Analysis of Vitamins A and E by HPLC
Analysis of Vitamins A and E by HPLC
Analysis of Vitamins A and E by HPLC
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This primary method measures the presence and quantity of vitamin A as retinol
whether it is present as retinol or as retinol esters (retinyl acetate and/or retinyl
palmitate) and vitamin E as a-tocopherol (expressed as a-tocopherol acetate)
whether it is present as a-tocopherol or as a-tocopherol esters (such as a-
tocopherol acetate) in foods. This method is applicable to all foods. The detec-
tion/quantitation limits are 0.15 µg/g for retinol and 0.001 mg/g for a-tocopherol.
This method covers the range of 0.15 µg/g to 100% vitamin A and 0.001 mg/g to
100% vitamin E. Standards and samples are saponified in basic ethanol-water
solution, neutralized, and diluted, converting fats to fatty acids and retinol esters
and tocopherol esters to retinol and tocopherol, respectively. Retinol and a-
tocopherol are quantitated on separate high-performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC) systems, using UV detection at 313 or 328 nm for retinol and fluores-
cence detection (excitation 290 nm, emission 330 nm) for a-tocopherol. Vitamin
concentrations are calculated by comparison of the peak heights or peak areas of
vitamins in samples with those of standards. Caution: see Note 1.
1. HPLC system. See Note 2.
a. Pump, high-pressure, capable of operating continuously at 1.0–2.0
ml/min, with a flow precision of ±1% or better.
b. Injector, manual or autosampling, equipped with a 20-µl fixed loop
having a typical sampling precision of ±0.25% or better.
c. Chromatography columns
For vitamin A: reverse-phase C18, 10-µm (4.6 × 250 mm), capable of
separating cis and trans isomers of retinol with a resolution of 1.0 or
greater. cis-Retinol typically elutes before trans-retinol on columns, pro-
viding effective separation.
For vitamin E: reverse-phase C8, 10-µm (4.6 × 250 mm), capable of
separating a- and b-tocopherol or a- and g-tocopherol with a resolution
of 1.5 or better. The tocopherols will typically elute in the order d-, g-,
and b- (rarely well separated on reverse-phase columns), and then a-
tocopherol. It is important to achieve this resolution; otherwise, low lev-
els of a-tocopherol will be masked by high levels of g- and b-tocopherol
in products with high levels of naturally occurring g- or b-tocopherol
(i.e., oleomargarines produced from soy oil),
d. Detectors. For vitamin A: photometric detector, capable of monitoring absor-
bance at 328 nm. (Alternatively, a wavelength of 313 nm can be used.) For
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1. USP-vitamin A acetate concentrate, equivalent to approximately 30 mg of
retinol per g of oil (content certified by USP).
Retinyl palmitate, all-trans. Request certificate of lot analysis when ordering.
If manufacturer’s certification is unavailable or purity of standard needs to be
verified, test vitamin A palmitate purity with method given in Note 3. Store at 0–
4° to allow for easier handling while weighing.
2. Vitamin E acetate.
3. Mixed tocopherol standard. Prepare a 50:50 chromatographic resolution test
mixture of a- and b- or a- and g-tocopherol in the mobile phase, at the concen-
tration level of the highest a-tocopherol standard.
4. Acetic acid, glacial, AR grade.
5. Methanol, HPLC grade.
6. Ethanol, 95%, AR grade.
7. Tetrahydrofuran (THF), AR grade.
8. Hexane, AR grade.
9. Pyrogallic acid, crystals, AR grade.
10. Vitamin A mobile phase. Combine 860 ml methanol (HPLC grade) and
140 ml deionized water. Mix well. Let stir overnight to degas or mechanically
degas before use.
11. Vitamin E mobile phase. Combine 940 ml methanol (HPLC grade) and 60
ml deionized water. Mix well. Let stir overnight to degas or mechanically degas
before use.
12. THF:ethanol, 50:50. Combine 500 ml THF and 500 ml 95% ethanol. Mix
13. 50% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. Slowly add 500 g of KOH pellets
to 500 ml distilled water contained in a 2-liter thick-walled Erlenmeyer flask.
Caution: The solution gives off substantial heat while KOH is dissolving, so the
KOH should be added in 100-g portions while the flask is being cooled with cold
water. The flask should be swirled gently to aid in dissolution of KOH. Store in
glass container with cork stopper.
14. Standard solutions (use low-actinic glassware).
a. Vitamin A working standard (approximately 15 µg/ml).
Using USP standard: Weigh 50 mg vitamin A acetate concentrate into
a 100-ml volumetric flask. Record weight to nearest 0.1 mg. Record con-
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Preparation of sample
Solid samples should be ground to pass a 40-mesh sieve. Liquid or wet sam-
ples should be blended to homogeneity and stored at or below 4°. All samples
should be stored in the dark.
