DKM AC Catalogue
DKM AC Catalogue
DKM AC Catalogue
Contents A Information
A-01 Product Coding System
A-04 Products Lineup
A-08 General Information
A-12 Terminology
A-15 Caution for Using
B AC Motors
B-01 Technical Data of AC Motor
B-06 Induction Motor
B-48 2 Pole Motor
B-66 Reversible Motor
B-98 Electromagnetic Brake Motor
B-138 Clutch & Brake Motor
B-154 Torque Motor
B-168 Speed Control System
B-171 Speed Controller FX1000A
B-173 Speed Controller DSK
B-175 Speed Controller DSKS
B-178 Speed Control Induction Motor
B-212 Speed Control Reversible Motor
B-240 Speed Control E.M. Brake Motor
B-266 Speed Control Clutch & Brake Motor
C DC Motors
C-01 Technical Data of DC Motor
C-04 DC Motor
C-17 Speed Controller DSD-90
D Gearheads
D-01 Technical Data of Gearhead
D-07 Parallel Gearhead
D-12 Worm Gearhead
D-14 Inter-decimal Gearhead
E Options
E-01 Mounting Plate
E-02 Extension Cable
E-03 Output Flange / Output Shaft
B AC Motors
Technical Data of AC Motor
Definition of Motor
Motor is a machine to get a driving force for rotation or straight movement by converting the electrical energy into mechanical energy and
the light-weighted motor which enables to select the model suitable for the load, has less noise and vibration as well as no exhaust pollution.
Easy to Use
Easy and safe to use as motor and gearhead are sold according to the requirements so that it can be designed and manufactured optimally.
It is easy to drive to get a driving force by connecting capacitor to the commercial power available to be used anywhere and anytime. As capacitor is
not needed for three phase power, it is available to get a driving force easily by connecting three phase power to the motor directly.
Just-In-Time System
Just-In-Time system is available in DKM Motor Co., Ltd. for the best delivery system. DKM realized user’s satisfaction with the world best delivery system.
Types of Motor
Classification by Power
AC motor: A motor operated by AC power. For example, inductive motor, synchronous motor, AC commutator motor etc.
1) Single Phase Motor
• Single phase power is composed of one phase as commercial power for home.
• As power itself does not make motor rotate, capacitor is connected to auxiliary coil to start.
DC motor: A motor which rotates by supplying the direct current to the armature. The torque generated by placing the coil between magnetic poles
N and S and applying the current to this coil rotates the motor. Whenever this coil passes the neutral shaft, it turns the direction of current reversely and
rotates continuously
Torque Motor
DKM torque motor has big starting torque and sloping characteristics. It runs safely over the whole area of rotation speed-torque characteristics.
(Torque is highest at zero speed and decreases steadily with increasing speed.) With these characteristics, this can be used for more
application as a winding or tension motor.
Speed Control Motor
User can easily set and adjust the motor speed. There are three kinds of speed controller for AC speed motors.
Select the best system depending upon your application.
Structure of AC Motor
① Flange Bracket
Die-cast aluminum bracket is press-fitted into the motor case.
The flange and the housing are a single body type which plays an
important part to attach the motor alone or combine the gearhead.
② Stator
This is comprised of a stator core made from laminated silicon/steel
plates, a polyester-coated copper coil and insulation film. The roles
are to generate magnetic field, form the rotation and run the rotor.
③ Motor Case
Die-cast aluminum with a machined finish inside
④ Rotor
It is comprised of laminated silicon/steel plates with die-cast
aluminum. Rotor plays the part to change the electric energy to
mechanical energy and transfer it to outside through shaft.
⑤ Output Shaft
There are round type shaft, D-cut type shaft, key type shaft which are for using by motor itself and gear type shaft (pinion shaft)
which is for attaching gearhead. It is made by S45C with a machined finish.
⑥ Ball Bearing
It ensures that the rotor remains at the right position for the reliability and fast rotational motion.
⑦ Lead Wire
Lead wires with heat-resistant polyethylene coating
⑧ Painting
Backed finish of acrylic resin and melamine resin with beautiful look
Insulation Class
DKM Motor’s insulation class is B class. Insulation class is according to heat-resistance class. According to JIS C4003(IEC60085),
it is defined as below. It is also available to use other materials for some particular insulation class according to operating conditions or user’s request.
(Customized specification)
It is available to attach two kinds of fan to the DKM’s motor; ‘General Fan (F type)’ and ‘Powerful Fan (F2 type)’.
General fan is attached to motor shaft rotating in same speed as that of motor shaft. (1,800r/min in 60Hz, 1,500r/min in 50Hz) Powerful fan
makes powerful cooling performance rotating in high speed regardless of motor shaft speed. (3,200r/min in 60Hz. Temperature reducing over 10℃
is available comparing general fan.)
DKM employs general fan to the motors with continuous speed and employs powerful fan by customers’ special order to the continuous speed’s motor.
But in case of speed control motor in which speed control is needed, powerful fan is employed basically because there is little cooling effect in
low speed if general fan is used.
I P Second Number: Waterproof Protection Class
First Number: Dustproof Protection Class
“X” is used when one of the two protection classes is not specified in the name. (e.g. IPX5, IP4X)
Meanings of IP code and testing conditions are as below;
1) The Classification of Dustproof
Earth Method
Lead Wire Type
As shown in the figure, connect the earth wire to the earth hole in the side of the motor.
Screw the earth wire to the earth hole. (Sequence: earth hole → washer → earth wire → screw bolt)
Terminal Box Type
Connect the earth wire to the earth terminal in the terminal box.
(Figure 1) (Figure 2)
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
6IDG□-6G(-T): Gear Type Shaft
6IDD□-6(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
6IDGA-6G 6IDGA-6G-T 6 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 0.42 0.042 1500 0.20 0.42 0.042 2.5 / 250
6IDGD-6G 6IDGD-6G-T 6 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 0.56 0.056 1550 0.10 0.42 0.042 0.7 / 450
1ø220 0.42 0.042 0.09 0.43 0.043
6IDGE-6G 6IDGE-6G-T 6 50 4 Cont. 1200 0.6 / 450
1ø240 0.50 0.050 0.10 0.47 0.074
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) This model is impedance protected type.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut Type Shaft is for using motor only.
