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Rigid Body Dynamics: 1 Non-Inertial Frames of Reference

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Rigid Body Dynamics

November 15, 2012

1 Non-inertial frames of reference

So far we have formulated classical mechanics in inertial frames of reference, i.e., those vector bases in
which Newton’s second law holds (we have also allowed general coordinates, in which the Euler-Lagrange
equations hold). However, it is sometimes useful to use non-inertial frames, and particularly when a system
is rotating. When we affix an orthonormal frame to the surface of Earth, for example, that frame rotates
with Earth’s motion and is therefore non-inertial. The effect of this is to add terms to the acceleration due
to the acceleration of the reference frame. Typically, these terms can be brought to the force side of the
equation, giving rise to the idea of fictitious forces – centrifugal force and the Coriolis force are examples.
Here we concern ourselves with rotating frames of reference.

2 Rotating frames of reference

2.1 Relating rates of change in inertial and rotating systems
It is fairly easy to include the effect of a rotating vector basis. Consider the change, db, of some physical
quantity describing a rotating body. We write this in two different reference frames, one inertial and one
rotating with the body. The difference between these will be the change due to the rotation,

(db)inertial = (db)body + (db)rot

Now consider an infinitesimal rotation. We showed that the transformation matrix must have the form

O (dθ, n̂) = 1 + dθn̂ · J

[Ji ]jk = εijk
Using this form of J, we may write

[O (dθ, n̂)]jk = δjk + dθni εijk

We must establish the direction of this rotation. Suppose n̂ is in the z-direction, ni = (0, 0, 1). Then acting
on a vector in the xy-plane, say [i]i = (1, 0, 0), we have

[O (dθ, n̂)]jk ik = (δjk + dθni εijk ) ik

= (ij + dθε3j1 )
= (1, 0, 0) + dθ (0, −1, 0)

since ε3j1 must have j = 2 to be nonzero, and ε321 = −1. The vector acquires a negative y-component, and
has therefore rotated clockwise. A counterclockwise (positive) rotation is therefore given by acting with

O (dθ, n̂) = 1 − dθn̂ · J

Suppose a vector at time t, b (t) is fixed in a body which rotates with angular velocity ω = dθdt n. Then
after a time dt it will have rotated through an angle dθ = ωdt, so that at time t + dt the vector is

b (t + dt) = O (dθ, n̂) b (t)

In components,

bj (t + dt) = (δjk − dθni εijk ) bk (t)

= δjk bk (t) − dθni εijk bk (t)
= bj (t) − dθni εijk bk (t)
= bj (t) − dθ (εkij bk (t) ni )

Therefore, returning to vector notation,

b (t + dt) − b (t) = −dθb (t) × n

Dividing by dt we get the rate of change,

db (t)
= ω × b (t)
If, instead of remaining fixed in the rotating system, b (t) moves relative to the rotating body, its rate of
change is the sum of this change and the rate of change due to rotation,
db db
= + ω × b (t)
dt inertial dt body

and since b (t) is arbitrary, we can make the operator identification

d d
= + ω×
dt inertial dt body

2.2 Dynamics in a rotating frame of reference

Consider two frames of reference, an inertial frame, and a rotating frame whose origin remains at the origin
of the inertial frame. Let r (t) be the position vector of a particle in the rotating frame of reference. Then
the velocity of the particle in an inertial frame, vinertial , and the velocity in the rotating frame, vbody , are
related by
dr dr
= +ω×r
dt inertial dt body
vinertial = vbody + ω × r

To find the acceleration, we apply the operator again,

dvinertial d
= + ω× (vbody + ω × r)
dt dt
d (vbody + ω × r)
= + ω × (vbody + ω × r)
dv dω dr
= + ×r+ω× + ω × vbody + ω × (ω × r)
dt body dt dt
dv dω
= + × r + 2ω × vbody + ω × (ω × r)
dt body dt

The accelerations are therefore related by

ainertial = abody + × r + 2ω × vbody + ω × (ω × r)
Since Newton’s second law holds in the inertial frame, we have
F = mainertial
where F refers to any applied forces. Therefore, bringing the extra terms to the left,

