Pembahasan TOEFL Prediction 2

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LISTENING 3. Woman : Somebody’s been leaving this
door unlocked.
1. Woman : Excuse me, your car is
blocking my driveway and Man : Don’t look at me!
I need to go to the store.
Narrator : What does the man mean?
Man : Oh, I’ll move it right away
Jawab : (A) He’s not the one
Narrator : What will the man probably
to blame.
Keyword : Don’t look at me.
Jawab : (C) Get his car
Pembahasan :Ungkapan “Don’t look at
out of the woman’s
me!” mengindikasikan
bahwa dia bukanlah orang
Keyword : move it right away.
yang melakukan haltersebut,
Pembahasan : Kata “move it right
dalam hal ini “tidak
away” (segera
mengunci pintu”.
memiliki makna
4. Woman : The radio says there may be snow
yang sama dengan Today. You’d better grab your
Boots, just in case.
“get his car out of
Man : I was planning to do just that.
the woman’s way”
Narrator : What will the man probably do?
Jawab : (D) Take his boots with
mobilnya dari jalan
wanita tersebut).
Keyword : I was planning to do.
2. Woman : I’ve got a recipe for a garlic
and hot pepper chicken dish. Pembahasan : Ungkapan laki-laki yang
want to try it tonight with a
menyatakan bahwa “dia
green salad?
Man : You know, my stomach’s a
mengacu pada “grab your
little on edge; I’d prefer
5. Man : It’s too bad you didn’t tell me
prefer something
the news about Professor
bland. Tomkins earlier.
Narator : What does the man mean? Woman : I only found out myself just
Jawab : (B) He doesn’t want now.
spicy food. Narrator : What does the woman mean?
Keyword : I’d prefer something bland. Jawab : (B) She heard the news
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “I’d prefer quite recently.
something bland” (aku Keyword : found out myself just now.
lebih suka yang hambar) Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan
mengindikasikan bahwa dia sang wanita “I only found
tidak ingin makanan pedas. myself just now”
mengindikasikan bahwa her spending so much time in
the library lately.
: Sang wanita tersebut baru Narrator : What does the man say about
saja mendapatkan Susan?
Jawab : (B) She’s been working
6. Man : Hi, Cindy. Welcome back! Did
in the library a lot.
you take many pictures on your
vacation? Keyword : spending so much time in
Woman : Thanks. Yes, I must have taken the library.
a million of them. Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan
Narrator: What does the woman mean? laki-laki “her spending so
Jawab : (A) She took a lot of much time in the library
photographs. lately” mengindikasikan
Keyword : I must have taken a million. bahwa Susan telah meng-
Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan habiskan banyak waktu di
sang wanita “I must have : perpustakaan akhir-akhir
taken a million of them” ini.
menunjukkan bahwa dia 9. Woman : It’s really cold in this apartment,
can we turn up the heat?
pasti sudah memotret
Man : No, my last fuel bill was so
banyak. high, I had trouble paying it.
Would you like a sweater?
7. Woman : It’s going to be expensive to take
Narrator : why does the man refuse the
the train to Chicago. Have you
woman’s request?
seen the rates?
Jawab : (C) He can’t afford to
Man : Yes, I think we’d be better off turn the heat up.
Keyword : No. my last fuel bill was so
Narrator : What does the man mean? Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan
Jawab : (A) Driving would be sang laki-laki “No, my last
fuel was so high” mengin-
cheaper than taking the dikasikan bahwa dia tidak
: train. mampu membayar tagihan
sebagaimana yang terjadi
Keyword : We’d better of driving. pada bulan sebelumnya.
Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan 10. Man : I think I’ll play some golf today.
Woman : But I thought you were going to
sang wanita “we’d better work on the car.
off driving” mengindikasi- Narrator : What does the woman imply the
wan should do?
kan bahwa sebaiknya Jawab : (C) Try to fix the car.
mereka mengendarai Keyword : You were going to work on
the car.
mobil. Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang diungkap-
8. Woman : Did you know that Susan has kan wanita tersebut “I
three exams next week? thought you were going to
work on the car” mengindi-
Man : I guess that would account for kasikan bahwa laki-laki ter-
sebut seharusnya memper- come to his house.
baiki mobilnya, bukan ber-
Keyword : I’m off today.
main golf.
11. Man : Arthur’s farewell dinner is this Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan
weekend. sang laki-laki “I’m off
Woman : wish I could take time out for it. today, do you know where
Narrator : What does the woman imply? I live?” mengindikasikan
Jawab : (A) She probably won’t Bahwa dia menyuruh sang
go to the dinner. wanita untuk datang
ke ru- mahnya karena dia
Keyword : Wish I could take time out
hari itu libur.
for it.
14. Man : I can’t figure out how to put this
Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan
Bookshelf together. Could you
sang wanita “Wish I could
give me a hand with it?
take time” mengindikasi-
Woman : Just let me finish straightening
kan bahwa kemungkinan-
up the kitchen first.
nya dia tidak bisa datang.
Narrator : What can be inferred from the
12. Woman : The telephone rang several times
while I was home this morning,
but I couldn’t get to it. Jawab : (C) The woman will
Man : That’s too bad; I was going to help the man soon.
invite you to lunch. Keyword : Let me finish straightening
Narrator : What does the man mean? : up the kitchen first.
Jawab : (C) He had wanted to Pembahasan : Ungkapan “Just let me
ask the woman out. finish straightening up the
Keyword : I was going to invite you kitchen first” mengindikasi-
to lunch. kan bahwa dia akan segera
Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan
membantu sang laki-laki
sang laki-laki “I was going
setelah selesai merapikan
to invite you to lunch”
mengindikasikan bahwa
15. Man : I must have started this letter to
tadinya (ketika menelepon)
the editor a dozen times and I still
dia berniat mengajak sang don’t know what to say.
: wanita makan siang. Woman : Well, stick with it a little longer
13. Woman : I can meet you at work if you’d and see what happens.
Narrator : What does the woman suggest
Man : I’m off today. Do you know
the man do?
where I live?
Jawab : (C) Keep working on
Narrator : What does the man imply?
the letter .
Jawab : (B) The woman should
Keyword : Stick with it a little longer.
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “Stick with it a ta untuk tidak lupa akan se-
a little longer” mengindik- kolahnya meskipun dia
sikan bahwa dia menyaran- telah memiliki kerja sampi-
kan sang laki-laki untuk ngan.
terus mengerjakan apa 18. Man : I brought back your astronomy
tang sedang dia kerjakan. book. I thought you might be able
16. Woman : Do you feel like having seafood to use it on your project. Sorry I
tonight? kept it so long.
Man : After that lunch, I’m not sure I Woman : I was wondering where that book
: can eat anything! was!
Narrator : What does the man mean? Narrator : What does the woman imply?
Jawab : (C) He doesn’t have Jawab : (C) She had been looking
much appetite. for the book.
Keyword : I’m not sure I can eat Keyword : I was wondering where.
eat anything. Pembahasan : Ungkapan “I was
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “I’m not sure I wondering
can eat anything!” meng- where that book was!”
indikasikan bahwa dia kehi- mengindikasikan bahwa dia
langan nafsu makan setelah sebelumnya telah mencari
menyantap makan siangnya. bukunya tersebut.
17. Woman : I’d like to get a part-time job this 19. Woman : Thanks for making my coffee this
semester since the tuition’s gone morning.
up so much.
Man : I figured you’d need it to get you
Man : That makes sense. Just make
: going after a day like yesterday
sure you don’t get in over your
Narrator : What does the man imply about the
head; we’re here to go to woman?
school, after all. Jawab : (A) She had a hard day
Narrator : What does the man suggest the yesterday.
woman do? Keyword : You’d need it to get you
Jawab : (D) Allow herself plenty going after a day.
of time for studying. Pembahasan : Ungkapan “I figured you’d
Keyword : We’re here to go to school, need it to get you going af-
after all. ter a day like yesterday”
Pembahasan : Ungkapan Just make sure mengindikasikan bahwa dia
you don’t get in over your melakukan hal tersebut
: head; we’re for school,after (membuat kopi untuk sang
all” mengindikasikan bahwa wanita) karena wanita terse-
dia menyarankan sang wani- but telah melalui hari yang
berat pada hari sebelumnya. something dry” mengindi-
kasikan bahwa baju yang di-
20. Man : These mosquito bites are killing
pakai sang wanita basah
me. I just can’t stop scratching. (berarti sang wanita telah
Woman : Next time wear long sleeves kehujanan).

