Social Studies 10-1 - Unit 4 Project
Social Studies 10-1 - Unit 4 Project
Social Studies 10-1 - Unit 4 Project
Alberta Education is renewing the Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K to 12) curriculum, also called programs of study. The
provincial curriculum defines what students are expected to know, understand and do in each subject and grade. As a
result, they want to know what social justice issues should be included in the curriculum. Your job is to pick an issue and
explain why it is important for students, why Alberta Education should be included in the curriculum, and how fellow
students can take action towards the said issue. Why should students be learning about your social justice issue?
Step 1: In groups of two, select a social issue you are passionate about and believe should be included in the high school
● Example topics (if you wish to cover something not on this list, you must have it approved by Ms. Hirsche beforehand)
● Coronavirus pandemic
● Clean water for Indigenous people
● Voting rights
● Climate change
● Gender inequality
● Gun violence
● Refugee Crisis
● Poverty
● Cultural homogenization
● Human trafficking
● Sexual and Reproductive health
● Mental Health
● Child labour
If there is another topic that you and your partner would rather research, please see Ms. Hirsche to get it approved before you
start working on it.
Please note: Multiple groups cannot present on the same topic, so consider a backup option.
Step 2: Prepare a 5-10 minute presentation. You can present your presentation in any format you choose (PowerPoint, Prezi,
Google Slides, etc.) Your presentation should include:
While researching the issue, you may wish to answer some of the following questions.
● Pro or anti-globalization?
● Has your issue been made worse or better by globalization?
● In what areas of the world is this issue most prominent?
● How does geography affect the way people view this issue?
● How can you, as a citizen, actively participate in this issue?
● How has technology affected this issue? Affected the way you can respond to the issue?
● Why should high school students care about this issue?
Rubric for Social 10-1 - Unit 4 Project
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Insufficient /
Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Limited Poor Blank *
The overview is The overview and The overview and The overview and The overview and No score is
insightful and examination is examination is examination is examination is awarded
Overview comprehensive. meaningful and appropriate and superficial and minimal and because there is
(4.1, 4.2, 4.3, thorough. simplistic. underdeveloped. vague. insufficient
S.7) evidence of
There is a wide There is a There is some There is a narrow There is a limited performance
variety of pluralistic reasonable variety of pluralistic variety of variety of based on the
Multiple perspectives variety of perspectives pluralistic pluralistic
requirements of
Perspectives included. pluralistic included. perspectives perspectives
the assessment
(S.6) perspectives included. included.
Students have Students have Students have Students have Students have
Action developed skillful developed solid developed straight developed developed scant
(4.11, S.6) and convincing and effective forward and incomplete and and irrelevant
strategies to strategies to conventional contradictory strategies to
demonstrate active demonstrate strategies to strategies to demonstrate
citizenship. active citizenship. demonstrate active demonstrate active citizenship.
citizenship. active citizenship.
The position taken The position The position taken The position The position
Position Taken is sophisticated taken is logical is plausible and taken is taken is
(S.1) and thoroughly and purposefully basically explains simplistic and disjointed and
explains why it explains why it why it should be scarcely explains irrelevantly
should be included should be included in the why it should be explains why it
in the curriculum. included in the curriculum. included in the should be
curriculum. curriculum. included in the