Kim Lighting Concept 5000 Series Brochure 1995
Kim Lighting Concept 5000 Series Brochure 1995
Kim Lighting Concept 5000 Series Brochure 1995
rfportant FeatLrres
Se -ocliof Cons detat oNS
txp af ill of of Photo-reir as
Lafdsaac-. qlrt fll s botr aeslfei c afal lLrncL ona ac r ev rg Salety and Maintenance Warning:
dyfirm c eI'ec:s | lfary d \/erse i]pp cat cis lr'1a -ta I fg those A 1 xtLres I th s cata og rarLrs: be !lror,fded n acco dance !! th
eflects c'g term s a s En : can. cha cngc Bc o!"/ gradc I xtlrc:i cca codcs o thc Nat ona F cctr c [].ro.r :ii Lrr. t.r de:ro rr.iy
bV thc vcrv ret.rrc of trc r lsc ['q! ra] sparo a dc:r !lf ifil arxcorl rcsLr t rl :t(,i oLr:r pcr:x)fa fl,rry F xl!res are rr)l iiflfrftr\,--(l lar nr:l (
; o r On ! alter -oxte rs v-- ex!e: e rce ciir il rlitnulitclrtet ,o\rc ve a 0\'--r ateils filrer-o:rlro-- ir-o-o:r .o! d odqe I
cLr,/et opef f gs cr h gl
IxlLr,. lo \,., ilrstaf al lhe collos ve Iorces of ',,iater a]o sc . K rr temperaiure efses bLrr hafds leet etc ( n' L ght fg recofirmer ds
pcireered beoul/ grade grLrg over''or:y' _vea:s ago CoftnJec sea fg ccfdu t eftr es !",r th RTV efs.]l rg a c ear d:! sp ce cor.
research by K llr er!] neels. to!]ethe !',, th thc I rcsi ll mat(-.r a s alld pa.tmef. To maFtan ghtcflccncli and prele'r.1rtLr eoverlreat
craltsrnafslr p hars rreitted tlre 691111-.pi 5CC0 proallct fe as L rq. -6fses rrrsi b-o kept c -oaf arrc lrre ol d.t c!sI eaves af d
er sts :alali:Ly llre K I r,a le s yoL]r assLrTafce oi llre 1 f-ost oLrtdo.,{ lrash Do rol rsta l rtLrres r sJbrfe s b e flta at ofs sL,clr :rs a
ght f !t eqLr prr'r-. rt.-ade fcLr-taIorsJr'l.Ir]r -g poo Fc sron-ersbc E-tnll Lrs!lrrLrrcs
apDrovcd for tlr s app cat of ilfal fi) r)!r rarllLr itt or!i :r--_ lorll rl
ll L :rled afai C S A. aefL leal lor',,rei ocat c rs. Secr o'r 680 ol llre Nal ora E --cl'c.r Code
Krll Lgh:ng 1
lmportant Features
Direct Burial Lights
! -- .t
Heavy Wall, All-Cast Prewired, Pressure-Tested Anti-Siphon Barriers lntegral Ballast Box
Construction at Factory A !fderground cofduii Ar Lrndersland ng orthe
Th-o,e s no harsher Because eacfr d rect bur a systems conta n rro sture econorar cs ol [iLr c] nll afd
erv rofment than the outdoors lxtLrre s prew red ard wh ch, f drawf nto the ba ast .fa nterance has resLr ted I an
so ll]ater a used for cofstr!ct ng press!re tested at l0 p.s or amp cornpadment, w ntegra ba ast box The ba ast
be ow grade lixLLtres s crlt ca y wh e comp ete y slrbm,orged n cause I xture Ia ure s noi bur ed beFeath ihc arnp
mportant.lleavywa cast water. a poss b e defects are Eng neer ng to prevent sLrscept b e io' /ater fiake and
tfeta. whether a um fLltn or detected and e m fated Of mo sture accLmulat on thLS d fl cL t to servlce Rather
bronze. has proven to be the site, on y fle d connections n beconies a crit cal des gn p acement ol thc ba ast bcx at
.rost .nperv ous to so ac d ty the sp ce compartment ard factor Kms ong terrn grade eve or rnercury vapor
and mo sture Th s cofs stent lamp nserl of are requ red for exper ence w th be ow grade afd h gh pressure sod !m
dependab lty s the reason I xtLre operal of sav ng abo. qht ng has deve oped afd un ts m I m zes ma ntefance
the 5000 prodlct fe is cast t me afd expense provef the ant slphon baffler t r.c reoLr red DoLrb e wa
exc Lrsive y lorego ng exot c syster.r to be the best Each cofstruotof !1 zcd bct\/r'ccrl
th I wa a oys and assernb es compartmef t amp sp ce the th r-o-. compariments
that cannot ho d Lrp ofce and ba ast is iso ated w th nsu atcs and protects tfre
rsta ed. lleavy wal cast a doLrb e wa Each !\, re sp ce area.