F−m × r − 2mω × vbody − mω × (ω × r) = mabody
This is the Coriolis theorem. We consider each term.
The first

applies only if the rate of rotation is changing. The direction makes sense, because if the angular velocity is
increasing, then dω
dt is in the direction of the rotation and the inertia of the particle will resist this change.
The effective force is therefore in the opposite direction.
The second term
−2mω × vbody
is called the Coriolis force. Notice that it is greatest if the velocity is perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
This corresponds to motion which, for positive vbody , moves the particle further from the axis of rotation.
Since the velocity required to stay above a point on a rotating body increases with increasing distance from
the axis, the particle will be moving too slow to keep up. It therefore seems that a force is acting in the
direction opposite to the direction of rotation. For example, consider a particle at Earth’s equator which
is gaining altitude. Since Earth rotates from west to east, the rising particle will fall behind and therefore
seem to accelerate from toward the west.
The final term
−mω × (ω × r)
is the familiar centrifugal force (arising from centripetal acceleration). For Earth’s rotation, ω × r is the
direction of the velocity of a body rotating with Earth, and direction of the centrifugal force is therefore
directly away from the axis of rotation. The effect is due to the tendency of the body to move in a straight
line in the inertial frame, hence away from the axis. For a particle at the equator, the centrifugal force
is directed radially outward, opposing the force of gravity. The net acceleration due to gravity and the
centrifugal acceleration is therefore,
gef f = g − ω2 r
= 9.8 − 7.29 × 10−5 × 6.38 × 106
= 9.8 − .0339
= g (1 − .035)
so that the gravitational attraction is reduced by about 3.5%. Since the effect is absent near the poles, Earth
is not a perfect sphere, but has an equatorial bulge.

3 Moment of Inertia
Fix an arbitrary inertial frame of reference, and consider a rigid body. onsider the total torque on the body.
The torque on the ith particle due to internal forces will be
τi = ri × Fji

where Fji is the force exerted by the j th particle on the ith particle. The total torque on the body is therefore
the double sum,
τ internal = ri × Fji
i=1 j=1
1 XX
= (ri × Fji + rj × Fij )
2 i<1 j=1
1 XX
= (ri − rj ) × Fji
2 i<1 j=1

where we use Newton’s third law in the last step. However, we assume that the forces between particles
within the rigid body are along the line joining the two particles, so we have
ri − rj
Fji = Fji
|ri − rj |

so all the cross products vanish, and

τ internal = 0
Therefore, we consider only external forces acting on the body when we compute the torque.
Now it is easier to work in the continuum limit. Let the density at each point of the body be ρ (r) (for a
discrete collection of masses, we may let ρ be a sum of Dirac delta functions and recover the discrete picture).
The contribution to the total torque of an external force dF (r) acting at position r of the body is

dτ = r × dF (r)

and the total follows by integrating this. Substituting for the force using Newton’s second law, dF (r) =
dv dv 3
dt dm = dt ρ (r) d x we have
τ = r× dm
= ρ (r) r × d3 x
d dr
= ρ (r) (r × v) − × v d3 x
dt dt
Since dt × v = v × v = 0, and the density is independent of time,
τ = ρ (r) (r × v) d3 x
Notice the the right-hand side is just the total angular momentum, since dL for a small mass element
dm = ρd3 x is dL = ρ (r) (r × v).
Now suppose the body rotates with angular velocity ω. Then the velocity of any point in the body is
ω × r, so
τ = ρ (r) (r × (ω × r)) d3 x
ρ (r) ωr2 − r (r · ω) d3 x


We would like to separate the properties intrinsic to the rigid body from those dependent on its motion.
To do this, we extract ω from the integral above, but this required index notation. Write the equation in
ρ (r) ωi r2 − ri rj ωj d3 x

τi =
ρ (r) ωj δij r2 − ri rj ωj d3 x

= ωj ρ (r) δij r2 − ri rj d3 x

Notice how the use of dummy indices and the Kronecker delta allows us to get the same index on ωj in both
terms so that we can bring it outside. Now define the moment of inertia tensor,
Iij ≡ ρ (r) δij r2 − ri rj d3 x

which depends only on the particular rigid body. This tensor is symmetric,
Iij = Iji
The torque equation may now be written as
τi = (Iij ωj )
We have therefore shown that the angluar momentum is
Li = Iij ωj
where equation of motion in an inertial frame is simply
τ =
In general, Iij is not proportional to the identity, so that the angular momentum and the angular velocity
are not parallel.

