Operational Study of Circulating Fluidized Bed Steam Generator

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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001
Vol. 7, Issue 6, Dec 2017, 543-550
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd



Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai Tamilnadu,India

The paper aims at studying the operation of a lignite fired Circulating Fluidized bed Combustion steam
generatorof 250 MW capacity located at NeyveliinTamilnadu in South India. Circulating fluidized bed
combustion(CFBC) is a techno-economical alternative to conventional pulverized coal fired combustion. It is a clean
coal technology and is environment friendly. From the proximate analysis,the lignite consisted of moisture (50%),
sulphur (0.70%), ash (8.50%). From the ultimate analysis, the elemental composition were carbon (27.50%), hydrogen
(2.20%), sulphur (0.70%) and oxygen (10.40%), nitrogen (0.20%) were found. The operational study was doneand the
particle size was one of the main factor for the efficiency. Finer particles consume auxiliary power while coarser
particles due to their inertia are difficult to entrain.

Original Article
KEYWORDS: Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC), Pulverized Coal Fired Combustion, Clean Coal
Technology, Proximate Analysis, Ultimate Analysis & Inertia

Received: Oct 20, 2017; Accepted: Nov 13, 2017; Published: Dec 02, 2017; Paper Id.: IJMPERDDEC201762

Circulating Fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) steam generator is equipment, used for generating steam
by burning the fossil fuels in a furnace where finer solids are transported through the furnace with a velocity higher
than the terminal velocity of the particles. The solids, leaving the furnace is separated by a solid-gas separator
(cyclone) and is circulated back to the furnace through the down comer, seal loop, spiess valve and the return leg.
The primary air is fed through the grate of the furnace and the secondary air is fed from the sides at a height above
the furnace floor level. The fuel particles undergo combustion in the furnace generating heat. The heat is
absorbed by the water and the rest is absorbed in the convective section located downstream known as the
convective pass.

The Circulating Fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) technology has many inherent features like fuel
flexibility, lower SOx, NOx emission, higher combustion efficiency, higher heat transfer rate etc. Also, the
temperature is uniform (800-9500 C) throughout the combustor leading to uniform thermal strain on the material
and the temperature is below the ash fusion temperature. Auxiliary power consumption and complexities of fluid
dynamics are some of the issues. Despite its issues the competitive advantage in terms of overall economy makes
the technology a viable one for industrial applications.


The Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) unit consists of the combustor, water and steam system, air and flue
gas system, fuel and ash system, auxiliary systems like gas analysers, feeding system, solid handling system etc.

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544 S. Bharath Subramaniam

The CFB combustor consists of the furnace, cyclone and circulating system (down comer, seal loop, spiess valve, the
return leg and the Fluidized bed heat exchanger (FBHE)). The convective section has the reheater coils. The combustion
takes place in a vertical furnace in which the fluidization occurs. The fuel is fed into the sealpot return legand is combusted
at 800 to 8500 C.

Table 1:. Dimensions of the CFB Unit

Width (M) Area Fuel Heat Input
(m2) (Mkcal/Hr)
11.840 16.240 3114 697
Convective Pass
SUPERHEATER Stage I FBHE superheater (m2) 1045
Stage II FBHE superheater (m2) 1045
Stage III FBHE superheater (m2) 1045
Stage IV Final superheater (m2) 3688
Total superheater surface area (m2) 6823

Figure 1: Schematic of a CFBC unit

Table 2: Steam Parameters

C 32 32
Hot reheat
Flow at
flow at the
MSSV t/hr. 845 758.2 t/hr. 716.5 668.8
Pressure Hot reheat
MAIN at kgf/c REHEAT pressure at kgf/c
175 173.9 46.2 43.1
STEAM MSSV m2 (g) STEAM the header m2 (g)
outlet outlet
Tempera Hot reheat
ture at 0 temperatur 0
C 540 540 C 540 540
MSSV e at header
outlet outlet

Impact Factor (JCC):6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

Operational Study of Circulating Fluidized Bed Steam Generator 545


The combustion air system consists of two primary air fans, two secondary air fans, rotary piston blower
andempty chambers.Primary air is used to remove the moisture in the fuel. Secondary air provides the air for combustion
and fluidizing air. Induced draft fan absorbs the air and the exhaust gas is expelled out of the stack to the atmosphere.