a um num construct on wi termlfates n af art -s phon
resisi corros on shou d the barr er ard the ent re space s
bitum noLrs coat ng be sea ed Even w th thc pTessure
scratched dur rg insta lat on changes thal occ!r when lhe
Cast brofze s. of course. the amp s tLrlfed on ard off
mal-a analem for
Lr T molsture and lts dest.uct ve
be ow grade ght fg
The ellects are prevented lrom
ofe p ece uf t zed castrng -.nter ng the amp and ba ast
comb fes super or strergth compartments
w th strcam ned appeararce
2 KmLghtng
lmportant Features
Cast Bronze or Copper Easy Relamping Anti-Siphon Barriers Grade Level Ballast
Fixtures in Bituminous wells Aga n design simp lc ty resu ts l\4o sture, the constant threat to Ba asts for ffrercury vapoi and
The ongo ng re able n rna ntenance eff ciency be ow-grade f xtures, has beef hlgh pressure sodiurn mode s
perforrnance of cast bronze Serv ce on K m we ghts s addressed and solved by the are adlacent to the flxtureiwell,
and copper flxtures lustil es the easl y accomp shed w th lnnovat ve K m ant -siphon housed n a rugged heavy wa
nvestment rn qua rty fixtures ift ng out oi wel s for systern Barriers ocated at two cast box Located at grade
materia. On y these rneta s above-grade maif tenance crlt ca lunctures prevent water evel, the compartment is read ly
carefuly cralted by K m, olfer Predeterm ned f xture t lt lrom enter ng f xture and accessbeforservcng
the proven e ement resistant ang es are fot aflected by this ba ast box. Fi lng the isolated Standard 60'C. fle d w re meels
characterlstlcs essentlal I we procedure so re a ming t me is chamber with a flexlb e UL requ rerarents for th s f xture
ght design Surround ng the saved. We can b'e ra sed as h gh temperature sea lng because of the exce ent
fixture is a b turn nous f bre we l, g round cover grows hig he r corarpound comp etes the nsu at on offered w th doub e
ghtwelght and corros on- sea ng process. wal conslruct on Thls separale
prool B tuminous I bre wel is lunction box or ba ast llox lrees
b ack for a concea ed ook the f xture wei to be ra sed
when nsla led s ightly owered or t led w th ease to
above-grade n h gh ground adapt to growing andscape
cover. The llxture s suspended
by adjlstable c ps from a
grade-leve grate of lu lor
d rect ona ouvers. Required
dra rage at the bottom of the
wel prevents poss b e
I oodlno
Km Lghting 3
Primary Considerations for Selection
4 Km Lgit ng
Photometrics and Appl ication
Kmtgliting 5
Direct Burial Light 25OW PAR38 HALOGEN
250W KR38 or R38 KRYPTON
L._ r r'a
(2)ri" N Pr
Housing: One-piece cast a um num w ih bitum nous coating
on be ow-grade portions, or one p ece cast bronze. Doub e wall
separates amp and splce compartments. Lens retainer and
sp ce compartment cover aTe cast aluminurn or bronze with
neoprene gaskets. Lamp we cont nuously welded to housing
Lens: Tempered c ear glass, w th one-p ece sil cone gasket.
F at lens %' thick, roundel lens 7Ar" thick.
Socket: Porce a n medium base, rated 4KV.
Lamp Adiuslmenl: 20' each side oJ vertica, 326'horizontal
rotat on. Pos t ve screw ocks on a I adiustinq brackets ho d
a nTing position
Wiring: Al components prew red with high temperature w re
lerm nating in antis phon barriers lsolat on charnber f lled with
fex ble high temperature sealing con'rpound Factory pressure-
tested at 10 p.s Sp ice compartment volume-40 cub c inches.
Grounding: 1/a 2A sreen hex head screw n sp ice compartment
Conduit Taps: Two 3/a" N.P T. in bottom.