when you work in the garden. 23. Man : Professor Anderson suggested I
Narrator : What can be inferred about the get a tutor for calculus.
Woman : Well, it surely couldn’t hurt.
man? Narrator : What does the woman mean?
Jawab : (B) He was wearing Jawab : (C) It’s a good idea to
get a tutor.
short sleeves when he got Keyword : it surely couldn’t hurt.
bitten. Pembahasan : Ungkapan “it surely
couldn’t hurt” mengindika-
Keyword : Next time wear long sleeves sikan bahwa si wanita
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “Next time wear menyetujui apa yang diung-
kapkan profesornya (men-
long sleeves” mengindikasi- dapatkan tutor untuk
kan bahwa sang laki-laki saat kalkulus).
itu telah memakai baju le- 24. Woman : I read about your promotion in
ngan pendek. the newspaper. You must be very
21. Man : What a concert that was! You Man : To be honest, I can take it or
must be feeling pleased with leave it. The new office is nice,
but the work load has doubled.
Narrator : What does the man imply
Woman : We are, and judging by the
Jawab : (B) He isn’t enthusiastic
amount of applause, everybody
about his job.
appreciated it.
Keyword : I can take it or leave it.
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “The new office
Jawab : (A) The audience
is nice, but the work load
seemed to like the concert.
has doubled” mengindika-
Keyword : everybody appreciated it.
: sikan bahwa dia tidak ter-
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “judging by the
terlalu menyukai kantor dan
amount of applause” meng-
pekerjaan barunya.
indikasikan bahwa konser
25. Woman : Do you know who took this
tersebut disukai oleh semua
message from Donald? I can
hardly read it.
22. Woman : I’m soaked! It started to pour the
Man : It wasn’t me. I think it might’ve
minute I got off the bus.
Man : Well, change into something dry been Laura.
while I make you a cup of hot tea. Narrator : What does the man mean?
Narrator : What happened to the woman?
Jawab : (A) She got caught in the Jawab : (A) Laura probably
: rain. spoke with Donald.
Keyword : I’m soaked.
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “change into Keyword : I think it might’ve been
Laura. diadakannya pameran
dan seharusnya dia
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “ I think it
memulai pekerjaan
might’ve been Laura” meng- tersebut lebih awal.
indikasikan bahwa mungkin
yang telah menemui Donald 28. Man : What do you think I should
name this kitten I found?
adalah Laura.
Woman : If I were you I’d find it a new
26. Man : What do you think of the home- you know the dorm
article we had to read for rules.
Woman : It got off to a promising Narrator: What does the woman
start, but the conclusions suggest the man do?
were unfounded. Jawab : (C) Give the cat
Narrator : What does the woman away since he
mean? can’t keep
Jawab : (D) She disagree it
with the article’s logic Keyword : I’d find it a new
Keyword : The conclusions home.
were unfounded. Pembahasan : Ungkapan “you
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “It got off to a know the dorm rules”
promising start, but the mengindikasikan
conclusions were unfounded” bahwa asrama (dorm)
mengindikasikan bahwa sang melarang siswa
wanita tidak setuju dengan memelihara hewan.
simpulan artikel tersebut. Jadi, si wanita
menyarankan untu
27. Woman : Christine’s been frantic. She menyerahkan kucing
has to get all her tersebut ke orang lain.
paintings from
Johnson’s class framed 29. Woman : Don’t you think it’s strange
in time for the exhibition next that we haven’t
week. started
Woman : Didn’t she know about the receiving any mail here yet?
exhibition at the Woman : Well, sometimes it takes
beginning of the terms? a while for the post
Narrator : What can be inferred about office to forward it.
Christine? I’m sure it’ll come soon.

Jawab : (B) She should Narrator : What can be inferred about

have started the speakers?
sooner. Jawab : (B) They just
moved to a
Keyword : Didn’t she know new
about the address.
exhibition at the Keyword : I’m sure it’ll come
beginning. soon.
Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang Pembahasan : Ungkapan “we
dinyatakan kedua haven’t started
wanita tersebut receiving any mail
mengindikasikan here yet” dan
bahwa Christine “sometimes it takes a
seharusnya tahu hari while for the post
bahwa mereka pindah
ke tempat baru.

30. Man : I really enjoyed that movie

you’ve been raving
Woman : Oh, so you went to see it
after all.
Narrator : What had the woman
assumed about the
Jawab : (D) He wasn’t
going to go
Keyword : So you went to see it
after all.
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “so you
went to see it after
all” mengindikasikan
bahwa wanita
Questions 31 through 33
tersebut menyangka
bahwa sang laki-laki
tidak menonton film
31. Why was the new program started?
Jawab : (D) The new dean thought it would provide good experience for the
Keyword : He feels that practical experience is an important addition.
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “he feels that practical experience is an important addition to
the artistic training in the theater” mengindikasikan bahwa program
tambahan yang penting pada teater dan akan memberikan pengalaman yang
Woman : Have you heard? A new academic dean will be installed this week, and it seems that he already has a lot of new ideas.
Man : Oh yeah, campus radio announced that he’s starting a new internship program. Students will actually get a chance to join
local opera companies on their productions.
Woman : That sounds intriguing. I wonder how he got the idea?
Man : Well, it seems he set up a similar program in another university and he feels that practical experienceis an important
addition to the artistic training in the theater.
Woman : You mean we’ll get course credit for watching the opera companies rehearse?
Man : We’ll get course credit all right, but we’ll have to earn it by working hard with the company.
Woman : If I decided to participate, who would decide what job I’d get?
Man : First, you have to be a theater major to join the program, but the program coordinator would try to match students’
interests with jobs wherever possible. And guess what? One or two music major might be selected to perform with the
Woman : What? You mean stand up in front if hundreds of people and sing? I like acting, but can’t imagine myself taking on an
operatic role!
baik bagi siswa.

