Hydraulic Excavators (Classnote-1)
Hydraulic Excavators (Classnote-1)
Hydraulic Excavators (Classnote-1)
Er. Ashok Shrestha (DoR)
Construction Equipment (Elective)
August 2010
Hydraulic Excavator
Hydraulic Excavator is the most commonly used
construction machine. it has bucket with
specified volumetric capacity.
Hydraulic power is the key utility to operate the
hydraulic excavators.
Excavator can work above and under the ground
level where it rest.
It can work at all gradient and difficult terrain and
even under water excavation work where other
machine can not be used.
With various front attachments, it can be used for
diversified purposes.
Most excavators are mounted on track base, but
smaller model may be mounted on wheels base.
16 August 2010 IOE-BEM-CE(Elective): Excavators: By Ashok Shrestha Slide No. 2
Hydraulic Excavator: Main Parts
• A hydraulic Excavator consists THREE major parts
1. Work Equipment 2. Upper Structure
This part consist This part consist engine, cabin
working tools for and holds components such as
digging and loading operator’s seat controlling
joysticks and monitoring gauges
3. Undercarriage
This part consist Crawler/
track chain or Wheel for
moving machine on the
16 August 2010 IOE-BEM-CE(Elective): Excavators: By Ashok Shrestha Slide No. 3
Work Equipment:
Work equipment is designed
to run by hydraulic cylinders
Oil Pressure Inside the
cylinder is the key factor to
Pressure x Area
overcome require FORCE to
Rod Cylinder do work.
Arm Cylinder
Inner race
This part enables an Ball bearings
hydraulic excavator to
Stick/Swing Controls (Left Joystick)
turn around
move forward and backward to move stick out
and in
move left and right to control direction of swing
Hydraulic Pump
Boom Cylinder