A Jan 08 - 11
A Jan 08 - 11
A Jan 08 - 11
M a ry ’ s E d u ca ti o na l I ns ti tu te
Ilustre Ave, Lemery, Batangas
St. Mary’s Educational Institute is a Christ-centered learning community that evangelizes the whole person to become leaders of society.
St. Mary’s Educational Institute develops competent and upright individuals in the service of the Catholic church.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
(January 08, 2017) (January 09, 2017) (January 10, 2017) (January 11, 2017) (January 12, 2017)
I. Objectives Orient the students about1. Explain the concept of 2. Discuss Trace the development 3. Assess the learning of
the nature of the subject, entrepreneurship entrepreneurship in of entrepreneurship the students about the
rationale, objectives, some countries and in previous topics
content scope, the Philippines
assessment procedures
and materials necessary
for the subject
II. Subject Matter Subject Orientation Concept of Concept of Development of Quiz
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship
III. References Curriculum guide Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship.
Edralin, Divina M.2016 Edralin, Divina M.2016 Edralin, Divina M.2016 Edralin, Divina M.2016
pp. 2-7 pp. 2-7 pp. 8-11 pp. 2-11
IV. Materials LED TV, marker, LED TV, marker, LED TV, marker, LED TV, marker,
whiteboard, eraser, whiteboard, eraser, whiteboard, eraser, whiteboard, eraser,
laptop, book, copy of laptop, lesson laptop, lesson laptop, lesson
curriculum guide presentation presentation presentation, notebook
V. Learning Activities 1. The teacher 1. The teacher 1. The teacher briefly
introduces the enumerates the discusses the history
concept of entrepreneurship of of entrepreneurship in
entrepreneurship select countries. the Philippines.
guided with the table 2. The students 2. The teacher
on pages 3 and 4. describe the concept discusses the
2. The students to of entrepreneurship development and
create an acrostics here in the evolution of
for the word Philippines as well as entrepreneurship in
ENTREPRENEURSH in their respective the Philippines
IP featuring words or locality.
terms that are related
to the given word.
VI. Assessment Move around your Think paper: 20 – item quiz
community. Look for 1 Entrepreneurship leads
enterprise that have to innovation.
been established there
for at least five years.
Find out the effects of
their presence in your