32. What will the students involved in the new program do?
Jawab : (A) Work with an opera troup.
Keyword : To join local opera companies
Pembahasan : Dalam percakapan jelas diungkap bahwa siswa akan terlibat dalam produksi opera
lokal “students will actually get a chance to join local opera companies on their
33. What is required of students participating in the program?
Jawab : (C) An academic concentration in theater arts.
Keyword : To be a theater major to join the program.
Pembahasan : Dari percakapan jelas bahwa syarat yang harus dipenuhi siswa adalah bahwa
mereka harus mengambil teater dalam pelajaran mereka “you have to be a teater
major to join the program”.
Questions 34 through 37
Listen to a conversation in the library

Man : Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. The reference librarian at the main
library suggested I come here
Woman : What can I do for you?
Man : Well, I’m working on a term paper about the influence of television on recent
United States presidential elections. I found a few of the books I need at the main library, but I
was told that the library here at the graduate school had more specialized materials.
Woman : Of course, it depends on what you want, but we do subscribe, to a large number
of journals. Since you’re working on such broad topic you’ll probably have to do a lot of
digging. It may take some time, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find many articles relevant to your
topic. We also have quite a few newspapers on microfilm
Man : I think I’ve come to the right place. How can I find out which journals you
Woman : I can give you a list of all of them. But if you want to search by author or by
subject you can use one of computers over there in the corner. Everything we have is in there.
Man : What if I run across a reference to research study that isn’t available there?
Woman : You can request any outside material just by typing your request into the
Man : You mean you can get material from other universities?
Woman : Not only from other universities, but from virtually any public or private library’
in the United States. The only limitation is that outside materials need to be chacked out.
34. Why did the man come to the graduate Jawab : (A) -> It is quite general
school library?
Keyword : Working on such a broad
Jawab : (C) -> To find topic
material not available at the
Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang dinyatakan
main library
penjaga perpustakaan “Since
Keyword : The
you’re working on such a
reference librarian at the
broad topic” mengindikasikan
main library suggested I come
bahwa topic yang diambil
pelajar tersebut cukup luas.
Pembahasan : Ungkapan yang “The
37. If the man requested material from another
reference librarian at the
library, what might he have to
main library suggested I come
here” mengindikasikan bahwa
dia tidak menemukan bahan Jawab : (C) -> Read it in the
yang dia cari di perpustakaan graduate school library
sebelumnya. Keyword : Just by typing your request
into the computer
35. What is the topic of the man’s term paper? Pembahasan : Ungkapan “You can request
any outside material just by
Jawab : (D) -> The impact of
typing your request into the
television on recent
computer.” mengindikasikan
presidential elections.
bahwa jika pengunjung
Keyword : The influence of television perpustakaan ingin mencari
on recent US presidential sumber dari perpustakaan
elections. lain, dia bisa mencarinya di
perpustakaan pasca-sarjana
Pembahasan : Dalam percakapan pelajar
(graduate school library)
sedang mengerjakan paper
tentang pengaruh televisi
pada pemilihan presiden
Amerika Serikat. “I’m
working on term paper about
the influence of television on
recent United States
presidential elections.
36. What does the librarian say about the topic
of the man’s term paper?
Question 38 through 41
Listen to a talk given in a university class

Woman :
In today’s class we’ll be examining some nineteenth-century pattern books that were used
for building houses. I think it’s fair to say that these pattern books were the most important
influence on the design of North American houses during the nineteenth century.
This was because most people who wanted to build a house couldn’t afford to hire an
architect. Instead, they bought a pattern book, picked out a plan, and took it to the builder. The
difference in cost was substantial. In 1870, for example, hiring an architect would’ve cost about a
hundred dollars. At the same time, a pattern book written by an architect cost only five dollars.
At that price, it’s easy to see why pattern books were so popular. Some are back in print
again today, and of course they cost a lot more than they did a hundred years ago. But they’re an
invaluable resource for historians, and also for people who restore old house. I have a modern
reprint here that I’ll be passing around the room in a moment so everyone can have a look.

38. What was in pattern books? 40. According to the speaker, why were the
pattern books so popular?
Jawab : (D) -> Plans for houses
Jawab : (D) -> They were relatively
Keyword : That were used for building
Keyword : A pattern book written by an
Pembahasan : Dari monolog jelas
architect cost only five dollars
diungkapkan bahwa fungsi
buku pola adalah untuk Pembahasan : Dari monolog jelas
membangun rumah “some diungkapkan bahwa yang
nineteenth-century pattern membuat terkenal buku
books that were used for tersebut adalah harganya
building houses” yang jauh lebih murah
dibandingkan dengan
39. What course would this talk be most
mempekerjakan arsitek “a
appropriate for?
pattern book written by an
Jawab : (B) -> American architect cost only five
architectural history dollars”
Keyword : Were the most important 41. According to the speaker, who uses pattern
influence on the design of books today?
North American houses
Jawab : (A) -> People who restore
Pembahasan : Dari ungkapan “these old houses.
pattern books were the most
Keywod : And also for people who
important influence on the
design of North American restore old house
houses during the nineteenth
Pembahasan : Dari monolog jelas
century” jelas bahwa
diungkapkan bahwa buku
pelajaran yang berkaitan
tersebut sangat berharga bagi
dengan monolog tersebut
sejarawan dan orang yang
adalah sejarah arsitek
merestorasi rumah tua
“they’re an invaluable
resource for historians, and
also for people who restore
old house.”
Questions 42 through 46
Listen to a student telling his classmates about something he saw last summer

Man :
When I was in British Columbia last July working at the department’s archaeological dig,
I saw the weirdest rainbow. At first, I couldn’t believe my eyes because the bands of color I saw
weren’t in a single half circle arc across the sky. Instead, I saw a full circle of rainbow hues
hanging in the sky just above the sea. Inside the circle there was a big white disc and above the
circle there was another round band of colors forming a halo. There were curved legs of
multicolored light coming off the sides of the circles.
I ran back to our main camp and tried to get our cook to come with me to see my fantastic
find before it disappeared. He just laughed at my excited story and told me that what I saw was
nothing special…. just some “sun dogs”. He said I’d be sure to see many more before I left. And
sure enough, I did. When I got back from the dig I asked Professor Clark about “sun dogs,” and
she’s going to tell us more about it.

42. Why was the student in British Columbia? 44. What was inside the large circle?
Jawab : (B) -> To help at an Jawab : (C) -> A large white disc
archaeological dig.
Keyword : Inside the circle there was a
Keyword : Working at the department’s big white disc.
archaeological dig
Pembahasan : Dari monolog diketahui
Pembahasan : Dari monolog diungkapkan bahwa di dalam lingkaran
bahwa pembicara berada di pelangi ada disc putih yg
Columbia bekerja di bagian besar “Inside the circle there
penggalian arkeologi “I was was a big white disc”
in British Columbia last July
45. What did the cook say about the
working at the department’s
phenomenon the student had
archaeological dig”
43. What did the student find so unusual about
Jawab : (D) -> It was fairly common
the “rainbow” he saw?
Keyword : What I saw was nothing
Jawab : (A) -> Its shape.
Keyword : A full circle of rainbow hues
Pembahasan : Ungkapan “told me that
hanging in the sky
what I saw was nothing
Pembahasan : Diungkapkan dalam special” mengindikasikan
monolog bahwa pembicara bahwa fenomena yang dia
heran pada bentuk pelangi lihat bukanlah hal yang luar
yang tidak biasa “Instead, I biasa.
saw a full circle of rainbow
hues hanging in the sky just
above the sea.”
46. What did the cook call the phenomenon? Pembahasan : Si juru masak menyebut
fenomena tersebut sebagai
Jawab : (C) -> A sun dog.
“sun dogs.”, “just some “sun
Keyword : Just some “sun dogs” dogs

