Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-Ray SM
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-Ray SM
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-Ray SM
Rev. 4
© 2013
General Electric Company
All Rights Reserved
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Revision History
Revision Date (Month & Year) Description of Change
1 July 2012 Initial release
2 Aug. 2012 Update information
3 May 2013 Update information
4 June 2013 Update information
X-ray Product.
This manual may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of GE Healthcare.
Other product and company names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
The contents of this document are accurate at the time of publication. However, changes in design and
additional features can, at any time, be incorporated in the hardware and software and may not be reflected in
this version of the document. Contact GE Healthcare Technical Support for clarification, if discrepancies arise.
The text of this manual was originally written, approved and published by the manufacturer in English.
GE Healthcare do Brasil Comércio e Serviços para Equipamentos Médico- Hospitalares Ltda.
Via Mun. Vereador Joaquim Costa, 1405 Galpão 7
Contagem - MG - Brasil - 32.150-240
Tel. Fax: (031) 3343-6800
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Chapter1. Introduction and Safety ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.1. Objective .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.2. Scope................................................................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.3. Service Philosophy ...................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.4. Qualifications ................................................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1.5. Unauthorized Modifications ................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.6. Manual Organization and Use .............................................................................................................. 1-2
1.2. Safety ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.1. Safety Hazard Alerts .................................................................................................................................. 1-3
1.2.2. Ingress of Fluids ........................................................................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.3. Electrical Shock ............................................................................................................................................ 1-4
1.2.4. Explosion ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.2.5. Thermal Harm ............................................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.2.6. Equipment Stability .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
1.2.7. X-Radiation ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-6
1.2.8. Motorized Mechanical Movement....................................................................................................... 1-6
1.2.9. Safety Interlock ............................................................................................................................................ 1-7
1.2.10. Labels ................................................................................................................................................................ 1-7
1.2.11. Locations of the Labels ......................................................................................................................... 1-16
1.2.12. Symbols ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-18
1.2.13. Electromagnetic Compatibility Statement ................................................................................... 1-19
1.2.14. Lock-Out, Tag-Out ................................................................................................................................... 1-25
Chapter2. System Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1. System Descriptions ............................................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.1. System overview.......................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.2. Component Locator ................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2. System block............................................................................................................................................................. 2-5
2.3. System Schematics ............................................................................................................................................... 2-6
Chapter3. Installation ................................................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1. Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2. Pre-Installation ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.2.1. Dimensions and Weights of System .................................................................................................. 3-2
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Chapter1. Introduction and Safety
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Objective
Provide Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product service documentation that is consistently organized,
easy to access and is designed to aggressively expedite fault isolation and decrease product down-time.
1.1.2. Scope
This manual’s contents document the necessary information for service.
1.1.4. Qualifications
Reading this manual does not qualify an untrained person to service the equipment. This publication
assumes the reader is a skilled and fully qualified electronic technician who has experience servicing
medical imaging systems. Factory trained service personnel will benefit the most from this material.
Introduction and Safety
Subsystem-The subsystems have been analyzed and divided into functional sections. Each
functional section contains major assembly and control locations, theory, functional tests and
other information relevant at the subsystem level.
Adjustment and Calibration-Procedures for tuning and calibration relevant at the subsystem
and system level.
Software Maintenance- Provides procedures for software maintenance and service mode
Troubleshooting- Provides error code, error messages, and diagnostic programs that expedite
the diagnostic process.
Replacement- Removal and installation procedures for fuses, covers and field replaceable units.
Periodic Maintenance Procedure-Procedures for periodic maintenance.
Technique Reference-Technique Reference of the system.
Appendix-Schematics and information of some key parts.
1.2. Safety
Do not attempt to service or maintain this equipment before reading this entire section.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
CAUTION CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in
moderate to minor injury, equipment damage or loss of data.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
The equipment is not rated for water-tight operation. Do not allow any liquids to leak into
WARNING the equipment where they can cause electric shock, fires, and short circuits. If leakage
does occur, ensure that all internal circuitry is completely dry before attempting to
operate the equipment.
Never store or operate the system in the presence of conductive fluids like water or
WARNING saline solution unless the system is adequately protected by an approved bagging or
draping system.
Equipment that contains high power electrical components must be serviced only by
WARNING personnel familiar with proper safety procedures for working near these components.
Disconnect AC power (and battery packs if used) before discharging static electricity in
WARNING components such as electrolytic capacitors and high voltage cables. Failure to heed this
message will result in death or severe personal injury.
Allow adequate time for static charges to discharge through bleeder resistors. Use a
WARNING high wattage resistor when discharging circuits to avoid burns.
Have someone watch while you work near high voltages. This person must remain
WARNING clear of all circuitry and be prepared to turn off the power to the system and render aid
in an emergency.
High voltage cables, electrolytic capacitors, and CRTs can retain a dangerous static
charge for long periods after power has been removed. Some devices can acquire a
WARNING charge spontaneously without direct contact with other circuitry. Do not touch these
components unless power has been completely removed and they have been
Never operate the system unless all safety ground wires (green wire with a yellow stripe)
and related components are fastened in place. Dangerous electrical shock and
improper equipment operation can otherwise result.
Remove all metal rings and watchbands before working on system circuitry. Skin burns
CAUTION and damage from involuntary muscle contractions can result if metal jewelry shorts
electrical circuits.
Introduction and Safety
1.2.4. Explosion
If an abnormal condition occurs, such as the room fills with flammable gas, steps must be taken to
prevent the gas from contacting components within the equipment. Follow these guidelines:
1. Do not turn the system on or off.
2. Do not un-plug or plug-in system or peripheral equipment power cords.
3. Do not operate light switches or other electrical equipment.
4. Evacuate all personnel immediately.
5. Notify the hospital administration and/or fire department.
6. Ventilate the room to clear the air of all flammable vapor or gas.
7. Identify and remove the source of the flammable liquid, vapor, or gas.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
1.2.7. X-Radiation
This equipment either produces or is used in the vicinity of ionizing radiation. Observe
CAUTION proper safety practices during operation. Use lead aprons, eye protection, thyroid
protection, and similar devices to protect yourself and others.
CAUTION Where local Entrance Exposure Rates (EER) are different than the GE HUALUN rate
specified, the EER should be adjusted to the lower of the two.
Introduction and Safety
WARNING Never bypass, jumper, or otherwise disable any equipment safety feature.
1.2.10. Labels
Even though this manual is supplied only in English, some labels may have a foreign
NOTE language equivalent that will appear on your system.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
9 1
Introduction and Safety
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
IPX8 1
protection of the footswitch is IP
X8. The electrical mechanism
within the footswitch is protected
from the effects of continuous
immersion in water.
Introduction and Safety
24 Not used.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Introduction and Safety
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Introduction and Safety
41 1 Image Intensifier
42 1 PLC label
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Introduction and Safety
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
1.2.12. Symbols
Be familiar with the following symbols that may appear on equipment and schematics so you can safely
maintain and operate the system:
Dangerous Voltage
This symbol identifies areas where hazardous voltages may be present. Use appropriate
safety precautions.
This symbol identifies the system’s main protective earth ground terminal, which connects to
the facility earth ground through the grounding prong on the AC power plug. This connection
must be in place at all times for safe system operation.
This symbol identifies an earth ground connection that is necessary to maintain grounding
throughout the system.
X-Ray Source
This X-Ray Source symbol is used to identify controls that will produce ionizing X-radiation
when activated. Always use appropriate safety precautions when generating X-rays.
This X-Ray Source symbol is used to identify controls that will produce ionizing X-radiation
when activated. Always use appropriate safety precautions when generating X-rays.
This symbol identifies system terminals which, when connected together, are at the same
potential (not necessarily earth ground). Green/yellow wires normally connect potential
equalization terminals together.
Attention, see accompanying documentation for information. You can refer to this manual for
the operation instructions.
Introduction and Safety
Type B
This symbol indicates the equipment is protected against electric shock by a protective earth
ground connection.
Ionization Radiation
This symbol indicates that there is ionization radiation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. The
NOTE equipment may cause or be subject to radio frequency interference with other medical
and non–medical devices and radio communications. To provide reasonable
protection against such interference, the Brivo OEC 850 system complies with
emissions limits for a Group 1, Class A Medical Devices and has applicable immunity
level as stated in IEC60601-1-2: 2001 Amd.1: 2004 Ed2.1.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Use of accessories, transducers, cables and other parts other than those specified by
the manufacturer of this equipment may result in increased emissions or decreased
WARNING immunity of the equipment. The manufacturer is not responsible for any interference
caused either by the use of interconnect cables other than those recommended, or
unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or
modifications could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
1. All interconnect cables to peripheral devices must be shielded and properly grounded.
The use of cables that are not properly shielded and grounded may result in the
equipment causing radio frequency interference in violation of the FCC regulations.
Do not use devices that intentionally transmit RF signals (Cellular Phones, Transceivers,
or Radio Controlled Products) in the vicinity of this equipment as it may cause
WARNING performance outside the published specifications. Keep the power to these types of
devices turned off when near the equipment.
The medical staff in charge of this equipment is required to instruct technicians, patients,
and others.
Introduction and Safety
RF Emissions Class A The Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product is
suitable for use in all establishments other than
domestic and those directly connected to the public
Harmonic emissions Not low-voltage power supply network that supplies
applicable buildings used for domestic purposes.
IEC 61000-3-2
Voltage fluctuations/ Not
flicker emissions applicable
IEC 61000-3-3
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Introduction and Safety
a: Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for cellular telephones and land mobile radios, amateur
radio, AM and FM radio broadcast, and TV broadcast cannot be estimated accurately. To assess the electromagnetic
environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be performed. If the measured field
strength exceeds the RF compliance level above, observe the Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product to verify normal
operation in each use location. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as
re-orienting or relocating the [EQUIPMENT and/or SYSTEM].
b: Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths are less than 3 V/m.
NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and
reflection from structures, objects and people.
Note3: These are guidelines. Actual conditions may vary.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Separation Distance/m
Rated Power of
3,5 3,5 7
d =[ ] P d =[ ] P d =[ ] P
3 3 3
100 12 12 23
For transmitters rated at a power not listed above, the DISTANCE can be estimated using the equation
in the corresponding column, where P is the power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to
the transmitter manufacturer.
Note 1: NOTE 1: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption
and reflection from structures, objects and people.
Note 3: These are guidelines. Actual conditions may vary.
Introduction and Safety
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
10. In C-arm, verify zero volts AC at breaker between the brown and blue wires.
Introduction and Safety
Chapter2. System Overview
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
System Overview
9 2
10 3 15
11 4
13 19 17
14 1
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
2 5
3 7 10 10
9 9
8 8
1. LCD Monitors
2. Keyboard
3. USB connector
4. Exposure indicator
5. Mouse
6. Cabinet for printer
7. DVD driver
8. Front wheels
9. Back wheels
10. Handles
11. Interface for DICOM and Video distributor
System Overview
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
System Overview
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Chapter3. Installation
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3.1. Overview
This chapter described the installation procedure of Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product.
3.2. Pre-Installation
Enough room should be provided for the movement, installation and operation of the
WARNING system.
The floor should be hard enough to support the system. It should also be smooth and
Suitable sockets are required both in Scan room and Operating room for maintenance. Power supply
should comply with requirement of the system power supply requirements. The sockets should be 3
cores with protective earth, which complies with the requirement of the applicable electrical codes. Other
equipment electrically connected with this apparatus share the same grounding connection.
You should check the local power supply first. If it is not 200 V/220 V/230 V/240 V (50 Hz),
WARNING you need change the power supply cables and change the connections of the system.
Refer to the Power Supply Adaptation section for details.
3.2.4. Environments
Operating Conditions:
Temperature: +10°C~+40°C (+50F~+104F)
Humidity: 20~80% Relative, non-condensing
Atmospheric Pressure: 700hPa~1060hPa
Transportation and Storage:
Temperature: -20°C~+55°C (-4°F~+131°F)
Humidity: 10~95% Relative, non-condensing
Atmospheric Pressure: 500hPa~1060hPa
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3.3. Unpacking
There are 2 packages for Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product. One is for C-Arm (L
NOTE W H=2000mm 900mm 1995mm. And the other is WorkStation (L W
H=1015mm 900mm 2150mm).
Before unpacking, inspect the shipping enclosure /boxes for damage and report to the
NOTE shipper if available.
The unpacking of the system should be done before moving it into the operation room, in order to check
if there’s damage or non-apparent damage occurred during transportation.
The packages should be examined minutely during installation to avoid missing parts with small
dimensions or envelopes containing screws, washers, etc. Once damage is observed, notify service of the
transportation and insurance company immediately.
If non-apparent damage due to transportation was found during unpacking or installation, take the
same action in 15 days after delivery. The transportation corporation will not pay for non-apparent
damage generally unless making an application for inspection in 15 days after delivery.
If damage is discovered, contact the related company immediately, with specifying the type of apparatus,
the serial number and the order number if possible, and describing the nature of the damage.
Please follow the steps below to unpack the Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product.
1. Place the C-Arm and workstation packages on the flat and leave enough space around.
2. Cut off the binding tie and remove the cardboard coping and box of the C-Arm. Then remove the
wrapper on the C-Arm.
3. Lock the cross-arm, wig-wag, lateral rotation and orbital movement brakes. Get the accessory
packages, wood crowbar, stow-woods and ramp from the C-arm package. Put the wood ramp
behind of the C-arm.
The ramp and crowbar will also be used to workstation unpacking.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4. Loosen the screws and remove the wood support of image intensifier.
metal strip
7. Lift up one side of the C-arm with the wood crowbar and put the stow-wood under each rear
wheel. Then loose all the screws and remove the wood fastening assembly on rear wheels of the
8. Hold the handles and move the C-arm backward to draw out backwards the image intensifier
and tube.
Take care to protect the Image intensifier and gird when move the C-arm.
9. Turn the right steering handle in a vertical position to keep the rear wheels in a straight direction.
Then carefully move the C-Arm backward along the ramp to the site you desire.
10. Loosen the bolt with a screwdriver and remove the horizontal cross-arm lock device. (The lock
device will also be used during workstation unpacking.) Loosen the horizontal movement brake
handle and push the C-Arm forward. Lock the brake handle.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
11. Check parts according to packing list (refer to the packing list with the system for details).
Before moving the system, please make sure the 4 brake handles: the C-Arm orbital
WARNING rotation brake, the lateral rotation brake, the Wig-Wag brake, and the horizontal cross-
arm brake are locked. Otherwise, equipment damage or personal injury may result.
1. Cut off the binding tie and remove the packing of the workstation. Take out the ramp on standby.
And remove the wrapper on the workstation.
2. Loose the screws of the fastening assembly cover around the four wheels. Remove all the
screws on the wood support.
3. Put the cross arm lock device under the center of one side of the workstation and loosen the bolt
to lift up the workstation. Then remove the wood support. Lower the workstation and then
remove the lock device.
4. Use the lock device to lift up the other side of the workstation. And then remove the wood
5. Put the ramp in position. Move the workstation along the ramp.
3.4. Inspection
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
X-ray Tube
Control Panel
3. Workstation Inspection
Inspect each workstation component listed under the heading workstation inspection. Select one check
box for each item in the list.
WorkStation Inspection
Physical Location No problem Loose or missing Broken or Chipped or
found parts damaged parts scratched paint
Monitor and Arm
Keyboard and
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3.5. Setup
The system can adapt power supply of AC100V, AC110V, AC115V, AC120V, AC127V, AC200V,
NOTE AC220V, AC230V and AC240V by different connections of the transformer. Before install the
system, please check the power supply voltage range and the transformer connection
according to the diagram below.
