Banksmen Duties TBT

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Safety Toolbox Talk: Banksman Duties

A large number of accidents and fatalities occur each year in construction as a result of persons/property being
struck by plant movements. Thats why its so important to provide and maintain pedestrian walkways and
routes. / Un numar mare de accidente si fatalitati se intampla in fiecare an in constructii ca rezultat al
persoanelor/proprietatilor lovite de vehicule in miscare. De acceea este atat de importat sa oferim si sa
intretinem aleile pietonale si de vehicule.

Banksmans Duties / Indatorile banksmanilor

A Banksman must control activities such as lifting, work at height, excavation, reversing and driving
through site. / Un banksman trebuie sa controleze activitati cum ar fi ridicari, lucru la inaltime,
excavatii, condusul cu spatele si prin santier.
They should position themselves (10ft rule) where they can see the Driver / Operator, the load and
the Driver / Operator CAN SEE them at ALL TIMES. / Ei trebuie sa se pozitioneze (regula celor
10 pasi/3metrii) in asa fel incat sa poata vedea soferul/operatorul. incarcatura sis a fe vazuti de
sofer/operator pe toata durata lucrului.
Vehicles must always be escorted through the site by a banksman, he must respect the site signage and
traffic routes and will choose routes and practises that will minimise the amount of reversing required.
A stop paddle must be used to direct the vehicle, pedestrians and other traffic / vehiculele trebuie
intotdeauna escortate prin santier de un banksman, el trebuie sa respecte semnele santierului si routele
de traffic sis a aleaga traseele si rutele care sa minimizeze cat mai mult mersul inapoi.
Banksmen must wear high-visibility clothing at ALL TIMES and will stay a safe distance from moving
vehicles and plant. / Banksman trebuie sa poate veste reflectorizante TOT TIMPUL si sa stea la o
distanta sigura de vehiculele in miscare.
You must stay alert at all times, using all your senses and keeping a lookout and listen for vehicles that
are moving. / Trebuie sa fie atenti tot timpul, folosindu-ti toate simturile si observand si ascutand
vehiculele care se misca.
If a pedestrian needs to pass along side or behind an item of plant they must stand clear, and
ensure that the operator & banksman has seen them, and acknowledged them and given
permission to pass. / Daca un pieton trebuei sa treaca in laterarul sau in spatele unui vehicul ei
trebuie sa fie vizibili si sa se asigure ca au fost observati de catre banksman & operator si acestia le-
au dat permisiunea sa treaca.
Delivery drivers are to be escorted at all times with a banksman when on site. / Soferii ce aduc livrari
trebuie sa fie escortati tot timpul de un banksman cand se afla in santier.
If you are NOT a Banksman, do not give signals to a driver, unless in an emergency. / Daca NU esti
banksman, nu faceti/dati semnale soferului, decat in caz de urgenta

Drivers Duties / Indatoririle soferilor

As a driver you must follow the direction of the banksman at all times. / Ca sofer trebuie sa urmezi
instructiunile banksmanului tot timpul/
You must be aware of his position in relation to the vehicle you are driving. / trebuie sa fie constient
de pozitia lui in relatie cu vehicului pe care il operezi.
If the banksman leaves the area, wait for his return before you continue your route. / Daca
bankmanul paraseste zona, asteptati sa se intoarca inainte de a continua ruta.

Any Questions? / Intrebari ?

Aaron Lazenby

Panther Site Safety

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