Unit 1 - Globalization & Identity Grade: 10-C & 10-2 Subject: Social Studies Number of Days: 18 Days
Unit 1 - Globalization & Identity Grade: 10-C & 10-2 Subject: Social Studies Number of Days: 18 Days
Unit 1 - Globalization & Identity Grade: 10-C & 10-2 Subject: Social Studies Number of Days: 18 Days
Globalization, the process by which the world’s citizens are becoming increasingly connected and
Big Idea for this
interdependent, demands that students explore responsibilities associated with local and global
citizenship and formulate responses to emergent issues related to globalization. Students will develop a
conceptual and practical understanding of the different dimensions of globalization and how they are
interrelated. Students will also explore how the dimensions impact one’s individual identity, and how
one’s identity is intertwined with national and global forces.
Students will consider culture and community, economics and resources, global connections, power,
authority and decision making, the land: places and people, and time, continuity, and change within the
context of globalization and identity.
Students will also continue development of various benchmark skills and processes to be practised and
improved throughout the social studies curriculum including dimensions of thinking (creative, critical,
historical, and geographic thinking), social participation as a democratic practise, research for deliberative
inquiry, and communication skills.
Inquiry Questions What is globalization? What are the dimensions of globalization? How do these dimensions impact our
understanding of globalization?
What are the ways individuals and collectives express their identities?
How are our identities impacted by globalization? To what extent should globalization shape identity?
To what extent does communications technology and media impact diversity?
To what extent does globalization impact language and culture?
What challenges and opportunities does globalization present?
How do we write a source analysis?
To what extent should we embrace globalization?
General Outcome 1: Students will explore the impacts of globalization on their lives.
Outcomes (GLOs)
SLO 1.1 Students will acknowledge and appreciate the existence of multiple perspectives in a globalizing
Outcomes (SLOs)
SLO 1.2 Students will appreciate why peoples in Canada and other locations strive to promote their
cultures, languages, and identities in a globalizing world
SLO 1.3 Students will appreciate how identities and cultures shape, and are shaped by, globalization
SLO 1.4 Students will explore ways in which individuals and collectives express identities (traditions,
language, religion, spirituality, the arts, attire, relationship to land, ideological beliefs, role modelling)
SLO 1.5 Students will explore understandings and dimensions of globalization (political, economic, social,
other contemporary examples)
SLO 1.6 Students will examine the impact of communications technology and media on diversity
(universalization of pop culture, hybridization, diversification)
SLO 1.7 Students will analyze opportunities presented by globalization to identities and cultures
(acculturation, accommodation, cultural revitalization, affirmation of identity, integration)
SLO 1.8 Students will analyze challenges presented by globalization to identities and cultures
(assimilation, marginalization, accommodation, integration, homogenization)
SLO 1.9 Students will evaluate efforts to promote languages and cultures in a globalizing world (language
laws, linguistic rights, cultural content legislation, cultural revitalization, linguistic revitalization)
S.1 Students will develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking
S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written, and visual literacy
Quiz #1 Dimensions of Globalization (10-2 & 10-C versions) are designed to assess outcomes 1.4 and 1.5.
This is a community assessment (already made and completed by all social studies 10 students at the
school). Weighting: This task will be worth 2.5% of students’ overall grade. It will be given a weighting of
20 in the Knowledge & Understanding category.
Identity Project - Students will create a visual representation of their identity and how it is impacted by
globalization. In the visual representation, they will include all of the dimensions of globalization, at least
one concept related to globalization, and at least one concept related to identity discussed in class.
Students will begin the project by completing the Identity Project Brainstorming sheet, in which they will
identify the elements they are going to include in their visual representation as well as the medium they
are going to use. After completing the visual representation, students will have an opportunity to
showcase their work and learn about what makes up each other’s identities. After the gallery walk,
students will complete a reflection, which will allow students to put their learning to written form and to
compare what factors of globalization have impacted their identity compared to others. This project is
designed to assess outcomes 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, S.1, and S.8. A rubric will be provided for assessment.
Weighting: This task will be worth 5% of students’ overall grade. It will be given a weighting of 60 in the
Recognize & Analyze category.
Unit 1 Exam (10-2 & 10-C versions) are designed to assess general outcome 1 and specific outcomes 1.1-
1.9. It is a community assessment (already made and completed by all social studies 10 students at the
school). Weighting: This task will be worth 5% of students’ overall grade. It will be given a weighting of 40
in the Knowledge & Understanding category.