Wire Transformer taps
Voltage 240 V 230 V 220 V 200V 120V/127V 110V/115V 100V
Wire N (Brown) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wire L1 (White) 4 3 3 2 4 3 2
Wire N1 (Yellow) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Wire L (Blue) 8 8 7 6 8 7 6
Jumper 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 9-10 9-10 9-10
11-12 11-12 11-12
3.5.2. UPS
Follow these steps to setup the UPS.
1. Make sure that the rear cover and both lower side covers of workstation have been removed.
2. Plug the UPS battery connector.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4. Press and hold UPS “test” button for several seconds to initiate a self-test. Release the button
once the UPS sounds beeps. The workstation will start up. Wait until a message display: “Power
failure! System will shut down immediately! Please check AC power and restart system later.”.
(The message will be displayed for only several seconds.)
5. Press “off” button to turn off the UPS.
6. Install all the covers of the workstation.
The UPS receives AC power whenever the system power switch is on. The battery recharges if
necessary. If the AC mains power fails, the UPS supplies power to workstation using its internal
The online indicator goes out and the battery indicator comes on. UPS sounds “bi-bi-bi-bi” every four
Do not connect any other devices to the UPS receptacles.
UPS battery should be disconnected before transportation. Battery can be left in the
Label and text on UPS in English:
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3.5.3. Power on
When you place a recently unpacked system into use, allow it to stand in its new
environment long enough for any condensed moisture to evaporate. A decrease in
temperature or a humidity increase can cause water vapor in the air to condense,
sometimes on electric circuits. You may damage the equipment if you apply power
before this condensation dries.
1. Take out foot switch from the accessory package. Connect the Footswitch to C-arm.
2. Plug the power cord into appropriate AC receptacle. Press the power on switch on control panel.
Before power on the system, please check and make sure that the voltage of the system
is compatible with the power supply. Or you must change the power supply settings of
the system.
Refer to Section 3.5.1 for details.
3. Verify that the workstation and C-arm complete software boot and initialization with no errors
reported on their displays.
The auto fluoroscopy mode is selected and the power on indicator lights. The field size is in its maximum.
The left monitor of workstation will display GE logo screen. The right monitor will enter into the PATIENT
INFORMATION Screen automatically.
4. Press vertical lift button and verify that vertical lift column is operational.
CAUTION The configuration must be complete in case the local regulation is not complied.
CAUTION Make sure cross arm is fully retracted and brake is set before moving C-arm. Equipment
damage or personal injury may otherwise result.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
When you release the orbital movement brake, place your other hand on the C-arm so
that you have control of the C-arm’s movement.
1. Release the orbital brake.
2. Verify that C-arm orbits smoothly in its cradle without excessive play.
3. Verify that the entire orbital scale is readable and in good condition.
4. Set the brake handle to lock position and verify that C-arm locks firmly in position.
Lateral Rotation
1. Release lateral rotation brake.
2. Verify C-arm rotates smoothly in both directions.
3. Lock the brake and verify the brake locks C-arm firmly in position.
Before transporting the system, please make sure the 4 brake handles: the C-Arm
WARNING orbital rotation brake, the lateral rotation brake, the Wig-Wag brake, and the horizontal
cross-arm brake are locked. Otherwise, equipment damage or personal injury may
1. Power on the system. Set the keyswitch in ON position ( ). Press and hold the up vertical
column switch. The maximum distance is about 40cm. Verify that vertical column stops when it
reaches the limit and that operation is smooth and quiet.
2. Press and hold down vertical column switch. When the movement stops, press two keys
at the same time and C-arm will be lowered to the lowest position.
1. Push C-arm slowly and verify that the wheels contact the floor and that they roll freely.
2. Make sure there are no worn or damaged areas on the wheel tread.
3. Verify that there is no wobble or binding associated with wheels.
1. Step on the rear wheel pedal brake. Verify that the rear wheels lock.
2. Step on wheel pedal release brake. Verify that brakes release and that both rear wheels roll and
steer freely.
1. Verify that both rear casters respond appropriately to movement of the steering handle.
2. Verify that you can steer the rear casters 90 degrees to the left and 90 degrees to the right.
3. Verify that the casters track together when you steer them.
4. Place the mobile C-arm’s rear wheel brake in release position. Push the C-arm slowly and verify
that C-arm can turn smoothly.
C-Arm Controls
The following procedure produces X-rays. Use the appropriate personal protective
WARNING equipment to protect yourself from X-ray exposure.
kVp , mA/mAs
Press the kVp and mA/mAs keys and verify that the technique can be adjusted manually.
Pulse Fluoroscopy
Select Pulsed normal fluoro mode via the C-arm control panel. The X-Ray Exposure indicator keeps
lighting when taking an exposure.
If the pulse mode is enabled, the amount of accumulated time will be the actual exposure
time, which depends on the time of pressing X-ray switch, length of pulses and the
number of pulses per second.
1pulse count to
1pps : 50 milliseconds / 1 pulse approximately
2pps : 50 milliseconds / 1 pulse approximately
4pps : 50 milliseconds / 1 pulse approximately
8pps : 50 milliseconds / 1 pulse approximately
Manual HLF +
Select manual HLF mode. Take exposure and verify that a HLF exposure is taken. Verify that audible tone
beeps at normal rate.
Auto HLF + +
Place an object in front of Image Intensifier. Select Auto HLF mode to take exposure. The exposure will
stop automatically after 20 seconds if you selected “Exposure Limit 20sec” in “Exposure Management”
screen of service tool.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Digital Spot
Select digital spot via control panel. Take a digital spot shot and verify that fluoro exposure automatically
terminates and image automatically saves to hard drive.
Image Orientation
Using the line pair tool as a phantom, take exposure in normal fluoro mode and verify the following
Press each of the following collimator switches while taking exposure and verify each of the following
collimator actions.
Place something on the Image Intensifier. Press field size key repeatedly, verifying ability to select
any of the three available sizes: NORM, MAG1 and MAG2.
Recursive Factor
Press recursive factor key to select 2, 4, 8, 16 respectively to take an exposure. Verify the amount of
filtering can be increased and decreased. The noise in the image should be decreased as the Recursive
Factor is increased.
Motion Artifact Reduction
Take exposure and rotate the image by pressing image rotation key. Observe the motion artifact of the
image. Press motion artifact reduction key and verify that the indicator lights.
Alarm Reset
Press and hold Alarm Reset key for approximately 2 seconds. Verify Fluoro time displayed on the C-
arm control panel resets to zero.
Radiographic Mode
Select Radiography mode and verify that the indicator lights.
1. Place the X-ray keyswitch in STANDBY position ( ). Press Handswitch and verify that no X-rays
are generated. Press Vertical lift button and verify that vertical lift column is not operational.
2. Place X-ray keyswitch in XRAYOFF position ( ). Press handswitch and verify that no X-rays are
generated. Press vertical lift button and verify the vertical lift column is operational.
3. Place X-ray keyswitch in ON position ( ). Press handswitch, footswitch and vertical lift button
to verify X-ray and vertical lift column are enable.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Emergency Switch
Perform the following test to verify the emergency switch.
1. Press the emergency switch during raising C-arm.
Workstation Operation
1. Press SWAP ( ) key and verify this function exchanges images between the left monitor and
the right monitor.
2. Press the SAVE ( ) key. And then press key. Verify that the left monitor image is previewed
in the Image Directory screen.
3. Verify Patient Information function activates the Patient Information screen. Enter patient
information ( ), display scheduled exams, display resume exams screen.
4. Verify Image Directory function ( ) allows you to enter Image Directory screen.
5. Verify the SETUP function ( ) allows access to the Setup screen. Press “Security” button and
select “Require Users to Login” in the screen.
6. Verify ZOOM function ( ) displays a square region of interest (ROI) box and that you can
magnify the ROI.
7. Verify NEGATE ( ) function reverses the light and dark values on the image displayed on the
left monitor.
8. Verify the CONTRAST function ( ) displays and indicator bar and that the amount of
contrast can be increased and decreased.
9. Verify the BRIGHTNESS function ( ) displays an indicator bar and that amount of
brightness can be increased and decreased.
10. Verify that Auto Contrast/Brightness ( ) automatically selects the optimum values of
contrast and brightness.
11. Verify ENGE ENHANCE function ( ) displays an indicator bar and that amount of
enhancement level increased and decreased.
12. Press key on keyboard. Enter “Security” screen. Select “Require Users to Login” to enable the
logout function. The default password is “123456”. Click “Change Password…” if you need to
change password. Then Click “OK” button.
Press ALT key and the LOGOUT key ( ) at the same time. Verify that it can log the user out of the
workstation applications.
The logout function can only be available when you select “Require Users to Login” in
the “Security” screen.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
CD/DVD check
1. Place a blank CD or DVD in the in the CD/DVD drive and wait for the green LED on the front of the
drive to turn off.
2. Press the Image Directory key ( ) on the keyboard to open the Image Directory. Make sure the
Image Directory has some saved images. Otherwise, then save some images by taking test shots.
3. Select the “Copy To…” button on the “Image Directory” screen. The “Copy To… “ screen lists the
available print and storage devices. Select CD/DVD and click the “OK” button to confirm your
4. Click “Option…” button. Select “Include Viewer” in copy option and click “OK” button.
5. Select one or more images from the Image Directory.
6. Click “Copy” button on the Image Directory screen to copy the queued image.
7. Insert the CD/DVD to other computer. The media viewer will run automatically. Use the viewer to
confirm that the image was written to the CD/DVD successfully.
You can choose the verification items from DICOM worklist server, storage server and
printer server, according to the customer’s network situation and equipment.
2. Plug the network cable into the network connector on the computer.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5. Click “Network Config…”button. Input the “Station Name” and “AE Title”. The default AE Title is
“OEC850”. You can change it according to the DICOM service’s requirement. Click “Config…”button
and fill in the network information. You can obtain the information from network administrator.
Click “Add…” button and fill in the information of the DICOM worklist server. Obtain the information from
network administrator. Click “OK” button to return to DICOM worklist screen. Click “Verify” button. The
message “ The DICOM server has verified successfully.” will display if the server has connected. Click “OK”
button and then select the Exit button to close the DICOM Worklist screen.
Click “Add…” button and fill in the information of the DICOM storage server. Obtain the information from
network administrator. Click “OK” button to return to DICOM storage server list screen. Click “Verify”
button. The message “ The DICOM server has verified successfully.” will display if the server has
connected. Click “OK” button and then select the “Exit” button to close the DICOM Storage server list
8. Click “DICOM printer…” button on setup screen.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Click “Add…” button and fill in the information of the DICOM printer server. Obtain the information
from network administrator. Click “OK” button to return to DICOM printer server list screen. Click
“Verify” button. The message “ The DICOM server has verified successfully.” will display if the server
has connected. Click “OK” button and then select the “Exit” button to close the DICOM printer server
list screen.
9. Press key to enter Patient Information screen. Select “Scheduled Exams…” button. Choose the
worklist server and click the “schedule filter” button. Setup the query filter and click OK.
Click “Update schedule” button to perform a DICOM query. Verify that the search results will be
displayed in the scheduled exams screen.
10. Press Image Directory key on the workstation keyboard. Select DICOM printer server from the
Copy To screen. Click the preview image and then click the queue box. Click “Print” button. Verify that
the images can be printed successfully after the process complete.
11. Click “Copy To…” button. Select the DICOM storage server. Select one or more preview images you
want to archive. Press and hold CTRL key on the keyboard to select multiple images from the
previews in the directory. Click “Copy” button. Verify that the images are copied to the storage server
successfully after the copy progress complete.
DICOM Worksheet
Record Network Config information below:
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
AE Title:
IP Address:
Port Number:
AE Title:
IP Address:
Port Number:
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Port Number:
Config. Info.:
Border Density: BLACK WHITE
Empty Density: BLACK WHITE
Copies: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Print Priority: HIGH MEDIUM LOW
Enter information above in the “Schedule Filter” screen. The users will enter additional information on this screen.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Select Auto Fluoroscopy mode ( ), and the NORM field size to take an exposure. Put the copper filter
on the tube head. Verify that the kVp changes accurately as copper filters are inserted into the field in the
following ranges:
Copper mm 1mm 2mm 3mm
kVp range 64±4kVp 74±4kVp 82±4kVp
If the kVp is not in the range, refer to 5.7.1 for calibration.
of the image and the resolution tool must be 45°. Select Manual Fluoroscopy mode ( ) and
appropriate kV value. Take an exposure, and stop when image is stable. The image is frozen on the left
monitor. Verify the resolution in lp/mm is equal to, or greater than, the values listed below. Repeat and
select any of three field sizes (NORM, MAG1 and MAG2) to verify the resolution.
Field Size NORM MAG1 MAG2
After the installation, please fill in the product locator card for PLC parts below and mail
the cards to local service operation office.
German regulatory required that the collimator has to be visible on two sides of the
NOTE image, which are not opposite. For the system installed in German, adjust collimator
iris (refer to chapter5.6.4) until the collimator meet the requirement as below.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Set screw
5. Adjust the adjusters of the laser until the intersection of the laser beam is in the center circle of
the beam alignment tool. (Use the circle to adjust the line to be vertical with the other and the
screws to adjust the position of the line.)
Circle adjuster
6. Fasten the set screw a little. And the beam position will change a little. Then adjust the beam
again according to step5. Fasten the set screw to fix the beam position and direction. Then install
the laser aimer cover.
7. Functional check: Turn on the laser aimer power switch and verify that the intersection of the
laser beam is in the center circle of the beam alignment tool and the two laser lines are vertical.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Do not grasp the Laser Aimer's handle to position the C-arm or to move the system.
CAUTION Pulling the handle may cause the Laser Aimer to release from the image intensifier and
5. Use the image intensifier handle to position the C-arm or to move the system to the desired location.
6. After attaching the laser aimer, place the C-arm in the position it will be used during the procedure.
7. Turn the laser aimer ON and adjust the beam alignment knobs until the laser beam is centered on
the intersection of the cross-hair on the tube cover.
If the laser is ON, do not look directly into the laser aimer’s aperture.
8. Functional check: Using fluoroscopy, verify that the cross-hair in the fluoro image, at the center of the
area of interest.
The location where the laser beam marks the patient corresponds to the center of the
area of interest, indicated by the cross-hair in the fluoro image.
Perform procedure below to remove the laser cover from the laser aimer:
1. Switch OFF the power to the laser aimer.
2. Grasp the two knobs on the laser cover.
3. Press down and rotate the cover (approximately 10 degrees counterclockwise) until the knobs align
with the notches on the housing.
4. Lift off the cover and resume laser aimer operation.
3. Plug the power supply cable to the socket on video distributor. Cut off the other end of the power
supply cable. Strip off 3 wire ends. Connect the wires to the terminal blocks at the bottom of the
workstation (connect the L line to connector 1, 2 or 3, N line to 6,7 or 8 and the ground line to
earth). Put the power supply cable along the wiring harness to get a good layout.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4. Unplug the video cable of left monitor from computer and plug it to the OUTPUT4 connector of
the video distributor.
5. Plug the video cable of video distributor to the computer’s video connector DVI-1, which was
connected with the left monitor’s cable before.
6. Functional check: Power on the system. Check that the left monitor will display GE logo screen.
Plug the left monitor video cable and connect to OUTPUT1 and OUTPUT2 respectively. Verify that
the left monitor will display GE logo screen in each case. Then connect the video cable back to
OUTPUT4 port.
8. Only 2 DVI output connectors are available for customer to use. First loose and remove 3 screws,
and then remove the small cover.
9. Customer can connect the external monitor to OUTPUT1 or OUTPUT2 of video distributor.
10. When not use the external monitor, install the cover as before.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3.7.3. Printers
Brivo OEC 850 offers below printers as option.