Questions 47 through 50
Listen to a talk about the medical profession

Woman :
It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting where you are, just finishing my first year of
medical school and wondering if I’d ever get a chance to use all my new knowledge on a real live
Well, I have good news for you! You don’t have to wait until your third or fourth year of
medical school to get some hands-on experience! The dean has invited me here to tell you about
the university’s rural opportunities program. If you enroll this program, you can have the
opportunity this summer, after your first year of medical school, to spend from four to six weeks
observing and assisting a real physician like me in a small rural community. You won’t have to
compete with other students for time and attention, and you can see what life as a country doctor is
really like.
The program was designed to encourage medical students like your selves to consider
careers in rural communities that are still understaffed. It seems that medical students are afraid to
go into rural farnily’ practice for two reasons. First, they don’t know much about it. And second,
specialist in the cities usually make more money. But, on the up-side, in rural practice, doctors can
really get to know their patients and be respected members of the community.
I participated in the program when it first started and spent six weeks in a small rural town.
Let me tell you, it was really great! I got to work with real patients. I watched the birth of a child,
assisted an accident victim, and had lots of really practical hands-on experience – all in one
summer. And to my surprise, I found that country life has a lot to offer that city life doesn’t – no
pollution or traffic jams, for instance!
My experience made me want to work where I’m needed and appreciated. I don’t miss the
city at all!
47. For whom is the talk intended? Keyword : Specialist in the cities
usually make more money
Jawab : (D) -> First-year medical
students Pembahasan : Ungkapan “specialist in the
cities usually make more
Keyword : After your first year of
money” mengimplikasikan
medical school
bahwa pendapatan di
Pembahasan : Dari monolog jelas bahwa pedesaan relatif rendah
seminar tersebut ditujukan dibandingkan dengan
pada mahasiswa kedokteran spesialis di kota.
tahun pertama “you can have
the opportunity this summer,
after your first year of medical
48. What would be a successful result of the
program being described?
Jawab : (B) -> Understaffed
areas would gain more
Keyword : To consider careers in rural
Pembahasan : Dari ungkapan “to
encourage medical students
like your selves to consider
careers in rural communities
that are still understaffed”
mengindikasikan bahwa kata
“understaffed” memiliki arti
yang sama dengan
kekurangan pegawai.
49. What benefit does the program offer
Jawab : (A) -> Practical experience.
Keyword : I got to work with real
Pembahasan : Dari ungkapan “in rural
practice, doctors can really
get to know their patients and
be respected members of the
community” jelas bahwa
keuntungan dari program
tersebut adalah bahwa siswa
kedokteran akan mendapatkan
pengalaman untuk praktek
secara langsung.
50. According to the speaker, what is one
disadvantage of a rural
medical practice?
Jawab : (B) -> Income tends
to be relatively low
STRUCTURE Sedangkan who, whom, dan which
bisa digantikan dengan that.
1. The giant ragweed, or buffalo weed, Karena pada soal frasa yang
grows ... diterangkan adalah paint on
Jawab : (C)  up to 18 feet surfaces in ways, Jawaban yang
high. sesuai adalah that express.
Katakunci : grows
Pembahasan : Karena maksud dari 4. Except for certain microorganisms, ...
kalimat tersebut adalah rumput need oxygen to survive.
raksasa, atau rumput kerbau, tumbuh Jawab : (B)  all living
sampai 18 kaki tingginya. Maka, things.
Jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah Katakunci : need
up to 18 feet high. Pembahasan : karena predikat
pada soal tersebut jamak (need) maka
2. Neptune is ... any planet except Pluto. subjeknya juga harus jamak, jadi
Jawab : (D)  farther from Jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah
the sun than. all living things.
Katakunci : Neptune, any planet.
Pembahasan : 5. Dubbing is used in filmmaking ... a
Pola comparative degree: new soundtrack to a motion picture.
• Satu suku kata: ...-er than... Jawab : (B)  to add
• Tiga suku kata atau lebih: Katakunci : used
more ... than ... Pembahasan : karena menerangkan
• Dua suku kata yang tujuan, maka menggunakan infinitive
berakhiran –e, -r, -er, -y to + Vinf, jadi Jawaban yang sesuai
kebanyakan menggunakan: ...- adalah to add.
er than ... karena pada soal 6. ... of green lumber may come from
yang dibandingkan adalah moisture in the wood.
dua hal, Jawaban yang sesuai Jawab : (D)  More than
adalah farther from the sun half of the weight
than. Katakunci : of green lumber
Pembahasan : pola klausa: Subject
3. Since prehistoric times, artists have + predikat karena pada soal sudah
arranged paint on surfaces in ways ... terdapat predikat (may come), yang
their ideas about people and the world. kurang hanyalah subjeknya. Jadi,
Jawab : (D)  that express. isian yang paling tepat untuk
Katakunci : Have arranged, melengkapi of green lumber adalah
ways. more than half of the weight.

7. Archaeologists study ... to trace

ancient trade routes because such tools
Pembahasan: are relatively rare, and each occurence
Pola adjective clause: has a slightly different chemical
• Orang ..who.. predikat composition.
• Benda ..which.. predikat Jawab : (B)  obsidian tools
Katakunci : Archaeologists
• Orang ..whom.. subjek +
study, to trace.
Pembahasan : frasa yang paling
• Benda ..which.. subjek +
tepat untuk melengkapi rumpang
tersebut adalah frasa benda. Karena
• Orang ..whose.. benda posisinya sebagai objek, isian yang
kepunyaan orang tersebut paling sesuai adalah obsidian tools.
• Benda ..whose/of which..
benda kepunyaan benda
8. ... the hamster’s basic diet is was moved to a seperated glass
vegetarian, some hamters also eat pavilion in 1976.
insects. Jawab : (D)  a historic
Jawab : (B)  Although building.
Katakunci : the hamster’s basic Katakunci : Independence Hall.
diet is vegetarian, insects. Pembahasan : Pola appositive
Pembahasan : karena soal tersebut (kalimat/frasa/kata di antara koma)
terdiri dari dua klausa yang bisa berupa frasa benda atau
bertentangan, Jawaban yang sesuai adjective clause. Karena rumpang
adalah although. pada soal menerangkan Independence
Hall, Jawaban yang sesuai adalah a
9. The navajo Indians of the historic building.
southwestern United States ... for their
sand painting, also called dry painting. 13. Fossils, traces of dead organisms
Jawab : (B)  are noted found in the rocks of Earth’s crust,
Katakunci : The Navajo Indians; reveal ... at the time the rocks were
their. formed.
Pembahasan : pada soal hanya Jawab : (C)  what life was
terdapat subjek, maka Jawaban yang like
tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik adalah Katakunci : reveal
predikat yang bermakna pasif. Jadi, Pembahasan : karena maksud dari
Jawaban yang sesuai adalah are soal tersebut adalah mengungkap
noted. seperti apa kehidupan pada jaman
bebatuan terbentuk, Jawaban yang
10. In 1784, the leaders of what would paling sesuai adalah what life was
later become the state of Virginia gave like.
up ... to the territory that later become
five different Midwestern states. 14. Although the huge ice masses ...
Jawab : (A)  any claim glaciers move slowly, they are a
Katakunci : gave up, to the powerful erosive force in nature.
territory. Jawab : (D)  called
Pembahasan : kata yang paling Katakunci : Ice masses ...
sesuai untuk melengkapi soal adalah glaciers move slowly.
any claim karena posisinya sebagai Pembahasan : karena pada soal
objek dan untuk melengkapi frasa to sudah terdapat predikat asli (move),
the territory. kata yang paling sesuai untuk mengisi
rumpang adalah called karena
11. ... one after another, parallel mengandung makna yang disebut.
computers perform group of
operations at the same time. 15. The soybean contains vitamins,
Jawab : (C)  Whereas essential materials, ... high percentage
conventional computers handle tasks. of protein.
Katakunci : one after another Jawab : (B)  and a
Pembahasan : frasa one after Katakunci : Vitamins, eesential
another mengindikasikan bahwa minerals, high percentage of protein.
sebelumnya terdapat klausa, dan isian Pembahasan : untuk menunjukan
yang tepat untuk mengisi rumpang kesetaraan antara benda vitamins,
adalah whereas conventional essential minerals, high percentage,
computers handle tasks karena maka Jawaban yang paling tepat
menunjukan dua klausa yang saling adalah and a.