3.1 Rotating reference frame and the Euler equation

Next, suppose we look at the equation of motion in a rotating frame of reference. We must replace the time
d d
= + ω×
dt inertial dt body
and the equation of motion becomes  
τ = +ω×L
dt b
This is the Euler equation.
In order to use the Euler equation, it is helpful work in a particular frame of reference. Given our rotating
frame, any constant orthogonal transformation of the basis takes us to another equivalent rotating frame,
but with a different orientation of the basis vectors. Furthermore, we know that any symmetric matrix may
be diagonalized by an orthogonal transformation. Therefore, it is possible to rotate our basis to one in which
Iij is diagonal. In this basis, we have
 
I11 0 0
[I]ij =  0 I22 0 
0 0 I33

The three eigenvalues, I11 , I22 and I33 are called the principal moments of inertia.
If we now write out the Euler equation in components using the principal moments, we have
τi = Iij ωj + εijk ωj Ikm ωm
so writing each component separately,
τ1 = I1j ωj + ε1jk ωj Ikm ωm
= I11 ω1 + ε123 ω2 I3m ωm + ε132 ω3 I2m ωm
= I11 + ε123 ω2 I33 ω3 + ε132 ω3 I22 ω2
= I11 + ω2 ω3 (I33 − I22 )
and similarly,
τ2 = I22 ω2 + ε231 ω3 I11 ω1 + ε213 ω1 I33 ω3
= I22 + ω3 ω1 (I11 − I33 )
τ3 = I33 ω3 + ε312 ω1 I22 ω2 + ε321 ω2 I11 ω1
= I33 + ω1 ω2 (I22 − I11 )
Introducing the briefer (but potentially misleading) notation

I1 = I11
I2 = I22
I3 = I33

we have the Euler equations in the form0

τ1 = I1 ω̇1 − ω2 ω3 (I2 − I3 )
τ2 = I2 ω̇2 − ω3 ω1 (I3 − I1 )
τ3 = I3 ω̇3 − ω1 ω2 (I1 − I2 )

3.2 Torque-free motion

When the torque vanishes, both the kinetic energy and the angular momentum are conserved. To find the
kinetic energy, we write the action. There is no potential; in the inertial frame, the kinetic energy is the
integral over the rigid body,
T = ρ (r) v2 d3 x
= ρ (r) (ω × r) · (ω × r) d3 x
= ρ (r) (εimn ωm rn ) (εijk ωj rk ) d3 x

= ρ (r) (εmni εjki ) ωm rn ωj rk d3 x
= ρ (r) (δmj δnk − δmk δnj ) ωm rn ωj rk d3 x
= ωm ωj ρ (r) (δmj rn rn − rj rm ) d3 x
= ωm ωj Imj
so we have
T = Iij ωi ωj
The action is therefore ˆ
S= Iij ωi ωj dt
where ωi = ϕ̇ni . Since there is no explicit time dependence, the energy
E = ϕ̇ − L
∂ ϕ̇
= (Iij ni nj ϕ̇) ϕ̇ − Iij ωi ωj
= Iij ωi ωj
is conserved. We also know that the total angular momentum is conserved,

Li = Iij ωj

Suppose, for concreteness, that I3 < I2 < I1 . The case when two of the principal moments are equal is
simpler and will be examined separately. Then for torque-free motion, the Euler equations become

I1 ω̇1 = ω2 ω3 (I2 − I3 )
I2 ω̇2 = −ω3 ω1 (I1 − I3 )
I3 ω̇3 = ω1 ω2 (I1 − I2 )

where the differences on the right are non-negative. Add multiples of the first pair:

I1 (I1 − I3 ) ω1 ω̇1 = ω1 ω2 ω3 (I1 − I3 ) (I2 − I3 )