Gear 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 10 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 500 417 300 250 200 166 150 120 100 83 75 60 50 41 37 30 25 20 16 15 12 10 8
kgfcm 1.2 1.4 2.0 2.3 2.9 3.5 3.9 4.9 5.9 7.0 7.1 8.8 10.6 12.7 14.1 16.0 19.2 24.0 28.8 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
N.m 0.11 0.14 0.19 0.23 0.29 0.34 0.38 0.48 0.57 0.69 0.69 0.86 1.04 1.24 1.38 1.57 1.88 2.35 2.82 2.94 2.94 2.94 2.94
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name. 2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change any two connections
Change any two connections Change any two connections
Change any two connections
R, S and R,
T. S and T. betweenbetween
R, S and R,
T. S and T.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor. 2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
7IDG□-6G(-T): Gear Type Shaft
7IDD□-6(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
7IDGA-6G 7IDGA-6G-T 6 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 0.53 0.053 1600 0.30 0.41 0.041 2.5 / 250
7IDGD-6G 7IDGD-6G-T 6 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 0.54 0.054 1550 0.16 0.55 0.055 0.7 / 450
1ø220 0.57 0.057 0.13 0.60 0.060
7IDGE-6G 7IDGE-6G-T 6 50 4 Cont. 1250 0.7 / 450
1ø240 0.67 0.067 0.15 0.70 0.070
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut Type Shaft is for using motor only.
Gear 3 3.6 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 500 416 250 200 166 120 100 83 60 50 41 30 25 20 16 15 12.5 10 8.3
kgfcm 1.7 2.1 3.5 4.4 5.2 7.3 8.7 10.5 13.1 15.8 17.1 23.8 28.6 35.7 42.8 47.6 50.0 50.0 50.0
N.m 0.171 0.20 0.34 0.43 0.51 0.71 0.85 1.02 1.29 1.54 1.68 2.33 2.80 3.50 4.20 4.66 4.9 4.9 4.9
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20%
less than the displayed value, depending on the size of the load.
Motor Images
7IDD□-6 7IDD□-6-T 7IDG□-6G+7GBK□BMH
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change any two connections
Change any two connections Change any two connections
Change any two connections
R, S and R,
T. S and T. betweenbetween
R, S and R,
T. S and T.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor. 2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
7IDG□-10G(-T): Gear Type Shaft
7IDD□-10(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
7IDG1A-10G 7IDG1A-10G-T 10 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 0.65 0.065 1500 0.32 0.70 0.070 3.0 / 250
7IDG2D-10G 7IDG2D-10G-T 10 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 0.84 0.084 1550 0.17 0.69 0.069 1.0 / 450
1ø220 0.62 0.062 0.14 0.75 0.075
7IDGE-10G 7IDGE-10G-T 10 50 4 Cont. 1200 0.8 / 450
1ø240 0.74 0.074 0.15 0.84 0.084
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut Type Shaft is for using motor only.
Gear 3 3.6 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 500 416 250 200 166 120 100 83 60 50 41 30 25 20 16 15 12.5 10 8.3
kgfcm 2.1 2.5 4.2 5.2 6.3 8.7 10.5 12.5 15.8 18.9 20.6 28.6 34.3 42.8 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
N.m 0.20 0.25 0.41 0.51 0.61 0.85 1.02 1.23 1.54 1.85 2.02 2.80 3.36 4.20 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Motor Images
7IDD□-10 7IDD□-10-T 7IDG□-10G+7GBK□BMH
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change any two connections
Change any two connections Change any two connections
Change any two connections
R, S and R,
T. S and T. betweenbetween
R, S and R,
T. S and T.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor. 2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
7IDG□-15G(-T): Gear Type Shaft
7IDD□-15(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
7IDGA-15G 7IDGA-15G-T 15 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 0.77 0.077 1550 0.29 0.99 0.099 3.5 / 250
7IDGD-15G 7IDGD-15G-T 15 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 1.00 0.100 1600 0.18 1.00 0.100 1.2 / 450
1ø220 0.90 0.090 0.16 1.25 0.125
7IDGE-15G 7IDGE-15G-T 15 50 4 Cont. 1200 1.0 / 450
1ø240 1.10 0.110 0.18 1.40 0.140
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut Type Shaft is for using motor only.
Gear 3 3.6 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model
r/min 500 416 250 200 166 120 100 83 60 50 41 30 25 20 16 15 12.5 10 8.3
kgfcm 3.5 4.2 7.0 8.7 10.5 14.5 17.4 20.9 26.3 31.5 34.3 47.6 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
N.m 0.34 0.41 0.68 0.85 1.02 1.42 1.71 2.05 2.57 3.09 3.36 4.66 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Motor Images
7IDD□-15 7IDD□-15-T 7IDG□-15G+7GBK□BMH
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change any two connections
Change any two connections Change any two connections
Change any two connections
R, S and R,
T. S and T. betweenbetween
R, S and R,
T. S and T.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
8IDG*-15□(-T): Gear Type Shaft
8IDD*-15(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
8IDGA-15□ 8IDGA-15□-T 15 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 0.84 0.084 1600 0.39 0.98 0.098 3.5 / 450
8IDGD-15□ 8IDGD-15□-T 15 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 1.40 0.140 1600 0.22 1.10 0.110 1.2 / 450
1ø220 1.05 0.105 0.17 1.17 0.117
8IDGE-15□ 8IDGE-15□-T 15 50 4 Cont. 1250 1.2 / 450
1ø240 1.20 0.120 0.18 1.30 0.130
50 4.80 0.480 1300 0.22 1.40 0.140
8IDGG-15□ 8IDGG-15□-T 15 3ø220 4 Cont. -
60 4.00 0.400 1600 0.18 1.00 0.100
50 4.60 0.460 1300 0.13 1.20 0.120
3ø380 4 Cont.
60 3.60 0.360 1550 0.11 1.00 0.100
50 5.00 0.500 1300 0.14 1.40 0.140
3ø400 4 Cont.
