Arizona Wing - Jan 2005
Arizona Wing - Jan 2005
Arizona Wing - Jan 2005
Volume 3 Issue 1 January-February 2005
Arizona Wing Commander CAP CORE VALUE
by Lt. Col. Ernest Bourgeois, Chief of Staff
For those of you familiar with it, the air- Budget concerns have prompted the Don’t let this happen to you:
space will be aligned using the “Beta” FAA’s Aviation Safety Program to phase
out the practice of sending printed safety
Test format.
meeting announcements to pilots via EMPHASIZES NEED FOR
Aircraft in the pattern on 4L/22R will be U. S. mail. Eventually, all information GROUND TEAM BLOOD-
at 2,200 MSL and on frequency 119.7. will be delivered via the program’s Web BORN PATHOGEN TRAIN-
Helicopters in the Yankee Pattern and on site ( ). Kathleen
routes to and from Boeing and MD heli- ING by Maj. Charles Bendixen
O’Brien, safety program manager for the
copter will also be on frequency 119.7 Long Beach Flight Standards District On 8 Dec. 2004 a Cessna 310 crashed
and at 1,900 MSL. Office in California, said printing costs about 3 miles after departing the Flagstaff
for the program’s paper newletter jumped Airport. 1 Lt. Dan Shearer of Squadron
Inbound and departure aircraft will use 201 in Flagstaff, acting in his job as a
100 percent between July and August
Runway 4R/22L, and be on frequency Fireman at the Highland Fire Department,
124.6. Those aircraft inbound from the was the first person on the scene of the
West through Northeast can expect to Pilots are urged to register an email ad- crash. Somewhat to his surprise, there
maintain 2,700 MSL until on Final. was evidence of blood throughout the
dress at the Web site, where they can
Those inbound from the West and North- scene of the crash, despite the fact that
choose notification services for safety the pilot and only occupant of the aircraft
west may also be given instructions to seminars and other events. You do not had been thrown clear of the aircraft.
maintain 2,700 MSL, and cross over the need to register to search the events data-
airport at mid-field to enter left traffic for base. The FAA says it will not share its The aircraft had been carrying many
Runway 221, or right traffic for Runway database of email addresses with anyone. medical blood samples destined for labo-
4R. This will keep you above the Touch ratory analysis in two large freezer boxes
that were smashed on impact. This em-
and Go pattern traffic for Runway CAP MISSION 05M0043 phasizes the possibility that if our ground
4L/22L. crews come upon a crash site, they should
The first week of this year, CAP was
be aware of the fact that it might
All departures off of Runway 4R/22L, called to a mission at Marana Regional
will now be expected to fly runway head- Airport near Tucson. continued on page 4
Volume 3 Issue 1 WINGTIPS Page 4
ALLERGY SEASON IS Think about how you feel when you are
planning to fly. You may find that
units by use of state-of-the-art radios,
while mirroring the maneuver capabilities
COMING your allergy symptoms are intensified of our Army counterparts. Whether it's
when flying at altitudes. parachuting out of an airplane from 1000
With all the rain we should have a feet with the 82nd Airborne Division,
This information was reviewed by the engaging in a tank assault with the 1st
bumper season for all sorts of allergies.
doctors at the The Clevelend Clinic De- Armored Division, or operating deep be-
WebMD had an informative synopsis of partment of Pulmonary, Allegy and Criti- hind enemy lines with the 75th Ranger
different types of allergies. cal Care Medicine. Edited by Charlotte Regiment, the TACP mission is the
E. Grayson, MD, 2/04, WebMD, and same…PUTTING BOMBS ON TAR-
Allergies are an overreaction of the im- parts copied and paraphrased by the edi- GET!
mune system. People who have allergies tor of this newsletter.
have a hyper-alert immune system that TACPs live, train, and deploy with the
overreacts to a substance in the environ- US Army units. When deployed, the
ment called an allergen. Exposure to TACPs live under austere field condi-
what is normally a harmless substance, tions, and are responsible for the coordi-
such as pollen, causes the immune system nation, de-confliction, and execution of
to react as if the substance is harmful. all USAF attack aircraft. Qualified indi-
By Morris viduals, serving as Terminal Attack Con-
There are a number of different allergy- trollers (ETACs), provide final attack
causing substances. The most common Courtright, Lt. Col.