I2 (I2 − I3 ) ω2 ω̇2 = −ω2 ω3 ω1 (I1 − I3 ) (I2 − I3 )

to find

0 = I1 (I1 − I3 ) ω1 ω̇1 + I2 (I2 − I3 ) ω2 ω̇2

1 d
I1 (I1 − I3 ) ω12 + I2 (I2 − I3 ) ω22

2 dt
so with A constant, we have
I1 (I1 − I3 ) ω12 + I2 (I2 − I3 ) ω22 = A
Similarly, we find a relation between ω32 and ω22 ,

I2 (I1 − I2 ) ω2 ω̇2 = −ω3 ω1 ω2 (I1 − I3 ) (I1 − I2 )

I3 (I1 − I3 ) ω3 ω̇3 = ω1 ω2 ω3 (I1 − I2 ) (I1 − I3 )

1 d
I2 (I1 − I2 ) ω22 + I3 (I1 − I3 ) ω32

0 =
2 dt
Calling the second constant B, we solve for two of the components,
I1 ω12 A − I2 (I2 − I3 ) ω22
I1 − I3
I3 ω32 B − I2 (I1 − I2 ) ω22
I1 − I3
Substituting into the energy,

2E = I1 ω12 + I2 ω22 + I3 ω32

1 1
A − I2 (I2 − I3 ) ω22 + I2 ω22 + B − I2 (I1 − I2 ) ω22
I1 − I3 I1 − I3
A + B − I2 (I2 − I3 ) ω22 + I2 (I1 − I3 ) ω22 − I2 (I1 − I2 ) ω22

I1 − I3
A + B + (−I2 I2 + I2 I3 + I1 I2 − I2 I3 − I1 I2 + I2 I2 ) ω22

I1 − I3
= (A + B)
I1 − I3
so the sum of the constants is related to the energy,

A + B = 2 (I1 − I3 ) E

To find the remaining component, we solve for ω1 and ω3 ,

ω1 = (A − I2 (I2 − I3 ) ω22 )
I1 (I1 − I3 )
ω3 = (B − I2 (I1 − I2 ) ω22 )
I3 (I1 − I3 )

and substitute into the differentital equation for ω2 ,

I2 ω̇2 = −ω3 ω1 (I1 − I3 )

Integrating gives an expression which can be written in terms of elliptic integrals,

r ˆ
I1 I2 I3 dω2
− t= r
1 − I2 (I2A−I3 ) ω22 1 − I2 (I1B−I2 ) ω22

Rescale ω2 , letting r
I2 (I2 − I3 )
χ= ω2
Then r r ˆ
I2 (I2 − I3 ) I1 I2 I3 dχ
− t= p
A AB (1 − χ2 ) (1 − k 2 χ2 )
A (I1 − I2 )
k2 =
B (I2 − I3 )

The right side is Jacobi’s form of the elliptic integral of the first kind,
ˆ x
F (x, k) = p
0 (1 − t ) (1 − k 2 t2 )

so we have
r r r !
I2 (I2 − I3 ) I1 I2 I3 I2 (I2 − I3 ) A (I1 − I2 )
− t=F ω2 ,
A AB A B (I2 − I3 )
We show below that for a symmetric body, the torque-free solution is much easier to understand.

3.3 Torque-free motion of a symmetric rigid body

Now consider the case when two of the moments of inertia are equal. This happens when th rigid body is
rotationally symmetric around one axis. Let the z-axis be the axis of symmetry. Then I1 = I2 , and the
torque-free Euler equations become
0 = I1 ω̇1 − ω2 ω3 (I1 − I3 )
0 = I1 ω̇2 + ω1 ω3 (I1 − I3 )
0 = I3 ω̇3
The final equation shows that ω3 is constant. Defining the constant frequency
I1 − I3
Ω ≡ ω3
the remaining two equations are
ω̇1 = Ωω2
ω̇2 = −Ωω1
We decouple these by differentiating the first and substituting the second,
ω̈1 = Ωω̇2
= −Ω2 ω1
and similarly, by differentiating the second and substituting the first. This results in the pair
ω̈1 + Ω2 ω1 = 0
ω̈2 + Ω2 ω2 = 0
with the immediate solution
ω1 = A cos Ωt + B sin Ωt
for ω1 and, returning to the original equation ω̇1 = Ωω2 ,
ω2 = −A sin Ωt + B cos Ωt
Notice that
ω12 + ω22 = A2 + B 2
so the x and y components of the angular velocity together form a constant length vector that precesses
around the z axis. If the angular velocity is dominated by ω3 , the remaining components give the object a
“wobble” – it spins slightly off its symmetry axis, precessing. On the other hand, if ω3 is small, the motion
is a “tumble” – end over end rotation of its symmetry axis.
Remember that this analysis takes place in a frame of reference rotating with angular velocity ω. If all
of the motion were about the z-axis, the object would be at rest in the rotating frame. The fact that we
get time dependence of our solution for ω means that even in a frame rotating with the body, the body
precesses. If we transform back to the inertial frame, it is also spinning.

