Annettes Narrative Rubric
Annettes Narrative Rubric
Annettes Narrative Rubric
0.5 F F.5 1
Text Structure No evidence of any structure. No evidence of any structure. Minimal evidence of structure. May contain a Contains a beginning. Minimal evidence of
beginning. structure. May not contain all three parts
(orientation, complication & resolution). Two
or more clearly identifiable ideas which may be
loosely linked. Setting is described without
Audience Symbols or drawings to convey meaning. Understands writing can communicate ideas, Contains some simple content.
feelings and information.
Characters No evidence. Insufficient evidence. May only name May name character/s and name the sitting eg. Names character, suggestion of setting though
and setting characters home very brief.
Ideas Symbols or drawings that attempt to convey Some attempt to express ideas using letters and Ideas may be unrelated. Ideas are few and not elaborated on. Ideas may
ideas. words. be present but unclear.
Punctuation Insufficient writing to assess – no capital letters Punctuation is often incorrect or missing. May Some correct use full stops and capital letters. Uses full stops and capital letters correctly
or full stops. be some experimentation with capital letters & Limited evidence of correct punctuation. some of the time. Begins to experiment with
full stops. question marks but not necessarily correct use.
Spelling Some letter/sound correlation eg. initial sounds, Invented spelling shows awareness of Some plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar Correct spelling of some high frequency words
dominant sounds. May write one or more letters letter/sound knowledge/relationships. Can spell words, using simple spelling patterns. (in, and, he, is etc) and simple one syllable
in a word. Uses letters and some words to write some high frequency words. Some words correct. Plausible attempts using known
brief texts. unrecognisable words. patterns and digraphs. Some attempts at
spelling unfamiliar words.
Vocabulary Uses symbols or drawings. Begins to use Small range of words used. Very short script. Uses mostly simple nouns, verbs and Begins to use appropriate language. Use of
simple oral language to convey personal ideas. adjectives. some topic specific words
Grammar Begin to use some letters and words in writing Use sentences as the key unit for expressing
of brief texts. their ideas.
Texts No cohesion No cohesion Links are missing or incorrect, often confusing Some links between sentences (do not penalise
cohesion the reader. for poor punctuation)
Sentence Some concept about print in left to right, top to Understands concepts about print – writing Writes one or more generally readable Sequencing of a small number of ideas in short
structure/ bottom. contains even spacing between words. Groups sentences. texts of 1 – 3 sentences. Some incomplete
paragraphs of words, incomplete sentences or run on sentences and run on sentences.
Editing Attempts to read back from their own writing to With support – shared editing, reads back own Reads back own writing accurately to check it Rereading of own writing to check it makes
check that it communicates what they intended. writing for meaning, spelling, capital letters and makes sense. If necessary add or change part of sense. Discusses possible changes to improve
full stops. the text. meaning, spelling and punctuation.
1.5 2 2.5 3
Text Structure Some attempt at planning a beginning and Some evidence of text structure orientation, Contains a beginning, complication and Contains orientation, complication and
ending. Short sequenced text, shows some complication, and/or, resolution and basic attempts a resolution. resolution. Narrative includes character, setting
attempt at planning orientation, complication audience expectations. May not contain all and plot. Meets needs of audience by including
and resolution. three parts appropriate background information. Setting
Audience Contains sufficient information for the reader to Contains sufficient information for the reader to
follow the story easily. follow the story fairly easily.
Characters Characters named with no defining detail. Narrative includes development of character.
and setting Setting is described without elaboration Details and use of additional information and
descriptions to define characters
Ideas Simple text may have ideas loosely linked Development of ideas with some sequencing. Related ideas linked in sequence. Ideas are developed and relate to the main story
together. Several clearly identifiable ideas with some line.
supporting evidence and detail in a short text.
Some ideas may be unclear.
Punctuation Capital letters, full stops and question marks Use of capital letters, full stops and question Mainly correct use of capital letters, full stops Choose punctuation appropriate to the purpose
used correctly for <50%. Identify and marks correctly 80%. May experiment and and question marks. Some correct use of the and context of their writing – Narrative. Correct
experimentation with exclamation marks. sometimes correctly use exclamation marks and exclamation mark. Know that contractions are a use of full stops, capital letters,?, !, commas &
commas in a list. feature of informal language. Provides adequate some correct use of quotation marks.
markers to assist reading.