UP-990AD Thermal Printer
UP-D897 Thermal Printer
Please follow below steps to install the printers.
1. Power off the system. Open the rear cover of the workstation.
2. Plug one end of the USB cable to the video port of the printer. Plug the power supply cable into the
socket on the printer. Put the cables through the hole of the workstation. Put the printer in the
4. Cut off the other end of the power supply cable. Strip off 3 wire ends.
5. Connect the wires to the terminal blocks at the bottom of the workstation (connect the L line (brown)
to connector 1 or 2 or 3, N line (blue) to 6 or 7 or 8 and the ground line (yellow and green) to earth
port. Put the power supply cable along the wiring harness to get a good layout.
Earth port
6. Functional check: Power on the system. Set the switch at back of printer to digital mode. Turn on the
printer. Verify that an image can be printed to the printer and the printer works with both paper and
CAUTION The Video Printer is not fixed in the cabinet. Please pay attention when moving the
The power and video signal of the View Printer is provided by EVR system. Please do not
connect the power supply and video to other printer. Please do not connect other
WARNING external power supply and video signal to this printer. Otherwise, it may cause electrical
shock to user
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Verify that the cassette holder is securely attached to the image intensifier. Unsecured
WARNING cassette holders may fall, injuring patients or personnel.
3. Insert a film cassette into the cassette holder and center it.
Verify that cassette is held securely within the cassette holder. Unsecured film cassettes
WARNING may fall, injuring patients or personnel.
4. Remove the film cassette by pushing the cassette out of the cassette holder.
5. To remove the cassette holder, open the cassette holder handle and press firmly against the side of
the cassette holder.
The cassette holder is designed to snuggle attach to the image intensifier lip when the
NOTE handle is engaged. It may be necessary to strike the cassette holder with the palm of
your hand to dislodge the cassette holder from the image intensifier.
3.7.5. DAP
Perform the following procedure to install the DAP.
The installation and calibration procedure should be done on site even the option is ordered and shipped
with the system.
1. Loose the screws of tube cover and remove the tube cover.
2. Install the three studs on the top plate of collimator.
3. Fasten the DAP chamber to the adjustment set. Fasten the chamber set to the three studs with
4. Place the DAP module on the metal block and tighten the 2 screws as below:
DAP Module
6. Don’t install the tube cover first. After connected all the cables. Put the circular adjustment tool
on the chamber. Ensure the circles of the iron sheet and DAP chamber are tangent.
7. Adjust precision of the DAP chamber’s position according to the procedure below:
(1) Coarse tuning
Boot up Brivo OEC 850 system. Take exposure at low kV (about 45 kV) in normal fluoro mode.
Image below will display on the screen. Release the screws that secured DAP. Adjust the
adjustable screws of the DAP chamber set until the circular image is on the center of the
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Image of the
adjustment tool
(2) Fine tuning (Ensure the iris works normally before this procedure)
Switch to the manual fluoro mode. Take exposure at high or middle kV (about 70kV).
Meanwhile, make the iris in the field and adjust kV value to ensure the edges of the iris and
circular tool are clear enough.
Adjust the screws of the chamber set until the center of the circular image and center of the
iris are superposed. Close the iris to make the image edge of the iris is close to the edge of
circular image. Maintain the center of the circular image and center of the iris are
superposed. The error of the center’s position should not exceed 2mm.
Edge of
circular tool
Edge of the
8. Login the service mode. Click “Exposure management…”button on the main screen. Choose
“enable” item for the DAP option. Save the setting and shut down the system.
9. Screw down the screws that secure the DAP chamber set. Remove the circular adjustment tool.
Install the tube cover.
After each test, reset the dosimeter and create a new exam to clear the DAP and dose
show value on workstation.
DoseMeasuredvalue Doseshowvalue
ERROR= 100%
If the error is more than 5%, adjust Dose Calibration Coefficient: Login service tool. Enter “Exposure
Management” screen. Change Dose Calibration Coefficient. Dose/Dose rate show value on the
workstation right monitor is in direct proportion with the calibration coefficient.
Dose Accuracy Test
Install the beam alignment tool on the image intensifier. Put the detector of dosimeter on the axis of
image intensifier and focus, 30 cm away from grid center. Clear the dosimeter. Take exposure at 45kV,
1.5mA and adjust the collimator opening size to settings in the table below by beam alignment tool.
Take exposure at high and lower kV/mA value at each collimator field size in the table for 3-5 seconds.
For each exposure, record the dose display values on the right monitor and measured dose values on
dosimeter before and after exposure. Calculate the difference between the values before exposure and
that after exposure.
The difference between dose value on the right monitor before exposure and the value after exposure is
the Dosevalue(on workstation). The difference between measured dose value on dosimeter before
exposure and the value after exposure is the DoseMeasuredvalue.
Calculate the error between the dose value on workstation and measured value on dosimeter.
DoseMeasuredvalue Dosevalue(onworkstation)
ERROR= 100%
The error should be less than 30% in every state.
After each test, dosimeter must be cleared. Create new exam to ensure DAP and dose
NOTE show value on workstation be cleared.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Largest size
2. Find two screw holes on the skin spacer. Remove the skin spacer and then loose two screws on
the tube head cover, which are corresponding to the two screw holes on skin spacer.
3. Install the skin spacer on the cover and tighten the two screws to secure skin spacer to tube
head cover.
Plug the cable of two-pedal footswitch to the socket on the right side of the C-Arm interface panel. Verify
that the connector locks in place.
Functional check: Power on the system. Press the left switch to start fluoroscopy in the mode selected.
Press right switch to save an image displayed on the left monitor.
After the installation of option parts, please fill in the product locator card for PLC parts
below and mail the cards to local service operation office.
Chapter4. Subsystem
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Mother BD CCU
DC24 X-ray On Indicator
DC 24 Up/Down
Circuit Line 24VDC
Breaker Filter
Mul Volt.
KV Control BD
Power Distribution_Mainframe
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Display adapter
PC Frame Grabber
AC220 AC220 AC220
Interconnect Line UPS Main BD
Cable Filter
Control BD
DC+-12/5 DVD-RW
DC12 Protection
Video distributor
DC24 X-Ray
Power Distribution_Workstation
4.2. MCB
The MCB (Mainframe Control Board) is located in C-Arm mainframe and is the main control unit in
mainframe. It is responsible for five functions.
- X-ray control: KV, mA and exposure control interfacing with collimator board, filament board, and KV
control board
- Image chain control: control CCU and image intensifier
- User interface: key input and LED display interfacing with display board
- System monitor: check various error and warning
- Communication with workstation
The structure of MCB interface is illustrated in the following diagram.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
For detailed circuit schematics of MCB, please refer to Appendix. MCB consists of 10 function blocks,
which are illuminated as follows.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
The external physical interfaces of MCB are defined in the table below:
Connector Name Type Gender Description
J1 MCB digital DN41612 C Pin All digital signals from/to other sub-system, such as
signal connector Type Male collimator board, filament board, sealing board, CCU, KV
control board etc.
J2 MCB analog DN41612 Half Pin All analog signals from/to other sub-system, such as
signal connector C Type Male collimator board, filament board, sealing board, CCU, KV
control board etc.
LED list:
Reference Name Description
DAP_Y & DAP_Z. D20 on MCB lights normally, and flickers in
D20 DAPR communication
XRAYOFF & ON & COMMON. D22 lights when "XRAYOFF" & turns off
D22 KON when "ON"
POWER_SECURITY_A. D24 on MCB lights normally, and turns off in
D24 PSCRT error
D26 POFF normally on MCB
D28 HAND off when press
D29 SIMO SPI_SIMO. D29 flickers on MCB
D30 THM normally, and turns off in overheat error
D31 lights when handswitch or footswitch security line takes effect
DAP_A & DAP_B. D33 on MCB turns off normally, and flickers in
D33 DAPT communication
D34 37K 37.5KHZ. D34 is flickering on MCB when 37.5KHZ is available
WK_A & WK_B. D35 on MCB turns off normally, and flickers in
D35 WKT communication
D36 MCU D36 flickers when MCU work well
D37 SOMI SPI_SOMI. D37 flickers on MCB
FRAME_SYNCH. D38 is flickering on MCB when FRAME_SYNCH is
D38 FSYN available
D39 1200 1200HZ. D39 is flickering on MCB when 1200HZ is available
D41 FOOT when press
D43 EKEY press
Test point:
Reference Name Description
TP1 GND Ground
TP2 IBS Image Brightness Signal
TP3 KVC KV control signal to Filament board
TP4 KV-CLB KV control signal used to calibrate mA feedback
TP5 KVO KV control signal to KV control board
TP6 MA+ mA feedback signal without KV calibration
TP7 MA-SMP mA sample signal with KV calibration
TP8 MA-SET mA setting signal
TP9 PREHEAT mA preheat signal
TP10 MAC mA control signal to Filament board
TP11 PI Output of proportional & integral circuit
TP12 MA-A mA control signal without PREHEAT
TP13 PULSE mAS control signal
TP14 MAS mAS pulse signal
TP15 MA-FB mA feedback signal
TP16 IBSOFF IBS offset setting
TP17 MA-OFF mA control signal offset setting
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Reference Name Description
POT1 IBS IBS offset
POT2 MAS mAS signal gain
POT4 MA-OFF mA control signal offset
POT5 MA-GAIN mA control signal gain
POT6 KV KV control signal gain
POT7 MA-FB mA feedback gain
Membrane ControlB
Mother Board
kV control
MCB inverter Monoblock
Mother board
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
The inverter provides 40kHz AC power to monoblock. It can control kV value to follow the kV set value.
There are two parts in the inverter: power converter and controller.
Power converter consists of 1 AC-DC converter and 1 DC-AC converter. AC-DC converter includes rectifier
bridge D and DC bus capacitor C1, C2. DC-AC converter includes fuse F, IGBT devices Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and
resonant inductor L and resonant capacitor C. Power converter input AC 220V voltage and output 40kHz
variable voltage to monoblock. The serial resonant frequency of L and C is nearly 40kHz.
Q1 Q3
D C1 C2 L C
Q2 Q4
The controller mainly consists of kV control board and driver power transformer. The power transformer
provides 4 channel isolation powers to kV control board. Every channel output voltage is 20V AC.
The kV control board will provide the following function and performance.
Send out 4 channel PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal for IGBT inverter board
Provide insulated driver signal for IGBT
KV feedback control circuit
KV feedback value output
Exposure control
KV value set
Protect circuit and error signal output
Signals from MCB to KV control board are listed as follows.
Name Description Attribution Scale Comment
SAFETY_EN Safety line for Digital 0/+15V +15V=enable
EXPOSURE_COMMAND Exposure command Digital 0/+15V +15V=enable
KV_SET_INPUT KV set value to KV control board Analog 0-6V Unit is 20KV/V
Signals from KV control board to MCB are listed as follows.
Name Description Attribution Scale Comment
KV_LOW_ALM KV too low alarm, lower than 35KV Digital 0/+15V 0V=alarm
KV_HIGH_ALM KV too High alarm, higher than Digital 0/+15V 0V=alarm
OVERCURRENT_ALM Inverter over current alarm Digital 0/+15V 0V=alarm
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
1200Hz Clock of filament board Digital 0/+15V Used for filament drive signal
(600Hz) generation
MAC Fluoro mA control Analog 3.0- -
signal 5.0V
KVC KV control signal Analog 4-12V Unit V/10KV
4.6. Monoblock
Monoblock can generate X-ray. It mainly consists of high voltage generator and tube insert. All high
voltage components are put into oil box, which can enhance the insulation performance.
Monoblock generates 110kV inside the oil tank. The input voltage changes from 0V to 240V peak value.
High voltage is got from high frequency and high voltage transformer T1. The primary coil is 10T and the
secondary coil is 2500T. So the maximum voltage of secondary side is 60kV peak value at 40kHz.
D1 C1 R1
D2 C2 R2
kV -mA
Inverter Tube
D3 C3
D4 C4
Inverter T3
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
The tube is used to generate X-ray. This tube is a kind of double focus with fixed copper anode tube. It is
suitable for oil insulation generator.
Analog signals KV_GND and MA_CAT of sealing board are the anode and cathode of mA current signal
There are two temperature measurement circuits in sealing board. One’s output is analog signal
Technical Specifications:
Nominal high voltage 110 kV
Nominal input power 2.2 kW
Maximum anode heat content 53 kJ
Target material Tungsten
Target angle 10°
Small focal spot 0.6×1.4 mm
Large focal spot 1.4 mm
Filtration equiv. 0.55 mm Al
Anode Stationary
Typical filament specification 4.2 V, 3.5A
Maximum filament current 4.6A
Weight 0.65 kg
Nominal heat capacity 76kHU
X-rays can be enabled via the footswitch or the handswitch. Signals from footswitch and handswitch to
MCB are listed in the following charts. Detailed interconnect information, please refer to chapter 2.3.
Signals from handswitch to MCB:
Name Description Attribution Scale Comment
HAND_SWITCH Hand switch Passive Open/Close HAND_SWITCH &
termination REF_HAND_SWT is
connected means
HAND_SWITCH has pressed
HAND_SECURITY Hand security Passive Open/Close HAND_SECURITY &
termination REF_HAND_SWT is
connected means
REF_HAND_SWT Common termination Passive - -
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4.8.1. Overview
The following diagram the image chain pipeline of Brivo850.
X-ray X-ray
X-ray Detection Image Acquisition Image Processing Image Display
Generation Collimator
VLI (kV+)
(kV, mA)
Manage Exposure
ABS Servo Manage
Collimator collimates the X-ray beam to the appropriate field size and user’s setting. The x-ray beam
passes through Grid to reduce scattered X-ray photons. Image Intensifier converts this X-ray into lights
for each field size selection, and sends the light to CCD Camera head. CCD Camera head captures the
light image and sends the analog video to CCU. The CCU performs preliminary image processing, and
outputs analog signal to Frame Grabber Card. Frame Grabber card in the workstation reads the analog
signal, register into digital video, and the CPU performs real-time post-processing (Brightness, Contrast,
Edge Enhance, Zoom, and Negate) to be sent to image display. CCU also analyzes the analog input signal,
and outputs an indicator kv+ to MCB; higher kv+ when the X-ray dose is higher than desired, and lower
kv+ when the X-ray dose is lower than desired. With AutoTechnique enabled, MCB S/W converts this
signal into digital signal, and send command to X-ray Generator to increase or decrease kVp/mA
depending on the kv+ value.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Image tube focus B&C Adjust the image tube focusing Meet spatial resolution requirement
The code position can refer to the following Fig of I.I power supply:
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4.8.4. CCD/CCU
1 1
2 2 1 23
3 3 J7
J5 J6 1 23
V4 V3
Name Description
CHA Output video channel A
CHB Output video channel B
V3 Sync output
V4 Output video scan conversion (option)
DB9 CCD head connector (FEMALE)
DB25 Commands interface connector (FEMALE)
24V Power Supply 24Vdc
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Command Description
ND2 (PIN 1) Motor 2
Vcc (PIN 6) Power Supply 24Vcc
ND1 (PIN 2) Motor 1
ROT (PIN 7) Rotation
SCAN (PIN 3) Head test
SYNC (PIN 4) Sync signal
VIDEO (PIN 5) Video signal
Vcc +24Vdc
-KV 15
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
X0, X4, X8, X16 FILTERS
4.8.6. Monitor
Parameter Code Description Setup Criteria
Brightness N/A Image display brightness: Default: 500
Display curve N/A Image display curve: DICOM/CIE/ Default: Gamma2.2
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4.9.1. Computer
The computer mounted in the workstation takes over most of the communication with external devices
and is the main device of workstation. The computer runs Linux system working with image grabber card
and display card.