4 Lagrangian approach to rigid bodies
To study symmetric rigid bodies with one point fixed and gravity acting – tops – we begin afresh and write
an action for the problem. In order to do this, we require some set of coordinates. These are taken to be the
Euler angles. There are actually many ways to define a useful set of three angles; we follow the definition
used in Goldstein, Section 4.4.
Our goal is to related a fixed inertial system, (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) to a set of Cartesian axes fixed in the top, (x, y, z).
The relationship is defined by concatenating three rotations:
1. Rotate about the z-axis through an angle ϕ, giving intermetiate coordinates ξ = (ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 ). Call this
coordinate transformation matrix D.
2. Rotate about the ξ1 axis by an angle θ, giving coordinates ξ 0 . Call this coordinate transformation
matrix C.
3. Rotate about ξ3 by an angle ψ to the final x coordinates. Call this coordinate transformation matrix

We may think of (θ, ϕ) as the direction of the symmetry axis of the top, with ψ giving its angle of rotation
about that axis. It is easy to construct the full transformation between x0 and x because each of these
transformations, D, C, B is a simple 2-dim rotation. The full transformation, A, is therefore just the product

x = Ax0
= BCDx0

of the three, applying D first, then C, then B, where

 
cos ϕ sin ϕ 0
D =  − sin ϕ cos ϕ 0 
0 0 1
 
1 0 0
C =  0 cos θ sin θ 
0 − sin θ cos θ
 
cos ψ sin ψ 0
B =  − sin ψ cos ψ 0 
0 0 1

Multiplying this out, we have

   
cos ψ sin ψ 0 1 0 0 cos ϕ sin ϕ 0
=  − sin ψ cos ψ 0   0 cos θ sin θ   − sin ϕ cos ϕ 0 
0 0 1 0 − sin θ cos θ 0 0 1
  
cos ψ sin ψ 0 cos ϕ sin ϕ 0
=  − sin ψ cos ψ 0   − cos θ sin ϕ cos θ cos ϕ sin θ 
0 0 1 sin θ sin ϕ − sin θ cos ϕ cos θ
 
cos ψ cos ϕ − cos θ sin ϕ sin ψ sin ϕ cos ψ + cos θ cos ϕ sin ψ sin ψ sin θ
=  − sin ψ cos ϕ − cos θ sin ϕ cos ψ − sin ϕ sin ψ + cos θ cos ϕ cos ψ cos ψ sin θ 
sin θ sin ϕ − sin θ cos ϕ cos θ

The inverse transformation is just the transpose, At = A−1 .

Now denote the angular velocity vector of the rigid body as ω 0 with respect
 the inertial frame or
reference, and let this velocity be the time derivative of the Euler angles, , ϕ̇, θ̇, ψ̇ . We can write this a
vector relationship using the intermetiate coordinates,
ω = ϕ̇ẑ0 + θ̇ξ̂ 1 + ψ̇ẑ
Using A, B, C and D we can find these components with respect to the body frame. For the first term, ϕ̇ẑ0
we write  
ẑ0 =  0 
and write this in terms of the body basis as
 
sin ψ sin θ
Aẑ0 =  cos ψ sin θ  = x̂ sin ψ sin θ + ŷ cos ψ sin θ + ẑ cos θ
cos θ
ϕ̇ẑ0 = x̂ϕ̇ sin ψ sin θ + ŷϕ̇ cos ψ sin θ + ẑϕ̇ cos θ

