking Regulation Act, no company other than a banking company shall use the words bank, banker,
banking or banking company and no company shall carry on the business of banking in India, unless it
uses the above mentioned words in its name.
According to Sec. 8 of the Banking Regulation Act, a banking company cannot directly or indirectly deal in
buying or selling or bartering of goods. But it may, however, buy, sell or barter the transactions relating to
bills of exchange received for collection or negotiation.
According to Sec. 9 A banking company cannot hold any immovable property, howsoever acquired,
except for its own use, for any period exceeding seven years from the date of acquisition thereof. The
company is permitted, within the period of seven years, to deal or trade in any such property for
facilitating its disposal. Of course, the Reserve Bank of India may, in the interest of depositors, extend
the period of seven years by any period not exceeding five years.
4. Management (Sec. 10): Sec. 10 (a) states that not less than 51% of the total number of members of the
Board of Directors of a banking company shall consist of persons who have special knowledge or practical
experience in one or more of the following fields:
(a) Accountancy;
(c) Banking;
(d) Cooperative;
(e) Economics;
(f) Finance;
(g) Law;
The Section also states that at least not less than two directors should have special knowledge or practical
experience relating to agriculture and rural economy and cooperative. Sec. 10(b) (1) further states that
every banking company shall have one of its directors as Chairman of its Board of Directors.
Sec. 11 (2) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, provides that no banking company shall commence or
carry on business in India, unless it has minimum paid-up capital and reserve of such aggregate value as is
noted below:
In case of banking company incorporated outside India, aggregate value of its paid-up capital and reserve
shall not be less than Rs. 15 lakhs and, if it has a place of business in Mumbai or Kolkata or in both, Rs. 20
It must deposit and keep with the R.B.I, either in Cash or in unencumbered approved securities:
(ii) After the expiry of each calendar year, an amount equal to 20% of its profits for the year in respect of
its Indian business.
In case of an Indian banking company, the sum of its paid-up capital and reserves shall not be less than
the amount stated below:
(i) If it has places of business in more than one State, Rs. 5 lakhs, and if any such place of business is in
Mumbai or Kolkata or in both, Rs. 10 lakhs.
(ii) If it has all its places of business in one State, none of which is in Mumbai or Kolkata, Rs. 1 lakh in
respect of its principal place of business plus Rs. 10,000 in respect of each of its other places of business
in the same district in which it has its principal place of business, plus Rs. 25,000 in respect of each place
of business elsewhere in the State.
No such banking company shall be required to have paid-up capital and reserves exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs
and no such banking company which has only one place of business shall be required to have paid- up
capital and reserves exceeding Rs. 50,000.
In case of any such banking company which commences business for the first time after 16th September
1962, the amount of its paid-up capital shall not be less than Rs. 5 lakhs.
(iii) If it has all its places of business in one State, one or more of which are in Mumbai or Kolkata, Rs. 5
lakhs plus Rs. 25,000 in respect of each place of business outside Mumbai or Kolkata? No such banking
company shall be required to have paid-up capital and reserve excluding Rs. 10 lakhs.
6. Capital Structure (Sec. 12):
According to Sec. 12, no banking company can carry on business in India, unless it satisfies the following
(a) Its subscribed capital is not less than half of its authorized capital, and its paid-up capital is not less
than half of its subscribed capital.
(b) Its capital consists of ordinary shares only or ordinary or equity shares and such preference shares as
may have been issued prior to 1st April 1944. This restriction does not apply to a banking company
incorporated before 15th January 1937.
(c) The voting right of any shareholder shall not exceed 5% of the total voting right of all the shareholders
of the company.
According to Sec. 13, a banking company is not permitted to pay directly or indirectly by way of
commission, brokerage, discount or remuneration on issues of its shares in excess of 2% of the paid-up
value of such shares.
Prohibition of charges on unpaid capital (Sec. 14): A banking company cannot create any charge upon its
unpaid capital and such charges shall be void.
According to Sec. 15, no banking company shall pay any dividend on its shares until all its capital expenses
(including preliminary expenses, organisation expenses, share selling commission, brokerage, amount of
losses incurred and other items of expenditure not represented by tangible assets) have been completely
(a) Write-off depreciation in the value of its investments in approved securities in any case where such
depreciation has not actually been capitalized or otherwise accounted for as a loss;
(b) Write-off depreciation in the value of its investments in shares, debentures or bonds (other than
approved securities) in any case where adequate provision for such depreciation has been made to the
satisfaction of the auditor;
(c) Write-off bad debts in any case where adequate provision for such debts has been made to the
satisfaction of the auditors of the banking company.