Unit 1 Source Analysis (10-2 & 10-C versions) are designed to assess general outcome 1 and skills
outcomes S.8 & S.9. Students will engage in several source analysis exercises throughout the unit and
have an opportunity to write a practice source analysis and be provided with feedback before they are
assessed summatively. Weighting: This task will be worth 2.5% of students’ overall grade. It will be given
a weighting of 20 in the Communicates Effectively category.
Opportunities & Challenges of Globalization Response. Students will use the concepts and examples
related to the opportunities and challenges of globalization to answer the following question: To what
extent does globalization impact identity and culture? Students will be able to respond to this question in
the manner that they choose, which could include written, audio, video, or visual format. This is designed
to assess outcomes 1.2 – 1.9. Weighting: This task will be worth 5% of students’ overall grade. It will be
given a weighting of 40 in the Communicates Effectively category.
** Make this into an assignment 1 (10-2)
Formative How has globalization touched my home? Worksheet - this worksheet will allow the teacher to gain a
Assessment Tools preliminary understanding of how their students’ lives are touched by globalization and how they will best
connect with the concept. (SLOs 1.2, 1.3, & 1.5)
Dimensions of globalization worksheet - students are able to complete the worksheet in class with the
definitions and examples discussed throughout the presentation (SLOs 1.3 & 1.5)
Cartoon Analysis worksheet will provide the teacher with a baseline for students’ abilities to analyze a
political cartoon as well as students’ understanding of topics learned in class and should help the teacher
plan future lessons related to writing a source analysis (SLOs 1.5 & S.8)
Cultural Identity Group worksheet - students engage in critical thinking on the topic of cultural identity in
Canada. Should provide a good overview of whether students understood the materials from lesson #3
(SLOs 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, & S.7)
Classroom discussions in lesson 4 - students are beginning to understand how culture and other factors
can impact identity, and how those factors are impacted by globalization. Additionally, students
completed the homework from the previous class and understood what they were researching (SLOs 1.2,
1.4, & S.1).
Identity Project Brainstorming sheet - the teacher will double check before students start to create their
project to ensure they are using an appropriate form and have sufficient evidence from each of the
dimensions of globalization (SLOs 1.2, 1.4 & 1.5)
Inquiry Question Reflection - students will reflect on the following inquiry question, To what extent does
communications technology and media impact diversity? at the beginning and end of class. They will also
choose one of the sources investigated in class to incorporate in their reflection. This should give the
teacher a good understanding of whether students understood the topics and sources discussed in class
(SLOs 1.6 & S.1)
Student discussions and work filling out the Technology & Media Source Analysis worksheet will provide
the teacher with information regarding their understanding of the concepts discussed in class and the
sources. The teacher should walk around the classroom during the jigsaw activity, taking time to clarify
concepts with students if needed (SLOs 1.6, S.1, S.8, & S.9).
Opportunities of Globalization Wordcloud & Challenges of Globalization Wordcloud- these are pre
assessments that will allow the teacher to gage how well students understand the concept of
globalization and any knowledge they may have about the opportunities and challenges it presents. This
will also serve to activate students’ background knowledge about the topic (SLOs 1.7 & 1.8).
Opportunities in Globalization Class powerpoint & Challenges in Globalization Class powerpoint - the
powerpoints will be created on google drive or a similar program where the teacher can access and see
what everyone is doing. The teacher will take a look at the end of each class and make a note to talk to
any students who still need to finish their slide(s) or who did not get their examples completely correct
(SLOs 1.7 & 1.8).
Class discussion on promoting languages and cultures - do students understand cultural & linguistic
differences? Are they able to connect the concept of globalization to cultural and linguistic differences?
(SLO 1.2 & 1.9)
Cultural & Linguistic Revitalization Worksheet - are students able to successfully analyze the examples
presented? (SLOs 1.2, 1.3, & 1.9)
Cultural & Linguistic Revitalization Exit Slip - Do students understand the concepts of cultural and
linguistic revitalization? Could they take an opinion on the impact of globalization on languages and
cultures and defend it? (SLOs 1.2, 1.3, & 1.9)
The True Cost Documentary Worksheet - students will complete worksheets with questions and guided-
note taking related to the True Cost documentary while they are watching it. The teacher will review
them and incorporate concepts that students appear to be struggling with in the Kahoot review quiz for
the next class. (SLOs 1.1, 1.7, 1.8, S.3, S.8)
Kahoot quiz on True Cost Documentary - should give the teacher an idea of whether students understood
the concepts in the documentary. If there are obvious issues, they can take time at the beginning of the
next class to address any misunderstandings (SLOs 1.7, 1.8, S.8).
