Level 2 Los 2018
Level 2 Los 2018
Level 2 Los 2018
Topic LOS Level II - 2017 (464 LOS) LOS Level II - 2018 (465 LOS) Compared
describe the six components of the describe the six components of the
Ethics 1.1.a Code of Ethics and the seven 1.1.a Code of Ethics and the seven
Standards of Professional Conduct Standards of Professional Conduct
explain the ethical responsibilities explain the ethical responsibilities
required of CFA Institute members required of CFA Institute members
Ethics 1.1.b and candidates in the CFA 1.1.b and candidates in the CFA
Program by the Code and Program by the Code and
Standards Standards
demonstrate a thorough demonstrate a thorough
knowledge of the Code of Ethics knowledge of the Code of Ethics
Ethics 1.2.a and Standards of Professional 1.2.a and Standards of Professional
Conduct by applying the Code and Conduct by applying the Code and
Standards to specific situations Standards to specific situations
recommend practices and recommend practices and
procedures designed to prevent procedures designed to prevent
Ethics 1.2.b violations of the Code of Ethics 1.2.b violations of the Code of Ethics
and Standards of Professional and Standards of Professional
Conduct Conduct
explain the objectives of the explain the objectives of the
Ethics 1.3.a 1.3.a
Research Objectivity Standards Research Objectivity Standards
evaluate company policies and evaluate company policies and
practices related to research practices related to research
objectivity, and distinguish objectivity, and distinguish
Ethics 1.3.b between changes required and 1.3.b between changes required and
changes recommended for changes recommended for
compliance with the Research compliance with the Research
Objectivity Standards Objectivity Standards
evaluate the practices and policies evaluate the practices and policies
Ethics 2.4.a 2.4.a
presented presented
explain the appropriate action to explain the appropriate action to
take in response to conduct that take in response to conduct that
Ethics 2.4.b violates the CFA Institute Code of 2.4.b violates the CFA Institute Code of
Ethics and Standards of Ethics and Standards of
Professional Conduct Professional Conduct
evaluate the practices and policies evaluate the practices and policies
Ethics 2.5.a 2.5.a
presented presented
compare dividends, free cash flow, compare dividends, free cash flow,
and residual income as inputs to and residual income as inputs to
Equity 10.30.a 10.30.a
discounted cash flow models and discounted cash flow models and
identify investment situations for identify investment situations for
which each measure is suitable which each measure is suitable
calculate and interpret the value of calculate and interpret the value of
Equity 10.30.b a common stock using the 10.30.b a common stock using the
dividend discount model (DDM) for dividend discount model (DDM) for
single and multiple holding periods single and multiple holding periods
calculate the value of a common calculate the value of a common
stock using the Gordon growth stock using the Gordon growth
Equity 10.30.c 10.30.c
model and explain the model’s model and explain the model’s
underlying assumptions underlying assumptions
calculate and interpret the implied calculate the value of a common
growth rate of dividends using the stock using the Gordon growth Wording
Equity 10.30.d 10.30.d
Gordon growth model and current model and explain the model’s Change
stock price underlying assumptions
calculate and interpret the present calculate and interpret the present
value of growth opportunities value of growth opportunities
Equity 10.30.e (PVGO) and the component of the 10.30.e (PVGO) and the component of the
leading price-to-earnings ratio leading price-to-earnings ratio
(P/E) related to PVGO (P/E) related to PVGO
calculate and interpret the justified calculate and interpret the justified
Equity 10.30.f leading and trailing P/Es using the 10.30.f leading and trailing P/Es using the
Gordon growth model Gordon growth model
calculate the value of noncallable calculate the value of noncallable
Equity 10.30.g fixed-rate perpetual preferred 10.30.g fixed-rate perpetual preferred
stock stock
describe strengths and limitations describe strengths and limitations
of the Gordon growth model and of the Gordon growth model and
Equity 10.30.h 10.30.h
justify its selection to value a justify its selection to value a
company’s common shares company’s common shares
explain the assumptions and explain the assumptions and
justify the selection of the two- justify the selection of the two-
stage DDM, the H-model, the stage DDM, the H-model, the
Equity 10.30.i 10.30.i
three-stage DDM, or spreadsheet three-stage DDM, or spreadsheet
modeling to value a company’s modeling to value a company’s
common shares common shares
explain the growth phase, explain the growth phase,
Equity 10.30.j transitional phase, and maturity 10.30.j transitional phase, and maturity
phase of a business phase of a business
describe terminal value and describe terminal value and
explain alternative approaches to explain alternative approaches to
Equity 10.30.k 10.30.k
determining the terminal value in determining the terminal value in
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Topic LOS Level II - 2017 (464 LOS) LOS Level II - 2018 (465 LOS) Compared
calculate and interpret the value of calculate and interpret the value of
common shares using the two- common shares using the two-
Equity 10.30.l 10.30.l
stage DDM, the H-model, and the stage DDM, the H-model, and the
three-stage DDM three-stage DDM
estimate a required return based estimate a required return based
Equity 10.30.m on any DDM, including the Gordon 10.30.m on any DDM, including the Gordon
growth model and the H-model growth model and the H-model
explain the use of spreadsheet explain the use of spreadsheet
Equity 10.30.n modeling to forecast dividends and 10.30.n modeling to forecast dividends and
to value common shares to value common shares
calculate and interpret the justified calculate and interpret the justified
price-to-earnings ratio (P/E), price- price-to-earnings ratio (P/E), price-
Equity 11.32.h 11.32.h
to-book ratio (P/B), and price-to- to-book ratio (P/B), and price-to-
sales ratio (P/S) for a stock, based sales ratio (P/S) for a stock, based
on forecasted fundamentals on forecasted fundamentals
calculate and interpret a predicted calculate and interpret a predicted
P/E, given a cross-sectional P/E, given a cross-sectional