150W-300W Cast A l]rn nirm
Available Options: Details and restrlctions on page 14. Add option
Ha ogen
catalog number lo fixture cataog number. Exarnple: 5000/5081HS
Cat.No. Option Construclion
Krypton lncandescent
5081HS Haf Sh eld-directional giare contro. Cast A um num
KR38 R3B
5l81HS Haf Sh eld-directional glare contro. Cast Bronze
5001 5083FL Fu Louver garecontrol lensguard. CastAumnum
Same as above Cast A urn num F at 5183FL Fu Louver q are control, lens guard. Cast Bronze
Cast A uminum
5101 Sarne as above. Cast Bronze Cast Bronze
Note: Lamps by others 5087RG Rock Guard rounde lens on y. Cast A unr num
Fof amp/ba last nformat on outs de ol the ll.S A. and 5187RG Rock Guard-rounde lens on y. Cast Bronze
Canada peaseconsult youT oca Km representat ve 5200GM Grout lvlask for concrete nsta aton. Galvanized Stee
Kim L ghting 7
Direct Bu rial -Asym metric QUARTZ
Tree W dlh at east
(2)3r'N PT
'a 1o
7 L-X -
Cat. No. Lamp Construction Lens
5006 250w Cast A urn nurar Roundel 'Check spac ng wth iootcand e curves
lodeierm ne i !n lomily s acceptabe
[,4 n Can. Frosted
Note: Lamps by others
For amp/ba ast lnformation ouls de of the U S A. and
Canada p ease consu t your loca Kim representative.
8 Klrn L ght ng
rect Bu rial -Asym metric
Wall, Sign or Tree Lighter
t5' 3
: lo 25',
Max 25
Cat. No. Lamp Construction Lens Amps I
I 'Check spac nE w lh lootcand e.!nres
5007MV120 75W Casl A rm nLln Bo!nde 0 B2 X lo detemrne lLrf fornrry s acceptabe
N/lercury Vapor
Notes: r o .o olld ro eo or d. ) o q "r P o, o:
For amp/lla ast nformation oLlside of the U S.A. and
Canada, please consu t your loca Kim represertative.
Available Options: Deta s and restr ctions on page 1,1. Ful Louver
D rect ona Lolver and Rock GLrard not recorfmended because of
qht restr ct on. Add option cata oq number 10 f xture cata oq f umller.
Examp e 5007MV120/5082HS
Cat. No. Construction
are conlrol.
Km Llqhiing I
rect Bu rial -Asym metric
Wall, Sign or Tree Lighter
/1,. gt:";-"i'J''"*'
(2)31" N Pl ln bottom
10 Kim L ght ng
rect Bu rial -Asym metric
Wall, Sign or Tree Lighter
/[ @:;t'"w'''
/ft ,t
\.- --"/
Housing: One piece cast a lminum w th b tum nous coat ng on
be ow grade pori ons Doubewal sepatates alcompartments
Lers retainer and covers for ba last and sp ce compaftrnents are
cast a urnlnum w th neoprefe gaskets. Lamp wel continuousy
we ded to housing.
Lens: Tempered c ear rounde q ass. tli thlck, w th one piece
s Llcone gasket LaS
Socket: Porcelalf rned !m base rated 4KV
Reflector: Onc p ece hydroformed a urn nLrm w th A zaki" I I sh ral on ma!
326" hor zonta rotation ard ock
Wiring: A corf ponents prew red wllh h gh temperature w re
term nating n ant s phon barriers. so at of charnber I led w th bv
by .61
175W Cast A umifum RoLnde I B0 I ':s iow;t
I 'Cnecr. ,oacno a,rn oorcandlecLr^res
5012MH208 Nleta r05 X ro deLerm ne i;n,iormrJ !J..ef,labe
5012MH240 Ha de 0.90
5012MH277 ED lT 080
5012MH347 0.65
Notes: L Vo tage lndicaLed by last 3 d g ts Lamps by others.
For amp/ba last nlormat on outs de of the U S A and
Carada. p ease consu t your ocaL K tn representat ve
(2t r- N PT n rottom
a\ \
Housing; One-plece cast alum nurn with b tuminous coating on
below-grade portons, or one-piece cast bronze Doubewal sepa
rates a compartfi]ents Lens reta ner and covers for balast and
sp ice cornpartments are cast a umlnum or bronze wlth neoprene
gaskets Lamp well continuous y we ded to housing
Lens: Tempered c ear glass with one-piece s icone gasket. F at
ens 7s'th ck roundel lens r/i'th ck
Socket: Porcelain medium base. rated 4KV.