Floating Charges:
A floating charge on the undertaking or any property of a banking company can be created only if RBI
certifies in writing that it is not detrimental to the interest of depositors Sec. 14A. Similarly, any charge
created by a banking company on unpaid capital is invalid Sec. 14.
According to Sec. 17, every banking company incorporated in India shall, before declaring a dividend,
transfer a sum equal to 20% of the net profits of each year (as disclosed by its Profit and Loss Account) to
a Reserve Fund.
The Central Government may, however, on the recommendation of RBI, exempt it from this requirement
for a specified period. The exemption is granted if its existing reserve fund together with Securities
Premium Account is not less than its paid-up capital.
If it appropriates any sum from the reserve fund or the securities premium account, it shall, within 21
days from the date of such appropriation, report the fact to the Reserve Bank, explaining the
circumstances relating to such appropriation. Moreover, banks are required to transfer 20% of the Net
Profit to Statutory Reserve.
Under Sec. 18, every banking company (not being a Scheduled Bank) shall, if Indian, maintain in India, by
way of a cash reserve in Cash, with itself or in current account with the Reserve Bank or the State Bank of
India or any other bank notified by the Central Government in this behalf, a sum equal to at least 3% of its
time and demand liabilities in India.
The Reserve Bank has the power to regulate the percentage also between 3% and 15% (in case of
Scheduled Banks). Besides the above, they are to maintain a minimum of 25% of its total time and
demand liabilities in cash, gold or unencumbered approved securities. But every banking companys asset
in India should not be less than 75% of its time and demand liabilities in India at the close of last Friday of
every quarter.
According to Sec. 24 of the Act, in addition to maintaining CRR, banking companies must maintain
sufficient liquid assets in the normal course of business. The section states that every banking company
has to maintain in cash, gold or unencumbered approved securities, an amount not less than 25% of its
demand and time liabilities in India.
This percentage may be changed by the RBI from time to time according to economic circumstances of
the country. This is in addition to the average daily balance maintained by a bank.
Again, as per Sec. 24 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, every scheduled bank has to maintain 31.5% on
domestic liabilities up to the level outstanding on 30.9.1994 and 25% on any increase in such liabilities
over and above the said level as on the said date.
But w.e.f. 26.4.1997 fortnight the maintenance of SLR for inter-bank liabilities was exempted. It must be
remembered that at the start of the preceding fortnights, SLR must be maintained for outstanding
(i) Grant loans or advances on the security of its own shares, and
(b) Any firm in which any of its directors is interested as partner, manager or guarantor;
(c) Any company of which any of its directors is a director, manager, employee or guarantor, or in which
he holds substantial interest; or
(d) Any individual in respect of whom any of its directors is a partner or guarantor.
(ii)(c) Does not apply to subsidiaries of the banking company, registered under Sec. 25 of the Companies
Act or a Government Company.
12. Accounts and Audit (Sees. 29 to 34A):
The above Sections of the Banking Regulation Act deal with the accounts and audit. Every banking
company, incorporated in India, at the end of a financial year expiring after a period of 12 months as the
Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette specify, must prepare a Balance Sheet and
a Profit and Loss Account as on the last working day of that year, or, according to the Third Schedule, or,
as circumstances permit.
At the same time, every banking company, which is incorporated outside India, is required to prepare a
Balance Sheet and also a Profit and Loss Account relating to its branch in India also. We know that Form A
of the Third Schedule deals with form of Balance Sheet and Form B of the Third Schedule deals with form
of Profit and Loss Account.
It is interesting to note that a revised set of forms have been prescribed for Balance Sheet and Profit and
Loss Account of the banking company and RBI has also issued guidelines to follow the revised forms with
effect from 31st March 1992.
According to Sec. 30 of the Banking Regulation Act, the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account should
be prepared according to Sec. 29, and the same must be audited by a qualified person known as auditor.
Every banking company must take previous permission from RBI before appointing, reappointing or
removing any auditor. RBI can also order special audit for public interest of depositors.
Moreover, every banking company must furnish their copies of accounts and Balance Sheet prepared
according to Sec. 29 along with the auditors report to the RBI and also the Registers of companies within
three months from the end of the accounting period.