For the next term, θ̇ξ̂ 1 , we only need the final rotation to get to the body system, since ξ̂ 1 = ξ̂ 1 . Therefore,
we compute

B θ̇ξ̂ 1 = θ̇B ξ̂ 1
 
cos ψ
= θ̇  − sin ψ  = x̂θ̇ cos ψ − ŷθ̇ sin ψ
Finally, ψ̇ẑ is already in the body frame. Adding these, we have
ω = ϕ̇ẑ0 + θ̇ξ̂ 1 + ψ̇ẑ
= ϕ̇ sin ψ sin θ + θ̇ cos ψ x̂ + ϕ̇ cos ψ sin θ − θ̇ sin ψ ŷ + ψ̇ + ϕ̇ cos θ ẑ

4.1 Action functional for rigid body motion

We are now in a position to write the Lagrangian and action for a rigid body. In terms of Euler coordinates,
the kinetic energy is
T = Iij ωi ωj
Substituting for the angular velocity in the principal axis frame this becomes
1  2 1  2 1  2
T = I1 ϕ̇ sin ψ sin θ + θ̇ cos ψ + I2 ϕ̇ cos ψ sin θ − θ̇ sin ψ + I3 ψ̇ + ϕ̇ cos θ
2 2 2
We may also have the kinetic energy of the center of mass.
For a slowly changing force field, we may write the potential as a function of the center of mass only, but
if there is a gradient or the forces are applied at specific points of the rigid body, there may be torques as
well. If the body is in a gravitational field, the potential is found by integrating
dV = −dmg (r) · dx
´ g (x) is the local gravitational acceleration. For a uniform gravitational field, g = −gk is constant so
g (r) · dx = g · x
dV = − ρd3 x g · x

V = −g · ρxd3 x
= −M g · R

since the center of mass is defined as ˆ
R= ρxd3 x
We now apply these considerations to the case of a rigid body symmetric about one axis, with one point
fixed: tops.

4.2 Symmetric body with torque: tops

Now suppose the rotationally symmetric body rests on one point of the symmetry axis, like a top spinning
on a tabletop. We take this point as fixed. Then, unless the top is perfectly vertical, there is a torque acting,
produced by gravity acting at the center of mass. If the center of mass is a distance l above the fixed tip,
then the potential is
V = M gl cos θ
Taking the z-axis as the symmetry axis, we have I1 = I2 , and the first two terms of the kinetic energy
simplify considerably. The cross terms cancel and the sums of squares combine to give
 2  2  1 
I1 ϕ̇ sin ψ sin θ + θ̇ cos ψ + ϕ̇ cos ψ sin θ − θ̇ sin ψ = I1 ϕ̇2 sin2 θ + θ̇2
2 2

Then the action becomes

ˆ  2 
1  2 2  1 
S = dt I1 ϕ̇ sin θ + θ̇2 + I3 ψ̇ + ϕ̇ cos θ − M gl cos θ
2 2

We first look for conserved quantities. Two angles, ϕ and ψ, are cyclic, so their conjugate momenta are
pϕ =
∂ ϕ̇
= I1 ϕ̇ sin2 θ + I3 ψ̇ + ϕ̇ cos θ cos θ
= ϕ̇ I1 sin2 θ + I3 cos2 θ + I3 ψ̇ cos θ

pψ =
∂ ψ̇
= I3 ψ̇ + ϕ̇ cos θ
= I3 ω3
The energy provides a third constant of the motion since ∂t = 0. Since the Lagrangian is quadratic in the
velocities, we have E = T + V ,
1  2 2  1  2
E = I1 ϕ̇ sin θ + θ̇2 + I3 ψ̇ + ϕ̇ cos θ + M gl cos θ
2 2
1  2 2  p2ψ
= I1 ϕ̇ sin θ + θ̇2 + + M gl cos θ
2 2I3

To solve, we first eliminate ψ̇,

ψ̇ = − ϕ̇ cos θ

then substitute this into pϕ ,
2 2
pϕ = ϕ̇ I1 sin θ + I3 cos θ + I3 − ϕ̇ cos θ cos θ
= ϕ̇ I1 sin2 θ + I3 cos2 θ + pψ cos θ − I3 ϕ̇ cos2 θ

= ϕ̇I1 sin2 θ + pψ cos θ

so that we may also solve for ϕ̇. This gives

pϕ − pψ cos θ
ϕ̇ =
I1 sin2 θ
Finally, we use the energy to express θ as an integral,

1  2 2  p2
E = I1 ϕ̇ sin θ + θ̇2 + + M gl cos θ
2 2I3
2 !