Erlenmeyer flask. For samples high in sugar, add 3 ml water and disperse
sample as a slurry. Add 40 ml 95% ethanol.
b. High-fat. Weigh sample (not more than 2 g) to give approximately 50 µg
vitamin A and/or 1.0 mg vitamin E into 125-ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add 40
ml 95% ethanol.
4. Add a pea-sized piece (approximately 50 mg) of pyrogallic acid
(antioxidant) to each standard and sample flask. Add a glass bead to promote
even boiling.
5. Swirl all flasks to ensure that all samples are thoroughly dispersed in the
6. Turn on nitrogen flow and ensure a nitrogen atmosphere for all flasks while
7. Pipet 10 ml 50% KOH solution into each flask and immediately place flask
on hot plate under reflux condenser. Swirl.
8. Reflux 45 min. Swirl flasks every 10 min.
9. Remove reflux flasks from hot plate, stopper with corks, and quickly cool
flasks to room temperature, using cold water or ice water.
10. Pipet 10 ml glacial acetic acid solution into each flask to neutralize the
KOH. Mix well and let flasks cool again to room temperature.
11. Quantitatively transfer solution in each flask to 100-ml volumetric flask,
using 50:50 THF:ethanol. Dilute to volume with same.
12. Stopper and invert volumetric flask 10 times.
13. Allow samples to set for at least 1 hr at room temperature and preferably
overnight in refrigerator to allow fatty acid salts formed during saponification to
precipitate. In some cases, centrifugation may be helpful to reduce settling time.
1. Start HPLC system(s) and allow to warm up and equilibrate for minimum of
30 min with mobile phase flowing. Flow rate should be 1.0 ml/min for either
2. Inject vitamin A standard onto vitamin A HPLC system. Adjust mobile
phase to achieve a resolution of 1.5 or better for cis and trans forms. All trans
retinol should elute in approximately 6 min or longer. Inject chromatographic
resolution test mixture onto vitamin E HPLC system. Adjust mobile phase to
achieve a resolution of 1.5 or better for the two forms of tocopherol present in
the resolution test mix. a-Tocopherol should elute in approximately 6 min or
longer. See Figs. 2 and 3.
3. Inject high, medium, and low standards. Adjust detector sensitivity to give
peak heights of 50–90% of full scale for the vitamin of interest in the high stan-
dard. Repeat injection of standards until peak height(s) are reproducible.
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For vitamin A
Calculate µg/g vitamin A (as retinol) as follows.
1. Measure peak heights or areas of standards.
a. Using USP standard
Response factor for vitamin A (RFA):
mgstd mlstd Cstd
PHstd 10,000
where PHsam = total sample peak height or area of all-trans and 13-cis retinol;
100 = dilution volume of sample; and W = weight of sample in g.
For Vitamin E
Calculate mg/g of vitamin E (as a-tocopherol acetate) as follows.
1. Measure the peak height or area of a-tocopherol in standards.
Response factor for vitamin E (RFE):
mgstd mlstd
PHstd 100,000
where PHsam = sample peak height or area of a-tocopherol; 100 = dilution vol-
ume; W = weight of sample in g.
Alternatively, a three-level calibration using a zero polynomial fit (linear) can
be used to calculate vitamins A and E. The three standards (high, intermediate,
and low) should have a correlation coefficient between 0.995 and 1.000.
1. Caution. KOH is extremely caustic and can cause severe bums. Protect skin
and eyes. When using flammable liquids, perform operations behind a safety
barrier when using, steam, or electric mantle heating. Use an effective fume
removal device to remove flammable vapors as produced. Leave ample head-
room in flasks, and add boiling chips before heating is begun. All controls,
unless vapor sealed, should be located outside of vapor area. For toxic liquids,
use an effective fume removal device to remove vapors as produced. Avoid
contact with skin.
2. Two separate simple isocratic HPLC systems can be used to carry out the
determination steps of this method for vitamins A and E simultaneously. Alter-
natively, the retinol and a-tocopherol can be analyzed sequentially since the a-
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1. Egberg, D. C., Heroff, J. C., and Potter, R. H. 1977. Determination of all-trans and 13-cis vita-
min A in food products by high-pressure liquid chromatography. J. Agric. Food Chem. 25:1127.
2. DeVries, J. W., Egberg, D. C., and Heroff, J. C. 1979. Concurrent analysis of vitamin A and
vitamin E by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Page 477 in: Liquid
Chromatographic Analysis of Food and Beverages, Vol. 2. G. Charalambous, ed. Academic
Press, New York.
3. DeVries, J. W. 1985. Chromatographic assay of vitamins. Page 65 in: Methods of Vitamin
Assay, 4th ed. J. Augustin, B. Klein, D. Becker, and P. Venugopat, eds. Wiley Interscience, New
4. Olson, J. A. 1990. Vitamin A. Page 8 in: Handbook of Vitamins. L. J. Machlin, ed. Marcel
Dekker, New York.