Table 3: Fan data


(m3/s) (mbar) (0C)

PA fan 2 82.03 310 45

SA fan 2 83.80 150 45
ID fan 2 318.3 48 146

Table 4: Blower data

(mbar) (0C)
Sealpot 5 2552 400 45
Empty chamber 5 2388 500 45
Bundle chamber 5 19500 800 45
Exit chamber 2 6500 250 45
Seal and purge 2 5062 950 45
Ash cooler 2 6215 350 45

Blowers are used for medium pressure applications. Combustor, cyclone, fluidized bed heat exchanger and the
seal pot form an integral part of circulating fluidized bed combustion system. In the combustor, the fuel is burnt. Ash is
carried out of the combustor along with the flue gas. The solids and the flue gas are routed to the cyclone where solid-gas
separation occurs. The solid particles are circulated back to the combustor through the seal pot. The finer ash along with
the flue gas then enters the convective pass. These finer particles are removed in the electrostatic precipitator. In the
fluidized bed heat exchanger (FBHE) the heat of the ash is utilized by the superheater, reheater for the steam generation.
The cooled ash is returned to the combustor. The downward taper in the combustor ensures constant gas velocity. A grate
equipped with nozzle forms the bottom portion of the combustor. The nozzles are arranged in offset.

The secondary air is fed through the secondary air injection nozzles. Nozzle ensures optimum distribution of the
air over the combustor cross section. There are 1800 nozzles in the combustor.The primary air fan increases the air
pressure suitable for fluidizing the ash inventory of the combustor and overcome the pressure drop across the nozzle and
back pressure of the CFB combustor. The primary air is fed through the air heater and the wind box. Secondary air consists
of air from fan, fluidizing air of the FBHE, sealpot, ash coolers, seal and purge air. It is fed to the combustor at various
levels. The secondary air is preheated in the combustion air preheater and controlled in such a way that the required air fuel
ratio is attained. The flow rates are controlled by respective dampers.

The secondary air fan maintains the air pressure controlled by the inlet guide vane of the fan. Fluidizing air is sent
to the ash cooler, seal pot and fluidized bed heat exchanger (FBHE) and is compressed and injected into the combustor.
As the flow rate of the fluidizing air increases, the particles start rising in the bed and gets entrained. The total air flow rate
is calculated. The air flow includes primary air through nozzles, oil lances, secondary air, fluidizing air of the ash coolers,
seal pots, seal and purge air etc. The hot ash laden flue gases leaving the combustor enter the cyclone where solid-gas

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546 S. Bharath Subramaniam

separation occurs. Cyclone is refractory lined consisting of a cylindrical top section and a conical bottom section tapering
downward. The ash circulates to the combustor through the seal pots. Only a fraction of the finer ash leaves the cyclone
along with the flue gas. The vortex finder improves the solids separation and promotes solids circulation in the system. The
seal pot which is in the downstream of the cyclone has an erosion resistant lining. Fluidizing air is sent to the seal pots. The
ash from the cyclone enters the combustor through the seal pots. The ash circulation rate to the fluidized bed heat
exchanger is controlled by the spiess valve. The fluidizing air to the seal pot is given by the seal pot blower. Air
distribution to the nozzles is accomplished by the wind box located underneath the seal pot.

Fluidized bed heat exchanger (FBHE) have refractory lined walls. It consists of empty chamber to steady the ash
flow entering the heat exchanger and bundle chamber with heat transfer bundles. In the chambers ash is fluidized by means
of constant airflow through the nozzle grates supplied by the rotary piston blowers. The air flow rate is controlled by
dampers. Several CFBC steam generators have separate Fluidized Bed Heat Exchanger (FBHE). The FBHE can be used as
evaporative heat transfer surfaces as well as superheat and reheat surfaces depending upon the design.

Flue gas system consists of the convective pass, air heater, overpressure relief damper, particulate removal
system, induced fan system and stack. It serves the function of heat transfer to the water and steam system as well to the
combustion air system and

removes the particulate matter in the flue gas to environmentally acceptable levels. It also maintains the required
temperature in the boiler. Limestone is added to the fluidized bed to capture the sulphur at the bottom. The reactions that
occur are known as the calcination loss and sulphation credit reactions. Magnesium carbonate can also be added to the bed.


This reaction is endothermic as it absorbs heat from the combustor.