Examples of Opportunities & Challenges worksheet & discussions - the teacher will not collect the
worksheet but will rotate around the classroom as students are presenting slides to each other and
should be able to address any misunderstandings as they come up (SLOs 1.7 & 1.8)
Student discussions and lists of do’s and don’ts for writing a source analysis - as students are working
through the examples of a source analysis, the teacher should walk about the classroom, listening to
student discussions to ensure they are understanding the concept (SLOs S.1 & S.8)
Practice Source Analysis Assignment - students will complete a practice source analysis independently.
The teacher will formatively assess each source analysis and provide individual feedback. Through this
exercise, the teacher will be able to determine which students may need some extra practice before
writing the summative source analysis (SLOs S.1, S.2, S.3, S.8, & S.9)
Unit 1 Review Kahoot - students will answer questions related to the key concepts from the unit and
questions that were commonly wrong from the quizzes. This will allow the teacher to assess whether
students have built upon/improved their understanding throughout the unit (SLOs 1.6-1.9)
Unit 1 Review Package - as students work through the review package, the teacher will able to assess
whether there are any major gaps in knowledge for students related to unit 1, and address them with the
entire class (SLOs 1.6-1.9)
Calendar Overview
August 31 1 2 3 4
Grade 10s Only First regular day of classes
Class Expectations & COVID Lesson 1: Introduction to
Grade 12s Only Grade 11s Only Protocols Globalization
7 8 9 10 11
Labour Day Lesson 2: Dimensions of Lesson 3: Globalization & Identity Lesson 4: Introduction to Identity Lesson 5: Identity Project
No Classes Globalization Project
14 15 16 17 18
21 22 23 24 25
28 29 30 Oct 1 Oct 2
Lesson Overviews
Lesson 1: Introduction to Globalization
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional strategies, Assessment Resources and materials
prompts, questions purpose, mode,
strategy, tool
with criteria
1.3 Students will Set classroom expectations for the year. Hand out and Class definition of Classroom expectations,
appreciate how review course outline. Complete teacher introduction. globalization - course outline
identities and cultures students can
shape, and are shaped Watch Youtube Crash Course video: Globalization describe the Teacher introduction
by, globalization concept in their
Create a class definition of globalization. Have everyone own words. How has globalization
1.5 Students will write it down, along with some key points about the touched my home?
explore concept. Play a quick T/F game, in which students identify worksheet.
understandings and examples of globalization (Get them moving - stand up if
dimensions of they think it is an example, sit down if they think it’s not Crash Course video:
globalization an example) Globalization
Write the inquiry questions for the unit on the board and T/F Globalization game
let students know that those will be the questions that (powerpoint with
they will be investigating for the first part of the unit. examples/non-examples of
Handout How has globalization touched my home?
worksheet. Explain to students that they must have it
completed for next class.
Lesson 2: Dimensions of Globalization
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional strategies, Assessment purpose, Resources and materials
prompts, questions mode, strategy, tool
with criteria
1.2 Students will Introductory activity: Graph/chart results of How has How has globalization Excel spreadsheet or other
appreciate why globalization touched my home? worksheet as a class. touched my home? way to graph results of the
peoples in Canada and Have a discussion about how globalization has worksheet - students worksheet.
other locations strive impacted the class as a whole. are able to identify
to promote their how globalization Dimensions of globalization
cultures, languages, Go through Dimensions of Globalization powerpoint impacts their way of powerpoint
and identities in a with class. As you go through the powerpoint, have life.
globalizing world students fill out the Dimensions of globalization Dimensions of globalization
worksheet. Also introduce concepts related to Dimensions of worksheet
SLO 1.5 Students will globalization to the students, including the digital Globalization
explore divide, outsourcing, and transnational corporations. worksheet - students Political cartoons (related to
understandings and are able to complete globalization/digital
dimensions of Closure activity - have students analyze a cartoon the worksheet in class divide/outsourcing/transnati
globalization (political, related to the concepts discussed in class. If there is with the definitions onal corporations for
economic, social, time, make it a jigsaw activity, in which students and examples students to analyze
other contemporary rotate around the room, and have to add something discussed throughout
examples) new to each cartoon analysis they see. the presentation.
