Trends in Active Power Line Conditioners: Electrical Engineering Fields

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Electrical Engineering fields

Okayama University Year 

Trends in active power line conditioners

Hirofumi Akagi
Okayama University,

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Trends in Active Power Line Conditioners

Hirofumi Akagi, Member, IEEE

Abstract-Active power line conditioners, which are classified n

into shunt and series ones, have been studied with the focus
on their practical installation in industrial power systems. In
1986, a combined system of a shunt active conditioner of rating
900 kVA and a shunt passive filter of rating 6600 kVA was
practically installed to suppress the harmonics produced by a
large capacity cycloconverter for steel mill drives. More than one
hundred shunt active conditioners have been operating properly
in Japan. The largest one is 20 mVA, which was developed for Fig. 1. Basic principle of shunt active power line conditioner.
flicker compensation for an arc furnace with the help of a shunt
passive filter of 20 mVA.
In this paper, the term of “active power line conditioners” industrial power systems since their basic compensation princi-
would be used instead of that of “active power filters” because ples were proposed in the 1970’s [1]-[3]. However, there was
active power line conditioners would cover a wider sense than almost no advance in active power line conditioners beyond
active power filters. The primary intent of this paper is to present
a laboratory testing stage, because circuit technology was too
trends in active power line conditioners using PWM inverters,
paying attention to practical applications. poor to practically implement the compensation principle in
the 1970’s. Over the last five to ten years, remarkable progress
of fast switching devices such as bipolar junction transistors
I. INTRODUCTION and static induction thyristors has spurred interest in the study

R APID variation of reactive power generated by arc fur-

naces, and harmonics produced by diode or thyristor
rectifiers have been serious as they have caused flicker or
of shunt and series active power line conditioners for reactive
power and harmonic compensation [4]-[ 111. In addition to
sophisticated PWM inverter technology, the development of
harmonic interference in industrial applications and transmis- the so-called “p-q theory” [12] has made it possible to put
sion/distribution systems. So far, shunt passive filters, which them into a practical testing stage.
consist of tuned LC filters and/or high-pass filters, have been In 1982, a shunt active conditioner of 800 kVA, which con-
used to improve power factor and to suppress harmonics sisted of current-source PWM inverters using GTO thyristors,
in power systems. However, shunt passive filters have such was put into practical use for harmonic compensation for the
problems as to discourage their applications. A shunt passive first time in the world. At present, the purpose of shunt active
filter exhibits lower impedance at a tuned harmonic frequency conditioners is to compensate for reactive power, negative-
than the source impedance to reduce the harmonic currents sequence, harmonics, and/or flicker. Moreover, attention is
Rowing into the source. In principle, filtering characteristics paid to the combined system of an active power line con-
of the shunt passive filter are determined by the impedance ditioner and a shunt passive filter to reduce initial costs and
ratio of the source and the shunt passive filter. Therefore, the to improve efficiency.
shunt passive filter has the following problems. In this paper, trends and future prospects in active power
The source impedance, which is not accurately known and line conditioners are presented with the focus on practical
varies with the system configuration, strongly influences applications.
filtering characteristics of the shunt passive filter.
The shunt passive filter acts as a sink to the harmonic
current flowing from the source. In the worst case, the 11. SHUNT
shunt passive filter falls in series resonance with the
source impedance. A. Compensation Principle
At a specific frequency, an antiresonance or parallel Fig. 1 shows the basic principle of a shunt active condi-
resonance occurs between the source impedance and the tioner, which is controlled in a closed loop manner to actively
shunt passive filter, which is the so-called harmonic shape the source current i s into the sinusoid. Fig. 2 shows
amplification. each waveform in such a case that the load is assumed to be
Active power line conditioners, which are classified into a three-phase diode rectifier with an inductive load.
shunt and series ones, have been studied to compensate for The shunt active conditioner injects the compensating cur-
reactive power, negative-sequence, harmonics, andlor flicker in rent Zc into the source to cancel the harmonics contained in the
load current ZL. Accordingly, a finite amount of impedance in
Manuscript received July 23, 1992; revised December 7, 1993. the power system, which is usually predominantly inductive,
The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Okayama
University, Okayama-city 700, Japan. seldom influences the filtering characteristics because the
IEEE Log Number 9402437. harmonic-producing load can be considered a current source
0885-8993/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE

Fig. 3. Current-source PWh4 inverter.

