Social Studies 20-2 Long Term Plan Fall 2017
Social Studies 20-2 Long Term Plan Fall 2017
Social Studies 20-2 Long Term Plan Fall 2017
September, 2017
Mr. Brad Volk
The key issue that will be explored throughout the semester is to what extent should we
embrace nationalism? This issue is broken down into four related issues, which will be the four
units of the year. They are:
Unit Four: Should individuals and groups in Canada embrace a national identity?
Students will understand the complexities of nationalism within the Canadian context.
Sept. 6-22 Related Issue 1 Part A: Canadian Nationalism
PIP Proposal due Sept 21
Oct. 9-20 Related Issue 2 Part A: National Interests and the First World War
PIP Research Workshop Oct 11
Oct. 23- Nov.3 Related Issue 2: Ultranationalism, and Crimes against Humanity
PIP Research Assignment due Oct 24
Nov.6-10 Related Issue 2 Project and Exam
Nov.13- Dec. 2 Related Issue 3: Internationalism
PIP Rough Draft due Nov 21
PIP Final Draft due Dec 4
Dec.4-8 Related Issue 3 Project and Exam
Dec. 11-22 Related Issue 4: Canadian National Identity
PIP Presentations
The final draft of the assignment is expected to be a research paper, the guidelines of which will
be provided. However, if the student feels it is appropriate to submit the assignment in an
alternative format, this will be acceptable as long as the student discusses this with the
instructor. For example, performance based assignments such as a song or a speech, or art-
based assignments such as a painting or poem will be acceptable. Written assignments such as
a newspaper article, a script, or a journal are also allowed. Creative methods of completing this
assignment are encouraged! Alternative assignments will require a written component in order
to demonstrate student understanding of the relationship between their topic and nationalism.
The guidelines for alternative assessments will be provided.
The PIP will consist of the following assignments and work periods:
1. The Proposal An assignment where the student will provide the teacher with a
written proposal explaining the research topic they have chosen.
2. The Research Workshop Students will learn how to research, the types of sources
they can access, how to determine a quality source vs. a poor source, and basic citation.
3. The Research Assignment An assignment where the student will provide some
sources of information on their topic they have found through research. These sources
will be cited in a basic format, and their quality will be assessed.
4. The Rough Draft The first complete draft of the assignment will be handed in. It will
be evaluated by the instructor and handed back ASAP.
5. The Final Draft The final complete draft of the assignment will be handed in
following an editing process based on instructor feedback.
6. The Presentation The student will present their work to the class in a short oral
Students are expected to uphold a level of academic integrity to ensure that they are completing
their own work at all times. Failure to comply with the academic integrity standards set forward
in the Parent/Student Handbook may result in disciplinary action.
Cell phones and other personally-owned electronic devices are permitted within the classroom
as long as the following criteria are met:
1) The device is not being used while the teacher is giving direct instruction.
2) Students are not permitted to take pictures within the classroom.
3) Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and games are not to be accessed during
class time.
Students who are unable to follow these rules will be asked to place their device into a bin for
the remainder of the class.
The use of personally-owned electronic devices in the classroom is a privilege and not a right.
Students who consistently disregard policies about electronic devices may have these privileges
suspended or even revoked, and will have to leave their devices in their lockers during class.
All students are expected to be in class AND All students are expected to be on time.
School policy states that you must have a parent/guardian call the school to excuse any non-
school related absence within 48 hours.
If you come late to a class, please quietly enter and take your seat without disruption. Persistent
lateness will lead to a student-teacher conference, contacting parents/guardians, and potentially
administrative involvement. Chronic attendance problems may lead to withdrawal from the
Every student is required to have a notebook or binder, paper, pens and pencils every
day. The textbook for the course is Understanding Nationalism (McGraw-Hill Ryerson,
Canada). It is a requirement to bring the textbook to every class. Students will work on a variety
of essays and current events throughout the year to complement the course material. The
course will be supplemented by other resources.
Additional Help:
As your teacher, I am here for you if you are having difficulties with the course material or
assignments. Please come talk to me if you have any issues, and we can set aside a time either
before or after school to work through these problems together. If you do not feel comfortable
bringing this up during class time, then please email me at I will do
everything within my power to offer my support so that students are able to succeed.