Lamp Adiustment: 20" each side of vertica 326" hor zonta rotat on.
Postive screw locks on a adjust ng brackets hold aiming position
Wiring: A components prew red w th h 9h temperature wire termi
natnginant siphon barrers. so ation chamber I I ed with flex ble
h gh terr]perature seallng compound. Factory pressure{ested at
10 p.s.i. Sp ce compartment volume-4o cubic inches.
Ballast: High Power Factor, 20'F starting.
Grounding: 1/A-2A gteen hex head screw in splce compartment.
Conduit Taps: Two 3/r" N.P.T in bottom.
12 Klm Lightinq
Fixture Line Max
Cat. No. Lamp Conslruction Lens Volts Amps Notes
5020MV120 100W Cast A uminum Rounde 120 1.05 Line Voltage lndicated by ast 3
5020MV208 MercuryVapor 208 0.60 dig ts n fixture catalog nurnber.
5O2OMV24O R4O, PAR3B 244 452 Lamps by olhers.
5020MV277 4.45
5020MV347 347 040
For lamp/ballast nformation
5021MV120 outs de of the U.S.A. and
- ^istAumlnum Flat Same as above. Canada. p ease consu i yout
ihroroh 347
ocal Klm representatlve.
5120MVl20 Same as above. Cast Bronze Ro,nder Sarre as above.
same as above cast Bronze Same as above.
5024MV120 175W Cast Alum num Rounde 124 175
5024MV208 [,4ercuryVapor 208 r.00
5024MV240 R40 244 o.B7
5024MV277 277 o.76
5024MV347 347 065
5025MV120 Same as above. Cast Alum num Flal Same as above.
throuqh 347
5124MV120 Same as above. Cast Bronze Roundel Same as above
throuqh 347
5125MV120 Same as above. Casi Bronze Flat Same as above
through 347
5033MH120 100W Cast A uminum Roundel 124 1.15
5033MH277 lvetal Ha ide 277 0.50
5033MH347 R4O, PAR3B 347 0.40
5o34MH277 Same as above. CastAlumnum Flat Same as above.
5t33MH277 Same as above. Cast Bronze Roundel Same as above.
5134MH277 Same as above. Cast Bronze Same as above.
120 1.80 *175W R4O lamp photometrics
5035MH120 175W Cast ALurnlnum RoLrndel l\,4H
*t 50808N AzakoAuminum rs
redistributes t at useful
ang es. C ps direcUy to lamp.
lr/3,'5087 RG
5r87 RG
l%'5088 RG
5r88 FG
Rock Guard lens r ng for
vanda protect on of
roundel lenses only.
5087RG Cast A uminum
5187RG Cast Bronze
5088RG Cast Alum num
7 L
See caution above 5188RG Cast Bronze 13 A
Lenglh w drh
Grout Mask and fixture 5200 GM 111t"
suppoar for insta lations n 520r GM 18'h'. l; . ts(
concrete. N,4ask s t ed to
r 4.. r V
reinforcing bars and 5200GM Galvan zed Stee 7 t ., 6'k"
supports f xture during 5201GM Galvan zed Stee B
concrete pour. Concrete 5202GM GalvanlzedSteel I 10,11,
s kept away from fixture 13
allowing 2" qrout space
for fina tr rf.
14 Kim L ght nq
Direct Burial Lights
Below grade um narres often become neffect ve or inoperable
s mp y because they are nol insta ed afd mainta ned correctly.
Wh e t istempting to instal these f xtures at or beow grade, this
genera y turns oL"rt to be unsatisfactory un ess the nsta lat on is n a
paved area When the f xtures are nsta led too ow, they become a
col ection po rt for d rt mud and encroach ng groL.rnd cover Further
more andscape ma ntenance serv ces genera y gnore be ow
grade um na res alowing ground cover, dead leaves or suriace
rrater a to cover the ens and b ock the light W th a tt e pre p ann ng
and care, be ow grade um na res can be nstaled ln a manner that
w promote easy manienance afd ongevty Thefolowing nsta
ation rarethods represent our best recon'lmendat ons based on
32 years of experience n be ow-grade ight ng
91r" se
Fixture: Cast bronze
Lens: Convex tempered clear glass with one-piece s icone gasket.