SLO 1.3 Students will Students will begin by reading an assigned How Can we How Can we Define Identity
appreciate how identities picture book (providing one perspective of Define Identity worksheet
and cultures shape, and identity) in small groups. After, they will worksheet
are shaped by, complete the first part of the How Can we Globalization & Identity
globalization Define Identity worksheet, in which they Cultural Identity powerpoint
brainstorm qualities/examples of identity Group worksheet
SLO 1.4 Students will and then come up with a definition of the - students engage Cultural Identity Group
explore ways in which term as a group. in critical thinking worksheet
individuals and collectives on the topic of
express identities Go through Globalization & Identity cultural identity in Picture books on identity:
(traditions, language, powerpoint with students. Have them take Canada. Should Refugee and Migrants by Ceri
religion, spirituality, the notes as they are going. Concepts provide a good Roberts and Hanane Kai
arts, attire, relationship to introduced in the powerpoint should overview of What is a Refugee by Elise Gravel
land, ideological beliefs, include: diversification of culture, whether students Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica
role modelling) homogenization, language laws, individual understood the Love
identity, collective identity, and cultural materials from The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
S.1 Students will develop identity. lesson #3. Fatty Legs by Christy Jordan-
skills of critical thinking Fenton and Margaret Pokiak-
and creative thinking For homework, have students complete the Fenton
Cultural Identity Group handout, in which A Stone that Stood Still by
S.7 Students will apply the they think of/find a cultural group in Brendan Wenzel
research process Canada, then research that group and how
they promote their cultural identity today.
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional strategies, Assessment Resources and
prompts, questions purpose, mode, materials
strategy, tool
with criteria
SLO 1.2 Students will The lesson will begin with the teacher writing on the Classroom Video about
appreciate why peoples board: “Not Inuk enough to be Inuk, not white enough to discussions - Kathleen Merritt:
in Canada and other fit in.” Students will discuss in partners what they think students are http://www.cbc.ca
locations strive to this means and then share in a short class discussion. beginning to /arts/exhibitionists
promote their cultures, understand how /not-inuk-enough-
languages, and identities Next, the teacher will introduce Kathleen Merritt, a culture and other to-be-inuk-not-
in a globalizing world throat singer who combines both Inuk and Irish ancestry factors can impact white-enough-to-
into her music as a way of claiming her identity, by identity, and how fit-in-this-
SLO 1.3 Students will watching a video about her. Then the teacher will those factors are musician-is-
appreciate how explain what throat singing is and play a short video impacted by carving-her-own-
identities and cultures explaining it further. After watching the videos, have a globalization. identity-
shape, and are shaped short class discussion about what parts of Kathleen’s Additionally, 1.4286011d.
by, globalization story are individual identity or collective identity. students
Students will get together with a partner and share the completed the Video about throat
SLO 1.4 Students will examples related to individual and collective identity homework from singing:
explore ways in which they identified in their homework. As a class, create a the previous class https://video.natio
master list of examples
individuals and and understood nalgeographic.com
collectives express The teacher will then introduce the identity project. Key what they were /video/exploreorg/
identities points to highlight: researching. 00000144-0a36-
- Students will find a visual way to represent their d3cb-a96c-
SLO 1.5 Students will identity and how it is impacted by globalization. Identity Project 7b3f7c850000
explore understandings They must include the dimensions of globalization Brainstorming
and dimensions of in their representation. sheet - the Identity Project
globalization (political, - The assignment can be done on pen and paper or teacher will assignment sheet
economic, social, other on the computer but must be visual. Students will double check & rubric
contemporary examples) be provided with a brainstorming sheet that they before students
should get checked by the teacher before they start to create Identity Project
S.1 Students will develop start the good copy. their project to student exemplar
skills of critical thinking - Look at an exemplar of past student work on the ensure they are
and creative thinking board. Talk about the different components that using an Identity Project
it has. appropriate form past student work
S.8 Students will - Put the slideshow of past student work up on the and have slideshow
demonstrate skills of board for students to view as they are sufficient evidence
oral, written, and visual brainstorming. from each of the Identity Project
literacy - Let students know that this will be for marks and dimensions of Brainstorming
show them how they will be graded. globalization sheet
SLO 1.2 Students will appreciate why peoples in Students will have this class Classroom Identity
Canada and other locations strive to promote period to work on their Identity discussions - the Project
their cultures, languages, and identities in a Project. At the beginning of the teacher should assignment
globalizing world class, the teacher should review circulate the sheet
the expectations for the classroom, ensuring
SLO 1.3 Students will appreciate how identities assignment and remind students students are on task Identity Project
and cultures shape, and are shaped by, that they should be starting to and answering past student
globalization create their good copy. questions about the work
assignment slideshow
SLO 1.4 Students will explore ways in which The teacher should also let
individuals and collectives express identities students know that they will
have a gallery walk next class to
SLO 1.5 Students will explore understandings and display their projects, so they
dimensions of globalization should have some way to display
it for everyone to see.
