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RISK Elevator

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S.-T. Park and B.-S.

Yang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (12) (2010) 2367~2376 2369

Table 3. Relation between severity/frequency and corresponding risk



(High) (Medium) (Low) (Negligible)

A Highly probable A A A A

B Probable B B B B

C Occasional C C C C

D Remote D D D D

E Improbable E E E E

F Highly improbable F F F F
Fig. 1. Risk analysis procedure.

Table 4. Risk assessment examples of accident by FMEA method.

Estimation of Protective After protec-

Failure Assumed risk tive
Item Function Effect Grade measures Effect
mode cause
S F (risk reduction measure) S F
The wear or
fusion of
Release and stop because ySelect appropriate contact capac-
the function of of ity for circuit design
Brake Wear or
break by running occurrence D 2 y Surge circuit supplementation of 1 E Elevator
contacts fusion
current point of of brake coil to absorb surge (3) Pe-
contactor excessive riodical check
arc or capac-
ity shortage Injury,
Release and stop a serious
the function of wound or death
yDual system of brake control
break by Brake coil because of
Jamming circuit
Brake supplying and current starting with
or fusion yControl circuit supplementation
release cutting off the Cut by one doors open or D 2 1 E Elevator
of that can cut off the source of
circuit current by magnetic when over
contacts brake coil when safety switches
using contactor speed when
magnetic ascending
Brake Movement yBrake control circuit supplemen-
Release and stop running brake
contacts incapacity tation operated by using a con-
the function of contacts by D 2 1 E Elevator
of PLC or tactor without directly moving
brake PLC output
circuit malfunction method for PLC circuit
Stroke of yCircuit supplementation which
Release and stop Lining brake release of brake can be checked
Brake D 2 1 E Dumb
the devices of car wear plunger is yModerate adjustment about re-
excessive lease power

Inform the user of the residual risks. Grade 1: Unacceptable (IA, IB, IC, IIA, IIB, IIIA), cor-
rective action required to eliminate the risk
If the risk evaluation still indicates that the remaining risk is Grade 2: Undesirable (ID, IIB, IIC, IIIC), corrective ac-
not within an acceptable level of safety, the whole process has tion required to mitigate the risk
to be repeated as shown in Fig. 1 [3]. Grade 3: Acceptable with review (IE, IID, IIE, IIID, IVA,
Table 3 indicates the relation between severity/frequency IVB), review required to determine whether any action is
and corresponding risk level. The level of risk can be divided necessary
into four grades by using the combination of severity and fre- Grade 4: Acceptable without review (IF, IIF, IIIE, IIIF,
quency of the risk: IVC~IVF), no action required
2370 S.-T. Park and B.-S. Yang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (12) (2010) 2367~2376

Table 4. Risk assessment examples of accident by FMEA method (continued).

Estimation Protective After

Failure Assumed of risk protective
Item Function Effect Grade measures Effect
mode cause
S F (risk reduction measure) S F
Braking dis-
tance when car Lack of Injury or death because of Elevator
Slip Over stop- y Periodical
stop during the braking starting with doors open C 2 2 E Dumb
distance ping distance maintenance
running in no capability or slip occurrence waiter
y Weight
The change Injury, a serious wound compensation
Weight change Elevator
Counter- Control of or death because of of counterweight
of car and C 2 2 E Dumb
weight incapacity overbalance starting with doors open when the interior
counterweight waiter
rate or slip occurrence of a car is done
y Periodical check
Function for
Door monitor Injury, a serious wound y Circuit
door opening Starting
Door control circuit is or death because of supplementation
and closing by with car door D 2 1 E Elevator
circuit designed in jamming or crushing of by dual system of
the control open
single circuit passengers door circuit
If safety
Function to circuit is not
stabilize power earthed, in
supply and case of leak- Injury, a serious wound
y Earth of safety
Earth of protect men No cut off age currents, or death because of fire or
D 2 circuit 1 E Elevator
safety circuit when leakage fuse fuse is not cut doors open or slip occur-
y Periodical check
currents or off and take rence
electric shocks fire or starting
occur with doors
Function to stop Reverse
elevator opera- phase detect y Circuit Ropes
Shock of
Reverse tion when one function supplementation elevator
Reverse occurrence
phase preven- of the three was not C 2 of reverse phase 3 E
run because of
tion devices phases power operated detect function Hydraulic
disconnected by or not in- y Periodical check elevator
mistake stalled
The function to
y Circuit design of
stop a start of Riding more
Over load overload switch by nor-
car with door than the
detection Slip of car Injury by crushing of car D 3 mal close (B contact) 2 E Elevator
opening if capacity of
devices y Periodical check of
people ride with the car
over load switch