The computer contains two memory banks (each one is 1GB) and two hard disks (each one is 250GB)
with standard 3.5’ SATA interface. The partitioned SATA hard drive contains Linux system and system
software. The Serial ATA interface provides several advantages over the traditional (parallel) ATA
interface. The primary advantages include:
Easy installation and configuration with true plug-and-play connectivity. It is not necessary to set
any jumpers or other configuration options.
Thinner and more flexible cabling for improved enclosure airflow and ease of installation.
Scalability to higher performance levels.
The Ethernet port can be used to connect DICOM printer. The system operator can use the Ethernet
connector to interface the workstation to a DICOM server through the facility’s computer network. Once
the Workstation is connected to the network, the operator can query the local server to determine if the
desired images are available for download, and then download selected images to the Workstation. The
Workstation can also upload images over the same network connection. Detailed instructions on DICOM
operation are available in the Operator Manual.
Signals from MCB to workstation:
Name Description Attribution Scale
Wk_Y One of two differential signals from MCB to Workstation Differential signal 1.5-5V
Wk_Z The other one of two differential signals from MCB to workstation Differential signal 1.5-5V
Signals from workstation to MCB:
Name Description Attribution Scale Comment
Wk_A One of two differential Differential 1.5-5v
signals from workstation to signal
Wk_B The other one of two Differential 1.5-5v
differential signals from signal
workstation to MCB
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
The mouse is an ambidextrous three-button optical wheel mouse that plugs into a PS2 port.
Chapter5. Calibration
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5.1. Overview
The Calibration described herein should be performed each time you replace a major system component.
Perform these tests in sequence that appears in this section if necessary.
The following tools and test equipment are required to complete the calibration.
Standard Tool
Item Tool
1 Oscilloscope Tektronix 2236 or equivalent
2 Multimeter or equivalent
3 Spatial Resolution Tool
4 Lead Apron
5 kV meter
6 Dosimeter
7 Ampere meter or equivalent
8 Ruler longer than 12 inches (30cm)
9 Erasable marker (whiteboard marker)
10 mAs meter
11 Precision flat head screwdriver (3mm or less) to adjust camera iris, focus
12 Transparent adhesive tape, with cutter (or need scissor or knife to cut the tape)
Special Tool
Item Tool GE part number
1 Three copper sheets, each 1mm thick 00-877682-01
2 9-inch BAFT Tool 00-878105-02
3 PWA, MCB extend board, EVR 5326478
The system will produce X-Rays when implementing the following procedures. Take
WARNING appropriate measures and precautions to protect yourself and others from X-Ray
You must obey the following steps to guarantee the safe operation of the C-Arm. Improper
CAUTION adjustment may cause premature failure of major system components.
If the generator has not been powered for more than 3 months, perform the generator
CAUTION warm procedure in section 5.5.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5.2.2. kV Adjustment
1. Remove the C-arm console cover. Check the connection of IGBT board cables.
2. Remove the cover of PCB box. Extend MCB board with MCB extend board. Remove the J46
jumper on MCB extend board. Connect the probes of ampere meter to TP222(+) and TP210(-) on
MCB extend board.
3. Power on the system. Check that DS9, DS10 and DS3 indicators on kV control board light.
4. Hold down Ctrl +Shift+Alt key and press ”E”, ”V”, ”R” keys orderly and quickly to invoke the service
tool. Login service tool with password and click “Exposure management” button. Click
“Calibration” button.
Select “Adjust mA” in the calibration screen. Choose “YES”, “CA1” will display on control panel.
5. Take one shot X-ray exposure by pressing footswitch. Then adjust POT6 on MCB board until TP5
(KVO) on MCB is 4.0V±0.05V.
6. Rotate R40 and R27 on kV control board clockwise to the end.
7. Test the frequency of TP4 on kV control board with Oscilloscope. Adjust R13 to make the
frequency of TP4 is 80kHz±1kHz. (TP6 and TP9 are signal ground.)
8. Test the voltage of TP16 on kV control board with multimeter. The voltage should be 3.15±0.05V.
Otherwise, adjust R109. Clockwise rotation will decrease the voltage value and anticlockwise will
increase the value.
9. Test the voltage of TP17 on kV control board with multimeter. The voltage should be 3.15±0.05V.
Otherwise, adjust R110. Clockwise rotation will decrease the voltage value and anticlockwise will
increase the value.
10. Take exposure. Adjust POT4 on MP4 board to make sure the mA is 2.0±0.5mA.
11. Take exposure and hold on. Measure TP15 on kV control board with multimeter. Adjust R50 on kV
control board to make the voltage is 4.0V±0.5V. Check that DS1 should be light when exposure.
12. Restart system. Check the kV value as the table in 5.2.1. If they are not in specification, adjust R50
on kV control board or go back to step11.
Refer to the drawing below for the test points, indicators and adjustors.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
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Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
kV control board
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Take exposure at mA values below in manual normal fluoro mode. The Exposure mA_measure value
should be between the minimum and maximum value in the form below. Otherwise, mA calibration
procedure should be performed until all the mA_measure values meet the requirement in the list.
Exposure mode mA value Setting mA_measure Minimum mA_measure Maximum
(mA) (mA)
Normal Fluoro 0.1mA@45kVp 0.147 0.165
0.8mA@55kVp 0.797 0.941
1.8mA@60kVp 1.713 2.037
3.5mA@80kVp 3.285 3.915
4mA@110kVp 3.78 4.50
HLF 0.2mA@45kVp 0.238 0.274
1.5mA@50kVp 1.428 1.698
3.8mA@60kVp 3.533 4.217
7.0mA@80kVp 6.47 7.73
10.0mA@60kVp 9.175 11.0
12mA@55kVp* 10.99 13.15
*NOTE: If the system is set in 100V input mode, use 12mA@50kVp or lower kVp instead of
4. Measure the voltage of TP7 (MA-SMP) on MCB board with oscilloscope.
Exposure mA_real =Voltage (TP7) (unitV)*1000/400
The error of Exposure mA_real value should be within ±9% ranges (meter accuracy is not less than
The voltage of TP7 should be in the range of the form below. Otherwise, mA calibration procedure
should be performed until all the voltage values meet the requirement in the list.
Exposure mode mA value setting Voltage (TP7) minimum Voltage (TP7) maximum
(V) (V)
Digital Spot 1mA@45kVp 0.364 0.436
4mA@60kVp 1.456 1.744
8mA@80kVp 2.912 3.488
12mA@110kVp 4.368 5.232
16mA@80kVp 5.824 6.976
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Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5.3.2. mA calibration
Refer to the drawings at the end of this section for the location of the points. Remove J46 jumper on MCB
extend board. Connect the probes of ampere meter to TP222 (+) and TP210 (-) on MCB extend board in
order to make the ampere meter in serial.
1. Power on the system. Adjust POT4 on MCB board to make the voltage of TP17(MA-OFF) is 0V.
2. Short J5 on MCB board. Hold down Ctrl +Shift+Alt key and press ”E”, ”V”, ”R” keys orderly and
quickly to invoke the service tool. Login service tool and click “Exposure management” button.
Click “Calibration” button.
Select “Adjust mA” in the calibration screen. Choose “Yes” and “CA1” will display on control panel.
3. Take exposure and adjust POT4 on MP4 board to make sure the measured mA value is 2.1±
0.05mA. Clockwise rotation will increase the current. And anticlockwise rotation will decrease the
4. Remove jumper on J5 of MCB board. Take exposure and adjust POT 5 on MCB board to make
sure the measurement current is 2.1±0.05mA. Clockwise rotation will increase the current. And
anticlockwise rotation will decrease the current.
5. Short J5 again. Select “Adjust preheat table” in calibration screen of service mode. “CA2”will
display on control panel. Press footswitch or hand switch and hold on until “END END” is
displayed on control panel LED field, which would last for about 20 minutes.
If the footswitch or hand switch is released early, you should press the switch again until the
control panel LED displays “END END”.
If the “ERR ERR” is displayed on the control panel, you should redo the mA calibration procedure
from step1.
6. Make sure the footswitch or hand switch is released. Remove the jumper on J5. Reboot the
system. Take exposure at 80kV, 0.2mA. Check the measured current value should be 0.3±
0.02mA. Otherwise, adjust POT4 on MCB board. Clockwise rotation will increase the current. And
anticlockwise rotation will decrease the current.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
7. Take exposure at 80kV, 2mA. Measure TP7 (MA-SMP) on MCB board with oscilloscope. Set
oscilloscope in TRIGGER mode and the trigger level is –250mV. The first pulse wave should be
orthogonal and similar to the picture below:
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Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5. Set the kVp value to 80kVp and take an exposure for 3 minutes.
6. Wait for 5 minutes.
7. Power off the system.
Enabling Display Marks displays 3 iso-centric white circles, and one center crossing.
NOTE Disabling IP Circular Blanking and CCU Circular Blanking shows image outside the
normal display field.
With CCU Circular Blanking disabled, Recursive Factor button will not be effective, and
NOTE the image will show much noise.
With IP Circular Blanking disabled, Image Processing buttons (Brightness, Contrast,
Negate, Edge enhancement) will be effective only within the middle white circle region.
BAFT Installation
1. Put the 9-inch BAFT (Beam Alignment Tool) on top of the Image Intensifier.
2. Orient the tool so that the number 1 and 2 on the BAFT tool is away from the mainframe, number
3 and 4 is on the Mainframe side. (See the picture below)
3. Orient the tool so that the tool sides are aligned with the mounting surface of the Image
4. Set to Mag2 mode, and fully open the collimator, and to make a shot.
5. Check if you can see a full circular image. If camera is not centered, image does not show full
circular image. If collimator is not centered, it will shadow one side of the image boundary. If the
camera or collimator is not in reasonably calibrated position, roughly calibrate them first. Refer to
Section 5.6.3 for Camera Centering, and Section 5.6.4 for Collimator centering.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
6. Align the BAFT tool to the circular optical field in the image as follows:
a. Loosen the securing screws (4 screws for each horizontal and vertical adjustment).
b. Adjust position adjustment screws (1 screw for each horizontal and vertical adjustment)
on the BAFT tool.
c. Take an exposure and read the BAFT tool’s tick marks on circular optical field boundary.
d. Check if BAFT tool’s tick marks reading is the same in all angles.
e. Tighten the securing screws, after the make X-ray shot, and double check the BAFT
8 Securing Screws
2 Alignment Screws
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4. The de-centering deviation should be within the range of the values below. (Note: Each ring is
1mm wide with 1mm spacing between rings.)
Mag Mode MAG2
De-centering (mm) ≤3
EMI Shield
Securing Screw
Securing Screw
EMI Shield
Camera cable
plug-in port is
3. Make sure that 4 Camera Alignment Screws are not too loose. If they are loose, tighten all 4
screws with modest torque.
Screws (there
are 4 screws
with 90 degrees
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
a. BAFT image center is not aligned with Rotation Center Marking. Need to Shift BAFT
center to the SE (bottom right) direction.
b. Shift the camera to the same direction to shift the BAFT image center, i.e., S.E. (South
East, or bottom right) direction.
c. Make a shot, and confirm the alignment.
6. Perform Camera Centering Verification. Repeat as many time as necessary.
7. When the camera centering verification meets the specification, tighten the 3 Camera Securing
1. Erase the Camera Rotation Center marking on the display monitor.
2. When you follow the normal beam alignment procedure, at this stage, you do not need to
reassemble the EMI shield and Camera Cable Port, and I.I. back cover. You may still need to access
the camera head for Camera focus and Camera Iris adjustment.
Recover the workstation setup.
1. Power On the workstation, and wait until the system boot up completes.
2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift, and type “E”,”V”,”R” to enter Service Mode.
3. Select User as “Service”, and type password. Click “Login” button.
4. Select Imaging Defaults.
5. Enable IP Circular Mask, enable CCU Circular Mask, disable Display Marks, and press OK.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
1. When collimator iris/shutter center is adjusted, make sure to tighten all Collimator Iris securing
screws, and Collimator shutter securing screws.
2. Assemble the X-ray tube cover.
3. Remove the BAFT tool from the Image Intensifier
3. If the requirement is not met, you must perform I.I. Field Size Calibration.
A. Size
B. Focus
C. Edge
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
13. Repeat step 6 to step 12 for MAG1 and MAG2 field size.
14. If the requirements are not met, you must perform Limiting Field Size (Collimator Iris Field Size)
You may leave the mainframe cover open until you finish the rest of the beam alignment calibration.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5. If the ABS Tracking check fails, proceed to Entrance Dose Rate Check and Camera Iris Adjustment.
1. Measure at TP16 (IBSOFF) of MCB board with Multi-meter, and check if you see 0 V. If not, adjust
the trimmer POT1 at MCB board to get 0 V at TP16.
2. Place the dosimeter probe on the I.I. grid center, and secure it with transparent tape.
3. Use 2mm copper to cover the beam path on the X-ray tube, and secure it with tape.
4. Position the C-arm to lateral position.
5. Make an exposure in Auto Fluoroscopy, and wait until the technique stabilizes. Check if the dose
rate is within 4.0 0.3mR/min (35.04 ± 2.63 μGy/min or 2102 ± 157 μGy/hr).
6. If failed, open the Camera head cover, and carefully adjust the camera iris trimmer. Turn
clockwise to decrease the stable dose rate, and counter-clockwise to increase stable dose rate.
7. Make an exposure to make sure the entrance dose rate 4.0mR/min (35.04 μGy/min or 2102
μGy/hr) as close as possible. Repeat as many time as necessary.
Camera Iris
CCW: Close Iris to increase dose rate
CW: Open Iris to decrease dose rate
Camera Focus
8. If failed after many trials, check the kVp and mA calibration, and come back to Camera Iris
9. When passed, check if the kVp is within 74±4kV. If fails, perform kVp and mA check, and return
back to the Camera Iris adjustment.
10. When passed, remove the dosimeter probe from the I.I., and remove copper from the X-ray tube,
and perform ABS Tracking check.
When you follow the normal beam alignment procedure, at this stage, you do not need to
reassemble the Camera Head Cover. You may still need to access the camera head for Camera focus
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4. Select Auto Fluoroscopy mode. Take an exposure, and stop when image is stable. Adjust kVp and
mA if necessary.
5. Read the limiting resolution on the display image. It is the maximum number (lp/mm) where half
of the lines are distinguishable.
6. Verify if the resolution is within the specified value range below.
7. Repeat step 2 to step 6 for MAG1 mode.
8. Repeat step 2 to step 6 for MAG2 mode.
Field Size NORM MAG1 MAG2
3. Make an exposure, and check the resolution again. Repeat as many times as necessary.
4. If the resolution check still fails after many trials, proceed to I.I. Focus adjustment.
Camera Iris
Slowly turn CW or CCW
Camera Focus
Slowly turn CW or CCW
1. Open the I. I. Potentiometer cover, and carefully adjust the I. I. Focus trimmer.
2. Make an exposure, and check the resolution again. Repeat as many times as necessary.
3. Put the I.I. Potentiometer cover back.
A. Size
B. Focus
C. Edge
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
1. After passing, remove the resolution tool from the I.I. Grid.
2. Make sure to re-assembly of all components as the following:
a. Power off the system.
b. Assemble Camera Head Cover.
c. Disconnect Camera Head Cable.
d. Assemble EMI shield by screwing 6 securing screws.
e. Connect Camera Head Cable, and make sure to tighten the securing screw.
f. Assemble the Camera Head Cable Port in the EMI Shield.
g. Assemble the I.I. cover.
h. Power on the system.
7. At contrast level 85 or higher, pass if you do not see the central region darker than the outside.
For example, at contrast 90, the 1st image shows brighter center, and 2nd image shows darker
center. Too much shading makes darker center.