S.1 Students will develop skills of critical thinking
and creative thinking
SLO 1.1 Students will acknowledge and appreciate Students will begin class with a Identity Project Identity Project
the existence of multiple perspectives in a gallery walk in which they display Visual Reflection
globalizing world their visual piece of work for Representation handout
others to see, and walk around
SLO 1.2 Students will appreciate why peoples in the classroom to view each Identity Project
Canada and other locations strive to promote their other’s work. They are given Reflection - this
cultures, languages, and identities in a globalizing sticky notes and as they walk part of the project
world around they can leave little notes will allow students
about things they appreciate to put their
SLO 1.3 Students will appreciate how identities and about the work that they are learning to words,
cultures shape, and are shaped by, globalization viewing. and to compare
what factors of
SLO 1.4 Students will explore ways in which Afterwards, they will return to globalization have
individuals and collectives express identities their desks and write a reflection impacted their
about their work and the identity compared
SLO 1.5 Students will explore understandings and experience. The first part of the to others
dimensions of globalization reflection will be about their own
work specifically, and the second
S.1 Students will develop skills of critical thinking part will be about their
and creative thinking classmates’ work. They will hand
in their reflection and visual
S.8 Students will demonstrate skills of oral, written, representation before they leave
and visual literacy class.
Quiz #1 - Sept. 15
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional Assessment purpose, Resources and
strategies, prompts, questions mode, strategy, tool materials
with criteria
SLO 1.6 Students will Introductory activity: Students will enter the Inquiry Question Pop 101 by Maroon
examine the impact of classroom to Pop 101 by Maroon Five playing Reflection - students will Five
communications on the speakers and the following inquiry reflect on the following
technology and media on question written on the board: To what extent inquiry question, To Inquiry Question
diversity (universalization does communications technology and media what extent does Reflection worksheet
of pop culture, impact diversity? After the song finishes communications
hybridization, playing, students will be given five minutes to technology and media Technology & Media
diversification) write down their initial response to the impact diversity? At the powerpoint
question. beginning and end of
S.1 Students will develop class. They will also Technology & Media
skills of critical thinking Next, go through the Technology & Media choose one of the Source Analysis
and creative thinking powerpoint with students. Have them take sources investigated in worksheet
notes throughout the presentation. Have a class to incorporate in
S.8 Students will couple of quick class discussions on students’ their reflection. This Sources for group
demonstrate skills of oral, opinions of CBC and transnational media should give the teacher a activity:
written, and visual literacy companies. good understanding of Specialty Channels:
whether students Cancon is Killing Us
S.9 Students will Group media source analysis activity: Divide understood the topics article by the Globe
demonstrate skills of students into five groups. Each group is given a and sources discussed in and Mail, written by
media literacy source to investigate and analyze. They will not class. Steve Ladurantaye
only use the sources to solidify their
understanding of the topics discussed in class, Student discussions and Americanization or
but will analyze the sources to practice for a work filling out the Globalization? Article
written source analysis. Sources will include Technology & Media by Allan Brian
articles on the CRTC & Americanization, a Source Analysis Ssenyonga
video on social media, and a couple of political worksheet will provide
cartoons. Groups will rotate so that they the teacher with The Social Media
investigate all five sources. Students will information regarding Revolution 2017
complete the Technology & Media Source their understanding of Youtube video
Analysis worksheet as they analyze each the concepts discussed
source. in class and the sources. Political cartoons for
The teacher should walk group source analysis
With the last five minutes of class, students around the classroom activity
will begin a reflection on what they have during the jigsaw
learned in class. They will choose one of the activity, taking time to
sources they analyzed and write about how clarify concepts with
their answer to the question, To what extent students if needed.
does communications technology and media
impact diversity? has changed due to their
deepened understanding of the topic. They will
finish this reflection for homework.
