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Communicative and Pragmatic Competence Producing Oral Messages and Interactions (Spoken Interaction)

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Lesson Plan

Subject: English
Form: II
Date: 14.02.18
Teacher: Cojocari Natalia
Topic: Module 4, Lesson 1, “What Day is it Today”
Specific Competences:
Communicative and Pragmatic Competence Producing oral messages and interactions (Spoken Interaction)
Producing written messages and interactions (Writing)
Communicative Competence Receiving written messages (Reading)
Receiving oral messages (Listening)
1.2. Distinguishing in speech words and simple, short sentences containing sounds, patterns of intonation and other specific phenomena. The words
and sentences are pronounced slowly and clearly, and repeated several times.
1.3. Understanding the meaning of words in simple sentences.
2.2. Reproducing certain intonation patterns and other phenomena specific to the English language.
2.4. Reproducing simple answers and questions concerning the students’ familiar environment.
3.4. Defining connections between sentences and pictures which go with them.
Operational objectives:
1. Knowledge- Pupils will learn and practice new vocabulary about weeks day.
2. Skills- Pupils will be able to make a conversation about weeks day.
3. Attitudes- to select the appropriate variant (cards).
Didactic strategies: speaking, reading, listening (discussion, brainstorming, writing, answering questions)
Didactic materials: handouts , flashcards, pictures, book, word book, dictionary.
Lesson Stage Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity Resources Strategies Ti Evaluation Note

Organization - Good morning, dear pupils ! I’m glad to see you! -Hello! 2 Formative
al moment Sit down, please. min evaluation
-How are you today? Why? -Fine, thank you! And you? Discussion of attention
-I’m good too. Thank you.
-What date is it today? -Today is the 14st of
-Who is absent today? February.
-Today is/are absent …

Evocation -Pupils, which topic did you study the previous - We studied the topic 10
Warming up lesson? “What Day is it Today” at Answering min
previous lesson. handout 1 questions
- I propose to pupils a worksheet with day of week. - Pupils are completing the Evaluate
worksheet. pupil’s
- Look at the board and tell me what do you see? -There is a picture. handout 2 Speaking
- What do you see in it? - There are clocks.

-Pupils, today we are going to talk about time. Our -Pupils listen to the teacher.
topic is “What Time is it”. Open your copybooks -Put down the topic in their
and write please the date and the topic of the notebooks.

-Pupils let’s read and translate the Vocabular of our -Pupils repeat after teacher. handout 3
Lesson. Reading
Get up /ɡet ʌp/ I get up – Eu mă scol.
Wash /wɒʃ/ I wash – Eu mă spăl.
Eat /iːt/ I eat – Eu mănînc. -Pupils are looking at the
Read /riːd/ I read – Eu citesc. imagines and repeating after
Write /raɪt/ I write – Eu scriu. the teacher.
Play /pleɪ/ I play – Eu mă joc.
Go to bed /ɡəʊ tu: bed/ I go to bed – Eu mă duc la
culcare Writing
-Put down in their
-Pupils write the new words and translation in your vocabulary the new words.
Motivation vocabulary.
for the new -Children look at the images that are represented on
topic the board. Reading
what do you see in the picture? handout 2
Look listen and repeat.
Introducing -Pupils write sentences in Individual
the new topic -Write in your copybooks two sentences using two their copybooks Work
words from Vocabulary. independently.
-Pupils listen to the teacher
- Lets write a sentence on the blackboard. and ask question if they
Ex. don’t understand, also they
Eu maninc la ora sapte write the examples in their
. copybooks. Translating
I eat at 7 o`clock .
Mihaela maninca la ora sapte.

Mihaela eats at 7 o`clock. Writing

-Listen to me, now I will explain you our Grammar
topic. Today we will learn how to use Present

Realization Students remember: Writing 23 Evaluate

of meaning I get up at seven o`clock. min pupil’s
Dan gets up at eight o`clock. speaking
Pre-Reading reading
I goes bed at nine.
Activity Pupil’s
Dolly goes to bed at ten. copybooks

The ability
of writing
Introducing Formam Presentul Simplu adaugind la
the new persoana a 3 singular la sfirsitul verbului terminatia The ability
words ”s” -Pupils write independently of reading
in their copybooks. handout 5 and
O actiune care se face in fiecare zi. listening

While- Exceptie :
Reading  verbele care se termina in ”ss” ”ch” ”tch”
”zz” ”x” ”sh” ”o” adaugam terminatia ”es”
I read. Eu citesc.
You read. Tu citesti.
He /she/ it reads. El /ea/ aceasta citesc.
We read. Noi citim.
You read. Voi cititi. Work
They read. Ei citesc.
Class Work
-Look at the exercise 5. Read and say when you - Pupils look at exercise 5 Book
usually do the following. and reading. Reading
-Look at the exercise 6. Look and say what the -There is a picture of Listening
Browns usually do at 8 o`clock? o'clock.
-Pupils look at the pictures
-Pupils look at the table. What do you see? and describe it, every pupil
rise hand and tell a sentence.
-Let’s describe it using the forms that we studied
-Pupils repeat after teachers.

Reflection -Boys and girls, you are very good today and for a -Pupils do the task and Whole class Individual 10 The ability of
better remembering of the new material, I’ll give check it with the whole work work min understanding and
Post-Reading you a task. class. Writing using the new words.
Activity -Your homework for the lesson: Reading
To learn the new words and to write in the Word
Homework To finish exercise 2 , 7 on page 58, 59
- To complete the handout. Nr 4
-You have worked well today, so you deserve high -Put down the homework. handout 4
Grading appreciation!
-T. evaluates the pupils
Extension -What have you learnt today? Any questions?
-Thank you for the lesson!
-Good bye.

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