Planificare Calendaristică Pentru Clasa A Iii-A: Școala Gim. "Ion Pop Reteganul"Reteag/Bața

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Școala Gim. ”Ion Pop Reteganul”Reteag/Bața RESP.


DISCIPLINA: Limba engleză Prof.
CLASA: a IV-a”-Reteag /Bața
Nr. Ore/ săpt: 2 ore
Manual: English, editura Booklet, pp.72+71, cf. OMEN 5003/2.XII.2014
Autori :Elena Sticlea/Valentina Barbaș/Laura Stanciu



Unitate de învăţare
Nr.  Contexte de Competenţe specifice Nr. Săptămâna Observații
U.Î. comunicare/Vocabular ore
 Gramatica funcțională

SEMESTRUL I= 17 săptămâni
MANUAL: Manual Limba Moderna – Engleza pentru clasa a III-a, Semestrul I
1. Revision 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 2 S1 The English
Learning how to learn known contexts. 10 sept.-14 alphabet
It’s nice to be back! 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, sept. 2018
Vocabulary: revision, numbers (1-20) people, hobbies, habits.
Names of objects 3.1 Identify information in simple texts. Greeting a
Structures: revision 3.3 Identify specific information (name, age, address) in a simple person
Prepositions of place form.
Telling the time

2. 1.A new Friend pp 6-13 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 4 S 2-3 - My portfolio:
Vocabulary: greetings, known contexts. Project: Write
places/Introducing a friend/Telling the 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of S2=17-21.IX about your
time simple oral messages (films, songs for children) S3=24-28.IX super family
Colours/clothes items/ appearance, 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, Oral Verification
character, family members, abilities people, hobbies, habits. Listen and
Structures: the verb ‘to be’, the verb 2.3 Describe objects or houses.
‘have got’, possessive adjectives, the 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
verb ‘can’ short
Listening and comprehension
Pattern Drills
lk about
ete a message
moments of

3. 3The Molden Book 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 4 4-5 5th October –
(pp. 14-21) known contexts. World Teacher’s
Talking and asking about location 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of S4=1-4.X Day
of objects/ school simple oral messages (films, songs for children) (5=z.ed)
objects/location 2.2 Identify and present everyday activities. S5=8-12.X. Project: Write a
2.3 Describe objects or houses. description
Vocabulary: school objects 3.1 Identify information in simple texts. of a picture
rooms,furniture,objects/location 4.1 Fill in a form with personal information.
*household activities; sports; actions Checkpoint:
Structures: there is/there arepresent Units 1 - 2
Prepositions:on,under,in,next to,in front
of,behind /a/an
4. Learning how to learnOn Children 3.1 Identify information in simple texts. 2
Need 4.1 Fill in a form with personal information. S6=
Hour of Net/Security on Net 15-19.X.
How to look for info and use it

5. 3,On Chinese Dragon 4 7-9 - My portfolio:

(pp22-24 Project: Write
Describing object/persons/animals 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in S7=22-26.X. about your
/Introducing people/family known contexts. neighborhood
Talking about countries and places 1.2 Follow simple guided instructions to achieve an objective.
1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of vac. Happy
Vocabulary: Physical appearance/ simple oral messages (films, songs for children) sc.primara Halloween!
countries and landmarks buildings, 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, 27-4.XI (pp. 62-63)
directions, Structures: prepositions people, hobbies, habits.
of place, plurals, imperative 2.3 Describe objects or houses. S8= S8
Possessive Adjectives 3.1 Identify information in simple texts. 29.X-2.XI. 31.10-
S9= 04.11/2016 –
5-9.XI. holiday
6 4.The Tree House pp 30-37 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 4 - My portfolio:
Vocabulary: Describing the house known contexts. S10= Project: Write
identifying rooms, 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of 12-16.XI. about your daily
furniture,location of objects simple oral messages (films, songs for children) routine and
Observe daily routine, free - time 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, S11= favourite subject
activities, school subjects people, hobbies, habits. 19-23.XI.
Structures: present simple, adverbs of 2.2 Identify and present everyday activities. Checkpoint: Units
frequency, prepositions of time 2.3 Describe objects or houses. 3-4
Read: Look for material on Net or 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
construe together didactic sc.primara
materials/posters etc 27-4.XI 24th November
7 5.Cheewbook is in London 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 2 S12
(pp. 38-45) known contexts. =26-29 (30=Sf Free days:
Talking about location 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of Andrei) Romania’s National
town/village/buildings simple oral messages (films, songs for children) Day
Touristic objectives/colours/clothes 2.3 Describe objects or houses.
3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
6.Welcome to Italy 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, 2 S13=
(46-53 address, people, hobbies, habits. 3-7.XII.
Asking about items in a menu/shop 2.2 Identify and present everyday activities.
Food,countries and landmarks) 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
Some/any/have got/has got 4.1 Fill in a form with personal information.
a/an/there is/there are

7 7.The Chrismas Book 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 2 S14= - My portfolio:
(54-61) known contexts. 10-14.XII. Project: Give
About Christmas 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of advice
activities/seasons/winter simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
activities/toys/magic creatures 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address,
can people, hobbies, habits.
Vocabulary: places/countries/country 2.3 Describe objects or houses.
code, rules, illnesses, advice 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
Structures: can -ability/ pronouns