Socket: Porce ain medlum base, rated 4KV.
Wiring: Cord ls prewired to fixture passing through a brass seal.
Each wire lerminates n an ant siphon barrer, encapsulated in high
temperature sea ng compound Factory pressure{ested at 10 p.s.i.
Well: Bituminized f bre, 9" dia. x 14%' depth
Drainage (by others) required.
Louver: Cast a uminum finished b ack w th po ished edges
secured to wel with socket head sel screws.
Junction Box: Cast aluminum wilh 72" rigid PVC conduit and brass
seal for f xture cord. % 2A grcen hex grounding screw provided.
Splice compartment vo ume 40 cubic inches.
Conduit Taps: Two 3/4'N.P.T. ln bottom.
Fixlure Adiustment: Stainless stee w re hangers suspend fixture
from ouver and alow 15't t. 360" rotation. Positve screw ocks hold
aimlng posltion
9%" sq lls'
Fixture: Cast bronze
Lens: Convex tempered c ear g ass w th one-piece sl cone gasket
Socket: Porcelaln med um base. rated 4KV
Wiring: Al cornponents prew red w th h gh tempetature w re
terminating n ant sphon barrers lsoatonchamberf edwth h gh
temperalL.rie seal ng cornpound. Factory pressure lested at 10 p s l
Sp ce corarpaftrnent vo ume 40 cub c nches
Well: B tumir zed f bre, 9' d a. x I 4:/r' depth Dra nage (by others) requ red
Louver: Cast aluminur.r I nished black with po shed edlles secured
to weLl wilh socket head set screws.
Ballast: Hlgh Power Factor, 20'F start ng
Ballast Box: One-piece cast a uminLtn with b tum nous coat ng or
be ow grade portlons. Doub e wa I separates ba lasl and spl ce
compartment Cover is cast a umlnum with one-p ece neoplene
gasket. %'rig d PVC condu t wth brass sea forfxturecord.
7, 20 green hex head ground ng screw prov ded
Conduit Taps: Two 3/. N P T in bottofir.
Fixture Adjustment: Sta n ess stee w re hangers suspefd fixture
fror. loLrver and a ow 15'tit. 360' rotaton. Postve screw ocks
FixtureLine Max
Cat. No. Lamp Volts Amps
5152MV120 100W Cast Bronze 12A I 05
5152MV208 Mercury Vapor 2Ag 0 60
s152MV240 R,10. PAR3B 244 0.52
5152MV277 277 0.45
5152MV347 347 0 40
mi2o 1.75
248 100 Available Options: Di ectiondl .orve .-opleo o olsld^ddrd I-l
5154MV208 [/lercuryVapor
5154MV240 R40 240 0 87 loLver. Add opr'or catalog 1L^ be lof 4.'e.aooo^L*be'
5154MV277 277 0 76 Exampler 51 52MV.l 20/5090DL
5154MV347 347 0 65 Construclion
ffionze 12a 115 Cat. No.
5157MH277 [,4era Hal de 277 0 50
5157MH347 R40 PAR38 347 0.40 .'."'- ma/ murTr light effic ency
st seMHr zo n d rection of amp tilt
5158MH208 [/]eta Ha de 2AB 1.05 while control nq q are
5158MH240 R40. PAR3B 240 0.90 L in oppos te direct on.
5158MH277 277 0 B0 5293TG Tree Grate Louverjor Cast lron
5158MH347 347 0 65 mount ng Kim Wel Lights
hers to tree grates bY Neenah
For lamp/ba ast nformatlon outside of the U S A. and Foundry Co See Page 2!___
Canada p ease consult your oca Klm replesentalive. Kjrn Light ng 17
Well Light
(2)3/c'N Pr
31!" sq
F 211/a'
Fixlure: Cast bronze.
Lens: Convex tempered c ear glass with one piece s icone gasket.
Socket: l\.4ogu PAR connector
Wiring: Cord is prew red to fixture, passing through a brass seal.
Each wire term nates in an anti-siphon ba(ier encapsulated in hiqh
temperature sealing compound. Factory pressure{ested at 10 p.s.i.
Well: Btumlnized fibre, 13" dia. x 14'depth.
Drainage (by others) required.
Louver: Cast a uminum finished black w th po ished edges,
secured to we lwith socket head set screws.
Junction Box: Cast aluminum with 7r" r gid PVC conduit and brass
seal for fixture cord. 1/a-2A gteen hex ground ng screw provided.