3→ + 2 (1)

The calcination loss can be calculated by

Calcination loss =
" # $ %


This reaction is exothermic in nature and adds heat to the thermal system. When the calcined limestone (CaO)
reacts with sulphur dioxide, calcium sulphate is formed according to the reaction:


-. /"#01" 2 34 5 6
Sulphation credit =
-. " # $ %


Table 5: Operational Parameters

Ambient Temperature 32 C
Table 5: Contd.,
Main steam Temperature 540 C

Impact Factor (JCC):6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

Operational Study of Circulating Fluidized Bed Steam Generator 547

Reheat steam Temperature 540 C

Main steam Flow 845 t/hr.
Reheat steam Flow 716.5 t/hr.
Main steam Pressure 172 ata (g)
Reheat steam Pressure 45.3 ata
Fuel feed rate 263 t/hr.
Feed water temperature 256 C

Table 6: Process data

Heat release per burner 36 M kcal/hr. (HFO)
11.7 M kcal/hr.
Number of burners per boiler 4
Combustion air flow 40 t/hr.
Combustion air temperature 30 C / maximum 300
Combustion air pressure at the 1800 mm of water
burner inlet column
Draft loss 196 mm of water

Table 7: Electrostatic Precipitator Data

Gas flow rate to ESP 328.3 nm3/s
Gas temperature at the ESP inlet 140 C
Dust concentration at the ESP inlet 28.56 g/nm3

Table 8: Air Heater Data

Flue gas quantity kg/hr. 1363135 1234935
Gas temperature at TAPH inlet degree C 293 288
Gas temperature at RAPH inlet degree C TAPH exit temperature
Gas temperature at the outlet degree C 140 (max) 138



Flue gas carry large amount of heat which can be utilized to improve the performance of the steam generator.
Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen can be controlled. No flue gas desulphurization and flue gas denitrification plant is required
for CFBC combustors as sulphur is captured in the combustor using limestone.

Table 9: Flue gas Composition

N2 62.5
CO2 11.5
H 2O 21.9
O2 4.2
SO2 66 ppm

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Steam generator efficiency


-3 2 7 12
O2 concentration (%)

Figure 2: Oxygen Concentration vs. Steam Generator Efficiency

As the oxygen concentration increases the steam generator efficiency drops. Excess air is required to complete the
combustion. It has to be kept minimum. It is supplied for complete combustion. Combustion efficiency is enhanced by
supplying air in excess. It increases the heat losses but minimizes the CO formation. It is measured from the oxygen in the
flue gas leaving the stack. Atmospheric air contains 21% of oxygen by volume.

Fluidization velocity



0 500 1000 1500
Temperature C

Figure 3: Minimum Fluidization Velocity vs. Temperature

efficiency (%)


0 500 1000
Diameter of the Particles…
Figure 4: Combustion Efficiency vs. Particle Size (Microns)
Combustion is a process of burning the fuel in order to obtain heat energy in a controlled manner. For a good
combustion to take place temperature, turbulence and time are essential. The heat energy is utilized for various applications
which includes boilers, engines, etc. The combustion efficiency of a circulating fluidized bed steam generator varies from
98% to 99.9%.Also, it has better solid-gas mixing i.e. turbulence is provided for the combustion. Fluidized bed combustor
is metallurgic ally stable. The heat transfer coefficient between a surface and a gas solid suspension is a function of particle
convection, gas convection and radiation.

Impact Factor (JCC):6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

Operational Study of Circulating Fluidized Bed Steam Generator 549

ℎ = ℎ8 + ℎ9 + ℎ:


Heat transfer coefficient


0 2004006008001000
Diameter of the particles (microns)
Figure 5: Heat Transfer Co Efficient vs. Particle Size

Figure 6: Heat Losses and Credits in the CFB Steam Generator

Heat credits include sulphation credit and forced draft fan credit. A fluidized bed of particle is capable of
exchanging heat effectively with the gas because of the large surface area exposed by the particles (3000 – 45000 m2 / m3).
Highest rates of heat transfer between the fluidized bed and the surface are obtained when the particle residence time is
less. Heat transfer is maximum when the particles are finer.


The operational parameters of the lignite fired circulating fluidized bed combustion steam generator were studied.
It was found that particle size plays an important role in the efficiency of the steam generator. Finer particles exhibit better
heat transfer characteristics than the coarser particles. However, coarser particles are easier to fluidize. Hence optimized
particle size has to be chosen depending on the steam generator capacity. The circulating fluidized bed combustion is a
techno-economical solution to today’s demand for power as long as the coal is available and has an inherent environment
friendly nature.


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CFBC – Circulating fluidized bed combustion

FBHE – Fluidized bed heat exchanger

TAPH – Tubular air preheater

RAPH – Regenerative air preheater

HFO – Heavy furnace oil

LDO – light diesel oil

h – heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)

hP – particle heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)

hg – gas heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)

hr – radiation heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K)

Impact Factor (JCC):6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

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