Trends in Active Power Line Conditioners: Electrical Engineering Fields
Trends in Active Power Line Conditioners: Electrical Engineering Fields
Trends in Active Power Line Conditioners: Electrical Engineering Fields
B . Power Circuits
There are two types of power circuits in a shunt active
conditioner as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. These are the same
in the power circuits as a current source PWM inverter and a
voltage source PWM inverter for ac motor drives. They are,
I;:[ L[o
2 1 -1/2 -1/2 2Lu
J 3 / 2 4 / 2 1 I ZLW
Lv 1.
however, different in their behavior because the shunt active According to the p-q theory [12] , the instantaneous real
conditioner acts as a non-sinusoidal current source. The current power p~ and the instantaneous imaginary power q L on the
or voltage source PWM inverter which are used as a shunt load side are defined as
active conditioner needs a dc reactor or a dc capacitor which
plays an essential role as an energy storage element but it does (3)
not need any dc power supply on the dc side. The reason is that
the shunt active conditioner can be controlled so as to supply The instantaneous powers p~ and q L are divided into three
the losses in the PWM inverter from the ac source. The author components, respectively.
prefers the voltage source PWM inverter to the current source
PWM inverter because the voltage source PWM inverter is PL = P L + $ L + C L (4)
higher in efficiency and lower in initial cost than the current
source PWM inverter. In fact, almost all shunt active condi- QL = 4 L 4L + +
6L (5)
tioners, which have been put into practical use in Japan, have
adopted the voltage source PWM inverter as the power circuit. where
Table I shows switching devices, ratings and specifications
of typical shunt active conditioners, which have been already dc components
put into practical use in Japan. Table I1 shows the comparison low-frequency components
of losses of 100 kVA shunt active conditioners using GTO high-frequency components.
thyristors, BJT’s, or IGBT’s, which are installed to the three-
phase 400-V power system [ 131. The “dc,” “low frequency,” and “high frequency” are not
strict in an electrical engineering sense. They become strict
C . Control Strategies and Filtering Characteristics after designing the cut-off frequency of high-pass filters which
Transformation of the three-phase voltages wu, wv,and U, are used for the extraction of p ~$ L, , PL, GL, GL, and GL from
and the three-phase load currents i L u , Z L ~ , and Z L ~into the p~ and q L . The conventional active power is corresponding to
Switching Capacity of active Ratings of switching Circuit configuration Average switching Starting
Applications year
devices conditioner devices of power circuit frequency
GTO 4500V Voltage-Source
thyristors ( IS-1P-l2A ) x 6G 300Hz Arc furnaces '90
SI 12oov Voltage-Source
thyristors ( 1S-IP-GA ) X 1G 5kHz VVVF inverters '88
300A (avarage)
12oov Voltage-Source Cycloconverters for
BJT 5OOkVA 1.3kHz '87
300A ( lS4P-6A ) X 5G steel mill drives
lO0OV Voltage-Source Static power converters
IGBT lOOkVA 8kHz in building '88
innA lS-3P-6A
p' q* (cut-off frequency) Compensation objectives Energy storage components
P' =PI
a* = a-r,
Harmonic currents and
negative-seauence comwnents
I Medium capacity I Fig. 8 I
vsu VSU
- _-____ 8 - 4 - __ ._
VCd -- --.
1 . - 2 . -
Fig 5. Compensation for harmonic currents. Fig. 7. Compensation for harmonic currents and low frequency vanation
components of active and reactive power
........ ........... __
__ I '
............... vCd
VCd +2.5pV-+-.-.t-.- ........ 1I !
i. .....................
... .:/.... I '
. . .
Fig. 8. Compensation for harmonic currents and negative-sequencecompo-
Fig. 6 . Compensation for harmonic currents and low frequency variation nents.
components of reactive power.
:ombination with shunt active conditioner :ombination with series active conditioner
Circuit configuration
Power circuit of Voltage source PWM inverter Voltage source PWM inverter
active conditioner with current minor loop without current minor loop
a PWM Control
Calculation of
SA^ and 55Ag
High-Pass Filter
Calculation of
PS and ps
Fig. 9. Combined system of series active power line conditioner and shunt passive filter.
active conditioner of 0.45 kVA for harmonic compensation of a and after the start of the series active conditioner. Before the
thyristor rectifier of 20 kVA. The function of the series active series active conditioner was started, a parallel resonance at the
conditioner is not to directly compensate for the harmonics fourth-harmonic frequency occurred in the system. A small
of the rectifier, but to improve the filtering characteristics of amount of the fourth-harmonic current included in the load
the shunt passive filter used alone. In other words, the series current was largely amplified. As a result, severe distortion
active conditioner acts not as a harmonic compensator but as a existed in the source current, i s , and the filter voltage, V F .
harmonic isolator between the power source and the thyristor However, no parallel resonance appeared after the series active
rectifier. Fig. 10 shows the experimental waveforms before conditioner was started.
.. .._ _......... - ......... -..- ..... - __ . . . - -_
. -. ..... -. -_ _ _.
__.............. .......................... . . . . .
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in IEEEIIAS Ann. Meeting, 1987, pp. 808.
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using static induction thyristors,” presented at European Conf. Power
The function of shunt active power line conditioners will Electronics and Applications, 1987.
be expanded from flicker compensation or voltage regu- [ l o ] N. Watanabe et al., “Application of active filter to UPS system,”
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lation into the improvement of stability in power systems [ 11] Y. Tanoue, F. Aoyama, and K. Terashima, “5-mVA flicker suppression
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[12] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa, and A. Nabae, “Instantaneous reactive power
The combined system of a small-rated series active power compensators comprising switching devices without energy storage
line conditioner and a shunt passive filter aims at reducing components,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. vol. IA-20, p. 625, 1984.
initial costs and improving efficiency, thus giving both [13] H. M a g i and N. Watanabe, “Present state and future trends of active
power filters in Japan,” in Int. Symp. Power Electronics Seoul, Korea,
practical and economical points of view. This system p. 445, 1992.
will be put into practical use in near future, considered a [14] F. Z. Peng, H. Akagi, and A. Nabae, “A new approach to harmonic
compensation in power systems-a combined system of shunt passive
prospective altemative to shunt active power line con- and series active filters,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl. vol. 26, p. 983, 1990.
ditioners for harmonic compensation of large capacity
thyristor or diode rectifiers.