Question Bank BRM
Question Bank BRM
Question Bank BRM
Unit –I 2 marks
13 marks
1. How does one frame research objectives? What are the characteristics of hypothesis?
Discuss 2010,april/may 2015(reg 2009/2010)
2. Examine the various types of research and their relative merits and demerits. 2010,2013
3. What is business research? Why it is required?2011
4. Why is hypothesis required in research? What are the different types of hypothesis? Give
5. Explain the research process in detail.2012,2013
6. What is the purpose and importance of literature survey in research? 2012
7. What is a research problem? How do you select a research problem and establish research
objective? Illustrate your answer.2013
8. Describe the steps in testing of hypothesis. 2013
9. Write in detail about the factors affecting business research.2014
10. Discuss the role of theory in research. 2014. April/ May 2015 (reg 2009/2010)
11. What is the difference between Type I and Type II error?
12. Briefly explain the techniques involved in defining a research problem with an example
april /may 2015 (reg 2013)
13. Write down a procedure for hypothesis testing. april /may 2015 (reg 2013)
Unit II 2 marks
13 marks
1. Describe the various types of scaling. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each
scale? 2010.2011
2. Define internal and external validity. Explain the treats to internal validity in
experimental design.2010,2011
3. How do you design a marketing research program? 2012
4. What is experimental research design? Where can be experimental design can be used?
Give example for your answer.2012
5. Compare likert scale and semantic differential scale. What are the special features of the
semantic differential scale?2012
6. Describe the different types of research design with relevant research problems.2013
7. What is measurement scale? Explain the different types of measuring scales and describe
the construction of the scale.2013
8. Briefly explain the types of experimental designs used in business. april /may 2015 (reg
9. Discuss the various types of measurement scales. april /may 2015 (reg 2013)
13 marks
1. A population is divided into three strata so that NI=5000,N2=2000, N3=3000.Respective
standard deviations are 15,18, and should a sample size n=84 be allocated to three
strata if an optimum allocation using disproportionate sampling design is
2. Describe the probability and non probability sampling methods.2010,2011
3. In a large organization there have been an increasing number of strikes. You are required
to find out the various causes of strikes
a) What information needs to be collected?
b) Methodology and sampling procedure.
c) A suitable questionnaire
d) A few lines of starting and ending of your report.2012
4. What are the methods available for collecting primary data? Explain in detail the
construction of questionnaire.2013
5. Discuss the merits and demerits of various probability sampling techniques.2013
6. What is focus group interview? Write about the advantages of focus group
7. Explain in detail about in depth interviews.2014
8. Discuss the role of direct observation as a business research method.2014
9. Discuss the importance of sampling design.2014
10. Discuss the methods of data collection by big business houses in recent times. april /may
2015 (reg 2013)
11. Describe the methods of determining sample size. april /may 2015 (reg 2013)
Unit IV 2 marks
13 marks
1. What is discriminate analysis? What are the methods involved in discriminate
2. Explain the series of steps to be taken in the application of multivariate regression. Give
3. Describe the purpose and basic principles of factor analysis. How do you interpret the
results of factor analysis.2013
4. Write a note of the application of statistical software for data analysis.2013
5. Discuss the various types of analysis of data pointing out the assumptions and
significance of each.2013
6. Write short note on cross tabulation.2014
7. Write short note on multi collinearity.2014
8. Write short note on coefficient of variation.2014
9. Write short note on Analysis of variance(ANOVA).2014
10. What is multivariate data analysis? Classify and explain about multivariate techniques
11. Describe the bivariate data analysis procedures. april /may 2015 (reg 2013)
12. Explain the steps in cluster analysis. april /may 2015 (reg 2013), 2007
13. What are the steps involved in conducting MDS?April/ May 2015 (reg 2009/2010)
14. Classify scale evaluation of a Multi item scale. April/ May 2015 (reg 2009/2010)
15. Describe data preparation process. April/ May 2015 (reg 2009/2010)
16. Simulate a situation relavant for application of factor analysis and explain the
Unit V 2 marks
13 marks
1. Explain the components of research report. How would you do final proof reading?
Explain. 2010,2011
2. Describe the research ethics by emphasizing on
a) Ethical treatment of respondents and subjects
b) Ethics and the clients
c) Researchers and team members.2010,2011
3. Explain the features to be adopted while writing a technical research report.2012
4. What are the ethical issues involved in research? Explain in detail.2012
5. Explain the types of research report and the precautions for writing a research
6. Give a note on ethics in research and ethical behavior of research.2013
7. Discuss the structure and components of research report. Add a note on the importance of
executive summary and chapterisation in a research report.2013
8. Explain elaborately about research report and its format.2014
9. What precaution one should take while preparing a research report?2014, april /may 2015
(reg 2013)
10. Suggest an outline of the research report that is generally accepted as the basic format for
most research projects. april /may 2015 (reg 2013)
11. Discuss the content of a business research report in detail.2007
12. Discuss the application of graphic technique in the preparation of a research report. Give
suitable examples.2007
Case study
1. A company manufacturing brand new personal computers would like to identify potential
market segment for their brand. Suggest suitable research design to identify market
2. Suggest suitable sampling technique for the following situations:
a) To study post watching behavior of television commercials
b) To study the perceptions of quality consciousness among production engineers in
automobile industry.
c) To study the attitude of general public towards packaged food items.
d) To study the students behavior towards introduction of dress code in college.
