Guiadocent 250704 Curs 2023 en

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Structural Dynamics (250704)

General information

Departments: Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental
Credits: 5.0 ECTS
2015 - (codi pla 1140)
Course: 2023/2024

Main teaching language at each group

• Group 10Q1 English (Q1)


Responsible faculty: Javier Bonet Carbonell (also responsible of the English group)

Teachers: Javier Bonet Carbonell, Rolando Antonio Chacón Flores, Miguel Masó Sotomayor

Generic objectives

Subject to acquire knowledge and skills to understand and solve dynamic problems in structures

Capability to understand and solve problems of dynamics in structures. Ability to consider the
dynamics in structural design .

Basic concepts of structural dynamics. Dynamic models with a single degree of freedom and with
several degrees of freedom. Formulation of the equation of motion . Formulation of the equation
of motion and dynamic response of a system with "n " degrees of freedom : Lagrangeanas or
generalized coordinates . Introduction to the dynamics of nonlinear structures

The aim of this course is to get students to acquire knowledge and skills to understand and solve
problems of dynamic structures and be trained to consider the dynamics in the structural design.
This course will lay the foundation for further studies of structures subjected to seismic actions,
wind and vibrations caused by machines in general and traffic.


Specific skills

To conceive and design civil and building structures that are safe, durable, functional and
integrated into its surroundings.

Designing and building using traditional materials (reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete,
structural steel, masonry, wood) and new materials (composites, stainless steel, aluminum,
shape memory alloys?).

Mathematically modelling structural engineering problems.

To apply methods and advanced design software and structural calculations, based on
knowledge and understanding of forces and their application to the structural types of civil

Generic skills of subject

To conceive, design, analyze and manage structures or structural elements of civil engineering or
building, encouraging innovation and the advance of knowledge.

To develop, improve and use conventional materials and new construction techniques to ensure
the safety requirements, functionality, durability and sustainability.

ECTS credits: total hours of student work


Hours Percent

Theory 19.00 42.2%

Assignments 8.00 17.8%

Supervised Learning
Laboratory 18.00 40.0%

Supervised activities 0.00 0.0%

Self-Learning 80.00


Basis of structural dynamics


3.0h. Theory

oMass & Stiffness


oEquation of motion

oEnergy balance

oDynamic amplification factor & Transmission ratio

Formulation of the equation of motion. Dynamic response of a system of 1 DoF


8.0h. Theory + 4.0h. Assignments + 9.0h. Laboratory


oSDOF Structures and Rayleigh´s method

oUn-damped and damped free oscillation

oForced oscillation – constant force

oForced harmonic vibration – response types, resonance

oLaboratory 1

oGeneral forced oscillation: Duhamel integral. Newmark method

oLaboratory practice 2

oEarthquake loading. Response spectra

oPartial Examination

Problem Classes. ASSESSED (70% of grade). Delivery dates mentioned in each case. - Work
Problem 1: Calculation of frequencies 1GL simple structures. - Work Issues 2: dynamic time
response 1GL simple structures. Harmonic actions. - Work Problem 3: dynamic time response
1GL simple structures. Any actions. I work Problem 4: Dynamic Frequency response - Fourier
Transforms. - Work Problem 5: pseudo-spectra and theoretical spectra.

Laboratory classes. ASSESSED (30% of grade). The work is done and delivered on the same
day on the date mentioned in each case.

- Laboratory Work 1: Introduction to experimentation. Introduction to computers. Introduction to

mounting connections Introduction to data acquisition. Compare Arduino and Traditional

- Laboratory Work 2: Study of damped free vibrations. Cantilevered strip. It will be done with
Arduino for different beam lengths for each student. Initially, Arduino-Spider comparisons will be
made to show the ability of low-cost items.

- Laboratory Work 3: Study of damped forced vibrations. Cantilevered strip. It will be done with
Arduino for different beam lengths for each student.

Formulation of the equation of motion. Dynamic response of a system with N DoF


6.0h. Theory + 3.0h. Assignments + 9.0h. Laboratory


oFree vibration – modes of vibration – main frequency(ies) of vibration

oProblem reduction by static condensation or Rayleigh-Ritz method

oForced vibration – modal decomposition

oEarthquake loading

oSimplified shear building model

oExample of seismic analysis

oLaboratory practice 3

oFinal Project

Problem Classes. ASSESSED (70% of grade). Delivery dates mentioned in each case.

- Work Issues 6: Fundamental frequency in continuous structures.

