Standing Wave An Upright Wave
Standing Wave An Upright Wave
Standing Wave An Upright Wave
3.9 Analyze the physical quantities 3.9.1 Explain the notion of wave running and stationary
of upright waves and waves in real current wave and stationary wave (erect)
cases wave (erect)
2. Wave Period
Period is the time it takes to do one wave . The period
denoted T, and in the International System (SI), the unit is the
second (s).
3. Frequency Waves
Frequency is the number of waves formed for one
second.Frequency is denoted by f . In the International System
(SI), the unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz).
4. Fast Rambat Waves
Fast wave propagation is the distance traveled by a wave for
one second. Fast wave propagation is denoted by v, and in the
International System (SI), the unit is m / s.
The relationship between wave propagation ( v ), wavelength (λ),
period (T), and frequency (f) are:
T = period (s)
f = frequency (Hz)
v = fast wave propagation (m / s)
λ = wavelength (m)
3.9.3 Calculating the physical Example:
quantities of current and
A transverse wave propagates according to the equation y = 0.5 sin
stationary waves
(8πt - 2πx) m. Determine:
a) wave direction?
b) Amplitude of the wave?
c) deviation at x = 0.5 m when t = 1 s
d) frequency and wave period?
e) Wavelength
f) Fast wave propagation
Given the wave equation y = 0.5 sin (8πt - 2πx) m
the amplitude A = 0.5 m, angular velocity ω = 8π rad / s and wave
number k = 2π rad / m
a) because the equation is negative, the wave moves to the right (x +
b) A = 0.5 m
c) x = 0.5 m and t = 1
y = 0.5 sin (8π (1) - 2π (0,5))
y = 0.5 sin 7π
y = 0,5 (0)
d) ω = 8π
2πf = 8π f = 4 Hz T = 1 / f = 1/4 = 0.25 s
e) k = 2π
2π / λ = 2π λ = 1 m
f) v = λ. f = 1. 4 = 4 m / s
Budiyanto, Budi.2009.Fisika For SMA and MA Class XI Jakarta: Ministry of National Education
Handayani, Sri. 2009.Fisika For SMA and MA Class XI Jakarta: Ministry of National Education
Siswanto.2009. Physics for SMA and MA Class XI Jakarta: Ministry of National Education