Spelling Spell some unfamiliar words correctly, using Accurately spells frequently used words, uses Correct spelling of one syllable words with 75% of 2 syllable words with regular spelling
knowledge of sound–letter patterns, visual known patterns to make plausible attempts to regular spelling patterns. Makes plausible patterns spelled correctly and plausible attempts
memory & syllabification. Spells many high spell less familiar words. attempts at one syllable words with irregular at irregular patterns including silent letters.
frequency words correctly. spellings. Shows an awareness of simple morphographic
patterns eg. ‘ed’ and ‘s’ for plurals
Vocabulary Experiments with a range of vocabulary eg. Selects more complex vocabulary suitable for Effective vocabulary to convey meaning
pronouns the audience. Begins to expand language by (nouns, verbs and adjectives) in correct context.
perhaps using a dictionary. Some precise words used eg. hissed, yanked
Grammar Begins to use conjunctions. Links ideas in a variety of ways –pronouns and Simple and some compound sentences joined Compound sentences linking two ideas or
adverbial phrases. by conjunctions. Subject and verb are in events with correct use of verb tenses.
Texts Readers may sometimes need to reread and Uneven control of ordering of whole text. Some cohesive devices are used correctly to
cohesion provide their own links to clarify meaning. support reader understanding.
Sentence Sequencing of a small number of ideas in a Sequencing of a small number of ideas in short Beginning to use paragraphs to separate ideas. Begins to use paragraphs correctly (3 – 5), to
structure/ short text of 4 -6 sentences. Sequence content texts of 7-8 sentences. Simple meaningful Related ideas are linked in sequence and some order ideas. Uses compound sentences to order
paragraphs according to the text structure. sentences show basic control but little paragraphs. Simple and some compound two events.
complexity. sentences
Editing Use of strategies to revise writing – reading Rereads and edits text for spelling, full stops Rereads writing and uses editing resources to Rereads and edits text for meaning, appropriate
aloud and feedback from others to check clarity and text structure. revise and clarify meaning. structure, grammatical choices and punctuation.
and spelling.
3.5 4 4.5 5
Text Structure Contains structure. Plot is evident. Contains orientation, complication and Supports reader’s understanding and attempts Plot is clearly evident. Complication has been
Complication has been established with resolution. Structures and features of language to engage the reader. Complication has been established with connectedness to story.
connectedness to the story. appropriate to the purpose, audience and incorporated in detail and given depth. Characters and setting have been portrayed in
content. Control of appropriate detail used for detail and given depth.
Audience Attempts to support the reader’s understanding. Supports reader’s understanding and attempts Supports and engages the reader through
to engage the reader by using narrative devices, deliberate choice of language and use of
such as humour, suspense. narrative devices.
Characters Character, setting and story lines are developed. Characterisation emerges through descriptions, Character, setting and plot are well developed. Details are selected to create distinct characters.
and setting actions, speech or the attribution of thoughts Maintains a sense of setting throughout.
and feelings to a character. Setting emerges
through time and place.
Ideas Appropriate ordering of ideas and events. Explores ideas in some complexity. Ideas are substantial, contribute to the story line
and contain an underlying theme.
Punctuation >50% of punctuation correctly used including Uses punctuation to support meaning, Beginning to accurately use quotation marks to Uses accurate punctuation 80% of quotation
exclamation and quotation marks ( to correctly exclamation marks more frequently and correctly signal dialogue, titles or quoted marks, exclamation marks and commas used
signal dialogue, titles or quoted -direct speech) accurately uses full stops, commas and question speech, and exclamation marks. Forms the correctly. Uses accurate punctuation.
and commas. marks. Provides adequate markers to enable possessive by adding the apostrophe to regular
smooth and efficient reading. plural nouns ending in ‘s’.
Spelling 80% correct spelling of two syllable words with Spells one and two syllable words with regular Correct spelling of common 2 and 3 syllable Correct spelling of 50% of unfamiliar 2 and 3
regular patterns and plausible attempts at words patterns. Uses sound and visual patterns to spell words and use strategies to spell unknown syllable words using known strategies. Uses
with irregular spelling patterns. Correctly spells unfamiliar words. Accurate spelling using words. accurate spelling.
some frequently occurring one –syllable knowledge of a range of spelling rules,
homophones and homonyms. Uses a range of including compound words, prefixes, suffixes,
strategies for spelling words, eg spelling rules, morphemes & sound- letter relationships.
knowledge of morphemic word families,
spelling generalisations & letter combinations
including double letters.
Vocabulary 50% of vocabulary is appropriate to the Uses vocabulary appropriate to the context and Uses vocabulary to create precise meaning, & Beginning to vary and extend vocabulary and
context. uses some synonyms and antonyms for select words appropriate to the context. include topic specific words effectively.
common words. Appropriate vocabulary and tense 80%.
Grammar Simple sentences have a variety of beginnings Writes a variety of simple and compound Beginning to vary compound sentences with 50% of adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions
and contain some adjectives for detail. sentences with 50% of verb tenses correctly the use of some conjunctions. used correctly and effectively.