12. The liberty bell, formerly housed in

independence hall, ... in Philadephia,
16. A gene is a biological unit of information who directs the activity of a cell or organism
(A) (B) (C)
during its lifetime.
Jawab : (B)  who
Katakunci : information
Pembahasan : Who  which. Kata who seharusnya diganti dengan which karena
berfungsi untuk menerangkan benda.

17. The flowering of African American talen in literature, music, and art in the 1920’s in
(A) (B) (C)
New York City becam to know as the Harlem Renaissance.
Jawab : (D)  to know
Katakunci : became, as
Pembahasan : To know  knows. Kata as mengindikasikan bahwa makna kata kerja
sebelumnya adalah pasif. Karena kalimat tersebut sudah berpredikat (became). Frasa to
know seharusnya diganti dengan known.

18. The symptomps of pneumonia, a lung infection, include high fever, chest pain,
(A) (B) (C)
Breathing difficult, and coughing.
Jawab : (D)  difficult
Katakunci : high fever, chest pain, breathing difficult, and coughing.
Pembahasan : Difficult  difficulty. Karena kata/frasa sebelum dan sesudah konjungsi
and harus setara. Kata difficult (adjective) seharusnya diganti dengan kata difficulty (kata
benda), sebab frasa high fever, chest pain, breathing difficult, dan cough merupakan kata

19. The rapid grow of Boston during the mid-nineteenth century coincided with a large
(A) (B) (C)
Influx of European immigrants.
Jawab : (A)  grow
Katakunci : The rapid of grom of Boston
Pembahasan : Grow  growth. Pola frasa benda: adjective + noun. Susunan yang tepat
adalah the rapid growth karena kata grow merupakan kata kerja, maka kata grow
seharusnya diganti dengan growth.

20. In 1908 Olive Campbell started writing down folks songs by rural people in the
(A) (B) (C)
Southern Appalachian mountains near hers home.
Jawab : (D)  hers
Katakunci : Near hers home
Pembahasan : Hers  her. Karena diikuti benda (home), kata ganti milik yang seharusnya
digunakan adalah possesive adjective (her), bukan possesive pronoun (hers).

21. The thirteen stripes of the United Statesflag represent the original thirteen states of
(A) (B) (C)
they all were once colonies of Britain.
Jawab : (D)  they all
Katakunci : Original thirteen states of the Union, which.
Pembahasan : They all  frasa they all seharusnya dihilangkan karena sudah digantikan
dengan kata which yang mengacu pada benda the original thirteen states of the Union.

22. In 1860, more as 90 procent of the people of Indiana lived rural areas, with only a
(A) (B)
few cities having a population exceeding 10,000.
(C) (D)
Jawab : (A)  as
Katakunci : More as 90 percent.
Pembahasan : As  than. Penunjuk comparative degree yang sesuai seharusnya more
than. Maka, kata asseharusnya diganti than.

23. Gravitation keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth and the planets other of the solar
(A) (B) (C)
system in orbit around the sun.
Jawab : (C)  planets other.
Katakunci : The planets other of the solar system.
Pembahasan : Planets other  other planets. Pola frasa benda: adjective + noun. Maka,
susunan frasa benda yang tepat seharusnya the other planets.
24. Photograph was revolutionalized in 1831 by the introduction of the colloid process (A)
(B) (C)
for making glass negatives.
Jawab : (A)  Photograph
Katakunci : Was revolutionalized in 1831.
Pembahasan : Photograph  phtography. Dari konteks kalimat soal dapat diketahui bahwa
yang dibicarakan adalah ilmu fotografi, bukan foto.

25. After flax is washed, dry, beaten, and combed, fibers are obtained for use in making (A)
(B) (C) (D)
Jawab : (B)  dry
Katakunci : Washed, dry, beaten, and combed.
Pembahasan : Dry  dried. Kata sebelum dan sesudah konjungsi and harus setara. Maka,
kata dry harus diganti dengan dried supaya setara dengan washed, beaten, dan combed.

26. A fever is caused which blood cells release proteins called pyrogens, raising the
(A) (B) (C)
Body’s temperature.
Jawab : (B)  which
Katakunci : is caused.
Pembahasan : Which  by. Karena kalimat soal merupakan kaliamt pasif (is caused),
preposisi yang tepat untuk menyatakan kalimat pasif adalah by.

27. Because of various gift-giving holidays, most stores clothing int he United States do
Almost as much business in November and December as they do in the other then
(B) (C)
Months combined.
Jawab : (A)  stores clothing
Katakunci : Most strores clothing.
Pembahasan : Stores clothing  clothing stores. Pola frasa benda adjective + noun.
Karena posisi kata stores adalah benda/noun dan posisi kata clothing adalah kata
sifat/adjective, susunan yang sesuai adalah clothing stores.

28. The Unites States National Labor Relation Board is authorized to investigation
(A) (B)
allegation of unfair labor practices on the part of either employers or employees.
(C) (D)
Jawab : (B)  to investigation
Katakunci : to
Pembahasan : To investigation  to investigate. Pola: to + Vinfinitive. Maka, frasa to
investigation seharusnya deiganti dengan to investigate.

29. The Great Potato Famine in Ireland in the 1840’s caused an unprecedented numbers
(A) (B) (C)
Of people from Ireland to immigrate to the United States.
Jawab : (C)  numbers
Katakunci : Unprecedented numbers of.
Pembahasan : Numbers  number. Lata number bermakna jumlah, bukan hitungan maka
bentuknya tunggal.

30. The practical comprising a given cloud are continually changing, as new ones are
(A) (B)
added while others are taking away by moving air.
(C) (D)
Jawab : (C)  taking away
Katakunci : are taking away by moving air.
Pembahasan : Taking away  taken away. Pola passive voice: be + V3. Karena makna
dari klausa pada soal adalah sementara yang lainnya terbawa oleh udara yang bergerak,
frasa taking away seharusnya diganti dengan taken frasa away.

31. Politic party in the United States help to coordinate the campaign of their members
(A) (B)
And organizes the statewide and national conventions that mark elect years.
(C) (D)
Jawab : (C)  organizes
Katakunci : members and
Pembahasan : Organizes  organizations. Karena kata sebelum dan setelah konjungsi and
harus setara, kata organizes (kata kerja) harus diubah menjadi organizations (kata benda)
supaya setara dengan kata members.