1 pϕ − pψ cos θ 2 2
= I1 sin θ + θ̇ + + M gl cos θ
2 I1 sin2 θ 2I3
1 (pϕ − pψ cos θ) p2ψ
= I1 θ̇2 + + + M gl cos θ
2 2I1 sin2 θ 2I3
We may drop the constant term, 2Iψ3 . Then, solving for θ̇ to integrate,

t = r
(pϕ −pψ cos θ)2
I1 − I12 sin2 θ
− 2M gl
I1 cos θ
sin θdθ
= q
2E 2 1 2 2M gl 2
I1 sin θ − I 2 (pϕ − pψ cos θ) − I1 sin θ cos θ

or, setting x = cos θ,

t = − q
2E 1 2 2M gl
I1 (1 − x2 ) − I12
(pϕ − pψ x) − I1 (x − x3 )

The cubic in under the root makes this difficult, but it can be expressed in terms of elliptic integrals or
numerically integrated. The resulting θ (t) then allows us to integrate to find ϕ (t) and ψ (t).
A simpler way to approach the qualitative behavior is to view the energy as that of a 1-dimensional
problem with an effective potential
(pϕ − pψ cos θ)
Vef f = + M gl cos θ
2I1 sin2 θ
where we again drop the irrelevant constant, 2Iψ3 .
To explore the motion in this potential, again set x = cos θ. Then
(pϕ − pψ x)
Vef f = + M glx
2I1 (1 − x2 )
This has extrema when
dVef f
0 =

−2pψ (pϕ − pψ x) (pϕ − pψ x)
= − 2 (−2x) + M gl
2I1 (1 − x2 ) 2I1 (1 − x2 )
2 2 
−pψ 2 (pϕ − pψ x) 1 − x2 + 2x (pϕ − pψ x) + 2I1 M gl 1 − x2

= 2
2I1 (1 − x2 )
−2pψ pϕ 1 − x2 + 2p2ψ x 1 − x2 + 2p2ϕ x − 4pϕ pψ x2 + 2p2ψ x3 + 2I1 M gl 1 − 2x2 + x4
0 =
(2I1 M gl − 2pψ pϕ ) + 2p2ϕ + 2p2ψ x + (2pψ pϕ − 4pϕ pψ − 4I1 M gl) x2 + 2p2ψ − 2p2ψ x3 + 2I1 M glx4
0 =
(I1 M gl − pψ pϕ ) + p2ϕ + p2ψ x − (pϕ pψ + 2I1 M gl) x2 + (I1 M gl) x4

0 =
I1 M gl 1 − x2 − pψ pϕ 1 + x2 + p2ϕ + p2ψ x
0 =

For x near 1, the first term may be neglected and we have approximately

0 = pψ pϕ − p2ϕ + p2ψ x + pψ pϕ x2

r !
1 2
p2ϕ + p2ψ ±

x = p2ϕ + p2ψ − 4p2ψ p2ϕ
2pψ pϕ
p2ϕ + p2ψ ± p2ϕ − p2ψ

x =
2pψ pϕ
pϕ pψ
x = ,
pψ pϕ

In this case the top precesses in a nearly vertical position at a speed near its rate of spin.
Now consider small x, so we neglect the x4 term. Then

0 = (pψ pϕ + 2I1 M gl) x2 − p2ϕ + p2ψ x − (I1 M gl − pψ pϕ )

r !
1 2
p2ϕ + p2ψ ±

x = p2ψ + p2ϕ + 4 (pψ pϕ + 2I1 M gl) (I1 M gl − pψ pϕ )
2 (pψ pϕ + 2I1 M gl)
r !
1 2
2 2
 2 2
x = pϕ + pψ ± pψ − p2ϕ − 4I1 M glpψ pϕ + 8I1 M 2 g 2 l2
2 (pψ pϕ + 2I1 M gl)