60 4.00 0.400 1600 0.12 1.00 0.100
8IDGK-15□ 8IDGK-15□-T 15 -
50 5.40 0.540 1350 0.15 1.20 0.120
3ø415 4 Cont.
60 4.20 0.420 1600 0.13 1.00 0.100
50 6.00 0.600 1350 0.16 1.40 0.140
3ø440 4 Cont.
60 4.60 0.460 1600 0.14 1.40 0.140
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut Type Shaft is for using motor only.
Gear 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 500 417 300 250 200 167 120 100 83 60 50 42 38 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
kgfcm 3.5 4.2 5.8 7.0 8.7 10.5 14.5 17.4 20.9 26.3 31.5 34.3 38.1 47.6 57.1 71.4 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
N.m 0.34 0.41 0.57 0.68 0.85 1.02 1.42 1.71 2.05 2.57 3.09 3.36 3.73 4.66 5.60 7.00 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Motor Images
8IDD□-15 8IDD□-15-T 8IDG□-15G+8GBK□BMH 8IDG□-15W+8WD□BL
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change anyany
Change twotwo
connections Change anyany
Change twotwo
between R, SR,and
between T. T.
S and between R, SR,and
between T. T.
S and
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Capacitor
8IDG*-25□(-T): Gear Type Shaft Torque
8IDD*-25(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m r/min ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type A kgfcm N.m
8IDGA-25□ 8IDGA-25□-T 25 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 1.67 0.167 1550 0.46 1.58 0.158 6.0 / 250
8IDGD-25□ 8IDGD-25□-T 25 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 1.80 0.180 1550 0.25 1.65 0.165 1.5 / 450
1ø220 1.10 0.110 0.23 2.10 0.210
8IDGE-25□ 8IDGE-25□-T 25 50 4 Cont. 1200 1.3 / 450
1ø240 1.30 0.130 0.25 2.20 0.220
50 5.00 0.500 1300 0.32 2.00 0.200
8IDGG-25□ 8IDGG-25□-T 25 3ø220 4 Cont. -
60 0.40 0.040 1600 0.25 1.60 0.160
50 3.60 0.360 1250 0.14 2.00 0.200
3ø380 4 Cont.
60 3.00 0.300 1500 0.12 1.65 0.165
50 3.80 0.380 1250 0.15 2.20 0.220
3ø400 4 Cont.
60 3.20 0.320 1500 0.13 1.80 0.180
8IDGK-25□ 8IDGK-25□-T 25 -
50 4.10 0.410 1300 0.15 2.00 0.200
3ø415 4 Cont.
60 3.40 0.340 1550 0.13 1.80 0.180
50 4.40 0.440 1300 0.17 2.20 0.220
3ø440 4 Cont.
60 3.60 0.360 1600 0.14 1.60 0.160
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut Type Shaft is for using motor only.
Gear 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 500 417 300 250 200 167 120 100 83 60 50 42 38 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
8GBK□ kgfcm 5.5 6.6 9.1 11.0 13.7 16.4 22.8 27.4 32.9 41.3 49.5 53.9 59.8 74.8 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0
BMH N.m 0.54 0.64 0.89 1.07 1.34 1.61 2.24 2.68 3.22 4.04 4.85 5.28 5.86 7.33 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84 7.84
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change any Change
two connections
any two connections Change any Change
two connections
any two connections
between R, Sbetween
and T. R, S and T. between R, Sbetween
and T. R, S and T.
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
9IDG*-40□(-T): Gear Type Shaft Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
9IDD*-40(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
9IDK*-40(-T): Key Type Shaft W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
9IDGA-40□ 9IDGA-40□-T 40 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 2.60 0.260 1600 0.80 2.80 0.280 10.0 / 250
9IDGD-40□ 9IDGD-40□-T 40 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 2.60 0.260 1600 0.39 2.80 0.280 2.5 / 450
1ø220 1.80 0.180 0.33 3.00 0.300
9IDGE-40□ 9IDGE-40□-T 40 50 4 Cont. 1300 2.0 / 450
1ø240 2.20 0.220 0.36 3.60 0.360
50 9.00 0.900 1300 0.31 3.20 0.320
9IDGG-40□ 9IDGG-40□-T 40 3ø220 4 Cont. -
60 7.40 0.740 1600 0.27 2.45 0.245
50 9.00 0.900 1300 0.20 3.20 0.320
3ø380 4 Cont.
60 7.20 0.720 1550 0.18 2.80 0.280
50 10.00 1.000 1300 0.20 3.40 0.340
3ø400 4 Cont.
60 7.80 0.780 1550 0.18 3.00 0.300
9IDGK-40□ 9IDGK-40□-T 40 -
50 11.00 1.100 1350 0.20 3.00 0.300
3ø415 4 Cont.
60 8.60 0.860 1600 0.18 2.80 0.280
50 12.00 1.200 1350 0.21 3.40 0.340
3ø440 4 Cont.
60 9.80 0.980 1600 0.19 3.00 0.300
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut & Key Type Shafts are for using motor only.
Gear 10 12 15 18 25 30 36 50 60
Motor Model Gearhead Model Ratio
r/min 180 150 120 100 72 60 50 36 30
9WD□BL/□BR/ kgfcm 23.0 26.9 32.3 37.3 49.0 55.4 64.5 84.0 92.4
□BRL N.m 2.25 2.63 3.17 3.66 4.80 5.43 6.32 8.23 9.06
Gear 2 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 10 12.5 15 18 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 750 500 417 300 250 200 167 150 120 100 83 60 50 42 38 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
kgfcm 5.6 8.5 10.2 14.1 16.9 21.2 25.4 28.2 35.3 42.3 45.9 63.8 76.5 83.2 92.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
N.m 0.55 0.83 1.00 1.38 1.66 2.07 2.49 2.77 3.46 4.15 4.50 6.25 7.50 8.16 9.06 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80 9.80
Gear 10 12 15 18 25 30 36 50 60
Motor Model Gearhead Model Ratio
r/min 150 125 100 83 60 50 42 30 25
9WD□BL/□BR/ kgfcm 27.9 32.6 39.3 45.3 59.5 67.3 78.3 102.0 112.2
□BRL N.m 2.73 3.20 3.85 4.44 5.83 6.60 7.68 10.00 11.00
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Motor Images
9IDD□-40 9IDD□-40-T 9IDG□-40G+9GBK□BMH 9IDG□-40W+9WD□BL
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change anyany
Change twotwo
connections Change anyany
Change twotwo
between R, R,
between S and T. T.
