Treatise On The Reintegration of Beings: Martinès de Pasqually

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Treatise on the

Reintegration of Beings
Martinès de Pasqually
In the excerpt below from his Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings, Martinès de Pasqually
provides guidance on how we can use free will to work toward personal reintegration with the

vil, I stress again, does not have its is that it is true the Creator condemned

E origins in the Creator or in any of its

particular creatures. It comes only
from the thought of the spirit opposed to the
to privation and endless suffering those
who profess evil. But I would also point
out that when the Creator manifested jus-
laws, precepts, and commands of the Eternal, tice upon His creature, He called Himself
thought which the Eternal cannot change Father of boundless mercy. I shall speak
in the spirit without destroying its freedom more fully of this divine mercy elsewhere.
and particular existence, as I have explained I come back again, however, to the genera-
before. However, this does not mean that the tion of evil caused by the evil will of the
spirit which generated evil is evil itself, for if spirit, and say that the evil generation of
the bad spirits changed their will, their action the spirit, being evil thought in effect, is
would also change, and from that moment, called spiritually bad intellect, in the same
there would no longer be a question of evil way that good thought is good intellect. It
throughout the expanse of the universe. is by these kinds of intellects that good and
Are you going to say that this could not bad spirits communicate to humanity and
happen because God, being immutable in leave upon their consciousness all kinds of
His decrees, condemned those who gener- impressions, and it is up to them to use
ated evil to eternal privation? My answer their free-will to accept or reject them.

Page 23

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