Lesson Plan: Teacher: Date: Form: School: Topic: Type of Lesson: Specific Competences and Sub-Competences
Lesson Plan: Teacher: Date: Form: School: Topic: Type of Lesson: Specific Competences and Sub-Competences
Lesson Plan: Teacher: Date: Form: School: Topic: Type of Lesson: Specific Competences and Sub-Competences
T proposes some pictures and asks S to S make choices from the pictures. Flashcards Team work
choose the necessary things they should
take with them.
Realization of T announces the topic of the lesson
meaning (written on the bb) and its objectives. The pupils answer to the questions. Conversation Whole class
T. asks S to read the dialogue from Ex.1 S read the dialogue and answer the Reading and
p.52 and say where the Stans will question. answering
spend their winter vacation? questions.
T proposes Ex.2p.52 to match the words S do Ex.2 in written form.
and make up sentences.
Reflection. The teacher asks pupils find the true and The pupils give the best answers. Description
false sentences(Ex.5p.53) Exercice Individual
T asks S to say what they will like to S speek about their plans for vacation.
take when they will travel?
Where they would like to travel?
Extension. T writes on the blackboard the pupils’ Pupils write their homework in their S make notes
homework and gives explanations. copybooks. in their Individual
Ex. 7,8p.53 copybooks. work
Evaluates the pupils, gives marks and Pupils listen to the teacher.
comments them.