Fig. 2. Theoretical waveforms in Fig. 1.

due to the presence of sufficient inductance on the dc side of

a diode or thyristor rectifier.
To put the shunt active conditioner into practical use,
however, the followings have to be solved.
Which voltage and/or current of U , i s and ZL in Fig. 1
should we detect?
How should we decide or calculate the command of the
compensating current from the detected voltage and/or Fig. 4. Voltage-source PWh4 inverter.
current? It is difficult to do it, especially in transient states
or in such a case that ZL is always fluctuating.
Q - j3 orthogonal coordinates gives the following expressions:
How should we realize a large capacity non-sinusoidal
r - l
current source with rapid current response which can
follow its command?

B . Power Circuits
There are two types of power circuits in a shunt active
conditioner as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. These are the same
in the power circuits as a current source PWM inverter and a
voltage source PWM inverter for ac motor drives. They are,
I;:[ L[o
2 1 -1/2 -1/2 2Lu
J 3 / 2 4 / 2 1 I ZLW
Lv 1.

however, different in their behavior because the shunt active According to the p-q theory [12] , the instantaneous real
conditioner acts as a non-sinusoidal current source. The current power p~ and the instantaneous imaginary power q L on the
or voltage source PWM inverter which are used as a shunt load side are defined as
active conditioner needs a dc reactor or a dc capacitor which
plays an essential role as an energy storage element but it does (3)
not need any dc power supply on the dc side. The reason is that
the shunt active conditioner can be controlled so as to supply The instantaneous powers p~ and q L are divided into three
the losses in the PWM inverter from the ac source. The author components, respectively.
prefers the voltage source PWM inverter to the current source
PWM inverter because the voltage source PWM inverter is PL = P L + $ L + C L (4)
higher in efficiency and lower in initial cost than the current
source PWM inverter. In fact, almost all shunt active condi- QL = 4 L 4L + +
6L (5)
tioners, which have been put into practical use in Japan, have
adopted the voltage source PWM inverter as the power circuit. where
Table I shows switching devices, ratings and specifications
of typical shunt active conditioners, which have been already dc components
put into practical use in Japan. Table I1 shows the comparison low-frequency components
of losses of 100 kVA shunt active conditioners using GTO high-frequency components.
thyristors, BJT’s, or IGBT’s, which are installed to the three-
phase 400-V power system [ 131. The “dc,” “low frequency,” and “high frequency” are not
strict in an electrical engineering sense. They become strict
C . Control Strategies and Filtering Characteristics after designing the cut-off frequency of high-pass filters which
Transformation of the three-phase voltages wu, wv,and U, are used for the extraction of p ~$ L, , PL, GL, GL, and GL from
and the three-phase load currents i L u , Z L ~ , and Z L ~into the p~ and q L . The conventional active power is corresponding to

Switching Capacity of active Ratings of switching Circuit configuration Average switching Starting
Applications year
devices conditioner devices of power circuit frequency
GTO 4500V Voltage-Source
thyristors ( IS-1P-l2A ) x 6G 300Hz Arc furnaces '90
SI 12oov Voltage-Source
thyristors ( 1S-IP-GA ) X 1G 5kHz VVVF inverters '88
300A (avarage)
12oov Voltage-Source Cycloconverters for
BJT 5OOkVA 1.3kHz '87
300A ( lS4P-6A ) X 5G steel mill drives
lO0OV Voltage-Source Static power converters
IGBT lOOkVA 8kHz in building '88
innA lS-3P-6A

