Bulletin - March 20, 2011
Bulletin - March 20, 2011
Bulletin - March 20, 2011
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“Fill the Ark” Heifer International
You can express God’s grace in your life by giving to others. Heifer International’s Fill the Ark program
offers individuals and families an opportunity to learn about – and offer a helping hand to – families
around the world. Those new to the program, get ready for a spiritually rewarding way of making a
difference. Fill the Ark is a daily missions-giving program that spans four weeks. It offers real-life
solutions to world hunger and shows that one person…one family…one congregation can make a
difference in today’s world. As you fill an ark with money you’ve saved, you’ll learn how your gift can
share God’s love and end human suffering around the world. And maybe you’ll have some fun, too.
What a better way to begin a new tradition during this time of Lent. Ways to help us meet the goal are:
get the whole family involved, use the Fill the Ark Banks that were distributed at Mass last weekend
and/or use the envelopes at the ends of the pews. Together we can…Fill the Ark! To track the progress,
watch as the Ark windows show the amount of earnings. (The Ark can be found on the back wall of the
church). Additional animals will be added as time goes along.
Would you like to see Fr. David ride a donkey? The goal for Saint Augustine Parish is to
raise $5,000 for “Fill the Ark”, when that goal is achieved; Fr. David has agreed to ride a
donkey from the Parish Steps into the parking lot.
Price Reduction! The Parish has used metal folding chairs that are now being sold for $1.00 each.
Anyone interested in purchasing chairs please contact the rectory at 330-745-0011.
ST. AUGUSTINE BUS TRIP NEWS: Will be held on Wednesday, April 27, the week after Easter
when Easter flowers will still be in full bloom! Our day will include Mass and visits to
St. Rita’s (Fr. Burchell’s parish) and Resurrection of Our Lord in Solon. A sure-to-be
delicious lunch will be served when we visit SS. Cosmas & Damien in Twinsburg, hosted by Fr. Jim’s
twin brother, Fr. John, who is pastor. Time permitting, our trip will also include a stop at Petitti’s to pick
up spring/summer flowers OR at Trader Joe’s. The cost for the trip is $37.00. Please invite others and try
to reserve your spot by April 4. Thank you!
GENERATIONS OF FAITH – Join us on the Journey, Thursday, April 7 when Mrs. Mary Pat Frey, the
Director of Diocesan Stewardship Office will present “Got Gift?”. Registration forms are available on
the bookrack. Sessions will be held at Immaculate Conception Waldeisen Hall from 6-9pm, all are
welcome to attend. Enjoy a meal from 6-6:30pm followed by the session.
Join us for “THE BEST REVERSE RAFFLE EVER” Saint Augustine CYO Athletic Board Reverse Raffle to fund
CYO Sports, Uniforms, Equipment and fees will be held Saturday, April 30 in the SAC, doors to open at
6:00pm. Food and drink will be provided, tickets are $35.00 per person, Grand Prize will be $1,000. For
more information, please contact Chris Christoff at 330-825-3431.
The Seventh Grade PSR Students will present Stations of the Cross on Sunday, March 27
at 10:15am in the SAC. All are welcome to attend.
You can help transform our community this Lent. God has used the period of 40 days throughout
history to bring about major transformation. Join thousands as we pray, fast and stand vigil for 40 day,
March 9 – April 17. For more information, stop by the Holy Hour table in the back of the church or
contact Lynn Willig at 330-658-2642. Please consider volunteering.
’10-’11 ’09-‘10
FY-to-date Income $1,051,145 $1,108,288
FY-to-date Expenses $1,094,947 $1,100,433
FY-to-date Difference $ - 43,802 $ + 7,855
Spent to Date $ 1,524,138
Amount on Deposit $ 54,598
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Bravo! The St. Augustine girls' basketball team just finished an undefeated season and won their
tournament final game on March 6 at Our Lady of the Elms High School. This is their third consecutive
tournament championship. This year's team consisted of eighth graders Lillian Piper, Brooke Tokie,
Jazmine Colvin, and Courtney Johnson, seventh graders Andrea Sabol and Lauren Brabson, and sixth
grader Ashley Kozer. Well done, girls.
Marriage Encounter Weekend: Husband and Wives: Do you remember your “original” Marriage
Encounter Weekend? That Weekend when you rekindled your love for each other and that Weekend
where you learned the special techniques to enhance communication. Well, now is your opportunity to
recharge. Mark your calendars for June 25 & 26 at St. Paul’s Church in North Canton. For more
information and to register, please call 330-305-9963 or email WorldwideME@sbcglobal.net.
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March 21-27
Monday, March 21 – Lenten Weekday
6:30 Charles Costanzo Jr.
12:05 Estelle M. Smith
Tuesday, March 22 – Lenten Weekday
5:15 Michael Kallai Sr.
Wednesday, March 23 – Lenten Weekday
6:30 John Ujcic
12:05 Melvin P. Wagner
1:00 School Reconciliation
Thursday, March 24 – Lenten Weekday
6:30 Mary Kramer
Friday, March 25 – The Annunciation of the Lord
6:30 Julius M. Horvath – Anniversary
12:05 George Lieberth – Anniversary
2:00 Stations of the Cross
7:00 Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 26 – Lenten Weekday
8:30 Dorothy Gissinger
4:00 Intentions of George Kozarevic
Sunday, March 27 – Third Sunday of Lent
7:30 Dorothy Lindner
9:00 James Haramis
11:00 The People of Saint Augustine Parish
5:15 Alfred & Johanna Stork
Readings for the Week of March 21
Monday Dn 9:4b-10, Ps 79:8,9,11 & 13, Lk 6:36-38
Tuesday Is 1:10,16-20, :Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17,21 & 23, Mt 23:1-12
Wednesday Jer 18:18-20,Ps 31:5-6,14,15-16,Mt 20:17-28
Thursday Jer 17:5-10,Ps 1:1-2,3,4, & 6, Lk 16:19-31
Friday Is 7:10-14,Ps 40:7-8a,8b-9,10,11,Heb 10:4-10,Lk 1:26-38
Saturday Mi 7:14-15,18-20,Ps 103:1-2,3-4,9-10,11-12, Lk 15:1-3,11-32
Sunday Ex 17:3-7,Ps95:1-2,6-7,8-9 (8), Rom 5:1-2,5-8,Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15,19b-26,39a,40-42
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Please join us Friday evening before Stations of the Cross for Soup Supper in the school cafeteria at
6:00pm. This week’s selections will be homemade Italian Minestrone and Homemade Mushroom soup.
All are encouraged to participate in this wonderful meal.
Your generosity to Saint Augustine Church truly helps our parish extend God’s loving presence to those
among us who are most in need. During the season of Lent, I pray you enroll with Faith Direct. This
commitment to recurring electronic giving will not only provide our parish with consistent resources that
help us with the operating needs of Saint Augustine Church but in turn provide you with the convenience
of automatic debit from your specified account or credit card. There is no cost to you to enroll. Please
enroll today by visiting www.faithdirect.net. the Saint Augustine Code is #278.
Stewardship Corner: No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be
devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Mt 6:24