JGC Banksman

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- Ensures that companies meets their legal

requirements and reduces the risk of costly
accidents when carrying out commonplace, but
dangerous reversing maneuvers.
- Try to avoid accidents resulting from reversing
- Any person responsible for assisting in the
maneuvering and loading/unloading of vehicles.
- Slinger’s and banksmen play a vital part in
ensuring safe crane operations. Their role is to
assist the crane operator from the ground, giving
signals to help guide the load to its intended
- A flagman, banksman or signalman shall be
assigned to control safe movement of heavy
equipment especially when traveling on narrow
or congested areas, near structures, excavations
- Nearly a quarter of all deaths involving vehicles

at work occur while vehicles are reversing. Other

incidents may not result in injury but can cause

damage to vehicles & equipment.

What precautions do
I need to take when
vehicles have to
reverse on the
• The best way to deal with the risks from
reversing vehicles is to remove the need to
reverse altogether.
• You need to take a critical look at how people
may be put at risk and consider how
reversing can be done safely. You then need
to take any reasonable measures to reduce
the risk of injury.
- All possible means of avoiding reversing
should be considered before such activities
are allowed.
- However, on some sites, this may not be
possible and you should therefore consider
the following as part of your overall risk
assessment and safe working practices:
1- Using a banksman –

- a properly trained banksman can both keep the

reversing area free of pedestrians as well as
guiding drivers through safe manoeuvres.
2- Restricting reversing –

- where it cannot be avoided altogether, you

should consider places where reversing can be

carried out safely.

- You should also ensure that the distance over

which vehicles have to reverse is minimized.

3- Exclude people from the area where vehicles
will reverse –

- you need to make clear areas where reversing

is permitted, and that your system of work
prevents the need for pedestrians to enter these
‘danger areas’ unnecessarily.
4- Demarcation lines

- Should be clearly seen by both driver and


- Consideration should be given to creating

vehicle only areas and preventing workers or the
public entering these zones through physical
barriers and warning signs.
5- High visibility clothing –

- should be considered for any pedestrian
needing to be in the zones so they can be more
clearly seen.

6- Giving adequate training –

- Identify all staff who are involved with the

reversing of vehicles and allocated training

commensurate with the role they are involved in.
7- Signalling System –

- There needs to be a clear and agreed system of

signalling and will need to be visible to drivers at
all times.

- The position where the banksman stands is

crucial, and should be in a safe position where
there is no chance of accidental impact.
- About the banksmen “signallers“

1- Any signallers should wear high-visibility


2- Ensure that their signals can be clearly seen.

3- If the driver loses sight of the signaller, they

should stop immediately.

4- Where particularly large vehicles are involved,

the use of a banksman may not be appropriate
because of the difficulty in seeing them during
What physical
measures can I take
to reduce the risks
of reversing
- A number of physical measures can be
introduced to your site and these should also
be considered as a part of the overall
assessment process.
1- Increasing visibility –

- Careful consideration to the site layout

(discussed separately) can help to increase
visibility for both drivers and pedestrians.

- Mirrors mounted on vehicles should be kept

clean, and,

- you should consider the need for additional

mirrors or reflective surfaces around the reversing
2- Fitting reversing alarms –

- To alert, or with a detection device to warn the

driver of an obstruction or apply the brakes

3- Other safety devices –

- Such as barriers to stop vehicles over-running


- Trip devices which stop a vehicle when

something is hit.

- Sensing devices that warn the driver of

hazards they have not seen are all options which
should be considered in combination with other
precautions (not on their own).

1- whenever a work is being performed can

interrupt the normal flow of traffic or the traffic on
both directions. A flag man is needed.
2- it is necessary that on heavy equipment one flag
man need to be assigned with red and green color
- “FLAG MAN”- cont…
3- whenever it is necessary for equipment cross
public roads, railroads, or heavily traveled roads
as in existing plants, at least one flag man
should be used during crossing.
4- if hoisting equipment must cross under
overhead electrical lines then a flagman should
be used to eliminate the potential for contact of
any part of the equipment with the electrical
- “FLAG MAN”- cont…
5- each flagman shall be provided with a whistle as
added signaling device to be sounded to alert
operators or workers.
6- a flagman shall be assigned to safely control
movement when towing trailer-mounted
equipment in congested areas or near plant
- “FLAG MAN”- cont…
7- a flagman, banksman or signalman shall be
assigned to control safe movement of heavy
equipment especially when traveling on narrow
or congested areas, near structures, excavations
8- hand signaling by flagmen shall be done by the
use of red flags and green flags at least 18
square inches or sign paddles. in the periods of
darkness, red lights and green lights should be
What should I do
about people who
do not routinely
work on the
• You need to consider how you are going make
drivers who are not your employees familiar with
the layout of the workplace and the rules for
• When putting control measures into place, you
should also make consideration for people
with impaired vision or hearing, either who work
directly for you or who may visit the site.

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