TABLE I1 To discuss the filtering characteristics in the transient states,

OF SHUNT ACTIVEPOWER LINECONDITIONERS OF 100 KVA the firing angle of a three-phase thyristor rectifier of rating
Switching Devices GTO BJT IGBT
20 kVA is controlled so that the dc output current of the
Circuit Configurations CSI-PWM VSI-PWM VSI-PWM rectifier, id is fluctuating at 10 Hz in Figs. 5-7. In these
Average Switching figures, ws, is the source voltage in u-phase, id is the output
Frequencies ZkHz 3kHz 8kHz
dc current of the rectifier, i~~ is the load current in u-phase,
Switching Devices 2130W 2010w 2030W i.e., the input ac current of the rectifier in u-phase, is, is the
Snubbers and Clippers 3010W 170W 500W source current in u-phase, ic, is the compensating current
Gate Drive Circuits 560W 50W 2ow in u-phase, i.e., the injected current in u-phase by the shunt
Filters 1180W 1370W 1040W
DC Reactor 1130W
active conditioner, and 'UCd is the dc capacitor voltage of the
Transformers 890W 890W shunt active conditioner. Since the shunt active conditioner
Others 750W 710W 710W operates properly, the source current is sinusoidal while the
Total 8760W 5200W 5190W load current includes some amount of harmonic current. It is,
however, difficult to distinguish the filtering characteristics in
Fig. 6 from those in Fig. 7 with respect to the waveform of is,.
p ~ the, conventional reactive power to QL and the negative- Note that the dc capacitor voltage is constant in Fig. 6, while it
5equence to the 2 f frequency component of p~ and q L . Here, is fluctuating at 10 Hz in Fig. 7. To eliminate the low frequency
f is the source frequency. harmonic currents related to the component of 10 Hz present
The commands of three-phase compensating currents in- in f i ~ the , dc capacitor has to absorb the variation of the energy
jected by the shunt active conditioner, acu*,&,* and acW* stored in the dc reactor of the thyristor rectifier. This causes the
<ire given by the following.
variation of the dc capacitor voltage in Fig. 7. The shunt active
conditioner needs a large capacity dc capacitor to suppress
the variation. Accordingly, the shunt active conditioner which
eliminates fully the low frequency harmonic currents caused
by f i ~should be considered the energy storage system, the
where purpose of which is to smooth the energy variation [ 5 ] .
In Fig. 8, the load is a single-phase thyristor rectifier whose
firing angle is constant to verify compensation characteristics
p* : instantaneous real power command for harmonic and negative-sequence currents. The rectifier is
q* : instantaneous imaginary power command. connected between the U- and v-phases. In this figure, usll is
the source voltage in u-phase, icU. is the compensating current
in u-phase, is, is the source current in u-phase, isv is the
Which terms on the right-hand side of (4) and (5) are sub- source current in v-phase, isWis the source current in w-
qtituted into p* and q* of (6) decides the function of the shunt phase, and U C d is the dc capacitor voltage of the shunt active
xtive conditioner. In other words, the shunt active conditioner conditioner. Before the start of the shunt active conditioner,
<an compensate for not only harmonics but also reactive the source current in the u-phase, isu is identical to the load
power and negative-sequence component in accordance with current in the u-phase, i~,, and no source current flows in the
its compensating objectives. w-phase. After the start, the three-phase source currents are
Table 111 shows the relation among compensating objectives, sinusoidal and balanced.
the order and cutoff frequency of high-pass filters, and the
capacity of energy storage components such as dc reactors
or dc capacitors. Figs. 5-8 show the experimental filtering 111. COMBINED SYSTEMS
Characteristics of a shunt active conditioner using quad-series The shunt active power line conditioners consisting of PWM
voltage source PWM inverters of rating 7 kVA [ 5 ] , which inverters have such a problem that they are inferior in initial
correspond to Table 111. cost and efficiency to shunt passive filters. Therefore, it is


p' q* (cut-off frequency) Compensation objectives Energy storage components

I Small capacity I 'Fig. 5 1

ic currents I I I

P' =PI
a* = a-r,
Harmonic currents and
negative-seauence comwnents
I Medium capacity I Fig. 8 I

vsu VSU



- _-____ 8 - 4 - __ ._

VCd -- --.
1 . - 2 . -

Fig 5. Compensation for harmonic currents. Fig. 7. Compensation for harmonic currents and low frequency vanation
components of active and reactive power

........ ........... __

__ I '
............... vCd
VCd +2.5pV-+-.-.t-.- ........ 1I !
i. .....................
... .:/.... I '
. . .
Fig. 8. Compensation for harmonic currents and negative-sequencecompo-
Fig. 6 . Compensation for harmonic currents and low frequency variation nents.
components of reactive power.

Table IV shows the comparison between the two combined

natural that attention has been paid to combined systems systems. There is a distinct difference in the function or role
of active power line conditioners and shunt passive filters, between the shunt and series active power line conditioners.
which are classified into a combined system with shunt active Fig. 9 shows a detailed system configuration of the com-
conditioners [7] and that with series active conditioners [14]. bined system of a shunt passive filter of10 kVA and a series


:ombination with shunt active conditioner :ombination with series active conditioner

Circuit configuration

Power circuit of Voltage source PWM inverter Voltage source PWM inverter
active conditioner with current minor loop without current minor loop

Function of Harmonic compensator Harmonic isolator between

active conditioner source and load

Reduction in capacity of shunt active Great reduction in capacity of series

conditioner active conditioner
Conventional shunt active conditioners Already existing shunt passive filters
applicable applicable

Harmonic current may flow from source

to shunt active conditioner
Isolation and protection of series active
Issues Compensating current injected by shunt conditioner
active conditioner may flow into shunt
passive filter


a PWM Control

Calculation of
SA^ and 55Ag
High-Pass Filter

Calculation of
PS and ps

Fig. 9. Combined system of series active power line conditioner and shunt passive filter.

active conditioner of 0.45 kVA for harmonic compensation of a and after the start of the series active conditioner. Before the
thyristor rectifier of 20 kVA. The function of the series active series active conditioner was started, a parallel resonance at the
conditioner is not to directly compensate for the harmonics fourth-harmonic frequency occurred in the system. A small
of the rectifier, but to improve the filtering characteristics of amount of the fourth-harmonic current included in the load
the shunt passive filter used alone. In other words, the series current was largely amplified. As a result, severe distortion
active conditioner acts not as a harmonic compensator but as a existed in the source current, i s , and the filter voltage, V F .
harmonic isolator between the power source and the thyristor However, no parallel resonance appeared after the series active
rectifier. Fig. 10 shows the experimental waveforms before conditioner was started.