Equity 11.32.i regression on fundamentals, and 11.32.i regression on fundamentals, and
explain limitations to the cross- explain limitations to the cross-
sectional regression methodology sectional regression methodology
evaluate a stock by the method of evaluate a stock by the method of
comparables and explain the comparables and explain the
Equity 11.32.j 11.32.j
importance of fundamentals in importance of fundamentals in
using the method of comparables using the method of comparables
calculate and interpret the P/E-to- calculate and interpret the P/E-to-
Equity 11.32.k growth ratio (PEG) and explain its 11.32.k growth ratio (PEG) and explain its
use in relative valuation use in relative valuation
calculate and explain the use of calculate and explain the use of
price multiples in determining price multiples in determining
Equity 11.32.l 11.32.l
terminal value in a multistage terminal value in a multistage
discounted cash flow (DCF) model discounted cash flow (DCF) model
explain alternative definitions of explain alternative definitions of
cash flow used in price and cash flow used in price and
Equity 11.32.m enterprise value (EV) multiples 11.32.m enterprise value (EV) multiples
and describe limitations of each and describe limitations of each
definition definition
calculate and interpret EV calculate and interpret EV
Equity 11.32.n multiples and evaluate the use of 11.32.n multiples and evaluate the use of
explain cash flow estimation issues explain cash flow estimation issues
Equity 11.34.e related to private companies and 11.34.e related to private companies and
adjustments required to estimate adjustments required to estimate
normalized earnings normalized earnings
Equity 11.34.j describe the asset-based approach 11.34.j describe the asset-based approach
to private company valuation to private company valuation
explain and evaluate the effects on explain and evaluate the effects on
private company valuations of private company valuations of
Equity 11.34.k 11.34.k
discounts and premiums based on discounts and premiums based on
control and marketability control and marketability
describe the role of valuation describe the role of valuation
Equity 11.34.l standards in valuing private 11.34.l standards in valuing private
companies companies
describe relationships among spot describe relationships among spot
rates, forward rates, yield to rates, forward rates, yield to
Fixed Income 12.35.a maturity, expected and realized 12.35.a maturity, expected and realized
returns on bonds, and the shape returns on bonds, and the shape
of the yield curve of the yield curve
describe the forward pricing and describe the forward pricing and
forward rate models and calculate forward rate models and calculate
Fixed Income 12.35.b 12.35.b
forward and spot prices and rates forward and spot prices and rates
using those models using those models
describe how zero-coupon rates describe how zero-coupon rates
Fixed Income 12.35.c (spot rates) may be obtained from 12.35.c (spot rates) may be obtained from
the par curve by bootstrapping the par curve by bootstrapping
Alternative discuss private equity real estate discuss private equity real estate Wording
15.43.k 15.43.k
Investments investment indices, including their investment indexes, including their Change
construction and potential biases construction and potential biases
explain the role in a portfolio, the explain the role in a portfolio, the
major economic value major economic value
Alternative determinants, investment determinants, investment
15.43.l 15.43.l
Investments characteristics, principal risks, and characteristics, principal risks, and
due diligence of private real estate due diligence of private real estate
debt investment debt investment
calculate and interpret financial calculate and interpret financial
Alternative ratios used to analyze and ratios used to analyze and
15.43.m 15.43.m
Investments evaluate private real estate evaluate private real estate
investments investments
Alternative describe types of publicly traded describe types of publicly traded
15.44.a 15.44.a
Investments real estate securities real estate securities
15.45.d describe valuation issues in buyout 15.45.d describe valuation issues in buyout
and venture capital transactions and venture capital transactions
explain alternative exit routes in explain alternative exit routes in
15.45.e private equity and their impact on 15.45.e private equity and their impact on
value value
explain private equity fund explain private equity fund
structures, terms, valuation, and structures, terms, valuation, and
15.45.f due diligence in the context of an 15.45.f due diligence in the context of an
analysis of private equity fund analysis of private equity fund
returns returns
Alternative explain risks and costs of investing explain risks and costs of investing
15.45.g 15.45.g
Investments in private equity in private equity
interpret and compare financial interpret and compare financial
Alternative performance of private equity performance of private equity
15.45.h 15.45.h
Investments funds from the perspective of an funds from the perspective of an
investor investor
calculate management fees, calculate management fees,
carried interest, net asset value, carried interest, net asset value,
Alternative distributed to paid in (DPI), distributed to paid in (DPI),
15.45.i 15.45.i
Investments residual value to paid in (RVPI), residual value to paid in (RVPI),
and total value to paid in (TVPI) of and total value to paid in (TVPI) of
a private equity fund a private equity fund
calculate pre-money valuation, calculate pre-money valuation,
post-money valuation, ownership post-money valuation, ownership
fraction, and price per share fraction, and price per share
15.45.j applying the venture capital 15.45.j applying the venture capital
method 1) with single and multiple method 1) with single and multiple
financing rounds and 2) in terms financing rounds and 2) in terms
of IRR of IRR
demonstrate alternative methods demonstrate alternative methods
15.45.k to account for risk in venture 15.45.k to account for risk in venture
capital capital
Alternative compare characteristics of compare characteristics of
15.46.a 15.46.a
Investments commodity sectors commodity sectors
compare the life cycle of compare the life cycle of
Alternative commodity sectors from commodity sectors from
15.46.b 15.46.b
Investments production through trading or production through trading or
consumption consumption