S and between R, R,
between S and T. T.
S and
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
9IDG*-60F□(-T): Gear Type Shaft Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Capacitor
9IDD*-60F(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Torque
Speed Current Torque
9IDK*-60F(-T): Key Type Shaft W V Hz ㎌ / VAC
kgfcm N.m r/min A kgfcm N.m
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
9IDGA-60F□ 9IDGA-60F□-T 60 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 3.40 0.340 1600 1.40 4.60 0.460 16.0 / 250
9IDGD-60F□ 9IDGD-60F□-T 60 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 4.20 0.420 1600 0.63 4.60 0.460 4.0 / 450
1ø220 3.40 0.340 0.48 4.80 0.480
9IDGE-60F□ 9IDGE-60F□-T 60 50 4 Cont. 1300 3.5 / 450
1ø240 4.00 0.400 0.54 5.40 0.540
50 15.00 1.500 1350 0.59 4.60 0.460
9IDGG-60F□ 9IDGG-60F□-T 60 3ø220 4 Cont. -
60 12.80 1.280 1600 0.49 4.20 0.420
50 17.00 1.700 1350 0.33 4.80 0.480
3ø380 4 Cont.
60 13.80 1.380 1600 0.29 4.60 0.460
50 18.60 1.860 1350 0.36 5.20 0.520
3ø400 4 Cont.
60 15.20 1.520 1600 0.30 5.00 0.500
9IDGK-60F□ 9IDGK-60F□-T 60 -
50 20.00 2.000 1350 0.40 5.60 0.560
3ø415 4 Cont.
60 16.20 1.620 1600 0.33 5.20 0.520
50 22.00 2.200 1350 0.44 6.00 0.600
3ø440 4 Cont.
60 18.20 1.820 1600 0.36 5.80 0.580
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut & Key Type Shafts are for using motor only.
Gear 10 12 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 Gear
Motor Model Gearhead Ratio Motor Gearhead Ratio 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Model Model Model
r/min 180 150 120 100 72 60 50 36 30 r/min 240 180 120 90 72 60 45 36 30 22
9WD□BL/ kgfcm 34.4 40.3 48.5 55.9 73.5 83.2 96.8 126.0 122.4 9IDG□ kgfcm 26.5 34.0 47.9 60.5 69.3 80.6 99.1 113.4 126.0 132.7
9IDG□-60FW 9WHD□
□BR/□BRL N.m 3.38 3.95 4.75 5.48 7.20 8.15 9.48 12.35 12.00 -60FWH N.m 2.59 3.33 4.69 5.93 6.79 7.90 9.71 11.11 12.35 13.00
Gear 2 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 750 500 417 300 250 200 167 120 100 83 75 60 50 42 38 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
9IDG□ 9PBK□BH kgfcm 8.6 12.9 15.5 21.6 25.9 32.4 38.8 48.8 58.5 70.2 70.7 88.4 106.1 127.3 141.4 176.8 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
-60FP 9PFK□BH N.m 0.85 1.27 1.52 2.11 2.54 3.17 3.81 4.78 5.73 6.88 6.93 8.66 10.40 12.48 13.86 17.33 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60
9IDG□ 9HBK□BH kgfcm 12.9 15.5 25.9 38.8 48.8 58.5 70.2 70.7 88.4 106.1 127.3 176.8 212.2 237.9 285.5 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0
- - - -
-60FH 9HFK□BH N.m 1.27 1.52 2.54 3.81 4.78 5.73 6.88 6.93 8.66 10.40 12.48 17.33 20.79 23.31 27.98 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40
Gear 10 12 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 Gear
Motor Model Gearhead Ratio Motor Gearhead Ratio 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Model Model Model
r/min 150 125 100 83 60 50 42 30 25 r/min 200 150 100 75 60 50 38 30 25 18
9WD□BL/ kgfcm 42.6 49.9 60.1 69.3 91.0 103.0 119.8 142.9 122.4 9IDG□ kgfcm 32.8 42.1 59.3 74.9 85.8 99.8 122.7 140.4 156.0 132.7
9IDG□-60FW 9WHD□
□BR/□BRL N.m 4.18 4.89 5.89 6.79 8.92 10.09 11.74 14.00 12.00 -60FWH N.m 3.21 4.13 5.81 7.34 8.41 9.78 12.03 13.76 15.29 13.00
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name. 2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change anyany
Change twotwo
connections Change anyany
Change twotwo
between R, R,
between S and T. T.
S and between R, R,
between S and T. T.
S and
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
9IDG*-90F□(-T): Gear Type Shaft Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Capacitor
9IDD*-90F(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Torque
Speed Current Torque
9IDK*-90F(-T): Key Type Shaft W V Hz ㎌ / VAC
kgfcm N.m r/min A kgfcm N.m
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
9IDGA-90F□ 9IDGA-90F□-T 90 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 5.00 0.500 1600 1.90 6.20 0.620 20.0 / 250
9IDGD-90F□ 9IDGD-90F□-T 90 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 5.20 0.520 1600 0.90 6.20 0.620 5.0 / 450
1ø220 5.00 0.500 0.70 7.40 0.740
9IDGE-90F□ 9IDGE-90F□-T 90 50 4 Cont. 1300 5.0 / 450
1ø240 6.00 0.600 0.76 8.60 0.860
50 20.00 2.000 1300 0.66 7.80 0.780
9IDGG-90F□ 9IDGG-90F□-T 90 3ø220 4 Cont. -
60 16.60 1.660 1600 0.55 5.80 0.580
50 21.80 2.180 1300 0.40 7.80 0.780
3ø380 4 Cont.
60 17.20 1.720 1600 0.33 5.80 0.580
50 24.00 2.400 1300 0.43 8.60 0.860
3ø400 4 Cont.
60 19.20 1.920 1600 0.36 6.20 0.620
9IDGK-90F□ 9IDGK-90F□-T 90 -
50 26.00 2.600 1350 0.43 7.40 0.740
3ø415 4 Cont.