The following are the important provisions under Banking Regulation Act, 1949 regarding control and
regulation of Banking Sector in India.
The requirements regarding the minimum paid-up capital and reserves for commence mint of banking
business. Prohibition of charge on unpaid capital. Payment of Dividends only after writing off all
Capitalized expenses.
Transfer to reserve fund out of Profits. (Minimum 20 per cent) Maintenance of cash reserves by the non-
scheduled banks. (Minimum 3 per cent) Restrictions on holding shares in other companies.
Restrictions on loans and advances to directors and others. Licensing of banking companies. Licences for
opening of new branches and transfer of existing place of business. Maintenance of a percentage of liquid
assets (SLR). (Minimum 25 per cent and maximum 40 per cent)
Maintenance of Assets in India By a banking company. (Minimum 75 per cent of DTL) Submission of
Return of unclaimed Deposits.
1. Power to call for and publish the information. Preparation of Accounts and Balance Sheets. Audit of the
Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Account. Publication of Audited Accounts and Balance Sheet. Inspection
of books and accounts of banking companies by RBI. Giving directions to banking companies.
9. Central Government for an order of mortal rim in respect of a banking company and for a scheme of
reconstruction or amalgamation.
10. Power of RBI to examine the record of proceedings and tender advice in winding up proceedings.
11. Power of RBI to inspect and make its report to winding up.
12. Power of RBI to call for Returns and information from the Liquidator of a Banking company.
14. Issue of No objection certificate for the Alteration of memorandum of a banking company. Central
Government to consult the RBI for making rules regarding banking companies. Recommend to the Central
Government for exempting any bank from the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act 1949.
Requirements regarding minimum paid up capital and reserves: Sections 11 & 12:
Section 11 of the Banking Companies Act lays down the requirements regarding the minimum standard of
paid up capital and reserves as a condition for the commencement of business. The details of this Section
are given below:
Although Section 11 prescribes a minimum capital of Rs.5.00 lakh only, Reserve Bank currently prescribed
a minimum paid-up capital of Rs.100 crore for setting up a new banking company. In the case of foreign
banks setting up office of business in India, they are required to bring in a minimum of ten million US
dollars to India as Capital. (A million is equal to ten lakhs). The minimum capital required to start a Local
Area Bank is fixed at Rs. 5.00 crores.
Under the provisions of Section 12, the subscribed capital of the company is not less than half of its
authorized capital and the paid up capital is not less than half of its subscribed capital, provided when the
capital is increased this proportion may be permitted to be secured within a period to be determined by
the Reserve Bank not exceeding two years from the date of increase.
According to this section no banking company shall pay any dividend on its shares until all its capitalized
expenses such as Preliminary Expenses, Brokerage and Commission on issue of shares, etc., have been
completely written off.
However as per the Banking Companies (Amendment) Act 1959, Banking Company may pay dividend on
its shares without writing off the following:
(a) The depreciation in the value of investments in the approved securities provided such depreciation
has not been actually capitalized or accounted for a loss.
(b) The depreciation in the value of its investments in shares, debentures, bonds, etc., (other than
approved securities) where adequate provision has been made for such depreciation. The auditor of the
banking company should approve such provision.
(c) The bad debts where the adequate provision has been made in this behalf and the auditor of the
banking company should approve such provision.
A banking company may form a subsidiary company for the purposes referred to in the section, as well as
for other purposes as are incidental to the business of banking, subject to the previous permission in
writing of the RBI.
Under Section 21, the RBI has been empowered to determine the policy to be followed by the banks in
relation to advances. Thus, RBI gives directions to banking companies on the following matters:
(i) The purposes for which an advance may or may not be granted
(iii) The rate of interest charged on advances, other financial accommodation and commission on
(iv) The maximum amount of advance or other financial accommodation that a bank may make to or
guarantee that it may issue for, a single party, having regard to the paid-up capital, reserves and deposits
of the concerned bank.
(i) that the company is in a position to pay its present or future depositors in full as their claims accrue;
(ii) that the affairs of the company are not likely to be conducted in a manner detrimental to the interests
of its present or future depositors;
(iii) in the case of the carrying on of banking business by such company in India will be in the public
interest and that the government or laws of the country in which it is incorporated does not discriminate
in any way against banking companies registered in India and that the company complies with all the
provisions of this Act, applicable to banking companies incorporated outside India. However, RRBs have
been established under a separate Act of Parliament, viz., RRBs Act 1976 and not under Banking
Regulation Act.