Shading Correction
To prevent CCU/camera damage, make sure that you power off the system first when you
need to remove or insert the CCU power plug.
Cable DB9 Frame
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
<Warning> The following steps are strongly recommended to reduce the Radiation Hazard to the FSE.
a. Position the C-arm so that the X-ray tube is directing away from the Mainframe. This is
important to minimize the radiation hazard of the FEs.
b. Make sure to wear Radiation Protective Garment.
c. If available, locate the mobile Radiation Protective Shield between X-ray tube and
9. Put 1mm copper on the X-ray tube, and secure it with tape.
10. Make an exposure with Auto Technique on.
11. Turn on the Automatic Brightness& Contrast.
12. Keep the brightness level and manually increase Contrast level to see well on Brightness
uniformity. Adjust the brightness level if necessary.
13. Manually increase contrast to 85.
14. During live X-ray exposures, adjust trimmer R61, R52, R47, and R48 to adjust brightness
uniformity. Keep contrast level 85 and adjust brightness if necessary to see the shading effect.
15. Adjust contrast level 85 or higher, and make sure that the center region is not darker than the
image boundary.
1. Power off the system, and wait for complete shutdown.
2. Disconnect the cables from CCU.
a. Disassemble the CCU from the Mainframe.
b. Assemble CCU cover, and tighten 8 cover screws.
c. Assemble the CCU to the Mainframe, and tighten 3 CCU securing screws to the
d. Connect the cables to CCU (Power, Camera Cable DB9, Camera Cable DB25, Video, Frame
Sync; reference the picture in step 8 above).
e. Re-assemble the Mainframe Back Cover.
f. Power on the system.
A “dynamic help for keypad function” is available for each menu. It explains the role of each
Key on the OSD menu window, which is currently active.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Adjust monitor’s
Adjust monitor’s
The monitor is factory calibrated. For DVI-D input we suggest don’t change the contrast
NOTE value, any change of this will change the optimized LUT settings and will lose some of
the image information. We suggest to only adjust the backlight of the monitor if the
luminance is not acceptable.
SETTING2 While choose backlight it will recall factory default
SETTING3 contrast, brightness, backlight.
Accept changes
Quick OSD menu and either save or reject the
Quit OSD changes. If you have reached this menu
menu unintentionally, you can return to the main menu
using the EXIT key.
Reject changes
Chapter6. Software
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
6.1. Overview
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product provides service tool in software for the service engineer.
Using the service tool, service engineer can:
Set service ID, language and time zone for system
Get system information
Exposure management
Database Backup and Restore
Set Imaging Defaults
Consistency Check
Import/Export image
Export Config file
Restore Defaults
Search and export system log
Upgrade software
This chapter will describe how to use the service tool and the installation and upgrade procedure for
Select Service as the user. Input the password. Click “Login” button to enter the main screen of service
Click “Shut Down” button to shut down the system. Click “Logout” button to return to service tool login
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
The skin dose rate in the Dose Group represents the value for conditions of free-in-air irradiation at the
patient skin: 30cm along the beam axis from the image intensifier surface.
1. Two dose groups in normal (standard) fluoro mode
-Normal50: The skin dose rate does not exceed 50mGy/min in standard fluoro mode, such as
Australia, Japan, New Zealand, etc.
-Normal88: The skin dose rate does not exceed 88mGy/min in standard fluoro mode, such as
USA, Germany, etc.
2. Two dose groups in HLF mode:
-HLF50: The skin dose rate does not exceed 50 mGy/min in HLF mode, such as Japan, etc.
-HLF100: The skin dose rate does not exceed 100 mGy/min in HLF mode, such as Australia, Italy,
UK, New Zealand, etc.
For the country, such as USA, if the skin dose rate shall not exceed 176 mGy/min in HLF mode from its
regulatory requirements, the system will use HLF100 in HLF mode because the maximum skin dose rate
of the X-ray tube cannot exceed 100 mGy/min.
3. For some country, its dose limitation should be the combination of the above normal and HLF groups.
For example,
-Australia: Normal50 and HLF100
-China: Normal88 and HLF100
4. For countries or regions that have a higher standard fluoro dose (at the patient skin) rate limit than
USA, the dose limits are set to the same value as for USA.
5. For countries or regions that have a higher HLF dose (at the patient skin) rate limit than USA, the dose
limits are set to the same value as for USA.
6. For countries or regions that do not specify standard fluoro dose at patient skin, the dose limits are set
to the same value as for USA.
7. For countries or regions that do not specify HLF dose at patient skin, the dose limits are set to the
same value as for USA.
HLF scene setting:
Accessible Only In Auto: Enable or disable “HLF mode only accessible in auto mode”. Some
countries or regions, such as certain provincial locations in Australia, may require enabling
Exposure Limit 20 Sec: Enable or disable “HLF terminates after 20 seconds of continuous
exposure”. Some countries or regions, such as Australia or Switzerland, require enabling it.
Auto-return After Exposure: Enable or disable “ The system automatically returns to normal
mode after HLF termination”. Some countries or regions, such as certain provincial
locations in Australia, may require enabling it.
Auto-return After 5min Without X-Ray: Enable or disable “ The system returns from HLF
mode to normal mode if not used for 5 minutes”. Some countries or regions, such as
certain provincial locations in Australia, may require enabling it.
Refer to the following table “Exposure Management Matrix” to set HLF scene setting.
Fluoro Alarm Control:
Enable or disable X-ray termination function after 9’30’’ fluoro. If this function is enable, when the
continuous fluoroscopy time reaches 9’30’’, X-rays will be terminated automatically.
Refer to the following table “Exposure Management Matrix” to set Fluoro Alarm Control.
Select DAP option to enable or disable DAP function.
Only when the system is equipped with DAP meter, can DAP option be enabled.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Auto-return After 5min Terminate X-
Countries / Dose Group Accessible Exposure After Without X- Ray After
Regions Option Only In Auto Limit 20 Sec Exposure Ray 9'30" Fluoro
Normal 88
Brunei and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Bulgaria and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Burkina Faso and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Cambodia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Canada and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Chile and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
China (P.R.) and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Colombia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Costa Rica and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Cyprus and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Czech Normal 88
Republic and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Denmark and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Dominican Normal 88
Republic and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Egypt and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Estonia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Finland and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
France and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Auto-return After 5min Terminate X-
Countries / Dose Group Accessible Exposure After Without X- Ray After
Regions Option Only In Auto Limit 20 Sec Exposure Ray 9'30" Fluoro
Normal 88
Georgia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Germany and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Greece and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Guatemala and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Honduras and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Hongkong Normal 88
/Macau and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Hungary and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Iceland and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
India and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Indonesia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Iraq and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Ireland and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Israel and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Italy and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Jamaica and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 50
Japan and HLF 50 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Jordan and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Auto-return After 5min Terminate X-
Countries / Dose Group Accessible Exposure After Without X- Ray After
Regions Option Only In Auto Limit 20 Sec Exposure Ray 9'30" Fluoro
Normal 88
Kuwait and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Laos and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Latvia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Lebanon and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Libya and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Lithuania and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Liechtenstein and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Luxembourg and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Macedonia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Malaysia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Malta and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Mexico and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Montenegro and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Morocco and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 50
New Zealand and HLF 100 Disable Enable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Netherlands and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Norway and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Auto-return After 5min Terminate X-
Countries / Dose Group Accessible Exposure After Without X- Ray After
Regions Option Only In Auto Limit 20 Sec Exposure Ray 9'30" Fluoro
Normal 88
Oman and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Pakistan and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Panama and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Paraguay and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Peru and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Philippines and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Poland and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Portugal and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Puerto Rico and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Romania and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Russia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Saudi Arabia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Singapore and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Slovakia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Slovenia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
South Africa and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
South Korea and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Auto-return After 5min Terminate X-
Countries / Dose Group Accessible Exposure After Without X- Ray After
Regions Option Only In Auto Limit 20 Sec Exposure Ray 9'30" Fluoro
Normal 88
Spain and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Sweden and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Switzerland and HLF 100 Disable Enable Disable Disable Enable
(Republic of Normal 88
China) and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Thailand and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Trinidad & Normal 88
Tobago and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Tunisia and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Turkey and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
United Arab Normal 88
Emirates and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
USA and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
United Normal 88
Kingdom and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Uruguay and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
Normal 88
Venezuela and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable
Normal 88
Vietnam and HLF 100 Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable
You can backup the current database file on this screen. The database file contains patient and exam’s
information. Click “Start backup…” button to save the current database file. A double confirm screen will
pop up. Click “Yes” button to start backup. The process will complete until “Database backup finished.”
message displays. There are two backup files in the system and used by turns.
Click “Start Restore…” button to enter the Database Restore screen. The backup files’ name contain the
time stamp. You can choose a database according to the time. Click Restore button and click “Yes” on the
double confirm screen to start the restore process. The restore will complete until “Database restore
finished.” message displays.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Click “Check” button on the screen, and then click “Yes” button in confirmation screen to start the check
process. The result will be displayed on the frame after the process complete.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 only supports USB disks in FAT or FAT32 format.
1. Click “Image Import/Export…” on the main screen. The “Image Import& Export” screen will display.
2. If you want to import images from USB to local disk, click Import button on the screen. The screen will
show local directory used to save the images in “Copy To” column.
(1) Insert USB disk to USB interface. Click “Copy From” button to select USB devices to copy from.
Choose the device in the USB list and click “OK”.
NOTE Only those images, which are exported from Brivo OEC850 system, can be imported
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. If you want to export images from local disk to USB, click export button on the screen. The screen will
show local saved directory to copy from.
(1) Click “Copy To” button. Select USB device as target destination to copy. Choose the device in the
USB list and click OK.
(2) Select the images to copy.
Select All: Used to select all images in the gallery for copying.
Up/Down Arrow: Used to scroll through all preview images. The arrow buttons are only active if
more than sixteen images are retrieved.
(3) Click “Copy” button. Then click “Yes” in confirmation screen to execute a copy operation. Copy
selected images to the designated destination. The process will complete when the message
“Image export finished.” displayed.
The exported images can’t be viewed in other computer and only can be imported to
Brivo OEC850 systems.
The import and export image function is designated for testing or exhibition purpose,
there is no patient information in the exported images.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. Page Number
Display the total and current page number of the log. Click the arrows to turn the pages.
4. Log Information
Display the search results of the log. This field will show the error code, Type, sub-system, module,
create date and log text of the log.
5. Reset
Click “Reset” button to clear all selected search option and restore to defaults.
6. Export
Click “Export” button to export log in “.txt” file to USB disk. The export complete with a message “Log
export finished.”.
There are two log files. Each of them is less than 10MB. Log information will be rewrote when the file
size exceeds the limitation.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Click “Delete” button will delete all database records and all images.
WARNING Click “Delete” button will remove all patient information and all images.
NOTE System will sounds beeps during the whole software installation procedure. And an Error
message01334 will be displayed.
CAUTION You must press key immediately during system booting in step 1 and step8.
1. Turn on the system, during the memory testing, press key on the keyboard to get to BIOS.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. When the BIOS menu shows, use the arrow down button to select the “Advanced BIOS
Features” and then press “Enter”.
4. Select “First Boot Device” and press “Enter”. Then choose the “CDROM” and press “Enter”.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5. Press the “ ” key and then press “Enter”. This will save your settings, and the system will
reboot. (The system is now set to boot from CD ROM first.)
6. When the screen display “DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER”, insert the
OS installation CD into the CD/DVD drive of the WS, then press “Enter”.
7. Once you get to the prompt, type in “SG_EVR”. The OS software will then load on the system.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
8. Once the software installation is complete, CD will be rejected automatically. Remove the CD and
close the CD tray. Click the “reboot” button.
9. During the memory testing, press key on the keyboard to get to BIOS.
10. Type in “EVR850BJ” , then press “Enter” key.
11. When the BIOS menu shows, use the arrow down button and “Enter” key to select the “Advanced
BIOS Features” and then press “Enter”.
12. Select “First Boot Device” and press “Enter”. Then choose the “HDD-0” and press “Enter”.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
13. Press the “ “key and then press “Enter”. This will save your settings, and the system will
reboot. (The system is now set to boot from hard disk first)
14. System will enter GDM desktop with a terminal pop up.
2.The welcome screen will display. And the serial number of the system from the manufacture will be
displayed automatically.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
If the user data is detected on the workstation, the welcome screen will ask you to choose whether retain
user data or not.
If you want to retain user data, make Option 1 selected and enter OK. Select “Yes” to confirm your
selection and start the Stage 1 process. Select “No” to return back the previous welcome screen.
Select “Not retain the existing user data” will delete all existing data and it cannot be
CAUTION recovered.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
If “Retain existing user data” option is selected restoring user data screen will display after the
application packages installed.
Functional test: Power on the system. The left monitor of workstation will display GE logo screen. The
right monitor will enter into the PATIENT INFORMATION Screen automatically. Perform workstation
operation check defined in section3.6.2.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. Login the system with “root” account and the password is “install”.
4. System will enter GDM desktop with a terminal pop up.
5. Insert the Application CD to CD/DVD drive of the workstation. Click “Run Command” in the warning
message box.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
6. The welcome screen will display. And the serial number of the system from the manufacture will be
displayed automatically.
Click “OK” button and the system will ask you to choose whether retain user data or not.
If you want to retain user data, make Option 1 selected and enter OK. Select “No” to return back the
previous welcome screen. Select “Yes” to confirm your selection and start the Stage 1 process.
7. The stage1 of installation will start. The rest processes will be the same as the installation process
including stage1 and stage 2.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
If “Retain existing user data” option is selected restoring user data screen will display after the
application packages installed.
10. At the end of stage2, press “OK” to shut down the system.
Due to C-arm can’t shut down automatically after upgrade process completes, you should press shut
down button on control panel manually.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Functional test: Power on the system. The left monitor of workstation will display GE logo screen. The
right monitor will enter into the PATIENT INFORMATION Screen automatically. Perform workstation
operation check in section3.6.2.
2. Power on the Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-arm X-ray Product. Press down “Ctrl”, “Shift”, “Alt” keys together
and press ”E”, ”V”, ”R” keys orderly and the service tool can be invoked. Select Service as the user. Input
the password.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. Click “Image Import/Export…” button on main screen. The “Image Import& Export” screen will display.
Click “Import…” button.
4. Insert USB disk to USB interface. Click “Copy From” button to select USB devices to copy from. Choose
the device in the USB list and click “OK”.
5. Select the image and then click “Copy”. Click “Yes” button in confirmation screen to execute a copy
operation. Import image to local disk. The process will complete with a message: “ Image Import
6. Exit to the main screen of service tool and then shut down the system.
7. Power on the system after 1 minute. On the Patient Information screen, click “Saved Exams…”
button and select the exam, whose Patient Name field is “Only For Test, Only For Test” . Click “OK”
to return to the Patient Information screen.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
8. Click “Edit” button. Change the Last Name to “SMPTE test pattern” and delete the text in “First
Name” and “M.I.” field. And then click “Exit” button.
9. Press the Image Directory key on the workstation keyboard. Check the image is in the
Chapter7. Troubleshooting
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
7.1. Overview
This chapter describes messages that appear on the right workstation monitor during system operation.
Messages may indicate any of the following:
Warning Messages
Error Messages
When the error message appears, error code will also displayed on the kV, mA display field on control
7.3. Messages
Error Message Comments
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Servant activation fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00001 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Memory allocation fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00002 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Binding name service fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00003 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Loading grabber card config file fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00610 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Loading IP config file fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00611 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Making GLX current fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00612 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Timer creation fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00613 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Grabber card is missing. Check the
minute, and then restart the system. connection of grabber card in the
00614 Error computer. If the connection is OK,
If this message persists, call for service.
replace the grabber card.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Grabber card driver is missing.
minute, and then restart the system.