This study investigates elevator accidents resulting in poor mented by using the data acquired in three years of two do-
safety parts, safety circuit, design and systems. This study also mestic manufacturers. The number of elevators installed in
conducts an analysis on failure modes, estimates causes and public housing and multi-use facilities is total 1174 units (682
effects of each category, and evaluates the risks and decided for manufacturer A and 492 for manufacturer B). The total
maintenance ranking. By establishing safety strategies, it can number of breakdowns is 10506 (3235 in manufacturer A and
assure the safety of elevators. 7271 in manufacturer B).
Redundancy is a property of a system that is provided by
using two or more elements to influence the final action of 2.2.1 Breakdown parts
that system. Table 4 shows the result of risk assessment on A comparative analysis on the breakdown parts which are
accident by using Korea disaster statistics that is evaluating usually broken, such as button and floor indicator, hall door,
risk analysis by FMEA method. It is an aim to assure the safe- car door, controller, and hoist way, is indicated in Table 5 in
ty of existing elevators by using maintenance. In Table 4, S order of descending rate. Among these, faults of floor indica-
and F mean the severity and frequency of the risk, respec- tor, hall door, and car door account for about 58%.
2.2.2 Breakdown causes
2.2 Elevator breakdown Table 6 indicates that the causes of breakdowns owing to
The statistical analysis on elevator breakdown is imple- the change of adjustment parts, loosened/ destructed/ and de-
2372 S.-T. Park and B.-S. Yang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (12) (2010) 2367~2376

Table 7. Risk assessment examples of accident by FMEA method.

Estimation of Protective
Failure Presumption risk elements
Item Function Effect Grade measures
mode cause
S F (risk reduction measure)
The button Life superannuation,
Car calling registration, malfunction damage, the operational in- Use
Button registration function of caused by ability which is caused by inconvenience 4 B 3
the desired floor super- variation of the regulation of passenger
annuation region
The device to protect a
passenger from being Operation Interlock switch, the opera-
Hall door intercepted by door standstill, tional inability which is
3 B 2
device between the platform noise and caused by foreign substance
and hoistway when car vibration etc. of the sill groove
yPeriodical inspection
The device to protect a
Operation yThe periodic part replacement
passenger from being Adjustment badness of the
Car door standstill, which considers a useful life
fallen to the entrance switch type, variation and 3 B 2
device noise and
and exit during the contact badness
vibration The shock
caused with
Change of the adjustment part,
The function to control noise and
Control Operation superannuation and attrition,
the operation of the vibration, 3 B 2
panel standstill the operation inability which
elevator or
is caused by malfunction etc.
Movement means of the Operation
Parts superannuation, varia- confining
passenger who is direct standstill,
Cage tion and coming loose, ad- 3 B 2
in the space where noise and
justment badness
boards the passenger vibration
yThe tendency management
which leads the periodic
Operation Parts superannuation, the
Traction Power unit to lifting up measurement of the noise
standstill damage of bearing, gear,
machine and down the car by 3 B 2 and vibration
and unbalance, misalignment,
etc. using the wire rope yThe periodic parts replace-
function loss looseness,
ment which considers a use-
ful life