Texts Uses linking devices, eg, using pronouns to Meaningful and coherent text. Meaning is clear and text flows well in a
cohesion refer back to noun groups/ phrases sustained piece of writing.
Sentence Texts of 3 or more logically ordered Several logically ordered paragraphs (at least 3- Sentences and paragraphs (5 or more) well- Sentences and paragraphs consistently well-
structure/ paragraphs. Includes noun / pronoun 4), which order and sequence events, constructed and coherent. A variety of simple constructed / sequenced and coherent. A wide
paragraphs agreement. integrating a range of simple and compound and compound sentences used for meaning and variety of simple and compound sentences.
sentences. Uses verb tenses and pronouns effect.
Editing Rereads and checks work for meaning and Rereading for meaning by adding, deleting or Rereads and edits work to revise sequence of Editing for flow and sense, organisation of
clarity. Uses a range of resources moving words or word groups to improve ideas and for spelling. Checks for structure and ideas and choice of language, revising and
content and structure. Editing their work to meaning. trying new approaches if needed.
improve meaning
5.5 6 6.5 7
Text Structure Contains correct structure. Ideas are substantial Contains correct structure. Complication has Can write extended narrative using correct text
and contribute to the storyline. been incorporated in detail and given depth. structure. Experiments with techniques to
engage the reader. Coherent, controlled and
detailed narrative
Audience Influences and affects the reader through Experiments with techniques to engage the
precise and sustained choice of language and reader. Language choices may evoke an
use of narrative devices. emotional response or encourage reflection.
Characters Characters are well developed. Details are Effective characterisation. Details of characters
and setting selected to create a sense of place and are selected to create realistic characters.
atmosphere. Characterisation emerges through
description, action or speech. Setting emerges
through description of time and place.
Ideas Explores ideas in some complexity. Control of Ideas are generated, selected and explore a
appropriate detail used for effect. recognisable theme. Employs effective plot
Punctuation Beginning to use 2 types of apostrophes – 80% of all punctuation used accurately, Uses more sophisticated punctuation – colon, 80% of more sophisticated punctuation used
possession and contractions including apostrophes. Use punctuation for semi colon and brackets. accurately. Minimal punctuation errors.
clarity. Punctuation provides markers to pace
and control reading of the text.
Spelling Knowledge of spelling patterns including Uses a range of approaches to spelling, letter Plausible attempts 50% at spelling unfamiliar 80% of words spelled correctly, except of
letter/sound knowledge, visual and phonic and sound patterns, visual and phonic patterns. words with unusual spelling patterns. unfamiliar words with unusual spelling
patterns. Use of a selection of banks of known Uses, accurate spelling and can spell some patterns.
words, word origins, base words, suffixes & challenging words.
prefixes, morphemes, spelling patterns &
generalisations to learn & spell new words.
Vocabulary Select vocabulary to express shades of Make considered choices from an expanding Uses a variety of compound sentence structures Uses a variety of more specialised vocabulary.
meaning, feelings or opinions. Sustained and vocabulary, using figurative language and a with appropriate and varied vocabulary. A Experimentation with different techniques to
consistent use of precise words and phrases that variety of sentence structures. broad range of precise and effective words influence and engage the audience.
can enhance the mood. which are used in a highly articulate manner.
Grammar Uses adjectives and adverbs effectively. Uses Uses different parts of speech effectively – Uses grammatical conventions – tense and Shows understanding of how the selection of a
the subordinate clause in complex sentences to pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions and subject – verb agreement. Beginning to use variety of language features can influence an
elaborate, extend or explain ideas conjunctions. metaphors and similes. audience. Consistent use of metaphors, similes
and idioms.
Texts Uses either omission or substitution to create A range of cohesive devices is used correctly An extended highly cohesive piece of writing
cohesion cohesive links in texts and deliberately to enhance meaning. showing continuity of ideas and tightly linked
sections of text.
Sentence Sentences are correctly constructed. Meaning is Writing contains controlled and well developed Development of ideas and supporting detail Highly effective sentence structure using topic
structure/ clear and sentences enhance meaning. sentences that are precise in meaning and used in coherent ways to interest the reader. and linking sentences. Uses paragraphs
paragraphs Most paragraphs are focused on one idea. demonstrate a variety in length. Paragraphs are Uses paragraphs correctly. correctly.
Paragraphing is well structured. well structured and focus on one idea or set of
Editing Demonstrates an awareness of unnecessary Editing for coherence, sequence, effective choice Effective editing and proof reading strategies. Uses of a range of strategies to edit for
information in their writing. of vocabulary, opening devices, dialogue and Demonstrates an awareness of unnecessary meaning, eg, removing repetition, refining
description, humour and pathos (appealing to the information in their writing. ideas, reordering sentences & adding or
author’s emotions) as appropriate to the audience. substituting words for impact