00615 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Opening default display fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00616 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Capturing image fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00617 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Stopping capture fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
00618 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 kV value is lower than 35KV.
minute, and then restart the system.
01314 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Bridges of inverter unbalance. Change
minute, and then restart the system. monoblock.
01315 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 SPI2 with control panel error
minute, and then restart the system.
01316 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 SPI9 error
minute, and then restart the system.
01317 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
" Housing overheated. Please turn the Monitor monoblock surface
system off, wait 60 minutes or more, temperature by thermal switch. The
01318 Error and then restart the system. If this surface temperature is over 60 (+/-5)
message persists, call for service. centigrade
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Communication UART with WKS
minute, and then restart the system. command buffer overflow.
01319 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 UART1 transmit error.
minute, and then restart the system.
01320 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Communication with WKS faults.
minute, and then restart the system.
01321 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 WKS version incompatible.
minute, and then restart the system.
01322 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Communication with WKS RCC time
minute, and then restart the system. out.
01323 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Communication with WKS received
minute, and then restart the system. buffer overflow.
01324 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Communication with WKS transmit
minute, and then restart the system. time out.
01325 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Communication with WKS transmit
minute, and then restart the system. buffer overflow.
01326 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Communication UART with WKS time
minute, and then restart the system. out.
01327 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Communication UART with WKS
minute, and then restart the system. writing fails.
01328 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 WKS power off.
minute, and then restart the system.
01329 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 When there is no exposure, current
minute, and then restart the system. deviation value is over 0.05mA.
01330 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
" Housing overheated. Please turn the Monitor tube oil temperature by
system off, wait 60 minutes or more, software. The oil temperature is over
01331 Error and then restart the system. If this 75 centigrade
message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 No calibrated mA table for preheating
minute, and then restart the system. the filament is found in flash. Create a
01332 Error calibrated mA table first.
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Writing flash fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
01333 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Can not find WKS communication in 4
minute, and then restart the system. minutes after MCB boot up.
01334 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Serial port closedown fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
01401 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Opening serial port fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
01402 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Reading serial port fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
01403 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Setting serial port fails.
minute, and then restart the system.
01404 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
"Please turn the system off, wait 1 Writing serial port fails
minute, and then restart the system.
01405 Error
If this message persists, call for service.
AC power is lost. The system will shut AC power lost. Check power supply.
01406 Error
down in 30 seconds. Code: 01406
A software exception has occurred. Adjusting priority fails.
10002 Warning
Code: 10002
Loading multi-language fails. English Loading multi-language fails.
10003 Warning
will be used as default. Code: 10003
10201 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10201 DICOM association abortion fails.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
10202 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10202 DICOM association request fails.
DICOM operation fails. Code: 10203 Association is rejected by DICOM
10203 Warning
10204 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10204 Connection to DICOM server fails.
10205 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10205 DICOM interchange file creation fails.
10206 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10206 DICOM file or temp file creation fails.
10207 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10207 Temp folder creation fails.
10208 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10208 A bad DICOM file is accessed.
10209 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10209 DICOM file does not exist.
10210 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10210 System association destruction fails.
DICOM operation fails. Code: 10211 System disconnection from server
10211 Warning
10212 Warning DICOM verify fails. Code: 10212 DICOM verify fails.
DICOM server configuration error. DICOM server Parameters setting
10213 Warning
Code: 10213 error.
10214 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10214 DICOM application initialization fails.
10215 Warning DICOM print fails. Code: 10215 DICOM print fails.
DICOM worklist query fails. Code: DICOM worklist query fails.
10216 Warning
10217 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10217 DICOM association release fails.
10218 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10218 DICOM resource file is lost.
10219 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10219 DICOM application exception occurs.
10220 Warning DICOM storage fails. Code: 10220 DICOM storage fails.
10221 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10221 DICOM Service is not supported.
10222 Warning DICOM operation fails. Code: 10222 DICOM CD Viewer files are lost.
A software exception has occurred. DICOM worklist query data parse error.
Code: 10401 Displayed when a software exception
10401 Warning occurred. Click OK button to close the
message. You can continue to take
A software exception has occurred. Closing file fails. Displayed when a
Code: 10501 software exception occurred. Click OK
10501 Warning
button to close the message. You can
continue to take exposure.
10502 Warning Deleting image fails. Code: 10502 Deleting image file fails.
A software exception has occurred. Reading config file fails.
10503 Warning
Code: 10503
10504 Warning Reading image fails. Code: 10504 Reading image file fails.
A software exception has occurred. Writing config file fails.
10505 Warning
Code: 10505
A software exception has occurred. Writing image file writing fails.
10506 Warning
Code: 10506
A software exception has occurred. Grabber capture thread's priority error
Code: 10601 occurs. Displayed when a software
10601 Warning exception occurred. Click OK button to
close the message. You can continue
to take exposure.
A software exception has occurred. Grabber capture thread's scheduler
Code: 10602 error occurs. Displayed when a
10602 Warning software exception occurred. Click OK
button to close the message. You can
continue to take exposure.
A software exception has occurred. OpenGL thread setting fails. Displayed
Code: 10603 when a software exception occurred.
10603 Warning
Click OK button to close the message.
You can continue to take exposure.
Auto Contrast/Brightness indicator or Keyboard LED isn't available.
10604 Warning Negate indicator is not functioning.
Loading image processing parameter Reading IP Param file fails.
failed. Image processing parameter
10605 Warning
setting may not be optimal.
10801 Warning Accessing device fails. Code: 10801 Accessing device fails
The target device is not found or has The destination directory is not found
10802 Warning been removed from the USB port. or has been removed from the usb
Code: 10802 port.
There is no space for the files. Code: The space is unsupported to store the
10803 files. The current target disk doesn’t
10803 Warning have enough space to complete the
copy operation. Insert a new disk and
retry the operation.
The printer initialization fails. Code: The printer initialization fails. Check the
10804 printer and refer to operating
10804 Warning
instructions of the printer for more
A software exception has occurred. There is no such view. Displayed when
Code: 10901 a software exception occurred. Click
10901 Warning
OK button to close the message. You
can continue to take exposure.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
11211 Warning IP or gateway is invalid. Code: 11211 IP or gateway is invalid. Obtain the
correct information from network
Port number is invalid. Code: 11212 Port number is invalid. Obtain the
11212 Warning correct information from network
Network configuration fails. Code: Network configuration fails.
11213 Warning
There is invalid gateway setting in There is invalid gateway setting in
11214 Warning
DICOM printer servers. Code: 11214 DICOM printer servers.
There is invalid gateway setting in There is invalid gateway setting in
11215 Warning
DICOM storage servers. Code: 11215 DICOM storage servers.
There is invalid gateway setting in There is invalid gateway setting in
11216 Warning
DICOM worklist servers. Code: 11216 DICOM worklist servers.
DAP meter can not work normally. It DAP does not work normally. Click OK
11301 Warning results in inaccurate dose information button to close the message. You can
on exposure. Code: 11301 continue to take exposure.
Emergency switch has been pressed. If Emergency switch is pressed.
you want to start exposure, please Displayed during exposure. Release
11302 Warning
release it first. Code: 11302 the emergency switch and retry the
Since hand switch has been pressed, Hand switch is pressed during power
11303 Warning exposure will be refused. Please on. Release the switch and try again.
release hand switch first. Code: 11303
System has been locked by key Key switch is off. Displayed during
11304 Warning switch.If you want to start exposure, exposure. Rotate the key switch to on
please unlock it first. Code: 11304 position and retry the operation.
kVp is not accurate. Please call service kVp is not accurate. Calibrate kVp
11305 Warning
for calibration. Code: 11305 according to chapter 5.
mA is not accurate. Please call service mA is not accurate. Calibrate mA
11306 Warning
for calibration. Code: 11306 according to chapter 5.
Tube is hot. Continued use without Tube oil temperature is more than 63
cooling may incur overheat error and centigrade
11307 Warning
prevent X-ray for 60 minutes or more.
Code: 11307
Since foot switch has been pressed, Foot switch is pressed during power
11308 Warning exposure will be refused. Please on. Release the switch and try again.
release foot switch first. Code: 11308
UPS is abnormal. Code: 11401 Check UPS and the connected cable.
11401 Warning
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Can not detect UPS output. There is a Check UPS and connected cables.
11403 Warning
potential risk of data loss. Code: 11403
UPS connection fails. There is a Check UPS and connected cables.
11404 Warning
potential risk of data loss. Code: 11404
20001 Information The device is read only. Code: 20001 The device is read only.
No disk is found in the disk drive. Code: No disk is found in the disk drive.
20002 Information
20003 Information No device is found. Code: 20003 No device is found.
The DICOM server has verified DICOM verify is successful.
20201 Information
successfully. Code: 20201
20202 Information DICOM operation fails. Code: 20202 DICOM application is busy.
20501 Information Disk is full. Code: 20501 Disk is full.
20801 Information Device is busy. Code: 20801 Device is in busy.
A software exception has occurred. Message queue creation in MM
20802 Information
Code: 20802 module fails.
There is no paper in the printer. Code: There is no paper in the local thermal
20803 Information
20803 printer.
20804 Information The printer's door is open. Code: 20804 The local thermal printer door is open.
The printer is under analog mode. It Change the printer setting as digital
20805 Information can not print through USB port. Code: mode.
The paper type does not match printer Paper type does not match printer
20806 Information
setting. Code: 20806 setting. Replace the paper.
Paper scrolls in wrong direction. Open
20807 Information The printer paper scrolling fails. Code: the paper box and load paper
20807 properly.
Paper is jammed in the printer. Code: Open the paper box and take out the
20808 Information
20808 paper.
The local printer is disconnected. Code: Please check the connection of the
20809 Information
20809 printer.
System driver can not support this
20810 Information The printer type is not supported. printer. Replace the printer. Available
Code: 20810 types are: UP-990AD and UP-D897.
The temperature of printer is too high.
20811 Information The printer's thermal accessory is Please wait a moment and then
abnormal. Code: 20811 continue.
The paper entrance is wrong. Code: Paper entrance error. Put the paper
20812 Information
20812 into printer again.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
1. BIOS 2. Linux
3. Linux 4. App
Control Panel
1.MCB Ready 2.MCB & WKS Comm and Exchange information 3.Done D
Normal shut down process screen and control panel display:
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Chapter8. Replacement
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
67 5332898 Component, Video distributor for external DVI video output, EVR 1
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
NOTE For the 8 parts as below, field engineer must ship the failed parts to Surgery engineering in
China for autopsy in the first year after M3.
Zhang Dounan
GE HUALUN Medical Systems Co. Ltd
No. 1 Yongchang North Road,
Beijing Economic & Technological Development Area
Beijing, P.R. China 100176
Tel: 8610-58068888
After the replacement of the four parts below, please fill in the product locator card and
mail it to local service operation office.
The FRU list contains four special tools to be used in calibration or troubleshooting.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
63(Right side cover)
63 (Rear cover)
8.3. Replacement
Electrical circuits inside the equipment use voltages that are capable of Causing serious
WARNING injury or death from electrical shock. Use appropriate precautions.
Please use specified fuse.
If the system has power applied, power off the machine and unplug the AC power cord
WARNING from the wall outlet.
NOTE For the parts below, the calibration procedure or some following action should be done
after the replacement. For detail information, please refer to the replacement procedure.
14 5330055 Component, LCD monitor, EVR Brightness and contrast adjustment if necessary
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
8.3.1. Covers
Never allow anyone to use the system when any C-arm cover is removed. Use extreme
WARNING caution if you intend to troubleshoot the equipment with the covers off and power
applied. Failure to heed this warning may result death, personal injury, or equipment
C-Arm covers
You must remove the rear cover prior to the front cover.
You can remove the Cross-arm bearing cover, X-ray tube cover and Image Intensifier cover in any order.
Set the brakes before attempting to remove C-Arm covers.
Install the covers in reverse sequence (Front cover prior to rear cover). The torque to
screw the C-Arm front cover is 2.5Nm. The torque to screw the rear cover is 5.8Nm.
Workstation covers
You must remove these workstation covers in the following sequence:
1. Rear Cover
2. Left and Right lower side covers
3. Front Cover
4. Left and right upper side covers
Follow these steps to remove the workstation covers:
1. Loosen eight screws of the rear cover. Remove the rear cover.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. Remove the 2 screws on each side of the front cover and 2 screws in the upside of the printer
cabinet as below. Remove the front cover.
5. Remove the screws on each side and remove the left and right upper side covers.
Upper Covers
NOTE Rear cover must be removed before upper covers can be removed.
1. Loose the screws and remove the monitor support cover. If the cover fit is tight, use two palms
impulse upward on each side of the cover with moderate force continuously until the cover is
pulled out.
2. Remove the screws that secure the rear top cover. Remove the rear top cover.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. Loose the screws on the sheet metal. Then you can remove the sheet metal.
4. Remove all screws that secure the front top cover. And remove the front top cover.
Replace the new top cover kits and install them in reverse sequence. The torque of the screws that
secure the top covers is 2.5Nm.
3. Remove the screws of the cross arm cover and remove the cover.
4. Loosen the screws of the plate cover of the brake and remove the cover.
5. Replace the brake pad assembly.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Replace the new wheel. Move the C-arm and verify that the C-arm can move freely.
2. Remove the plate of the wheel. Loose the screws and then remove the cable pusher.
3. Replace the new parts and reassemble the all the parts.
4. Move the C-arm and verify that the C-arm can move freely.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Universal truckle with brake (P/N: 5343601) Universal without brake (P/N: 5343599)
3. Move the workstation and verify that the workstation can move freely.
8.3.3. Generator
1. Remove the tube cover.
2. Unplug the cables connected to collimator. Unscrew the three screws that secured the collimator
and remove it.
3. Disconnect the cables. Underlay the generator to prevent it from falling. Loosen the screws and
replace the generator.
Torque to
10.1Nm during
If the X-ray tube is not powered for more than 3 months, it should be warm first according to section 5.5.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
8.3.4. Collimator
1. Position the C-arm for easy access. Remove the tube cover. Loosen screws and replace the
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
8.3.5. PCBs
Collimator control board (MP1 board) (P/N: 5326480)
1. Remove the rear cover of the console and the PCB box cover.
2. Take off the collimator control board (MP1 board) and insert a new one.
Error 01332 may occur when Brivo OEC 850 system boot up with a new MCB installed.
NOTE Please do not shut down the system by pressing the confirm button. Instead, hold down
Ctrl+Shift+Alt key and press ”E”, ”V”, ”R” keys orderly and invoke the service tool first. Then,
refer to the chapter 5 and follow the instructions to finish the calibrate process.
3. Extend the new MP4 board with extend board (5326483). Perform mA check and calibration
(section 5.3), mAs check and calibration (section 5.4) procedure.
4. Remove the extend board. Insert the new MP4 board and lock in place.
5. Perform ABS Tracking check and adjustment (section 5.6.9) procedure in chapter 5.
6. Perform DAP and dose calibration in section 3.7.5.
7. Install the rear cover of C-arm console.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4. Unplug all cables connected to the motherboard and then remove the metal cover.
3. Unscrew the four screws that secured the board. Replace the new kV control board. Connect all
4. Perform kV (section 5.2), mA (section 5.3) and mAs (section 5.4) check and calibration procedure in
chapter 5.
5. Perform ABS Tracking check and adjustment (section 5.6.7) procedure in chapter 5.
6. Perform DAP and dose calibration in section 3.7.5.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. Disconnect all cables connected to IGBT board and the cables to the fan.
