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Rotation Plan

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Planning is the function of a managing authority in which decides in advance what
have to do. It is an intellectual process in which creative thinking and imagination are
essential. Planning is the first function of an executive. Planning plays an important role
in everybody’s life. Every moment every individual has to plan future action. Master plan
is the overall plan of all students in a particular educational institution, showing the
placement of the students belonging to total programme, including both theory and
practice denotes the study block, partial block, placement of student of clinical block,
team nursing, examinations, vacation and co-curricular activities etc.

Clinical rotation plan is the complete planning of clinical experience to a student.

Clinical experience is an integral part of learning where the student will be actively
participate to obtain skills in clinical practice by applying the principles of learning by
doing. The time the student spends and learns in the clinical fields is an important and
integral part of the total study programme. In nursing education – rotation refers to
regular, successive and recurrent posting of various groups of nursing students belonging
to different classes in specific nursing fields ie, OPDs, specialty wards, OT, delivery
room, clinics, community health fields- clinics, outreach centers, sub centers, health
centers, schools etc.


The process of devising a basis for a course of future action .To set up a rotation
plan which assures essential learning experiences for students on clinical services and in
academic and nonacademic activities also.


The rotation plan is more than tool which schedules the student period of
experiences in various clinical departments. (Secler Hudsan)

It is a device which help to ensure the well-organised plan of educational
experiences. (Fiffner)


Master Plan

Master rotation plan is an overall plan of rotation of all students in a particular

educational institution showing the entire teaching-learning activities and related events
during an academic year like details of theoretical instruction, duration and areas of
clinical instruction, particulars of community health nursing posting, period of vacation
study leave for university examinations, examination week, etc. Usually master rotation
plans of all batches are prepared as a combined chart for getting a unified view regarding
the placement of students on various occasions. This will help to avoid duplication and
the resulting confusion.

Individual Rotation Plan

It is made to make sure that each student in particular block posting undergoes
experience in each area. For example, in a four week period of operation theatre posting
where the student needs to gain experience from different theatres like gastroenterology,
orthopaedics, etc an individual rotation plan can be made for each student by indicating
different areas of posting during this period in order to ensure adequate experience.

Clinical Rotation Plan

Clinical rotation plan refers to the regular successive and recurrent posting of
various groups of nursing students belonging to different classes in specific nursing areas
I e. OPDS, specialty wards, OT, delivery, clinics, community health fields, clinics,
outreach centers, sub centers, schools etc

Overall plan of rotation of all students in a particular educational institution,
showing the placement of the students belonging to total programme (4 years in B.Sc., N
and 3 years in GNM) includes both theory and practice denoting the study block, partial
block, placement of student in clinical blocks, team nursing, examinations, vacation, co-
curricular activities etc.
Master rotation plan is an overall plan which shows rotation of all the students in a
particular educational institution.
- (Nurses of India-Journal)
Master rotation plan shows the placement of the students belonging to various
groups/classes in a clinical nursing as well as community.
- (Nurses of India-Journal)
Master rotation plan denotes duration of the placement that includes theoretical block,
partial block (Half clinical, half theory block) and clinical block.
- (Nurses of India-Journal)
 Availability of an advance plan before implementation of curricular activity during an
academic year, for the entire programme.
 All concerned are aware of the placement of students in clinical fields.
 Co-ordination becomes more effective when theory, practice correlates and integrity
 Helps the students and teachers to prepare themselves for working in the areas. .
 Effective co-ordination can be made for smooth running of organizational activities
between the faculty and service staff.
 Evaluation of the programme is more effective.
 It helps to make tentative advance plans for leave or vacation.
 Plan in accordance with the curriculum plan for entire course/programme.
 Plan in advance for each students in the class for all years.
 Plan the activities by following maxims of teaching.
 Post the students based on their background preparation and the extent of guidance
 Select areas that can provide expected learning experience.
 Plan to build on pervious experiences.
 Acquaint the clinical staff/clinical supervisor with clinical objectives and rotation
 Provide each clinical experience of same duration to all the students.
 Rotate each student through each learning experience or block.
 Plan for all students to enter and leave at same time schedule.
1. It shows the relationship between classroom teaching and experience.
2. Each area of clinical experience is indicated by a code to which a guide is attached.
3. The period of clinical experience vary in length each year but total duration of such
experience is the same for all students.
4. Students of one class are divided into group and rotated through same clinical areas.
5. It is prepared in advance for the whole year.
6. It gives complete and clear picture about the students.
7. It must include period of vacation teaching block, preparation time, examination and
8. The teacher should be aware of the student's placement.
9. Overlapping particular area or shortage in particular area can be noted.
10. The teacher should follow Indian nursing council and university syllabus.
11. The teacher should consider all three domains.

i. Objective of the courses
ii. Number of students in the class.
iii. Number of department or areas.
iv. Size of the department e.g.: Surgical ward, MSW, FSW & post operative ward.
v. Duration of experiences.
vi. Number of persons available for supervision.
vii. Indian nursing council university requirements.


a) Correlate theory and practice.
b) Participate in teaching, supervision and evaluation.
c) Prepare the students in theory block before they enter the clinical block.
d) Maintain adequate and regular attendance at both the class room and clinical areas.
e) Report to the principal or concerned person for the any change or modification.
f) Plan for regular meeting to evaluate the effectiveness of a plan