Sp ice compartment vo ume 40 cubic nches.
Conduit Taps: Two 3/a'N.P.T. ln bottom.
Fixture Adjustment; Stainless stee w re hangers suspend f xture
from louver and allow 15" tl 1, 360' rotat on. Positive screw locks
hold aim ng position.
Available Options: D rect ona Louver supp ied ln p ace of standard ful
louver. Add option cataloq number to fxture cata og number.
Cat. No. Lamp FixtureConstruction Example:5160/5091DL.
5160 300w Cast Bronze Cat. No. Option Construction
rcandescent 5091DLG:I I Dir^cl o o -oL\er -a ov\ s Cas- A ur| um
PAR56 I E-- | ma.imr- io' ef'rc ercy
Note: Lamps by others.
A and
For lamp/ba ast iflormat on outs de ol the U.S I p!- l II { ^f re . o'rr.otr rq gld e
Canada, p ease consult your oca K m representat ve I \r|J 16 gppn" s c6tie1
(2) r," N PT
n ends
Drainage by otherS
Fixture: Spun copper w th cast bronze ens ring.
Lens: Convex tempered c ear glass with one-piece silcone gasket.
Socket: Porcelain medlurn base rated 4KV.
Wiring: Cord s prewired to fixture pass ng through a brass seal.
Well: B tuminized fibre, 9" dia. x 143/i deplh.
Drainage (by others) required.
Louver: Cast a uminum finished black wth polished edges secured
to wel with socket head set screws.
Junction Box: Cast ron hot d pped ga vanlzed with 7z'r qid PVC
conduit and brass seal for fixture cod. 1/a-2A green hex grounding
screw prov ded JunctonBoxvoume 9%cubclnches.
Conduit Taps: lwo \.P.T ,r e^os
Fixture Adiustment: Sta n ess stee wire hangers suspend fixture
from ouver and alow 15" tilt, 360'rotation Positive screw iocks
hold aiminq pos t on.
(2)3/a"NPT I bottom
9lr" sq
v @r 25',
Fixture: Spun copper with cast bronze lens ring.
Lens: Convex tempered c ear glass with one p ece sil cone gasket.
Socket: Porce a n mediurn base, rated 4KV.
Wiring: All components prewlred with h gh ternperature wire
terminating in anti s phon barr ers. Factory pressure{ested at
10 p s.i. Sp ice compartment volume 40 cubic nches.
Well: Bituminized I bre 9' dla. x 143la' depth.
Dralnage (by others) required.
Louver: Cast a uminum I nished b ack with po shed edges, secured
to well with socket head set screws.
Ballast: High Power Factor, 20"F starting.
Ballast Box: One p ece cast a um num w th bitum nous coating on
below-grade portions Doub e wal separates b,a ast and spl ce
compartment Cover is cast a umlnum wlth one-piece neoprene
gasket. 7," rigid PVC conduit wth brass sea for fixture cord %-20
green hex head ground ng screw provided.
Conduit Taps: Two %'N.P T. n bottorn.
Fixture Adjustmenl: Stainless steel wire hangers suspend f xture
from ouver and alow 15" t lt 360" rotation Pos t ve screw locks
Fixture Line Max Available Options: Directiona Louver supp led n p aceof standard ful
Cat- No. Lamp Construction Volts Amps ouver. Add opton cata og number to flture cata og number.
5162MV120 100W Spun Copper 120 I 05 Examp e: 5162MV120/5ffDDL
5162MV208 N4ercuryVapor 248 0 60 Cat. No. Option Construction
5162MV240 R40. PAR3B 24A A52 s090DL I D rectiona Louver a ows Cast A uminum
5162MV277 277 0.45 maN rfum ght eff crency
5162MV347 347 0 40 ..
5166MH120 100W Spun Copper 12A 1.15
l"' in direct on of amp trlt
hil- o o ro ol".a
5166MH277 l'/leta Hal de 277 0.50 - -,-l I ir^ oonn\ t- li,. l.'r
5166MH347 R40 PAR38 347 0 40 5293TG Tree Grate Louver for Cast lrorr
Note: Lamps by others rnountingKmWelLghts
For amp/ba last nformatlon outside of the U S.A and to tree grates by Neenah
Canada, p ease consult your loca Kim representatlve. Foundry Co. See paqe 21
20 KrnLqhtnq
Tree Grate Louver
-l TT
KmLghtng 21