60 20.20 2.020 1600 0.37 6.80 0.680
50 29.00 2.900 1350 0.48 8.00 0.800
3ø440 4 Cont.
60 23.80 2.380 1650 0.37 6.00 0.600
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut & Key Type Shafts are for using motor only.
Gear 10 12 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 Gear
Motor Gearhead Ratio Motor Gearhead Ratio 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Model Model Model Model
r/min 180 150 120 100 72 60 50 36 30 r/min 240 180 120 90 72 60 45 36 30 22
9IDG□ 9WD□BL/ kgfcm 50.8 59.5 71.6 82.6 108.5 122.8 153.1 142.9 122.4 9IDG□ kgfcm 39.1 50.2 70.7 89.3 102.3 119.0 146.3 173.5 163.3 132.7
-90FW □BR/□BRL N.m 4.98 5.83 7.02 8.08 10.63 12.03 15.00 14.00 12.00 -90FWH N.m 3.83 4.92 6.93 8.75 10.03 11.67 14.34 17.00 16.00 13.00
Induction Motor 6 0W(90mm)
Gear 2 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Motor Gearhead Ratio
Model Model
r/min 750 500 417 300 250 200 167 120 100 83 75 60 50 42 38 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
9IDG□ 9PBK□BH kgfcm 12.3 18.4 22.1 30.7 36.9 46.1 55.3 69.4 83.3 99.9 100.6 125.8 151.0 181.2 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
-90FP 9PFK□BH N.m 1.20 1.81 2.17 3.01 3.61 4.51 5.42 6.80 8.16 9.79 9.86 12.33 14.79 17.75 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60
9IDG□ 9HBK□BH kgfcm 18.4 22.1 36.9 55.3 69.4 83.3 99.9 100.6 125.8 151.0 181.2 251.6 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0
- - - -
-90FH 9HFK□BH N.m 1.81 2.17 3.61 5.42 6.80 8.16 9.79 9.86 12.33 14.79 17.75 24.66 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40
Gear 10 12 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 Gear
Motor Gearhead Ratio Motor Gearhead Ratio 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Model Model Model Model
r/min 150 125 100 83 60 50 42 30 25 r/min 200 150 100 75 60 50 38 30 25 18
9IDG□ 9WD□BL/ kgfcm 60.7 71.0 85.5 98.6 129.5 146.5 153.1 142.9 122.4 9IDG□ kgfcm 46.6 59.9 84.4 106.6 122.1 142.1 174.6 173.5 163.3 132.7
-90FW □BR/□BRL N.m 5.95 6.96 8.38 9.66 12.69 14.36 15.00 14.00 12.00 -90FWH N.m 4.57 5.87 8.27 10.44 11.97 13.92 17.11 17.00 16.00 13.00
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name. 2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change anyany
Change twotwo
connections Change anyany
Change twotwo
between R, R,
between S and T. T.
S and between R, R,
between S and T. T.
S and
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
9IDG*-120F□(-T): Gear Type Shaft Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Capacitor
9IDD*-120F(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Torque
Speed Current Torque
9IDK*-120F(-T): Key Type Shaft W V Hz ㎌ / VAC
kgfcm N.m r/min A kgfcm N.m
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
9IDGA-120F□ 9IDGA-120F□-T 120 1ø110 60 4 Cont. 6.60 0.660 1600 2.00 7.40 0.740 25.0 / 250
9IDGD-120F□ 9IDGD-120F□-T 120 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 6.00 0.600 1600 1.00 7.60 0.760 6.0 / 450
1ø220 6.60 0.660 0.90 9.40 0.940
9IDGE-120F□ 9IDGE-120F□-T 120 50 4 Cont. 1250 6.5 / 450
1ø240 8.00 0.800 1.00 10.20 1.020
50 22.00 2.200 1300 0.82 9.20 0.920
9IDGG-120F□ 9IDGG-120F□-T 120 3ø220 4 Cont. -
60 20.00 2.000 1550 0.78 7.80 0.780
50 25.00 2.500 1300 0.48 9.00 0.900
3ø380 4 Cont.
60 20.00 2.000 1550 0.43 8.00 0.800
50 27.40 2.740 1300 0.53 9.80 0.980
3ø400 4 Cont.
60 21.80 2.180 1550 0.45 8.60 0.860
9IDGK-120F□ 9IDGK-120F□-T 120 -
50 29.80 2.980 1300 0.57 10.00 1.000
3ø415 4 Cont.
60 23.80 2.380 1600 0.44 7.80 0.780
50 32.00 3.200 1350 0.64 8.80 0.880
3ø440 4 Cont.
60 26.80 2.680 1600 0.48 8.60 0.860
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut & Key Type Shafts are for using motor only.
Gear 10 12 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 Gear
Motor Gearhead Ratio Motor Gearhead Ratio 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Model Model Model Model
r/min 180 150 120 100 72 60 50 36 30 r/min 240 180 120 90 72 60 45 36 30 22
9IDG□ 9WD□BL/ kgfcm 62.3 73.0 87.8 101.2 133.0 150.5 153.1 142.9 122.4 9IDG□ kgfcm 47.9 61.6 86.6 109.4 125.4 145.9 179.4 173.5 163.3 132.7
-120FW □BR/□BRL N.m 6.11 7.15 8.60 9.92 13.03 14.75 15.00 14.00 12.00 -120FWH N.m 4.69 6.03 8.49 10.73 12.29 14.30 17.58 17.00 16.00 13.00
Gear 2 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Motor Gearhead Ratio
Model Model
r/min 750 500 417 300 250 200 167 120 100 83 75 60 50 42 38 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
9IDG□ 9PBK□BH kgfcm 16.3 24.4 29.3 40.7 48.8 61.0 73.2 101.7 122.0 146.4 162.7 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0
-120FP 9PFK□BH N.m 1.59 2.39 2.87 3.99 4.78 5.98 7.17 9.96 11.96 14.35 15.94 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60
9IDG□ 9HBK□BH kgfcm 24.4 29.3 48.8 73.2 91.9 110.3 132.3 133.3 166.6 199.9 239.9 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0
- -
-120FH 9HFK□BH N.m 2.39 2.87 4.78 7.17 9.00 10.80 12.97 13.06 16.33 19.59 23.51 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40
Gear 10 12 15 18 25 30 36 50 60 Gear
Motor Gearhead Ratio Motor Gearhead Ratio 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Model Model Model Model
r/min 150 125 100 83 60 50 42 30 25 r/min 200 150 100 75 60 50 38 30 25 18
9IDG□ 9WD□BL/ kgfcm 80.4 94.1 113.2 130.5 142.9 163.3 153.1 142.9 122.4 9IDG□ kgfcm 61.7 79.4 111.7 141.1 161.7 188.2 183.7 173.5 163.3 132.7
-90FW □BR/□BRL N.m 7.88 9.22 11.09 12.79 14.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 12.00 -120FWH N.m 6.05 7.78 10.95 13.83 15.85 18.44 18.00 17.00 16.00 13.00
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
* CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction: * CCW Direction:
* CCW Direction:
Change anyany
Change twotwo
connections Change anyany
Change twotwo
between R, R,
between S and T. T.