This has real solutions as long as

p2ψ − p2ϕ + 8I12 M 2 g 2 l2 ≥ 4I1 M glpψ pϕ

When the spin is fast, we have pψ  pϕ and may approximate

p4ψ + 8I12 M 2 g 2 l2 ≥ 4I1 M glp2ψ

But then
0 ≤ p2ψ − 2I1 M gl
= p4ψ − 4I1 M glp2ψ + 4I12 M 2 g 2 l2
p4ψ + 4I12 M 2 g 2 l2 ≥ 4I1 M glpψ
and since pψϕ < 1, there is always a solution. When the energy equals the potential at such a minimum,
the top will precess in a circle at a fixed angle θ. We may the consider perturbations around this solution.
Various solutions are depicted in Figure 5.9 of Goldstein, depending on the relative frequencies in the θ and
ϕ oscillations.

4.2.1 Slowly precessing top
Consider the case when we have ψ̇  θ̇  ϕ̇. Then we may make the following approximations:

ψ̇ = − ϕ̇ cos θ

pϕ − pψ cos θ
ϕ̇ =  ψ̇
I1 sin2 θ
while the energy is approximately

1  2 2  p2
E = I1 ϕ̇ sin θ + θ̇2 + + M gl cos θ
2 2I3
p2ψ 1
E0 = E− ≈ I1 θ̇2 + M gl cos θ
2I3 2

Then, solving for θ̇ to integrate, we find an elliptic integral:


t = q
2E 0 2M gl
I1 − I1 cos θ
2I1 θ 4M gl
= F ; −
E 0 − M gl 2 2E 0 − 2M gl

4.3 Gyroscopes
Gyroscopes are typically mounted on freely turning frames so that there is no external torque. In this case,
the potential vanishes and we have the simpler system

ψ̇ = − ϕ̇ cos θ
pϕ − pψ cos θ
ϕ̇ =
I1 sin2 θ
1  2 2  p2
E = I1 ϕ̇ sin θ + θ̇2 +
2 2I3
with effective potential
(pϕ − pψ cos θ)
Vef f =
2I1 sin2 θ
The extrema at  
pϕ pψ
x = min ,
pψ pϕ
where the minimum selects for the value which gives x ≤ 1. There is therefore exactly one solution


t = r
2E (pϕ −pψ cos θ)2
I1 − I12 sin2 θ

sin θdθ
= q
2E 2 1 2
I1 sin θ − I12
(pϕ − pψ cos θ)
I1 dx
= r  

2I1 E − p2ϕ + 2pϕ pψ x − 2I1 E + p2ψ x2

This time the root is quadratic, and we may complete the square,
 2
q p ϕ p ψ p2ϕ p2ψ
2I1 E − p2ϕ + 2pϕ pψ x − 2I1 E + p2ψ x2 = −  2I1 E + p2ψ x − q + 2I1 E − p2ϕ
 +
2I1 E + p2ψ 2I1 E + p2ψ

q pϕ pψ
ξ = 2I1 E + p2ψ x − q
2I1 E + p2ψ

dx = q
2I1 E + p2ψ
p2ϕ p2ψ
A2 = + 2I1 E − p2ϕ
2I1 E + p2ψ
Ω = 2I1 E + p2ψ
we have ˆ
I1 dξ
t= q p
2I1 E + p2ψ A2 − ξ 2

so we set
ξ = A sin α
and the integral is
I1 ξ
t = q sin−1
2I1 E + p2ψ A
q pϕ pψ
2I1 E + p2ψ cos θ − q = A sin Ωt
2I1 E + p2ψ
pϕ pψ A
cos θ = 2 +q sin Ωt
2I1 E + pψ 2I1 E + p2ψ
= cos θ0 + b sin Ωt

q the tip angle of the gyroscope oscillates up and down around the angle θ0
This displays nutation clearly:
with period Ω. From Ω = I1 2I1 E + p2ψ we see that Ω may have any magnitude, depending on the size of
I1 . Then, from
pϕ − pψ cos θ
ϕ̇ =
I1 sin2 θ
we see that the value of pϕ makes ϕ̇ independent of Ω. This means that the rate of precession and the rate
of nutation are independent of one another.


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