Earthquake Engineering - CE
Earthquake Engineering - CE
Earthquake Engineering - CE
To know the overall seismic principles governing the conceptual design against seismic hazard.
To use data from engineering seismology - the seismic response calculations;
To determine the relative level displacements and be able to decide if needed second order
To can apply torque effect (simplified method).
To choose a system of passive seismic response control
Linking knowledge of design calculation and construction erection with the results of the
8. Contents
8.1. Lecture (syllabus) Teaching methods Notes
1. Introduction to seismological and engineering study of
The seismic response of a linear single degree of freedom
2. system subjected to dynamic rigid base translation: the
equilibrium equation, solution and response spectra
The seismic response of nonlinear single degree of freedom
3. system subjected to dynamic translation of rigid base:
inelastic response, design spectra, numerical integration.
4. The seismic response of linear system with "n" degrees of
freedom subjected to dynamic translation of the rigid base
5. Methods of seismic analysis for structures Speech / case
6. Performance-based design in earthquake engineering studies
7. Performance requirements and compliance criteria
8. The guiding principles governing the conceptual design
against seismic hazard
9. Inelastic dynamic behaviour
10. Design concepts for earthquake resistant reinforced
concrete structures
11. Seismic respons for nonstructural elements
12. The control of structural seismic response
13. Control of seismic response "passive" and "active"
14. Seismic protection by special systems
1. Amr S. Elnashai, Luigi Di Sarno – Fundamentals of EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING
2. Yousef Bozorgnia, Vitelmo V. Bertero – EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING from Engineering
Seismology to Performance-Based Engineering, CRC Press LLC, 2004
3. Verdes Doina – Basics of Seismic Engineering, UT-PRESS, 2011
8.2. Applications/Seminars Teaching methods Notes
The base shear load Fb conforming the P100-2013 Code,
1. the procedure of equivalent static force for a cantilever roof
covering a platform in a railway station.
The seismic force on transversal direction for an industrial
building. To resolve the seismic response in acceleration,
velocity and displacement using the β-Newmark method
2. and a time-history analysis (SAP2000 or ROBOT), using
the accelerogram E-V Vrancea 1977. To present the graphs
of seismic response for the β-Newmark method and time
history analisys results.
To compute the seismic load conforming the P100 - 2013 Speech /
Projector /
Code, the procedure of equivalent lateral force (hand applications
Shake Table
3. calculation) for a construction that is a residential building, P100-1/2013
with six levels. The structure has transversal and EC8
longitudinal frames on reinforced concrete.
The modal response spectrum analysis of the structure
5. The lateral displacement check
6. Seismic compliance of the structure and structural elements
The seismic response in acceleration, velocity and
displacement for a SDOF system (a one level framework
model) subjected to unidirectional translation -
experimental analysis on shaking table.
1. Verdes Doina, Bompa Dan, Bindea Mihai – Metode de calcul si experimentare in proiectarea
seismica, UT-PRESS Cluj-Napoca, 2013
2. Tudor Postelnicu, Proiectarea structurilor de beton armat în zone seismice, editura MarLink,
București, 2012
3. P100-1/2013
4. EC8
9. Bridging course contents with the expectations of the representatives of the community,
professional associations and employers in the field
Acquired skills will be required for employees who work in structural design companies and in execution
10. Evaluation
10.3 Weight in the
Activity type 10.1 Assessment criteria 10.2 Assessment methods
final grade
Course To solve 2 theory questions Written test – 2 hours 70%
Oral test – is a condition to
Applications Laboratory papers evaluation 30%
exam entrance
10.4 Minimum standard of performance
Theory: T=(T1+T2)/2 ≥ 5; Applications: L=(L1+L2+L3+L4)/4 ≥ 5; Final: F=0,7xT+0,3xL ≥ 5