32. The lemur is an unusual animal belonging to the same order than monkey’s and
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Jawab : (D)  than
Katakunci : The same other than.
Pembahasan : Than  as. Pola:same ... as ... Maka, kata than seharusnya diganti dengan
kata as.

33. Cheese may be hard or soft, depending on the amount of water left into it and the
(A) (B) (C) (D)
character of the cutting.
Jawab : (D)  into
Katakunci : left.
Pembahasan : into  in
Preposisi yang mengikuti kata kerja leave:
• Leave behind : meninggalkan
• Leave in : membiarkan
• Leave off : berhenti
• Leave out : menghilangkan
• Leave over : memasrahkan
Karena makna dari frasa pada soal tersebut adalah yang tertinggal, preopsisi yang tepat
adalah in.

34. The carbon-are lamp, a very bright electric lamp used for spotlights, consists of two
(A) (B)
Carbon electrodes with a high-current are passing between it.
(C) (D)
Jawab : (D)  it
Katakunci : between.
Pembahasan : It  them. Kata penghubung between (di antara) pasti diikuti benda jamak,
kata it seharusnya diganti them.

35. At first the poems of E.E. Cummings gained notoriety to their idiosyncratic
(A) (B)
Punctuation and typography, but they have gradually been recognized for their lyric
(C) (D)
power as well.
Jawab : (B)  to
Katakunci : Gained notoriety
Pembahasan : To  from. Karena makna dari kalimat soal adalah bahwa awalnya puisi-
puisi E.E. Cummings mendapatkan ketenaran dari tanda baca dan tipografinya, tetapi
mereka..., preposisi yang tepat untuk digunakan adalah from bukan to.

36. The mechanism of human thought and recail, a subject only partly understood
(A) (B)
By scientist, is extraordinary complicated.
(C) (D)
Jawab : (D) Extraordinary
Katakunci : is complicated,.
Pembahasan : Extraordinary  extraordinarily. Fungsi kata sifat untuk menerangkan
benda, sedangkan fungsi kata keterangan untuk menerangkan selain benda. Karena frasa yang
diterangkan adalah is complicated (kata kerja), penerangnya harus menggunakan kata
keterangan (extraordianrily), bukan kata sifat (extraordinary).

37. While the process of photosyntesis in green plans, light energy is captured and used
(A) (B)
to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and organic compounds.
(C) (D)
Jawab : (A)  while
Katakunci : The process of photosyntesis in green plants.
Pembahasan : While  in. Karena mengacu pada suatu kejadian, kata while yang
memiliki makna ketika/tetapi seharusnya diganti dengan kata in yang bermakna pada.
38. The globe artichoke was knows as a delicacy at least 2,500 years ago and records of
(A) (B) (C)
from fifteenth century.
Jawab : (D)  from fifteenth
Katakunci : Cultivation date form fifteenth
Pembahasan : From fifteenth  since fifteenth. Penggunaan preposisi from untuk
menunjukan peristiwa yang terjadi sejak lampau tidak tepat, kata from seharusnya diganti
dengan since.
39. Humans do not constitute the only species endowed with intelligence: the higher
(A) (B) (C)
animals also have considerably problem-solving abilities.
Jawab : (D)  considerably
Katakunci : Problem-solving abilities.
Pembahasan : Considerably  considerable. Pola frasa benda: adjective + noun. Karena
maksud dari frasa tersebut adalah kemampuan memecahkan masalah yang sungguh-sungguh,
kata considerably seharusnya diganti dengan considerable.

