For Your Final Project Develop The Following

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Profesor(a): M.B.A.

Miguel Ángel Herrera

Materia: Investigación Culitativa de Mercados Grupo:
Primer Segundo Tercer
Evaluación: parcial parcial parcial
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Fecha :8/02/18
Nombre del estudiante: David Medrano Macuitl
Correo electró
Calificación:10 / 10

For your final project develop the following:

Canvas Model.

The Business Model Canvas allows companies to devise up new strategies for their businesses and to critically analyze
and evaluate their current business model. The canvas or template of the model can be easily designed on MS Word and
Google Docs so that businesses today can easily draw the model for free. It is not difficult to create the model; however, it
is slightly time consuming. All you need is a simple toolbox which is available on both MS Word and Google Docs which
draws shapes.

"Strengths: Activities and internal attributes of an organization that contribute and
support the achievement of the objectives of an institution.
Opportunities: Events, events, or trends in the environment of an organization that
could facilitate or benefit the development of it, if they are used in a timely manner and
Threats: Events made or trends in the environment of an organization that
inhibit, limit or hinder their operational development
Weaknesses: Internal activities or attributes of an organization that inhibit or
hinder the success of a company


In your own words explain the following concepts:

Marketing Research Problem/Opportunity. (5 points)

Perhaps the most important step in the market research process is defining the goals of the project. At the core of this is
understanding the root question that needs to be informed by market research. There is typically a key business problem
(or opportunity) that needs to be acted upon, but there is a lack of information to make that decision comfortably; the job of
a market researcher is to inform that decision with solid data. Examples of “business problems” might be “How should we
price this new widget?” or “Which features should we prioritize?

Qualitative Marketing Research. (5 points)

Qualitative research has great use in cooperative development. Through an organized method of gathering information
from small-sized samples, the developer can identify strengths and weaknesses of the project; understand potential
cooperative members; help to identify the primary trade area; surface potential community conflicts; brainstorm ideas and
strategy; investigate brand/service positioning; use it as a pre-survey to develop the hypothesis to be quantified; or in post-
survey to explore in-depth the quantitative findings.
Ontological Perspective. (5 points)

Epistemological Position. (5 points)

Epistemology raises many questions including: 1. how reality can be known, 2. the relationship
between the knower and what is known, 3. the characteristics, the principles, the assumptions that
guide the process of knowing and the achievement of findings, and 4. the possibility of that process
being shared and repeated by others in order to assess the quality of the research and the reliability of
those findings.

Note: You can work in teams but the exam is individual.

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