early detecting vibration damages and analyzing the damage ride quality and vibration of traction machine in combination
frequency. with prevention maintenance and prediction maintenance
In this regard, this chapter is going to earmark the standard- would guarantee the higher stability and reliability [11].
ized value of potential vibration and noises by using data
measured on the spot with the help of vibration and noise- 4. Case studies: performance assessment
measuring outfits in relation to predictability (precision) tech-
nologies. And then, this chapter is putting the analytic results 4.1 Car resonance
of damage cases into elevator management and maintenance. For a driven machine with a rotating speed of 1460 rpm,
which has a reduction gearbox of worm-wheel, the rotating
3.2 Elevator breakdown frequency is 1460/60 = 24.33 Hz and the gear mesh frequency
Ride quality is one of the key indexes to evaluate an eleva- is 48.6 Hz because the worms have two threads. This elevator
tors system performance. Elevator vibration is one of the resonance occurs by resonance phenomenon, which is shown
other factors affecting passengers feeling. The quantity of car in Fig. 2, in the conjugation zone of cage frequency and the 48
vibration is related to external exciting energy, its frequency Hz element as gear mesh frequency (GMF) combined with
distribution and the robustness of system design. excited frequency of motor. For reducing the vibration, a dy-
The proposed value of Table 8 is conducting a statistical namic absorber is employed as shown in Fig. 3.
analysis on the measured value of ride quality and vibration of
the traction machine. Thus, it is necessary to use the analysis 4.2 Rail installment check by car vibration measurement
as performance assessment standards. If such standards are In the time domain, apparent impact appears every 5 meters
exceeded, the causes need to be analyzed through FFT analy- periodically as shown in Fig. 4; for each guide rail, length is 5
sis. It is deemed that the measurement and analysis on elevator m. It can be improved by readjusting the rail installment as
2374 S.-T. Park and B.-S. Yang / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 24 (12) (2010) 2367~2376

Table 10. Maintenance guidance for elevators.

Name of Inspection Counter- Inspection

Fault feature Effect of breakdown
parts method measure cycle (month)
y Dominant gear mesh frequency
(above 2.8 mm/s, rms) Adjustment or
Reduc- y Unbalance, misalignment & change for baseline 3
tion bearing fault frequency Shutdown value
gear y Increased noise & vibration
Change for baseline
Visual y Pitting in worm wheel 6
Traction y Crack of sheave
machine Visual, y Excessive wear of sheave groove
Change for baseline
Sheave size y Excessive creep Slip or fall 3
verification y Undercut residue
y Excessive rope slip
y Bearing fault frequency Change for baseline
Bearing Vibration Shutdown 3
y Increase of noise & vibration value
y Deterioration of seal
Oil seal Visual Vibration Noise Change 3
y Leakage of gear oil
y Weakness of insulation resistance Insulation
Motor Deterioration y Abnormal vibration Shutdown Fire reinforcement 3
y Overheating Change
Motor y Bearing fault frequency Change for baseline
Vibration Shutdown 3
Bearing y Increase of sound & vibration value
y Insulation weakness of coil
y Plunger wear & deformation Uncontrol
Brake size, Change 1
y Switch wear & rust movement
electric circuit
y Crack & torsion of spring
y Wear of contact
Relay Visual Change 1
y Trembling of contact
y Wear of contact
Main Operation shutdown
Visual y Melting Change 1
Cont- y Capacity shortage
Opening departure
roller Visual y Wear of contact
Brake Change 1
Surge y Melting
contactor Circuit complement 12
waveform y Capacity shortage
Visual y Use of single brake and door circuit Opening departure Circuit correction 12
Operation test y Aging, wear Repair
Governor Fall of car 1
Visual y Not working Change
y Shoe deformation Repair
Safety Visual Jamming
y Operational badness Change 1
shoe Operation test accident
y Electric wire contact badness Circuit correction
y Wear, corrosion
Guide Visual Door separation Repair
y Buried quantity of guide shoe 1
shoe Size inspection Fall accident Change
(6 mm below)
y Urethane damage
Hanger Visual Repair
y Noise Noise, Vibration 1
roller Operation test Change
y Bearing fault
Interlock Visual Repair
y Aging, wear Operation shutdown 3
switch Operation test Change
y Insulation breakdown
Door Visual Operation shutdown Repair
y Abnormal vibration 1
motor Operation test Noise Vibration Change
y Motor overheating
Visual y Insulation resistance Operation shutdown Repair
Controller 1
Operation test Weakening Noise Vibration Change
Door Visual y Aging, wear and carbonization
Operation shutdown Change 1
switch Operation test of contact

Fig. 7 shows the bearing frequency feature occurring be- outer race (74 Hz) as shown in Fig. 8.
cause of bearing abrasion. In the time domain, the waveform For a driven machine with a rotating speed of 1460 rpm,
feature appears by a period of 13.39 ms. In the frequency do- which has a reduction gearbox with a worm and worm-wheel,
main, the frequency feature is shown by ball pass frequency of the frequency appear to be double frequency (21460/60 =

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