The Reserve Bank may cancel a license granted to a banking company under this section:
(ii) If the company at any time fails to comply with any of the conditions imposed upon it; or*
(iii) Any banking company aggrieved by the decision of the Reserve Bank cancelling a licence under this
section may, within thirty days from the date on which such decision is communicated to it, appeal to the
Central Government. The decision of the Central Government shall be final.
Thus, every banking company which likes to start banking business in India must obtain licence from RBI.
No permission is required for opening a branch within the same city, town or village and for opening a
temporary place of business for a maximum period of one month within a city, where the banking
company already has a place of business for the purpose of providing banking facilities to the public on
the occasion of an exhibition, a conference, a mela, etc.
In the case of fixed deposits, the 10 years period is counted from the date of expiry of such fixed period.
RRBs are however required to forward such returns to NABARD.
Submission of Return, Forms, etc., to RBI: Section 27
Under this section, every banking company shall submit to be RBI a return in the prescribed form (form
13) and manner showing its assets and liabilities in India on the last Friday of every month, (if that Friday
is a public holiday under the negotiable instruments Act, 1881, on the preceding working day.)
Besides, the RBI may at any time direct a banking company to furnish the statements and information
relating to the business or affairs of the banking company within the specified period mentioned therein.
Such directions may be issued when the RBI considers it is necessary or expedient to obtain for the
purpose of the Act. And the RBI may call for information every half year, regarding the investments of
banking company and the classifications of advance given in respect of industry, commerce and
The central government after giving not less than three months notice of its intention so to do by a
notification in the official gazette, may from time to time by a like notification amend the forms set out in
the Third Schedule.
In the view of the fact that in the opinion of experts, as well as the Banking enquiry committee, that form
" F " required to be used by every company in preparing its balance sheet.
Audit of the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account: Section 30
As per this section, the balance sheet and Profit & Loss Account prepared in accordance with Section 29
shall be audited by a person duly qualified under any law for the time being in force to be an auditor of
The auditor is required to state in his report in the case of a banking company incorporated in India,
(i) Whether or not the information and explanation required by him have been found to be satisfactory
(ii) Whether or not the transactions of the company which have come to his notice have been within the
powers of the company
(iii) Whether or not the returns received from branch offices of the company "have been found adequate
for the purposes of this audit
(iv) Whether the Profit & Loss Account shows a true balance of profit or loss for the period covered by
such account
(v) Any other matter which he considers should be brought to the notice of shareholders of the company.
This section provides wide powers to RBI to cause an inspection of any banking company and its books
and accounts.
Prior approval from RBI for appointment of Managing Director, etc. Section 35 AB
According to this section, prior approval of RBI should be obtained for the appointment, re-appointment,
remuneration and removal of the chairman or a director of a banking company. And for the amendments
of provisions in the Memorandum or Articles or Resolutions of a General Meeting or Board of Directors,
the prior approval of RBI is necessary.
Removal of managerial and any other persons from office: Section 36AA and Section 36AB
Under these sections, the RBI has power to remove managerial and other persons from office and to
appoint additional directors.
For such requisition, the banking company should submit an application along with a report of the RBI in
this regard. In that report the RBI indicates that the banking company is able to pay its debts if the
application is granted. If such report is not obtained from the RBI, the banking company cannot get the
grant of moratorium.
(i) It fails to comply with the requirements as to minimum Paid-up capital and reserves as laid down in
Section 11, or
(ii) Is disentitled to carry on the banking business for want of license under Section 22, or
(iii) It has been prohibited from receiving fresh deposits by the Central Government or the Reserve Bank,
(iv) It has failed to comply with any requirement of the Act, and continues to do so even after the Reserve
Bank calls upon it to do so,
(v) The Reserve Bank thinks that a compromise or arrangement sanctioned by the court cannot be
worked satisfactorily, or
(vi) The Reserve Bank thinks that according to the returns furnished by the company it is unable to pay its
debts or its continuance is prejudicial to the interests of the depositors.
The banking company cannot be voluntarily wound up unless the Reserve Bank certifies that it is able to
pay its debts in full.
The unwilling shareholders are entitled to receive the value of their shares as may be determined by the
RBI. The RBI has to sanction the scheme of amalgamation after the shareholders' approval.
The assets and liabilities are transferred to the acquiring bank according to the directions of RBI
mentioned in the sanction order. The RBI issues order for the dissolution of the first bank on a specified