JGC Banksman
JGC Banksman
JGC Banksman
What precautions do
I need to take when
vehicles have to
reverse on the
• The best way to deal with the risks from
reversing vehicles is to remove the need to
reverse altogether.
• You need to take a critical look at how people
may be put at risk and consider how
reversing can be done safely. You then need
to take any reasonable measures to reduce
the risk of injury.
- All possible means of avoiding reversing
should be considered before such activities
are allowed.
- However, on some sites, this may not be
possible and you should therefore consider
the following as part of your overall risk
assessment and safe working practices:
1- Using a banksman –
- should be considered for any pedestrian
needing to be in the zones so they can be more
clearly seen.