8 Project 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of 2 S.15= vac.
Halloween /Merry Christmas!/New simple oral messages (films, songs for children) 17-21.XII.
Year`s Eve /Saint Valentine Day 3.1 Identify information in simple texts. 22.XII-13.I.2018
pp.62-63 3.2 Identify important information in texts that present events.
Learning how to learn
Traditions Win
Special events/holidays/magic
ter holiday
9 Project> Halloween/ New Year `s Eve 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 2 S16= - My portfolio:
Revision and Assessment 6 known contexts. 14-18.I. Project: Write a
Round-up (pp. 64-65) 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of note
Speak, read and write short simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
sentence and paragraphs about 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, Checkpoint (Units
fanily members, people, hobbies, habits. 5 - 6): gap filling
possessions,daily activities and 2.2 Identify and present everyday activities.
location of objects 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
Word List 89-71
Tape scrips pp.68

10 Final revision/Fun time 3.1 Identify information in simple texts. 2 S17= Round-up
pp.66-670 4.1 Fill in a form with personal information. 21-25.I. (24 (pp. 70-75)
4.2 Write simple messages about oneself and others.
School/objects/Leasue activities z.U)

Manual Limba Modernă – Engleza pentru clasa a IV-a sem II,ed.Booklet
vac. intersem:2.II.-10.II. 2019 semII= 16 săpt.
8.We are surfing Hawaii 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 4 S1-2 - My portfolio:
(pp. 6-13) known contexts. Project: Write
Talking about seasons/Writing an 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of S19= about your
e-mail/a postcard to a friend simple oral messages (films, songs for children) 11-15.II. country
Vocabulary: seasons/summer 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, S20= Vocabulary:
activities/numbers/countries/places/lo people, hobbies, habits. 18-22.II.. Revision, habits
cation 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
Structures: pr simple and
continuous.irreg plural of nouns/can

9. The Flying Book 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 3 S3-4 - My portfolio:
Talking about farm animals known contexts. Project: Write
Numbers/landmarks/countries 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of about what you
There is/There are simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
were like as a
Plural of nouns 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, 26-28.LL baby
Pr. Continuous people, hobbies, habits. S21= Mother’s day:
Adj What is your favourite 2.3 Describe objects or houses. 1.III. writing a poem
animal/place> village or town… 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
(pp. 14-21) 4.1 Fill in a form with personal information. for your mum

Vocabulary: feelings, adjectives, Checkpoint:

Units 7 - 8
Structures: how much/how
Read: Listen and repeat/understand
oral and written sentences
3.1 Identify information in simple texts. 1 .
4.1 Fill in a form with personal information.

10 The Mystery Agency 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 4 S5-6 - My portfolio:
Describing routines/jobs/locating known contexts. Project: Write
places/towns 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of what you did
(pp. 24-31) simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, 4-8.III. weekend
Vocabulary: jobs people, hobbies, habits. S23= ( optional)
Structures: Present simple, present 2.2 Identify and present everyday activities. 11-15.III.
continuous/Adv of frequency/of time/of 2.3 Describe objects or houses. S24= Happy Easter!
place 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
18-22.III. (pp. 62-63)
Checkpoint: (Units
9 - 10)

Easter holiday:


11.At the Carnival My favourite T-shirt 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 6 S7,8,9 - My portfolio:
pp 30-37 known contexts. Project:
1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of Talk/Write about
simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
a favourite
Describing clothes/routines and 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, address, 25=29.III. theme/chara
leasure activities people, hobbies, habits. cter//story/
The 2.2 Identify and present everyday activities. S26= cartoon
seasons/weather/months/week/days/ 3.1 Identify information in simple texts. 1-5.IV. Weather/
moments of the days activities
Like/do not like
Talking about jobs/funny places S27=
Pr . simple vs. continuous
Adv of grequency/time
„Să știi mai multe, să fii mai bun!”
Use the Net Security on Net S28=

vac de

12 Wizbook Paints in Paris 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in 4 S10-11 - My portfolio:
What is the Weather Like? known contexts. vac Project: Write
(pp. 38-45 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of what
Talking about free time activities and simple oral messages (films, songs for children)
life will be like
hobbies 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, in the
Vocabulary:Seasons and weather address, people, hobbies, habits. S29= future (
Leasure/hobbies/clothes 2.3 Describe objects or houses. 6-10V. optional)
Can/affirmative/negative,interrogative/ S30=
Structures: present simple and
continuous/personal pronouns
Subject/objects 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
Verbs, jobs, famous people Ex of listening and comprehension

13 At the Doctor`s pp 46-53 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated simple 4 S12-13
Talking about illnesses/wild animals messages in known contexts.
and their origin 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of a Checkpoint: Units
Grammar> have got/wh questions.adj. variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for
S31= 11 - 12
children) 20-24.V.
Vocabulary:where,when, whate, 2.1 Request and provide information on home, family, S32=
why,who/how much/how many address, people, hobbies, habits. 27-31.V.
Structures: like/can 2.2 Identify and present everyday activities.
2.3 Describe objects or houses.
Word List p.71 3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
4.1 Fill in a form with personal information.
14 We are all friends pp.54-61 3.1 Identify information in simple texts. 4 S14-15 Father’s Day
Preparing a party/celebration/ 4.1 Fill in a form with personal information. S33= (pp. 64-65)
Use the net to find info Fun Time (pp.
Describing people/locating familiar 3-7.VI. 66-65)
objects /describing clothes (z.înv.)
Project April Fools`Day/Mother`s S34=
Day /Happy Easter 10-14.VI..
About events/holidays pp.62-63

6. Fun time/ Tapescrips pp 68-69 Sing/recite and listen to songs and poems S16. Evaluation
Security on Net Draw and write a birthday card - My portfolio:
Project: Write
your holiday

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