Lesson Plan: Teacher: Date: Form: School: Topic: Type of Lesson: Specific Competences and Sub-Competences

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Cebotari Alina

Form: IVth
School: I.P.L.T.Stefan cel Mare
Topic: „Plans for winter vacation”
Type of lesson: teaching - learning
Specific Competences and Sub-competences:
Listening: 1.1;
Spoken Interaction: 2.2, 2,6;
Reading: 2.2;
Operational Objectives:
O1 Speak about the autumn weather.
O2 Accomplish comprehension activities based on the text.
O3 Recognize the new topic through the video.
O4Work out the new vocabulary from the video.
O5 Make up sentences using the new words.
O6 Describe pupils using the new vocabulary.
 textbooks, copybooks, PC, Video Projector, Flashcards, Pictures.
1. Methods and Techniques:
Conversation, dialogue, brainstorming, Questioneering, Rhyming game, visualisation, listening exercices, role-play.
2. Forms of activities:
 Pair work, individual work, whole class work.
Time of lesson: 45 minutes
Stages Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity Resources Strategies Notes
T. enters the classroom, greets the
Evocation pupils, and asks them how they are.
-What season is it? Pupils answer to the teacher’s Conversation Whole class
-What month is it? questions. Flashcards work.
Warm up. -What is the weather today? They look at the board and see a bare Pictures
Pupils have to say what do they do tree there.
when they have to go on vacation?

T proposes some pictures and asks S to S make choices from the pictures. Flashcards Team work
choose the necessary things they should
take with them.
Realization of T announces the topic of the lesson
meaning (written on the bb) and its objectives. The pupils answer to the questions. Conversation Whole class

T. asks S to read the dialogue from Ex.1 S read the dialogue and answer the Reading and
p.52 and say where the Stans will question. answering
spend their winter vacation? questions.

T. proposes to write and translate then

to pronounce the new words from the S write , translate and pronounce the Writting
vocabulary and to make up sentences new words. Reading Independent
with 3 of them. Pronounciation work

T proposes Ex.2p.52 to match the words S do Ex.2 in written form.
and make up sentences.
Reflection. The teacher asks pupils find the true and The pupils give the best answers. Description
false sentences(Ex.5p.53) Exercice Individual
T asks S to say what they will like to S speek about their plans for vacation.
take when they will travel?
Where they would like to travel?
Extension. T writes on the blackboard the pupils’ Pupils write their homework in their S make notes
homework and gives explanations. copybooks. in their Individual
Ex. 7,8p.53 copybooks. work

Evaluates the pupils, gives marks and Pupils listen to the teacher.
comments them.

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