.. .._ _......... - ......... -..- ..... - __ . . . - -_

. -. ..... -. -_ _ _.
__.............. .......................... . . . . .

.... ............ ............ - ..... .-... __

.. start .... __ ...

Fig. 10. Experimental waveforms in Fig. 9.

PROSPECTS [6] K. Komatsugi and T. Imura, “Harmonic current compensator composed
of static power converter,” in IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conf.,
Active power line conditioners have been put on a com- 1986, pp. 283.
mercial base in Japan by efforts of researchers and engineers [7] M. Takeda et al., “Harmonic current compensation with active filter,”
in IEEEIIAS Ann. Meeting, 1987, pp. 808.
on power electronics. There are the following future prospects [8] A. Nakajima er al., “Development of active filter with series resonant
of active power line conditioners on the basis of advances in circuit” in IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Con$, 1988, pp. 1168.
switching devices and PWM inverter technology [ 131. [9] M. Kohata er al., “Compensator for harmonics and reactive power
using static induction thyristors,” presented at European Conf. Power
The function of shunt active power line conditioners will Electronics and Applications, 1987.
be expanded from flicker compensation or voltage regu- [ l o ] N. Watanabe et al., “Application of active filter to UPS system,”
presented at Int. Symp. Power Electronics, Seoul, Korea, 1989.
lation into the improvement of stability in power systems [ 11] Y. Tanoue, F. Aoyama, and K. Terashima, “5-mVA flicker suppression
as the capacity of shunt active power line conditioners equipment-A hybrid system of a passive filter and an active filter using
becomes larger. GTO thyristors,” Toshiba Rev. vol. 43, no. 4, 1988.
[12] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa, and A. Nabae, “Instantaneous reactive power
The combined system of a small-rated series active power compensators comprising switching devices without energy storage
line conditioner and a shunt passive filter aims at reducing components,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. vol. IA-20, p. 625, 1984.
initial costs and improving efficiency, thus giving both [13] H. M a g i and N. Watanabe, “Present state and future trends of active
power filters in Japan,” in Int. Symp. Power Electronics Seoul, Korea,
practical and economical points of view. This system p. 445, 1992.
will be put into practical use in near future, considered a [14] F. Z. Peng, H. Akagi, and A. Nabae, “A new approach to harmonic
compensation in power systems-a combined system of shunt passive
prospective altemative to shunt active power line con- and series active filters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. vol. 26, p. 983, 1990.
ditioners for harmonic compensation of large capacity
thyristor or diode rectifiers.

Hirofumi Akagi (M’87) received the B. S. degree

REFERENCES from Nagoya Institute of Technology in 1974 and
the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees from Tokyo Institute
[ l ] H. Sasaki and T. Machida, “A new method to eliminate ac harmonic of Technology in 1976 and 1979, respectively, all
currents by magnetic compensation-Considerations on basic design,” in electrical engineering.
IEEE Trans. Power Appl. Syst. vol. PAS-90, p. 2009, 1971. In 1979, he joined Nagaoka University of Tech-
[2] L. Gyugyi and E. C. Strycula, “Active ac power filters,” in ZEEEIZAS nology as assistant and then associate professor in
Ann. Meeting, 1976, pp. 529. the electrical engineering department. In 1987, he
[3] N. Mohan e t al., “Active filters for ac harmonic suppression,” presented was Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute
at IEEEPES Winter Meeting], 1977. of Technology for 10 months. Since 1991, he has
[4] H. Kawahira, T. Nakamura, and S. Nakazawa, “Active power filters,” been a Professor in the Electrical Engineering de-
in Proc. JIEE IPEC-Tokyo, 1983, pp. 981. partment at Okayama University. His research interests are active power filters,
[5] H. Akagi, A. Nabae, and S. Atoh, “Control strategy of active power ac motor drives, and high frequency inverters.
filters using multiple voltage-source PWM converters,” ZEEE Trans. 2nd. Dr. Akagi has received four IEEE prize paper awards including the first
Appl. vol. IA-22, pp. 460, May/June 1986. prize paper award in IEEE transactions on Industry Applications for 1991.

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