Remain the screws on the board as below after disconnect the cable. Be careful not to break the pins.
4. Loose the screws that secured the IGBT module and replace a new one.
5. Connect all cables to IGBT module according to the labels on the cable and the mark on board.
(Note: C2 to M1,C1 to P1,C4 to M2,C3 to P2,IGBT+ to P2, IGBT- to N2, yellow line to T1,
black line to T2)
6. Reassembly the shield cover and the rear cover of console.
Make sure that all cables are connected before you power on the system. Otherwise, the
WARNING IGBT assembly will be damaged.
7. Power on the system. Take exposure and verify the system works normally.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
8. The default power supply is AC 220V power input. If your power supply is 110V, adjust the
jumpers (PJ9 and PJ10) according to wiring diagram. Refer to chapter 3.3 for details.
9. Reinstall the covers of console and restart system to confirm system can power on and take
exposure. Check all functions can work normally.
4. Remove four screws that secure Up-down drive board to chassis. Notice that there are four pillar
washers behind the board.
5. Remove old up-down drive board.
6. Install replacement up down drive PCB. Plug the cables to corresponding connectors (J1, J2, J3).
7. Reinstall the covers. Restart system and press lift and down vertical column switches to verify.
3. Loose the screws that secured the board. Remove the board and replace a new one.
4. Functional check: Power on the system. After the booting up process complete, unplug the AC
power cord. Verify that the UPS can supply power to workstation until the system can shut down
4. Replace a new control panel and connect the cables. Install the C-arm cover.
5. Functional check: Power on the system. Pressing the buttons and verify that relative indicator can
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
4. You can replace the FRU parts (such as the hard disk, display card, Memory Bank, mother board,
image grabber card and Chassis Power) in the computer.
Chassis Power
Image Grabber card
Mother board
Display Card
Memory Bank
Hard disk
Cut off the binding tie before removing the memory bank. And replace a new one to
NOTE secure the memory bank after the replacement.
Grabber card shall not be installed in the slot beside Display card.
There are two hard disks in the computer. One is data disk, and the other is system disk. During
replacement of the hard disk, please identify the disk by label on the disk. The labels on one end of the
SATA data cables, which marked “SYSTEM” or “DATA”, are used to connect the cable to the corresponding
disk. The other ends of the SATA data cables are connected to SATA ports on the mother board. Connect
system SATA cable to SATA1, data SATA cable to SATA2 and DVD ROM SATA cable to SATA4. After
replacement of either hard disk, you should reinstall both OS and Application software. Refer to
data SATA ports
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Functional check: Power on the system. After login the Patient information screen, enter the patient
information and verify that you can enter normally. Create a new exam and take exposure. Verify the
system can work normally and the image will display on the left monitor.
If you have replaced the SYSTEM hard disk and backup the user data, you should also verify that the
original user data and images are remain in the system.
According to the drawing attached to the computer to install the mouse (connect to port2), keyboard
(connect to port3) and DVD RW (connect to 16 and 17).
After replacing the mouse, power on the system and move the mouse. Verify that the mouse can
move freely.
After replacing the keyboard, power on the system. Use the keyboard to enter words to Patient
information screen to verify the keyboard.
After replacing the DVD RW, power on the system. Perform CD/DVD check in section 3.6.2.
2. Unplug the cable connected to the indicator. And then remove the four screws on the sheet
metal support of the indicator.
3. Loose the three screws and then you can remove the exposure indicator and replace it with a
new one. Assemble the sheet metal support back onto monitors. Then assemble the strip covers
4. Power on the system and take exposure. Verify that the exposure indicator lights during exposure.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
8.3.8. Monitors
To prevent monitor power lost, a binding is used to fix the monitor power plug (see the
CAUTION picture in step6). The binding is provided with the monitor FRU. Make sure the binding is
still used after the monitor replacement.
Perform the procedures below to replace the monitors.
1. Loosen the screw and remove the monitor receptacle access cover. Cut the tying strip on power
cable and pull out the two cables. Make mark on cables to identify which monitor they should
connect to.
Strip cover
6. Install the new monitor and reset all parts and cables. Make sure the binding is still used after the
monitor replacement.
7. Power on the system. The left monitor of workstation will display GE logo screen. The right
monitor will enter into the PATIENT INFORMATION Screen automatically. Perform the brightness
and contrast adjustment in section5.8 if necessary.
The video cable (P/N: 5333061) is used for troubleshooting. Disconnect the DVI cable from the left
monitor. Connect the CCU V4 and left monitor VGA interface with the video cable. Verify if there is
image displayed on left monitor.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
To prevent CCU/camera damage, make sure that you power off the system first when you
need to remove or insert the CCU power plug.
To prevent ESD damage to both the old and the new CCD Camera and CCU, make sure that
CAUTION you are grounded with a properly functioning write strap before handling any ESD
sensitive electronic components.
CCD and CCU are contained in one kit (P/N: 5330063). If one component fails, you have to
replace both CCU and CCD together.
EMI Shield
Securing Screw
Securing Screw
Camera Head
Camera cable
plug-in port
EMI Shield
Screws (there
are 4 screws
with 90 degrees
7. Remove the screws, which fasten the weight. And remove the weight. Pay attention to original
mounting direction.
8. Remove 3 Camera fastening screws. And remove the old Camera from the I.I.. Pay attention to
original mounting direction.
9. Remove the EMI Shield by unscrewing 6 screws. Pay attention to original mounting direction.
10. Unwrap and prepare new camera to be assembled immediately in the next step.
Be careful not to touch the camera lens or I.I. output lens.
11. Assemble the new Camera on the I.I, and tighten 3 Camera Securing screws. Pay attention to the
mounting direction of camera on I.I.. The camera direction should be as below:
12. Assemble the EMI cover. Pay attention to the direction. Then assemble the weight.
13. Tighten 4 camera adjustment screws with moderate torque.
14. Connect the Camera Head Cable.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5. Slide the CCU to the left, and pull out the CCU to remove from the Mainframe.
6. Remove the CCU Securing Bracket from the old CCU, and assemble it to the new CCU.
7. Open the new CCU cover.
CCU Securing
CCU Cover
N30 PWR20
1 1 J8
2 2 1 23
3 J53 J6 1 23
2 R61 R52 R47 R48
9. Assemble the new CCU (with CCU cover open) back to the mainframe.
10. Connect the cables back to CCU (V3-FrameSync, CHB-Video, DB9, DB25, 24V Power).
24V - DB25
DB9 - V3 - V4
CameraHead FrameSync
11. Plug in the system power cable, and power on the system.
Step 3. Calibrate the CCU
A. Black level setting
Parameter CODE DESCRIPTION Setup Criteria
40~60mV from CHA respect
BLACK LEVEL R101 Ad just black level pedestal (BOTTOM BLACK).
referring video level
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
+KV 1
-KV 1
3. Adjust R106 (Auto kV Window) potentiometer all the way to the left (anti-clock-wise).
4. Adjust R79 (Auto kV Level) potentiometer, so that the KV+ signal (average) becomes –80~0 mV.
5. Adjust POT1 on Mainframe MCB board, so that measured voltage at TP16 on MCB board is 0V.
NOTE From here, follow the whole procedures in Section 5.6. Beam Alignment Procedure.
3. Replace a new I.I. with power supply. Reassemble the CCD camera, EMI cover, weight and all
4. Perform section 5.6 Beam alignment procedure.
2. Replace the new power supply. Connect the cables and reassembly the I.I. cover.
3. Perform section 5.6 beam alignment procedure.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
8.3.11. UPS
1. Remove the rear and front covers of the workstation.
2. Loose the screws that secured UPS assembly.
3. Disconnect the power cable connected to UPS. Use the handle to remove the UPS.
4. Replace a new UPS and reassemble the parts. Connect the cable.
5. Plug the UPS battery connector.
6. Connect the interconnect cable to C-arm. Plug the power cord into appropriate AC receptacle.
Power on On Battery Indicator
Voltage battery
7. Press and hold UPS “test” button for several seconds to initiate a self-test. The workstation will
start up and enter BIOS. There will be a message to inform that there’s no AC power and need to
shut down.
8. Press “off” button to turn off the UPS.
9. Power on the system. Verify that the system can power on normally. Power off the system. Verify
that the system can shut down with no error.
10. Install all the covers of the workstation.
AC +
_ AC
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
3. Loose the screws and replace a new transformer. Connect the wires and bind the wires with the
binding tie to make a good layout.
4. Reassemble all the parts.
5. Power on the system and take exposure. Verify that the system can work normally.
Main Transformer (P/N: 5331597)
1. Remove the rear cover of the C-arm. Unscrew the three screws and open the package box.
2. Cut off the binding tie. Disconnect the wires of the transformer, which are connected to J1 and J2.
DC power supply
+15V, -15V and DC power
+5V (P/N: supply +24V
5331598) and +5V (P/N:
2. Disconnect all cables connected to the power supply. Loose the screws and replace a new part.
3. Connect the cables according to the labels. Reassemble all parts.
4. Power on the system. Verify that the workstation and C-arm complete software boot and
initialization with no errors reported on their displays.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
DC bus
CAUTION Do not touch the capacitors unless power has been completely removed and they have
been discharged.
2. Disconnect the cables. Unscrew the secured screw and remove the capacitor.
3. Replace a new one. Reassemble all the parts.
4. Power on the system and take exposure. Verify that the system can work normally.
Resonant Capacitor (P/N:5329281) and DC bus fuse (P/N:5329279)
1. Remove the rear cover of the C-arm. Unscrew the three screws and open the package box.
2. Disconnect the cables connected to the resonant capacitor (P/N: 5329281) or DC bus fuse (P/N:
5329279). Loose the screws and replace a new one.
capacitor DC bus fuse
(P/N: 5329281) (P/N: 5329279)
3. Power on the system and take exposure. Verify that the system can work normally.
Brivo OEC850 provides 110V breaker (P/N: 5331606) and 220V breaker (P/N: 5331605).
1. Remove the rear cover and front cover of the C-arm. Unplug the cable connected to the circuit
2. Loose the screws and remove the breaker. Then replace a new breaker.
3. Connect the cables to the breaker and reassemble the parts.
4. Power on the system. Verify that the workstation and C-arm complete software boot and
initialization with no errors reported on their displays.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
The other is on the base near the breaker. You should remove the rear and front covers of the C-arm
console first.
Connect the cable according to the schematic on the filter:
After the replacement, power on the system and take exposure. Verify that the system can work
Power on Indicator (P/N: 5331604)
1. Remove the rear and front covers of the C-arm console.
2. Unplug the wires connected to the power on indicator.
power filter
Loose the screws and remove the mounting. Loose the screws and unplug the wires connected to the
relay mounting. Replace a new one.
Power on the system. Verify that the workstation and C-arm complete software boot and initialization
with no errors reported on their displays. Shut down the system and verify the system can shut down
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Interconnect cable
(1st type P/N: 5331655; 2nd type P/N: 5416178; 3rd type P/N: 5435248)
NOTE The three kinds of interconnect cable are defined as FRU. Please note that refer
corresponding part number to order appropriate interconnect cable.
P/N: 5435248
Unscrew the sleeve of the interconnect cable. Cut off the binding tie. Unplug the wires of the cable from
the socket. And then draw the cable out.
Replace the new cable. Insert and connect the wires to each port with a good wire layout.
Power on the system. Verify that the Workstation and C-Arm complete software booting up and
initialization with no errors reported on their displays. Shut down the system and verify the system can
shut down normally.
Fuse kit
The kit contains 13 kinds of fuse. You can choose the fuse to replace according to the requirement.
Ref. Part number Description Can be used
ASM, Install plate assebmly,
FUSE5, FUSE6 5331602 Misc, fuse model 6.3A, EVR 5330588
EVR (J1 transformer)
ASM, Install plate assebmly,
FUSE3, FUSE4 5331601 MISC, FUSE MODEL 1A, EVR 5330588
EVR (J1 transformer)
F1 5398495 Rating-2.5A,Voltage Rating- 5326482 PWA, mother board, EVR
250V,5x20 mm
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
2. Loosen 2 screws from horizontal brake handle and remove the handle.
3. Remove the screws of the cross arm cover and remove the cover.
4. Loose the screws and remove the rear plate. Remove the pin in the shaft.
5. Put something (Wood strip or other kind of support) under console to prevent the whole base to
tilt backward.
6. Loosen the screws on cable holder and release the cable. Draw out the C-arm and Cross-arm
assembly slowly.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
7. Use something (for example, wood bar) to block up the C-arm. And put something on ground and
on left of base (for example, cardboard). Overturn the C-arm console to left side.
8. Remove the bottom cover under the linear actuator. And then remove the lower pin.
9. Unplug the J3 from the up down drive board. Cut off the 2 wires. Cut off the binding tie and then
draw out the cable from the hole.
10. Open the package box. Remove the screws on the top end of external column, and remove the
side cover. Remove the plug on inner column. Screw a M4 screw (Length is more than 25 mm)
into the screw hold on actuator upper pin and draw the pin out.
12. Replace a new linear actuator and reassemble the parts. Plug the wire into the connector. And
then insert the connector to J3 of the up down drive board.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
13. Insert the pin with M4 screw into the hole and check if the pin is in the axis of the linear actuator.
Unscrew the M4 screw and tighten the plug on the hole. Lock the pin on the bottom of the linear
actuator and put the cover back.
14. Turn back the base assembly and reassemble all the parts.
15. Connect the interconnect cable and power on the system. Press the up and down key on control
panel and verify that the C-arm can rise and drop freely.
8.3.14. Switch
Hand switch (P/N: 5331609)
1. Remove the rear and front cover of the C-arm console. Disconnect the cable from the hand
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
2. Loose the screws and remove the base and switch. Then replace a new one.
3. Power on the system. Press the emergency switch, vertical column operation will cease and X-
rays will be disabled. Rotate as arrow indication to release the emergency switch. You can
continue to use the system.
8.3.15. Others
Please refer to chapter3 for the replacement of these FRU parts.
Please refer to the information about power cable and plug for related country in below table.
NOTE For different country, FRU setups are different. There are 2 types FRU, one is Cable with
plug, another is Plug. Please find the correct FRU part number.
