Nepal Higher Seconday School Rathnanagar 2, Tandi, Chitwan Second Terminal Examination - 2073 (Mangshir)

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Rathnanagar 2, Tandi, Chitwan


Class: 9 FM: 40 PM: 16

Subject: Computer Applications Time: 1:15 min

Write all the answers clearly and in your own words.

Group A: Very Short Questions

Attempt any 10 questions (10 x 1 = 10)

1. Define computer.
2. Who is often considered as the first computer programmer?
3. What do you mean by a data?
4. Full forms of: MS-DOS, EEPROM, DVD/RW, and USB.
5. Give the basic peripherals or devices required for a computer.
6. Which memory are a volatile and a nonvolatile memory?
7. What is the major function of the CPU?
8. Give any 2 examples for input, output and storage devices.
9. List the types of system files in DOS.
10. What do you mean by wildcards in MS-DOS?
11. What is an icon?
12. What is MS-Windows?
13. Give some of the free application programs available in MS-Windows.

All the Best

Group B: Short Questions

Attempt any 5 questions (5 x 2 = 10)

14. Give the types of memory and the software with examples.
15. Write about IPO principle of computer working.
16. Give the major technologies used in each generation of the computer.
17. Define commands. Give the types of commands in DOS with 2 examples.
18. Define operating system. List down some of the functions of OS.
19. Write some of the advantages of the GUI based operating systems.
20. What do you understand by term ‘file’ and a ‘folder’ in Windows?

Group C: Long Questions

Attempt any 5 questions (5 X 4 = 20)

21. What is CPU? Write down about the components of CPU along with its
functions. List some of the hardwares present within the CPU.
22. Write about the type of computers on the basis of data with examples.
23. What is CUI? Give few advantages and disadvantages of CUI based OS.
24. What is MS-DOS? Write down functions of following commands used in DOS:
md, copy con, type, chdir, ren, edit.
25. Define desktop. Write short notes on some of the different components of the
26. What do you mean by open source software? Give few advantages and
disadvantage of open source software.


All the Best

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