control to the pilots while the fighters are
include pollen, dust mites, mold, animal inbound to the target. The ETAC is re-
dander, insect stings, latex, and certain Only a select few wear the Black Beret
food and medication. If you have an al- that symbolizes the Tactical Air Control sponsible for ensuring that the pilot iden-
tifies and attacks the correct target while
lergy your symptoms can range from mild Party (TACP). The Air Force specialists minimizing the risk to friendly ground
eye irritation and congestion to a more are assigned to Army combat maneuver
forces. During peacetime, training is the
severe reaction causing swelling and dif- units around the world. On a battlefield,
they form a tactical air control party team major focus. This training can take the
ficulty breathing. And, if you have form of common skills testing (mission
asthma, a reaction any offending allergy- that plans, requests and directs air strikes
against enemy targets in close proximity readiness), various weapons qualifica-
causing substance can worsen asthma
to friendly forces. A TACP is generally a tions, chemical warfare and combat first
symptoms. But, there are steps you can aid training. At various times throughout
take to prevent and treat allergy attacks two-airman team, working in an Army
ground unit and directing close air sup- the year, Army field training exercises
when they occur. (FTX) are conducted to evaluate combat
port firepower toward enemy targets on
As for pollen, it can trigger hay fever or the ground. readiness. The lengths of these exercises
seasonal allergies. Outdoor pollen counts vary from a few days to a month.
are usually highest in late morning and Tactical Air Control Parties provide nu-
early afternoon. Symptoms include merous critical functions on the modern
sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, battlefield including: (1) Advising ground The photo is a recent one from Iraq and
and itchy, watery eyes. Treatments were forces on aircraft employment and capa- shows A2c Chris Beversdorf, grandson of
listed, but I will not go there because a bilities; (2) Coordinating and controlling the author.
doctor should be consulted. The article aerospace operations and (3) Participating
did suggest that hay fever symptoms in battle planning.
could be lessened by staying indoors
when pollen counts are high, closing win- Tactical Air Command and Control Spe-
dows and using air conditioning. cialists are part of a team called a Tactical
Air Control Party (TACP). The mission is
Dust mites and molds react on our im- to advise US Army combat commanders
mune system much like pollens. Dust on the use of Air Force air power. One
mite allergy is similar to pollen allergy example of air power is a fighter aircraft
but often occurs year round rather than attacking targets close to friendly troops.
just seasonally. Symptoms of mold aller- This is Close Air Support and is a very
gies can occur seasonally especially in the important part of the TACP mission. It is
summer and fall or year round if mold is the TACP's job to control the fighters and
in your home in damp areas such as base- to make sure they attack the correct tar-
ments or bathrooms, as well as grass, leaf get. This unique mission requires operat-
piles, hay, mulch, or under mushrooms. ing on the battlefield. TACPs communi-
cate with other tactical air and ground
Volume 3 Issue 1 WINGTIPS Page 6
The cadets have been busy and achieving MEMBERS OF SQUADRON 308 ATTEND
so much by 1Lt. Martin Maxwell, pictures
by Lt. Maxwell also.
I hope that everyone saw the pictures of the Deer Valley
Squadron 302 cadets in the CAP News. It appeared January
3rd. Sr. Airman Brandyn Burke and 12 other squadron mem-
bers assisted in the distribution of toys and food boxes to
needy families during the holidays.
Cadets 2nd Lt. Britt Yazel, left, and Senior Airman Colleen
Shull assist the Salvation Army filling boxes
Members wish them well and good “Introduction to Aviation”. A class designed to fuel
students’ interest in aviation. The first semester cov-
luck for much success. ered Astronomy and the second semester is to be de-
voted to an “Introduction to Aviation”. Various
speakers from the Arizona Wing of the Civil Air Pa-
trol will speak to the students with a view to sparking
Happy St. Patrick’s their interests in aviation, aerospace and related sub-
jects. The media are filled with stories about how
Day on March 17th American students are falling behind the rest of the
and may everyone world in math and science; this course provides CAP
with the opportunity to foster the students’ burgeon-
find that pot of gold. ing interest in and further study of the aviation indus-