3. What’s in a Car?
Sridhar from Bangalore, had developed an electric car-VERVE (It is fully automatic, no clutch,
no gears), two door hatch back, easily seating two adults and two children with a small turning
radius of just 3.5 meters). It runs on batteries and as compared to other electric vehicles, has an
on board charger to facilitate easy charging which can be carried out by plugging into any 15
amp socket at home or work. A full battery charge takes less than seven hours and gives a range
of 80 km. In a quick –charge mode (two-and-a-half hours) 80 percent charge is attained which is
good enough for 65 km. A full charge consumes just about 9 units of electricity. Somehow the
product did not take off the way he expected. He is contemplating about repositioning the car. As
he stood looking at the prototype, he knew that there were a couple of questions to which he
must find answers before he undertook the repositioning exercise. Who should be the targeted
segment –old people, young student just going to college, house wives? What should be the
positioning stance? What kind of image would these customers relate to? Was a new name or
punch line required? How should the promotions be undertaken? Hyundai had done it with Shah
Rukh Khan, should he also consider a celebrity? If yes who?
What kind of research study should Sridhar undertake? Define the objectives of his
Do the stated objectives have scope for a qualitative research?
Which method would you recommend and why?
A man complained that he had been rejected for selection in a trainee position with a
Commonwealth Government agency because a medical assessment had been given that because
of lymphodoema ( A condition causing swelling) in one of his legs he would be unable to
perform the required duties.
A man who has diabetes complained that he had been rejected for qualifications required for the
transport control position he had been training for and had been dismissed as a consequence
A man who has a vision impairment complained that when he applied for a telemarketing
position, no adjustments were made in the testing process, such as large screen or adaptive
software for computer based testing, despite notice having been provided of his needs for such
Complainant claims she applied for a job with respondent company. Complainant says she met
the criteria but respondent advised it had never had women operating machines previously and
respondent would have to build a special ablutions block for her because all the men showered
together at the end of the shift.
Complainant claims refused employment as electrical engineer operator with respondent State
Govt. because he did not disclose previous criminal record conviction. Complainant claims
application form only required disclosure of convictions within past 5 years and his conviction
occurred 7 years ago. Conviction was for assault.
5..In a move that will further inflate prices of drugs in the United States — already a burning
issue in the current presidential campaign — the U.S. government has made it mandatory for
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) to be manufactured locally. At present, nearly 80 per
cent of drug raw material requirement is met by India or China.
The decision has already sent Indian pharmaceutical exporters into a tizzy, as it will significantly
impact Indian drug exports. Before the new norms came into effect, U.S.-based companies were
allowed to procure APIs from countries like India and China, make the fixed formulations (final
product) in the U.S. and sell the drugs to the U.S. government.
―Sourcing of APIs is done according to the DMF — Drug Master Files — which means APIs
will have to be registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,‖ said P.V. Appaji,
Director-General, Pharmexcil. ―For [U.S.] government purchase of medicines, they [U.S.] prefer
local companies. That was alright because many [Indian] companies have subsidiaries in the U.S.
now. But having to manufacture APIs in the U.S. will be a difficult requirement to meet for
many of these Indian generic drug manufacturers,‖ added Dr. Appaji.
The changes in the norms have been made under the Drug Master Files (DMF) — a submission
to the USFDA, made solely at the manufacturers’ discretion — to provide confidential
information about facilities, processes, or articles used in the manufacturing, processing,
packaging, and storing of one or more human drugs. It is worth noting that Indian companies are
not allowed to quote for government contracts in the U.S. since India is not a signatory to the
WTO’s government procurement agreement. But this change will affect companies which have
subsidiaries in the U.S. that procure APIs from their Indian counterparts and make the finished
product in the U.S.
Further, the decision would impact availability of affordable generics in the United States, said
DG Shah, secretary-general, Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA). ―This would seriously
impact availability and prices of medicines in the United States. As things stand, nearly 80 per
cent of the U.S. requirement for APIs is imported and due to these norms, the U.S. government
procurement prices will go up significantly. This will also be a setback for Indian companies that
have subsidiaries or holdings in the U.S.‖Questions