S and between R, R,
between S and T. T.
S and
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
9IDG*-150F□(-T): Gear Type Shaft Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Capacitor
9IDD*-150F(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Torque
Speed Current Torque
9IDK*-150F(-T): Key Type Shaft W V Hz ㎌ / VAC
kgfcm N.m r/min A kgfcm N.m
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
50 22.00 2.200 1300 1.00 11.30 1.130
9IDGG-150F□ 9IDGG-150F□-T 150 3ø220 4 Cont. -
60 19.00 1.900 1550 0.90 9.40 0.940
50 18.00 1.800 1250 0.46 11.70 1.170
3ø380 4 Cont.
60 15.00 1.500 1500 0.42 9.70 0.970
9IDGK-150F□ 9IDGK-150F□-T 150 -
50 19.00 1.900 1250 0.49 11.70 1.170
3ø400 4 Cont.
60 16.00 1.600 1500 0.43 9.70 0.970
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut & Key Type Shafts are for using motor only.
Gear 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 240 180 120 90 72 60 45 36 30 22
kgfcm 61.1 78.6 110.6 139.7 160.1 186.2 183.7 173.5 163.3 132.7
9IDG□-150FWH 9WHD□
N.m 5.99 7.70 10.84 13.69 15.68 18.25 18.00 17.00 16.00 13.00
Gear 3 3.6 6 9 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 500 417 250 167 120 100 83 75 60 50 42 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
9HBK□BH kgfcm 28.1 33.8 56.3 84.4 105.9 127.1 152.6 153.7 192.1 230.5 276.6 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0
9HFK□BH N.m 2.76 3.31 5.51 8.27 10.38 12.46 14.95 15.06 18.83 22.59 27.11 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40
Gear 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 200 150 100 75 60 50 38 30 25 18
kgfcm 71.2 91.5 128.8 162.7 186.5 204.1 183.7 173.5 163.3 132.7
9IDG□-150FWH 9WHD□
N.m 6.98 8.97 12.62 15.95 18.27 20.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 13.00
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed
value, depending on the size of the load.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
9IDG*-180F□(-T): Gear Type Shaft Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
9IDD*-180F(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
9IDK*-180F(-T): Key Type Shaft W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
9IDGD-180F□ 9IDGD-180F□-T 180 1ø220 60 4 Cont. 6.60 0.660 1600 1.20 11.00 1.100 6.5 / 450
1ø220 7.00 0.700 1.50 14.00 1.400
9IDGE-180F□ 9IDGE-180F□-T 180 50 4 Cont. 1250 6.5 / 450
1ø240 7.80 0.780 1.60 14.80 1.480
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut & Key Type Shafts are for using motor only.
Gear 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 240 180 120 90 72 60 45 36 30 22
kgfcm 69.3 89.1 125.4 158.4 181.5 204.1 183.7 173.5 163.3 132.7
9IDG□-180FWH 9WHD□
N.m 6.79 8.73 12.29 15.52 17.79 20.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 13.00
Gear 3 3.6 6 9 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Motor Model Gearhead Model Ratio
r/min 500 417 250 167 120 100 83 75 60 50 42 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
9HBK□BH kgfcm 34.9 41.8 69.7 104.6 131.3 157.5 189.0 190.4 238.0 285.6 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0
9HFK□BH N.m 3.42 4.10 6.83 10.25 12.86 15.44 18.52 18.66 23.32 27.99 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40
Gear 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 200 150 100 75 60 50 38 30 25 18
kgfcm 88.2 113.4 159.6 183.7 214.3 204.1 183.7 173.5 163.3 132.7
9IDG□-180FWH 9WHD□
N.m 8.64 11.11 15.64 18.00 21.00 20.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 13.00
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio. The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value,
depending on the size of the load.
Motor Images
9IDD□-180F 9IDD□-180F-T 9IDG□-180FH+9HBK□BH 9IDG□-180FH+9HFK□BH
Direction: * CCW
Change anyany
twotwo connections
connections Change
Change anyany
twotwo connections
between R, SR,and
between S and
T. T. between R, SR,and
between S and
T. T.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
9IDG*-200F□(-T): Gear Type Shaft Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Capacitor
9IDD*-200F(-T): D-Cut Type Shaft Torque
Speed Current Torque
9IDK*-200F(-T): Key Type Shaft W V Hz ㎌ / VAC
kgfcm N.m r/min A kgfcm N.m
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
50 32.00 3.200 1300 1.40 15.00 1.500
9IDGG-200F□ 9IDGG-200F□-T 200 3ø220 4 Cont. -
60 27.00 2.700 1550 1.20 13.00 1.300
50 26.00 2.600 1300 0.69 15.00 1.500
3ø380 4 Cont.
60 22.00 2.200 1550 0.61 12.80 1.280
9IDGK-200F□ 9IDGK-200F□-T 200 -
50 30.00 3.000 1300 0.75 15.00 1.500
3ø400 4 Cont.
60 25.00 2.500 1600 0.60 12.20 1.220
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the place * and enter the model type of attaching gearhead in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
3) Gear Type Shaft is for attaching gearhead and D-Cut & Key Type Shafts are for using motor only.