- Work Issues 7: structural "N" GL Systems. Shear frame structure

Laboratory classes. ASSESSED (30% of grade). The work is done and delivered on the same
day on the date mentioned in each case.

- Laboratory Work 4: Session Programming in Matlab, Python, VisualBasic or another language.

- Laboratory Work 5: Shear frame structure.

Introduction to the dynamics of non-linear structure


2.0h. Theory + 1.0h. Assignments


- Simplified representation of the nonlinear behavior of an oscillator: inertial nonlinearity, damping

non-linearity, nonlinearity of stiffness: constitutive and geometric. Ductility of a nonlinear oscillator
degree of freedom.

- Inelastic response spectrum: ductility required spectrum, spectrum coefficient project, effective
reduction of forces.

- Formulation of dynamic equilibrium for a structure subjected to nonlinear behavior.

- Linearization of the equilibrium equation.

- Various nonlinear effects in structures caused by nonlinear dynamic actions

- Solving the equation of motion in structures subjected to non-linear behavior.

- Explicit-Implicit Solution.

- Introduction to material behavior models, independent of time (damage, plasticity). Effects on

the structural behavior.

- Introduction to the models of material behavior, time dependent (viscoelasticity, viscoplasticity,

viscodamage). Effects on the structural behavior. The structural damping and its origin in the

- Evolution of the natural frequency of structures subjected to dynamic actions. Relationship

between the change of natural frequency and structural damage.
Problem Classes. ASSESSED (70% of grade). Delivery dates mentioned in each case.

- Work Issues 8: nonlinear structural systems. Inelastic spectra. Ductility


Grading rules (*)

(*) The evaluation calendar and grading rules will be approved before the start of the course.

The course grade is derived from the scores of a continuous assessment tests (50%), a project
(30%) and two laboratory reports (2x10%).

Test rules

Failure to perform a laboratory or continuous assessment activity in the scheduled period will
result in a mark of zero in that activity.

Teaching methodology

This subject is developed through 7 theory classes with problems, 3 laboratory sessions, a partial
exam and a project. The first two laboratory sessions will require the preparation of a deliverable.
The third laboratory session is the starting point for the final project, which covers the theoretical
and experimental analysis of a structure.

Support material is used in the form of detailed teaching plan using the virtual campus ATENEA:
content, programming and evaluation activities directed learning and literature.

Although most of the sessions will be given in the language indicated, support can also be given
in other languages.

Office hours

At the end of each class

Basic bibliography

• Barbat, A.H.; Oller, S. Conceptos de cálculo de estructuras en las normativas de diseño

sismorresistente. A.H.Barbat. Barcelona. 1997. ISBN 8489925100.
• Barbat, A.H.; Oller, S.; Vielma, J.C. Cálculo y diseño sismorresistente de edificios:
aplicación de la norma NCSE-02. CIMNE. Barcelona. 2005. ISBN 8495999897.
• Barbat; A. H.; Canet, J. M. Estructuras sometidas a acciones sísmicas. CIMNE. Barcelona.
1994. ISBN 8487867103.
• Oller, S. Nonlinear dynamics of structures. International Center for Numerical Methods in
Engineering (CIMNE) : Springer. Barcelona. 2014. ISBN 9783319051932.
• Blanco, E.; Oller, S.; Gil, L. Análisis experimental de estructuras. CIMNE. Barcelona. 2008.
ISBN 9788496736474.
• Paz, M. Dinámica estructural: teoría y cálculo. Reverté. Barcelona. 1992. ISBN
• Cesari, F. Metodi di calcolo nella dinamica delle strutture. Pitagora. Bologna. 1997. ISBN
• Clough, R.W.; Penzien, J. Dynamics of structures. Computer and Structures. Berkeley. 2003.
ISBN 0923907505.
• Chopra, A.K. Dynamics of structures: theory and applications to earthquake engineering.
Pearson Education Limited. Harlow. 2020. ISBN 9781292249209.

Complementary bibliography

• Chowdhury, I.; Dasgupta, S.P. Dynamics of structure and foundation: a unified approach.
CRC Press. 2008. ISBN 9780415471459.
• Weaver, W.; Timoshenko, S.P.; Young, D.H. Vibration problems in engineering. Wiley. New
York. 1990. ISBN 0471632287.
• Hanson, C.E.; Towers, D.A.; Meister, L.D. Transit noise and vibration impact assessment.
Federal Transit Administration. Office of Planning and Environment. Washington, DC. 2006.

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