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional Assessment purpose, Resources and
strategies, prompts, questions mode, strategy, tool with materials
SLO 1.2 Students will Introduction: Class begins with a word cloud in Class discussion on Languages We
appreciate why which students enter which languages they promoting languages and Speak Word Cloud
peoples in Canada and speak. They then share one unique thing from cultures: do students
other locations strive their culture with someone sitting near them. understand cultural & Urbanization & the
to promote their Afterwards, have a brief class discussion: how linguistic differences? Are Future of Cities TED
cultures, languages, would our lives be different if we all spoke the they able to connect the Video:
and identities in a same language? If we all belonged to the same concept of globalization to https://www.youtub
globalizing world culture? Are differences in culture good or bad? cultural and linguistic e.com/watch?
differences? v=fKnAJCSGSdk
SLO 1.3 Students will Watch the TED video on urbanization. Talk
appreciate how about some of the challenges that globalization Cultural & Linguistic Examples of cultural
identities and cultures can pose to languages and cultures, the effects Revitalization Worksheet - and linguistic
shape, and are shaped of interconnectedness and interdependence. are students able to revitalization:
by, globalization Define the terms linguistic and cultural successfully analyze the Canadian
revitalization and have students write down the examples presented? bilingualism, Bolivia,
SLO 1.9 Students will definitions. Inukitut, CBC
evaluate efforts to Cultural & Linguistic cultural content
promote languages Jigsaw research activity: explain to the students Revitalization Exit Slip - Do
and cultures in a that now they are going to look at some students understand the Cultural & Linguistic
globalizing world examples of cultural and linguistic concepts of cultural and Revitalization
(language laws, revitalization. Students will be divided into linguistic revitalization? Examples
linguistic rights, small groups to analyze one example. They will Could they take an opinion Worksheet
cultural content then be put into different groups, with one on the impact of
legislation, cultural person from each of the previous groups. They globalization on languages Cultural & Linguistic
revitalization, linguistic will work together to complete the Cultural & and cultures and defend it? Revitalization Exit
revitalization) Linguistic Revitalization Examples Worksheet Slip
on the google drive. If there is time, they will
compare their answers to other groups’
answers and add anything they missed.
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional Assessment purpose, mode, Resources and
strategies, prompts, questions strategy, tool with criteria materials
SLO 1.2 Students will Introduction: As students enter the classroom, Opportunities of globalization Opportunities of
appreciate why peoples have them answer the Wordcloud question on Wordcloud - this is a pre globalization
in Canada and other the board - what opportunities does assessment that will allow the wordcloud
locations strive to globalization offer? Once everyone has teacher to gage how well
promote their cultures, answered, put the Wordcloud up on the screen students understand the Opportunities in
languages, and identities for everyone to see and discuss with the class concept of globalization and Globalization
in a globalizing world for a couple of minutes, having some students any knowledge they may powerpoint
share or expand upon what the word(s) they have about the opportunities
SLO 1.3 Students will chose. it presents. This will also TED video:
appreciate how serve to activate students’ https://www.yo
identities and cultures Go through the Opportunities in Globalization background knowledge about utube.com/watc
shape, and are shaped powerpoint (mainly introducing students to a the topic. h?
by, globalization new set of concepts including acculturation, v=cxS4pFVgbC8
cultural revitalization, etc.) Examples are not Opportunities in Globalization
SLO 1.7 Students will provided. Students take notes as they follow Class powerpoint - the Opportunities in
analyze opportunities along. Finish up the powerpoint with the Ted powerpoint will be created on Globalization
presented by video about integration vs. assimilation. google drive or a similar Class
globalization to program where the teacher powerpoint
identities and cultures Afterwards, have students partner up. Assign can access and see what
each set of partners one of the concepts everyone is doing. The
S.1 Students will discussed in class. Instruct the students that teacher will take a look at the
develop skills of critical with their partner they are to find an example end of the class and make a Textbooks
thinking and creative of that concept and create a slide on a class note to talk to any students
thinking powerpoint about that example. They will need who still need to finish their Computers
to become experts on the example because slide or who did not get the
S. 7 Students will apply they will be explaining it to their classmates example completely correct.
the research process later. They can use the textbook or the internet
to find the example. Students will have the rest
of the class to research and create their slide.