Gear 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 240 180 120 90 72 60 45 36 30 22
kgfcm 81.9 105.3 148.2 183.7 214.3 204.1 183.7 173.5 163.3 132.7
9IDG□-200FWH 9WHD□
N.m 8.03 10.32 14.52 18.00 21.00 20.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 13.00
Gear 3 3.6 6 9 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180
Motor Gearhead Ratio
Model Model
r/min 500 417 250 167 120 100 83 75 60 50 42 30 25 20 17 15 13 10 8
9IDG□ 9HBK□BH kgfcm 37.4 44.8 74.7 112.1 140.6 168.8 202.5 204.0 255.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0
-200FH 9HFK□BH N.m 3.66 4.39 7.32 10.98 13.78 16.54 19.85 19.99 24.99 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40 29.40
Gear 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 80
Gearhead Ratio
Motor Model Model
r/min 200 150 100 75 60 50 38 30 25 18
kgfcm 94.5 121.5 171.0 183.7 214.3 204.1 183.7 173.5 163.3 132.7
9IDG□-200FWH 9WHD□
N.m 9.26 11.91 16.76 18.00 21.00 20.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 13.00
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) Enter the gear ratio in the box (□) within the gearhead model name.
3) A colored background indicates gear shaft rotation in the same direction as the motor shaft; a white background indicates rotation in the opposite direction.
4) The rotating speed is calculated by dividing the motor’s synchronous speed (50Hz: 1,500r/min, 60Hz: 1,800r/min) by the gear ratio.
The actual speed is 2~20% less than the displayed value, depending on the size of the load.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
2 Pole
Motor Specification
Rated Load
Model Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
8IDD□-15-A(T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
8IDDA-15-A 8IDDA-15-AT 15 1ø110 60 2 Cont. 0.60 0.060 3250 0.41 0.46 0.046 6.0 / 250
8IDDD-15-A 8IDDD-15-AT 15 1ø220 60 2 Cont. 0.60 0.060 3200 0.26 0.46 0.046 2.0 / 250
1ø220 0.60 0.060 0.28 0.60 0.060
8IDDE-15-A 8IDDE-15-AT 15 50 2 Cont. 2550 2.0 / 450
1ø240 0.80 0.080 0.30 0.70 0.070
50 1.30 0.130 2600 0.27 0.60 0.060
8IDDG-15-A 8IDDG-15-AT 15 3ø220 2 Cont. -
60 1.20 0.120 3200 0.25 0.46 0.046
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
2 Pole
Motor Specification
Rated Load
Model Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
8IDD□-25-A(T): D-Cut Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
8IDDA-25-A 8IDDA-25-AT 25 1ø110 60 2 Cont. 0.80 0.080 3200 0.44 0.76 0.076 6.0 / 250
8IDDD-25-A 8IDDD-25-AT 25 1ø220 60 2 Cont. 0.80 0.080 3200 0.31 0.77 0.077 2.5 / 250
1ø220 1.00 0.100 0.33 1.00 0.100
8IDDE-25-A 8IDDE-25-AT 25 50 2 Cont. 2500 2.5 / 450
1ø240 1.20 0.120 0.36 1.10 0.110
50 1.40 0.140 2600 0.28 0.78 0.078
8IDDG-25-A 8IDDG-25-AT 25 3ø220 2 Cont. -
60 1.30 0.130 3200 0.26 0.77 0.077
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
2 Pole
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
9IDD□-40-A(T): D-Cut Type Shaft
9IDK□-40-A(T): Key Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
9IDDA-40-A 9IDDA-40-AT 40 1ø110 60 2 Cont. 1.60 0.160 3200 1.20 1.30 0.130 12.0 / 250
9IDDD-40-A 9IDDD-40-AT 40 1ø220 60 2 Cont. 1.60 0.160 3200 0.45 1.30 0.130 4.0 / 250
1ø220 1.60 0.160 0.54 1.50 0.150
9IDDE-40-A 9IDDE-40-AT 40 50 2 Cont. 2650 4.0 / 450
1ø240 1.80 0.180 0.55 1.70 0.170
50 4.00 0.400 2700 0.55 1.45 0.145
9IDDG-40-A 9IDDG-40-AT 40 3ø220 2 Cont. -
60 3.00 0.300 3300 0.40 1.20 0.120
50 3.00 0.300 2700 0.32 1.45 0.145
3ø380 2 Cont.
60 2.80 0.280 3300 0.23 1.20 0.120
50 3.20 0.320 2750 0.37 1.45 0.145
3ø400 2 Cont.
60 3.00 0.300 3300 0.26 1.40 0.140
9IDDK-40-A 9IDDK-40-AT 40 -
50 3.40 0.340 2750 0.41 1.60 0.160
3ø415 2 Cont.
60 3.20 0.320 3350 0.27 1.30 0.130
50 3.70 0.370 2750 0.48 2.00 0.200
3ø440 2 Cont.
60 3.50 0.350 3350 0.29 1.70 0.170
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
2 Pole
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
9IDD□-60F-A(T): D-Cut Type Shaft
9IDK□-60F-A(T): Key Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
9IDDA-60F-A 9IDDA-60F-AT 60 1ø110 60 2 Cont. 2.00 0.200 3200 1.20 1.84 0.184 16.0 / 250
9IDDD-60F-A 9IDDD-60F-AT 60 1ø220 60 2 Cont. 2.00 0.200 3200 0.65 1.84 0.184 5.0 / 450
1ø220 2.40 0.240 0.89 2.20 0.220
9IDDE-60F-A 9IDDE-60F-AT 60 50 2 Cont. 2700 5.0 / 450
1ø240 2.80 0.280 1.10 2.40 0.240
50 8.00 0.800 2750 0.59 2.20 0.220
9IDDG-60F-A 9IDDG-60F-AT 60 3ø220 2 Cont. -
60 6.00 0.600 3300 0.41 1.80 0.180
50 8.00 0.800 2700 0.34 2.20 0.220
3ø380 2 Cont.
60 6.00 0.600 3250 0.26 1.80 0.180
50 9.00 0.900 2700 0.40 2.40 0.240
3ø400 2 Cont.