40. Many of species milkweed are among the most dangerous of poisonous plants, while others
(A) (B) (C)
have little, if any, toxicity.
Jawab : (A)  many of
Katakunci : Species of milkweed
Pembahasan : many of  many. Pola frasa benda: Adjective + noun. Maka, frasa benda
pada kalimat tersebut seharusnya many species.
1. The phrase “taken to heart” in line 1 is 5. Which of the following statements
closest in meaning to which of the best reflects one of Frank Lloyd
following? Wright’s architectural principles?
Jawab : A Taken seriously Jawab : C A building should
Keyword : taken to heart fit into its surroundings
Pembahasan : Frasa “taken to Keyword : line 3, an organic
heart” adalah bentuk ungkapan whole
idiomatic dan memiliki arti melakukan Pembahasan : pada kalimat “…as
dengan sepenuh hati/serius. parts of an organic whole that
2. In what way did Wright’s public included the land, the community, and
cuildings differ from most of those the society.” Menyatakan bahwa
built by earlier architects? bangunan seharusnya dianggap
Jawab : D Their designs sebagai bagian dari keseluruhan
were based on how they would be lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitarnya
used sehingga dengan kata lain bangunan
Keyword : line 2, “that form tersebut harus sesuai dengan
should…” lingkungannya.
Pembahasan : pada kalimat “..that 6. What does the passage mainly
form should follow function…” discuss?
menunjukkan bahwa desain Jawab : D The different
seharusnya berdasarkan pada kinds of glaciers
fungsinya, untuk apa nantinya Keyword : line 1, two basic
bangunan itu digunakan dan jawaban types
yang demikian ditemukan di pilihan D Pembahasan : ide pokok teks di
3. The author mentions the Unity Temple atas dapat ditemukan pada paragraph
because, it… pertama kalimat pertama yang
Jawab : B influenced the menjelaskan dua jenis gletser yang
architecture of subsequent churches berbeda dan selanjutnya masing-
Keyword : line 6, the first of… masing dijelaskan lebih lanjut pada
Pembahasan : pada kalimat “..the paragraph berikutnya.
first of those churches that did so 7. The word “massive” in line 3 is
much to revolutionize ecclesiastical closest in meaning to…
architecture in the United States” Jawab : A huge
menyatakan bahwa bangunan itu Keyword : whole continents
sangat memengaruhi desain bangunan- Pembahasan : padanan kata
bangunan selanjutnya. jawaban yang massive adalah huge (sangat besar)
mengandung ide serupa ada pada 8. It can be inferred that ice sheets are so
pilihan B named for which of the following
4. The passage mentions that all of the reason?
following structures were built by Jawab : B They cover large
Wright EXCEPT areas of land
Jawab : D southern Keyword : cover whole
plantations continents
Keyword : line 8, “house Pembahasan : frasa whole
Schools…” continents pada kalimat “… those
Pembahasan : pada kalimat terakhir massive blankets that cover whole
jelas bahwa offices, factories, and continents appropriately called ice
public buildings, termasuk churches sheet.” Menunjukkan bahwa daratan
adalah karyanya. Sedangkan south yang tertutup gletser mencakup
plantations bukanlah hasil karyanya wilayah yang sangat luas, hamper
karena sudah didesain oleh orang keseluruhan daratan.
terdahulu seperti yang disebutkan 9. According to the passage, ice shelves
dalam bacaan. can be found…
Jawab : C spreading into the 15. All of the following are alpine glaciers
ocean EXCEPT …
Keyword : they form ice shelves Jawab : B ice caps
Pembahasan : jawaban dapat Keyword : paragraph 5
ditemukan pada kalimat terakhir Pembahasan : yang tidak termasuk
paragraph kedua bahwa jika ice sheet alpine glaciers adalah ice caps
tersebar (spread out) di lautan akan 16. Which of the following types of
terbentuk ice shelves glaciers does the author use to
10. According to the passage, where was illustrate the two basic types of
the Cordilleran Ice Sheet thickest? glaciers mentioned in line 1?
Jawab : C Alberta Jawab : D ice sheets and
Keyword : it was about 3 km mountain glaciers
deep at Keyword : paragraph 2 dan 5
Pembahasan : jawaban dapat Pembahasan : gletser yang
ditemukan pada baris ke-10, it was digunakan untuk menggambarkan dua
about 3 kilometers deep at its thickest jenis utamanya adalah ice sheet yang
point in northern Alberta mengalir keluar ke segala arah dan
11. The world “rare” in line 12 is closest mountain glacier yang alirannya
in meaning to … terbatas di aliran tertentu
Jawab : B unusual 17. It can be inferred from the first
Keyword : although paragraph that all of the following
Pembahasan : rare berarti jarang may have made and used tools
atau tidak biasa ditemukan sehingga EXCEPT …
jawaban yang paling mendekati arti Jawab : D Australophithecus
dari rare adalah unusual robustus’ ancestors
12. According to the passage (paragraph Keyword : paragraph 1
5), ice fields resemble ice caps in Pembahasan : paragraph di atas
which of the following ways? menjelaskan bahwa alat-alat primitive
Jawab : B their flow itu mulai digunakan oleh
Keyword : are typically Australophithecus robustus bersama-
identified by sama dengan Homo Habilis dan
Pembahasan : kalimat “Mountain penerusnya, Homo erectus. Berarti
glaciers are typically identified by the yang bukan adalah nenek moyang
landform that controls their flow dan Australophthecus robustus
dijelaskan lebih lanjut pada kalimat 18. The word “extensive” in line 9 is …
“One form of mountain glacier that Jawab : A numerous
resembles an ice cap in that it flows Keyword : remains of
outward in several directions is called Pembahasan : extensive memiliki
an ice field.” Menunjukkan bahwa arti luas atau dalam jumlah besar
pembentukan ice caps dipengaruhi sehingga kata yang paling dekat
oleh alirannya (their flow). artinya dengan kata tersebut adalah
13. The word “it” in line 16 refers to … numerous
Jawab : A glacier 19. Which of the following does the
Keyword : one form, of author mention as the most important
mountain glacier recent discovery made in the
Pembahasan : it pada kalimat di Swartkrans cave?
atas merujuk pada mountain glacier Jawab : D Hand bones
atau gletser Keyword : the key recent
14. The word “subtle” in line 17 is closest discovery
in meaning to … Pembahsan : jawaban tersebut
Jawab : A slight bisa dilihat pada paragraph 2 kalimat
Keyword : essentially “The key recent discovery involved
Pembahasan : padanan kata subtle bones from the hands of
adalah slight yang keduanya memiliki Australopithecus robustus, the first
arti tipis, halus, atau sedikit time such bines have been found”
yang menyatakan bahwa penemuan Australopithecus robustus also used
yang paling penting adalah hand bones tools means that researchers will have
20. What does the third paragraph mainly to seek other explanations for their
discuss? extinction” yang menyarankan kepada
Jawab : A features of para peneliti untuk mencari sebab-
Australopithecus robustus’ hand sebab lain kepunahan jenis manusia
Keyword : the most important primitive tersebut.
Pembahasan : jawaban ditemukan 25. The phrase “reliance on” in line 24 is
pada kalimat pertama paragraph closest in meaning to …
tersebut, yaitu membahas tentang ciri Jawab : B dependence on
(feature) dari Australopithecus Keyword : naturally occurring
robustus Pembahasan : reliance on memiliki
21. It can be inferres from the description arti kebergantungan yang bersesuaian
in the last paragraph that dengan kata dependence on
Australopithecus robustus was so (ketergantungan)
named because of the species’ …
26. Where in the passage does the author
Jawab : C build
mention the materials from which tools were
Keyword : heavily built more
Pembahasan : paragraf 4 kalimat Jawab: (C) -> Lines 14-16
pertama “Australopithecus robustus
were more heavily built-more “robust” Keyword: That muscle gave
in anthropological terms-than their Pembahasan: Penulis menyebutkan beberapa
successors” menjelaskan bahwa kata alat serta asal bahannya pada baris 14-16 “…
“robust”, istilah antropologi yang an opposable thumb , a feature that would
merujuk pada perawakan atau bentuk allow them to grip objects, including tools.
fisik (build) dengan ciri-ciri yang The researchers also found primitive bone and
dijelaskan pada kalimat selanjutnya stone implements, especially digging tools, in
22. The word “supplant” in line 22 is the same layers of sediments.”, yaitu bentuk
closest in meaning to … tulang yang memungkinkan mereka
Jawab : B displace mencengkeram alat dan alat dari batu untuk
Keyword : were able to peralatan menggali.
Pembahasan : kata supplant
memiliki arti menggantikan sehingga 27. What is the main topic of the passage?
kata yang paling dekat artinya dengan
kata tersebut pada pilihan yang Jawab: (C) -> The progress of modem
tersedia adalah displace medical research
(menggantikan) Keyword: paragraph 1
23. The word “them” in line 23 refers to
Jawab : B Homo habilis Pembahasan: Ide pokok bacaan di atas
Keyword : that Homohabilis adalah perkembangan penelitian medis
Pembahasan : Them pada kalimat modern mulai dari microbe hunters, enzyme
tersebut merujuk pada subjek yang hunters hingga gene hunters yang masing-
disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu Homo masing selanjutnya dijelaskan dengan lebih
habilis detail.
24. What does the author suggest is
28. The word “which” in line 3 refers to …
unclear about Australopithecus
robustus? Jawab: (A) -> diseases
Jawab : D why they became
extinct Keyword: some terrible diseases
Keyword : seek of her Pembahasan: Which pada kalimat tersebut
explanation merujuk pada penyakit-penyakit serius
Pembahasan : jawaban tersebut (terrible diseases) yang bukan disebabkan
bisa ditemukan pada paragraph mikroba.
terakhir kalimat “The discovery that
29. The word “incriminated” in line 4 is Pembahasan: Jawaban bias ditemukan pada
closest in meaning to … baris 15 yang membandingkan sel-sel yang
dihasilkan oleh biotechnician melalui
Jawab: (B) -> blamed recombinant DNA dengan sel-sel bakteri dan
Keyword: which no microbe tanaman untuk memproduksi hormone dan
Pembahasan: Incriminate memiliki arti
menyalahkan sehingga yang paling tepat di 34. The word “them”in line 15 refers to …
antara pilihan tersebut adalah blamed yang Jawab: (C) -> genes
memiliki makna yang sama.
Keyword: Clonegenes
30. Which of the following can be cured by a
change in diet? Pembahasan: Them pada kalimat tersebut
mengacu pada gen yang diidentifikasi dan
Jawab: (D) -> Pellagra dikloning melalui rekombinan DNA.
Keyword: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, beri-beri 35. The phrase “occupy the spotlight” in line
Pembahasan: Berdasarkan paragraph 21 is closest meaning to …
pertama baris 4, beberapa penyakit yang Jawab: (A) -> receive the most attention
dapat disembuhkan melalui perubahan pola
makan yang lebih sehat, yaitu makanan yang Keyword: will dominate the scene
banyak mengandung vitamin adalah scurvy,
pellagra, rickets, dan beriberi. Pembahasan: Occupy the spotlight memiliki
arti menarik perhatian banyak orang sehingga
31. The word “strived” in line 8 is closest in ungkapan yang paling dekat untuk
meaning to … menggantikan frasa tersebut adalah receive
the most attention.
Jawab: (B) -> tried
36. The author implies that the most important
Keyword: to learn why medical research topic of the future will be …
Pembahasan: Strived memiliki kesamaan arti Jawab: (A) -> the functions of the brain.
dengan attempt, try, make effort yang
kesemuanya berarti berusaha atau berjuang. Keyword: to the functions of the brain
32. How do vitamins influence health? Pembahasan: Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada
paragraf terakhir yang menyatakan bahwa
Jawab: (A) -> They are necessary for some penulis berasumsi pada masa yang akan
enzymes to function. datang, yang menjadi sorotan utama adalah
Keyword: vitamins as coenzyms mereka yang menerapkan teknik pemburu-
pemburu sebelumnya dengan fungsi otak
Pembahasan: Fungsi vitamin terhadap sehingga fungsi otak diramalkan menjadi isu
kesehatan tubuh adalah untuk membantu utama nantinya.
enzyme (sebagai coenzyme) untuk
menghasilkan kimia yang menyediakan sel 37. Which of the following best describes the
dengan energi untuk pertumbuhan dan author’s tone in the last paragraph of the
fungsinya. Penjelasan ini dapat dilihat pada passage?
baris ke 9-10. Jawab: (B) -> Speculative
Keyword: when and by whom
33. In the third paragraph, the author compares Pembahasan: Nada yang tersirat dari
cells that have been genetically altered by pernyataan-pernyataannya adalah spekulatif.
biotechnicians to … Terutama pada paragraf terakhir di empat
Jawab: (B) -> factories baris terakhir bahwa ia pun ingin tahu mana
nantinya yang akan menguasai isu penelitian
Keyword: The gene hunters medis. Di sini ia memprediksi bahwa mereka
yang mampu menggabungkan temuan yang
sudah ada dan mengaitkannya dengan otak Jawab: (C) -> railroads
manusia. Namun, ia belum bisa mengambil
simpulan dengan pasti karena belum terjadi. Keyword: the railroads