Lesson 10: Challenges in Globalization
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional strategies, Assessment purpose, Resources and
prompts, questions mode, strategy, tool materials
with criteria
SLO 1.2 Students will Introduction: As students enter the classroom, Challenges of Challenges of
appreciate why have them answer the Wordcloud question on the globalization wordcloud globalization
peoples in Canada and board - what challenges does globalization - this is a pre assessment wordcloud
other locations strive present? Once everyone has answered, put the that will allow the
to promote their Wordcloud up on the screen for everyone to see teacher to gage how Challenges in
cultures, languages, and discuss with the class for a couple of minutes, well students Globalization
and identities in a having some students share or expand upon what understand the concept powerpoint
globalizing world the word(s) they chose. of globalization and any
knowledge they may Challenges in
SLO 1.3 Students will Ted video about integration vs. assimilation – have about the Globalization Class
appreciate how review from last class. challenges it presents. powerpoint
identities and cultures Go through the Challenges in Globalization This will also serve to
shape, and are shaped powerpoint (mainly introducing students to a new activate students’ Top Ten Problems
by, globalization set of concepts including assimilation, background knowledge Faced by Immigrants
marginalization, etc.) Examples are not provided. about the topic. video:
SLO 1.8 Students will Students take notes as they follow along. Finish https://www.youtub
analyze challenges up the powerpoint with the video about the top Challenges in e.com/watch?
presented by ten problems faced by immigrants. Globalization Class v=XdxtSLn7qkQ
globalization to powerpoint - the
identities and cultures Afterwards, have students partner up with the powerpoint will be Textbooks
same partners from last class. Assign each set of created on google drive
S.1 Students will partners one of the concepts discussed in class. or a similar program Computers
develop skills of critical Instruct the students that with their partner they where the teacher can
thinking and creative are to find an example of that concept and create access and see what
thinking a slide on a class powerpoint about that example. everyone is doing. The
They will need to become experts on the example teacher will take a look
S. 7 Students will apply because they will be explaining it to their at the end of the class
the research process classmates later. They can use the textbook or the and make a note to talk
internet to find the example. Students will have to any students who still
the rest of the class to research and create their need to finish their slide
slide. or who did not get the
example completely
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional Assessment purpose, mode, Resources and
strategies, prompts, questions strategy, tool with criteria materials
S.1 Students will Introduce students to writing a source Student discussions and lists of Introduction to
develop skills of analysis. Go through the main points of what do’s and don’ts for writing a source source analysis
critical thinking and is required and talk about how to be analysis - as students are working powerpoint or
creative thinking successful when writing a source analysis. through the examples of a source notes
analysis, the teacher should walk
S.2 Students will Have students partner up. Provide each set about the classroom, listening to Good and bad
develop skills of of partners with two examples of a source student discussions to ensure they example of a
historical thinking analysis - a good example and a bad are understanding the concept source analysis
example. Have students mark the examples
S.3 Students will using a rubric provided. Then have them Practice Source Analysis Source analysis
develop skills of create a list of do’s and don’ts for writing a Assignment - students will rubric
geographic thinking source analysis. complete a practice source analysis
independently. The teacher will Pre-made list of
S.8 Students will Come back together as a class. Discuss how formatively assess each source guidelines for
demonstrate skills of the two examples would be marked and analysis and provide individual writing a source
oral, written, and create a class list of guidelines for writing a feedback. Through this exercise, analysis
visual literacy source analysis. Then provide students with the teacher will be able to
a practice source analysis to start working determine which students may Practice Source
S.9 Students will on. They will finish the source analysis for need some extra practice before Analysis
develop skills of homework and hand it in next class. The writing the summative source assignment
media literacy teacher will then mark it, provide feedback, analysis.
and give it back to the student.