Clinical rotation plan refers to regular successive and current postings of various groups
of nursing students belonging to different classes in specific nursing fields. I.e. OPDS,
specially, wards, OT, delivery room, clinical, community health fields-Clinics outreach
centre, sub centre, health centre, schools.
Clinical rotation plan is a statement which explains the order of the Clinical postings of
various groups of nursing students belonging to different classes in relevant clinical
areas and community health settings as per the requirements laid down by the statutory
The objectives of the course have to be clearly stated.
Number of students in each class.
Number and size of the departments, agencies, areas, technical units or wards where
students will be, should give opportunity for giving clinical experience.
Presence of students of others programme on the same field.
The agency and authority’s concern should be considered.
The duration of clinical experience in each area.
Number of person available for clinical supervision.
Indian nursing council requirements i.e. the individual schools have the freedom to
organize the clinical experience the way they choose but all must meet the minimum
prescribed by the council.
Number of staff nurse employed to provide nursing services in the hospital/field.
Sectors that is solely dependent on student services during day and night.
Sequence of experience required.
Select wards depending on learning experiences to be provided.
Adhere to rotation plan.

o The clinical rotation plan must be in accordance with the total curriculum plan.
o It must be made in advance.
o Theoretical instructions should precede closely as possible with clinical experience
simultaneously the ward teachings, case presentations, bed side clinics etc can be
o The teacher and student ratio will be 1:4 or as prescribed by INC or according to the
types of patients nursed e.g.: in critical care unit 1: 1
o Select the type of learning experience from simple to complex.
o Clinical supervisors must be familiar with the rotation plan; a copy of rotation plan
should be available in each area.
o The students should be posted where they will get maximum supervision from
clinical supervisors and qualified nursing staff
o Each student should get all the experience on rotation wise.
o Overcrowding in any clinical area should be avoided.
o Avoid overlapping of work.
o All students should enter and leave the particular clinical area at the same time and
should complete the assignments in time.
o Continuity in clinical area is needed.


Refers to the vertical organization of major curriculum events.
Each successive experience builds upon the proceeding one, but go more broadly
and deeply in the matters involved. It is a logical order, based on psychology and
educational needs and standards of curriculum the student experiences has to be

Refers to the horizontal relationship of the curriculum, to get a unified view and
unified behavior in relation to the elements dealt with.The courses are going so
organized that they reinforce one another and point toward general objectives. E.g.
integration of medical –surgical nursing to nutrition and psychology.
Between one area to another area theory has to co-ordinate with practical
experience. Integration is possible, when good understanding between teachers to
have intermingling of the courses.


 The student needs to identify the objectives, assignments, work allotment, clinical area,
staff has to be clearly explained by the teachers, before placing them into the clinical
 Facilities made available to each student for the practice of good nursing, where he can
correlates theory with practice.
 Guidance and supervision should be provided to each student.
 Assignments should be given based on level of learning acquired by each student..
 Make the student to perform the activities independently or practicing alone. The teacher
has to protect, guide the student until they can obtain proficiency in acting independently
and appropriate decision making.
 Students must have the opportunity to work in a team.
 Teacher has to observe the performance discuss and evaluate the activities.
 Provide accessibility of library or to the reference materials which are meaningful to the
clinical areas of their placement.
 All the staff has to recognize the student participation and purpose of posting, they have
to give cooperation with the students for their effective learning.
 Students should have an opportunity to practice high standards and qualitative nursing
care. Appropriate prioritization of values is required.
 The success of the clinical experience will depend to a great extent on the
standard of patient care being practiced in the clinical area.
 No amount of teaching in the classroom can equal the benefit the students derive
from observing the consistent practice of good nursing.
 The standards of nursing care services they render. To improve their own
knowledge and skills level to provide standard care.
 Role models they present have a paramount place in shaping the students, for
their future professional roles and in giving them the right direction in nursing.
Cooperative planning, collaboration of experiences between hospital staff and
school staff, they must share the responsibility and accountability of preparing the
student nurses, so that they become good professional nurses and great advantage
for the students placed in their units.
 To demonstrate a high standard of patient care. It will help to gain the knowledge
and skills to improve their standard develop advance standard in nursing care
 To create an atmosphere which encourage learning. To assist the nursing faculty
in preparation of the clinical rotation plan.
 To ensure that the student receives maximum learning experiences. To have well
organized and accurate nursing record system.
 To participate in orientation program of students. To make evaluation reports in
connection with students clinical experience.
 To guide, supervise and evaluate the students performance wherever feasible.
 To participate the cooperate in clinical teaching programes through daily report,
nursing rounds, daily conference, and ward clinic.
 To hold the periodic joint conference with nursing faculty considered with
students clinical experience. To cooperate in maintaining record of practical


 The teacher has to prepare master plan and clinical rotation plan based on the
curriculum programme and INC guidelines.
 Based on objectives clinical experience has to be planned in advance to provide
specific planned learning experience.
 If necessary for some of the topics provide spot clinical teaching and such
teaching has to be repeated to each group of student as they rotate.
 Plan the course outline and so that theory can be correlated to practice.
 Get permission from clinical authorities : place the necessary material for clinical
care, plan the assignments and evaluation tools
 Participate in teaching, supervision and evaluation of students on the wards.
Arranging of ward teachings, ward discussions and case presentation.
 Criticize constructively the students activities which improves their performance.
 Help the students for effective charting of records and reports. Depends upon the
ward postings, the evaluation tools has to be prepared.
 Along with theory and practice provide the chances and opportunities for the
student, to develop personality also. Overcrowding should be avoided.

1. Every student should be exposed to all experiences.
2. Supervision will be easy.
3. Overcrowding can be avoided.
4. Reduce confusion among teachers and students.
5. Easy for evaluation
6. Students can fulfill all the objectives.

It is prepared well in advance for the whole year so that it gives complete and clear
picture about student’s placement either in theory or field during an academic session.
For each year, it can be prepared separately and or total programme one can be prepared
so that every faculty will be aware of students' placements, Thus is helps both the
students and teachers to prepare themselves for working in their consecutive areas.


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