60 7.00 0.700 3250 0.27 2.00 0.200
9IDDK-60F-A 9IDDK-60F-AT 60 -
50 10.00 1.000 2750 0.46 2.20 0.220
3ø415 2 Cont.
60 8.00 0.800 3300 0.29 1.80 0.180
50 12.00 1.200 2800 0.53 2.20 0.220
3ø440 2 Cont.
60 10.00 1.000 3350 0.31 1.80 0.180
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
2 Pole
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
9IDD□-90F-A(T): D-Cut Type Shaft
9IDK□-90F-A(T): Key Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
9IDDA-90F-A 9IDDA-90F-AT 90 1ø110 60 2 Cont. 2.60 0.260 3200 1.80 2.80 0.280 20.0 / 250
9IDDD-90F-A 9IDDD-90F-AT 90 1ø220 60 2 Cont. 2.60 0.260 3200 1.00 2.80 0.280 6.0 / 450
1ø220 3.00 0.300 0.89 3.40 0.340
9IDDE-90F-A 9IDDE-90F-AT 90 50 2 Cont. 2600 6.0 / 450
1ø240 3.60 0.360 1.00 3.80 0.380
50 10.00 1.000 2750 0.80 3.20 0.320
9IDDG-90F-A 9IDDG-90F-AT 90 3ø220 2 Cont. -
60 8.00 0.800 3300 0.56 2.80 0.280
50 10.00 1.000 2750 0.43 3.20 0.320
3ø380 2 Cont.
60 8.00 0.800 3300 0.34 2.70 0.270
50 11.00 1.100 2750 0.50 3.40 0.340
3ø400 2 Cont.
60 9.00 0.900 3300 0.36 3.00 0.300
9IDDK-90F-A 9IDDK-90F-AT 90 -
50 12.00 1.200 2800 0.57 3.60 0.360
3ø415 2 Cont.
60 10.00 1.000 3350 0.38 3.30 0.330
50 14.00 1.400 2800 0.67 3.80 0.380
3ø440 2 Cont.
60 12.00 1.200 3350 0.40 3.20 0.320
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
2 Pole
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
9IDD□-120F-A(T): D-Cut Type Shaft
9IDK□-120F-A(T): Key Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
9IDDA-120F-A 9IDDA-120F-AT 120 1ø110 60 2 Cont. 3.00 0.300 3100 2.40 3.80 0.380 25.0 / 250
9IDDD-120F-A 9IDDD-120F-AT 120 1ø220 60 2 Cont. 3.00 0.300 3100 1.40 3.80 0.380 6.5 / 450
1ø220 3.20 0.320 1.20 4.70 0.470
9IDDE-120F-A 9IDDE-120F-AT 120 50 2 Cont. 2500 6.5 / 450
1ø240 3.80 0.380 1.40 5.20 0.520
50 12.00 1.200 2650 0.82 4.45 0.445
9IDDG-120F-A 9IDDG-120F-AT 120 3ø220 2 Cont. -
60 10.00 1.000 3250 0.60 3.60 0.360
50 12.00 1.200 2650 0.46 4.60 0.460
3ø380 2 Cont.
60 10.00 1.000 3200 0.35 3.65 0.365
50 13.00 1.300 2700 0.53 4.40 0.440
3ø400 2 Cont.
60 11.00 1.100 3200 0.38 3.85 0.385
9IDDK-120F-A 9IDDK-120F-AT 120 -
50 14.00 1.400 2700 0.60 4.60 0.460
3ø415 2 Cont.
60 12.00 1.200 3250 0.41 3.65 0.365
50 16.00 1.600 2750 0.68 4.30 0.430
3ø440 2 Cont.
60 14.00 1.400 3250 0.45 3.80 0.380
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
3) Change the direction of single phase motor rotation only after bringing the motor to a stop. If an attempt is made to change the direction of rotation while the motor is rotating,
the motor may ignore the reversing command or change its direction after some delay.
2 Pole
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
9IDD□-150F-A(T): D-Cut Type Shaft
9IDK□-150F-A(T): Key Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
50 14.00 1.400 2650 1.40 5.60 0.560
9IDDG-150F-A 9IDDG-150F-AT 150 3ø220 2 Cont. -
60 12.00 1.200 3250 0.86 4.60 0.460
50 1.40 0.140 2600 0.52 5.70 0.570
3ø380 2 Cont.
60 1.20 0.120 3150 0.46 4.70 0.470
50 1.50 0.150 2600 0.60 5.90 0.590
3ø400 2 Cont.
60 1.30 0.130 3200 0.46 4.90 0.490
9IDDK-150F-A 9IDDK-150F-AT 150 -
50 1.60 0.160 2700 0.60 5.60 0.560
3ø415 2 Cont.
60 1.40 0.140 3200 0.46 4.60 0.460
50 1.80 0.180 2700 0.68 5.80 0.580
3ø440 2 Cont.
60 1.60 0.160 3250 0.47 4.80 0.480
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.
2 Pole
Motor Specification
Model Rated Load
Output Voltage Frequency Poles Duty Starting Torque Capacitor
9IDD□-200F-A(T): D-Cut Type Shaft
9IDK□-200F-A(T): Key Type Shaft Speed Current Torque
W V Hz kgfcm N.m ㎌ / VAC
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type r/min A kgfcm N.m
50 20.00 2.000 2700 1.30 7.30 0.730
9IDDG-200F-A 9IDDG-200F-AT 200 3ø220 2 Cont. -
60 16.00 1.600 3200 0.90 6.10 0.610
50 19.00 1.900 2700 0.70 7.40 0.740
3ø380 2 Cont.
60 16.00 1.600 3250 0.52 6.00 0.600
9IDDK-200F-A 9IDDK-200F-AT 200 -
50 20.00 2.000 2700 0.72 7.60 0.760
3ø400 2 Cont.
60 17.00 1.700 3250 0.57 6.20 0.620
1) Enter the phase & voltage code in the box (□) within the motor model name.
2) All models contain a built-in thermal protector.
Connection Diagrams
Lead Wire Type Terminal Box Type
1) The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
2) CW represents the clockwise direction, while CCW represents the counterclockwise direction.