38. With which of the following statements Pembahasan: Them pada kalimat tersebut
would the author be most likely to agree? mengacu pada jalan kereta api itu sendiri
yang berkontribusi tidak hanya dalam
Jawab: (A) -> The focus of medical research menghubungkan kota-kota penting, tetapi juga
will change in the next two decades. karena kereta itu sendiri mengonsumsi bahan
Keyword: paragraph 4
43. According to the passage, all of the
Pembahasan: Pernyataan penulis pada following were true of railroads in the United
kalimat “Which kind of hunter will dominate States in the nineteenth century EXCEPT that
the scene in the last decade of our waning …
security and in the early decades of the next?”
menyiratkan bahwa ia berpendapat bahwa Jawab: (D) -> they used relatively small
akan terjadi perubahan fokus penelitian medis quantities of natural resources.
pada dua dekade mendatang yang akan
mendominasi ranah penelitian. Keyword: paragraph 2

39. What does the passage mainly discuss? Pembahasan: Berdasarkan informasi pada
paragraf 2, jalur kereta api berkembang
Jawab: (C) -> Factors that affected sangat cepat hingga menyerupai jaring laba-
industrialization in the United States laba, menghubungkan pusat-pusat kota
industri di negara itu serta berkontribusi
Keyword: paragraph 1 besar dalam pertumbuhan industri. Oleh
Pembahasan: Bacaan tersebut terutama karena itu, Jawaban yang tidak benar adalah
membahas faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi pilihan D karena berlawanan dengan fakta
industrialisasi di AS yang antara lain yang ada.
mencakup perkembangan rel kereta api, 44. According to the passage, what was one
peralatan mesin, dan tenaga kerja. effect of the improvement of machine tools?
40. The word “ingredients” in line 5 is closest Jawab: (A) -> Lower manufacturing costs
in meaning to …
Keyword: where people were being displaced
Jawab: (D) -> components by farm
Keyword: iron, coal and oil Pembahasan: Karena perkembangan
Pembahasan: Kata ingredients mempunyai peralatan mesin yang mulai menggantikan
arti bahan, unsur, komponen, atau elemen tenaga manusia menjadikan biaya produksi
yang membentuk sesuatu. Maka, jawaban menjadi lebih rendah sebagaimana dinyatakan
yang paling tepat adalah components. pada paragraph 3.

41. Why does the author mention “a spider’s 45. According to the passage, who were the
web” in line 9? biggest consumers of manufactured products?

Jawab: (B) -> To describe the complex Jawab: (C) -> City dwellers
structure of the railway system. Keyword: The increased urban population
Keyword: The railway network Pembahasan: Kalimat “The increased urban
Pembahasan: Istilah “spider’s web” population was nourished by the increased
menggambarkan rumitnya susunan sistem rel farm production that, in turn, was made more
kereta api pada waktu itu seperti jaring laba- productive by the use of the new farm
laba. machinery” menunjukkan ada hubungan
antara pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk
42. The word “themselves” in line 10 refers to perkotaan dan produksi peralatan yang
… dibutuhkan oleh penduduk tersebut. Dengan
kata lain, permintaan terbesar berasal dari penduduk kota yang terus berkembang.
46. The word “nourished” in line 19 is closest agricultural production kept up with the urban
in meaning to … demand and still had surpluses for sale to the
industrial centers of Europe.”
Jawab: (B) -> fed
49. The word “ran” in line 19 is closest in
Keyword: The increased urban population meaning to …
Pembahasan: Kata nourished memiliki Jawab: (A) – operated
kesamaan arti dengan fed yang bermakna
disuplai, disediakan atau dipenuhi. Keyword: The labour
47. Which of the following is NOT true of Pembahasan: Run mempunyai arti
United States farmers in the nineteenth menjalankan atau mengoperasikan sehingga
century? Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah operated.
Jawab: (B) -> They were unable to produce 50. Where in the passage does the author
sufficient food for urban areas. mention the financial aspect of industrial
Keyword: where people were being displaced
Jawab: (D) -> Lines 20-244
Pembahasan: Pengaruh dari industrialisasi
adalah peningkatan produksi karena Keyword: The money to finance this
perkembangan peralatan yang ada hingga tremendous expansion
bisa menjualnya ke daratan Eropa. Namun,
hal ini juga berdampak pada pengurangan Pembahasan: Pada baris 20-24 dijelaskan
tenaga kerja yang telah digantikan oleh mesin bahwa perkembangan industri telah
dengan perbandingan biaya produksi yang merambah sampai daratan Eropa dengan
jauh lebih rendah. Oleh karena itu, Jawaban adanya arus migrasi di daratan itu dan
yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan di atas berkontribusi besar dalam menyokong
adalah Jawaban B. pembiayaan perkembangan industri di
Amerika karena sebagai konsumen mayoritas
48. According to the passage, what did the bagi negara itu.
Unired States supply to European cities?
Jawab: (D) -> Agricultural produce
Keyword: American agricultural production
Pembahasan: Jawaban dapat ditemukan di
kalimat terakhir paragraf 3 bahwa “American

Tim Presiden Eduka. (2017). Best Score TOEFL 600+. Solo: Genta Smart Publisher. ISBN

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