Item Country Part#_Plug Plug Type Voltage
with plug
1 Algeria - 2415149 CEE7 220V
2 Argentina 5407045 - IRAM 2073 220V
3 Australia 5407042 - AS/NZS 3112 230V
4 Austria - 2415149 CEE7 230V
5 Bangladesh - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Item Country Part#_Plug Plug Type Voltage
with plug
6 Belgium - 2415149 CEE7 230V
7 Bolivia - 2415149 CEE7 230V
8 Bosnia - 2415149 CEE7 220V
9 Brazil 5407039 - NBR 14136 127V
10 Brazil - 2415149 CEE7 220V
11 Brunei - 5399116 BS 1363A 240V
12 Bulgaria - 2415149 CEE7 230V
13 Cambodia - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
14 China 5331651 - GB 1002 220V
15 Chile - 2415149 CEE7 220V
16 Colombia 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 110V
17 Cyprus - 5399116 BS 1363A 240V
18 Czech Repulblic - 2415149 CEE7 230V
19 Denmark - 2415149 CEE7 230V
20 Denmark 5407037 - AFSNIT 107-2-D1 230V
21 Egypt - 2415149 CEE7 220V
22 Finland - 2415149 CEE7 230V
23 France - 2415149 CEE7 230V
24 Gabon - 2415149 CEE7 220V
25 Germany - 2415149 CEE7 230V
26 Greece - 2415149 CEE7 220V
27 Guatemala 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 110V
28 Honduras 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 110V
29 HongKong - 5399115 BS 546 220V
30 HongKong 5331651 - GB 1002 220V
31 HongKong - 5399116 BS 1363A 220V
32 Hungary - 2415149 CEE7 220V
33 Iceland - 2415149 CEE7 230V
34 India - 5399115 BS 546 230V
35 Indonesia - 2415149 CEE7 230V
36 Indonesia - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
Item Country Part#_Plug Plug Type Voltage
with plug
37 Iraq - 5399115 BS 546 230V
38 Iraq - 2415149 CEE7 230V
39 Iraq - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
40 Ireland - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
41 Israel 5407050 - SI-32 220V
42 Italy - 2415149 CEE7 230V
43 Jamaica 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 110V
44 Japan 5407035 - NEMA 5-20P 100V
45 Japan 5407036 - L6-20P 200V
46 Jordan - 2415149 CEE7 230V
47 Jordan - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
48 Kenya - 5399116 BS 1363A 240V
49 Kuwait - 5399116 BS 1363A 220V
50 Lebanon - 5399115 BS 546 220V
51 Lebanon - 5399116 BS 1363A 220V
52 Libya - 2415149 CEE7 220V
53 Libya - 5399115 BS 546 220V
54 Luxembourg - 2415149 CEE7 220V
55 Macedonia - 2415149 CEE7 220V
56 Malaysia - 5399116 BS 1363A 240V
57 Malta - 5399115 BS 546 230V
58 Malta - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
59 Mexico 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 127V
60 Montenegro - 2415149 CEE7 220V
61 Morocco - 2415149 CEE7 220V
62 New Zealand 5407042 - AS/NZS 3112 230V
63 Nigeria - 5399116 BS 1363A 220V
64 Norway 2415149 CEE7 230V
65 Oman - 2415149 CEE7 240V
66 Oman - 5399115 BS 546 240V
67 Pakistan - 5399115 BS 546 230V
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Item Country Part#_Plug Plug Type Voltage
with plug
68 Panama 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 120V
69 Paraguay - 2415149 CEE7 220V
70 Peru - 2415149 CEE7 220V
71 Poland - 2415149 CEE7 230V
72 Portugal - 2415149 CEE7 230V
73 Romania - 2415149 CEE7 230V
74 Russia - 2415149 CEE7 220V
75 Saudi Arabia - 5399116 BS 1363A 220V
76 Singapore - 5399115 BS 546 230V
77 Singapore - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
78 Slovenia - 2415149 CEE7 230V
79 South Africa - 5399115 BS 546 220V
80 South Korea - 2415149 CEE7 220V
81 Spain - 2415149 CEE7 230V
82 Sudan - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
83 Sweden - 2415149 CEE7 230V
84 Switzerland - 5399117 SEV 1011 230V
85 Taiwan 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 110V
86 Trinidad & Tobago 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 115V
87 Tunisia - 2415149 CEE7 220V
88 Turkey - 2415149 CEE7 220V
United Arab
- 5399116 BS 1363A 220V
89 Emirates
90 United Kingdom - 5399116 BS 1363A 230V
91 Uruguay - 2415149 CEE7 220V
92 Venezuela 5408318 - NEMA 5-15P 120V
93 Vietnam - 2415149 CEE7 220V
94 Vietnam - 5399116 BS 1363A 220V
Chapter9. Periodic Maintenance
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
9.1. Overview
This procedure describes how to conduct performance checks and maintenance procedures. Use the
procedure in conjunction with PM checklist in section 9.2. Follow the procedures in the order they appear
here and record all required information on the checklist.
Serious injury and property damage can result from incorrectly performed service procedures. Observe
all operating and safety procedures in this document.
Procedures should be performed by service personnel specifically trained by GE Healthcare
do Brasil Comércio e Serviços para Equipamentos Médico-Hospitalares LTDA to calibrate
the Brivo OEC 850 C-Arm and Workstation.
9.1.1. Safety
Ingress of Fluids
The system must never be operated or stored in locations where conductive fluids, like
water and saline solution, might spill on the equipment.
Always unplug the AC power cable from the wall outlet before cleaning the equipment. Do not allow
water, soap, or other liquids to drip into the equipment and cause short circuits, electric shock and fire
Unauthorized Modifications
Under no circumstances should the safety interlock in the system be bypassed, jumped, or otherwise
All GE Healthcare systems comply with International Electro Technical Commission safety
standard IEC-60601. Do not connect any external device to the system that does not
NOTE meet the requirements of IEC 60601-1:1995. Only devices provided or approved by GE
Healthcare do Brasil Comércio e Serviços para Equipamentos Médico-Hospitalares LTDA should be
connected to the system.
Motorized Mechanical Operation
The Vertical Column is motorized and should be observed continuously during operation to avoid
pinching or colliding with people and object.
If covers are removed, use extreme care when operating motorized features. Do not carelessly place
objects on the equipment or bump or lean against the equipment. Do not wear loose clothing that may
be caught by mechanical mechanisms. Keep hands and fingers clear of motorized equipment while the
motors are in operation.
Periodic Maintenance
Electrical Shock
This system can generate lethal voltages. Practice safe electrical testing procedures
WARNING when performing periodic maintenance procedures.
After taking X-rays, the high voltage cables can retain a lethal charge, even if you power
WARNING down the system. Even though the contacts are recessed, high voltages can arc several
inches from their terminals if the cables are removed from the connector wells. Take
care when disconnecting high voltage cables even when the power is turned off. If you
remove these connections, immediately discharge their contacts against the high
voltage tank case (ground).
X-radiation Exposure
The X-ray tube assembly produces X-radiation when energized. Never operate this device without X-ray
shielding in place. Use lead shielding and draping to protect personnel.
Lead aprons, radiation monitors, and appropriate radiation shields must be utilized for
WARNING the protection of all personnel in the vicinity while performing tests. Living human
anatomy should never be used as a phantom or demonstration aid. Do not produce
radiation in hallways.
Many of the PCB's in this system contain components, which are sensitive to Electro-
Static Discharge (ESD). Observe ESD safety procedures.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Periodic Maintenance
9.2. PM Checklist
Administrative Information
Medical Facility Information Field Service Engineer Information
Hospital or Clinic Name: FSE name:
Address: City:
Employee SSO:
State: Country:
Postal Code/Zip: Contact Person:
Installation Date:
Contact Phone: Department:
System Configuration
Workstation Software Version: MCB Software Version:
Serial Number: Service ID:
Safety Inspection
Antistatic Drag-wires Footswitch cable and pins
Electrical Plug and power cord Ground Continuity
Interconnect Cable and Connector
PC Clean
Yes No
Workstation Checks
Mechanical Movement : Pass Fail Workstation Operation: Pass Fail
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Copper Filters Specification Measured Adjustment Mag Mode Specification Measured Adjustment
(kVp) (kVp) done? (Field Size) (LP/mm) (LP/mm) done?
1 64 ±4 Yes No NORM (9”) ≥ 2.2 Yes No
Dose Rate
DAP Check
Install Equipment Covers Yes No
Reporting complete Yes No
FSE and Customer sign and date this section when the PM has been completed.
Date Field Service Signature Customer Signature
*NOTE: If the system is set in 100V input mode, use 12mA@50kVp or lower kVp instead of 12mA@55kVp.
Periodic Maintenance
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
2. Connect the Interconnect Cable to the C-Arm and verify continuity between the following:
From To Spec
Screw on the top left corner of the WorkStation AC Power Plug Ground Pin < 0.5
Screw on the tube cover AC Power Plug Ground Pin < 0.5
Screw on the bottom of the Footswitch AC Power Plug Ground Pin < 0.5
9.5. PC Clean
1. Remove the workstation cover.
2. Unplug the cable connected to computer. Take the computer out of the workstation.
3. Remove PC cover
4. Clean the PC outside and inside.
5. Recover the computer cover and put it back into the position. Plug the cable to PC. Recover the
workstation cover.
Periodic Maintenance
Perform the following steps with the system powered up and normally booted.
1. Connect the integrated cable in the C-Arm connector and lock it. Connect the Footswitch
cable to the C-Arm.
2. Plug the AC power cord into the receptacle.
3. Press the system on key located on the C-Arm control panel. Verify that the workstation and
C-Arm complete their software boot and initialization with no errors reported on the
workstation and C-Arm displays.
1. Take X-ray exposure and verify the following Image Orientation functions:
2. Press the field size key repeatedly, verifying ability to select any of the three available field
sizes: NORM, MAG1 and MAG2.
3. Press each of the following collimator switches while X-ray exposure. Verify each of the following
collimator functions:
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
5. Press and hold ALARM RESET key for approximately 2 seconds. Verify fluoro time displayed
on the C-arm control panel resets to zero.
6. Check HLF mode as follows:
A. Cover the Image Intensifier with the lead aprons.
B. Take a normal fluoro shot in order allow the kV level to stabilize.
C. Select HLF mode via control panel and take a high-level fluoro shot.
D. Verify that the audible tone beeps at twice the normal rate. Verify that the mA is driven
higher than the normal fluoro at the same kV value.
E. Leave lead aprons in place for next step.
7. Check HLF Pulse Mode as follows:
A. Select PULSE mode via the C-arm control panel. Select a pulse rate of 4 PPS.
B. Take a high-level fluoro shot.
C. Verify that the audible tone beeps at twice the normal rate and the X-ray indicator
flashes at 2 times/3 seconds. Verify that the mA is driven higher than normal Fluoro.
D. Leave lead aprons in place for next step.
8. Assure correct Digital Spot function as follows:
1. Place the X-ray keyswitch in STANDBY position ( ). Press handswitch and verify that no X-rays are
generated. Press Vertical lift button and verify that vertical lift column is not operational.
Periodic Maintenance
2. Place X-ray keyswitch in XRAYOFF position ( ). Press handswitch and verify that no X-rays are
generated. Press vertical lift button and verify the vertical lift column is operational.
3. Place X-ray keyswitch in ON position ( ). Press handswitch, footswitch and vertical lift button to
verify X-ray and vertical lift column are enable.
Emergency Switch
Perform the following test to verify the emergency switch.
1. Press the emergency switch during raising C-arm.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Workstation Operation
1. Press SWAP ( ) key and verify this function exchanges images between the left monitor and
the right monitor.
2. Press the SAVE ( ) key and press key. Verify that the left monitor image is previewed in the
Image Directory screen.
3. Verify Patient Information function ( ) activates the Patient Information screen. Enter patient
information. Display scheduled exams, display resume exams screen.
4. Verify Image Directory ( ) function allows you to review, print and archive stored images and
dose information.
Periodic Maintenance
6. Verify ZOOM ( ) function displays a square region of interest (ROI) box and that you can
magnify the ROI.
7. Verify NEGATE ( ) function reverses the light and dark values on the image displayed on the
left monitor.
8. Verify the CONTRAST ( ) function displays and indicator bar and that the amount of
contrast can be increased and decreased.
9. Verify the BRIGHTNESS ( ) function displays an indicator bar and that amount of
brightness can be increased and decreased.
10. Verify that Auto Contrast/Brightness ( ) automatically selects the optimum values of
contrast and brightness.
11. Verify ENGE ENHANCE ( ) function displays an indicator bar and that amount of
enhancement level increased and decreased.
12. Press ALT key and the LOGOUT key ( ) at the same time. Verify that it can log the user out of
the workstation applications. The default password is “123456”.
The logout function can only be available when you select “Require Users to Login” in the
“Security” screen. Refer to section 3.6.2.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
9.7.2. mA Accuracy
Refer to section5.3.1 for mA accuracy check.
Periodic Maintenance
After each test, reset the dosimeter and create a new exam to clear the DAP and dose
show value on workstation.
DoseMeasuredvalue Doseshowvalue
ERROR= 100%
If the error is more than 5%, adjust Dose Calibration Coefficient: Login service tool. Enter “Exposure
Management” screen. Change Dose Calibration Coefficient. Dose/Dose rate show value on the
workstation right monitor is in direct proportion with the calibration coefficient.
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
DoseMeasuredvalue Dosevalue(onworkstation)
ERROR= 100%
The error should be less than 30% in every state.
After each test, dosimeter must be cleared. Create new exam to ensure DAP and dose
NOTE show value on workstation be cleared.
NOTE The field size in the form should be measured by field size measure tool.
Periodic Maintenance
9.10. Reporting
Chapter10. Technical Reference
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
10.1. Overview
The policy of GE Healthcare is one of continual product development and improvement.
For this reason, GE Healthcare reserves the right to change the operating characteristics and
specifications of newer products at any time, without prior notice, and without incurring any obligation
relating to previously manufactured items.
The specifications listed are limited to general performance and physical data. Specifications of optional
equipment provided by other manufacturers are given in the applicable manuals provided with those
Technical Reference
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Technical Reference
Weight: 140±10kg
Option Weight
DAP 0.22±0.02kg
Skin Spacer 0.17±0.02kg
Laser Aimer (tube) 0.65±0.06kg
Laser Aimer (Image Intensifier) 2.16±0.2kg
Film Cassette holder 1.4±0.1kg
Video Distributor 2.3±0.2kg
Two-Pedal Footswitch 4±0.4kg
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Technical Reference
Value of mAs 1.0, 1.3, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.2, 4.0, 5.0, 6.3, 8.0, 10, 13,
16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80 mAs
Pulse Fluoro 1/2/4/8pps
The lowest Current Time Product or the 40kVp, 1mAs
combination of Loading Factors
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Technical Reference
10.3.4. Collimator
Input power: DC 6V, 0.9W
Electrical connection mode: through DB9.
Mechanical connection mode: cast aluminum bracket, screw fitting
Nominal diameter circle: 23/15/11cm (9”/6”/4.5”)
X-Ray beam continuously adjustable to an area of less than 5×5 cm at the image receptor
Nominal diameter circle: 23cm (9”)
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
10.3.5. Others
Semi-transparent shutters
Rotation 180°
Operation Controlled on panel
Type Circular
Material Carbon fiber
Lines/cm 60
Ratio 10:1
Focus distance 100 cm
Image Intensifier
Type 3 Fields 2 Fields 1 Fields
Input field size 9’’(23 cm) 6’’(15cm) 4.5’’(11cm)
Central resolution ≥51Lp/cm ≥57Lp/cm ≥67Lp/cm
Type Monochrome LCD
Size 19’’
Image Storage
Capacity 80,000 images
Size 1K x 1K
Digital Processor
Function Image Processing, Recursive Noise Reduction,
Motion Artifact Reduction, Real-time Edge
Enhancement, Auto Brightness/Contrast,
Brightness/Contrast Adjustment, Negate, Last
Image Hold, Zoom/Roam, Image
Rotation/Reversal/Invert and Swap
Technical Reference
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Technical Reference
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Technical Reference
800 000
300W 200W
640 000
480 000
320 000
160 000
0 25 50 75 100
Time (minutes)
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
Patients must be kept as far as possible from the focus, with minimum distance of 20cm.
Make sure not to operate when a plastic cover in x-ray assembly is disassembled, which
properly make the distance meet the above requirements.
The operating table matched this equipment should be made of small attenuation
equivalent material, otherwise, X-ray dose may be increased.
Technical Reference
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product Service Manual
11. Appendix
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product
Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 3
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 5
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 7
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 9
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 11
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 13
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 15
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 17
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 19
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 21
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 23
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 25
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 27
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 29
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 31
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 33
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 35
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 37
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 39
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 41
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 43
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 45
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 47
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 49
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 51
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 53
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 55
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 57
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 59
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 61
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 63
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 65
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 67
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 69
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 71
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 73
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 75
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 77
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 79
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Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 81
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product
Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 83
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product
Circuit Schematics
Appendix- 85
Brivo OEC 850 Mobile C-Arm X-ray Product