Specific Lesson description with instructional strategies, prompts, Assessment purpose, mode, Resources
Outcomes questions strategy, tool with criteria and
SLO 1.7 Introduction: Students will complete a Plickers or Kahoot Kahoot quiz on True Cost Kahoot quiz
Students will quiz about the concepts covered in the documentary they Documentary - should give the on True Cost
analyze watched in a previous class. teacher an idea of whether Documentar
opportunities students understood the y
presented by Students will be given the first half of the class to add one concepts in the documentary. If
globalization to more slide to the opportunities and challenges there are obvious issues, they Examples of
identities and powerpoints previously worked on. They will choose a can take time at the beginning Opportunitie
cultures specific example of an opportunity or challenge from the of the next class to address any s&
True Cost documentary and create a slide for it, working misunderstandings. Challenges
SLO 1.8 with their same partner. worksheet
Students will Opportunities & Challenges in
analyze In the second half of the class, students will present their Globalization Class Computers
challenges slides to their peers. Each student will be given an powerpoints - these completed
presented by Examples of Opportunities & Challenges worksheet. It will powerpoints, with an Opportunitie
globalization to contain all the concepts that have been discussed in the additional slide added with s&
identities and past few classes. One student from the partnership will information from the True Cost Challenges
cultures stay with their computer to explain their slides to their documentary, should of
classmates. The other students will go find examples of the demonstrate student Globalizatio
S.8 Students concepts from their classmates. Then the students will understanding of the various n Response
will switch. By the end of the class, everyone should have the concepts. The teacher can also assignment
demonstrate worksheet filled out. listen and observe student sheet
skills of oral, discussions while students are
written, and In the last ten minutes of class, students will be introduced filling in the Examples of
visual literacy to the first summative assessment of this unit, the Opportunities & Challenges
Opportunities & Challenges of Globalization Response. worksheet. The teacher will not
They will be asked to use the examples they and their collect the worksheet but will
classmates have researched to answer the following rotate around the classroom as
question: To what extent does globalization impact students are presenting slides
identity and culture? Students will go over the assignment to each other and should be
sheet and be asked to think about how they would like to able to address any
structure their response and what examples they will use. misunderstandings as they
They will be given class time next class to complete the come up.
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional Assessment purpose, Resources and materials
strategies, prompts, questions mode, strategy, tool
with criteria
SLO 1.7 Students will Have a couple students share their The short class discussion Opportunities &
analyze opportunities favourite concept and example from at the beginning of the Challenges of
presented by globalization last class. Make sure there are no class will enable the Globalization Response
to identities and cultures questions regarding any of the teacher to review assignment sheet
concepts, examples, or the assignment important concepts and
SLO 1.8 Students will given last class. ensure students know Computers
analyze challenges what they are working
presented by globalization Students will have the rest of the class on. The teacher will also Any other materials
to identities and cultures time to work on the Opportunities & walk around the class, students decide they need
Challenges of Globalization Response. observing work and to complete the
S.8 Students will The teacher should monitor class work discussions, and assignment
demonstrate skills of oral, and answer questions as needed. If addressing
written, and visual literacy students are not done, they will need misunderstandings
to complete the rest of the assignment where necessary.
for homework.
Specific Outcomes Lesson description with instructional strategies, Assessment purpose, Resources and
prompts, questions mode, strategy, tool with materials
SLO 1.6 Students will Students will begin the class with a review Unit 1 Review Kahoot - Unit 1 Review
examine the impact of Kahoot. The Kahoot will include questions that students will answer Kahoot
communications students commonly got wrong on the quiz. The questions related to the
technology and media on teacher will have the opportunity to address key concepts from the unit Quiz #2
diversity those mistakes as they go through the Kahoot. and questions that were Identity &
commonly wrong from the Media,
SLO 1.7 Students will Afterwards, the teacher will hand back the quizzes. This will allow the marked
analyze opportunities practice source analyses and the quiz and review teacher to assess whether
presented by globalization common mistakes from the source analysis. The students have built Practice
to identities and cultures class will have ten minutes of silent time to upon/improved their Source
review the work and write down any questions understanding throughout Analysis, with
SLO 1.8 Students will they have. The teacher will then hand out the the unit. feedback
analyze challenges Unit 1 Review package. Students will work on
presented by globalization the package individually or with a partner. As Unit 1 Review Package - as Unit 1 Review
to identities and cultures they work, the teacher will go around to each students work through the Package
student and answer any questions they may review package, the
SLO 1.9 Students will have about the quiz or the unit in general. teacher will able to assess Textbooks,
evaluate efforts to promote Students will take their completed review whether there are any student notes
languages and cultures in a package home to study and prepare for the major gaps in knowledge
globalizing world source analysis and unit exam. for students, and address
them with the entire class